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Monday, October 10, 2022 GUARDIAN OF THE PEOPLE No 39779

CONTEST Spotlight on party’s

nomination day today

16 posts, leadership
up for grabs
Al-Rawi goes after
PRO position
Voting begins
November 26
Nunez-Tesheira facing an uphill
challenge— political analysts
Fallen trees, high winds,
more flash flooding

Finishing strong
A ccompetitor
t tor crosses
e the
h finish
fi i h line
with children during the RBC Race
for Kids around the Queen’s Park
Savannah, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.
2 Monday, October 10, 2022
4 news Monday, October 10, 2022

Party election chairman:

Several candidates express
interest to contest internal polls

Chairman of the People’s National

Movement (PNM) elections super-
visory committee (ESC) Anthony
Roberts says a lot of people have
expressed a keen interest in con-
testing the party’s December 4 Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley
election. can be appointed prime minister
His comments came as the party if they are the leader of the party
get set for today’s nominations. that commands the support of a
The PNM will issue a list of all its majority of MPs and if they are
nominees on Tuesday. willing to be appointed.
Roberts told Guardian Media on “If any of the current PNM MPs
Friday that it was too early to tell Former finance minister
Anthony Roberts Professor Hamid Ghany Karen Nunez-Tesheira decide to challenge Rowley for the
how many people will vie for the leadership or if he declines to run,
16 executive posts that are up for process becomes even more baf- comprises people who were on
future tenure as leader of the PNM. then the effect of someone other
grabs. fling” and gives an “opportunity a slate headed by Rowley which
“That opened the door to spec- than him becoming prime min-
“I will not know until Monday for ill-intentioned persons to tam- won the 2018 internal elections.
ulation as regards whether he ister would depend on who wins
afternoon when we go through per with the ballot boxes.” On Friday, the Red Brigade
would want to continue as leader that internal election.”
the documentation. It’s too early She called on the party to revert posted on their Facebook page
after 2022 as the last election for The PNM has not had a direct
to say.” to its one day of voting and that that they fully supported Energy
the four-year term was in 2018. challenger, who is also an elected
With hours away from nomina- they make available the locations Minister Stuart Young for the po-
Tomorrow, we shall know whether MP, to its incumbent leader since
tion day, Roberts said, “All I can of the requisite forms and publi- sition of chairman.
he is continuing or not. Whether Rowley challenged Manning in
say is that people are showing a lot cations of clear guidelines for new It was also reported in Thurs-
or not all of this amounts to other 1996 under the previous delegate
of interest. At this time the excite- registrants participating in the day’s T&T Guardian that Education
challengers coming forward will system.
ment is building.” election. Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly
be revealed tomorrow.” Manning emerged victorious on
Last Saturday, former finance Responding to Nunez-Tesheira, is giving strong consideration to
Ghany said the chances of per- that occasion.
minister Karen Nunez-Tesheira Roberts said nomination forms contest the post of vice chairman
sons who are not elected MPs con- However, Ghany said with
challenged PNM’s leader Dr Keith can be obtained from party which has been vacant since Rob-
testing the leadership are usually the introduction of the one per-
Rowley for the post. groups. ert Le Hunte resigned in January.
diminished as they do not have an son-one vote system in 2014 in the
Less than a week later, Nun- Robert said the decision to have Also eyeing the vice chairman’s
immediate prospect of becoming PNM, there is a second ballot run-
ez-Tesheira issued a letter to Rob- three days of voting was taken by post is Minister in the Ministry of
prime minister. off system if no one gets more than
erts raising concerns about the the party’s general council. Finance Brian Manning.
In 1987, Aeneas Wills challenged 50 per cent of the votes cast on the
PNM’s three days of voting, sched- “So that is not something I Weighing in on the upcoming
Patrick Manning for the leader- first ballot.
uled on November 26 ad 27 and would have to worry about.” election, political scientist Dr
ship of the party and lost, while “That would only arise as an
December 4. Earlier last week, a list of can- Hamid Ghany said in 2020 shortly
in 2014, Pennelope Beckles (who issue if there are more than two
When one considers that only didates contesting the election after Rowley and the PNM won
was not an elected MP) challenged persons contesting the election.”
one day is set aside for voting in began circulating on social media the general election, he spoke on
Rowley and was defeated. Ghany said the role of party fi-
the general election and else- which the ESC had to refute. CNC3’s Morning Brew programme
Under section 76(1)(a) of the nanciers and their preferences
where, Nunez-Tesheira wrote “this The PNM’s current executive and openly raised the issue of his
Constitution, Ghany said a person cannot be underestimated.

Political analysts weigh in on Nunez-Tesheira’s decision to fight for PNM leadership

She’s facing an uphill challenge

RHONDOR DOWLAT extent that there is support for
her and I believe that people are
With news that former finance voting by secret ballots so nobody
minister Karen Nunez-Tesheira can know how they voted. Karen
will be throwing her hat into the is probably relying on that,” James
ring to vie for the political lead- added.
ership of the People’s National Political analyst Shane Moham-
Movement (PNM), political ana- med said he believes that if Nun-
lysts have weighed in saying that ez-Tesheira is given that chance it
it is a way of saying that there is a would allow a “Manning-style of
need to rebuild confidence in the leadership and a Manning-style
party. vision of governance, which in my
However, it is believed that opinion, is something that we are
Nunez-Tesheira will be facing a big in dire need for.”
challenge to go up against a polit- Political analyst Political analyst Political analyst “We should go back to basics
ical leader who is a sitting prime Dr Bishnu Ragoonath Dr Winford James Dr Shane Mohammed in terms of political policies and
minister. However, her biggest challenge over the party machinery and that someone from “Dr Rowley’s inner manifesto policies that speaks to
Speaking with the Guardian would be Dr Keith Rowley, who will dictate that many of the con- circle would have been the one to a more diverse economy that in-
Media, political analyst Dr Bishnu is not only the incumbent as po- cerns that he being able to control challenge him but it is someone cludes the agriculture industry,
Ragoonath said it is Nunez-Teshei- litical leader but he is also prime what access to information, mem- from the outer circle and from an the petroleum industry and the
ra’s right and privilege, as a mem- minister and that will be a big bership, all those sort of things administration that damned Row- renewable energy resources in-
ber of the PNM, that she is entitled challenge for anybody to unseat that is available at the time being ley and Rowley had also damned dustry and that is where the gov-
to contest the leadership level. the sitting prime minister, who is on a timely basis to Nunez-Te- that administration.” ernment has faltered and that is
Being the first one to challenge political leader for the simple rea- sheira so that might present some- “A bold move on Karen’s path. where I will say that any political
Dr Keith Rowley, Ragoonath said son that the party will very well what of a challenge for her. It is a We don’t know the kind of sup- party and any political leader that
she is “clearly staking the claim want to hold on to their leader good move but an uphill challenge port that she has. We know that sees it from the vision of being
that there is a need to rebuild con- whilst he’s still prime minister.” that she’s undertaking,” he added. an outsider within the party will a multi-faceted, multi-prong ap-
fidence in the PNM and she may “However, Keith Rowley, is the Political analyst Winford James have it very hard to overturn Dr proach, they have my support,”
very well be right, in that regard”. incumbent and he has control said it would have preferable if Rowley’s leadership but to the Mohammed said.
Monday, October 10, 2022 news 5
PNMites file nominations today: PNM’S CURRENT EXECUTIVE (2018-2022)
Political Leader – Dr Keith Rowley Social Media officer –

Al-Rawi joins race in

Chairman – Colm Imbert Avinash Singh.
Vice Chairman – Vacant Labour Relations officer –
Lady Vice Chairman – Jennifer Baptiste-Primus
Camille Robinson-Regis Field Officer – Abdon Mason

upcoming party elections

General Secretary – Welfare Officer – Vacant
Foster Cummings Youth Officer – Nadale Young
Assistant General secretary – Operations officer – Irene Hinds
Daniel Dookie
Treasurer – Howard Chin Lee PNM’s four deputy leaders
GAIL ALEXANDER Education Officer – appointed by the leader are currently
Overand Padmore Rohan Sinanan, Fitzgerald Hinds, Joan
Spotlight today on PNMites seek- Public Relations Officer – Yuille-Williams, Ancil Dennis (Tobago)
ing to run the People’s National Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing
Movement (PNM) ahead.
The race includes Rural Devel- sein didn’t answer queries if
opment/Local Government Min- he’s contesting . His name was
ister Faris Al-Rawi, who’s seeking floated for Treasurer.
the post of PNM Public Relations • Maxine Richards said last week
Officer, which he held before in she hadn’t decided yet on con-
2014. testing Welfare officer.
And there’s speculation about • Labour Relations Officer Jen-
the possibility of Energy Minister nifer Baptiste-Primus is
Stuart Young for the chairman- among contenders for that post .
ship. That’s currently held by Fi- • Assistant General Secretary
nance Minister Colm Imbert. Daniel Dookie is contesting
Both Al-Rawi and Young are Rural Development and Local plus others.
being supported for respective Former finance minister Government Minister Faris Al-Rawi. • Youth Officer is tipped to be
posts under the hashtag called Karen Nunez-Tesheira. PICTURE SHIRLEY BAHADUR contested by incumbent Ndale
PICTURE ROBERTO CODALLO swer calls on if he’s contesting
“We the People” (WTP) which is Young and others.
also supporting several other new Vice Chairman have been vacant or not.
nominees. for some time. Jocelyn Bodden, • Treasurer Howard Chin Lee Other ministers not contesting
This, as the PNM today opens who was Welfare Officer, died in didn’t respond to query if he’ll Minister of Education Beckles, whose name was on an
nominations from 8 am to 4 pm 2021. Robert Le Hunte resigned contest. Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly
unofficial “list” being circulated
for its upcoming executive elec- as Vice Chairman in January after • Social Media officer Avinash PICTURE ANISTO ALVES
recently, hasn’t answered query
tions. Voting will be a three-day quitting as Public Utilities Minis- Singh (Minister in Agriculture) ning said last week he’s contest- if she’s contesting.
process over November 26 to 27 ter in 2021. hasn’t answered calls on if he’s ing Vice chairman. Several PNMites, whose names
with the final leg at the PNM’s PNM members expect “keen contesting. Kwasi Robinson • Education Minister Nyan Gads- were also on “lists” to contest,
convention on December 4. contest”—up to yesterday chal- and others are tipped to contest. by-Dolly had WTP support for aren’t involved in the election
The 16 posts—including leader- lenge was looming for several in- • Current PRO Laurel Leza- Vice chairman. She said last including Ministers Marvin
ship held by Prime Minister Dr cumbents. ma-Lee Sing is tipped among week she was giving it strong Gonzales, Stephen McLashie,
Keith Rowley—are open for con- One-time finance minister others contesting Education of- consideration—but didn’t reply Paula Gopee -Scoon; as well as
test. The term is until 2026. Karen Nunez-Tesheira is seeking ficer. to subsequent query on deci- Shaka Subero, Joel Primus, Mari-
Party officials confirmed nomi- the leadership held by Rowley. • MTS CEO Lennox Rattansingh sion. ano Browne, Pearce Robinson,
nation forms can be sent by email The last person to challenge isn’t contesting Education Of- • Operations officer is tipped to be Makeda Cambridge, Nal Rmsingh,
or delivered in person at PNM’s him was (current Planning Min- ficer though supported by WTP contested including by incum- Hillan Morean and others.
current base in central Trinidad. ister) Pennelope Beckles in 2014. for that post. bent Irene Hinds who has WTP The November voting will be
Its new Balisier House headquar- Beckles lost with 1,315 votes to • Al- Rawi is contesting PRO. He support. at centres around T&T includ-
ters in Port-of-Spain, is under re- Rowley’s 18,121. was elected PRO in PNM’s 2014 • Tabaquite chairman Curtis ing schools. The December 4 leg
construction. Nomination speculation has elections on Rowley’s team. He Shade’s name was floated by will be at the convention venue–
Nominations are done by party been heightened by social media stepped down when PNM won WTP for Field officer held by Queen’s Park Savannah.
groups with a nominee’s consent. blurbs—in red with a Balisier— 2015 general elections and he Abdon Mason. Shade said he PNM officials indicated there
The full list of nominations will be from “We The People” (WTP) en- became Attorney General. couldn’t comment on contesting are about 100,000 members reg-
released by PNM’s Election Super- tity. PNM officials said they didn’t • Young didn’t respond to queries until today. istered. Post pandemic PNM held
visory committee on Tuesday. know who WTP was, whether up to yesterday on contesting • Lady Vice chairman Camille constituency executive elections
The current executive com- Rowley or anyone else’s slate, chairmanship, after his name Robinson- Regis who’s contest- - and membership drives - from
prises “Team Red” which was group or otherwise. was floated as having WTP sup- ing, is said to be unopposed July.
the slate Rowley headed in PNM’s port. • Also General secretary Foster Non financial members can
2018 executive elections. That Tipped so far ... • Incumbent chairman Imbert Cummings. vote in the upcoming election.
team won all posts against 11 in- Among developments so far: didn’t answer queries if he’s • Also: Elections officer Indar This will be a one man/one vote
dependents. • Incumbent Education Officer contesting chairmanship or not. Parasram. system. PNMites will receive a
The posts of Welfare Officer and Overand Padmore didn’t an- • Minister in Finance Brian Man- • Agriculture Minister Kazim Ho- polling card to vote.

MoE: Support given to student

injured by falling concrete slab
The Ministry of Education says it student injured at San Juan North have been isolated.
has been providing psycho-social Secondary School,” the ministry “The San Juan North Second-
support to the student of San Juan said in its statement. ary School is one of more than
North Secondary School, who It added: “The School Super- 300 schools which are over 40
was injured when a concrete slab visor and School Social Worker years old, and is one of 26 schools
fell on his head. have been working closely with which have been approved by
In an official statement issued school personnel and the family Cabinet for major infrastruc-
yesterday, the ministry gave as- to provide counselling, arrange tural repair. This work is carded
surances that it will “continue to for the continued education of to begin in November 2022,” the
offer the necessary support and the student, and to ensure the ministry said..
guidance to the student and his insurance claim is processed effi- It added: “Assessments are
family at this time.” ciently.” ongoing in other schools of ad-
“The Ministry of Education The Education Ministry also vanced age, and a programme of
(MoE), through the School Super- reports that the school has not critical infrastructural upgrade
vision and Management Division, been shutdown and students are will continue to be implemented,
as well as the Student Support attending school on rotation.  It alongside the usual programme of
Services Division has been in com- says emergency repairs are ongo- emergency repair that continues
munication with the parent of the ing in the damaged areas, which daily at the nation’s schools.” The piece of the concrete which fell on the head of a student at the San Juan
North Secondary School.
6 news Monday, October 10, 2022

Opposition trashes Scotland’s coal pot apology

GAIL ALEXANDER when you coming to feign apology?!
The people will say fire bun you PNM !”
The country doesn’t want apologies from “Keep your apology where it’s best
PNM’s Keith Scotland or explanations from kept—on your bike, in your coal pot and
the Prime Minister about who’s “on edge”— light it with a Three Plumes match!”
but people want a reversal of the fuel price Roberts slammed Public Utilities Marvin
hike and the 2023 Budget and don’t want to Gonzales’s “advice” on not going to Mov-
be burdened with property tax now, says ieTowne three times a week and eating
UNC Senator Damien Lyder. ham and macaroni pie. “He fas and out of
At yesterday’s UNC media briefing Lyder place!”
and UNC Senator Anil Roberts trashed He also trashed statements by President
ministers’ statements on the budget par- Paula Mae Weekes and Ministers Shamfa
ticularly Scotland’s recent apology for the Cudjoe, Lisa Morris Julien, Fitzgerald
“coal pot and bicycle” recommendations Hinds, Colm Imbert and Faris Al- Rawi.
he made during the budget debate. “This is how the PNM is—they were never
Lyder said: “We heard ministers tell you humble, they’re not here to serve the peo-
UNC Senator Anil Roberts, left, addresses members of the media while senator UNC Senator
to sacrifice, ride bicycles, go back to coal Damien Lyder listens during the Opposition’s press conference at the Office of the Opposition ple !”
pots, stop eating macaroni pies and ham. Leader, Charles Street, Port-of-Spain, yesterday. PICTURE UNC FACEBOOK Roberts said PNM ministers were all
Some stating there’s no problem with ef- “Mini Me” clones of Rowley whom he
ficient bus transport and berating us as is for this Government to demit office im- erty tax and when UNC returns to office claimed is “arrogant heartless and incom-
wanting everything for nothing. This is the mediately!” Noting Government promised soon, would ensure the tax isn’t imple- petent.”
level of disconnection from the public.” to add commercial/industrial businesses mented “at this time.” Lyder also called for Roberts criticised the National Award
He said Scotland’s apologies seemed he’d to property tax, Lyder questioned how clearing of the air on Clico issues . to CMO Dr Roshan Parasram citing COVID
been humbled by the people “and apolo- many years that would take when doing Roberts said: “When you hear Keith Scot- deaths—and questioned how this could be
gised and was begging”. the property tax took three years. He felt land with his wide self, telling you he go “patriotism”.
But dismissing Prime Minister Keith Row- commercial/industrial businesses should ride bike, and he have a coal pot and if you He added the property tax was oppres-
ley’s recent view that certain statements be charged the tax since they contribute to can’t afford gas, buy more expensive coal– sive and the PNM “at this time” mustn’t suf-
were more likely to irritate citizens as neighbourhoods’ pollution, potholes and the idiots that they are!” fer the people. He said the Persad-Bissessar
“everybody’s on edge”, Lyder added. using garbage services. “Now they coming to feign apology?! government hadn’t removed the fuel sub-
“Citizens are completely over the prec- But Lyder said with T&T’s economic You (Scotland) didn’t make the remark en sidy. Roberts said the budget had unified
ipice! The only thing that can rescue T&T state, this isn’t the correct time for prop- passant, you explained what you’ll do and people and brought a tipping point.

OWTU workers call on Govt to reopen refinery

While gas prices are high and bi-
tumen is scarce, the plants at the
Pointe-a-Pierre refinery which
produce these items are rotting
away, according to the Oilfield
Workers’ Trade Union (OWTU).
Under cloudy skies, the presi-
dent of the OWTU Pointe-a-Pierre
branch, Christopher Jackman led
a contingent of refinery workers
in a march down the Southern
Main Road to the Pointe-a-Pierre
Holding flags and singing their
union’s battle songs, the OWTU
urged the Government to com-
plete the Request for Proposals
(RFP) process.
They also called on the Govern-
ment to hand over the refinery to
Patriotic Energies and Technolo-
gies, a subsidiary company of the
OWTU, which has already made
four bids to acquire the refinery. 
Speaking to Guardian Media, Former refinery workers protest outside the closed Petrotrin Refinery in Pointe-a-Pierre yesterday, demanding the Government open the refinery.
Jackman explained the reasons PICTURE RISHI RAGOONATH
for the march.
“This week, the Prime Minister fuel prices across the globe with with acid. The bitumen plant will finery aspect,” he added. bert said the current procure-
made it clear that the refinery is the potential to go higher. be clogged while this country is Jackman noted that the RFP  ment process being carried out
not a budgetary item and as far Refineries are making two to starving for bitumen to fix roads. process was supposed to be com- by Trinidad Petroleum Holdings
as he is concerned he has dealt 3 times the normal margins and They have the nitrogen process pleted in the past fiscal year.  Limited (TPHL) for the sale or
with the refinery situation. profits but yet we have our refin- to have a preservation level but Saying that the bids are under lease of the Refinery has been
“We were made aware that ery down. It is rotting and while it’s been four years and these a clause of non-disclosure, Jack- closely monitored by the Minis-
there is a (Request for Propos- there is an RFP process, we are plants are not in operation. We man explained: “Persons are still try of Finance for a year.
als) RFP ongoing and now we are not being given any information. want to know when the refinery waiting anxiously to hear what He said the “ministry is satis-
hearing that this is not a budg- That is unacceptable. I believe will be restarted.” the potential is with respect to fied that the process has been
etary item. It is quite disturbing the citizens should demand an “We are out here ready to the sale. The Prime Minister said robust and rigorous, and com-
and we believe the Prime Minis- explanation as to what is the cur- work. We want the refinery run- nobody is interested in the refin- pletely above board and consist-
ter has to account to the people rent situation with this asset,” ning for the betterment of T&T.  ery but that is not true. Patriotic ent with best practice.”
of T&T as to what is the situation Jackman added. Shell has its refinery running. is waiting and ready to have dis- He said TPHL will make the
with this asset (refinery),” Jack- Asked what plants in the refin- Shell declared in this very fiscal cussions on this asset. The re- best decision in the best interest
man said. ery were “rotting” Jackman said: year they made almost 300 per finery now is down and rotting of the people of T&T noting that
He noted that rising fuel prices “We are unable to assess, but I cent profit compared to the nor- away. It is now 4 years, put the the Government will ensure that
and the scarcity of bitumen were forecast that plants like the acid mal operating margins. There are asset to use,” he said. this process will be taken to com-
burdensome to the public. plants will be seeing difficulties escalating liquid fuel prices and Last May, Minister of Finance pletion with the highest levels of
  “We are seeing rising oil and because the plant melts away we are not capitalising on the re- and Corporation Sole, Colm Im- due diligence and integrity.
Monday, October 10, 2022 news 7
Fallen trees, high winds, more flash flooding
RHONDOR DOWLAT ian Media that a lightening struck.
“A lightening struck and the tree
As thousands of affected residents fell thereafter. The wind was very
are said to be still reeling from the strong too. For a while that tree
disastrous floods over the last few was there as a risk and they were
days, T&T was affected by con- supposed to come and cut it down
tinuous bad weather on Sunday but no one came. Thank God
morning. when the tree fell no car or no
Several areas within the San person was passing on the road,”
Juan/Laventille Regional Corpo- the resident said.
ration and the Couva Tabaquite During a visit at the scene, a
Talparo Regional Corporation T&TEC worker who was among
were affected. two crews, including the Chagua-
According to an incident report nas Fire Station clearing the
as of 11 am there were four areas branches said it was the only inci-
under several feet of water; one dent in the area so far, as of 10.30
incident of a fallen tree at the vi- am.
cinity of LP79 Orange Field Road, As of 10.30 am, according to a
in Carapichaima,which blocked River Level Advisory issued by the
off the road to all pedestrian Ministry of Rural Development
and vehicular traffic for several and Local Government, some of
hours; one report of high winds/ the major rivers were between 41
roof damage– all in the CTTRC percent and 71 percent capacity.
and a report of a landslide and Residents were warned of el-
high winds/roof damage in the evated river levels which may
SJLRC. Tarpaulins were handed result in spillage into their respec-
out to several residents within tive communities. They were also
A fire officer and a T&TEC worker, left, clear a fallen tree at Orange Field Road in Carapichaima in the vicinity of
the SJLRC. LP 79 yesterday. The tree fell after lightening struck it blocking the major road for several hours from both vehicular advised that due to the High Tides
The Office of Disaster Prepared- and pedestrian traffic. PICTURE RHONDOR DOWLAT there would have been a slower
ness Management (ODPM) said it water run off.
despatched additional relief sup- the T&T Meteorological Service 8 pm on Sunday. and Carapichaima. The Caroni River (Bamboo Set-
plies to Tobago via the Cabo Star issued an Adverse Weather Alert During the day on Sunday, At about 7.45 am a tree fell tlement #3) was at 71 per cent; El
which was set to sail on Sunday #1 - Yellow Level. there was rainfall of varying in- across the Orange Field Road, in Carmen (Caroni River) at 62 per
afternoon. Items included trash The alert, according to the tensity with thunderstorm activ- Carapichaima, blocking off access cent; South Oropouche 61 per
pumps, rope of various sizes, ODPM, comes in light of the lin- ity reported in Central and North to all vehicular and pedestrian cent; Caparo 59 per cent; North
cleaning buckets, cooler, rain- gering Inter-Tropical Convergence Trinidad. There were localised traffic. Oropouche (Toco Road) 51 per
coats and batteries. Zone (ITCZ) in and around T&T. street/flash flooding in several A resident close by to where the cent; Arouca 48 per cent and
On Sunday at about 7.38 am, That alert remained in effect until areas including, Couva, Freeport incident occurred told the Guard- Aripo River at 41 per cent.

