Unit I Aim 5 Enlightened Despots

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Name: _______________________________________

Aim #5: Can an absolute monarch be an “enlightened” ruler?

The Enlightened Despots:

Frederick II of Prussia (part of Germany). Ruled 1740-1786.

Achievements Failures
◦ Provided elementary education ◦ No religious freedom or political
for all children rights for Jews, whom Frederick
was very intolerant towards.
◦ Abolished torture as a form of
punishment ◦ Many peasants in Prussia were
still forced to work as serfs for
◦ Supported most forms of wealthy landowners. As a result,
religious tolerance they were bound to the land and
could not leave the estates they
◦ Reduced censorship worked on without permission
from the landowners. Frederick
◦Declared himself to be “the first did not want to upset the
servant of the state,” considered landowners, and refused to free
his main goal to be helping his the serfs (even though he
people and strengthening his personally thought serfdom was
country. wrong).

1. Which action taken by Frederick was MOST consistent with the goals of the
Enlightenment? Which philosopher’s ideas did he follow?

2. Which action taken by Frederick was LEAST consistent with the goals of the
Enlightenment? Which philosopher’s ideas did he violate?

3. Ultimately, what letter grade (from A to F) would you give Frederick as an

“enlightened” ruler (A being the most enlightened, F being the least enlightened)?
Catherine the Great of Russia. Ruled 1762-1796.

Achievements Failures
◦ Exchanged many letters with ◦ The new constitution was never
Voltaire. actually put into practice.

◦ Drafted a new Russian ◦ She intended to free the serfs of

constitution to allow religious Russia, but wealthy landowners
tolerance and abolish torture and stopped her.
the death penalty.
◦ After the serfs tried to rebel
◦ Gave money to Denis Diderot to against her in 1773, she lost all
help him finish his Encyclopedia sympathy for them. She brutally
in 1772. This was a 35 volume crushed the rebellion, gave
work that brought together the landowners absolute power over
new Enlightenment ideas about their serfs, and forced even more
art, science, government and peasants to become serfs.
religion in one place.

◦ Expanded Russia’s empire (took

control of the Black Sea, divided
up the country of Poland
between Russia, Prussia and

1. Which action taken by Catherine was MOST consistent with the goals of the
Enlightenment? Which philosopher’s ideas did she follow?

2. Which action taken by Catherine was LEAST consistent with the goals of the
Enlightenment? Which philosopher’s ideas did she violate?

3. Ultimately, what letter grade (from A to F) would you give Catherine as an

“enlightened” ruler (A being the most enlightened, F being the least enlightened)?
Joseph II of Austria. Ruled 1780-1790.

Achievements Failures
◦ Eliminated torture and the ◦ His policies were resisted by the
death penalty. nobility and the church, and he
gradually lost the support of
◦ Granted religious tolerance to these groups.
Protestants and Jews.
◦ After he died in 1790, most of
◦ Abolished serfdom, demanded his reforms were eliminated, and
that peasants actually be paid for peasants in Austria were forced
their labor with cash. to become serfs again.

◦ Supported freedom of the

press, as long as nothing critical
was written about the
1. Which action taken
by Joseph was MOST
consistent with the goals of the Enlightenment? Which Enlightenment philosopher’s
ideas did he follow?

2. Which action taken by Joseph was LEAST consistent with the goals of the
Enlightenment? Which Enlightenment philosopher’s ideas did he violate?

3. Ultimately, what letter grade (from A to F) would you give Joseph as an “enlightened”
ruler (A being the most enlightened, F being the least enlightened)? Why?

Concluding Questions: Write at least 3-4 sentences in response to EACH question.

1. Overall, which ruler do you think was the most enlightened? Which ruler was the least
enlightened? Why?


2. Ultimately, do you think it is possible to be an absolute ruler and truly follow the ideas
of the Enlightenment? Explain.


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