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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Understand Al-Qur’an & Salah - the Easy Way (Course-1)

SOLUTION for Exam-2 (Lessons: 6 to 10) Total marks: 50
Note: More than exam, it is your training. So, please keep reviewing it again and again.
Once you start the exam, don’t look for solution.

Q-1. Translate the Aayaat given below: 5 Marks (1 mark for each line)

ُ .ِّ‫مِّ َنُالن َّ ْو ُم‬ ُ ُ‫َخيْر‬ َّ ‫اَل‬

ُ ُ‫صٰلوة‬
than sleep. is better Salah
ُ .ُُ‫العْل‬
ُ َُ ِّ ‫رَ ُب‬
ُ ‫ي‬ ُ ‫ح َُن‬
ُ ْ ‫سب‬
the Exalted. my Lord, Glory be to
َّ َ‫و‬
ُ َ ‫الطيِّب‬
‫ات‬ ُ‫الصل َ َوات‬
َّ َ‫و‬ ُ ِّ
ِّ ‫ِل‬ ِّ َّ ‫اَلت‬
All the
and the pure (deeds) and the prayers are due to Allah

.ُ‫مَّ ِّج ُي ْد‬ ُ‫َح ِّم ُي ْد‬ َ َّ ‫إِّن‬

full of glory. worthy of praise, Indeed, You are

َُ ِّ ‫وَح ْس ِّنُ ِّعبَادَت‬

ُ .ُ‫ك‬ ُْ ِّ ُ‫أ َ ِّعن‬
ُ َ‫ي ُ عَلُُذِّكْ ِّر ُكَ ُ وَش ْكرِّ ُك‬ ُ َّ‫اَللُه ُم‬
and to worship You in the and to give to remember
Help me O Allah!
best possible way. thanks to You You

Q-2. Answer the following questions: 5 Marks

i. What is the virtue/reward of reciting the Duaa after Wudoo?
Ans: The Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬said, “Whoever of you performs Wudoo’ carefully and then
affirms this the eight gates of Jannah are opened for him. He may enter through whichever of
these gates he desires (to enter).” (Tirmidhi)

ii. Write the four things we say to Allah during Rukoo and Sajdah?
Ans: (1) Allah is free from defects; (2) He is Rabb; (3) He is my Rabb; and (4) He is ‫اْلَع ٰألى‬
‫ أ‬,
i.e., the highest, the topmost. I am in the lowest position on this earth and my Rabb is the
highest on His Throne. We are nearest to Allah in the position of Sajdah.

َ َ‫ م‬and give their examples?

ُْ َ‫ُل‬،ْ‫ُلَم‬،‫َُل‬،‫ا‬
iii. What are the meanings of ‫ن‬

Ans: ُ‫مَا‬: What? Not, Which َ‫ُمَُاُتَع ْبد وْ ُن‬،ِّ ‫ُمَاُف ِّيْه‬،‫ك ؟‬
َ ‫مَاُدِّي ْن‬
ُ‫َل‬: Not ُ‫ََل ُإ ِّٰله َُا ِّ ََّل ُاِل‬
ُْ‫ل َم‬: Did not ‫ل َمُْي َلِّ ُْد‬
ُ‫ل َ ْن‬: Will not ‫ل َ ْن ُتَفْع َلوْا‬

iv. Why Hameed and Majeed are mentioned at the end of Durood (the prayer for the Prophet
Ans: Because, Allah has done a huge favor for us. He sent an excellent prophet for us. He is
so Kind and so Merciful. He took so much care for our welfare. Then He is indeed worthy
of praise and full of glory.

v. Translate َّ‫ن‬
ُ ‫ُأ‬،ْ‫ُاَن‬،َّ‫ُإ ِّن‬،ْ‫ إ ِّن‬with give example phrase/sentence for each.
ُُْ‫إ ِّن‬: If ُ‫ُشاء َُالل‬ َ ْ‫ا ِّن‬
َُّ‫ إ ِّن‬: Indeed ُ‫إ ِّنَُّاِل َُغَف ْور‬
ُْ‫أ َن‬: That َّ ْ‫أ َ ْش هَد ُأ َن‬
ُ‫َُل ُإ ِّٰلهَُا ِّ ََّل ُاِل‬
and َُّ‫أ ن‬: That ُ ‫وَأ َ ْش هَد ُأ َنَُّم َحمَّ ًد اُرَّس وْل ُا‬
ِّ ‫لل‬

