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AIR ASME PTC 30-1991

~ ~~~

Symbol Definjtion U.S. Customary Units SI Units
LMTD Log mean temperature difference "F "C

N Number of tubes Dimensionless Dimensionless

N Number of measurements Dimensionless Dimensionless

Nh Number of fins per unit length ft-' m-'

Nm Fan speed RPM rPs

MU Number of transfer units Dimensionless Dimensionless

Nu Nusselt number, hD/k Dimensionless Dimensionless

P Air pressure Ibf/fta Pa

P Thermal effectiveness, (t, -tJ/F, -tJ Dimensionless Dimensionless

P Process stream pressure Ibf/ft' Pa

Pr Prandtl number, c,, rJk Dimensionless Dimensionless

Q Heat transfer rate Btuhr W

r Radius ft rn

R Temperature difference ratio equal to Dimensionless Dimensionless

(T, -T& -t,)

R Thermal resistance hrft'."F/Btu mZWW

R" Hydraulic radius ft m

R. Gas constant of air 53.32 ft*lbf/lbm"R 286.9 J k g K

Re Reynolds number, GD/p Dimensionless Dimensionless

RPM Rotational speed Revolutions per


S Net clear distance between fins ft m

S Cross sectional flow area ft2 m2

SCFM Standard cubic feetper minute measured at ft3/min

70°F and 14.696 psia, dry air

St Stanton number, hlc,C = -


t Air temperature "F "C

T Process fluid temperature OF "C

T, Torque I bf-ft N.m

U Overall heat transfer coefficient Btu/hrft'*'F W/ma."C

V Speed Wmin m/S

W Air flowrate Ibm/hr kds

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New York,

Air Cooled
Heat Exchangers

ASME PTC 30-1991

345 East 47th Street


United Engineering Center

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Date of Issuance: May 30, 1991

The 1991 edition of this document is being issued with an automatic addenda
subscription service. The use of an addenda allows revisions made in re-
sponse to public review comments or committee actions to be published as
necessary; revisions published in addenda will become effective 1 year after
the Date of Issuance of the document. This document will be revised when
the Society approves the issuance of the next edition, scheduled for 1996.

ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretation of technical

aspects of this document. The interpretations will be included with the above
addenda service. Interpretations are not part of the addenda to the document.

ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

This code or standard was developed under prccedures accredited as meeting the criteria for
American National Standards. The Consensus Committee that approved the code or standard
was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an
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ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in
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(This Foreword is not part of ASME PTC 30-1991.)

In May 1960 the Board on Performance Test Codes organizedPTC 30 on Atmospheric

Cooling Equipment to provide uniform methods and procedures for testing air cooled
heatexchangers,and the means for interpretingthe testresults to enablereliable
evaluation of the performance capabilityof the equipment. This Committee was chaired
by Mr. R. T. Mathews, and under his guidance a preliminary Draft of PTC 30 for Air
Cooled Heat Exchangers was developed.Followingthe death of Chairman Mathews the
Board on Performance Test Codesdirected the reorganizationof this Committeein 1977
under the leadership of interim Chairman Mr. J. C.Westcott.'The newly reorganized
committee wab entitled PTC 30 on Air Cooled Heat Exchangers. On April 20,1977 Mr.
J. C. Westcott relinquished the Chair andMr. J. C. Campbell was elected Chairman.
This Code was approved bythe PTC 30 Committee on May 22,1990. It was approved
by the ASME Board on Performance Test Codes and adopted as a standard practice of
the Society on October 5, 1990. It was approved as an American National Standard on
February 15,1991, by theBoard of Standards Reviewof the American National Standards

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All ASME codes are copyrighted, with all rights reserved to the Society. Reproduction of
this or any other ASME code is a violation of Federal Law. Legalities aside, the user should
appreciate that the publishingof the high quality codes that have typified ASME documents
requires a substantialcommitment by the Society. Thousands of volunteers work diligently
to develop these codes. They participate on their own or with a sponsor’s assistance and
produce documentsthat meet the requirementsof an ASME consensus standard. The codes
are very valuable pieces of literature to industry and commerce, and the effort to improve
these “living documents” and develop additional needed codes must be continued. The
monies spent for research and further code development, administrativestaff support and
publication are essential and constitute a substantial drainon ASME. The purchase price of
these documents helps offset these costs. User reproduction undermines this system and
representsan added financial drain on ASME. Whenextracopiesareneeded,youare
requested to call or write the ASME Order Department, 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Fairfield,
New Jersey 07007-2300, and ASME will expedite delivery of such copies to you by return
mail. Please instruct your people to buy.required test codes rather than copy them. Your
cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

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(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)

J. C. Campbell, Chairman
R. B. Miller, Vice Chairman
J. Karian, Secretary

J. A. Bartz, Edison Power Research Institute
K. J. Bell, Oklahoma State University
J. M. Burns, Stone and Webster Engineering Corp.
J. C. Campbell, Lilie-Hoffman Cooling Towers, Inc. (retired)
R. R. Carpenter, Duke Power Co.
M. C. Hu, United Engineers and Constructors, Inc.
B. M. Johnson, Battelle Northwest
G. E. Kluppel, Hudson Products Corp.
P. A. Lindahl, The Marley Cooling Tower Co.
P. M. McHale, Ebasco Plant Services Inc.
R. B. Miller, Stone and Webster Engineering Corp.
D. S. Parris, Jr., American Energy
J. G. Yost, Environmental Systems Corp.

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J. S. Davis, Jr., Vice President

N. R. Deming, Vice Chairman
W. 0.Hays, Secretary

A. F. Armor P. M. Gerhart R. P. Perkins

R. L. Bannister R. Jorgensen R. W. Perry
R. J. Biese D. R. Keyser A. L. Plumley
J. A. Booth W. G. McLean C. B. Scharp
B. Bornstein G. H. Mittendorf, Jr. J. W. Siegmund
H. G. Crim J. W. Murdock R. E. Sommerlad
G. J. Gerber S. P. Nuspl J. C. Westcott

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Foreword ............................................................................... iii

Committee Roster ..................................................................... V

Introduction .................................................................... 1
Object and Scope .............................................................. 3
1.1 Object ...................................................................... 3
1.2 Scope ...................................................................... 3
1.3 Uncertainty .................................................................. 3
Definitions and Description of Terms ........................................ 5
2.1 Terms ...................................................................... 5
2.2 Letter Symbols ............................................................. 8
Guiding Principles ............................................................. 11
General .....................................................................

3.1 11
3.2 Agreements Prior to Test .................................................. 11
3.3 Selection of Personnel ..................................................... 11
3.4 Pre-Test Uncertainty Analysis ............................................. 11
3.5 Arrangement of Test Apparatus ........................................... 11
3.6 Methods of Operation During Testing .................................... 12
3.7 Provisions for Equipment Inspection ...................................... 12
3.8 Calibration of Instruments ................................................. 12
3.9 Preliminary Testing ........................................................ 12
3.1 0 Conduct of Test ............................................................ 13
3.1 1 Permissible and Nonpermissible Adjustmentsto Test
Procedures .............................................................. 13
3.1 2 Duration of Test ........................................................... 13
3.1 3 Number of Test Readings ................................................. 13
3.1 4 Permissible Limitsof Test Parameters ..................................... 13
3.1 5 Degree of Constancy of Test Conditions ................................. 14
3.1 6 Causes for Rejection of Test Readings or Results ......................... 14
3.1 7 Post-Test Uncertainty Analysis ............................................ 14
InstrumentsandMethods of Measurement .................................. 15
4.1 General ...................................................................... 15
4.2 Measurement of PhysicalDimensions .................................... 15
4.3 Fan
Measurements ........................................................ 15
4.4 Measurement of Air Flow ................................................. 15
4.5 Measurement of Air-SidePressure Differential ........................... 17
4.6 Measurement of Fan Driver Power ....................................... 18

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4.7 Measurement ofSoundLevel ............................................. 19
4.8 Measurement of AtmosphericPressure ................................... 19
4.9 Measurement of EnvironmentalEffects ................................... 19
4.1 0 Measurement of Wind Velocity ........................................... 19
4.1 1 Measurement of Air Temperatures ........................................ 19
4.1 2 Measurement ofAmbientandEntering Air Temperatures ............... 20
4.1 3 Measurement ofExit Air Temperature .................................... 20
4.1 4 Measurement of Process Fluid Temperatures ............................ 20
4.1 5 Measurement of Process Fluid Pressures ................................. 20
4.1 6 Measurement ofProcess Fluid FlowRate ................................. 21
4.1 7 Measurement of Composition of Process Fluid .......................... 21
5 Computation of Results ........................................................ 23
5.1 General ..................................................................... 23
5.2 ReviewofTestDataandTestConditions ................................. 23
5.3 ReductionofTestData .................................................... 23
5.4 Determination ofMaterialandHeatBalances ............................ 24
5.5 Computation of Effective
Difference ............................................................... 25
5.6 Computation ofOverallHeatTransferCoefficient ....................... 25
5.7 Determination ofAir-SidePressureLosses ............................... 26
5.8 Determination of Process Fluid PressureLosses .......................... 26
5.9 Adjustments ofTestData to DesignConditions .......................... 28
6 Report of Results ............................................................... 47
6.1 Composition Report
of .................................................... 47
6.2 Report
Data ................................................................ 48

4.1 Locationof Air VelocityandTemperatureMeasurement
Points Across Fan Ring .......................................................
4.2 TypicalVelocityDistributionAcrossFanStack ................................ 18
5.1 MeanTemperatureDifferenceRelationships - Crossflow
Unit - 1 TubeRow,Unmixed .............................................. 33
5.2 MeanTemperatureDifferenceRelationships - Crossflow
Unit - 2 TubeRows. 1 Pass.Unmixed ..................................... 34
5.3 MeanTemperatureDifferenceRelationships - Crossflow
Unit . 3 TubeRows, 1 Pass.Unmixed .....................................
5.4 MeanTemperatureDifferenceRelationships - Crossflow
Unit - 4 TubeRows. 1 Pass. Unmixed ..................................... 36
5.5 MeanTemperatureDifferenceRelationships . Crossflow
Unit - 2 Tube Rows. 2 Passes. Unmixed Between Passes .................
5.6 MeanTemperatureDifferenceRelationships - Crossflow
Unit . 3 Tube Rows. 3 Passes. Unmixed Between Passes .................
5.7 MeanTemperatureDifferenceRelationships - Crossflow
Unit - 4 Tube Rows. 4 Passes. Unmixed Between Passes ................. 39
5.8 MeanTemperatureDifferenceRelationships . Crossflow
Unit - 4 Tube Rows in 2 Passes. 2 Tube Rows per Pass.
Mixed at the Header ......................................................... 40
5.9 Schematic of Process Fluid Piping ............................................. 41
5.10 Fin Efficiency of Several Types of Straight Fins ................................ 42
5.1 1 Efficiency Curves for Four Types of Spine Fins ................................ 43
5.12 Efficiency of Annular Fins of Constant Thickness .............................. 44
5.1 3 Efficiency of Annular Fins With Constant Metal Area for
HeatFlow .................................................................... 45

