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Performance Evaluation Checklist


Descriptive Interpretation for Actual Score:

2 – Very Good
1 - Good
0 – Note Performed

Name of Student:
Year/ Clinical Group: _________________ School Year:
Term: ___________ First Semester ____________ Second Semester
_____________ Summer
Inclusive Dates of Clinical Rotation:


 Clean stoma and peristoma

 Prevent stoma and peristoma excoriation and leakage

 To prevent infection

 To provide clean ostomy pouch for fecal evacuation

2 1 0

Procedure Scientific Rationale 2 1 0

1. Check the client’s condition before Assessment of the condition of the
applying the procedure patient is important to determine any
underlying problems
2. Gather equipment needed: flange Equipments needed for the procedure
• ostomy bag and clip, should be place beside the bedside of
• scissors the patient to properly perform the
• stoma measuring guide procedure without interruption
• waterproof pad
• pencil
• Adhesive remover for skin,
• Skin prep stomahesive paste or
• wet cloth,
• non-sterile gloves
• additional cloths
3. Identify the patient and review the Proper identification complies with
procedure. Encourage the patient to agency policy.
participate as much as possible or Encouraging patients to participate
observe/assist patient as they complete the helps them adjust to having an ostomy
4. Perform hand hygiene and observe This prevents the spread of
appropriate infection control measures microorganisms
5. Provide privacy The pad prevents the spilling of
Place waterproof pad under pouch effluent on patient and bedsheets
6. Apply gloves. Remove ostomy bag, and Prevent contamination and infection
measure and empty contents. Place old
pouching system in garbage bag
7. Remove flange by gently pulling it Gentle removal helps prevent skin
toward the stoma. Support the skin with tears. An adhesive remover may be
your other hand. An adhesive remover may used to decrease skin and hair
be used stripping.

8. Clean stoma gently by wiping with warm Aggressive cleaning can cause
water. Do not use soap. bleeding. If removing stoma adhesive
paste from skin, use a dry cloth first.
9. Assess stoma and peristomal skin A stoma should be pink to red in
colour, raised above skin level, and
(Skin surrounding the stoma should be
intact and free from wounds, rashes,
or skin breakdown. Notify wound care
nurse if you are concerned about
peristomal skin)
10. Measure the stoma diameter using the The opening should be 2 mm larger
measuring guide (tracing template) and than the stoma size.
cut out stoma hole Keep the measurement guide with
patient supplies for future use.
11. Prepare skin and apply accessory Accessory products may include
products as required or according to agency stomahesive paste, stomahesive
policy powder, or products used to create a
skin sealant to adhere pouching
system to skin to prevent leaking.
Wet skin will prevent the flange from
adhering to the skin
12. Remove inner backing on flange and The warmth of the hand can help the
apply flange over stoma. Leave the border appliance adhere to the skin and
tape on. Apply pressure. Hold in place for 1 prevent leakage
minute to warm the flange to meld to
patient’s body. Then remove outer border
backing and press gently to create seal.
13. Apply the ostomy bag. Attach the clip This step prevents the effluent from
to the bottom of the bag. soiling the patient or bed
14. Hold palm of hand over ostomy pouch The flange is heat activated
for 2 minutes to assist with appliance
adhering to skin.
15. Clean up supplies, and place patient in a Removing garbage helps decrease
comfortable position. Remove garbage odour.
from patient’s room.
16. Perform hand hygiene This minimizes the transmission of
17. Document procedure Follow agency policy for
documentation. Document appearance
of stoma and peristomal skin, products
used, and patient’s ability to tolerate
procedure and assistance with
18. Refer immediately if there are abnormal The attending physician further assess
or untoward signs and symptoms seen or the patient for any complications or
assessed during the procedure to the abnormalities
physician of the patient


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