A cyclist rides through

Roystonia, Couva, following
US Embassy: Travel
heavy rains yesterday.
PICTURE SHASTRI BOODAN advisory only updated
for COVID, not safety
and security
In response to the latest viral message on
social media with regards to a travel advi-
sory issued by the US Department of State,
the US Embassy in T&T has sought to clear
the air with respect to the security and
safety aspect.
In a release issued on Sunday, the Em-
bassy said: “The US Travel Advisory for
Trinidad and Tobago was updated on Octo-
ber 5 due to a change in health restrictions
for COVID-19. The security and safety as-
pects of the advisory did not change.”
It added that “Travel Advisories do not

Heavy showers cause flood target specific countries. Each country is

assigned an overall Travel Advisory Level
from 1 to 4. The Department’s Travel Advi-

in parts of Couva
sory levels are based on established risk in-
dicators such as health, crime, terrorism,
kidnapping or hostage taking, civil unrest,
natural disasters, and other potential risks.
Each country’s level is based on an assess-
SHASTRI BOODAN Carli Bay Road was also hit by people of Couva South by the and Isaac Junction was cleaned ment of domestic conditions that might
flooding as well as the entrance Government. The Minister of using the Gully Sucker. The au- affect the welfare or safety of US citizens.”
Heavy early morning showers to the Couva Anglican Church Works has said that he was thorities came back after some “Advisories are updated when a change
yesterday brought flood waters was impassable to foot traffic. cleaning several drains, but time and cleared the same area in any part of the advisory occurs. They
to several parts of Couva and Couva South MP Rudranath there is more flooding now.” again. That was so long ago are also updated when the advisory is low-
environs. Indarsingh said he has repeat- President of the Couva/ Point and we need the drains to be ered,” it added.
Streets along Roystonia, Lisas edly begged the authorities to Lisas Chamber of Commerce, cleared. The flooding makes it The embassy assured that the Depart-
Gardens and McBean were have the drains cleaned. Mukesh Ramsingh said the difficult for everyone from the ment of State “has no greater responsi-
flooded. He said “I have written to the Chamber would be writing to motorist to the school child, bility than the safety and security of US
Some motorists had to turn relevant ministries repeatedly the Minister of Works appealing 200 businesses are affected, citizens overseas. We are committed to
back when they reached the requesting that a gully sucker for help. students from two schools, providing US citizens with the most up-to-
Southern Main Couva which be used to clear all the drains Ramsingh said “ If rain falls three banks and a credit union date, fact-based, accurate, and transparent
was heavily flooded along sev- along the Couva Main Road. heavily for 10 minutes there is also feel the crunch. The Cham- information to keep US citizens informed
eral points between Isaac Junc- Nothing has been done. There flooding. About 10 years ago ber would be making a formal when they are abroad.”
tion and Roop’s Junction. seems to be no interest in the the area between Noel Street appeal to the minister for help.”
8 news Monday, October 10, 2022

Bilateral relationship deepens between Korea, T&T

CHARLES KONG SOO continued to award scholarships to oration of the 60th Anniversary of
Trinidad and Tobago students each the Independence of Trinidad and
Korean Ambassador Dongil Oh says year. Tobago.
the bilateral relationship between Oh said since 2013, 23 students He replied that The Korean Gov-
Korea and T&T continues to grow. had been awarded scholarships at ernment continues to make avail-
He gave his welcoming speech at the undergraduate and graduate able scholarships for tertiary-level
a reception celebrating the National levels and this year alone, there study in Korea, with local students
Foundation Day of the Republic of were two students enrolled in uni- currently pursuing degrees in
Korea, at the Hyatt Regency, Port- versities in Korea majoring in de- computer science, smart system
of-Spain, on Thursday. grees from Computer Science to engineering and international de-
Oh said: “Following the 77th Smart System Engineering. velopment. Browne added through
Session of the UN General Assem- He also called for a united re- the Medical Korea Academy, virtual
bly held last month, I am happy to sponse by the international com- clinical medical training was of-
learn that Trinidad and Tobago has munity, including Trinidad and fered to public health officials.
offered to serve as President of the Tobago to address the risk of He added that The Connected
78th Session of the UN General As- weapons of mass destruction pro- Arima Project, which was being
sembly next year, as announced by liferation for peace and stability on implemented by the Inter-Amer-
Senator the Honourable Minister, the Korean Peninsula and engage ican Development Bank, was
Dr Amery Browne. North Korea in diplomacy toward mainly funded by the Government
“Honourable Minister, I would denuclearisation as an urgent pri- of Korea.
like to wish you and the Govern- ority. Minister of Foreign and Cari- Upon completion, the project
ment of Trinidad and Tobago all com Affairs Dr Amery Browne said will optimise the use of digital tech-
the best for this candidacy given Korean Ambassador Dongil Oh, right, and Minister of Foreign and Caricom that at the height of the pandemic, nologies to improve the lives of cit-
the country’s active engagements Affairs Dr Amery Browne toast to the Republic of Korea, National the Government of the Republic of izens and businesses in the eastern
and ongoing partnership in the Foundation Day, at the Hyatt Regency, Port-of-Spain, on Thursday. Korea lent assistance to Trinidad Borough.
global community. and Tobago and to the wider Carib- Browne said two State officials
“Our close people-to-people ties, were automobiles, steel and mobile Oh shared that in 2020, the Ko- bean Community through the pro- recently paid a study visit to Korea
strong economic relationship, and phones while the major imports rean Government and the CAR- vision of humanitarian assistance under the Greenhouse Gas Sustain-
expansive global partnership have were methanol, ammonia and nat- ICOM Secretariat established a valued at US $ 1m. able Maritime Transport Training
bound us together since the estab- ural gas. Oh said this mutually ben- Cooperation Fund to address the He said in addition, the Embassy Programme, which was being co-
lishment of the diplomatic rela- eficial trade relation had yielded global challenges that required re- provided much-needed personal hosted by the International Mari-
tions on July 23, 1985. fruitful results and further consol- gional responses. protective equipment to the Min- time Organisation and the Korean
“Despite our differences in ge- idated the countries’ bilateral ties He said the first project was istry of Health and to the Trinidad Government.
ography and history, Korea and throughout the years. aimed at strengthening the health and Tobago Police Service. Also present at the event were
Trinidad and Tobago have both He responded that relations had systems in CARICOM against in- Browne replied that despite the Ambassador Oh’s wife Miwha
benefitted from successful and on- also been enriched in many other fectious diseases and the second challenges of the past few years of Park, Chief Justice Ivor Archie,
going collaboration in the areas of areas such as the exchanges of project, which was currently being the pandemic, the engagement be- Minister of Works and Transport
trade, development co-operation, high-level visits since the establish- undertaken, involved the innova- tween the two countries remained Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Social
education, and culture.” ment of the High-Level Forum on tion and digitisation of the CARI- strong. Development and Family Services
He said traditionally the core the Republic of Korea-Caribbean COM Secretariat. He added that during the Per- Donna Cox, Chief Secretary To-
of the two countries’ bilateral Partnership, Oh stated that for these pro- manent Secretary Reita Toussaint, bago House of Assembly Farley
relationship had involved their Reita Toussaint, Permanent Sec- jects, the Korean Government Ministry of Foreign and Caricom Augustine, Heads of Mission, and
economic and trade partnership, retary of the Ministry of Foreign contributed US $500,000 and US Affairs visit to Seoul in December other members of the Diplomatic
which had continued to grow over and CARICOM Affairs attended the $460,000, respectively and he 2021, potential cooperation at the Corps; Justice Frank Seepersad, his
the years. 11th High Level Forum in Novem- hoped that these regional cooper- bilateral and regional levels were wife Camille Ramkhelawan; Port-
Oh said in 2021, the bilateral ber 2021 in Seoul and also Port- ation projects will further solidify explored, with a focus on climate of-Spain mayor Joel Martinez, San
trade volume between Korea and of-Spain Mayor Joel Martinez had their friendly ties and contribute change, natural disasters, agricul- Fernando mayor Junia Regrello,
Trinidad and Tobago amounted to participated in the Korea Founda- to the achievement of the UN SDGs ture, meteorology and healthcare. Senator Dr Varma Deyalsingh and
US $385 million, which increased tion Distinguished Guest Invitation within the region. Browne mentioned that Oh had his wife Dr Sherene Kalloo, mem-
by almost 70 per cent compared to Programme and visited Seoul and He reported that in the sphere made a presentation of a minia- bers of staff of the Embassy of the
five years ago. Yeosu, a sister city of Port-of-Spain, of education, the Korean Embassy ture version of the Bronze Bell of Republic of Korea and specially in-
He added that the major exports this year. through the Korean Government the Haeinsa Temple in commem- vited guests.

Woodside Energy helps students progress with literacy training

More than 200 pupils from pri- cation period, and each pupil re- dents.
mary schools across the North- ceived at least eight contact hours. Earlier this year, the partnership
East Education District returned to The ARROW software provides a provided remedial training for 100
school energised and empowered multi-sensory technological ap- Standard Five pupils ahead of the
through ARROW (Aural, Read, Re- proach to help students with read- Secondary Entrance Assessment
spond, Oral, Write) literacy train- ing, spelling and writing skills. (SEA) examination and resulted
ing, funded by Woodside Energy Pre- and post-assessments was in students showing a significant
(formerly BHP Petroleum). also measured to track the stu- increase in their reading ages,
Approved by the Ministry of Ed- dents’ progress along the course ranging from eight months to two
ucation, this initiative focused on of the training. years.
the creation of a Homework Cen- Darrin Parkes, a Standard Five Christopher Bonterre, managing
tre at the Toco Regional Complex teacher at Matura Government director of the ARROW Founda-
that will offer ARROW remedial Primary School added, “We were tion, put the training into context
literacy training to Standard One privileged to have the ARROW saying: “A recent United Nations’
and Two pupils from all 13 primary programme at our school this report stated that the learning
schools spanning Toco to Matura. year and the expansion of this losses for children because of
A release from Benchmark programme will only build on the COVID-19 is ‘the largest disruption
Communications quoted Shel- progress made. We are thankful to education in history’. Our pro-
don Narine, corporate advisor at Christopher Bonterre, centre, of the ARROW Foundation, guides a pupil for this intervention by Woodside gramme seeks to reverse this sta-
Woodside Energy as saying, “This demonstration of the ARROW training software. Looking on from left are Energy and we hope that this tistic by enhancing basic learning
programme demonstrates our Sarah McKenzie, principal of Toco RC Primary School; Julien Louis, senior training becomes a permanent fix- skills including communication,
teacher at Toco Anglican Primary School; Sheldon Narine, corporate advisor,
commitment to sustainability and ture in our community as it helps concentration, writing and oral
Woodside Energy; and Darrin Parkes, Standard Five teacher at Matura
investing in developing the great- Government Primary School. PICTURE BENCHMARK COMMUNICATIONS teach critical literacy skills.” fluency. Over the years, we have
est natural resource that any na- The ARROW support will con- seen incredible results with stu-
tion has—young people. agriculture and safety, education ARROW Foundation and seeing tinue until the pupils reach Stand- dents, not only in terms of their
Though these students, we will is another facet of our investment these students achieve their full ard Five. It is also anticipated that academics, but also marked im-
transform the educational land- in this community, but in our opin- potential.” going forward, other centres will provement in terms of their overall
scape while nurturing future lead- ion, it is the most important. We The literacy programme was be created across the community attitudes and self-esteem.”
ers. Apart from the environment, look forward to working with the hosted over the July/August va- in order to better facilitate the stu-
10 news Monday, October 10, 2022

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, second from right, cuts

the ribbon to officially open the Mahaica Sports
Complex on Saturday. Also in picture from left are MP
for Point Fortin Kennedy Richards JR, Mayor of Point
Fortin Saleema Mc Cree-Thomas, sprinter Machel
Cedenio, Minister of Sports, Shamfa Cudjoe and
sprinter Jereem Richards. PICTURE RISHI RAGOONATH

Residents of Blitz Village Extension in Pleasantville, Cudjoe: $200M spent

show MP for San Fernando East Brian Manning,
second from right, and councillor Nigel Coutier, the
trench that was covered by Heritage Petroleum, on
to support athletes
Saturday. PICTURE RISHI RAGOONATH Sport Minister Shamfa Cudjoe says over $200 mil-
lion have been spent over the past five to seven
Heritage must years supporting T&T’s athletes and building sports
at the community level.
safeguard residents Speaking at the opening of the $40 million Ma-
haica Sports Complex in Point Fortin on Saturday,

from gas lines—Manning Cudjoe said infrastructural works were ongoing in

several sporting facilities including T&T’s national
STORIES BY RADHICA DE SILVA “We are delivering an investment in sports. This
is more than delivering the stadium, we are com-
A day after Heritage Petroleum covered over a mitted to delivering at the community level as
gaping trench and blocked off access for eight well,” Cudjoe said.
families, MP for San Fernando East Brian Man- She noted that several projects have already been
ning has called on Heritage to safeguard the com- completed including the Moruga Sports Complex,
munity by ensuring the integrity of its pipelines Diego Martin Regional Complex, Maloney and Ma-
which run through the village. labar swimming pool as well as the Aranguez Rec-
During a tour at Blitz Village Extension, Man- reational Complex.
ning and councillor Nigel Coutier met with resi- “As relates to the national stadiums, works are
dents who complained they have not been able continuing at Dwight York Stadium. The Ato Bol-
to work or use their vehicles ever since Heritage don Stadium is a priority this year as we will be
dug the trench and blocked the road. hosting the 2023 Commonwealth Youth Games,”
Manning said he planned to write a letter to she revealed.
the company. He expressed dissatisfaction with She noted that full refurbishment will be done at
the work done by Heritage Petroleum. the Mannie Ramjohn Stadium.
“Heritage came and they did some work but it “We are developing sports and the community.
is inadequate. It’s not enough. I will be using my It’s more than developing infrastructure. We want
good office to reach out to Heritage. Heritage has you to train, have football leagues and provide new
to do a better job to take care of its infrastruc- athletes and talents. This will also assist in gener-
ture,” Manning said. ating business and economic activity in communi-
Asked to elaborate further, he added: “Herit- ties,” she said.
age has to make sure the integrity of the pipes Saying $200 million have been devoted to ath-
is certain and people here are safe and that they letes, Cudjoe said: “ We have taken a deliberate step
can freely use the community. You can’t just to invest in community groups. It is your responsi-
come and cover over the hole and tell people not bility to develop programmes and projects which
to walk here. Heritage has to find a meaningful suit the people in the community,” she added.
resolution to this situation.” MP for Point Fortin Kennedy Richards, who also
Manning said he was not a technical expert spoke at the opening, said it was important to
or an engineer but if the company cannot allow maintain the Mahaica Oval which had produced
the residents to cross the pipes then they must outstanding sportsmen and sportswomen over the
explain why and offer solutions to allow the resi- years.
dents vehicular access out of their area. “We will maintain this great facility so that we
Meanwhile, Coutier said the covering up of the can continue to support our men and women and
trench has blocked off the area for the affected produce countless greats,” Richards said.
families. Point Fortin mayor Saleema McCree Thomas
He said he intends to write to Heritage said the Mahaica Sports Facility, previously known
asking for a passageway for the residents. as the Mahaica Oval, had saved many young lives
“Heritage is saying the line is not as deep as it through sports.
should be, two or three feet so the weight of “To quote one of our sportsmen of yesteryear,
passing vehicles could interfere with the lines. It ‘Many of our lives were saved, because of the oval
is gas lines and we don’t know the integrity of as sports kept us off the streets,’” she said.
these lines so we will communicate with Heritage “This will remain the southern mecca for sport-
and we wait and see how that goes,” he added. ing activities. I believe the Mahaica Oval spirit has
Last week, residents complained that Heritage not died and is waiting for the right moment to
had dug a trench across their street preventing enable greater sporting glory to return,” McCree
them from access. Heritage later responded say- Thomas added.
ing it had advised residents not to cross the bur- She also said sports had many benefits.
ied line using vehicles. Heritage said a road had “It encourages harmony and social integration. It
been constructed without Heritage’s permission boosts self esteem and boosts character, and phys-
by residents in the Blitz Village area. ical fitness. It boosts sportsmanship and regular
The company is calling on members of the exercise,” she added.
public to call the hotline number 649-5521 to re- Construction of the facility started in 2018 by
port any matters related to Heritage’s operations. Udecott and was initially carded to cost $40 million. 
Monday, October 10, 2022 news 11
rob elderly
An elderly Chaguanas couple was robbed at gun
point on Sunday. Boodram Bhagaloo points to the area
Boodram Bhagaloo, 61, and his wife Khimrajee where the bandits scratched his car on
Ragoobar, 68, were asleep when three armed men the wall of his house when they made
entered their small board house through a win- off with the vehicle on Sunday morning.
dow at Dinoo Road West around 3 am.
Bhagaloo told Guardian Media that three men
entered his premises by jumping a chain link
fence located on the eastern side of his house that
borders the Northbound lane of the Uriah Butler
He said the street lights in that area have been
non-functional for some time.
Bhagaloo said he was awakened by the men who
robbed him of a Nissan B14 motor car, $1,200 in
cash, a wacker, cellphone and an LPG gas tank.
Bhagaloo said he told the men that he and his
common law wife were suffering from a number
of ailments when they demanded that he get into
the car with them.
He said, “They want me to go in the car, but ah
tell them ah sick, they carry me back in the room
and put me lie down on de bed and they drive out
with the car. They ask me if I does pull bull I say
no… they want to hit me gun butt, but they ent
hit me.”
Bhagaloo said both himself and Ragoobar were
tied up with electrical wire before the thieves left.
The victim said he managed to dabble with the
wires and freed himself and later rescued Ragoo-
bar before going to one of his neighbour’s house
who called the police.
Bhagloo is a hardware employee. He said the
thieves also knocked over the couple’s medication
and he had to borrow a tank of LPG cooking gas
from a neighbour to prepare lunch.
Bhagaloo said he and Ragoobar had planned
to spend last night at the home of a relative since
they were very much afraid.

