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The demand for higher education has increased worldwide and the response has been an impressive expansion
of education offerings both within and across countries. In recent years there has been a proliferation
of educational courses that target international clientele. This has led to concerns about quality and consistency
and also the need for international standards of education.

Internationalization in education, according to knight “the process of integrating an international,

intercultural or global dimension in the purpose, functions and delivery of post – secondary

Exported education services are delivered in various ways.

As students travel abroad to receive their education.

As education is delivered to them through distance learning.

As educational institutions from one country provide onsite classes in another country, often through
establishing branch campuses. Education of health professionals, specially nurses, cannot be entirely
homogenous given population health issues, such as endemic diseases, along with social, cultural and
economic differences. The standards for nursing education need to be established throughout the world
to provide a guide for local services and to assure a minimum standard for important issues such as
essential qualifications for nurse educators.

A rapidly changing and increasingly global, multicultural world requires complex skills and
knowledge from citizens. As a knowledge-based profession, nursing schools must be capable of
developing within student’s the necessary capabilities to face the challenges of emerging global
conditions, together with an awareness of shared values and belonging to a common social and
cultural space. The importance of education in the development and strengthening of stable, peaceful
and democratic societies is universally acknowledged as paramount.

The value of including cultural competence and global perspective taking in nursing education can be
thought of from three philosophical positions (Stier, 2006).
 The first, idealism, derives from the assumption that internationalization is good and serves to
highlight global life-conditions and social injustices and offers an emancipator worldview.
 The second, instrumentalism considers internationalization as a viable road to meeting
healthcare organizations needs for nursing staff to meet demands of diverse patients for high
quality care.
 The third, educationalism, recognizes the personal or societal value of learning itself.

Exposure to ‘strange’ cultures with its features, social expectations and language-requirements is
considered a unique multilevel learning experience where intercultural competence, knowledge of and
respect for other cultures may be developed.



 Nursing Council Act came to existence in 1948 to constitute a council of nurses who would safe
guard the quality of nursing education in the country. The mandate was to establish and maintain
uniform standards of nursing education. Today, Indian nursing council is a statutory body that
regulates nursing education in the country through prescription, inspection, examination, certification
and maintaining its stands for a uniform syllabus at each level of nursing education. The strive for
maintenance of a uniform standards and pattern of nursing education has curbed creative development
and experiments for expansion of nursing in to newer horizons of nursing education. There are six
levels of nursing education in India today. They are:

Nursing Programs
S.NO Nursing Programs Training Duration Examination Registration
1. Ph D 3-5 years University Additional
2. M. Phil 1 year (Full time) 2 years (part University Additional
time) Qualification
3. M. Sc. 2 years University Additional
4. B.Sc (Post Basic) Regular: 2 yrs Distance: 3 yrs University Additional
5. B. Sc (Basic) 4 years University R.N & R.M
6. General Nursing & 3 and 1/2 years 3 years from Nursing R.N & R.M
Midwifery 2015-2016 Examination
7. Auxiliary Nurse & 2 years Nursing R.ANM
Midwife Examination
8. F e m a l e H e a l t h 6 month
training (HV

The ANM, HV, and GNM are conducted in schools of nursing. The last
3are universitylevelcourses and the respective universities conduct examinations. Beside there are
several certificated and diploma courses in specialties.


 The training grew out of the earlier auxiliary nursing and midwifery (ANM) course. The ANM
training was for 2 years. Mainly covers maternal and childcare and family welfare. The Indian Nursing
Council revised the ANMs syllabus in 1977 and reduced the duration to 18 months. At the end of the
course candidates are eligible for working in healthsub-centers.There are nearly 500 schools
offering this course in India at present.


This course was initially meant as a health visitor training course. Itwent to several modifications and
finally became metamorphosed into thecurrent six months promotional training.The female health
supervisors or Multipurpose Health Assistant (F) course is being conducted in 21 centers in the


The general nursing and midwifery course is conducted in 477 centers in the country. The syllabus has
undergone many revisions according to thechange in the health plans and policies of the Government
and changingtrends and advancements in general education, nursing health sciences andmedical
technology. The latest revision of syllabus by INC in 2004 has increased the duration of the course
from three year to three and half year. The basic entrance has become intermediate or class 12 instead
of earlier class 10. Both science and arts students are eligible. The focus of generalnursing education is
the care of sick in the hospital. Schools of nursing
aregenerally attached to teaching hospitals. Three Board examinations areconducted, one at the end of
each year. On passing the candidates areregistered as registered nurse and mid –wife by the respective
state nursingcouncils.