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4.1Recommended Minimum Number of AirVelocity
MeasurementPoints for FanRingTraverse ................................. 17
5.1Values of Ft, for Equation5.38 ................................................. 31

A Testing
Guidelines .............................................................. 49
B Example ......................................................................... 51
C Example UncertaintyAnalysis .................................................. 57
D SpecialConsiderations for ComputationandAdjustment of
Results ........................................................................ 65
E Fouling .......................................................................... 77
F Recirculation of Air ............................................................. 79
G References ....................................................................... 81

D.l Moody-Darcy Friction Factor Chart for Flow Through Plain
Tubes ......................................................................... 66
D.2a 'Chart for Calculating In-Tube Heat Transfer Coefficients for
Water ......................................................................... 69
D.2b Correction Factor to Fig D.2a for Other Tube Diameters .................... 70
D.3Two-Phase FlowFriction Pressure Drop Correction Factor ................... 72
D.4 p as aFunction for JI for the Chaddock Method ............................ 73
D.5 Colburn Correlation for Condensation on a Vertical Surface
- No VaporShear ........................................................... 74

C.laSensitivityFactors for UncertaintyAnalysis .................................... 60
C.l b SensitivityFactors for Uncertainty Analysis .................................... 61
C.2ErrorEstimateValues for Capability ........................................... 62
C.3ErrorEstimateValues for Capability ........................................... 63
Two-Tailed STUDENT4 Table for the 95Percent
Confidence Level ............................................................. 64

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ASME PTC 30-1991


Code on


This Code provides instructions for the testing of

air cooled heat exchangers. The equipment, as herein
defined, refers to apparatus for the transfer of heat
from process fluids to atmospheric air.
The testing methods described in this Code will
yield results of accuracy consistentwith current en-
gineering knowledge and practice.
The purpose of this Code is to provide standard
directions and rules for the conduct and report of
performance testson air cooledheat exchangers and
the measurement and evaluationof relevant data.
This Code is a voluntarystandard; adherence to it
depends on prior mutual.agreementof allparties in-
volved in the performance testing of specificair
cooled heat exchangers.
Unless otherwise specified,all references hereinto
other codes refer to ASME Performance Test Codes.
Terms used but not defined hereinare defined in the
Code on DefinitionqandValues (PTC2 ) . Descriptions
of instruments and apparatus, beyond those specified
and describedin this Code, but necessary to conduct
the tests, may be found in the Supplements on In-
struments and Apparatus (PTC 19 Series).
When using thisCode, a careful study shouldfirst
be madeof the most recent issuesof Codes on Gen-
eral Instructions (PTC I), and Definitions and Values
(PTC 21, together with all othercodesreferred to
herein. In the event of any discrepancies between
specificdirectionscontainedherein,andthose in
codes incorporatedby reference, this Codeshall

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1.1 OBJECT agreed be

shall by the
parties to the test.
The objectof this Code isto provide uniform meth- The scope of this Code also includes, directly or
ods and procedures for testing the thermodynamic by reference, recommended methods for obtaining
and fluid mechanical performanceof air cooled heat data,measurements,observations,andsamplesto
exchangers, and for calculating adjustments to the determine the following:
test results to design conditions for comparison with (a) PhysicalDimensions
the guarantee as defined in para. 5.9.4. ' (b) Air FlowRate
Excluded from the scope of this Code are evapo- (c) Air-Side Pressure Differential
rativetypecoolers(wetcoolingtowers),andany (d)FanDriverPower
cooling equipment which combines evaporative and (e)SoundLevel
convective air cooling (wet/dry type). (0 Atmospheric Pressure
This Codedoes applyto wet/dry type heat exchan- (g, EnvironmentalEffects
gers when, by mutual agreement, the heat exchanger (h) Wind Velocity
can be operated and tested as a dry type unit. (i) Air Temperatures
0) Entering Air Temperature
(k, Exit Air Temperature
1.2 SCOPE (I) Process Fluid Temperatures
(m) Process Fluid Pressures
The scope of this Code covers, but is not limited (n) Process Fluid FlowRate
to, the testing of mechanical draft heat exchangers, (0) Composition of Process Fluid
of both the forced draft and induced draft types; nat- @) Percent Capability
ural draft heat exchangers; and fan assisted natural (q) Process Fluid Pressure Drop
draft heat exchangers.
From a heat transfer surface standpoint, this Code
covers all tube bundle orientations, including: verti- 1.3 UNCERTAINTY
cal, horizontal, and slanted conduit heat exchangers.
Both bare surfaces andfinned surfaces are included In keeping with the philosophy of the Code, the
as conduit type heat exchanger components. While best available technical information has been used in
conventional round tubes with circular fins are as- developing the recommended instrumentationand
sumed in this Code, the procedures canbe modified procedures to provide the highest level of testing ac-
by mutual agreement to apply to other surface con- curacy. Every,measurementhassomeuncertainty;
figurations. therefore, so do the test results. Any departure from
While the cooling fluid is restrictedto atmospheric Coderecommendationscouldintroduceadditional
air, the tube-sidefluid can be any chemical element, uncertainty in the measurements beyondthat consid-
compound or mixture,in single-phase flow, liquid or ered acceptableto meet the objectivesof a Code test.
gas, or in two-phase flow. The expected uncertainty level(s) of tests run in ac-
This Code is written underthe assumption that the cordance with this Code, based on estimatesof pre-
Air Cooled Heat Exchanger(ACHE) may be tested as cision and bias errors of the specified instrumentation
having a discrete process stream or that only one and procedures, is 2 two to five percent.
process fluid stream is being investigated. In other Users of the Code shall determine the quality of a '

cases, modifications must be made to the procedures Code test for the specified equipment being tested
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by performing pre-test and post-test uncertainty anal-

yses. If either of these indicates uncertainty exceeding
f five percent, the test shall not be deemed a Code
An example of the magnitudeof the uncertaintyin
individual measurements and the manner in which
individual uncertainties are combinedto obtain over-
all test uncertaintyof final results is included in Ap-
pendix C for a typical jacket-water cooler.
Test results shall be reported as calculated from
test observations, with only such corrections as are
provided in this Code. Uncertainties are not to be
used to alter test results.
TheSupplement on Measurement Uncertainty
(PTC 19.1) provides additionalinformation on com-
bining types of errors into an overall test uncertainty.

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In this Section only those terms are defined which
are characteristic of air cooled heat exchangers and
the requirements for testing them. For the definition
of all other physical terms, or the description of in-
struments used in this Code, reference is madeto the
literature and to PTC 19 SeriesonInstruments and

Term Description

Adjusted Value A value adjusted from test conditions to design conditions.

Air Mixture of gases and associated water vapor around the earth; dry air plus its
associated water vapor. This term is used synonymously with atmosphere or
moist air.

Air Cooled Heat A heat exchanger utilizing air as the heat sink to absorb heat from a closed circuit
Exchanger process fluid. This term is used synonymously with dry cooling tower in the
(ACHE) power industry.

Air, Dry Reference to the dry gas portion of air.

Air Flow Rate The mass per unit time of air flowing through the ACHE.

Air, Standard Dry air at standard temperature (70"F) and pressure (14.696 psia) which has a
density of approximately 0.075 Ibm/ft3.

Alternate Process A fluid selected for use in performance testing when use of the actual design fluid
Fluid is impractical for testing purposes due to proprietary or other reasons.

Ambient Air The temperature of the air measured upwind of the ACHE within its air supply
Temperature stream.

Ambient Wind The speed and direction of the wind measured upwind of the ACHE within its air
Velocity supply stream.

Approach The minimum temperature difference between the process stream and air stream
Temperature at an exiting condition:
Difference '(a) T,-t, (counterflow)
or, (b) T, -t, (counterflow)
or, (c) T2- r, (cocurrent flow or cross flow)

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Term Description

Aspect Ratio The ratio of certainkey dimensions that establishes similarity of shape or

Atmospheric The pressure of the atmosphere at the location of theACHE.


Bare Surface The surface area of the bare conduit excluding extended surface. Thisterm is
used synonymously with prime surface.

One or more tube bundlesserved by one or more fans complete with structure,
plenum, and other attendant equipment. This term
is used synonymously with

Bundle Assembly of headers, tubes (conduits), tube supports and sideframes.

Calibration Establishment of a correctionbasis for an instrument by comparison to an

acceptable reference standard. (See PTC 19 Series).

Capability Thermal performance capabilityexpressed in terms of test capacity, that is, the
actual quantity of processfluid the ACHE will handle atdesign conditions of fluid
inlet and outlet temperatures, fluid inlet pressure, fluid composition, air inlet
temperature and fan power.

Design Values Performance conditions upon which the design of the

ACHE was guaranteed.

Drive Train The fraction of the driver output power which

is transmitted to the fan.

Entering Air The temperature of the air entering theACHE.


Exit Air The temperature of the air leaving theACHE.


Extended Surface Surface area addedto the bare surface.

Face Area The gross air flow area through theACHE heat transfer surface in a plane normal
to the air flow.

Fan Assisted A type of ACHE utilizing a combination of chimney effect and fan(s)to provide
Natural Draft the required air flow.

Fan Input Power The power which is actually transmittedto the fan.

Fan Pitch The angle from the fan plane atthe designated pitch measurement location to
which the blades of a fan are set.

Fan Speed The number of fan revolutions perunit time.

Fin Efficiency The ratio of the total heat dissipatedby the fin to that which would be dissipated
if the entirefin surface were atthe temperature of the fin root.

Finned Surface, The contact surface exposed to the process fluid. This term is used synonymously
Inside with inside extended surface.

Finned Surface, The contact surface exposed to the air flow. This term is used synonymously with
Outside outside extendedsurface.

Flow Regime A fluid mechanics definition of flow characteristics, e.& /afr?iflar or tUrbUht flow.

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Term Description

Forced Draft A type of mechanical draft ACHE in which the fan is located in the air current
upstream from the heat exchanger surface.

Fouling Accumulated foreign material such as corrosion products or any other deposits on
the heat transfer surface.

Free Flow Area The minimum air flow area through the ACHE heat transfer surface in a plane
normal to the air flow.