Who we go put?
Ramona Ramdial
Former Minister/MP
12 Monday, October 10, 2022

Established 1917

The yea and nay of the US advisory

Last week the US Embassy updated its advisory to its citizens on
the risks of visiting some places within T&T.
Among the things it retained from previous advisories was the
prohibition of US Government personnel travelling to Laventille,
Beetham, Sea Lots, Cocorite and the interior of Queen’s Park
Savannah during the day. After dark, US government personnel
are also prohibited from travelling to downtown Port-of-Spain,
Fort George lookout and all beaches.
The only thing surprising about that was that some people were
themselves surprised by it, when a good argument can be made
A passenger gets a ride from a bicycle taxi
that more places should be added to this list. along 11th Street, Barataria, on Saturday.
T&T nationals know very well the extent to which crime is PICTURE ABRAHAM DIAZ
rampant across the country and particularly in areas police deem
as hotspots, all of which are listed in the advisory. What seems to

baffle Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds more though, n his book titled, Comparative
is an element of the advisory that relates to terrorism.
The advisory states, “Terrorists may attack with little or
no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs,
Religion, author K N Tiwarie
writes: “Hinduism can more
be regarded as a spontaneous
growth, assisted at various stages
Kartik Snaan 2022
markets/shopping malls, local government facilities, hotels, clubs,
restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural
events, educational institutions, airports, and other public areas.”
of civilisation from various sides
rather than a creation or con- Vijay Maharaj
We understand the minister’s demur in this regard but can only struction of somebody.” Secretary General (Ag.)
partially side with him. The words “may attack” seem to suggest Sir Charles Elliot also com- Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha
more than just a nation vulnerable to these types of attacks, but mented in this connection: “Hin-
appear more as a warning that they are likely to happen here. duism has not been made but has also believed to be the birthday It is the belief of the devotee
This is not the nature of our country, despite our recent grown. It is a jungle, not a build- of Lord Kartikeya, the firstborn of that this ritual bath taken during
associations with terrorists by notoriously being the Western ing.” Lord Vishnu and Goddess Parvati. the month of Kartik is similar to a
hemispheric nation with the highest contribution of people to Another author, K M Sen, in Hindus believe that this present thousand dips in the sacred Gan-
ISIS per capita. This reputation is a stain on our nation that we his book titled Hinduism, writes: cycle of creation which started ges River or a hundred baths dur-
desperately seek to bleach away, but by no means fairly reflects “Hinduism is more like a tree that over a million years ago, the Su- ing other months.
how our nationals interact with our US guests or the warm has grown gradually than like a preme Lord (God), made descent It is prescribed that those who
relations T&T has had with the US for decades. building that has been erected by on earth from time to time. It is the cannot travel to have baths in the
Since the sporadic, small bombings across Port-of-Spain in a great architect at some definite belief that He, God has made nine rivers, lakes or seaside, should
2005, nationals and tourists have had nothing to deal with by point in time. It contains within descents and the tenth, which is take baths in their homes and per-
means of terrorists. Those few attacks did not target foreign itself the influences of many Kalki (space manifestation), will form puja in their house.
citizens and were the work of someone whose reasons were never cultures and the body of Hindu make appearance to herald the It is also advised that during
made clear, sadly harming T&T nationals in the process. thought that offers as much vari- end of this cycle of creation. this entire month of Kartik, we
Our country, therefore, has not distinguished itself as a risk ety itself.” Hindus believe that the first light lamps (deyas) at our homes
to terrorism beyond most nations, unless the United States has Sen continues, “The names of a manifestation appeared in the and in our village temples. The
intelligence pointing to something we don’t know. host of sages are of course asso- ocean, where life is considered to prescribed puja after the bath
This is why we can only partially support Minister Hinds’ ciated with Hinduism, but none have started. And this first man- must be dedicated to Radha and
position, mindful that while we have not had cases of actual can claim to be its founder. They ifestation was called the Matysa to Krishna, while at the same time
terrorism warranting great concern, we aren’t entirely in the clear. have all simply contributed to Avatar or the Fish manifestation. worshipping the Tulsi plant.
Four years ago, local authorities did say they had thwarted its growth in their own specific Because of this, Hindus revere the The devout Hindu also believes
what was deemed “plans for a terrorist attack” on T&T’s Carnival. ways.” oceans and other watering places, that in the month of Kartik, the
Police had detained four people who were suspected of being And Sen makes the point that, where life began. rays of the sun and the moon
behind attacks to take place during the parade of the bands. They “An enormous corpus of sacred Kartik is really the name of a exert a beneficial effect on man.
arrested the men during a series of raids across the country and literature is also associated with month which falls around October These rays provide a constructive
at that time the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office also Hinduism. One can have an idea - November. The entire month is energy to the mind and the brain
warned its citizens of a heightened terrorist threat. of its beliefs and practices, but auspicious for pujas and ceremo- of the devotee. At Manzanilla
The full details of that incident were never made public none can claim exclusive author- nial bath, but the final day of the Beach, thousands of Hindus will
but if what we were told was true, then we cannot fully ity.” month is regarded as the most gather to perform congregational
distance ourselves from the US advisory. There’s no telling One of the more important auspicious. worship before taking a bath in
what intelligence still exists on the possibility of such an act, practices of Hinduism takes place In Trinidad, Hindus, together the Atlantic Ocean.
particularly when we consider that hundreds of US citizens at various beaches across Trini- with their Pundits, travelled to Each group will have their own
visit this country for Carnival each year. We trust and hope that dad. This Hindu event is called various watering sites for a day of tent and other facilities, includ-
whatever was brewing then has been entirely crushed but we are Kartik Snaan (sacred bath), which prayers and bath. ing their own village Pundit, who
also well aware that intelligence is not something that the US or marks the culmination of almost The Hindu ancients believed will conduct the puja ceremony
any serious security agency will release publicly. 12 months of religious obser- that worship and fasting during on a Bedi (altar), created out of
We, therefore, are simply in no position to know differently and vances. this month reap auspicious fruits the sand on the seashore. At the
can only allow the US the benefit of the doubt. Kartik Purnima is celebrated as that are equivalent to many pil- culmination of the puja, meals
We support our local authorities in working closely with the the birth anniversary of Vrinda, grimages. And the importance of will be shared and the process of
US against terrorism and other major crimes, but ought not to the personification of the Tulsi the month is mentioned in many meeting and greeting fellow wor-
bury our heads in the sand and declare that such a problem does Plant. The day also marks the ancient scriptures such as the: shippers from across the country
not entirely exist in our beloved T&T in the absence of deeper emergence of Matsya, the fish Skand Purana, Narad Purana and will occupy the devotees’ stay on
information. incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is the Padma Purana. the beach.
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Monday, October 10, 2022 opinion 13
Speaking up Safety in the rainy
season T&T
I am tired of people that don’t know what they James, Mariano Brown, Ardeen Sirju, Kevin
don’t know speaking on my behalf, so it’s time Here are some rainy season tips T&T:
Ramnarine, that Duke character, David Ab-
for me to speak up. • Prepare during the dry season, trim trees,
dulah, Roget, TTUTA, none of them, be-
Starting with the adverse weather event this clear drains.
cause they don’t make sense. They don’t
week, I want the country to know that there was • Ensure you have potable drinking water for
listen, they do no research, they engage
no flooding in my area, even though it rained several days.
their mouths before their brains. They are
heavily, and that was so for the majority of • Have an emergency plan.
always responding to what was not said or
Arima, and I dare anyone to contradict. I have • Unplug electrical units if there is a risk of
done, and then wonder why the Govern-
seen and heard many infomercials on prepara- flooding.
ment response, tactics and strategies are
tion for adverse weather, and I know where the • Avoid travelling through flood waters.
alien to their thoughts. So with this amaz-
shelters are located in my area. The councillor Stay calm T&T, stay dry.
ing level of ineptitude, please, allyuh doh
for my area is always in contact with the bur- My safety, your safety is our responsibility.
speak for me... Please!!!!
gesses, we have a WhatsApp group chat, and he
was giving live hands-on management through- SEAN PHILLIPS
Princes Town
out the alert period. The councillor is Patterson Via email
representing lower Tumpuna and he is a mem-
ber of the party in Government.
I am educated, I am of African descent, and I
live in a non-gated normal community in Arima.
When I attended university, I did all my courses
for myself, and I never sought favour from my
lecturers. In other words, I legitimately earned
my degrees, a point which should not be glossed
over, and one that offers great insight into the
country’s dilemma.
One of my degrees is in Public Sector Man-
agement, as such, I know what is going on with
the budget process. And given that I have an
MBA from Lok Jack GSB, I was not bored by the
Budget presentation, because as I mentioned
before, I actually did my studies and work at
university, so what the Minister was presenting
was understood. From an academic perspective,
I understand why policymaking is done in the
way it is, ergo I understand the limitations of the
policy frame for the budget preparers, which is
something that I, unfortunately, can’t say about
all of the academics that have been publicly
commenting on the Budget.
I am actually ashamed of Mariano Brown
because of the academic position he holds! It
was shameful to listen to a programme where
the head of a great institution like ALJGSB, and
ex-finance minister, engages in a conversation
where a PhD is mouthing off on government cor-
porate policy for the execution of its secondary
roads rehabilitation programme, and this PhD
knows nothing about the tenets of New Public
Management (or else he would have known why
that corporate structure was used), and Brown
is there supporting the clueless deductions and
assertions of this obviously half-baked PhD boy.
Communication is a two-way action. The re-
cipient of a message must indicate that he prop-
erly received and understood the message for
there to be effective communication. I would
like to lend an honest voice here, and say to
this country that I know the difference between
hearing and listening, and declare that most
Trinis don’t listen to the Government commu-
nications, they hear them, but they don’t listen
to them.
I have listened to the Budget, and I have heard
no one in the public space advocate for what I
see that warrants concern with the capping of
the fuel subsidy. If transfers and subsidies must
reduce, then capping the fuel subsidy makes
sense. And by the way, that subsidy is derived
from a very very early public policy designed to
evenly spread the wealth of the country. Trini-
dad has a very wide middle-class belt, and a lot
of private car travel. We also have a retail market
where sellers deploy the rip-off pricing strategy
as a staple. So any increase in the cost of sales is
passed on with rip-off markup. For me, I want to
pay the same percentage of the full fuel price, as
maxi taxi drivers, government ministries, PTSC
and the distributors. Because the market sellers
are going to rip me off regardless, because they
don’t care. It’s amazing to me how Trinis attack
the Government minster because Xtra Foods,
Massy, and the doubles vendor decide to deploy
a rip-off pricing strategy.
Right now, I have no faith in Dr Atz, Winsford
14 news Monday, October 10, 2022

NYC Governor launches institute to help Caribbean immigrants transition to community life
NEW YORK—As New York City (NYC) antici- cluding those who are undocumented, who and select an executive director and assistant di-
pates surpassing the highest recorded shel- were forced to leave their homelands. rector in the coming months.
ter census in recorded history, Governor, “New York is built on the hard work and In addition, Hochul said on arrival, immigrants
Kathy Hochul, has launched the Institute determination of generations of immigrants, often struggle to learn English, help their children
for Immigration Integration Research & Pol- and this Institute will work to improve the to assimilate in school, find safe and affordable
icy to help Caribbean and other immigrants lives of those who are trying to build better housing, secure jobs with a liveable wage, secure
transition to community life, and further lives for themselves and their families,” Ho- transportation to commute and access available
their education and workforce in the United chul said. service.
States. “By clearing the boundaries for new New She noted that the institute’s executive direc-
Hochul said the institute, which received Yorkers, we can help to better integrate tor and assistant director will analyse real-time
funding in the fiscal year 2023 state budget, them into the New York community and ac- immigration, economic, labour and other data,
will be housed at the Rockefeller Institute cess the New York dream,” she added. and identify potential solutions for policymakers
of Government, the State University of New She added that the announcement coin- to help build on the state’s commitment to sup-
York’s public policy think tank. cides with the selection of an advisory board porting immigrants of all ages, nationalities and
The launch of the institute follows Ho- of community leaders, who will set in mo- backgrounds.
New York Governor, Kathy Hochul chul’s mission to protect immigrants, in- tion ground-breaking policy development In October 2021, the governor signed legislation
PICTURE AP classifying certain threats to report a person’s im-
migration status as extortion or coercion under
New York law.
She indicated that the advisory board will pro-
vide the institute with guidance and recommen-
dations with respect to research, programming,
fundraising opportunities and community events.
Meanwhile, NYC Mayor, Eric Adams, last Friday
issued Emergency Executive Order 224, formally
directing all relevant city agencies to coordinate
their efforts to support hundreds of asylum seek-
ers, arriving in the city each day from Texas and
other border states.
Adams also called for emergency federal and
state aid to handle the continued influx of asylum
seekers, as the city projects costs of more than
one billion US dollars related to asylum seekers
in the 2022 fiscal year, as well as expedited work
permits, a national decompression strategy and a
resettlement strategy.

Grenada prepared to
lease aircraft to ease
intra-regional travel woes
Grenada’s Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell says his
administration is prepared to lease an aircraft if
Caribbean governments are unable to sort out the
regional transportation sector by year-end.
Caribbean travel has been thrown into chaos fol-
lowing the collapse of the Antigua-based regional
airline, LIAT (1974) limited with the region travel-
ling population disgruntled at the inability to move
around as freely as they used to during LIAT’s op-
In an exclusive interview aired on WPG10 on
Friday night, Mitchell, who led his National Dem-
ocratic Congress (NDC) to power in June, said the
regional airline sector needs urgent fixing and that
there needs to be more decisive movement on the
issue before year-end.
“If by October, November, we don’t have an ar-
rangement…then it means if Grenada has to go and
lease the planes so that we can fly between Gre-
nada and Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago we
will have to do so.
“The truth is we can’t get to Trinidad,” Mitchell
said, noting however that with several new leaders
in the Caribbean he is optimistic that the situation
will be dealt with.
“Let’s put it this way, I am optimistic it will not
get to that,” he said, adding that regional govern-
ments must be prepared to spend more money
on regional transport. “I have made it quite clear
we have to put money, if not into LIAT 2020, if not
Inter Caribbean then some other vehicle that is pre-
pared to fly, it is as simple as that,” Mitchell added.
In August, regional leaders met to discuss the
situation regarding air transportation in the Carib-
bean amidst concerns that both regional and inter-
national travellers are finding it very expensive and
difficult to commute.
Mitchell said then it was agreed that a consultant
would be retained to provide advice to the heads
of the region as to how we can address the criti-
cal need to have, particularly air transportation
resumed at a level that existed prior to COVID-19.
Monday, October 10, 2022 15
16 regional Monday, October 10, 2022

Prime Minister Mia Mottley says

an ethics review committee will
be established to prevent a repeat
‘No guinea pigs’ an improper survey with students,
better still needed to be done
going forward and children would
need to ensure going forward – and
I have had this discussion with a
number of people – that clearly we
of the Computer Science test fi- bados’ school children being sub- Government accepted the apology not be used as “guinea pigs”. live in an era now where the min-
asco, as she made it clear that her jected to any type of inappropriate from the Inter-American Develop- “I have said to the Minister [of istry would have to establish an
Government will not support Bar- exposure. She said that while the ment Bank (IDB) for conducting Education Kay McConney] that we ethics review committee to make
sure that those things
that you go into schools
to talk to or to survey
with respect to children
pass a minimum thresh-
old test. And we are not,
therefore, allowing per-
sons to just feel that this
is open season for our
children,” Mottley said.
“We are not support-
ive of that and that is why
I have said to the minis-
try that the Inter-Ameri-
can Development Bank
must ensure that the
situation is corrected
as a matter of urgency.
I thank them for their
quick and rapid apology
and I say to them and
to all others that Barba-
dian schoolchildren are
not to be guinea pigs for
people in circumstances
where it is inappropriate
and where you are seek-
ing to expose them to
things that are especially
age-inappropriate. The
ethics review committee
I believe will help the
ministry manage and
govern that process in a
more effective way.”
The Prime Minister
spoke about the issue on
Friday afternoon during
the official signing of a
Memorandum of Under-
standing between Bar-
bados and the Republic
of China at Ilaro Court,
to construct a new na-
tional stadium.
The test saga, which
was brought to light
by Barbados TODAY
in a story published
on Tuesday under the
headline Alarming Test,
stemmed from the fact
that First Form students
at five of the island’s sec-
ondary schools had to
complete a survey, as
part of a Computer Sci-
ence test, that included
invasive questions in a
survey that made many
of them uncomfortable.
The questions related to
their sexuality, gender,
mental state, and their
home circumstances,
among other areas. The
IDB and the Ministry of
Education have since
apologised for their roles
in the scenario, with the
Washington-based finan-
cial institution which
administered the test
accepting full responsi-
bility. The Bank admit-
ted that even though
the Ministry of Educa-
tion had objected to
certain questions being
included on the test, it
was still disseminated to
students in its original
Monday, October 10, 2022 business 17
Equity markets struggle in 2022 Monetary Policy Announcement, capital is secured.
headline inflation rose to 5.9% Investors with moderate risk
in July 2022 from 4.9% in June tolerance can consider highly di-
2022. This phenomenon may be versified and resilient sector or
For our full research and compounded by the effects of fis- country ETFs as a way to quickly
analysis, please visit cal measures announced in the diversify their investment port- FY2023 budget, which are likely folios. A selective approach to
to weaken consumption and individual stocks may also be
This week, we at Bourse recap the disposable income. While some preferred, focusing on companies
performance of local and interna- companies may fare better than with:
tional stock markets as at the end others, the overarching outlook (i) resilient profitability,
of the 3rd quarter of 2022 (9M for companies heading into the (ii) demonstrable competitive
2022). Equity markets continue final quarter is one where pre- advantages and/or market
to face considerable uncertainty, serving operating margins (and share and
as central banks around the world by extension profitability) could (iii) healthy free cash flow.
attempt to control persistent infla- be challenged. Investors with a higher risk tol-
tion at the risk of sparking reces- International markets are ex- erance may look past current mar-
sionary conditions. Could investor pected to remain volatile, as ket conditions with a longer-term
sentiment reverse heading into central banks including the US investment horizon, viewing this
the final quarter of 2022, or will Federal Reserve signalled that as a compelling buying opportu-
policymaker-induced uncertainty they will stay the course in rising nity. This investor could consider
keep markets on edge? We discuss interest rates, reducing support adding more aggressive growth
below. for economic growth in an effort mutual funds and ETFs, willing
to tame inflation. to take on more risk in order to
Local Markets Down While the FOMC delivered its potentially earn higher returns in
The cross listed index (CLX), third consecutive 75-basis-point the long-run. It should be noted
comprising some of the largest rate hike in September, the Fed’s that this approach does not elim-
publicly-listed regional compa- uities has been precipitated by to a 13-1/2-year low. Taiwan eq- updated economic projections inate/mitigate the risks pervading
nies, led losses among the three the increasingly clouded macro uities slumped 32.5%, driven by and insistence that price stabili- financial markets, but instead po-
major indices, slipping 28.2%, as picture, as inflation proves to be concerns about the Federal Re- sation (and not growth) was its sitions a portfolio to benefit from
movements of index heavyweight ‘stickier’ than anticipated. This serve’s aggressive rate hikes and priority, cast further doubts on the recovery of some/all of its
NCBFG (down 43.8%) and its sub- was further exacerbated by the recession fears leading regulators the outlook for U.S markets. The holdings over time. As always, it
sidiary GHL (down 15.0%) dragged Federal Open Market Committee’s to tighten rules on short selling Fed now expects below-trend makes good sense to consult with
market performance down. (FOMC) hawkish stance, with Fed as a way to stabilize market sen- economic growth over the next an expert investment adviser such
The All Trinidad and Tobago Chair Jerome Powell highlighting timent. Asian equity markets (ex- few years, a significant rise in the as Bourse to make the most in-
Index (All T&T), while faring bet- that the Fed’s mission can’t be ac- cluding Japan) declined 28.1% in unemployment rate, and inflation formed investment decisions.
ter, declined 3.3% for 9M2022. complished without catalysing a 9M2022. to stay notably above its 2% target
Resultantly, the T&T Composite recession even after five consecu- China’s market was down 25.8% until at least 2024.
DISCLAIMER: “This document has
Index (TTCI) fell 10.3% to close tive rate hikes. for 9M2022, relative to a gain of In Europe, the outlook remains
been prepared by Bourse Securities
at 1,343.16. MASSY Holdings Ltd The Energy Select Sector SPDR 4.0% in 9M2021, weakening on gloomy as energy shocks amplify Limited, (“Bourse”), for information
(MASSY) and First Caribbean In- Fund (XLE) continues to be the the back of rolling Covid-19 lock- the erosion of household discre- purposes only. The production of
ternational Bank Ltd (FCI) were sole sector Exchange Traded downs and the property sector tionary income, increasing the this publication is not to in any way
the volume leaders on the First Fund (ETF) in positive territory slump. Hong Kong markets de- possibility of a sharp decline in establish an offer or solicit for the
Tier Market for 9M2022, with for US markets, up 29.8% as en- clined 26.9% in 9M2022. economic activity. The World subscription, purchase or sale of any
10.2M and 8.6M shares being ergy prices remain robust. On India equities remained rela- Bank improved its forecast for Eu- of the securities stated herein to US
traded respectively. the contrary, the communica- tively more resilient, falling 9.9% rope and Central Asia, expecting a persons or to contradict any laws of
tions sector, represented by the in 9M2022, compared to a 22.0% contraction of 0.2% in 2022 (pre- jurisdictions which would interpret
Communication Services Select gain in the prior period. While vious -2.9%) and growth of 0.3% in our research to be an offer. Any trade
Major Movers
Sector SPDR Fund (XLC), was the unable to offset negative global 2023 due to better-than-expected in securities recommended herein is
Agostini’s Ltd (AGL) and An-
worst performing sector during sentiment, India’s stock market resilience and growth in some of done subject to the fact that Bourse,
gostura Holdings Ltd (AHL) both
9M2022, down 38.3%. decline has been cushioned to an the region’s largest economies. its subsidiaries and/or affiliates have
advanced 38.5% respectively in
extent by its growth and earnings The World Bank on Thursday, or may have specific or potential
9M2022. AGL was boosted by
International Markets Stumble outperformance. October 6, slashed its growth fore- conflicts of interest in respect of the
the positive earnings impact of
European markets, as gauged Latin American markets de- cast for India to 6.5% year-on-year security or the issuer of the security,
acquisition activity, while AHL
by the Euro Stoxx 50, fell 33.5% clined a relatively minor 3.5% in for 2022/23, from an earlier esti- including those arising from (i) trading
was supported by improving
in 9M2022 as geopolitical ten- 9M2022, following a drop of 9.1% mate of 7.5%, warning that spillo- or dealing in certain securities and
earnings from higher domestic
sions continue to unsettle the in 9M2021. Brazil was the best per- vers from the Russia-Ukraine war acting as an investment advisor; (ii)
and international demand. Ca-
region and keep fuel prices el- forming market, rebounding 8.0% and global monetary tightening holding of securities of the issuer
nadian majority-owned banking
evated. Inflation continues to during the period. Brazilian elec- will weigh on the economic out- as beneficial owner; (iii) having
giant, Scotiabank T&T Limited
plague consumers, with central tions and the upcoming presiden- look. benefited, benefiting or to benefit
(SBTT), was up 14.5% for 9M2022.
banks attempting to subdue price tial runoff between Jair Bolsonaro China’s economic growth pro- from compensation arrangements;
T&T NGL Ltd (TTNGL) expanded
increases with aggressive rate and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to be jection was lowered by the World (iv) acting as underwriter in any
2.6% in 9M2022, on account of
hikes. England was the region’s held on October 30th 2022 could Bank to 2.8% compared with its distribution of securities of the issuer in
improved earnings due to robust
least-worst performing mar- move markets in the final quarter. previous forecast of 5.0% in April the three years immediately preceding
energy markets and increased
ket, down 23.0% as uncertainty Chile advanced 4.7% as world’s 2022, as the economy struggles this document; or (v) having direct or
profitability from its solitary in-
around the outlook for UK retail largest red metal producer bene- with a real-estate crunch and ze- indirect financial or other interest in the
vestee company Phoenix Park Gas
energy prices lingers despite the fitted from increased commodity ro-tolerance approach to COVID- security or the issuer of the security.
Processors Ltd (PPGPL). Guardian
Government’s announcements of prices, while wrestling with a vol- 19. Investors are advised accordingly.
Media Ltd (GML) increased 2.0%
support measures including an atile peso and runaway inflation. Neither Bourse nor any of its
for the period under review.
energy price guarantee. Germany Colombia rounded out 9M2022 as Equity Investor Considerations subsidiaries, affiliates directors, officers,
Major decliners for 9M2022 in-
and Italy were among the worst the worst performing Latin Amer- With heightened uncertainty on employees, representatives or agents,
cluded NCB Financial Group Ltd
performing markets in the region, ican market, down 29.4% as infla- recession fears, high inflation and accepts any liability whatsoever for any
(NCBFG down 43.8%), West In-
declining 35.3% and 34.9% respec- tion continued to trend upwards rising interest rates, investors may direct, indirect or consequential losses
dian Tobacco Company Ltd (WCO,
tively following a squeeze on en- and sentiment towards its new want err on the side of caution. arising from the use of this document
down 21.1%), Unilever Caribbean
ergy supplies. President Gustavo Petro declined For the Conservative or Low Risk or its contents or reliance on the
Ltd (UCL down 19.8%), First Cit-
Asian markets are careening amid his ambitious social agenda. Investor, opting for safety may information contained herein. Bourse
izens Group Financial Holdings does not guarantee the accuracy or
(FCGFH down 19.7%) and National towards their worst performance be the most prudent approach in
since the Covid-19 pandemic Investment Outlook the current volatile markets, by completeness of the information in
Flour Mills Ltd (NFMdown 19.0%). this document, which may have been
began, impacted by a stronger U.S Domestic companies continue reallocating portfolios to lower
dollar and rising global recession to face the challenge of acceler- risk securities and settling for a obtained from or is based upon trade
US Markets Lower and statistical services or other third
fears. ating price pressures, with vary- lower return on investments. This
The S&P 500 posted its third party sources. The information in this
South Korea equities led losses ing degrees of ability to pass on includes moving to cash or near-
straight quarter of losses for the document is not intended to predict
among the region, declining higher input costs (transportation, cash holdings such as income
first time since 2009, down 24.8% actual results and no assurances are
40.2% in 9M 2022, as the coun- raw materials etc.) to consumers. mutual funds, repurchase agree-
in 9M 2022. The sell-off in U.S eq- given with respect thereto.”
try’s currency (Korean Won) fell According to the Central Bank’s ments where their investment
18 opinion Monday, October 10, 2022