The Indian Nursing Council believes that the basic course in

nursingis a formal educational preparation which should be based on soundeducation principles. The c
ouncil recognizes that the program as thefoundation on which the practice of nursing is built and on
which dependsfurther professional education. It also recognizes its responsibility to thesociety for the
continued development of student as individual nurse and citizens.


The purpose of general nursing programme is to prepare general nurse who will function as member of

the health team beginning with competence for first level position in both hospital and community.
The programme is generated to the health needs of the society, the communityand the individual
and will assist nurses in their personal and professionaldevelopment so that they may take their
maximum contribution to thesociety as individual citizens and nurses.

1. Demonstrate awareness of and skills required in the nursing process inthe provision of health care
and nursing of patient’s
2.Apply relevant knowledge from the humanities biological and behavioral sciences in carrying out
health care and nursing activities andfunctions.
3. Show sensitivity and skill in human relationship and communication inhis or her daily works
4. Demonstrate skill in the problem solving methods in nursing.
5. Gain knowledge of health resources in the community and the country
6. Demonstrate skill in leadership
7. Demonstrate awareness of necessity of belonging to professionalorganizations.
8. Promotion of health, precaution against illness, restoration of health andrehabilitation.

Student’s admission
1. Age for the entrance shall be 17 years to 35 years, provided they meet the minimum educational
requirement ie 12 years of schooling.
2. Minimum education all students should pass 12 classes or its equivalent, preferably with science
3. Admission of students shall be once a year.
4. Students should be medically fit.The selection committee should comprise tutors, nurse
administrators, and educationalist/psychologist. The principal of the school shall be the chairperson.

Training programme
The course in general nursing shall be of three and half years durationas follows, two years practice in
general nursing , one year communityhealth nursing and midwifery and six months internship which
includesnursing administration and nursing research classes. There will be alternatecourse for male
students in lieu of midwifery. The ANM who wishes toundertake general nursing course will not be
given any concessions. Themaximum hours per week per students shall be 36 hours, which
includesinstructions and clinical field experiences.


Graduate nursing education started in India in the year 1946 in CMC,Vellore and in the RAK College
of nursing at Delhi University. At presentseveral universities in India offer the course.

Eligibility for admission

A candidate seeking admission should have:

1. Pass the 2 year of pre university exam or equivalent as recognized

byconcerned university with science subjects ie Physics, biology andchemistry.

2. Students of vocational courses

3. Obtained at least 45%of total marks in science subjects in the qualifyingexam, if belongs to

a scheduled caste or tribe, should have obtained not lessthan 40 % of total marks in science subjects.

4. Completed 17 years of age at the time of admission or will complete thisage on or before 31st

December of the year of medically fit

Objectives of study

The programme is designed:

1. To provide a balance of professional and general education

2. To enable a student to become a professional nurse practitioner who hasself direction and is
a responsible citizen. Through planned guided experiences students are provided with opportunities to
develop a broad concept of the fundamental principles
of nursing care based on sound knowledge and satisfactory levels of skill in providing care to people
of all ages in community or institutional setting.

 Understanding of the application of principles from the physical biological and social sciences for
assessing the health status,
 Ability to investigate health care problems systematically,
ability to work collaboratively with members of allied disciplines towards attaining optimum
health for all members of the society,
 Understanding of fundamental principles of administration and organization of nursing service,
understanding of human behavior and appreciation of effective interpersonal relationship with
individual’s families and groups
 Ability to assume responsibility for continuing learning
 Appreciation of professional attitudes necessary for leadership roles in nursing appreciation of
social and ethical obligations to society.