Induced Draft A type of mechanical draft ACHE in which the fan is located in the air current
downstream from the heat excha’nger surface.

Initial Temperature difference between entering process temperature and entering air
Temperature temperature, T, 4,.

Interference Disturbance of the performance of an ACHE caused by an external heat source or


Mechanical Draft A type of ACHE in which the air flow is maintained by mechanical air moving
devices such as fans or blowers.

Motor Output The net power delivered by the motor output shaft.

Natural Draft A type of ACHE in which the air flow is maintained by the difference in the
densities of the ambient air and the exiting air streams.

Prime Surface The surface areaof the bare conduit excluding extended surface. This term is
used synonymously with bare surface.

Process Fluid The fluid circulated within the closed conduit of an ACHE.

Process Fluid Generally, an average bulk temperature of the process fluid defined at some
Temperature location entering, leaving, or within the ACHE.

Process Fluid The difference between inlet and outlet temperatures of the process fluid.

Process Fluid The total hydraulic loss, including dynamic and static (if applicable) losses,
Pressure Drop between defined locations as the process fluid enters and leaves the ACHE.

Process Fluid The mass per unit time ofprocess fluid flowing through the ACHE.
Flow Rate

Recirculation The flow ofexit air into the ACHE air inlet.

Test Run A complete set of data that will allow analysis of capability per this Code. In some
cases multiple test runs are taken and averagedto yield the capability.

Test Uncertainty The overall uncertainty in results due to the combined effects of instrument
inaccurcy, unsteady state conditions, and reading and methodological error.

Test Value A value measured during a test with its calibration correction applied.

Tube Row All of thetubes or conduits within an ACHE which have axial centerlines falling
within a plane normal to the air flow. This term is synonymous to tube layer.

Unit One or more tube bundles in one or more bays for an individual service.

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Symbols that do not conformwith this list will be
defined in the text immediatelyfollowingtheir
usage. Numericalconstantsused in theequations
andexamples in theCode,unlessotherwisespec-
ified, are based on U.S. Customary Units.

Symbol Definition US.
Customary Units SI Units

A Heat transfer surface area ft' m*

ACFM Actual cubic feet perminute ftVmin

B Barometric pressure in. Hg Abs. Pa

BWC Birmingham wire gage, a unit for Dimensionless Dimensionless

measurement of thickness

CP Specific heat at constant pressure Btu/lbm"F Jkg'C

c, Specific heat at constant volume BtuAbm'F Jkg"C

d Wall thickness ft m

0 Diameter ft m

0. Equivalent diameter,4S, IZ,and 4S0 /Zo ft m

DBT Dry-bulb temperature OF "C

E Elevation above mean sea level ft m

EMTD Effective mean temperature difference OF "C

F Temperature correction factor equalto Dimensionless Dimensionless


fM Friction factor Dimensionless Dimensionless

t; Fin thickness ft

g Acceleration due to gravity ftfse?

8, Proportionality factorin
'Newton's 2nd Law
32.18 Ibmft

C Mass velocity, w/Soand W/S, Ibm/hrft*

h Coefficient of heat transfer Btu/hrfP*"F

hP Fan driver output power hP

H Enthalpy Btu/lbm

HL Latent heatof vaporization of process fluid Btu/lbm

ITD Initial temperature difference, (T, -t,) "F

k Thermal conductivity Btu/hrft*OF

I Fin height ft
L Length ft
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Svmbol Definition U.S. Customary Units SI Units

IMTD Log mean temperature difference "F "C

N Number of tubes Dimensionless Dimensionless

N Number of measurements Dimensionless Dimensionless

N," Number of fins per unit length ft-1 m-'

Nm Fan speed RPM rPs

NTU Number of transfer units Dimensionless Dimensionless

Nu Nusselt number, hD/k Dimensionless Dimensionless

P Air pressure Ibf/ft' Pa

P Thermal effectiveness, (tz-tJ/Cr, -tJ Dimensionless Dimensionless

P Process stream pressure I bf/ftz Pa

Pr Prandtl number, c, CJk Dimensionless Dimensionless

Q Heat transfer rate Btuh W

r Radius ft rn

R Temperature difference ratio equal to Dimensionless Dimensionless

(T,-TJkt, -t,)

R Thermal resistance hr.ft2*"F/Btu m2."C/W

RH Hydraulic radius ft m

R. Gas constant of air 53.32 ft4bf/lbm."R 286.9 J k g K

Re Reynolds number, GD/p Dimensionless Dimensionless

RPM Rotational speed Revolutions per


S Net clear distance between fins ft rn

S Cross sectional flow area ft* m2

SCFM Standard cubic feetper minute measuredatft'/min

70°F and 14.696 psia, dry air

st Stanton number, h/c,C =- Dimensionless Dimensionless

t Air temperature "F "C

T Process fluid temperature OF "C

T, Torque Ibf-ft

U Overall heat transfer coefficient Btuihr.ft'*"F

V Speed Wmin

W Air flow rate Ibrnihr

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Symbol Definition U.S. Customary Units SI Units
Process fluid flowrate Ibmihr kg/s

Wet-bulb temperature "F "C

Flow area wetted perimeter ft m

Summation Dimensionless Dimensionless

Density Ibm/ft3 kg/m3

Efficiency Dimensionless Dimensionless

Thermal effectiveness Dimensionless Dimensionless

Fin efficiency Dimensionless Dimensionless

Two phase flow multiplier Dimensionless Dimensionless

Differential Dimensionless Dimensionless

h Viscosity Ibm/hrft kgkm

Subscript Description

a Air
af film Air
b Bond
d Dirt
d Dry
e Electrical
f Fouling
fn Fin
H Hydraulic
i Inside
I Liquid
rn Mechanical
rn Moist
0 Outside
P Prime tube
P Process
R Absolute
R wall Fin root
r surface Reference
s Static
T Total
V Vapor
V Velocity
W Wall
2 Zone
1 Inlet
2 Outlet

Superscript Description
t Design value
Test value
+ Adjusted value

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3.1 GENERAL (h) the procedures and frequency for cleaning the
air- and/or tube-side surfaces;
Theperformance of atmospheric cooling equip-
(i) the scope of the test beyond. thisCode, includ-
ment is influenced by the conditions of the atmos-
ing partial testing or any other departures from this
phere in which it operates.ThisCoderequires
recognition of the fact that changes in the ambient
and other operating conditionswill affect the equip-
0) the fouling factors to be assumedfor analysis of
results (see Appendix E).
ment performance. Extraneous sources of heat and
those variables which affect the airflow must be re-
corded and evaluated. It is extremely important that
performance tests be conducted under stable oper-
ating conditions. 3.3 SELECTION OF PERSONNEL
The test shall be conducted by, or under the su-
pervision of, personnel fully experienced in plant and
3.2 AGREEMENTSPRIOR TO TEST equipment operating procedures. The test procedure
The parties to any test under this Code shall reach shall conform to the latest requirements of all appli-
definite agreement on the specific objective of the cable industry, local, state, and Federal regulations.
test and the method of operation. This shall reflect Testing an air cooled heat exchanger presents poten-
the intent of any applicable contract or specification. tially hazardous conditions which may include rotat-
Contractualtermsshallbeagreed to concerning ing equipment, high temperatures, hazardous fluids,
treatment of uncertaintyrelative to acceptance of noise, and danger of falling.
equipment based on reported capability. Any speci-
fied or contractoperatingconditions,and/orany
specified performance conditions that are pertinent
to the objectivesof the test, shall be ascertained. Any 3.4 PRE-TESTUNCERTAINTYANALYSIS
omissions or ambiguities as to any of the conditions Prior to the test an uncertainty analysis shall be
are to be eliminated or their values or intent agreed
performed. An example of uncertainty analysis is in-
upon before thetest is started.
cluded in Appendix C. Theanalysis is beneficial in
The parties to the test shall reach agreement, prior
that it will highlight those parameters that are major
to the start of test, regarding the following items:
contributors to test uncertainty.
(a) the specific methods and scope of inspection
Parties to the test shall add or improve instrumen-
prior to and during thetest;
tation or increase the frequency of readings if such
(b) the number of test runs and reading intervals;
actions will materially improve testaccuracy.
(c) the method for starting thetest;
(d) the method of operation of the equipment;
(e) the fan blade settings;
(0 the type, quantity, calibration, and location of
all instruments;
@ the allowable biasin instrumentationand mea- The performance test shall be conducted with all
surements, and the maximum permissible overall un- components of the ACHE oriented as specified for
certainty in the test results (see Appendix Cfor normal operation. Any changes from normal opera-
discussion); tion or orientation shall be agreed prior to the test.

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3.6 METHODS OF OPERATION DURING Prior to the test, the parties to the test shall reach
TESTING agreement on the calibration procedures to be fol-
lowed. Supplements on Instruments and Apparatus
Although it is preferable to evaluate the perform- (PTC 19 Series) may be used as a guide for the se-
ance of air cooled heat exchangers under complete lection,use,andcalibration of instruments. Instru-
design and steady-state conditions, this is normally mentcalibrationsandcorrectioncurvesshouldbe
not practicable for an on-site evaluation of this equip- prepared in advance.
ment. Therefore, prior agreement shall be established Removal and replacement of any instrument during
for procedures to adjust the test results to the design the testmay require calibration of the new instrument
conditions as in para. 5.9. priortocontinuingthetest. All calibrationcurves
shall be retainedas part of the permanent test record.