HR is important in an era of global expansion

CAVELLE JOSEPH  ST OMER for example; they leverage their world-
wide HR function as a source of compet-
If there is one thing that working through a pan- itive advantage.
demic has underscored, it is just how important So if you’re considering a global po-
thinking globally has become. Faced with a world- sitioning for your organisation for the
wide disaster, companies had to navigate unprec- first time, the goal is to build sustaina-
edented market disruption across every continent ble competitive advantage by attracting
(at the same time), and Human Resources teams and developing the best managerial tal-
across the globe were pushed to their limits, bal- ent in each of your company’s markets.
ancing employees’ health challenges, workplace search has shown that for a significant Your firm’s strategy must align with a
trials, with ever-evolving health and safety guide- percentage of multinationals, HR devel- strong HR strategy that demands global
lines that varied from continent to continent and opment and career management poli- HR leadership with standard systems
changed often, but affected every aspect of the cies have tended to concentrate on and but local adaptation. The fundamental
business. favour the nationals of the headquarters idea is to satisfy your company’s global
We all know that the world is increasingly in- country. Only the brightest local stars human resources needs via a human
terconnected. In our current environment, the were given the career management skills capital supply chain feeder at regional,
importance of having a global Human Resources and overseas assignments necessary to national and local levels, and to leverage
strategy has never been more necessary — or more President of HRMATT, develop an international mindset. As a your current assets to the fullest extent
challenging. Advances in technology enable start- Cavelle Joseph - St Omer consequence, lack of global multicultural by actively engaging people in develop-
ups to swiftly move into international markets, managerial talent is now eating away at ing their own careers.
expanding their opportunities and brands on a ganisation comes down to getting the companies’ bottom lines through high If companies are to truly handle the
global basis. In doing so, HR can play a leading right people in the right jobs in the right staff turnover, high training costs, stag- challenges of globalisation, maxim-
role, the importance of which cannot be under- places at the right times and at the right nant market shares, failed joint ventures ise their benefits and shift to a knowl-
stated. cost. International managers must, how- and mergers and the high opportunity edge-based economy, they must develop
The world of global HR is an opportunity for HR ever, be meshed into a cohesive network costs that inevitably follow bad hiring systems that “walk their talk” that peo-
professionals to differentiate themselves, espe- which requires that they identify and lev- decisions around the globe. ple are their most valuable resource.
cially if it has been a long-time aspiration, because erage good ideas worldwide. Companies new to the global scene A global HR mindset will ensure that a
the field has never been so critical. The scarcity of For this network to be sustainable, it is continue to discover that the war on tal- domestic or multinational company has
qualified managers has become a major constraint dependent on executive continuity. This ent is real. They have challenges finding the right talent, managerial mobility and
on the speed with which multinational or domes- in turn requires career management to savvy, trustworthy managers for their cultural mix to manage effectively all of
tic companies thinking of going multinational, can ensure that internal qualified executives overseas markets. This holds true for its operating units and growth opportu-
expand their international sales. The growth of are readily available when vacancies companies across the technology and nities and that its managers mesh into a
the knowledge-based society, along with the pres- occur around the world and that good manufacturing spectrum, from software knowledge-sharing network with com-
sures of opening up emerging markets, has led managers do not jump ship because they manufacturers to textile companies that mon values.
cutting-edge global companies to recognise now have not been managed right or recog- have to manage a global supply chain.
more than ever that human resources and intel- nised. The pressure is therefore on for newly The Human Resource Management Association
lectual capital are as significant as financial assets Few organisations achieve this. A num- globalising companies to cut the tri- of T&T (HRMATT) is the leading voice of the
in building sustainable competitive advantage. To ber of multinational companies do not al-and-error time in building a cadre of Human Resource Profession locally. HRMATT
have the leadership capital they need to Says is a column meant to address issues and
follow their lead, chief executives in other multi- global managers in order to shorten the concerns of professionals and the general public
national companies will have to bridge the gap be- perform effectively in all their markets leads of their larger, established compet- focused on Human Capital Development. Today’s
tween their companies’ human resources rhetoric around the world. One dominant reason itors, but they are stymied as to how to article is written by HRMATT’s president and
and reality. HR must now be given a prominent for this is the lack of managerial mobility. do it. Senior Human Resource and Industrial Relations
seat in the boardroom. Neither companies nor individuals have Companies entering the global arena Executive, Cavelle Joseph – St. Omer, SHRM-SCP,
Good HR management in a multinational or- come to terms with the role that manage- must find ways to emulate companies MBA, B.Sc. Learn more about HRMATT by visiting
rial mobility now has to play in marrying our website:
that have decades of experience in re-
business strategy with HR strategy and in Contact us at: 687-5523 or via email: secretariat@
cruiting, training and retaining good em-
ensuring that careers are developed for ployees across the globe. Many of these
both profitability, mobility and employ- global enterprises are American and Eu- Join us on October 12, 2022 for the 2nd edition of
ability. ropean. Take Unilever and the Interna- HRMATT C-Suite Conversations: Going Global, at
Ethnocentricity is another reason. Re- tional Business Machines Corporation, the Hyatt Regency, Trinidad.

The damage has already been done

The damage has already been done! This in Barbados, whose Form One children, international organisations like to “inno-
is in light of the recent outrage of parents unbeknownst to them, had partaken in cently” act.
a “survey” the Inter-American I call on all parents here in Trinidad
Bank (IDB) administered to them and Tobago to make it clear to our pri-
this last Monday, October 3, mary and secondary school-aged chil-
under the guise of a “computer dren that if they come into contact with
test.” any “survey” that they deem inappropri-
In a brief statement, the IDB ate or that makes them feel uncomforta-
said it “sincerely apologises ble, that they stand up, make their voices
while stressing that no offence heard and walk out!
was intended.” We have to stand up now! We have to
Can we truly believe that ask- make it very clear that we will not accept
ing students inappropriate and such blatant disregard and disrespect to
personal intimate information our hard-earned taxpayers’ money that
on themselves and their parents goes into making sure our children’s
at 11 years of age without par- education not be interfered with such
ents’ consent would not cause gross and psychologically damaging in-
some sort of outrage? formation.
The apologies come after the We have to realise and understand very
damage has already been done. clearly that we the parents and citizens
While the IDB promises to de- of this country, and in the Caribbean,
stroy the papers, what guaran- have the power in our hands and can and
tee is there that they will keep should demand better from those placed
their word? The parents have by us to be in authority, that we will not
demanded to see the papers and accept our children to be pawns in their
they have every right to do so. so-called experiments.
We parents here in Trinidad
need to be very vigilant and
cautious as this seems to be the GABRIELA ROOPNARINE,
modus operandi in which these via email
Monday, October 10, 2022 opinion 19
Who we go put?
didate Nunez-Tesheira has pub- This Budget debate and en-
licly aired her concerns about suing events have confirmed to
the number of days for voting, the population that the country
storage of ballot boxes after the has gone past the “leaderships”
first round of voting, member- of both PM Rowley and Oppo-
ward, or he would be following ship listings and requirements sition Leader Persad-Bissessar
Mrs Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s regarding new registrants. It and their cronies. Who we go

Ramona Ramdial selfish example. After all, he

said in 2020 that this was going
to be his last term in office. He
would serve the PNM party well
if an independent body ran its
elections. In this way, the pro-
put as PNM leader? Pennelope,
Camille, Karen, Amery or Brian?
Who we go put as UNC leader?
Former Minister/MP would gain much more respect cess is free and fair and would Vasant, Roodal, Fuad, Rushton
and adoration if he bowed out instil confidence in its demo- or Jearlean? Which party is in-
gracefully, leading into legacy. cratic principles. The PNM can terested in good governance

ast Friday, PM Dr Keith Row- damp squib at the end of the re- The membership badly wants always follow the current UNC and on winning government to
ley’s attempt to explain and sponses from most. There was just change but must look closely at leadership’s example of rigged effect it? Take your pick people
apologise for his ministers ONE day of protest from the divided the election process, since can- internal elections though. and start actioning it!
and his own insensitive and opposing forces of the UNC and the
insulting post-Budget statements unions and then normal disservice
came off as insincere. It seemed resumed. Are the opposing forces
more a reaction to severe public really serious at all? No fight. No fire.
backlash, leaving him no choice No credibility. No inspiration. The
but to try to defend himself and his people have no effective defence
high-flying underlings when he de- against this Government.
scribed the citizenry as “on edge” Our country’s governance has
and “irritated.” reached rock bottom, even as our
One wonders if the plan at their Ministers of Education led us into
Cabinet caucus was to try to ‘gas- deep waters on Thursday with a be-
light’ and trigger the citizens into lated school closure. There was flash
an uproar as a coping mechanism flooding across the country since
post-Budget: Divert national dis- Wednesday, with many schools
enchantment into focus on absurd dismissing early and by Thursday
statements and away from inescap- morning, many parents, including
able, overriding Government in- myself, kept our kids at home. We
competencies. The few ministerial first heard of a Facebook post at 7.08
minstrels would “take it for the am on Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dol-
team,” with the population expected ly’s personal page that all schools
to forget their tomfoolery in a week. were to be closed. We know politi-
Nevertheless, after giving us such cians’ pages are “prone to hacking”
a harsh Budget, I am now convinced though and the official page of the
that this seven-year-old Government Ministry of Education only posted
is bereft of ideas to boost the econ- at 7.37 am. Did the minister want to
omy and put the people first. The “steal a march” on her own minis-
business sector as well is not insu- try? Junior Minister of Education,
lated from the effects of a poorly Lisa Morris-Julian’s “you big and
managed economy, since most have have sense” retort on the day to
not been paid their VAT returns. citizens seeking guidance from her
Business magnate Arthur Lok Jack can be translated as, “You looking to
has roasted Minister Imbert for not me for leadership? Hard luck. Lead
meeting this commitment. The Fi- yuhself!” The epitome of bungling
nance Minister now seems more leadership! The ministers would
muggle than self-professed “Wiz- have participated punctually in the
ard.” ex parte prevention of pedagogue
Disappointingly, the Opposition protest on Budget Day but slept in
did not decimate the Government late themselves when it came to the
during the Budget debate, as most safety and convenience of students
of their MPs were dull and uncon- and their parents. Failure grade!
vincing in their responses. It was a As the governing party stumbles
regurgitation of past manifestos with along in office, the PNM internal
nothing new or innovative. Hardly election campaigns are heating up.
any recommendations were given Kudos to Karen Nunez-Tesheira
to fix our pressing financial position for filing nominations for political
and the strongest responses to the leader. In their party’s interest, Pen-
insulting comments from the var- nelope Beckles and Camille Robin-
ious ministers came in the form of son-Regis would be advised to follow
memes on social media. suit. A first female political leader of
Dr Moonilal’s half-hearted attempt the PNM is long overdue and the
at impugning the characters of Gov- current leadership of the party has
ernment MPs backfired, as MP Rob- become quite unpopular under the
inson-Regis waded deep into those bullish leadership of political leader
of many on the other side. The tired, Dr Keith Rowley. He should step
toothless seven-year-old rhetoric aside and allow his party to elect
of “Call de elections now” was the the best leader possible going for-

job hunter
10 things great
bosses do
every day

— PAGE 22
20 Monday, October 10, 2022

Trinidad & Tobago

Mucola Markovich,
76, wipes a tear as

he stands next to a
building that was
heavily damaged
after a Russian
attack at a
residential area in

Ukraine, yesterday.

‘A time bomb’: Anger rising in a

hot spot of Iran protests
Growing up under a repressive time-bomb,” she said, speak-
system, Sharo, a 35-year-old uni- ing to The Associated Press via ZAPORIZHZHIA, UKRAINE

Ukraine: Russian strikes kill

versity graduate, never thought Telegram messenger service.
she would hear words of open The anti-government protests
rebellion spoken out loud. in Sanandaj, 300 miles (500
Now she herself chants slogans kilometres) from the capital, are
like “Death to the Dictator!” with
a fury she didn’t know she had,
as she joins protests calling for
a microcosm of the leaderless
protests that have roiled Iran.
Led largely by women and
at least 12 after bridge blast
toppling the country’s rulers. youth, they have evolved from The couple cowered under a “When it will be rebuilt, I don’t linking Russia with the Crimean
Sharo said that after three spontaneous mass gatherings blanket in the early hours of yes- know,” he said. “I am left with- Peninsula, which Moscow an-
weeks of protests, triggered by in central areas to scattered terday when they heard missiles out an apartment at the end of nexed eight years ago. The attack
the death of a young woman in demonstrations in residential headed again for their city, which my life.” on the Kerch Bridge damaged an
the custody of the feared moral- areas, schools and universities has suffered repeated barrages as The strikes come as Russia important supply route for the
ity police, anger at the authorities as activists try to evade an in- Russian and Ukrainian forces bat- has suffered a series of setbacks Kremlin’s faltering war effort
is only rising, despite a bloody creasingly brutal crackdown. tle for control of territory Mos- nearly eight months after invad- and a towering symbol of Russia’s
crackdown that has left dozens Tensions rose again Saturday in cow has illegally annexed. ing Ukraine n a campaign many power in the region.
dead and hundreds in detention. Sanandaj after rights monitors said “There was one explosion, then thought would be short-lived. In Recent fighting has focused on
“The situation here is tense and two protesters were shot dead and another one,” Mucola Markovich recent weeks, Ukrainian forces the regions just north of Crimea,
volatile,” she said, referring to the several were wounded, following said. Then, in a flash, the fourth- have staged a counteroffensive, including Zaporizhzhia, and
city of Sanandaj in the majority a resumption of demonstrations. floor apartment he shared with retaking areas in the south and Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Kurdish home district of the same Residents said there has his wife was gone, the 76-year- east, while Moscow’s decision to Zelenskyy lamented the latest at-
name in northwestern Iran, one been a heavy security pres- old said, holding back tears as he call up more troops led to pro- tack in a Telegram post.
of the hot spots of the protests. ence in the city, with constant described the overnight strikes tests and an exodus of tens of “Again, Zaporizhzhia. Again,
“We are just waiting for patrols and security person- on Zaporizhzhia that brought thousands of Russians. merciless attacks on civilians,
something to happen, like a nel stationed on major streets. down a section of an apartment The latest setback was an ex- targeting residential buildings,
building and left at least a dozen plosion Saturday that caused in the middle of the night,” he
WARREN, MICHIGAN people dead. the partial collapse of a bridge wrote. (AP STORIES)

Michigan GOP statewide candidates ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA

stick to far-right message

Russian analyst set to face
trial on charges of lying to FBI
With voting underway in Michi- cheers, relying on a general elec-
gan’s general election, the Republi- tion strategy that appeals to the
can nominee for secretary of state most far-right voters is a gamble
stepped on stage as a warm-up for Michigan Republicans.
act for former President Donald Candidates who have to play to Five years after the term “Steele As part of its efforts to verify in-
Trump and hit hard on the main their party’s base during primaries dossier” entered the political lexi- formation in the dossier, the FBI
theme of her campaign. or nominating conventions often con, a think tank analyst who con- interviewed Danchenko in 2017.
Kristina Karamo repeated un- shift toward the center, aiming to tributed to research about Donald He is charged with lying to
founded assertions about the 2020 attract more voters for the general Trump and Russia goes on trial agents about his information
presidential election that have election. But that hasn’t happened Tuesday for lying to the FBI about sources, with prosecutors accus-
been repeatedly debunked. She this year for the Republicans seek- his sources of information. ing Danchenko of misleading the
told the crowd at the recent rally ing Michigan’s top three statewide Igor Danchenko is the third FBI in an effort to make his own
at Macomb Community College offices — governor, attorney gen- person to be prosecuted by Spe- contributions seem more credible.
that “authoritarians” are giving eral and secretary of state. cial Counsel John Durham, who Prosecutors say Danchenko lied
millions to her Democratic oppo- The November 8 election will was appointed to investigate the when the FBI asked him about
nent—Secretary of State Jocelyn test whether campaigns designed origins of “Crossfire Hurricane” — how he obtained the information
Benson—in an attempt to “corrupt to resonate with the far-right and the designation given to the FBI’s Igor he gave to Steele. Specifically, they
battleground state election sys- highlight strong ties to Trump will Danchenko
2016 probe into former president say he denied that he relied on a
tems so they can control America.” be enough to win in a traditional Trump’s Russia connections. It is Democratic operative, Charles
“If you look at history, it shows swing state, where the Republican also the first of Durham’s cases The compilation of research Dolan, a public relations executive
you what tyrants do,” said Kar- incumbent lost the White House that delves deeply into the origins files, which included salacious ru- who volunteered for Hillary Clin-
amo, a former community college race to Democrat challenger Joe of the dossier that Trump derided mours and unproven assertions, ton’s presidential 2016 campaign.
professor. “History is telling us, Biden by more than 154,000 votes as fake news and a political witch came to be familiarly known as Prosecutors also say Danchenko
history is screaming to us, that if in 2020. hunt. the “Steele dossier.” Though the lied when he said he received in-
we don’t step up and fight now, All three GOP candidates stood Here’s some background on dossier did not help launch the formation from an anonymous
we will lose the greatest country behind Trump during the October what the case is about. FBI’s investigation into potential phone call that he believed was
in human history.” 1 rally at the college about 20 miles Danchenko, a Russian analyst, coordination between Russia and placed by a man named Sergei
It was an address designed to rev north of Detroit, joined by Rep. was a source of information for Trump’s 2016 presidential cam- Millian, a former president of
up the crowd of devoted Trump Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Geor- Christopher Steele, a former Brit- paign, the Justice Department the Russian-American Cham-
followers, some of whom have gia, and MyPillow CEO Mike Lin- ish spy who was paid by Dem- did rely on it when it applied for ber of Commerce. They argue
latched onto the baseless QAnon dell, who has amplified Trump’s ocrats to research ties between and received warrants to monitor Danchenko knew that Millian
conspiracy theory. election falsehoods to audiences Russia and presidential candidate the communications of a former wasn’t a source of any anonymous
While Karamo’s speech drew across the country. Donald Trump. Trump campaign adviser. phone call. 21
Le reclaman a Maduro por no hacer trabajos de