Course of study

The course of study leading to bachelor of nursing degree comprises 4academic years


Philosophy and aims of the programme 

The faculty believes that nursing is an integral part of the health caredelivery system and shire
responsibility in collaboration with other alliedhealth professions for the attainment of optimal health
for all members of the society. The faculty conceives education as a life long learning process.It seeks
to render appropriate behavioral changes in students in order tofacilitate their development, which
assists them to live personally satisfiedand socially useful lives.
The goal of post certificate degree programme leading to bachelor of science in nursing is the
preparation of the trained nurse as a generalist whoaccept responsibility for enhancing the
effectiveness of Nursing care

Eligibility for admission
The candidate seeking admission must:
1. Hold a certificate in General nursing.
2. Be a registered nurse
3. Have minimum of two years of experience
4. Have passed pre university exam in the arts /science/commerce or itsequivalent which is recognized
the university
5. Be medically fit
6. Have a good personal and professional record
7. Have working knowledge of English
Programme Study Duration
 –the programme of the study is two academic years from the dateof commencement of programme.
Terms and vacations shall be as notified by the university from time to time.

 —the goal of the post certificate programme leading to the bachelor of nursing is the preparation of
the trained nurses as a general listwho accept responsibility for enhancing the effectiveness of nursing
•Administer high quality nursing care to all people of all ages in homes, hospitals and other
community agencies in urban and rural areas. Apply knowledge from the physical,
social and behavioralsciences in assessing the health status of individuals and makecritical judgment in
assessing the health status of the individuals andmake critical judgment in planning, directing and
evaluating primary,acute and long term care given by themselves and others workingwith them
•Investigate health care problems systematically
•Work collaboratively with members of other health disciplines
•Teach and counsel individuals, families and other groups about health and illness
•Understand human behavior and establish effective interpersonal relationships
•Teach in clinical nursing situations
•Identify underlying principles from the social and naturalsciences and utilize them in adapting to, or
initiating changes inrelation to those factors
•Acquire professional knowledge and attitude in adapting for leadership roles



 Nursing faculty presents the following beliefs about the master of nursing programme:

1.the master of nursing programme is offered by institution of higher education and is built up

on a recognized bachelor’s curriculum in nursing(in India-by Indian nursing council)
2. Theprogramme prepares nurses for leadership position in nursing
andother health fields who can function as specialists nurse practitioners, consultants,
educators,administrators and investigators in a wide variety of  professional setting in meeting the
national priorities and the changing needsof the society

3.The programme prepares nursing graduates who are professionallyequipped ,creative, self directed

and socially motivated to effectively meetwith the needs of the social change4.further the programme
encourages accountability and commitment tolifelong learning which fosters improvement of quality


Graduates of master of nursing programme demonstrate:

• Increased cognitive,affective and psychomotor

competenciesand the ability to utilise the potentials for effective nursing performance

•Expertise in the utilization of concepts and theories for the assessment,planning and intervention in
meeting the self careneedsof an individual for the attainment of fullest potentials in the field
of specialty.

•Ability to practice independently as a nurse specialist

•Ability to function effectively as nurse educator’s andadministrators

•Ability to interpret the health related research

•Ability to plan and initiate change in the health care system

•Leadership qualities for the advancement of practice of  professional nursing

•Interest in life long learning for personal and professionallearning advancement


The candidate seeking admission must:

1. Have passed BSc. Nursing/post certificate BSc, or nursing degree of anyuniversity

2. Have a minimum of one year of experience after obtaining B.Sc, in hospitals or nursing educational
institutions or community health setting

3. For B.Sc, nursing post certificate, no such experience is needed after graduation the candidate shall
be-a registered nurse or registered
midwifefor admission to medical surgical nursing, community health nursing, pediatric nursing
obstetric and gynecological nursing.A registered nurse for admission to psychiatric nursing

4. The candidate shall be selected on merit judged on the basis of academic performances in B.Sc

nursing, post certificate B.Sc, or nursing and selectiontests.