The information in para. 1.2 should be used as a
guide in examination of the equipment prior to and Preliminary or partial testingto evaluate certain as-
during the test, with special attention to the follow- pects of the heat exchanger performance may be con-
ing. sidered when a complete set of data is not required
(a Examine the general condition, as it affects the or is not applicable. This may include the following.
thermal performance and air flow.
(b) External heat transfer surfaces shall be essen- 3.9.1 Testing at Factory for Air Flow, Fan
tially free of scale, dirt, oil, and other foreign debris Performance, Sound Level, or Vibration. Complete
that would affect the heat transfer and obstruct the air flow and fan performance tests can be conducted
air flow. If the need is established, the unit shall be at the factory and results adjusted to design condi-
cleaned by commercially acceptable methods. tions. Vibration and sound level measurements can
(c) Internal heat transfer surfaces and headers shall beobtained toensuremechanicalperformance
be essentially clean and free of scale, rust, dirt, and within specification requirement.
other foreign matter. If the need is established, these
surfaces shall be cleaned by commercially acceptable
3.9.2 Testing at Factory for Process-Side Pressure
Drop. Design fluids can be circulatedthrough the
(0') Mechanical equipment shall be in good work-
ing order, and checked for freedom of movement. heat exchanger and pressure drop measured and re-
Fansshallbecheckedforproperrotation,blade sults adjusted to design conditions.
pitch, speed, and tip clearance.
Provision shall be madeto ascertain that all equip- 3.9.3 Substitute Fluid Testing. Substitute fluid test-
ment and instruments are in good working order, free ing may be done for many reasons such as when the
from defects and obstructions, and accessible,as re- description of the process fluid is considered confi-
quiredforrepair,replacement,andobservation. In dential or proprietary, when the process fluid is haz-
the event the equipmentis not in satisfactory oper- ardous,orwheneconomicallyjustified.Substitute
ating condition, such adjustments or changes as may fluid testing is characterizedby the useof fluids read-
be required to place it in proper operating condition ily available,safe,andeasilyhandled,andwhose
shallbemade.However,noadjustmentsshallbe physical properties provide usable experimental data
madewhich arenotpractical in continuouscom- acceptable to both parties. The performance ofan
mercial operation. exchanger can be calculated from test data with a
substitute fluid by the use of this Code. The adjust-
ment of the test results, using the substitute fluid, to
design conditions withthe design processfluid is be-
3.8 CALIBRATION OF INSTRUMENTS yond the scopeof this Code. Whena substitutefluid
is to be used for this purpose, it is suggested that a
All instruments to be used in the test shall be cal- qualified consultant be retainedto advise the parties
ibrated priorto the test.If the accuracy of any instru- to the contract, prior to purchaseof the equipment,
ment is questionable during the test it shall also be on the proper method of testing and interpretation
calibrated after the test. of results.
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3.10 CONDUCT OF TEST of runs andthe frequency of readings shall be deter-

mined by mutual agreement prior to the test.
Prior to the test, the equipment. shall be operated
long enough to esiablishsteady-state conditions
which are within permissible limits. No adjustments 3.14 PERMISSIBLELIMITS OF TESTPARAMETERS
shouldbemade to the equipment, or testproce-
dures, which are not consistent with normal opera- Performancetestsshall be conducted within the
tion. The test should not be run if rain,snow, or following limitations'.
severe wind conditions are present. (a) Testsshallbemade during periods of stable
weather, not subject to rapid changes in air temper-
ature, rain, snow, or high wind conditions.
3.1 1 PERMISSIBLE AND NONPERMISSIBLE (b) Average wind speed shall not exceed 10 mph
ADJUSTMENTS TO TEST PROCEDURES with one minute averages not to exceed 15 mph.
Wind direction and shift shall be within contractual
No changes or adjustments to the test procedures agreement unless otherwise agreed uponby thepar-
shallbemadeunless all parties to the test agree. ties to the test.
Theseadjustments might include a change in test (c) Entering dry-bulbtemperatureshallbe not
conditions, a change in the arrangement of compo- more than10°F aboveor 40°F below design dry-bulb
nents of test, a change in instrumentation, a change temperature.Theaveragechangeshall not exceed
in fan blade settings, a change in test sctiedule or 5°F per hour.
number of readings required.
Once the test has started no manual changes or NOTE: It must be recognized that the pour point or viscosity of
the process fluid can govern the lower limit. Unless auxiliaryequip-
adjustments in the process fluid flow rate or air mov- ment is provided to modify inlet air temperature, the lower enter-
ing equipment shall be made.If permissible limits of ing air temperature limit shall not be less than 10°F above the
test parametershavebeenexceeded,adjustments process fluid pour point.
and changes may be made by mutual agreement of (d) The air flow shall be within f10 percent of the
the parties to the test, and the test restarted when design value.
equilibrium has been reestablished. (e) Process fluid flow rate shall bewithin f15 per-
cent of the design value, and shall not vary by more
than 5 percent during the test.
3.12 DURATION OF TEST 0 Process fluid inlet and outlet temperatures shall
Each test run shallbeconducted in accordance be within f10°F of the design values, and shall not
with the predetermined schedulewhich fixes its du- vary by more than4°F during the test.
ration, taking into account the instrumentation and @ Theprocess fluid temperature rangeshall be.
number of observers available and the numberof si- within k 10 percent of the design value, and shallnot
multaneousreadings that canbeassigned without vary by more than 5 percent during the test.
affecting the accuracy of the.,test. Inspection of the (h) For coolinggases or condensing vapors at pres-
data from each test run should be made before ter- sures above atmospheric pressure,, the process fluid
minating the run, so that any inconsistencies in the inlet pressureshallbe within A 10 percent of the
observed data may be detected and corrected. If valid design value. Forcooling gases or condensing vapors
correctionscannotbe made, the test run shallbe below atmospheric pressure, the parties to the test
repeated. should agree to an acceptable pressureprior to con-
Data shall be recorded for sufficienttime to ensure ducting thetest. For cooling liquids, any pressure up
a select period of at least one hour during wtiich the to the design pressure of the ACHE is acceptable;
provisions of paras. 3.13 through 3.16 are satisfied. however, the pressure shouldnot be so low that there
is possibility of vaporization or degassing. The proc-
ess fluid inlet pressure shall not vary by more than
3.13 NUMBER OF TESTREADINGS 10 percent during the test.
(9 Heat duty shall be within st20 percent of the
AIIinstrument readings required by this Code shall
design value.
be taken after reaching steady-state process condi-
tions. The number of readings per run will depend
on the method of data aquisition, expected test un- of guarantee,
'If any oneof these limitations conflict with the basis
certainty, andthe size of the equipment.The number these do not apply.

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3.15 DEGREE OF CONSTANCY OF TEST (d, equipment or instrumentation failures, im-

CONDITIONS proper operation, wrong adjustments, or poor cali-
Since the test of an ACHE may occur over an ex- (e) poor test operating conditions resulting in ex-
tended period, each testrun shall be separately con- cessive sound or vibration, low temperature differ-
trolled to achieve steady-state conditions using fixed
entials, condensate flooding, poor flow distribution,
fanpitch,fanspeed,and air flow control settings.
or air leakage;
Thus, each test run may be made at different steady-
(19 post-test uncertaintj. analysis indicating uncer-
stateoperatingconditions during theperiod of a
tainty of test results exceeding five percent;
complete- performancetest. Variations of operating
(g, heatbalancediscrepancycalculatedby Eq.
parameters throughout the entire performance test
(5.8) greater than 15 percent. If this occurs, an in-
'shall be.maintained as low as practicable, but myst
vestigation of theequipmentandinstrumentation
be maintained within the limits delineated in para.
should be made to determine the cause for this dis-
3.14. Since the actual operating conditionswill vary
crepancy, and the test repeated.
somewhat from the specific design conditions for the
equipment, the test results must be adjusted to equiv- All of the above factors shall be evaluated prior to
alent designconditions by the methodshown in para. and/or during the test
to ascertain their effects on the
5.9. system Performance. Thetest should be deferred un-
til satisfactory conditionsexist which will enable ac-
curate data to be obtained, or if the test cannot be
performed within these limitations it may be neces-
3.16 CAUSES FOR REJECTION OF TEST sary td establish revised limits for testing.
READINGS OR RESULTS The performance test results shall be carefully re-
viewed within the context of the test agreement per
There are manyconditions that affect the perform-
para. 3.2 and the proceduresand limitations de-
ance of an ACHE. Some adverseconditions could be
a cause for rejection of test readingsor results. These scribed herein. If the testdid not meet these criteria,
it shall be voidedunless otherwise mutualiyagreed.
may include:
(ri) weather conditions of high wind, rain, snow, or
extreme temperatures;
(b) atmosphericconditions of dust,organics, or
chemicals; After the test, the uncertaintyanalysis shall be re-
(c) site
interference from unspecified terrain, peated based on actual variations of test data and
buildings, or other equipment; degrees of freedom of the individual parameters.

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This Section describes choice of instruments, re- Thefanspeedshallbemeasured in accordance
quired sensitivity or precisionof instruments, and cal- with the provisions of PTC 19.13, “Measurement of
ibration corrections to readings and measurements. Rotary Speed.” The fan ring diameter shall be mea-
Included are instructions as to methods of measure- suredalong two perpendiculardiametersa-cand
ment, location of measuringsystems,andprecau- b-d (see Fig. 4.1).
tions to be taken including critical timing of The following measurements may be taken for di- minimize errordue to changing agnostic purposes.
conditions. The Supplements on Instruments and Ap- Fan blade minimum tip clearance should be deter-
paratus(PTC 19 $cries) describe methods of mea- mined by rotating the fan360 deg. and locating the
surement, instrumen?types, limits, sources of error, minimum clearance of the longest blade.
corrections, and calibrations. When appropriate, and Fan blade maximumtip clearance should be deter-
to avoid repetition, this Code refers to andmakes mined by rotating the fan 360 deg. and locating the
mandatory the applicationof the Supplements onIn- maximum clearance of the shortest blade.
struments gnd Apparatus(PTC 19 Series). All re- 0 Blade track should be determined by moving each
instrumen?that are not covered by blade past a common vertical line on the fan ring
Supplements on Instruments and Apparatus have the inner wall. Results should be shown as vertical de-
rules and precautions described complete!y in this viation from a selected horizontal datumplane.
Section. 0 Fanbladeangle shouldbemeasured(e.g., by
For any of the measurements necessary underthis means of a protractor equipped with a scaleand
Code, instrumentation systems or methodsother level). The measurement should be made atthe po-
than those prescribed herein may be used provided sition on the blade specified by the fan manufacturer.
they are at leastas accurate as those specified herein. Clearances andtracking of the blade tips should be
Other methods may be employed if mutuallyagreed. measured atthe equivalent dynamic position.
Any departure from prescribed methods shall be de-
scribed in the test report.