en prevención para evitar tragedia en Las Tejerías

el digesto
Análisis de entorno: El mundo es
para adelante y no para atrás
En medio de la tragedia ocurrida das y cauces? Lo que traía el río
Lo cierto es que EE UU siempre en Las Tejerías, Nicolás Maduro era de todo ¿Por qué tanta indo- They claim Maduro for not
va a anteponer sus intereses a los Environment analysis: publicó un mensaje para anunciar lencia?”, le reclamó una tuitera a doing prevention work to
de cualquier otro. Por eso son la The world is forward and trabajos en la zona y asegurar que Maduro. Otro comentario que se avoid tragedy in Las Tejerías
nación que son, que genera admi- not backward apoyan a los habitantes del muni- leyó fue: “¡Navidades felices! Que-
ración y respeto; tanto por parte cipio Santos Michelena, en el es- riendo tapar el sol con circo y la In the midst of the tragedy that
occurred in Las Tejerías, Nicolás
de los que los quieren, como de The truth is that the US will always tado Aragua. Sin embargo, varios naturaleza nos está dando hasta
put its interests before those of Maduro published a message to
los que los rechazan. tuiteros lo criticaron por no hacer con el tobo, en donde se ve que announce work in the area and
Nuevamente comenzaron los any other. That is why they are the trabajos de prevención y evitar este país es un desastre en todos ensure that they support the
profetas del optimismo fantasi- nation they are, which generates esta situación. los aspectos”. inhabitants of the Santos Michelena
oso a interpretar el intercambio admiration and respect; both by
“Frente a la difícil y dolorosa sit- Las fuertes lluvias de este municipality, in the state of Aragua.
those who love them, and those However, several tweeters criticized
de prisioneros como algo bueno. who reject them. uación ocasionada por las fuertes sábado provocaron el desbordam-
Hay que decir que, para los invo- lluvias en Las Tejerías, ordené a la iento de la quebrada Los Patos. him for not doing prevention work
Once again the prophets and avoiding this situation.
lucrados, de lado y lado, fue algo of fanciful optimism began to vicepresidenta Delcy Rodríguez, En videos que circularon en las
“Faced with the difficult and
bueno, porque estaban presos y interpret the prisoner exchange as al Gabinete Social y a todos los redes sociales se vio cómo el agua painful situation caused by the
ahora están libres… y eso ya es something good. It must be said organismos de seguridad, el máx- arrasó con todo lo que encontró a heavy rains in Las Tejerías, I ordered
algo. that, for those involved, on both imo despliegue para la atención su paso. Vice President Delcy Rodríguez,
Hace meses, cuando en marzo sides, it was a good thing, because integral del pueblo ¡No están Luego de lo ocurrido, la infor- the Social Cabinet and all security
llegó la primera avanzada de EE they were imprisoned and now solos!”, escribió el mandatario mación oficial no ha sido opor- agencies, the maximum deployment
UU, yo les comentaba que, en they are free... and that is already en su cuenta. Ante este mensaje, tuna. Sin embargo, periodistas for the comprehensive care of the
realidad, al estar Carstens en la something. algunos usuarios lo criticaron al han acudido a la zona y han repor- people. They are not alone!” The
Months ago, when the first president wrote in his account.
misión, se trataba de una nego- considerar que se pudieron hacer tado cómo se encuentra al lugar, Criticism of Maduro for the Las
advance party from the United
ciación de rehenes, porque hay States arrived in March, I told them trabajos para evitar lo sucedido. además de indicar de forma ex- Tejerías tragedy.
que recordar que él es el nego- that, in reality, since Carstens was “Yo me pregunto, si con antel- traoficial que el saldo de muertos Given this message, some users
ciador de rehenes de la Casa on the mission, it was a hostage ación sabían de la tormenta, ¿por es de al menos 18 personas, pero criticized it, considering that work
Blanca. Todo lo demás, fue acce- negotiation, because you have to qué no desplegaron esa misma la cifra podría aumentar, ya que could be done to avoid what
sorio a la misión… petróleo, elec- remember that he is the hostage atención para despejar las quebra- mantienen las labores de rescate. happened.
ciones… nada de eso importaba, negotiator of the White House.
y el tiempo me dio la razón… Everything else was incidental
nada de lo que anunciaban (de
más producción, de Chevrón, de
to the mission... oil, elections...
none of that mattered, and time
Preocupación por aumento de casos de tuberculosis
alivio de sanciones, de abrir con-
sulado) pasó.
proved me right... none of what
was announced (more production, en la población warao de Delta Amacuro
Chevron, sanctions relief, opening a
Claro en ese momento soltaron Según datos extraoficiales, tan un riesgo la falta de tratamiento
consulate) happened. .
dos rehenes en Venezuela, y Of course, at that moment they solo en Bonoina, una comuni- en el hospital Dr. Luis Razetti de Concern over the increase in
como nadie de los dos lados ex- released two hostages in Venezuela, dad indígena warao ubicada en Tucupita. Pues, este es el cen- tuberculosis cases in the Warao
plicó nada, pues solo quedaron and since no one from both sides la parroquia Manuel Renaud, del tro de salud más importante en population of Delta Amacuro
las especulaciones, las que decían explained anything, well, only municipio Antonio Díaz, hay 15 Delta Amacuro.
que ahora sí éramos amigos y que speculation remained, saying that casos de tuberculosis. En su lugar, misioneros de la According to unofficial data, only
El progresivo aumento de congregación Consolata han so- in Bonoina, a Warao indigenous
el petróleo venezolano podría sal- now we were friends and that
Venezuelan oil could save Europe; community located in the Manuel
var a Europa; y los que, como yo, casos de tuberculosis en la po- corrido a los afectados y le han Renaud parish, in the Antonio Díaz
les decía que bajaran las expecta- and those who, like me, told them blación warao del estado Delta facilitado parte del tratamiento municipality, there are 15 cases of
tivas, porque eso no era así… no to lower their expectations, because Amacuro ha causado preocu- en la capital deltana. tuberculosis.
fue así entonces. that wasn’t like that… it wasn’t like pación en la comunidad en gen- Otra de las comunidades con The progressive increase in
that then. tuberculosis cases in the Warao
Luego vino la segunda visita la eral. infecciones es Kayanajo, una po-
Then came the second visit, population of the Delta Amacuro state
cual seguramente fue más fuerte which was surely stronger than Hasta la primera semana blación warao ubicada a 15 minu-
que la primera, pues les tomó de octubre se registraron 25 tos de navegación de Bonoina. has caused concern in the community
the first, because it took time and in general.
tiempo y costó, de lado y lado, cost, from side to side, to agree nuevos casos en la región, todos Estas realizan constantemente Until the first week of October,
acordar primero, e implementar first, and implement later. The legal proveniente del Bajo Delta y co- intercambios de varios alimen- 25 new cases were registered in the
después. El aparato jurídico que apparatus that was deployed in munidades cercanas, reseñó el tos como el pescado, ocumo y region, all from the Lower Delta and
se desplegó en EE UU con perdón the US, including a presidential portal Radio Fe y Alegría Noti- plátano. nearby communities, reported the
presidencial incluido, tuvo un pardon, had a very strong political cias. Hasta el momento, hay cinco Radio Fe y Alegría Noticias portal.
costo político muy fuerte para el cost for the government, which Según datos extraoficiales, tan casos que están siendo aten- According to unofficial data, only
gobierno, que desestabilizó y de- destabilized and weakened the solo en Bonoina, una comuni- didos, pero es posible que el in Bonoina, a Warao indigenous
global negotiating position of the community located in the Manuel
bilitó la posición de negociación dad indígena warao ubicada en número sea mayor.
US with the rest of the countries Renaud parish, in the Antonio Díaz
global de EE UU con el resto de la parroquia Manuel Renaud, del Esto debido a que hay varias municipality, there are 15 cases of
that they consider a threat... their
los países que consideran una enemies. municipio Antonio Díaz, hay 15 personas con síntoma similares tuberculosis.
amenaza… sus enemigos. Porque Because Marco Rubio’s casos de tuberculosis. a la tuberculosa pero que no se However, the concern lies in the
las reflexiones de Marco Rubio, reflections, biased or not, make all Sin embargo, la preocupación encuentran bajo observación high capacity of infection that this
parcializadas o no, tienen todo el the sense in the world; the enemy recae en la alta capacidad de médica. disease has. So it is possible that the
sentido del mundo; los países en- countries will dedicate themselves infección que tiene esta enfer- De acuerdo con el portal, los number of patients will double or
emigos se dedicarán a cazar nor- to hunting civilian Americans in the medad. Por lo que es posible casos sospechosos no han reci- triple between the second half of
October and December of this year.
teamericanos civiles en el resto rest of the world, to later exchange que el número de pacientes se bido tratamiento debido a que On the other hand, a source
del mundo, para luego canjearlos them for those that the United duplique o triplique entre la primero es necesario confirmar revealed to the aforementioned
por los que pueda tener EE UU States may have in its power. segunda quincena de octubre y que tienen tuberculosis. Según medium that the lack of treatment at
en su poder. Y, a la vista de que And, in view of the fact that diciembre de este año. la fuente consultada, también la the Dr. Luis Razetti hospital in Tucupita
the ex-military were imprisoned, Por otra parte, una fuente comunidad de Nabasanuka pre-
los exmilitares quedaron presos, also represents a risk. Well, this is the
well, everyone already knows that most important health center in Delta
pues ya todos saben que hay que civilians must be hunted down. reveló al medio antes mencio- senta dos casos confirmados de
cazar civiles. nado que también representa la enfermedad. Amacuro.
22 job hunter Monday, October 10, 2022

10 things great bosses do every day

A great boss shares information A great boss looks for and your expense, causing you extra
Have you ever worked for celebrates wins stress or making it necessary for
an information hoarder? Some Great bosses don’t have a you to stay late to catch up.
bosses seem to think that every “Why should I praise you for Bad bosses only see their em-
piece of information they share doing your job?” attitude. They ployees from the perspective
reduces their power and author- look for reasons to praise their of how the employees reflect
ity. In fact, just the opposite is employees, both privately and on them. If their employees
true: great bosses know that publicly, and they take the time are doing a great job, they look
sharing information empowers to celebrate milestones, instead good; if their employees are
their employees, instead of di- of just driving everybody on to performing poorly, they look
luting their own power. the next project or deadline. bad. Great bosses, on the other
They understand that getting hand, see their employees as
A great boss puts a lot of a paycheck doesn’t cancel out more than just extensions of
thought into hiring that inherent need to feel val- themselves. They’re able to get
Bad bosses think nothing of ued and appreciated. inside their employees’ skins
hiring a jerk with great creden- and understand things from
tials because they’re only inter- A great boss respects your time their perspective. That doesn’t
ested in how that person will Great bosses don’t give you mean they’re pushovers, or that
perform. Great bosses think of the impression that their time goes wrong. They’ll throw their em- part of themselves into the work
they just say, “Oh, sorry you’re
the entire team. They recognize is more valuable than yours. ployees under the proverbial bus they do. They say thank you, even if
having a bad day; don’t worry
that their current employees are They don’t keep you waiting without a second thought. Great it is “just part of the job.”
about that deadline.” But it does
going to have to work with the for scheduled meetings. They bosses understand that a large part
mean that they recognize their
new hire every single day, and show up prepared and get to the of their job is being accountable for A great boss doesn’t forget that
employees are human and that people have lives outside of work
they look for someone who will point, instead of trying to im- the team’s performance. They know
they treat them as such. Bad bosses tend to see people
complement the team holisti- press you. And they don’t goof that this just goes along with accept-
ing a managerial role. That doesn’t as one-dimensional: they show up
cally, rather than just fill in a off on your time. It’s not that A great boss is accountable
mean that they don’t offer the team and get the work done, and the
certain skills gap. they’re unwilling to have fun Bad bosses are quick to point
feedback on what is going wrong, boss doesn’t have to worry about
at work, but they don’t do it at the finger when something
but it does mean that they take the them again until the next day. Great
blame publicly. Even privately, they bosses, on the other hand, never for-
see the team’s failure as a failure of get that work is just one facet of their
leadership on their part, and they employees’ lives. They never forget
act quickly to correct it. that they have families, friends, hob-
bies, and other interests and obliga-
A great boss says thank you tions outside of work, and they don’t
Bad bosses think the work their infringe on their “real” lives — by
employees do is something the em- asking someone to work late, for ex-
ployees owe them. After all, they’re ample — without a very good reason.
getting paychecks, right? That’s true And when they do have a good rea-
— but great bosses look past work as son, they acknowledge that they’re

127,&(2)9$&$1&< a transactional relationship and re-

alize that people are putting a huge
asking for a sacrifice and express
their gratitude accordingly.



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Monday, October 10, 2022 23
Deelish Exotique Artistry

L egacy Carnival launched The big band is best known as

their 2023 presentation of A one of the longest-running mas
Tik Tok Affair at Ibiza Night Club bands in Trinidad & Tobago’s
acy prides itself on providing the
right mix of great “vibes” and
efficient service for a wonderful
and producer of Carnival cos-
tumes for festivals all over the
in 2020, with its presentation

and Lounge Rust Street St Clair Carnival. Trini Carnival experience. The band was among the top PHOTOS BY
on Saturday 1st October. As an All-Inclusive band, Leg- Legacy is also a major designer 10 in the last Parade of the Bands KERWIN PIERRE

Groove Wanderlust
24 rec Monday, October 10, 2022

Despers offers T&T solution

to release the tension
SANDRA L BLOOD cases exercise, food, socialising and music, and as diverse as the steel pan is, any part, thereof.
The fundraiser-themed Rel-Ease De Tension
As a hefty volume of T&T continues to feel kicks off at 6 am with a mini fun run/walk mar-
a sense of disquiet arising out of wide-rang- athon of 5K from the panyard, Tragarete Road,
ing indiscipline, adverse weather conditions, Newtown, POS.
cost of living and other unpleasing activities, The route: up Stanmore Avenue—the western
the longest reigning national Panorama side of the yard, then east onto and around the
champion, and leading champion in the com- Queen’s Park Savannah, then back down Stan-
Desperadoes Steel Orchestra more Avenue into the panyard, with each partici-
during their performance of More petition ring, these, from 2020, Desperadoes
Steel Orchestra, is encouraging the public to pant expected to receive a medal. This leg moves
Sokah at Panorama final 2020.
Despers still reigns as champion. make better choices to release the tension. into the segment, After Run/Walk Bunch Lime
On October 16, they offer an option that en- Trini Breakfast which includes a Pan Jam from 8
am until.
Breakfast will comprise coconut and fried bakes;
pan and carrot cakes; rolls; muffins; homemade,
coconut sweet, and banana, breads; sides/fillings;
wraps; fried pies; scrambled eggs; sausages; and
buljol with beverages.
Same-day registration, children and the elderly
are also accommodated. Each runner or walker
will receive a numbered bib upon registration.
Online registration:, or
at the panyard: October 7 and 8 between 6-8 pm,
and daily thereafter.
For $325: 5K, breakfast, lime and music; $200:
Breakfast, lime and music; $125: 5K, lime and
music; and for those who simply want to ease the
tension with music alone: $40.
Rel-Ease De Tension was the brainchild of the
former management of Desperadoes—the Transi-
tion Team led by Dr Finbar Fletcher—a couple of
years ago and is now being executed by the new
The organisers strongly advise getting a good
night’s rest and up carbs and calories leading up
to the 5K run/walk to afford adequate body fuel;
ensure feet are well-adapted to footwear, cloth-
ing is appropriate, a satisfactory bill of health,
the proper practice of COVID-19-safety protocols
when necessary—arm self with a mask or two; and
come out and enjoy the fun.
Proceeds go towards defraying outstanding ex-
penditure and assisting the needy.

Illustration of some breakfast goodies expected at

Desperadoes fundraiser, Rel-Ease De Tension, carded
for October 16.
Monday, October 10, 2022 quik flix 25
Members of
South Korean
K-pop band BTS

K-pop group BTS members face

possible military conscription
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA (AP)— competitions triggered serious
South Korea’s military appears debate about the fairness of the
to want to conscript members system.
of the K-pop supergroup BTS for Since the draft forces young
mandatory military duties, as the men to suspend their professional
public remains sharply divided careers or studies, the dodging
over whether they should be given of military duties or creation of
exemptions. exemptions is a highly sensitive
Lee Ki Sik, commissioner of the issue.
Military Manpower Administration, In one recent survey, about
told lawmakers on Friday that it’s 61% of respondents supported
“desirable” for BTS members to exemptions for entertainers such
fulfill their military duties to ensure as BTS, while in another, about 54%
fairness in the country’s military said BTS members should serve in
service. the military.
Earlier this week, Defense Several amendments of the
Minister Lee Jong-sup made almost conscription law that would pave
identical comments about BTS at a the way for BTS members to be
parliamentary committee meeting, exempted have been introduced in
and Culture Minister Park Bo Gyoon the National Assembly, but haven’t
said his ministry would soon finalise been voted on with lawmakers
its position on the issue. sharply divided on the matter.
Whether the band’s seven Lee, the defense minister, earlier
members must serve in the army is said he had ordered officials to
one of the hottest issues in South consider conducting a public survey
Korea because its oldest member, to help determine whether to grant
Jin, faces possible enlistment exemptions to BTS. But the Defense
early next year after turning 30 in Ministry later said it would not
December. carry out such a survey.
Under South Korean law, all able- In August, Lee said if BTS
bodied men are required to perform members join the military, they
18-21 months of military service. But would likely be allowed to continue
the law provides special exemptions practicing and to join other non-
for athletes, classical and traditional serving BTS members in overseas
musicians, and ballet and other group tours.
dancers who have won top prizes in People who are exempted from
certain competitions that enhance the draft are released from the
national prestige. military after three weeks of basic
Without a revision of the law, training.
the government can take steps They are also required to
to grant special exemptions. But perform 544 hours of volunteer
past exemptions for people who work and continue serving in their
performed well in non-designated professional fields for 34 months.

Liverpool to host 2023 Eurovision

Song Contest for Ukraine
LONDON (AP) — The 2023 won this year’s contest. Britain’s
Eurovision Song Contest will Sam Ryder came second.
be staged in the English city of Organisers concluded it was too
Liverpool, the BBC said Friday, risky to stage the event in Ukraine,
after Britain was asked to hold the so the 2023 contest went to Britain,
event on behalf of designated host which says the event will be a
country Ukraine. celebration of Ukrainian culture and
The birthplace of The Beatles creativity.
beat Glasgow, Scotland, the other BBC Director-General Tim Davie
UK finalist. In all, seven British said Liverpool, “the undisputed
cities had applied to hold the pan- capital of pop music,” would
continental music competition. The be “an amazing host.” British
2023 Eurovision final will be held Prime Minister Liz Truss said on
on May 13. Twitter that “Liverpool will put
Ukraine won the right to host the on an unforgettable show which
pop extravaganza when its entry, celebrates the rich culture and
folk-rap ensemble Kalush Orchestra, creativity of Ukraine.”
26 comic relief Monday, October 10, 2022

Horoscope Eugenia
Don’t sit back; it’s time to pick up the pace and manufacture the life

you want to live. Be inventive, and you’ll come up with ideas that far

surpass anything you’ve done in the past. Share your feelings, eliminate
what isn’t working for you and pay more attention to how you present
yourself to the world.
You are affectionate, kind and optimistic. You are creative and informative.

6, 17, 22, 26, 33, 38, 41.

Jodi Lyn O’Keefe, 44; Mario Lopez, 49;

Wendi McLendon-Covey, 53; Nora Roberts, 72.

Aries Libra

March 21-April 19 Sept 23-October 22

3 STARS Finish what you start and 3 STARS Keep your thoughts to
proceed to the next project. Keep yourself. You’ll learn more if you
busy and use your energy wisely. listen to others and base what
Timing is everything in competitive you do on expert opinions. Time
situations. Know what’s possible is on your side, and understanding
and develop a plan to send you to your choices will motivate you to
the winner’s circle. Romance is in do what’s best for you.
the stars.

October 23-Nov 21
April 20-May 20
3 STARS Put more thought into

3 STARS Stop and rethink how you handle money. Investing

your next move. Don’t take on in yourself, the way you live or how
anything that isn’t right for you. If you earn your living will put your
someone asks for too much, don’t mind at ease and lead the way to a
be surprised. Instead, be ready to better future. Finish what you start.
counter with what you are willing
to do and make your position and
feelings clear.

Gemini Sagittarius
Nov 22-December 21
May 21-June 20
3 STARS Take the initiative to 5 STARS Look on the bright side;
it will help you eliminate negativity

get things done. An opportunity

is apparent through someone and recognize when someone is
you have worked with or met and trying to take advantage of you.
admired. Be open to suggestions, Pay attention to the people and
and you’ll get the chance to show things you enjoy most. Use your
off your skills and attributes. Self- skills effectively.
improvement is favoured.
Cancer Capricorn
June 21-July 22 December 22-Jan 19
4 STARS Keep your eye on 2 STARS Take a moment to
what’s happening around you. Not assess what’s happening around
everyone will offer sound advice. you. Learn from your experience

Refuse to let anyone pressure you when dealing with joint ventures
into something expensive. If you or shared expenses. The right move
feel the least bit unsure, relax, can save you money and improve
breathe deep and take a pass. your status quo. Don’t risk your
health or reputation.

Leo Aquarius
July 23-Aug 22 January 20-Feb 18
5 STARS You know what you must
do and how best to reach your 4 STARS Negotiate on your behalf.
objective. He who hesitates will Offer a visual picture that will tempt

get left behind. Concentrate on others to take note and support

personal improvement and gain your actions. Hard work will pay
before you opt to help others. An off; uncertainty will leave you in a

emotional relationship will require questionable position. Be direct and

TLC. good things will transpire.

Virgo Pisces
August 23-Sept 22 Feb 19-March 20
3 STARS Make things happen. If 4 STARS Simplify your life and ease
you crave change, stop waffling and stress. Pick and choose the people,
do something to make your dreams places and pastimes that make you
come true. Be innovative and share happy. Control what’s next instead
your ideas with someone you’d like of letting others dictate what you
as a partner. Iron out all the details can pursue. Believe in yourself, and

before you proceed. follow the path most inviting.

