Grades 7 12 Reading Selections 1

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The Angry Fish

Grade 7
There was once a fish who lived in a pond. The pond was in a park. The
water was clean. The fish and its friends liked the pond very much. It was their
Every day, people would come to the park. Some came for a stroll;
others had picnics. However, some careless and inconsiderate people began to
throw rubbish into the pond. Slowly the pond became dirty.
The pond was now full of empty bottles, cans wrappers and old
newspapers. The fish in the pond became angry.
One day, a man threw a can into the water. The fish swam up to him and
said, “You are so cruel. You treat our home as a dustbin. Now our beautiful
home is gone. Keep our pond clean”. The man was so shocked by the talking
fish that he ran away.
The next day, some workers came and cleaned up the pond. The fish and
his friends were delighted.
1. What were in the pond? Fish, plants, rubbish

2. Who threw the rubbish into the pond? People, visitors to the park

3. How do you think the fish felt? Uncomfortable, angry

4. If you were having a picnic in the pond, would you throw the rubbish
into the pond? Why? No, makes the pond dirty, kills the fish.

5. How can you make the pond clean and beautiful? Varied answers

By not throwing garbage into the pond; by stopping others from

throwing rubbish into the pond
The Slippery Floor
Grades 8 & 9

It was a rainy day. Peter and I sought shelter at the bus interchange
because we had no umbrellas. I saw many people queuing to top up their fare
cards. Some people were waiting for the bus and others were seeking shelter
like us.
I saw an old woman carrying a bag of fruits and an umbrella. She closed
her umbrella as she reached the interchange. However, the ground was wet
and slippery. The old woman had only taken few steps when she suddenly
slipped. As she fell down, her bag of fruits was sent flying. Peter and I ran up to
help her up. To our surprise, two other people also fell. They had stepped on
some oranges. The woman apologized to them. We ran after the oranges and
picked them up.
While I was running, I almost slipped too. Fortunately, I keep my
balance, otherwise, I would have to go home with a pet patch on my shorts.
That would certainly be an embarrassing sight.

1. What were the people doing in the bus interchange?

Topping up their fare cards; taking shelter from the rain; waiting
for buses.

2. What was the old woman doing as she reached the interchange?
Closing her umbrella

3. What happened to the woman after closing of her umbrella?

She suddenly slipped because the ground was wet and slippery.

4. After the woman had slipped, what happened next?

Her bag of fruits went flying.
Peter and his companion ran to help the old woman.

5. What should you take note of during rainy day? Varied answers
Bring umbrella during rainy day.
Be careful of the steps when walking.
Press Freedom
Grades 11 & 12

One of the Filipino citizen’s freedoms articulated in the Philippine

Constitution is the freedom of press. The average citizen, however feels distant
from the issues of press freedom, unaware that he is directly affected by them.
The right to criticize those who are in power is only one of the rights
embraced by press freedom. Press freedom is also the freedom to report crime
truthfully whoever maybe involved. It is also a privilege to express one’s ideas
about certain lifestyles, needs and goals without fear of censorship as long as
the rules governing libel and personal attacks are observed. Furthermore, it is
the freedom to offer the community the right financial statistics instead of
doctored data.
Press freedom also means that the people of the press are free from
their own share of ignorance and greed. Press people must be emotionally
mature and must possess intelligence and education. They must not only know
their trade but must be a master of all.


1. Who must be emotionally mature and must possess intelligence and

education? Press people

2. What is one of the rights embraced by press people against those who
are in power? The right to criticize

3. Why is press freedom for Filipino citizens important? Varied answers

You can express your ideas addressing to people who are in power.
You can provide accurate information to the people around.

4. What do you want to ask from the press people of the country? Varied
To bring exact information to the Filipino people with courage and

5. If you were the President of the Philippines, how would you impose
press freedom of the country without partiality? Varied Answers
Ex. By giving people a chance to speak whatever in their minds and
hearts on how peace of the country is obtained

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