4.4.1 This measurement requires a traverse
of air ve-
4.2 MEASUREMENTOF PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS locities over a selected area. Suitable instruments
The physical data shall be obtainedfor use in per- the traverse include the propeller anemometer or a
formance testing and evaluation. Most details for the rotating vane anemometer. Pitot tubes may also be
tube bundle process side are defined in the ACHE used for fan ring traverses, as described in PTC 11 -
data sheet. Other data may include: 1984. Instructions providedwith the instrument must
(4facearea; be followed so as to limitthe overalltest uncertainty
(6) ratio of free flow area to face area; to -c5 percent. A minimum timed interval.of 30 sec
(c) the total cross-sectional area for fluid flow in for individual readings is recommended. Since the
each pass. direction of the air flow is not necessarily normal to
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Ib Area



the plane of the area surveyed, it may be necessary 4.4.3 For induced draft units, air flow should be de-
to correct thereadings for yaw. The anemometer shall termined by traversing the streams emitting from the
be held parallelto the traverse plane, and the actual fans. The recommended minimum number of mea-
direction of air flow during the timed interval esti- surement points and the locationsof these points are
mated. If the angle between the observed direction given in Table 4.1. Measurements along additional
of air flow and the anemometer axisis 5 deg. or more, diameters may be necessary to avoid error due to the
the reading shall be corrected. Specific corrections effects of structural members.For additional infor-
for yaw shall be determined by calibration prior to mation on traversing methods, instrumentation, and
the test. ’ evaluation of data, refer to PTC 18 and PTC 19.5.
To illustrate, a20-point traverse (five measurement
points per quadrant) is made as follows.
4.4.2 The selection of the most suitablearea for the The plane bounded by the inner periphery at the
anemometer traverse shall be guided by the general top of the fan ring is divided into ten equal concentric
obstructions, areas numbered consecutivelyfrom 1 to 10 as shown
wind conditions, and air temperature rise. Because in Fig. 4.1.
of the decreased effect of ambient wind, accuracy is The ring is also divided into four quadrants as
usually better when the traverse is made in a high shown.The air velocity is thenmeasuredateach
velocity stream. In the case where these constraints point of intersection of the radii a,b,c, and d with
require that a velocitytraverse be done at the inlet, the inner peripheries of areas, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, at
a velocitytraverse is also required at the exit
in order the center. The average velocitiesin combined areas
to allow weighting the exit temperatures. 1+2,3+4,5+6,7+8,and9+lOarethenobtained

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Recommended Number Corresponding Corresponding
Fan Ring of Concentric
Areas Measurements Total Number
Diameter, ft for Traverse Per Quadrant of Measurements
4 12 6 3
6 8 4 16
8 10 5 20
12 10 5 20
16 10 5 20
20 12 6 24
24 14 7 28

Location of Measurement
Inner Wall of Ring
Points Per
Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6 Point 7
0.0436D 3 465D ' 0.2959D ... ... ... ...
47D0.0323D 4 938D 0.3232D ... ... ...
5 0.0810.0257D D
7D 0.2261
0.1465D 0.3419D ... ...
0.021 6 3D 0.1 0.1181D
0.0670D 773D 0.2500D 0.3557D ...
7 0.0182D D 0.0991
0.0568D 0.1464D 0.2012D 0.3664D
GENERAL NOTE: D is I.D. of fan ring at plane of traverse. Figure
4.1 illustrates the locationsfor the case in which five measurement points
per quadrant are used.

by averaging the five measurements taken along the For forced draft units an exit traverse is normally
inner peripheries of areas 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, respec- required, in conjunction with temperature measure-
tively. These velocities are plotted against the total ments, so that the weighted exit temperature can be
areas bounded by the corresponding circles as shown determined (see para. 4.1 3).
in Fig. 4.2. If the traverse measurements are made in a plane
The net area below the resulting curve, between upstream from the tube bundle face (typical for in-
the limits Soand ST, represents the actual volume of duced draft units), the plane shall be located at least
air delivered by the fan perunit oftime. five prime tube diameters from the extremitiesof the
If mutually agreed upon by the partiesto the test, fins to prevent error due to the restriction effect of
the foregoing procedure for determining the air flow the tubes; for downstreamtraverses (typical for
rate may be simplified by averaging directly the 20 forced draft units) the requiredminimum distance is
air velocities (the reading at the centerof the fan is 15 prime tube diameters. To minimize error due to
not used in this method) and multiplyingthe resulting wind effect a suitable shieldis necessary in most in-
number by,the total fan ring area ST. stances (Ref. 111).

,4.4.4 In some instances, obstructions in the fan ring,

or inaccessibility, prevent the use of the fan ring trav-
erse method, and a traverse of the tube bundle is
indicated. The measurement plane chosen shall be
divided into imaginary rectangular areas (at least 20 Normally a Code test will not require the deter-
or one per 12 sq ft, whichever is greater) with the mination of air-side pressure drop. This measurement
sameaspect ratio as the plane being measured, if is usually taken to diagnose a performance problem,
practical. The summation of the productsof the small or in the event that theparties to the test have agreed
areas and the corresponding velocities at their cen- to guarantee the total or static differential pressure
ters will approximate the total volumetric flow ofair. losses.

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3 1 the readings and of such size that they may be read

of fan to 5 percent of the anticipated value.
I 4.5.4 For the readings a probe shall be connected to
I each leg of the manometer. The instrument shall first
be checked for zero deflection, with the probes lo-
catedatapproximately the sameverticaldistance
I apart as will exist during the readings. .
I 4.5.5 ForinduceddraftACHE’S, the highpressure
I side will be sensed by the probe located at the inlet
I side of the tube bundle. This pressure should be fairly
I constant and, after proving consistency of reading,
the low pressure probe is positioned and the static
9 Total Cross-Sectional Area pressure differential recorded.

4.5.6 For forced draft ACHE’s the low pressure side

ST will be sensed by the probe located at the heat ex-
va = VdS
changer outlet. The low pressure area should exhibit
fairly constant pressure; once constancy is verified,
the probe should be left in position for duration of
where Va i s the average velocity. sure side to be probed will be at the fan discharge,
and the probe should be positioned at the fan dis-
charge area at a location sufficiently downstream of
FIG. 4.2 TYPICALVELOCITY DISTRIBUTION fan to minimize severe turbulence.


4.5.1 The static pressure drop resulting from the pas-
sage of airthrough the unitshallbemeasured by Test power is the shaft outputof the prime mover.
means of probes designed to minimize velocity ef- For electric motors, test measurements are made at
fect, anda suitable readout device such as an inclined the input, andthe outputpower is computedby mul-
.tube manometer, sufficiently accurate to yield read- tiplying input powerby motor efficiency. Acceptable
ings within & 5 percent of the true values. instruments for determining power, in preferred or-
der, are:
(a) wattmeter
4.5.2 A wall tap, comprised of a smooth 1/8 in. di- (b) voltage, current, power factor meters
ameter drilled hole without burrs or obtrusions is
suitable in uniform low velocityflows; however, the When readings are taken at a load center located
use of a cylindrical Fechheimer probe or a two- or a substantial distance from the motors, corrections
three-dimensionalwedgeprobeisrecommended should be made by direct measurement of voltage
(see PTC 11-1984, Fans for further information). The drop (orby computation of loss) between load center
probe shall be calibrated before each use. and motor. To enable this correction to be made, the
If an accurate static pressure measurement is nec-
sured. A measured or computedvoltagedropbe-
essary, a traverse using the procedures described in
tween the load center and one motor may be applied
para. 4.4 is required.
to the other motors by ratioing their distances from
the load center.
4.5.3 The manometer shall be an inclined tube gage For prime movers other than electric motors, the
calibrated for direct readingsin inches of water. The methodfordeterminingpowershallbe mutually
scale range shall be selectedto suit the magnitude of agreed upon prior to the test.
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4.7MEASUREMENT OF SOUND LEVEL tion should bexhosen for the measurement that is
unobstructed upwind andatanelevationapproxi-
This subject is treated in PTC 36-1985. mately midway between the average air inlet plane
elevation and the average air exit plane elevation. If
such a locationis impracticable, an alternatelocation
may be agreed upon by the partiesto the test.
Atmospheric pressure shall be measured by means
of a mercury barometer.
If mutually agreed by the parties to the test, the 4.1 1 MEASUREMENT OF AIR TEMPERATURES
barometric pressure may be obtainedfrom a nearby 4.1 1.1 FTC 19.3 shall be used to stipulate satisfac-
weather bureau station. If this method is used, it is tory instrumentation anddetails of construction of *
necessary to establish whetherthe readings given are sensor wells,the readingof the instruments, andtheir
for station or sea level pressure.Thereadings ob- calibration and corrections.
tained shall be corrected for the difference in eleva- The uncertainty of temperaturemeasurements
tion of the barometerand the unit beingtested. shall not exceed the larger of the following values:
Resultsshallbebased on atmospheric pressure at (SZ, 0.2"F,or
station level. Readings may be correctedto sea level (b) two percent of the smallest of the following
if desired. Details of the procedurefor correction are three key temperature differences:
given in PTC 19.2. (7) the temperature range of the process fluid
(unless isothermal)
(2) the temperature range of the air
(3) the minimum approach temperature differ-
EFFECTS Satisfactoryinstrumentsincludesuitable ASTM
Prior to the test, a survey of the area surrounding mercury-in-glass thermometers, thermocouples, cal-
the unit shall be conducted jointly by the parties to ibrated sensors with signal conditioner such as re-
the test. All conditions that may contribute to varia- sistance temperaturedevices or thermistors, or
tions in performance, such as heat sources affecting equivalent.
inlet air temperature, and nearby buildings or struc- The sensing elements shall be exposed to the at-
tures which maycause aircurrentsthatresult in mosphere, but shielded from direct sunlightor other
warm air recirculation, or .in reduced fan perform- radiation source by meansof an opaque shield.
ance, shall be investigated. Measurements necessary
to map these effects during the test shall be deter- 4.1 1.2 The wet-bulb temperature measuring instru-
mined by mutual agreement, and substantiating test ments should be mechanically aspirated and incor-
data shall be obtained asnecessary. Ambient tem- porate the following features:
perature measurements shallbe taken in accordance (4A calibrated temperaturesensor whose uncer-
with paras. 4.11 and 4.12 of this Code.Measure- tainty is less than kO.1 O F in the range of the expected
mentsshouldbemade in all locations,simultane- test temperatures.
ously if possible, or in rapid succession. If such (b) Sensing elements shielded from direct sunlight
locations are not accessible or the area surrounding or other radiationsource. Theinner side of the shield
the ACHE contains elements (see above) which can shall be essentially at the dry-bulbtemperature.
affect the ambient temperature, a suitable location (c) Wicking covering thesensor shall be clean and
for thesemeasurementsshallbe mutually agreed continuously suppliedfrom a reservoir of distilled or
upon. demineralized water. Thewick shall be a snug fit and
extend at least 1 in. over the active portion of the
(d)The temperature of the water used to wet the
4.10 MEASUREMENT OF WIND VELOCITY wick shall be at approximately the wet-bulb temper-
The instrument recommendedis either the rotating ature.
cup or rotating vane anemometer with preferably a (e) The air velocity over the wick shall be contin-
continuous readout or recording capability. A loca- uous at approximately1000 Wmin.