1 star: Avoid conflicts; work behind the scenes. 2 stars: You can
accomplish, but don’t rely on others. 3 stars: Focus and you’ll reach

your goals. 4 stars: Aim high; start new projects. 5 stars: Nothing can
stop you; go for gold.
Monday, October 10, 2022 comic relief 27
1. Very
7. Autumn Č č Ď ď Đ đ Ē ē Ĕ Čċ
11. One’s creative force
12. Animal with a mane
13. Tina Fey or Julia ČČ Čč
14. First ed.
15. Dove call ČĎ Čď
16. Castle protection
17. Created, as a web
19. Flooring type
21. Kenan’s comedy ČĐ Čđ
22. USSR org.
23. Boston skyscraper, ČĒ Čē ČĔ čċ
with “the”
24. What Greeks called
Turkey’s Aras River čČ čč čĎ
26. Fastening device
27. Computer image
file format čď čĐ čđ
28. Where streets meet:
29. Sierra Club founder čĒ čē
30. “... is fear ___”
33. French crane čĔ Ďċ ĎČ Ďč
34. Sports venues
35. Psychiatrist’s appt.
36. Fair weather interval ĎĎ Ďď
1. They may get you ĎĐ Ďđ
back in shape: Abbr.

2. Letter holder: Abbr.
3. Greek god of
4. London ___ Airport 9. Hangs around 20. Ewe mate 28. Corner key
5. Very funny, in text 10. Engl. or Span. 22. Beer barrel 29. Classic British sports
6. Cartoon pirate’s cry 16. Shakespeare’s fairy 25. Another name for cars
7. Elevator stop queen Sherry 30. Man or maf ending
8. Piers Anthony’s Xanth 17. Caribbean music 26. Source of the line “They 31. Body of eau
novel that features 18. Lie in court have sown the wind, 32. Substance that helps
Debra, named for 19. D&D alignments in and they shall reap the
a fan contrast to lawful evils whirlwind” with egg growth: Abbr.



WORD WARP Č č Ď ď Đ đ Ē ē Ĕ Čċ
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2 $ 76 ' ( 0 , 6 (
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/ ( 9 ( / % 2 6 1 6
čď čĐ
$ / ( ( % 2 :
čđ čĒ čē čĔ Ďċ
% $ , ' , * 1 , 7 <
2 , 1 . ( ' / 2 5 (
8 1 ( $ 6 ( 2 / $ 1
5 ( ' < ( 6 : ( ' 6
28 rec Monday, October 10, 2022

Cookbook looks back at dynamic Popeyes founder

NEW ORLEANS (AP)—Louisiana is known anthropic endeavours—including “Secret
for delivering food with big, bold flavour. Santa” missions to thousands of children
The same can be said for the founder of in metro New Orleans and the extrava-
the Popeyes fried chicken empire, who gant Christmas light display at his home.
put spicy chicken, red beans and dirty For a time, he even had a successful
rice on the national map and whose offshore powerboat racing career.
story is outlined in a new book, Secrets Copeland built—and eventually lost—
of a Tastemaker: Al Copeland, The Cook- the Popeyes fried chicken empire. His
book. first restaurant opened 50 years ago, in
Copeland’s son Al Copeland Jr said 1972, in the New Orleans suburb of Arabi.
he and authors Chris Rose and Kit Wohl The “Love That Chicken” jingle, still used
tried to capture the “real life and times in commercials today, debuted in 1980.
of Al Copeland” in the book released last The book recounts Copeland’s bold-
month. The elder Copeland, who died in ness in cooking, and includes reci-
Popeyes founder Al Copeland at one of
his fast food outlets in New Orleans on 2008, made his mark in business with his pes—though not those associated with
June 20, 1979. restaurants, but was also known for phil- Popeyes, his son said.
Monday, October 10, 2022 29

The Meena House LEMON PEPPER

Trinidad and Tobago
Hiring Professionals for the Following Positions:
Seeks to employ two (2) 9$&$1&<3HWUD6W:RRGEURRN
highly specialized ADJUSTABLE
1 F&B Cost Controller 
2 Food & Beverage Executive- Indian Cuisine and experienced SUSPENSION, 27.5 TYRES,
2 Food & Beverage Supervisor- Indian Cuisine $3,850.00 NEGOTIABLE.
2 Commis-1, Indian Cuisine (Tandoor, Curry,
2 Chef de Partie - Indian Cuisine

ANTIQUE OAK Desk $6,500

2 Chef de Partie - Indian Methai
Job requirements: ESTHETICIANS,
1 Mixologist - Creative Bar Chef
• Diploma in Hotel Management
1 Tandoor Technician
1 Sommelier
in F&B Production PHYSIOTHERAPISTS, SALE ON Canaries, used
• Specializes in the fusion of Indian; cages and accessories for sale.
1 Marketing Manager - Digital Designer
Asian; Italian and Continental dishes MASSAGE THERAPISTS, Nikolai, 388-8240

Previous 3 years of International experience • Possess the knowledge GERMAN SHEPPARD pups for
is required in similar positions. and art of food science AND NAIL TECHNICIANS sale. Call 313-3840
• Minimum of 10 years work experience 0XVWKDYHDPLQLPXP\HDUV¶H[SHULHQFH
Deadline for submission of applications is
7th November 2022 ZLWKTXDOL¿FDWLRQ GRAFTED CITRUS Plants Robust
Applications/Resume should be sent to: And Disease Free- 35 Variety
Applications can be sent to 3/($6(6(1'$33/,&$7,2172 ($40 Single) With Discount On LQIR#PLOOHÀHXUVVSDFRP Large Purchases- Sangre Grande
and... Applicants are also required to submit DRAGON FRUIT Plants $25.
a copy of the application to: H.R. PLUMBING Service. 681-
Applicants are also required to 8458/ 623-6343 PLANTS FOR RENT
The Chief Manpower Officer Weddings, Parties, Etc.
submit a copy of the application to: VIRGIN HEALTH SPRING
Ministry of Labour and Small H.R. PRESSURE Washing ser-
Organic Health Food Store.
Chief Manpower Officer, and Micro Enterprise Development vices. 623-6343/ 681-8458
Herbs, powders supplements,
Ministry of Labour & Small #50-54 Duke Place, Duke Street, H.R./ SEPTIC Cespit/ liquid essential oils, weight loss
Enterprise Development, Waste Removal Services .681- and more.
50 – 54 Duke Place, Duke Street, Port of Spain
Port of Spain 8458/623-6343 271-6487/ 290-3684.
H.R. TRANSPORT Service. 681-
8458/ 623-6343
TECH STORE, Company located in Arima is looking for: RETRENCH PERSONS/
STREET, • Assistant Accountant – with 5 years’ relevant CESSPIT CLEANING enter the work place, learn
PORT-OF-SPAIN. Typewriting, Shorthand,
experience and ACCA Level II 24HRS Accounts, English skills, Report
SEEKING MALE STAFF. • Heavy-T Drivers with 2 years’ experience driving 672-2852/ 765-4442 writing, secretarial duties,
WHATSAPP RESUME 3-tonne truck San Juan.
TO 264-8197 • Sales Representative with 3 years’ Sales Experience 769-0088
in the Food Industry SEPTIC CLEANING
745-1835/ 742-8277
assistants and cleaners re- COLLEGE,
quired in Woodbrook. 7:15am Must have BIR, NIS and Bank Account number Typewriting course for Clerk/
- 4:45pm. References required. Typist. 769-0088. PDN C180 Mercedes Benz, white,
*GERIATRIC NURSES NEEED 774-8970/ 790-4947.
Send resumes to: ELDERLY HOME
excellent condition, $145,000.
*COOK 752- 7321.
*WASHER or call 642-1346 Chaguanas- accepting new pa-
RETIRE EARLY tients. 717-8896
Attractive Salary
Please Call
Earn US$ Online
681-1770 +
CARS. 332- 6750.
Cascade Area, References, Proofreading Theses, SENIOR HOME
Experience and Character SUPER KLEEN Essays, Speeches, MEETING THE NEEDS Services
Certificate needed. 683-0479 textbooks. 668-7895/ 378-9487
CLEANING English/ French.
665-7510 CARPETS, RUGS, A+1 ONE Stop Shop Foundation
SOFAS, to finish Masonry, Roof, Tile, Car-
STATIONS FOR Rent- Hair dress- CHAGUANAS. pentry. 474-8309/ 314-4686 FASHION JEWELRY/ 765-9985
ing, Barber and Skin care. Princes LOGIN DR. Yokomuro the new CROCHET COURSES
Town. 710-3539 counter’s world AU
299-9779/ 318-6867. TREECUTTING 3702998 7820851
30 classifieds Monday, October 10, 2022

655-0743/ 280-8496 FOR SALE
Buying & Selling ST. JOSEPH, 8 NEW
All makes and models TOWNHOUSES
Trucks, Backhoes, SUV’s, (5 Units Remaining) Sales Office: 772-5520/Office:
Panel Vans, Pick up’s, Cars, 1550 SQ.FT, 3 B/R, 2.5 622-3831/228-9927
Knock down vehicles etc. BATHS, Email:
Trade in and Financing FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED Facebook: Laura Homes TT
Available BUYING TWO STOREY, Four Bedroom SANGRE GRANDE, Ella Vista
COMPLETION DATE: CASCADE - Residential & Commercial House On 12,404 (Sq.ft), Gardens (Gated Community).
Spot Cash for Used and USED VEHICLES DECEMBER 2022. Spaces– Starting @ TT$3,000.00
Freehold, Las Lomas. 718-2667/ Land 5005sq.ft. For sale,
2008 AUDI TT Milage Damaged 275-6252 and up
34,000km 755-7680 798-4619 CHAGUANAS – Samirah’s Park 343-9229 $1.875M $560,000. 729-8581.
– 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, UF –
BUYING USED and damaged townhouse fully air-conditioned,
GLENCOE – Gittensdale – 2 & 3
ST. JAMES 3 bedroom, 2 bath. DARWIL GARDENS, ARIMA
bedrooms – UF/FF – TT$4,500.00 –
vehicles, Best prices guaranteed, 2 bedrooms, 1½ baths, open TT$7,500.00 opp LC Mall- reduced price Located in established residential
TDE HD65 quick response, island wide ser- plan living/ dining/ kitchen. In- MARAVAL – Fairways – 3 bedrooms, WOODBROOK 6 bedroom, 4 neighbourhood
vice, safe and secure transaction. ternal laundry. Gated Compound 2 baths, FF – US$3,000.00 bath on 5040 sq.ft
FINANCING 678-3915/ 329-4096/ 362-4871/ POINT CUMANA – Aquaria – 2
WOODBROOK 4 bedroom, 2
1 car spot. Bagatelle Road, San
683-0100 655-8436. Juan. $870,000. 688-6254.
bedrooms, 2 baths, SF, TT$11,000.00
SAN FERNANDO – The Residences at baths + anx $3M Corner Lot (Approx 100ft x 60ft)
South Park – 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, CASCADE 11029 sq.ft land + Size: 5739.3 sq.ft
SINGLE STORY house at Amber UF/SF/FF US$3,000.00 up T&C. appvls $2M Price: $795,000
AM MARKETING Drive, Diamond Vale. Fully Reno- ST. CLAIR – (few Homes) 4 bedrooms,
4 baths, plus self-contained Annex –
WAREHOUSES EMRD, Cas- Call: 620-1683
vated and Move in Ready, 3 bed- cade- prices reduced
COMPANY LTD + rooms, 3 baths. Asking $2.95m
from US$4,500.00
ST. CLAIR – Commercial Spaces – call
19,035 SQ.FT. Macaulay
Price Negotiable. Call: 795-9257 or email for details Ave (west of tunnel) $355,000.
Reg, Dealer #10 FOR SALE ST. JAMES – Upper Bournes Road – 2
bedrooms, 1 bath, FF, TT$6,500.00
$950,000. Town/ Country ap- 707-0781
#392-394 Cedar Hill ONE WOODBROOK PLACE proval. 739-2931
ST. JOSEPH – 1 & 2 bedrooms,
SINGLE FLOOR UNIT, 1-bath, UF – TT$6,000.00 each 4 ACRES Off Caroni South Bank
Road, ClaxtonBay 2000sq.ft, 3 B/R, 2.5 Baths TOBAGO – Commercial Spaces – SAN FERNANDO Prime location Road 294-7214
768-9800/373-2558 Upstairs -TT$8,000.00 / Downstairs 8500 sq.ft. 688-4816
EQUIPPED WESTMOORINGS – (The Towers, GASPARILLO HUNGER March sq.ft. Roadside. Offers- 716-9095/
PEA KIA NIRO EXCLUSIVE BRAND NEW $4.15M O.N.O Bayside, La Riviera, La Fontaine) Street. 800 sq.ft. 688-4816 338-1220
747-2341 WINGLE P/UP 798-4619 US$2,500.00 - US$3,800.00 and up
WOODBROOK – Gallus Street – 2
(90K) UP bedrooms, 2.5 baths – TT$7,500.00 FREEPORT MAIN Road, 120
WOODBROOK PLACE $2.5M Mission Road, 6100 Sqft $1.2M
2- STOREY FREEHOLD 779-5400 707-0781
NEAR THE BEACH, FELICITY 3 apartment home +
comprising two 3 bedroom (3 bedroom, 2 bedroom and 1 WESTMOORINGS
3.5 Ton DIESEL LIFT apartments. Good commer- bedroom apartments) $2.2M ANCHOR DRIVE
cial potential. For quick sale. negotiable. 715-0371 2 storey architect- designed CENTRAL BASED liquor mart
$1.2M. Call: 334 3535 5 bedroom house with library, for sale. Fully equipt. All licenses
CARENAGE GATED, ocean 2 ACRES OF CARONI LAND included. 721-4104
large attic 5 bath/ 4 toilets. IN CAMDEN COUVA
views. 680-2978 Separate utility & maid quar- FOR QUICK SALE
ters. (no pool) 632-9224.
DEALER MAINTAINED LOTS IN St. Helena. 687-9448. 9799 to heliport - Lot #187
$80,000 681-1571 Call 740-5269/ 290-0212 ARIMA, CHURCH STREET
5-UNIT Apartment Building
USED VEHICLES SAN FRANCIQUE 1 plot 7630 $4.5M. 322-9076.
PDH RED BMW 320I sq.ft. and 5 acres subdivided into
PDA RAV4 local, fully loaded,
push start, 57000 km, excellent
condition $145,000 o.n.o
(MANAGER’S CAR) M. RAMRATTAN TYRE CENTRE LTD. 9 plots. Fully approved, water,
lights, road. 753-8593/ 788-5216
39-41 SOUTHERN MAIN ROAD, MARABELLA 6.5 LOTS, Freehold, Undulated,
Lightborne Road, Gasparillo.
(28K) Road, lights, water, $460,000. P.O.S. 2 storey building. 688-
BUYING & SELLING Negotiable. Contact 620-7344/ 4816
463-8610/ 683-0100 TURBO DIESEL (90K) 10,975 SQ.FT lot GATED Samaan
185-60-15 205-70-15 225-65-17 11R 22.5 Grove Development, Tobago
E25 LOW TOP GLASS 185-70-14 215-60-15 265-60-18 $1.4M. 389-2725 BUSINESS/WAREHOUSE
235-60-16 El Dorado, Tunapuna, 399-3001.
195-60-14 215-65-16 245-70-16 265-65-17 LAND IN Moraldo Trace Cantaro
REPOSSESSED 195-65-15 215-70-15 265-70-16 village upper Santa Cruz 5100 Sq
DIEGO MARTIN West hills 225-70-16 ft $600.000 or 100.000US. Price
VEHICLES $10,000. 3 bedrooms, 2½ t/b, a/c. ap- 205-55-16 275-65-17 700-15, 700-16 negotiable contact 369 6390.
390-8515/ 359-5669 pliances, pool security etc. 205-60-15 225-60-17 255-70-16 7.50-16
776-9654 CUREPE S.M.R. 7,500 sq.ft.
Good investment area. PICTON COURT near Savannah.
HALELAND PARK. 5 bedroom,
RUN FLAT TYRES AVAILABLE & MANY MORE SIZES & DESIGNS 662-5828. 2 bedroom executive apart-
ments, fully equipped, air-condi-
LANGE PARK 3 bedroom, 2 24/7 security, play ground and CLIFTON HILL Point Fortin, tion, hi-speed internet access.
bathroom $1.75M non-negotia- tennis courts. Recent valuation. FOR INFO. CALL: Seaview, 25,600 sq.ft. Negotiable. 637-9770, 680-1468, 713-9352.
ble. 715-0371 299-9585 653-3124 OR 776-1437 788-6128
Monday, October 10, 2022 classifieds 31

MARAVAL COLLENS Road 2br. PETIT VALLEY 1 bedroom apart-

DIEGO, 1 Bedroom $2500,
a/c, gated, $8000. 622-5027 ment, parking. $2000. 471-4669
2 Bedrooms $3600. Utilities
2 BEDROOM, opposite Gulf included. 688-0973.
City. 718-2727 House $2500.00 762-8050/
Sales Office: 772-5520/Office: WESTMOORINGS. San Fernando. downstairs apt,
622-3831/228-9927 TOWNHOUSE, 2 Bedrooms 3 bedrooms, $3,800 GOPAUL LANDS apartments,
Email: furnished, air-condition, negotiable. 274-7369 air-condition, 2 toilet/ bath, tiled.
Facebook: Laura Homes TT no kids/ pets (8am- 6pm) 652-8464, 716-9095
ARIMA – Providence Circular – 3 $6,500.00. 774-9169
bedrooms, 2.5 baths T/H – TT$1.4M
CUNUPIA – Bamboo Creek Villas – 3 ALICIA’S PALACE 3 BEDROOM upstairs, El Socorro, LOGWOOD TRACE, $3800.00 483-4054.
bedrooms, 2.5 baths – TT$1.55M Guest House with pool $6500. Call/ whatsapp 686-8262 MAFEKING MAYARO.
DIEGO MARTIN – Victoria Gardens – open 24/7 768-8140 OR 683-4756
4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths – TT$6.3M WOODBROOK ANNEX/HOUSE
(868)225-8539/231-1587 $5,400.00 - $6,300.00, 390-0523
MARAVAL – Hillsboro – 4 bedrooms,
3 baths – TT$5M 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, air-
MARAVAL – La Sieva – 4 bedrooms, PHILLIPINE SAN Fernando, condition, hot/ cold. Off Ryan
3.5 baths – TT$4.995M 1 bedroom, large, furnished, Street, San Juan. $4,000.00.
MARAVAL – Beaumont Ridge – 4 $4500. 764-7075 776-6645 MAYARO LARGE office com-
bedrooms, 6.5 baths – US$2.2M pound. 680-2978
MAYARO – Investment Property
– One self-contained Apartment SIPARIA ROAD OFFICE AND Commercial Space 2 BEDROOMS,
Building (4 units), One 3-bedroom 3 BEDROOM, Well maintained, Barataria $3,500. 707-0781
house – TT$3.5M Unfurnished House for Rent. 2 BEDROOM BARATARIA,
Mt. Lambert. No Agents Please. DOWNSTAIRS. HOT/ COLD WATER, CUP-
PALMISTE – Burlington Court – 3
2 BEDROOM El Socorro , $3500. KING’S COURT, Frederick Street, BAR FOR rent, Point Fortin
bedrooms, 2.5 baths – TT$2.9M 773-2008. BOARDS, TILING, SECURED.
Call/ Whatsapp 686-8262 355-7198/ 657-8611 P.O.S. Suites and Bays for rent. behind market, all approvals
PETIT VALLEY – New construction – 680-2952
and equipment, $10,000/ month
2 bedroom and 1 bedroom - TT$2.2M 2 BEDROOMS. Tywang Street, Retail, Office and Restaurant.
and TT$2.45M Belmont. $3000.00. 685-6807 3 SINGLE BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM. Tunapuna. 610-7333
PETIT VALLEY – Sierra Leon Road– 2 662-4119.
Apartments, Aranguez
bedrooms, 1 bath – TT$1.6M O.N.O. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, LOWER
Area, Close to
All Amenities and 2 BEDROOM AT ARIMA MAYARO,
at South Park – 3-bedroom 2.5-bath
With 2 Additional Annex And $3300 AND PETIT VAL- FRONTIN ROAD,
Starting @ TT$3M Highway.
TOBAGO - Plantations, Samaan
Rent As Is or Separate.
Gated Area, Clean and LEY $3600 A/C, H/C. Beachfront, 5-Bedroom,
Grove and many more – TT$1.3M – Comfortable. Newly Built.
TT$4.1M and up House- $6000 per Month 685-2653/ 637-6109 A/C, Wifi, Security
(Whatsapp as well). Cameras.
Annex $2000 (each) Negotiable MON REPOS, Bernard Street, 3
Contact: 705-1144/ 704-9869
610-5129/ 917-331-9017 bedroom 688-4816 678-4210
2 BEDROOM Apartment
2 BEDROOM $3500 Tunapuna, spacious Din-
WESTMOORING 5 bedroom Apartment Close To ing Room, fully burglarproof,
villa, pool. 680-2978 Aranguez Community parking, 300ft from PBR.
PICTON COURT, Woodford Center & All Amenities. 1 SINGLE BEDROOM $1500.
Street, Newtown. 2 bedrooms, 610-5129/ 917-331-9017 334-7985/ 740-4842.
1 bath, air-conditioned. In-suite
washer/ dryer. Includes: electric- SAN JUAN Rooms. 687-9448. D’ABADIE & Arima 2 bedroom
MAYARO 3 bedroom. 680-2978
ity, propane, WiFi. 637-9770/ 680- 326-2483
1468/ 713-9352
32 classifieds Monday, October 10, 2022

Sales Office: 772-5520/Office:

Facebook: Laura Homes TT
Guardian lives
email us for full details
BARATARIA – 4,290 sq ft, Residential/
Commercial – TT$975,000.00 O.N.O.
– 5,558 sq ft & 6,656.4 sq ft – TT$1.3M COX NURSE Eurlese Marcelle
& TT$1.5M ONO passed away in England. She
CANOEBAY 5 acres. 389-9799
D’ABADIE – The Foothills – 6,431 sq was the daughter of Rupert and
ft – TT$1.35M Kathleen Cox. Sister of Williams,
GLENCOE – Zephyr Heights – 17,000 Avrill, Muriel, (Byron, Claire and
sq ft – TT$2M O.N.O. Hayden All Deceased). Aunt of
SAN FERNANDO – Cipero Road –
10,700 sq ft – TT$1.3M O.N.O.
Brian, Kathyanne and many
SAN FERNANDO - Victoria Street – others. Relatives of the Hardings,
5,360 sq ft – TT$1.5M Bennettes and Cox. Funeral takes
SANTA CRUZ – Residential – 7,000 sq place on Tuesday 11th October at
ft up - Starting at TT$85.00 per sq. ft the Cathedral of The
SOUTH OROPOUCHE – Berridge Immaculate Conception.
Trace – 5,720 sq ft – TT$450,000.00 Independence Square,
O.N.O. Port-of-Spain 10:00am and
ST. JOSEPH - Elizabeth Gardens –
10,013 sq ft – TT$2.1M
thence to the Lapour Cemetery.
ST. JOSPEH - Maracas Gardens –
20,000 sq ft – TT$1.5M SANDY POINT
TOBAGO – Gated Communities – VILLAGE
5,000 sq ft up – TT$590,000.00 up
TOBAGO – Milford Road – 33,637 sq
389-2378, 357-3337
ft – TT$5.5M sandypointvillagehotel@
VALENCIA – 24 plots 10,000 sq ft
each – TT$698,000.00 each
of Millenuim Park, Trincity for-
merly of London, England. She
was the sister of William, Avrill,
Muriel, Byron (deceased),
Claire (deceased), Hayden
(deceased). Former student of
Providence Girls High School.
Friend of Lynette Francis and
Edrise Bascombe. The funeral
SUMMERLAND will take place on Tuesday
SUITES 11th October 2022 @ 9:45am
294-3330 at The Cathedral of Immacu-
All rooms self-contained late Conception, Port of Spain,
summerlandsuitestobago@ followed by a cremation at Clark and Battoo Limited.
FB: Summerland Suites For enquiries; call C&B: (868)
625-1170. To send condo-
SPIRITUAL HELP Mary- Ann, lences please visit our website
379-1925/ 797-5222

LONG TERM Bon Accord, near

Pigeon Point. Also suitable for
retirees. Studios & 2 bedrooms
from $2,500.00. 767-9300 before

CROWN POINT furnished ca-

bana adjoining Storebay. Augus-
tus 633-0406



Facebook Live Streaming Sleeps 7. All amenities.
462-2738. 632-4127/ 754-9705
Monday, October 10, 2022 classifieds 33
34 Monday, October 10, 2022

Cristiano Ronaldo scores 700th

club goal of his career
LIVERPOOL, Cristiano
ristiano tum in United’s favour
favour, but it was
Ronaldo scored the 700th club goal a passage of mistakes which pre-
of his career to earn Manchester sented Ronaldo with his moment
United a 2-1 victory at Everton in history.
that moved his team a point off It was his 144th for United over
the Premier League’s top four two spells, with 450 for Real Ma-
yesterday. drid making up the bulk in addi-
The 37-year-old Ronaldo was tion to 101 for Juventus and five
only on the field due to Anthony for Sporting.
Martial’s inability to run off an in- Yesterday’s goal at Goodison
jury sustained in the warmup, but Park was only the second of the
it was no great surprise the substi- season for Ronaldo, whose 699th
tute seized his opportunity. goal came in the Europa League
Ronaldo had been previously against FC Sheriff in September.
limited to just 207 minutes in the Ronaldo started the Everton
league by United’s recently hired game on the bench but came on
manager, Erik ten Hag, who can- for the injured Anthony Martial in
not find a place for him in a sys- the 29th minute and scored what
tem which is based on mobility proved to be the winner 15 min-
and pressing. utes later as United went 2-1 up.
But, while the Portugal interna- Having started his career in
tional may not be ideally suited 2002, 700 goals means Ronaldo
to those requirements, he can has averaged 35 a season.
still show a turn of pace and an Everton boss Frank Lampard
unerring eye for goal when he and Manchester United manager
has to and that is exactly how he Erik ten Hag were both in awe of
brought up his landmark shortly the forward’s achievements.
before halftime. “It is outstanding, one of the Manchester United’s Cristiano Ronaldo, left, celebrates with teammate Latest Premier League standing
Martial’s neat finish in the 15th greatest players that has graced Marcus Rashford after scoring his side’s second goal during the Premier
minute had cancelled out Alex the game in an era when we have League soccer match between Everton and Manchester United at Team MP GD Pts
Iwobi’s sumptuous curling strike had himself and Messi,” said Lam- Goodison Park, in Liverpool, England, yesterday. PICTURE AP 1. Arsenal 9 13 24
in the fifth to turn the momen- pard. (AP) 2. Man City 9 24 23
3. Tottenham 9 10 20
Barcelona beats Celta for 7th win YESTERDAY’S RESULTS 4. Chelsea 8 3 16
5. Man Utd 8 -2 15
in a row in Spanish league ENGLAND
Barcelona 1 v 0 Celta
2 FC Cologne
Hertha Berlin 2 v 2 6. Newcastle 9 8 14
MADRID — Barcelona keeps on competition, and anything but Crystal Palace 2 v 1 Freiburg 7. Brighton 8 5 14
winning — at least in the Spanish a home victory against Inter on Leeds United ITALY - SERIE A VfB Stuttgart 0 v 1 8. Bournemouth 9 -12 12
league. Wednesday will leave the club on West Ham United 3 v 1 Torino 1 v 1 Empoli Union Berlin 9. Fulham 9 -4 11
Fulham Monza 2 v 0 Spezia 10. Liverpool 8 8 10
The Catalan club edged Celta the brink of elimination for a sec- 11. Brentford 9 -1 10
Viga 1-0 yesterday for its sev- ond consecutive season after the Arsenal 3 v 2 Liverpool Salernitana 2 v 1 FRANCE - LIGUE 1
Everton 1 v 2 Verona Montpellier 0 v 2 12. Everton 9 -1 10
enth straight victory in the com- departure of Lionel Messi. 13. West Ham 9 -2 10
Manchester United Udinese 2 v 2 Atalanta Monaco
petition, regaining first place Barcelona lost to Inter last week Cremonese 1 v 4 Napoli Angers 2 v 3 Strasbourg 14. Leeds 8 -1 9
and restoring some confidence in Italy for its second consecutive SPAIN - LALIGA Roma 2 v 1 Lecce Brest 1 v 2 Lorient 15. Crystal Palace 8 -2 9
going into a decisive Champions Champions League defeat. Real Valladolid 0 v 0 Clermont Foot 2 v 1 16. Aston Villa 8 -4 8
League game against Inter Milan. In the Spanish league, though, Real Betis GERMANY - Auxerre 17. Southampton 9 -9 7
Barcelona has not been able Barcelona has been perfect since Cadiz 2 v 2 Espanyol BUNDESLIGA Nice 3 v 2 Troyes 18. Wolves 9 -9 6
to repeat its league success in a scoreless opening draw against Real Sociedad 1 v 0 Borussia Rennes 3 v 0 Nantes 19. Leicester 9 -9 4
the group stage of the European Rayo Vallecano at home. (AP) Villarreal Monchengladbach 5 v Lille 1 v 0 Lens 20. Nottm Forest 8 -15 4

European champs Italy draw England in Euro 2024 qualifying

FRANKFURT, Germany — The finalists of The draw in full Karl-Heinz Riedle, former
Euro 2020 will meet again on the way
Group A: Spain, Scotland, Norway, Azerbaijan, Estonia soccer player and soccer
to the next tournament in two years’ official, holds the lot of
time, with Italy and England drawn in Georgia, Cyprus Group G: Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro,
Group B: Netherlands, France, Republic Bulgaria, Lithuania England during the draw
the same qualifying group. for the groups to qualify for
The draw for the tournament, of Ireland, Greece, Gibraltar Group H: Denmark, Finland, Slovenia,
Group C: Italy, England, Ukraine, North Kazakhstan, Northern Ireland, the 2024 European soccer
which will be staged in Germany, was championship in
Macedonia, Malta San Marino
held by UEFA yesterday. Group D: Croatia, Wales, Armenia, Group I: Switzerland. Israel, Romania, Frankfurt,
Italy versus England was one of Turkey, Latvia Kosovo, Belarus, Andorra Germany,
the standout match-ups in the Euro Group E: Poland, Czech Republic, Group J: Portugal, Bosnia and yesterday.
2024 qualifying draw, with European Albania, Faroe Islands, Herzegovina, Iceland, PICTURE AP
giants Netherlands and France also Moldova Luxembourg, Slovakia,
facing each other. Group F: Belgium, Austria, Sweden, Liechtenstein
Italy defeated England on penalties
at Wembley last year to be crowned in Group C. play against England in Wembley. It’s
European champions. But the team Netherlands and France are joined a good thing.
coached by Roberto Mancini failed by Republic of Ireland, Greece and “It don’t change nothing for us.
to qualify for the World Cup in Qatar, Gibraltar in Group B. Maybe Italy and England will be
which kicks off next month. Italy manager Roberto Mancini favourites in this group, but it’s im-
Italy and England will also face welcomed the draw, telling Sky portant to play all the games 100 per
Ukraine, North Macedonia and Malta Sports: “I think it’s always good to cent.” (AP)
Monday, October 10, 2022 sports 35

8th Edition of ICC T20 World Cup

he 8th edition of the ICC Men’s T20 30 not out. Umar Gul took 3-28. Pakistan world cup to be remembered where the West
World Cup bowls off on October 16 in scored 152 all out (19.3), with Misbah-ul-Haq Indies stole victory from the jaws of defeat
Geelong, Australia with the qualifier scoring 43, Imran Nazir 33 and Younis Khan thanks to the batting of Carlos Brathwaite
matches. Eight teams in two groups of four 24. RP. Singh 3-26 and player of the match, who struck Ben Stokes for 4 consecutive sixes
will be competing for the top two spots re- Irfan Pathan 3-16 were the main destroyers. in the 20th over. Batting first, England scored
spectively to progress to the main draw of 9/159 (20) with Joe Root scoring 54, Jos Butler
the World Cup which commences on Octo- 2009—Pakistan defeated Sri Lanka by 8 36 and David Wiley 21. Dwayne Bravo 3-37
ber 22 when the 2021 finalists Australia and wickets at Lords, England. Player of the and Carlos Brathwaite 3-23 were the main
New Zealand lock horns in Sydney. match, Shahid Afridi led Pakistan to victory wicket-takers for the West Indies. As in 2012,
For the very first time, two-time cham- with an unbeaten 54 with support from player of the match Marlon Samuels led the
pions the West Indies will be competing in Kamran Akmal (37) and Shoaib Malik (24 batting with an unbeaten 85 of 66 balls with
the qualifier stage having failed to earn an not out). Batting first Sri Lanka scored a 9 fours and 2 sixes. As with the ball, Dwayne
automatic berth to the 2nd round. For the paltry 6/138 (20) with captain Kumar Bravo (25) and Carlos Brathwaite (34 not out
qualifying stage, they are in Group B along Sangakkara scoring an unbeaten 64 and of 10 balls) contributed with the bat as the
with Ireland, Scotland and Zimbabwe. Angelo Mathews scoring 35 not out. Abdul West Indies reached 6/161(19.4).
Group A consist of Namibia, the Nether- Razzaq led Pakistan bowlers with 3-20.
lands, Sri Lanka and the United Arab Emir- Pakistan reached their target of 139 for the 2021—Australia defeated New Zealand by
ates. loss of 2 wickets in 18.4 overs. 8 wickets at the Dubai International Stadium,
Based on past performance and on paper Dubai. Having to score the highest total in
they are expected to progress to the 2nd 2010—England defeated Australia by 7 a final to win the title, player of the match
round, they should not underestimate wickets to lift the 3rd World Cup at the Mitchell Marsh’s unbeaten 77 and David
their opponents. Pending their group po- Kensington Oval, Barbados. Australia scored Warner 53 led Australia to the winning target
sition (1st) they will be placed in Group 2 6/147 (20) with David Hussey top scoring with (18.4). Captain Mahela Jayawardena (33), of 2/173 (18.5). Trent Boult 2-18 was New
along with Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, 59 supported by Cameron White (30) and Kumar Sangakkara (22) and Nuwan Zealand’s most effective bowler. Batting first
and South Africa and the 2nd place team in captain Michael Clarke (27). Ryan Sidebottom Kulasekera (26) were the only batters to get New Zealand scored a respectable 4/172 with
Group A in the qualifiers. If they are 2nd in grabbed 2 scalps for 27 in his spell of 4 overs. to double figures as Sri Lanka lost their 2nd captain Kane Williamson leading the charge
Group B, they will progress to Group 1 with Player of the match wicketkeeper batter Craig final. Sunil Narine 3-9 and Daren Sammy 2-6 with 85 and Martin Guptill 28. Josh
Afghanistan, Australia, England, and New Kieswetter (63) and Kevin Pietersen (47) led broke the back of the Sri Lankan’s batting. Hazelwood returned 3-16 (4).
Zealand and the 1st place team in Group A England to the victory target of 148 with 18
in the qualifiers. balls to spare. 2014—Sri Lanka defeated India by 6 wickets The 8th edition should be a keenly com-
Since its inception in 2007, the West at the Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket petitive tournament with no clear favour-
Indies is the most successful team having Stadium, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Despite Virat ite. However, defending champion and
2012—West Indies defeated Sri Lanka by
won titles in 2012 and 2016. In 7 editions, Kohli’s 77 and Rohit Sharma 29, India only host Australia along with England and India
36 runs at the R Premadasa Stadium,
6 different countries have been crowned mustered 4/130 (20). In reply player of the with balance in batting and bowling should
Colombo, Sri Lanka. Batting first the West
champions. match, Kumar Sangakkara unbeaten 52, be considered pre-tournament favourites.
Indies scored 6/137 (20) with the player of
the match Marlon Samuels dominating the Mahela Jayawardena 24 and Thisara Perera However, once the 2nd round commences
2007—India defeated Pakistan by 5 runs at innings with 78 of 56 balls with 3 fours and unbeaten quickfire 23 led Sri Lanka to victory every team inclusive of the West Indies will
the Wanderers Stadium in Johannesburg, 6 sixes. Skipper Daren Sammy (26 not out) 4/134 (17.5). have a chance at the title once they can ex-
South Africa to be crowned the inaugural and Dwayne Bravo (19) were other principal ecute the perfect game plan consistently to
champions. India scored 5/157 (20) with scorers. Ajantha Mendis snapped 4-12 (4). 2016—West Indies defeated England by 4 get to the final on November 13 at the Mel-
Gautam Gambir scoring 75 and Rohit Sharma In reply, Sri Lanka was skittled out for 101 wickets at Eden Garden, Kolkata, India. A bourne Cricket Ground (MCG).

Stakeholders’ Consultations on the Draft Terms

of Reference (TOR) for an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) for a Certificate of Environmental
Clearance (CEC5702/2019) for the Establishment
of a New Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Facility at
Kangawood Road, Forres Park, Claxton Bay.

SWMCOL is inviting stakeholders to provide their feedback on

the draft TOR which is available at: SWMCOL’s Head Office at
34 Independence Square North, Port of Spain or at website:, the EMA’s
Head Office at 8 Elizabeth St, Port of Spain and at all fourteen
(14) Municipal Corporations.
Comments can be shared via email with the subject,‘Comments
on Draft TOR’ to on or before Friday 21st
October 2022. For further information, kindly contact Ms.
Nicole Vallie at 625-6678 ext.1215.
36 sports Monday, October 10, 2022

Cariah: I always believe that Nelson narrows Gonzalez’s

lead at Century with triple
I can make it to the top EDMONTON, Alberta
Jamaican Dane Nelson
ensured Enrique Gonzalez’s
lead at Century Mile

Yannic Cariah looked like he be- has learned the game through watch- in August and acquitted himself well remaining in single digits,
longed. Thirty years old, on T20I ing videos of Shane Warne and Brian enough to be called up for his ODI by reeling off a superb triple
debut, bowling to Aaron Finch and Lara. But it took a little while after the debut against New Zealand, which on the nine-race programme
Glenn Maxwell in Australia for the Under-19 World Cup to find his place led to his selection for Australia. Ca- on Friday.
first time. Picked ahead of Akeal Ho- in domestic cricket. riah noted the jump in intensity from The 37-year-old won with
sein. Selected ahead of Fabian Allen “I’m a genuine allrounder,” he said. domestic to international level. favourite Lanny Mac in race
and Hayden Walsh. “But when I started off, I made my “You have to think a lot faster and Dane Nelson
one, 2-1 choice Estifraad in
He bowled like a veteran with im- Trinidad debut as a legspinner. And have a lot of clarity in what you’re race four before capturing
peccable control, forcing a mistake then I found it difficult to maintain my doing, to execute your skills and be race seven with 6-1 chance Perdition.
from Maxwell who can maul inexperi- spot as a legspinner because of other decisive in what to do,” he said. “Be- Nelson lies second on 53 wins, now only eight behind
enced legspinners in his sleep. bowlers. So I put some more empha- cause if you bowl a bad ball it will be Gonzalez in the season which wraps up November 5.
In just his fifth career T20 game, sis on my batting. I made my come- put away easily. They ain’t going to However, Gonzalez also maintained his winning form,
Cariah took 1 for 15 from four overs, back as a batter, and then after my miss any bad balls.” taking race three over six furlongs with 2-1 bet Unbridled
bowled 13 dot balls and conceded one batting took off, my bowling was al- But there were hardly any bad balls Skye and race eight over a mile with 3-1 chance Ryanwater.
boundary against the reigning world ways there. I never neglected [either] on Wednesday. He beat Maxwell and Barbadian Rico Walcott, the reigning champion, man-
champions on their home patch. of them. I just kept getting better and Finch four times in his first two overs. aged a single win in five attempts aboard 2-1 choice Take
Was he surprised? better over a period of time.” His length was immaculate, a product No Prisoners in race nine, to remain third on 44 wins.
“The funny thing about this, when Despite leading the West Indies of his maturity and his ability to read Nelson opened his account over a mile and sixteenth for
you work your entire life for some- Emerging Team to their title in 2019- the conditions quickly on his first trip the three-year-olds and upwards, guiding five-year-old bay
thing, the work you put in, confi- 20, Cariah then went two years over to Australia. gelding Lenny Mac to a handsome 4-½ length score.
dence goes within yourself,” Cariah the COVID-19 pandemic without play- “I figured out which lengths were Lanny Mac collared early pacesetter Vision Quest leaving
said. “I’m very confident in my ability ing a single domestic match. But his best for me to bowl and my style of the backstretch and then powered through the lane despite
and what I can do. What I believe in. self-belief never abated during that bowling and I adapted really, really a challenge from 2-1 bet Bookie.
Nobody can take that away from me.” time. quickly,” he said. “What made it even Nelson’s second win came over 6-½ furlongs when he
Cariah has spent his entire career “I’m blessed with a gift to play better for me is Australia bowled first. combined with three-year-old bay gelding Estifraad to
hiding in plain sight. It’s all been there cricket,” Cariah said. “I always believe And I saw [Adam] Zampa bowl and I get the better of three-year-old and upward maidens by a
for anyone to see yet few have seemed that I can make it to the top saw the lengths he was bowl- length. The pair out-duelled 11-1 chance Chris’ Command
to notice. without giving up. Once I ing, so I know with my style through the first quarter before getting clear to command
An unbeaten 110 in the 2010 Under- don’t give up. I guarantee of bowling once I hit my the latter stages.
19 World Cup third-place playoff I’m going make it.” areas it’s going to be difficult Nelson then grabbed his third victory in a six furlong
against Sri Lanka, playing alongside After a two-year for anybody to play.” sprint for the three-year-olds and upward, stalking with
Kraigg Brathwaite and Jason Holder. absence from It’s the type of attitude four-year-old gelding Perdition, duelling with Fast Eh on the
A member of the famed Queen’s domestic his hero Warne would final turn before holding well to win by a length as Phantom
Park Cricket Club in Trinidad, home cricket, he West Indies all-rounder have been proud of. Mac chased late.
of some of West Indies’ greatest-ever m a d e Yannic Cariah. Cariah might not have
players. Five first-class centuries 72, 72, PICTURE CWI MEDIA the bluff or bluster or
for Trinidad and Tobago. Leading 18 and swagger of the late, Teenager Jones notches
run-scorer in West Indies’ first-class 1 0 0 great legspinner, but
competition in 2016-17. Two first- in his he has the same 40th win at Woodbine
class five-wicket hauls. Captain of the first four mindset.
West Indies Emerging Team that won first-class “Whatever I do, I TORONTO, Canada – Teenager Slade Jones cracked his 40th
the domestic 50-over competition in innings for play to win,” Cariah win in his debut season at celebrated Woodbine when he
2019-20. An impressive List A bowling Trinidad said. “I don’t play rode a brace on Friday’s eight-race card.
record. and Tobago to compete. I The 16-year-old Barbadian son of Woodbine legend Jono
Yet he hasn’t played in the CPL earlier this play to win. Jones captured race one with favourite Tickle Her Toe be-
since 2016. year. He also “I’m a very fore returning in race six to win with another favourite For-
“That’s not my fault,” Cariah said. bagged 4 for 59 quiet person. est Buzz.
“That’s the people picking the sides. I against Leeward But if they get With the brace, Jones moved to 40 wins and in sight of a
have no control over that.” Islands. After years to know me, landmark half-century of victories, with the six-month old
When you meet Cariah, you can see of no one noticing, I’m very cool. season set to wind up December 11.
how he might be underestimated and someone finally I do my best in Fellow Barbadian Jason Hoyte was also in winners’ row,
even overlooked. He is very softly spo- did. West Indies everything I do. the 35-year-old partnering with 5-1 choice A Gal For TJ to
ken. He doesn’t carry himself with a selector Desmond Good things hap- dismiss the two-year-old maiden fillies by 1-½ lengths.
swagger. Haynes noticed. pen to me. I have Celtic Revival led early before being overtaken at the
But there is an inner confidence and Cariah was a positive mindset. quarter pole by favourite Chrome’s Angel, and Hoyte then
belief in his ability that only begins to picked for West I’m very confident brought his chestnut filly with a strong run to lead at the
show the longer you speak to him. Indies A against within myself.” three-sixteenth.
It’s a confidence and a belief that Bangladesh A in a Not for the first time this season, however, it was Jones
shouldn’t surprise anyone given he first-class match (ESPNCRICINFO) who held some of the spotlight. He wasted little time in
reaching the winners’ circle when
When De Mark Buss MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2022 LAST DRAW: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2022 he won the curtain-raiser over 5-½
furlongs, piloting four-year-old
Marks Times played Marks Times played
PLAY WHE PICK TWO chestnut filly Tickle Her Toe to a
10.30am 1pm 4pm 7pm Total 10.30am 1pm 4pm 7pm Total
01 CENTIPEDE 6 2 4 6 18 19 HORSE 2 9 5 8 24 half-length win.
TODAY’S STAR BETS 10.30 am 10 36
02 OLD LADY 8 4 8 7 27 20 DOG  6 14 8 35 Up against the three-year-old
15 (Sick Woman)
03 CARRIAGE 10 2 6 4 21 21 MOUTH 6 7 4 5 22
1 pm 19 and upward maiden fillies and
22 RAT 25 (Morocoy) 17
04 DEAD MAN 5 6 7 12 30
6 7 4 5 21
28 (Red Fish) mares, Jones settled Tickle Her Toe
05 PARSON MAN 8 11 6  34 8 6 3 6 23
06 BELLY 12 7 8 4 31 24 QUEEN 7 11 5 7 30
13 (Crapaud) 10.30 am 23 (House) 1 pm
30 (House Cat) 4 pm 11 2 mid-pack as a Tiz Bizness set the
07 HOG 7 6 6 8 29 25 MOROCOY 6 6 4 5 21 pace before bidding at the quarter
08 TIGER 4 8 8 6 26 26 FOWL 5 12 5 5 27 BACKUP MARKS 7 pm 33 5 pole, grabbing the lead and hold-
09 CATTLE 6 8 6 8 28 27 LITTLE SNAKE 5 2 2 5 14 6-11-13-20-26-29 ing well.
10 MONKEY 10 7 2 5 24 28 RED FISH 7 7 8 3 25 Under: (Last Saturday)
PREFERRED LINES 10.30 am..................... 25-16 In contrast, Jones paired with
11 CORBEAU 3 4 3 6 15 29 OPIUM MAN 5 3 7 6 21
2 (Old Lady) 4 pm 4 (Dead Man) 7 pm 2-6-7-8 1 pm ............................ 21-34
12 KING 3 5 8 12 28 30 HOUSE CAT 2 7 9 8 26 4 pm ................................ 2-6
the bay gelding Forest Buzz to
13 CRAPAUD 7 5 8 6 26 31 PARSON WIFE 3 5 4 8 20 PICK FOUR 7 pm ............................. 2-11 crush the two-year-old maidens by
32 SHRIMP Under: (Last Saturday)
14 MONEY 7 3 6 7 23 3 6 7 4 20 10.30 am 5 1 9 9 PICK TWO SELECTIONS 12-½ lengths over 6-½ furlongs in a
15 SICK WOMAN 4 7 7 1 21 33 SPIDER 8 9 5 8 30 10.30 am............... 4-3-8-4 1-10, 23-12
16 JAMETTE 7 8 6 5 26 34 BLIND MAN 8 5 8 10 30
gate-to-wire effort.
1 pm 4 0 7 3 1 pm ....................... 2-0-7-1 CASH POT
17 PIGEON 6 3 6 7 22 35 BIG SNAKE 5 5 11 7 28 4 pm ...................... 0-2-4-9
The pair produced fractions of
18 WATER BOAT 8 4 9 4 25 36 DONKEY 4 9 3 3 19
6 8 7
SELECTIONS 23.09 seconds for the quarter and
4 pm 6 7 pm....................... 3-0-0-5
Play Whe—Under: (Last Saturday) 46.11 for the half before lengthen-
10.30 am: 25 (Morocoy) 1 pm: 24 (Queen) 4 pm: 33 (Spider) 7 pm: 25 (Morocoy) 7 pm 5 5 9 2 2-4-6-7 6-9-13-14-15 Mx3
ing in the stretch.(CMC)
Monday, October 10, 2022 sports 37
Valencia, G Madrid complete Big Eight quarterfinals results
Valencia 6 (Gerald Meloney 22nd, 33rd, Leon