Q-3. Questions on general applications of Qur’an / Adhkaar in our life. 5 Marks

i. If I am worried about completing my tasks /busineses/studies and it is time for Salah, which
phrase (more than others) of Adhan invites me not to worry about it and that Allah will
surely grant me my needs if I go to Salah?
a. ُُ‫ُا َللُُُأكْبَر‬
َّ ُ‫َحيَُّعَلَى‬
b. ُِّ‫الصٰلو ُة‬
ََْ َ
ِّ ‫َح َّيُُعَلىُالفل‬
c. ُ‫ُح‬
َُّ ِّ ‫ََلُُإ ِّٰل ُه َُُإ‬
d. ُ‫َلُاِل‬

ii. I am too busy with my work/business and find no time for Islamic work. Which Dhikr (more
than others) reminds me to invest my time, money, and abilities in the service of Islam:
َّ ْ‫ُشهَدُُأَُن‬
َّ ِّ ‫َُُلُإُِّٰلهَُُإ‬
a. ُُ‫َُلُُاِل‬ ْ َ‫أ‬
b. ُٗ‫كُ ُلَه‬ َ ٗ‫وَ ْح َُده‬
َُ ْ ‫َُلُ َش ِّر ُي‬
َُ ْ ‫ُاَللُه ُمَُّا ْجعَل ُْن ِّيُْمِّ َُنُالتَّوَّاب ُِّي‬
c. ُ‫ن‬
َُ ْ ‫وَا ْجعَل ُْن ِّيُْمِّ َُنُالْمت َ َط ِّهرِّ ُي‬
d. .‫ن‬

iii. If someone is depressed and everything appears to be negative, which Dhikr can help him/her
overcome this problem?
a. ُ‫سبْحُ َنُُرَ ُب ِّيَُالْعَ ِّظيُْم‬
َُ ‫َس ِّم َُعُاللُُلِّمَ ُْنُ َح ِّم‬
b. ُٗ‫ده‬
ُ ‫كُالْ َح ْم‬
c. ‫د‬ َُ َ‫ُُُُ ُرَبَّنَاُوَل‬

iv. If Shaitan whispers me that your prayer is not good and you are not a good Muslim, which
part of the Du’aa can give me to focus on it directly?
a. ًُ ‫سنَ ُة‬
َ ‫الدنْيَاُ َح‬
ُّ ُ‫رَبَّن َُاُٰاتِّنَاُ ُف ِّى‬
b. ً ُ‫سنَة‬ ُْ ُْ‫وَّ ُف ِّى‬
َ ‫اْل ِّخ َُرةُِّ َح‬
َُ ‫وَّقِّنَاُ َع َذ‬
c. ِّ‫ابُالنَّا ُر‬
ْ َ
َ ِّ ‫ُُأ ِّع ُن ِّيُْعَلُُذِّكْرِّكَُُوَشكرِّ َكُُوَح ْس ِّنُ ِّعبَادَت‬
d. .ُ‫ك‬ ُ َّ‫اَللُهم‬

v. If I keep complaining about things or people or tasks on job, which Dhikr (more than others)
can help me overcome these complaints:
a. ُُُ‫سبْحُ َنُُرَ ُب ِّيَُالْعَ ِّظيُْم‬
َُ ‫َس ِّم َُعُاللُُلِّمَ ُْنُ َح ِّم‬
b. ُٗ‫ده‬
َ ْ‫كُال‬
c. ُ‫ح ْمد‬ َُ َ‫ُرَبَّنَاُوَل‬

Q-4. Questions on applications of teamwork. 5 Marks

i. Which Zikr (more than others) invites us to worship together as a team (and therefore
work together to establish a mosque and ensure its administration and maintenance):
a. ُُ‫ُا َللُُُأكْبَر‬
b. ُُِّ‫ىُالصٰلوة‬َ ‫َحيَُّعَل‬
َُ ‫يُعَلَىُالْ َف‬
c. ُ‫ل ِّح‬ َُّ ‫َح‬
َُّ ِّ ‫ََلُُإ ِّٰل ُه َُُإ‬
d. ُ‫َلُاِل‬

ii. After praising Allah and thanking Him for his blessings, should we work to implement
His guidelines in our group institutions (such as families, neighborhoods, schools,
companies, etc. with which He has blessed).
a. No need. Prayer does not have to be followed by actions.
b. Yes, we should. Prayer has to be followed by actions.
c. Not clear if we should. Just focus on oneself.