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4.12 MEASUREMENT OF AMBIENT AND rectangular areas (at least 20 or one per 12 square
ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES feet, whichever is greater) with the same aspectratio
as the plane being measured, if practical. Shields shall
This survey shall consist of two ambient wet- and be providedfor the temperature sensing elements to
dry-bulb temperature measurements and a suitable prevent error due to dilution by outside air, or due
number of entering dry-bulb temperature measure- to radiation from the sun or other sources. The tem-
ments. perature measurement devices shall be located a suf-
The ambient wet- and dry-bulb temperature mea- ficient distance from the ACHE to minimize the effect
surements shall be taken at approximately 5 ft above of the tube wakes (usually 15 prime tube diameters
the ground elevation not less than 50 or more than
is sufficient).
100 ft upwind of the equipment.Theseshall be
spread along aline which brackets that flow. If these
.locations are inaccessibleor contain elements which
can affect the reading of wet-bulb temperature, al-
ternate locations shall be mutuallyagreed upon. 4.14 MEASUREMENT OF PROCESS FLUID
Entering dry-bulb temperature measuring stations TEMPERATURES
shall be selectedon an equal-area basis, and shallbe 4.14.1 The uncertainty of temperaturemeasure-
located in a plane6 in. below the fan ring for forced ments shallnot exceed the larger of the two following
draft, and 12 in. below the finned tubes for induced values:
draft units. The sensing elements of the thermome- (a) 0.2"F, or
ters, or thermocouples, shall be properly located and (b) two percent of the smallest of three key tem-
shielded to prevent appreciable error due to radia- perature differences;
tion. The recommended number of stations is given (7) the temperature range of the process fluid
in para. 4.4. If the maximum and minimum temper- (unless isothermal)
atures differ by 5°F or more due to warm ,air recir- (2) the temperature rangeof the air, or
culation, or environmental effects, additional stations (3) the minimum approach temperature differ-
shall be selected, the number and location of these ence. See para. 4.1 1 for satisfactory instruments.
stations shall be determinedby mutual agreement of
the parties to the test.
4.14.2 The measuring stations shall be located close
enough to the unit to prevent appreciable error due
to temperature change occurring between the sta-
is a possibility,
tions and the unit. Where stratification
Unless otherwise agreedby the partiesto the test, preliminary tests shall be conductedto determine the
coincident temperatures and velocities shall be mea- magnitude of possible resultant error. These shall be
sured. atall selected stationsso that the weighted exit made a part of the test report.
air temperature can be calculated. The instruments
to be used shall be as specified in para. 4.1 1.

4.13.1 Induced Draft Units. Measurement stations 4.15 MEASUREMENT OF PROCESS FLUID
shall be locatedprior to the testperiod in accordance PRESSURES
with para. 4.4.3 so that the measurements will best
The requireduncertainty limit of fluid pressure
represent the true bulk temperature. Formultiple-fan measurement devices shall betwo percent of the ab-
units, fewer stations may be used if agreed upon by solute fluid pressure. Instrument selection and details
the parties to the test. The temperature profile of one of measurement techniques shallbe made in accord-
fan shall be investigated thoroughlyprior to the test ance with PTC 19.2. Satisfactory instruments include
period to ensure sufficient accuracy; the data shall pressuregages,manometers,pressuretransducers,
be made apart of the test report. or other equivalentdevices.
Measuring stations shall be located as close to the
4.13.2 Forced Draft Units. Measuring stations shall unit as practicable. Corrections shall be made for line
belocateddownstream of thetube bundles.The losses, fitting losses, etc., that result in pressure dif-
measurement plane shall be divided into imaginary ference betweenthe measuring stations and the unit.
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4.16.1 The recommended uncertainty limit of fluid
flow measurement devices shall be two percent of
the total process flow through the test unit. Instru-
mentselectionanddetails of measurementtech-
niquesshall be in accordance with PTC 19.5.
Satisfactory instruments include venturi meters, ori-
fice meters,flow nozzles, pitot tubes, turbine meters,
or other equivalent devices.
Alternatively, flow ratesmaybedeterminedby
plant heat balance method, providedthe uncertainty
does not exceed two percent.

4.16.2 Measurementsshallbe.made in the piping

leading to and as close as possible to the unit. If this
is not practicable, an alternate location shall be se-
lected by mutual agreement, and corrections made
as necessary to determine the actual flow into the


Sufficient samplesof the processfluid shall be ob-
tained to enable determinationof the compositionof
inlet and outlet streams.Themethods of analyses
shall be mutually agreed upon by the parties to the

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5.1 GENERAL portunity for immediate discovery of possible errors

in instruments,procedures,andmethods of mea-
This Section covers the reduction of the test data,
surement. Guidance for the review of data and test
computation of test results, adjustment of results to
conditions is given in paras. 3.1 2 through 3.1 6; sig-
design conditions, and interpretation of adjusted re-
nificant deviations shall be corrected prior to the of-
sults by comparing themto design. This Section as-
ficial data collection if practicable. Any uncorrected
sumes that the ACHE surface is of a typical circular
or uncontrollable conditions that violate the provi-
geometry. If not, the parties to the test must adjust
sions of paras. 3.12 through 3.16 shall be described
the computations as appropriate.Thebasicproce-
in the test report. At the end of the test period, but
dure for computationof performance capabilityis:
prior to removal of test instrumentation, a final re-
(a) review the rawtest data and selectthe readings
view of the data shallbe made to determine whether
to be used on the basis of the requirementsof paras.
or not an immediate repeat test is necessary.This
3.12 through 3.1 7;
review will also assist in the establishment of the re-
(b) average the selected data;
liability of the test; it shall include a post-testuncer-
(c) compute mass and heat balances, and establish
tainty analysis for evaluation of deviations from ideal
whether or not the provisionsof paras. 3.1 4 through
of the following, and the effects of these deviations
3.16 have been met;
on the test results:
(dl corqpute test value of effective mean temper-
(a) comparison of test and design conditions;
ature difference;
(b) test site environment, including atmospheric
(e) compute overall heat transfer coefficienttestat
(c) fouling;
(0' establish individual resistancesat test condi-
(0'1 leakage, process-side and air-side;
(e) process fluid distribution;
(g, adjust air flow rate and air film resistance to
design fan power and design air density;
(0 air distribution;
@ steady-state conditions;
(h) adjust test process-side pressuredrop to design
(h) measurement uncertainty;
conditions, and compare to specification value;
(i) location of measurement stations;
(i) compute the capability of the unit atdesign
process temperatures, design inlet air temperature,
0) qualifications of test personnel, and validity of
test data;
and design fan power. The method presented is an
(k) process fluid composition.
iterative one, since corresponding heat load, process
flow rate, inside film resistance, and effective mean
temperature difference areall unknown.


The purpose of averaging the raw test data is to
give a single set of numbers which is representative
of the collected data to be used in calculations to
The raw test data shall be carefully reviewed to determine performance.Multiple readings taken over
ensure selection of entries that will accurately rep- time andor readings of the same parameter by mul-
resent true performance.Thisreviewshouldbe be arithmet-
tiple instruments at a given station shall
started at the beginningof the test, providing an op- ically averaged.

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5.3.1 Air-Side
The calculated
(a) AirVelocity.Individualairvelocitymeasure- pa = 1.325 BftR (Note (5.3)
ments shall be corrected for instrument calibration
and then averaged as discussed in para. 4.4
(b) Computation of Heat Load:
(b) Air Temperature. Air temperature data readings
shall be averaged for each set of test data. Exit air
temperaturesshallbeaveraged by the massflow
weighted average method shown in Eq. (5.1); how-
ever, variations in inlet air temperature are normally
5.4.2 Computation of Process-Side Mass Flow Rate
small enough to allow arithmetical averaging of the and Heat load
temperatures alone.
(a) Computation of Mass Flow Rate


2 PnVnSn
(b) Computation of Heat Load
where n is an individual measurement
(c) Static Pressureor Differential Pressure. The read-
ings shall be arithmetically averaged.
The enthalpy of the process fluid at the entrance
5.3.2 Process Fluid Data Reduction and at the exit shall be determined by means, and
(a) Process Temperatures. Readingsof process fluid from data sources, mutually agreed uponby the par-
temperatures at a given station shall be arithmetically ties concerned prior to the test. For process fluids.
averaged. with no phase change,the above heat load equation
(b) Process Flow. Process flow measurements shall can be written
becalculated in accordance with ASME PTC 19.5,
FluidFlow Measurement Procedures, or its interim
supplement, ASMEFluid Meters, Part II.
(c) ProcessPressure.Processpressuremeasure- 5.4.3 Computation of Heat Balance Error. The per-
ments shall be calculated in accordance with ASME cent error in heat balance is calculated by
PTC 19.2.


Error = x 200 (5.8)
0, + Q.
Both the air-side and process-side heat loads are

to be calculated. The objectives of these calculations
are two-fold: (I) to determine the heat load of the Q, Q, , is the absolute value
heat exchanger under the test condition, and (2) to
check the validity of the set of test data obtained.To
If the percent error is within the acceptable limit
of 15 percent as stated in para. 3.16, the heat load
calculate the heat loads for both the air and process
Q to be used for data interpretation can be one of
sides, the air and process fluid mass flow rates are
the following:
first calculated. These flow rates are then used to (a) the air side heat load Q,
calculate the heat loads.
(b) the process side heat load Q,
(c) the average heat load (Q, + QJ2.
5.4.1 Air-Side Mass Flow Rate and Heat load
(a) Computation of Mass Flow Rate of Dry Air. For
computation of air mass flow rate,
(5.2) 'Theconstant 1.325 applies for U.S. CustomaryUnits of 5 and tR,
i.e., in. Hg and R.
'Values of Ha, and Ha2are determined from enthalpy data, using
'Thefactor 60 appliesto U.S. Customaryunitsof p. ,V. ,S.. thecorrespondingtestvalues of tl and t2.