Candidate will be examined in any of the following branches— 

1. Branch1-Medical Surgical Nursing

2. Branch2-Community Health Nursing

3. Branch 3-Paediatric Nursing

4. Branch4-Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing

5 Branch5-Psychiatric Nursing

Four common papers are there included in the syllabus. They are:

•Advanced concepts of health and nursing

•Education and nursing education

• Bio-statistics, research methodology and nursing research

•Administration and nursing administration


In 1980 RAK college of nursing started an M.Phil programme as a regular and part time course.
Since then several universities started taking students for the M.Phil course in nursing. Prominent
among these are: MGR Medical University, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences,
SNDTUniversity and Delhi University and Manipal Academy of Higher Education

 Nursing shares with the whole university a main focus of preparing itsstudents for service and
assisting them to achieve a meaningful philosophyof life. The student is encouraged to develop
judgment and wisdom inhandling knowledge and skills and achieve mastery of problem solving
andcreativeskills.Commitment to lifelong learning is the mark of truly professional person. In order
to maintain clinical competencies and enhance
professional practice the student must stay abrupt of the new developments andcontribute to the
advancement of nursing knowledge.


The objectives of M.Phil degree course in nursing are

•To strengthen the research foundations of nurses for encouraging research attitudes and

problem solving capacities

•To provide basic training required for research in undertakingdoctoral work 


Duration of the full term M.Phil course will be one year and part timecourse will be two year.

Course of study

At the time of admission each candidate will be required to indicateher priorities in regard to the
optional courses .a candidate may offer onecourse from M Phil programme from the department of
Anthropology, education, sociology and physiology or any suitable department. 

TheM.Phil studies will be into two distinct parts, part1 and part 2.

Part1-it consist of 3 courses, ie research methods in nursing, major aspects of nursing, allied


Part2after passing the part1 examination, a student shall be required towrite a dissertation. The topic

and the nature of the dissertation of each candidate will be
determined by theadvisory committee consist of 3members. The dissertation may include results of
original research, a freshinterpretation of existing facts, and date or a review article of critical natureof
may take.

Acandidate for admission to the course for the degree of doctor of  philosophy in the faculties of
medical science must have obtained an M.Phil degree of a university or have a good academic record
with first or second class master’s degree of an Indian or a foreign university in
theconcernedsubject.The candidate shall apply to the university for the admission statinghis
qualifications and the subjects he proposes to investigate enclosing astatement on any work he may
have done in the subject. Everyapplication for the admission of the course must be analyzed by the
board of researchstudies.

Board of research studies (medical sciences)-


•Dean and the head of the departments concerned

•Principals/ head of institutions recognized for post graduatemedical studies.

•Two members nominated by the medical academic council

•Three persons nominated by the medical faculty ( for their special knowledge in the

medical science

Eligibility criteria

•The candidate should be post graduate in nursing with morethan 55% of aggregates of marks

•Should have research background

•May or may not published articles in journals

•The course duration is far regular PhD course is 3 years and for part time is 4 years


The one year Post Basic Diploma programmes in nursing are designed to prepare registered nurses to
acquire in-depth knowledge and skills in specialized areas of nursing. It aims to prepare them to
function effectively as care givers/nurse supervisors in the respective settings. These programmes
require full time attendance. The course includes Foundations of Nursing, Speciality Nursing, Nursing
Management, Education and Research.
The candidate should have
1. Passed the qualification of Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery or alternate course/B.Sc.
Nursing/B.Sc. (Honors) in Nursing/Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing.
2. Permanent registration certificate from the State Nursing Council for Nursing and Midwifery or
alternate course (applicable to male candidates).
3. Minimum one year of work experience as on 1st September of the said year in any clinical area in
the hospital or in the community.
4. A Certificate of Medical Fitness from an authorized Medical Officer.

The list of courses

S.No Name of Program

1. Post Basic Diploma in Burn & Reconstructive Surgery Nursing – Residency
2. Post Basic Diploma in Haematology Nursing-Residency Programme
3. Post Basic Diploma in Forensic Nursing
4. Post Basic Diploma in Neonatal Nursing
5. Post Basic Diploma in Geriatric Nursing
6. Post Basic Diploma in Ortho and Rehabilitation Nursing
7. Post Basic Diploma in Oncology Nursing
8. Post Basic Diploma in Emergency & Disaster Nursing
9. Post Basic Diploma in Critical Care Nursing
10. Post Basic Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing
11. Post Basic Diploma in Paediatric Nursing.
12. Post Basic Diploma in Nursing Education
13. Post Basic Diploma in Neurology Nursing.
14. Post Basic Diploma in Cardio Thoracic Nursing
15. Post Basic Diploma in Operation Room Nursing

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