iii. Which Zikr (more than others) tells me to pray and have good wishes for the whole
Ummah rather than for myself only.
َّ َ‫الصلَوَاتُُو‬
a. ُ‫الطيِّبَات‬ َّ َ‫ِل ُِّو‬ ِّ َّ ‫اَلت‬
ُ ِّ ُُ‫حيَّات‬
ُُّ ِّ‫كُُا َيُّهَاُالن َُّب‬
b. ‫ي‬ َُ ‫لس‬
َُ ْ ‫لمُُعَلَي‬ َّ َ ‫ا‬
َُ ْ ‫حي‬
c. ‫ن‬ َّ ِّ ‫لس َلُمُُعَلَيْنَاُوَعَلُ ِّعبَادُِّاِل‬
ِّ ِّ ‫ُالصال‬ َّ َ ‫ا‬
َ َ
d. ُ‫نُْ ََّلُُإ ِّٰل ُه َُإ ََِّّلُاِل‬
ُ ‫ُأ ْشهَدُُُأ‬

iv. Which part of the Durood (prayer for the prophet) encourages me to pray for all of us
rather than pray for me alone :
َ ‫ص ُِّلُ َعلُُم‬
a. ُ‫ح َّم ُد‬ ُ َ‫ا‬
َ ُ‫مُهلل‬
َ ‫وَّ َعلُُُٰا ِّلُُم‬
b. ُُ‫ح َّمد‬
c. ُ‫لُُإ ِّبْرَاهُِّيْ َُم‬ َُ ْ‫صلَّي‬
ُ ‫تُ َعلُُُإ ِّبْرَاهُِّيْ َُمُوَ َع‬
ُِّ ‫لُُٰا‬ َ ُُ‫كَ َما‬
َُ َّ‫ُإ ِّن‬
d. ُ‫كُ َح ِّم ُيْ ُدُ َّمجِّ ُيْد‬

v. After asking good for everyone in this world and in the hereafter (ُ‫ربناُٰاتناُفيُالدنيا‬
)‫)حسنة۔۔۔‬, for all of us, should we not work together on projects that are beneficial to
a. No need. Prayer does not have to be followed by actions.
b. Yes, we should. Prayer has to be followed by actions.
c. Not clear if we should. Just focus on oneself.

Q-5. Translate the following sentences into Arabic: 5 Marks

1. (May) mercy of Allah be on her ‫رَ ْحمَةُاللُعَلَيْهَُا‬

2. Is the Qur’an with her? ُ ‫هَ ِّلُالْق ْرٰانُمَعَه؟‬

3. This is from near Allah. ُ ‫ه َذاُمِّ ْنُ ِّعنْ ِّدُا‬

ُ ِّ‫ِل‬

4. Did you all open? ُ ‫هَلُْفَتَ ْحت ْم ُ؟‬

5. We did not worship them ُ ْ‫مَاُعَبَ ْدنَاه ُم‬

Q-6. Answer in Arabic (Spoken Arabic): 5 Marks

َ ‫ُفِّي‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬
‫َُّخيْر‬ َ ْ‫هَ ُل ُْف ُِّي‬
ُ ‫كُ َخيْر ُ؟‬
َُ ‫ُعَبَ ْدنَاُال َّر ْحم‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬
ُ ‫ن‬ ُ ‫هَلُْعَبَ ْدتُّمُال َّر ْحم َن ُ؟‬

ُ ‫ُاَللُمَعَنَا‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ُ ‫هَ ُِّلُاِلُمَ ُعَك ُمْ ُ؟‬

ُ ‫صابِّر ُوْ َُن‬ َ ُ‫ُاول‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬

َ ُ‫ِئك‬ ُ ‫صاب ِّروُْنَ ُ؟‬ َ ‫ول‬
َ ُ‫ِئك‬ ُ ‫هَ ُل ُْا‬
َ َ ‫ُن‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬
َ َّ‫ص ْرتُالن‬
ُ ُ‫اس‬ ‫اس ُ؟‬ َ َ ‫هَ ُل ُْن‬
َُ ‫ص ْر‬
َ َّ ‫تُالن‬