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The selection of Q shall be based upon the value EMTD =

Q (5.1 3)INote
thatprovidesthelowestestimatedoveralluncer- Q"
tainty. ZEMTD,
If the percent error is not within acceptable limits,
no further calculationsare advisable and the test shall where n denotes the individual zone
be repeated, unless otherwise agreed. For cases wherethe overall heat transfer rate varies
through the unit, such as changes from turbulent to
laminar flow or units with condensing and subcool-
ing, then it is necessary to divide the unit into zones
and treat each zone as a separate case. This involves
5.5 COMPUTATION OF EFFECTIVEMEAN obtaining aseparate heat load, EMTD andU for each
TEMPERATUREDIFFERENCE zone. This type of operation may require special tem-
EMTD is the effective mean temperature difference perature measurementswithin each zone rather than
between the hot stream and the air stream. only recording the inlet and outlet terminal temper-
atures of each stream. These intermediate tempera-
EMTD = F x LMTD (5.9) turesmay be impractical to obtain. In suchcases
prior agreement should be reached betweenthe par-
where ties involved concerning the actualdata reduction
F = correction factor for deviation from true procedures.
countercurrent or cocurrent flow In the typicalair cooled heat exchanger design, the
flow arrangement is not normally pure countercur-
LMTD = LogarithmicMeanTemperature Differ-
rent or cocurrent.Most designs are fabricated for air
flow at right angles to the tubes and crossing over
For strictly countercurrent flow or cocurrent flow one or more tube rowsin series. The process fluid in
and for cases where the temperature of the process the tubes, at any one point, travels atright angles to
stream is constant, the LMTD is calculated from the air flow, andthe correction factorF is usually less
Countercurrent Flow: than one.
The correction factor F for the most common ar-
rangements may be obtained from Figs. 5.1 through
5.8. Correctionfactorsare only applicable for the
flow arrangements shown in the figures. All of these
figuresare predicated on using the countercurrent
flow formula for calculating theLMTD.
For other types of flow, not covered by these fig-
Cocurrent Flow: ures, the calculation of F shall be a matter of agree-
ment of the parties involved in the test. If the process
fluid temperature is constant, the EMTD is calculated

by Eq. (5.12).
ConstantProcess Fluid Temperature: T, = T2 = T vis calculated from
(t2 - t,) e =(A,) Q"
LMTD = (5.ii)

where Q" is the test heat load, expressed in Btu/hr,

selected as best representing the thermal dutyof the
Where U is essentially constantover a temperature heatexchanger.Thevalueused mustalways be
range, but release of heatversustemperature is a
curved line, the heat release curve may be divided 'This procedure is fundamentally correct only for pure counter-
into zones using a straightline release in each zone. current or cocurrent flow, but yields an approximate answer with-
out requiring detailed stepwise calculations. It may be used with
With this situation, the EMTD for the whole unit is mutual agreement of the parties to thetest;otherwise,another
calculated from the following equation: agreed procedure may be used.

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clearly identified, e.g., air-side, process-side, arith- is equal to the air pressure rise provided by the fan.
metic average, etc. Therefore, to measure the cooling system air pressure
The reference area maybe any convenient mu- loss, one can either measure thesecomponent losses
tually agreed upon heat transfer surface. There are separately or in combination, or one can deduce the
four commonly used reference areas. total losses from the fan drive system power con-
sumption and the measured airflow. The fan drive
system power consumption is comprised of the air
5.6.1 ‘Total Outside Heat Transfer Area Including
energy losses and the drive system mechanical and
Fins (A,)
electrical energy losses. Generally, in a performance

test, it may not be necessary or desirable to measure
A, = [(N) (NfJ (LfJ - (D2ho- D 2 ~ o ) l each of these air pressure losses separately, and usu-
ally it is preferable and easier to measure only the
+ [(N) (LJ (IT) (DpJ (1 - NfnC)l (5.15)
cooling system power consumption for comparison
+ [(N) (IT) (Dpo)(L - Lm)l with design specifications and/or performance char-
acteristic data provided by the system supplier.

L, = the length of finned’ portion of tube 5.8 DETERMINATION OF PROCESS FLUID
Dtno= the outside diameter of fin PRESSURELOSSES
D, = the outside diameter of root
D,,, = the outside diameter of prime tube Thepressure loss between measuring stations is
L = the total length of tube simply the difference between the measurements
taken at these locations. Thetest measuring stations
(Note: Other symbols as defined in para. 2.2)
should be located in such away that they will provide
a pressure measurement at the required design sta-
5.6.2 Outside SurfaceBased on FinRoot Outside tions. If not, consideration must be given to the ef-
Diameter (A,) fects of the following factors:
(a) gravity
(This is a fictitious area) (b) fluid velocity
d (c) flow obstructions
A, =
IT N DRoL, (5.16) (d) fluid properties and flow rates
Figure 5.9 is aschematicrepresentation of the
process fluid piping foran ACHE. The measuring sta-
5.6.3 Prime Surface Based on Inside Tube Diameter tions (MS) and design stations (DS)have been delib-
(A,,,.) erately depicted in different vertical locations in order
that the following discussion and calculation proce-
A,, = .rrND,L (5.1 7) dures can encompassthis possibility.
Equation (5.19) shall be used to adjust the test
value of pressure loss across the measuring stations,
5.6.4 Prime Surface
Based on
Outside Tube to a deduced value of total pressure loss across the
Diameter (A,,,) design stations at the test conditions.

A, = .rrNDpoL (5.18)

Thereference area upon which the overall heat

transfer coefficient is based must be clearly identified
in connection with any statement of that coefficient. (5.19)
The overall heat transfer coefficient is meaningful
only if all of the assumptions required for the mean is the process fluid pressure differential as mea-
temperature difference formulation are satisfied. sured by experimental data at the selected mea-
suring stations.
is the change in the measured processfluid pres-
5.7 DETERMINATION OF AIR-SIDE PRESSURE suredifferentialcausedbydifferences in eleva-
LOSSES tions between the measuring stations and design
The summation of the air pressure losses of the stations and/or differences in process fluid dens-
tube bundle, flow obstructions, and airturning losses ities in the inlet piping and the outlet piping.
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AP,,-, is thechange in themeasuredprocess fluid pres-Theselossescan be evaluated at the test conditions

Sure differentialbetweendesignstationscaused using the following equationsandrecommendations:
by differences in elevation of the design stations Pipe and Bundle Tube Friction (APo5-1).
and/ordifferences in processing fluid densities in These losses can be calculated using Eq. (5.23).
the inlet piping, the outlet piping, andin the bun-
dles. It may not be necessaryto include this term
depending on how the pressure drop is quoted. (5.23)
=2Dig, (3600)
AP, is thechange in themeasuredprocess fluid pres-
suredifferential if static pressuresaremeasured. Properties should be evaluatedat the mean tem-
perature. For evaluation of friction factor, fM, refer to
APDSt,,, is thededucedprocess fluid total pressure loss at Fig. D.1, Appendix D.
the test conditions. Obstruction losses Due to Contractions,
APOBDs is thesumofallthe flow resistancesdue toob-Expansions,Bends, and Fittings (APO5-J. These
between design
can be calculated using (5.24).

AfoBMs is the sum of all the flow resistances due to ob-

structions between measuring stations. (5.24)

Detailed procedures for solving the elements of Eq. The evaluation of K will depend on the type of
5.19 are presented in the following paragraphs. obstruction as described below.
Abrupt contraction andexpansion losses yield a
5.8.1 Gravity (Mg). Differences in elevationsand/orvalue of K as follows:
densities will have aneffect on process fluid pressure
measurements. These
be by K=0.5 X (1 - p') in contraction (5.25)
means of Eqs. (5.20) and (5.21) with reference to Fig.
K= (1 - p2)2in expansion (5.26)
APgh-D = AEIDMpl - AE2Dd2 (5.20)
- inside
where B is the ratio of the smaller to the larger
pipe diameter.
AP,,-, = AE,,p,-AEB PiDe and Cooler Tube Bend losses Losses
Caused by Various Fittings
(5.22) (APO5-J. The valuesof the loss coefficient, K, for pipe
fittings, valves,etc., are dependent on the specific
where: geometry involved and cannot begeneralized.For
AP, = velocity pressure differential, Ibf/ft2 this reason it is best to plan the instrumentation so
that there areas few such lossesas possible between
measuringstations.Forthose components which
5.8.3 Flow Obstruction (ZAPoB).Obstruction losses must be evaluated, there are data availablefrom man-
between measuring stations mayinclude effects due ufacturers, such asRef. 131, and reference will have
to : to be made to these for the particular type of fitting
(a) pipe and bundle tube friction of interest.
(b) contractions and/orexpansions in the pipes
and bundle tubes
(c) pipe and bundle tube bends Summarizing,
(d) the presence of fittings such as bends, valves,
flow meters, tees, couplings, etc.
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TO DESIGN Fan Horsepower+ = Fan Horsepower"

X p2)* X (5.30)

(P1 P2)"
Since tests are rarely run at design conditions, the
recommended procedure is to adjust the ACHE per-
formance results determined under test conditions to NOTE: The cautions presented above applicable to the pressure
design conditions and compare these adjusted values drop evaluation are also applicableto the power adjustments.
with the design values. Adjusted driverinput horsepower may be obtained
When a procedurefor' acceptance testing is to be by introducing the driverand drive train efficiencies.
adopted, a discussion between the interested parties
is essential to establish agreement as to the method
by which data will be adjusted from test to design Fan Horsepower+
conditions. Presentedbelow are methods which may Driver Input Horsepower+ = (5.31)
qdrlvcr ?drive train
be usedto make adjustments required in some of the
more commonly encountered situations. Before us- (c) Air Density Determinations
ing these methods, the parties involved in the testing For determining thedensities required in the pres-
should assure their applicabilityto the test under con-. sure drop and horsepower adjustments, Eq. (5.3) may
sideration. Adjustments for some of the more com- be used.
plex casescanbemade using the relationships in
Appendix D. NOTE: This equationis used for the more typical applications and
neglectshumidityeffects. If widely variant humidity conditions
exist with respect to design, a more precise evaluation using psy-
chrometric data may be appropriate.
5.9.1 Adjustment of Air-Side Bundle Pressure Drop
and Fan Performance. When the test is run at con-
ditions other than design air densities, velocities, or (d) Air Flow Determination
fanspeed, testmeasurementsmaybeadjusted to To adjust the test airflow to the conditionsof de-
their equivalent values at design conditions by use of sign fan horsepower and design air density, use

the following equations. The user should recognize in.7 2/3
that accuracymaysuffer if adjustmentsaremade w+ = (5.32)
from conditions which vary significantly from design
conditions (see limitations in paras. 3.14 and 3.15).
(4Air-Side Bundle Pressure Drop
5.9.2 Adjustments of SinglePhaseProcess-Side
Fluid Pressure Drops
NOTE: For multi-phase
Appendix D
To compare the measuredprocess-sidepressure
drop to the design value, adjustments may be nec-
essary to compensate for the following:
.Process fluids with properties or conditions other
than design
Because of the simplifying assumptions made in .Process flow rates other than design
the derivation,significantchanges in the Reynolds
Such adjustments may be made using
number, V, or RPM, between design and test condi-
tions will adversely affect accuracy. The 1.7 power
hasbeenestablishedasreasonable approximation
empirically, but may vary givendifferent system con-