Sweet 16 ‘Big 8’ semis quartet Durity 46th, Kerdell De Verteuil 65th, Kurt
Meloney 67th, Christian Meloney 78th) vs Plum
Road United 0

G Madrid 1 (Joshua Bishop 70th) vs Manzan

STORIES BY NIGEL SIMON And on Saturday, Cool It FC kicked off their knock- United 1 (Kerin Vincent 56th) - G Madrid won 4-2
out campaign with an 7-0 on penalty-kicks
Valencia and G Madrid won in con- hammering of Plum Road
Remaining fixtures
trasting fashion to complete the sem- United led by a Dorian October, 23
ifinal line-up in the Helping Hand Robinson hat-trick and two Wolf Pack vs Valencia, 7 pm
Foundation Anthony Wolfe Sweet 16 goals each from Brendon G.Madrid vs Cool it FC, 9 pm
Football League “Big Eight” at the Figuero, 2and Carlos Nich-
Ojoe Road Recreation Ground, San- olas. KNOCKOUT COMPETITION
gre Grande, on Thursday night. The knockout tourna- RESULTS
First up, the trio of Meloney broth- ment winners will take Friday
ers, Gerald, Kurt and Christian com- home $5,000 and the sec- Manzan United 4 (Kendell Jagdeosingh 23rd,
bined for four goals to lead Valencia ond place finisher collect- Dakiel Ferreira 25th, 68th, Tevin Pantor 79th) vs
to an emphatic 6-0 trashing of Plum ing $2,000. Tamana 0
Road United. In addition, there will be Vega United 3 vs Morin Bay United 0 - by default
Gerald netted a double in the 22nd individual awards of $500
and 33rd for Valencia to lead 2-0 at each for “Best Striker”, Cool It FC 7 (Dorian Robinson 9th, 20th, 56th,
the half-time interval while a minute “Best Defender”, “Best Brendon Figuero 17th, 28th, Carlos Nicholas
after the restart Leon Durity ex- Goalkeeper”, “Best Mid- 15th, 33rd) vs Plum Road United 0
tended the advantage to 3-0. The trio of Meloney brothers from left, Gerald, Kurt and Christian fielder”, “Most Goals” and
Kerdell De Verteuil then made combined for four goals to lead Valencia to an emphatic 6-0 trashing “Most Valuable Player” TODAY’S MATCH UP
it 4-0 in the 65th before Kurt and of Plum Road United. while the “Most Disci- Futuristic vs Overcome, 7 pm
Christian added their names to the The winners of the ‘Big Eight’ sem- with Kendell Jagdeosingh plined Team” and the “Best
scoresheet in the 67th and 78th to Under-20 player” will col- TOMORROW’S MATCH UP
ifinal will meet in the title match on (23rd), and Tevin Pantor G Madrid vs SP Boys Group, 7 pm
complete the one-sided contest. Saturday, October 29 with the win- (79th) the other scorers. lect $1,000.
With the win, Valencia set up a ners walking away with $30,000
semifinal meet on Sunday, October while the second placed team gets
23 against Wolf Pack while Cool It FC $10,000, and in the third placed
comes up against G Madrid after the playoff also on the same day, the
latter won 4-2 on penalty-kicks over winner will take home $5,000, and
Manzan United following a 1-1 draw the fourth placed finishers $2,500.
at the end of regulation time. Manzan United redeemd them-
Kerin Vincent had fired Manzan selves a day later when they clob-
into a 56th minute lead before Joshua bered Tamana 4-0 in their knockout
Bishop got G Madrid level to send the opener, with Dakiel Ferreira scoring
match into the penalty-kicks shoot- twice, in the 25th, and 68th minutes

RSSR, Seekers make winning

start in NFA Premier
RSSR and Seekers FC were both in each match will pocket $2,000 while
winners row when the 2022 Ascen- in the final will carry a first prize of
sion Group of Companies Northern $19,000 with the runner-up collect-
Football Association Premier Divi- ing $8,000.
sion kicked off with a double-header
at Diego Martin Sports Complex, Sa- NFA Premier Division Groups
vannah Road, Diego Martin, on Fri-
day night. Group A: RSSR, Belmont FC, Elite FC,
In the night’s opener, RSSR Paramin Scholars
spanked Paramin Scholars 5-1 in a Group B: Cultural Roots, Petit Valley/Diego
Martin, AC Port-of-Spain, B Boys, Police
Group A encounter with Abraham Group C: St Francois Nationals, Frontline
Livingston netting a double, and the FC, Guerreros FC, Harvard FC, Morvant
trio of O’Neal Vasquez, Khalid King, Elements
and Josiah Cox adding one eacch. Group D: Laventille United, Seekers FC,
Seekers got the better of Patna FC Football Factory, Patna FC
2-1 in a Group D fixture with Nicholas
Roach (40th), and Akeel Superville NFA PREMIER DIVISION RESULTS
(81st) on target for the winners to Friday
cancel out Kyle James 54th minute Seekers FC 2 (Nicholas Roach 40th, Akeel
effort while Akel La Borde also had Supervilel 81st) vs Patna FC 1 (Kyle Jones
a penalty saved as well in the 84th 54th)
RSSR 5 (Abraham Livingston 2, O’Neal
Vasquez, Khalid King, Josiah Cox) vs
On Saturday at Mandela Park, St Paramin Scholars 1 (Joshua Constantine)
Clair, former champions St Francois
Nationals battled to a goalless draw Saturday
with Guerreros in Group C. St Francois Nationals 0 vs Guerreros 0
This year’s league competition,
the first since 2019 due to the coro- Group awards
navirus pandemic will feature 18 Winner: $2,000
clubs divided into four groups at the Second: $1,500
end of which the top two in each Third: $1,000
group will advance to the ‘Big Eight’ Fourth: $800
quarterfinals followed by the semifi-
Big Eight
nals, and final. Winners of each match: $2,000
The fourth placed team in each
group will receive $800, third gets Final
$1,000, second will collect $1,500, Winners: $19,000
and the group winners $2,000 each. Runner-up: $8,000
In the ‘Big Eight’ the winners of
38 sports Monday, October 10, 2022

West Indies duo Alzarri

Joseph, left, and Yannic
Cariah during their record
ninth-wicket stand against
New Zealnd in the second One
Day International at
Kensington Oval in Barbados
in August. New Zealand won
by 50 runs under Duckworth-
Lewis-Stern to level the three-
match series ahead in August.
Jeron Thompson

snares 3 gold
medals for Indy
National swimmer Jeron
Thompson won three gold
medals for the second meet in
a row as the University of In-
dianapolis men’s swimming &
diving team swept their dual
meet at IUPUI at the IU Natato-
rium in downtown Indianapolis
on Friday, winning by a score
of 192-107.

UAE, Netherlands fixtures

Thompson won gold in the
men’s 50-yard backstroke in
22.4 5 seconds, well ahead of
schoolmate Bartek Swider-
ski (23.46), and IUPUI’s Dane

key to final prep—Simmons

Charleston (24.02)
He then added another gold
medal in the 50-yard butterfly
in 21.32 ahead of teammates
Serge Agadzhanyan (22.41)
MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA–Head UAE. “The two warm-up games champions Australia in a two- working hard,” he explained. and fellow T&T swimmer Kael
coach Phil Simmons says West are about getting things to work match series last week, losing by “We had a good net session Yorke (22.59).
Indies will use the two official together, about getting the plans three wickets in Gold Coast and 31 with everyone and everyone is In the 200-yard freestyle
warm-up games to finalise their we have in place, about making runs in Brisbane. The series loss looking forward to playing in the relay, Thompson teamed up
planning for the crucial qualify- sure players are getting sharper was their third in a row following practice games, getting in the with Diego Mas, Nicholas Quin-
ing stage of the Twenty20 World and sharper as they go along,” similar results against New Zea- middle and doing what is neces- tero and Joao Silva for gold in
Cup. Simmons said. land and India in the Caribbean, sary for the team. one minute, 22.34 seconds to
The Caribbean side faces min- He added: “The mood in the and they have now won only two “So far, the enthusiasm and ex- beat their ‘B’ quartet which
nows United Arab Emirates on camp has been very good. We of their last 10 T20 Internationals. citement are there in all the play- comprised T&T duo Yorke and
Monday (Sunday, 8 pm Eastern played two games … and we lost Not for the first time, the West ers so that’s good to see.” Aqeel Joseph as well as Agadzh-
Caribbean time) at Junction Oval the two games but at the same Indies batting underwent severe Following the warm-ups, West anyan and Sebestyen Bohm
here before taking on the Neth- time, some of the things we’re testing and was found wanting, Indies will take on Scotland, Ire- who took silver in 1:24.53 while
erlands at the Melbourne Cricket trying to put in place are starting but Simmons said work was on- land and Zimbabwe in Group B of IUPUI ‘A’ got bronze in 1:25.71.
Ground on Wednesday at 7 pm (4 to come in place and the mood in going in this aspect. a tricky qualifying series, with the Thompson then picked up a
am EST). Head coach Phil Sim- the camp has been excellent.” “The batsmen understand what top two teams from Group A and silver in the 50-yard freestyle
mons during a net session ahead West Indies are coming off the we need to add to get to where B advancing to the main draw. in 20.91, just behind Silva who
of the opening warm-up against back of a clean sweep to world we want to be and they’ve been (CMC) won in 20.86 with Mas com-
pleting a University of Indi-
anapolis 1-2-3 with bronze in

$200M dedicated to community sports 20.96 while Joseph was fourth

in 21.02
In the 100-yard butterfly,
Yorke ended with a silver medal
RADHICA DE SILVA “As relates to the National sta- “ We have taken a deliberate step diums, works are continuing at to invest in community groups. It finish in 50.13 behind Agadzha-
Dwight York stadium. The Ato is your responsibility to develop nyan (48.62) with IUPUI’s Isaac
Sports Minister Shamfa Cudjoe Boldon Stadium is a priority programmes and projects which Wilson third in 50.42
says over $200 million have been this year as we will be hosting suit the people in the commu- In the 200-yard medley
spent over the past five to seven the 2023 Commonwealth Youth nity,” she added. relay, Joseph combined with
years supporting T&T’s athletes Games,” she said. MP for Point Fortin Kennedy Cedric Buessing, Bohm, and
and building sports at the com- She noted that full refurbish- Richards, who also spoke at the Austin Kehr for the University
munity level. ment will be done at the Mannie opening said it was important to of Indianapolis ‘B’ team to take
Speaking at the opening of Ramjohn Stadium which is in maintain the Mahaica Oval which the silver medals in one min-
Mahaica Oval in Point Fortin on Marabella. had produced outstanding sports- ute, 33.24 seconds, well be-
Saturday, Minister Cudjoe said in- “We are developing sports and men and sportswomen over the hind winners; IUPUI- ‘A’ who
frastructural works are ongoing in the community. It’s more than de- years. won in 1:31.89 minutes while
several sporting facilities includ- veloping infrastructure. We want Meanwhile, the Ministry of University of Indianapolis ‘C
ing the national stadiums. Shamfa Cudoe, Minister of Sports you to train, have football leagues Sports and Community De- took third in 1:34.69, after their
“We are delivering investment and Community Development. and provide new athletes and tal- velopment has been allocated ‘A’ quartet of Bartek Swider-
in sports. have already been completed ents. $763,603,000 for the Ministry’s ski, Brayden Cole, Yorke, and
“This is more than delivering including the Moruga Sporting “This will also assist in generat- Draft Estimates of Expenditure Diego Mas was disqualified.
the stadium, we are committed to Complex, Diego Martin Regional ing business and economic activ- for the Financial Year 2022-2023 And in another event, Bynoe
delivering at the community level Complex, Maloney and Malabar ity in communities,” she said. which was presented in Parlia- had a seventh-placed finish in
as well,” Cudjoe said. swimming pools as well as the Saying $200 million have been ment by Finance Minister Colm the 100-yard breaststroke in
She noted that several projects Aranguez Recreational complex. devoted to athletes, Cudjoe said: Imbert on September 26. 1:00.42 minutes.
Monday, October 10, 2022 sports 39
Hales helps England beat Australia, set for World Cup start
PERTH, AUSTRALIA AP  Alex Africa to reach 278-7 after it won BRIEF SCORES eventually carried his bat for 70
Hales appeared to seal his place the toss and chose to bat. from 51 while Williamson strug-
in England’s team for cricket’s The three-match series is South Africa 278/7 in 50 overs (Aiden gled at times with the pace of the
T20 World Cup after starring in a level at 1-1. South Africa won the Markram 79, Reeza Hendricks 74; wicket and made 30 from 29 balls
tense eight-run victory over Aus- opener by nine runs. Mohammed Siraj 3-38) lost to India as New Zealand chased down
tralia in Perth on Sunday. Iyer was named player of the 282/3 in 45.5 overs (Shreyas Iyer 113*, Bangladesh’s 137-8 with 13 balls to
With Jos Buttler returning to the match but could be in doubt for Ishan Kishan 93; Wayne Parnell 1-44) by spare.
side after a calf injury, Hales was the series-decider in Delhi on 7 wickets. After two rounds Pakistan has
preferred to Phil Salt as the Eng- Alex Tuesday after cramping during two wins, New Zealand has a win
land white-ball captain’s opening Hales the game. New Zealand beats and a loss and Bangladesh two
partner for the first of three T20 Chasing 279, India lost stand-in losses in the tournament that is a
warmups against the Australians. skipper Shikhar Dhawan (13) Bangladesh by 8 wickets warm-up for the T20 World Cup
Hales underpinned England’s early. in NZ Tri-Series that begins in Australia later this
208-6 with 84 off 51 balls, sharing Shubman Gill scored 28 before month.
a 132-run stand in 11.2 overs with offering a return catch to Kagiso CHRISTCHURCH (AP)—Captain The next match is between New
Buttler (68 off 32 balls). Rabada (1-59). Kane Williamson and opener Zealand and Pakistan on Tuesday.
Australia needed to achieve Iyer finished with his highest Iyer and Kishan came together Devon Conway shared an 85-run
ODI score of 113 not out and put
a record T20 run chase by any
on 161 runs with Ishan Kishan (93)
at 48-2 and their partnership partnership for the second wicket BRIEF SCORES
team against the English and was swung the match India’s way. that helped steer New Zealand to
on course to do it, getting to 158-3 for the third wicket as India eased Kishan set the pace with four an eight-wicket win over Bangla- Bangladesh 137/8 in 20 overs (Najmul
midway through the 15th over to 282-3 in 45.5 overs in the sec- fours and seven sixes to enter- desh Sunday at the New Zealand Shanto 33, Nurul Hasan 25*; Michael
only for Marcus Stoinis (35) and ond one-day international. tain the crowd. He reached his Twenty20 Tri-Series. Bracewell 2-14, Trent Boult 2-25) lost
Tim David (0) to fall in the space Earlier, half-centuries from half-century off 60 deliveries. Conway struck his third T20 to New Zealand 142/2 in 17.5 overs
of four balls from Mark Wood. Aiden Markram (79) and Reeza The pair helped India reach half century from 36 balls and (Devon Conway 70*, Kane Williamson
Then Wood, off the final ball of Hendricks (74) had helped South 200 in 33.3 overs. 30; Hasan Mahmud 1-26) by 8 wickets
his allocated four overs,
snagged David Warner
for a team-high 73 as
the opener holed out to
Hales in the deep.
The match was in the
balance but England
took three wickets in
the last eight balls of
the chase to get home
in Perth, with Australia
finishing on 200-9.
After the match, But-
tler confirmed Hales,
who has recently re-
turned to the fold after
more than three years
in the international
wilderness following a
recreational drugs test
failure, is set to open
again when England
returns to Perth in two
weeks for its World Cup
opener against Afghani-
“Things c h a n ge
quickly in sport but he’s
got the first crack at it,
at the minute,” said But-
tler, who revealed Hales
was selected because of
his pedigree in Austral-
ia’s Big Bash League.
The teams will play
again in Canberra on
Wednesday and Friday.

England 208/6 in 20 overs
(Alex Hales 84, Jos Butler
68; Nathan Ellis 3-20) beat
Australia 200/ 9 in 20 overs
(David Warner 73; Mark
Wood 3-34) by 8 runs.

Iyer, Kishan
power India to
7-wicket win over
South Africa
Shreyas Iyer scored his
second ODI hundred as
India beat South Africa
by seven wickets on
Sunday with 25 balls to
Sports Monday, October 10, 2022
41 days
before start of

World Cup
All matches will
be LIVE on CNC3




T&T’s Teague Marcano pushed

his season’s tally to eight goals
in three matches when he
scored one item as Southgate
won 5-1 over Canterbury in the
English Hockey League Division
One South on Saturday.


“It is outstanding, one of

the greatest players that has
graced the game in an era
when we have had himself and
Magnolia’s Samantha Olton, right, Messi.”
maintains possession away from — Everton manager Frank
Ventures’ Amanda Sharpe during Lampard after Ronaldo
the 2022 T&T Hockey Board Indoor achieved his 700th career
Tournament Trinity Women match goal, yesterday.
at the Woodbrook Youth Facility in
Port-of-Spain on Saturday.
Magnolia won 12 - 1.
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