Q-7. Translate the following phrases/sentences into English. Most of them are from the Qur’an.
Use the translation of new words given in the brackets. These sentences are arranged according
to a given pattern of verb. Make sure to refer to them even after the exam. They are very useful
for getting a grip on different verb forms. 20 Marks

Who has done this ُ‫ُمَ ْنُفَعَلَُه َذا؟‬:َ‫ ُفَعَل‬.1

Allah has made for you all ُُْ‫ُ َجعَلَُاللُلَكم‬:َ‫ ُ َجعَل‬.2
[All] praise is [due] to Allah, the one ُ َ ْ‫تُوَ ْاَلَر‬
‫ض‬ َّ ‫ُخل َ َق‬
ِّ ‫ُالسمو‬ َ ‫ى‬ْ ‫ُِلُِّالَّ ِّذ‬
ِّ ‫ُالْ َحمْد‬:‫ ُ َخل َ َق‬.3
who created the heavens and the earth

They made partners for Allah َُ‫اُِلُِّشرَكَٓاء‬

ِّ ْ‫ُ َجعَلو‬:‫ ُ َجعَلوْا‬.4
What have they created of the earth? )whatُ:‫ضُ(مَاذَا‬ ْ ‫اُخلَقوْاُمِّ َن‬
ُ ِّ ْ‫ُاَلَر‬ َ َ‫ُمَاذ‬:‫ ُ َخلَقوْا‬.5
And they remembered Allah often ‫ُوَذَكَرواُاِلَُكَثِّيْرًا‬:‫ ُذَكَروْا‬.6

Have you done this? ‫تُه َذا‬َ ْ ‫تُفَعَل‬

َ ْ ‫ُءَاَن‬:‫ت‬َ ْ ‫ ُفَعَل‬.7
Our Lord, You did not create this )ُaimlesslyُ:‫ل‬ ًُ ِّ‫تُه َذاُبَاط‬
ًُ ِّ‫لُ(بَاط‬ َ ْ‫اُخلَق‬
َ َ‫ُرَبَّنَاُم‬:‫ت‬ َ ْ‫ ُ َخلَق‬.8
And when you mention your Lord َ ‫ُوَاِّذَاُذَكَر‬:‫ْت‬
َ َّ‫ْتُرَب‬
ُ‫ك‬ َ ‫ ُذَكَر‬.9

What you did with Joseph ُ َ ‫ُ ُمَاُفَعَلْتمُْب ِّيوْس‬:ْ‫ ُفَعَلْتم‬.10

and nor I a worshipper of what you ُ‫ُوَ َاَلُاَنَاُعَاب ِّدُمَّاُعَب َ ْدتُّ ْم‬:ْ‫ ُعَبَدتُّم‬.11
And indeed I created you ُ‫ك‬ َ ‫ُخلَقْت‬ َ ‫ُوَق َ ْد‬:‫ ُ َخلَقْت‬.12
How we dealt with them ‫ُكَي ْ َفُفَعَلْنَاُب ِّ ِّهمُْ؟‬:‫ ُفَعَلْنَا‬.13
We have made in the heaven great )ُgreat starsُ:‫ىُالسمَٓا ِّءُبروْ ًجاُ(بروْ ًجا‬
َّ ِّ ‫ُ َجعَلْنَاُف‬:‫ ُ َجعَلْنَا‬.14
And certainly We created man ْ َ ‫ُخلَقْن‬
َ ‫اُاَلِّن ْ َس‬
ُ‫ان‬ َ ‫ُوَلَ َق ْد‬:‫ ُ َخلَقْنَا‬.15
We did not worship them ُُْ‫ُمَاُعَبَ ْدنهم‬:‫ ُعَب َ ْدنَا‬.16
The last questions are from prepositions:

Then they, in it, (are) partners ُ ُ‫ ُفَهمُْفِّيْهُِّشرَكَٓاء‬.17

and they have the Torah, ُ ُ‫ ُوَ ِّعن ْ َدهمُالت َّ ْورىة‬.18
Indeed I am the Messenger of Allah to ُْ‫ اُِّنِّىُْرَسوْلُاللُِّاِّلَيْك ُم‬.19
you all
You all have believed in Allah ُِّ‫ ٰاُمَنْتُ ُمُْب ِّاِل‬.20

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