(b) FanPowerAdjustments

Fan Horsepower+ = FanHorsepower" APp' = for turbulent flow

(Pi + PJ" (5.34)
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Densities and viscosities should be evaluated at the from test conditions to design conditions, and finally
mean component
the to calculate
an adjusted overall heat transfer coefficient.
(1) This adjustment presumes that inlet and outlet pressureswere Agreementmust be reached prior to testing re-
measuredat their design locations within the system. If this is garding use of the adjustment procedure presented
not the case, adjustments must be made in accordance with below or analternate.
para. 5.8.
(2) Throughout Section 5, Re, of 2,300 is taken as a distinct sep-
aration between laminar and turbulent flow. Of course, a dis-
tinct separation does not exist. If Re, is found to be in the range STEP 7
of 2,000 to 70,000, the user may refer to Appendix D for a
more rigorous treatment. Determine the overall reference surface heat trans-
(3) If the Reynolds numbers for boththe design and test conditions
do notfall in the same regime, the simple ratios'above do not fer coefficient as indicated by the test result.
apply; in that situation, the user must refer to Appendix D.
(4) For thosecases in whichthe fluid inthe test is in a single phase U," = Q"/(A,X EMTD") (5.14)
throughout the system, temperature and velocity variations be-
tween design and test conditions will be the only parameters
affecting the pressure drop measurements. If the fluid is a liq- See para. 5.4 for development of Q" and para. 5.5
uid, the variations in temperature will usually cause only slight for development of EMTD".
variations in density and, in general, density may be neglected
in the above equations. The viscosity may or may not change
significantly, depending on the fluid and temperature ranges
involved. If the viscosity or friction factor varies by a factor of STEP 2
two or more from inlet to outlet, pressure drop must be eval-
uated on an incremental basis. The formulas presented above The testoverallreferencesurfaceheattransfer
presume pressure drop variations through the tubes are rep-
resentative of pressure drop variations through all components coefficient must be broken down into its component
between pressure measuring stations. If this is not believed t o parts. The following equation represents the normal
be the case, a more detailed evaluation of variations in pressure heat transfer resistanceswhich may be encountered.
drop through individual components of the heat exchanger may
be desirable.

5.9.3 Adjustment of Overall Heat Transfer Coeffi-

cient. To adjust measured overall heat transfer coef-
ficients to the design conditions, adjustments maybe fluid) Film
necessary to compensate for the following:
(a) process fluids with propertiesorconditions
other than design
(b) process flow rates other than design
(c) air flow rates other than design
(d) air at conditions other thandesign
Adjustments for commonly encountered applica-
tions without phase changeor change in flow regime
may be made using the procedure outlined below.
Adjustments forotherless-frequentlyencountered
situations can be made using the relationships in Ap-
pendix D. Particular care should be taken to assure
results obtained with the equipment and test under
consideration are appropriatefor analysisby the
, equationsproposed.Theusermustrecognizethat Fin Root Wall
accuracy will suffer if adjustmentsaremade from
conditions which vary significantly from design. See
paras. 3.14 and 3.15 for limitations.
In general, the approach presented is to calculate
the overall heat transfer coefficientfrom the test re- Rfo(2)
sults, break this coefficientinto its component parts,
adjust those component coefficients which change Outside Fouling (5.35)

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The values of all the individualcomponents which determine fouling resistance during equipment test-
comprise the right side of this equation must bede- ing. Fouling resistances shall be agreed on as stated
termined. Some may be calculated directly by avail- in para. 3.2.
able correlations, some must be assumed and agreed Refer to Appendix E for additional discussion of
upon by the parties to the test as discussed below, fouling.
and the final factor (either the air-sideor process-side
film coefficient) will be determinedin Step 3 by solv-
Prime Wall:
ing the above equation.
.This resistance is calculated directly using the ap-
The decision as to whether the air-or process-side
plicable part of Eq. (5.35).
film coefficient is calculated directly should be made
on the basis of which can be determined more ac-
curately. In cases where it is uncertain which coeffi- Bond:
cient may be determined with greater confidence, it The value of the bond resistance, /lhb, will depend
may be agreed to calculate both and use the coeffi- upon the type of extended surface being used, the
cient showing the lower thermalresistance to solve tube and fin materials, the temperature level of ap-
for the other in Step 3. plication, and the manufacturing practice. In many
A discussion of how each component may be de- cases, the value of this component will be low in
termined follows. comparison with other terms, making it insignificant.
If this is thought not to be the case, it is suggested
that themanufacturer's design valuefor this term be
Inside (Process Fluid) Film: used in the calculation. However, mutual agreement
If the process fluid is a liquid in turbulent flow in on this matter must be reachedby the partiesto the
a plain tube (no internalenhancement), the value of test.
hp may be evaluated using the Sieder-Tate equation
(Ref. [41):
Fin Root Wall:
The value of this component will be smallin com-
parison with other terms, making it insignificant in

most cases. This resistanceis calculated by the basic
relationship shown in Eq. (5.35). Depending on the
(4)O'14 (5.36) details of fin construction, assessment of the outside
radius of the.fin root wall (rRo)may require consid-
erable judgment.

In cases of gaseous process fluids:

Fin and Air Film:
This term must be evaluated by first determining
the air-side film coefficient. Anexact evaluation of
this coefficientis difficult to develop dueto the com-
plex shape of the heat transfer surface involved. It
The physical propertiesin the above equations are may be agreedby the partiesto use the manufactur-
evaluatedat the average fluid temperatureexcept er's proprietarydata to develop this coefficient. If not,
p;w which is evaluated at the surface temperature. If it is suggested that the following equation (Ref. IS])
the process fluid is water,Figs.D.2aandD.2b of for finned banks of tubes be used as a reasonable
Appendix D may be used to evaluate hp . approximation:

NOTE: The above formulas are applicable for non-condensing sit-

uations with the process fluid in turbulent flow (Re, 10,000).
For cases in which Re, is below 10,000, refer to Appendix D.

Inside Fouling:
Of the component resistances, fouling is the most (5.38)
difficult to determine. There is no practical way to

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(1) c
" .
is the mass flow rate evaluated with respect to the free
flow area.
VALUES OF Ft, FOR EQ. (5.38)
(2) Equation (5.38) is applicablefor Re from 1000 to 20,000, where No. of Tube Tube Row
Row Deep Arrangement Factor, f,*
1 0.78
2 0.88
3 0.93
4 0.97
(3) F, is tube row arrangement factor; values are given in 5 0.98
Table 5.1. 6 1.oo
1.02 8
10 1.025
Once thefilm coefficient is evaluated, it may then GENERAL NOTES:
be used in the determinationof the fin efficiency+Of". (a) These factors are applicable for the normal staggered tube
Figures 5.10 through 5.13 may be used in this eval- arrangement.
(b) Values in this table are calculated from Fig. 11 of Ref. [6],
uation. Symbols in these figures are defined below: using V,, = 1000 feet per minute and using the value for 6
rows as a base, since Eq. (5.38) is based on 6 rows.
h = heat transfer coefficient
I = modified Bessel function of the first kind
K = modifiedBesselfunctionof thesecond
k = thermal conductivity of fin material
n = a constant, orderof Bessel function
u = function of x defined by STEP 3
Solve for the component resistance not determined
by the correlationsby subtracting the sumof the eval-
uated component resistances from the overall heat
transfer resistance.
where i = f i ; c = a constant; p = a constant; a =
cross-sectional area of fin normal to x axis, and A = fin STEP 4
surface between origin and point x. The components on the right-handside of Eq.
w = fin height (5.35) mustbeadjusted to designconditions.The
x = distancealongaxisnormal to basicsur- only components which will ,be affected by these ad-
face justments are the inside film resistance and equiva-
y = half thickness of fin at point x lent convection and conduction resistance of the fins.
4 p = constants The adjustments may be made as follows:
b, e = conditions at base and edge, respectively
Inside (Process Fluid) Film:
For additional discussionof fin efficiencies andnu- The Sieder-Tate relationship may be used to ratio
merical relationships for calculation of the efficien- turbulent test and adjusted design coefficients
cies, the parties may refer to Ref. 171.
With the values of and h: established,the

equivalent convective and conductive resistance of

the fin may be calculated usingthe relationship given
in Eq. (5.35). The user must be cautioned that the
method presented above is approximate and does not
address alltypesof fin configurations and tube ar-

The physical properties in the above equation are

Outside Fouling: evaluatedat the average fluid temperatureexcept
Thisresistance,like InsideFouling, isdifficultto ppvJwhich is evaluated at the surface temperature.
determine. The provisionsof para. 3.7(b) shall befol-
lowed, and a value agreed on prior to the test, as NOTE: The above equation is applicable for non-condensing sit-
stated in para. 3.2. uations with the process fluid in turbulent flow (Re > 10,000).
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Fin and Air Film: heat load, process flow rate, inside film resistance,
Equation (5.40) may be used to yield an approxi- and EMTD are all unknown.
mate ratio of testandadjusteddesign film coeffi- The recommended procedure for determinationof
cients capability is:
(7) Assume a value of process fluid flow rate, W + .
(2) Computecorrespondingheatload from Eq.
(5.6) or (5.71, as appropriate.
(3) Adjust the test airflow rate to design fan power
and air density:
NOTE:The aboveequationisapplicable for Re from 1000 to
w+ = d ( $ )


(4) Compute t: at design fan power from

If the film coefficient is not greatly changed in the
above adjustment, accuracy will not be substantially
reduced if it is assumed that the entire equivalent
convection and conduction resistance of the fin varies
as the film coefficient. If greater accuracy is desired, (5) Compute corresponding value of EMTD’ (see
the fin efficiency may be determined for both test para. 5.5).
and design conditions using Figs. 5.10 through 5.13 (6) Adjust all test resistances, as necessary, to cor-
as applicable. respond to the assumed W + , and compute UT:

STEP 5 TOTAL RESISTANCE R L , = R: + R,’ + R: . . .

The adjusted inside film resistance and equivalent
convection and conduction resistance of the fin must
be substituted into Eq. (5.35) to determine the ad-
justedoverallheattransfercoefficient U: for the
(7)Compute corresponding heat load from
5.9.4 Computation of Capability. Thermal perform-
ance capability, as defined in this Code, is the ratio
of test capacity to design capacity, where test capacity
is the actual flow rate of process fluid the ACHE will (8) Repeat steps (1) through (7)until values of Q+
handle at design conditions of the following: from steps (2) and (7)are equal. Graphical or com-
(a) process fluid composition puter assistance may be helpful in this iterative so-
(6) process fluid inlet and outlet temperatures lution of w+.
(c) process fluid inlet pressure (9)Compute thermal performance capability:

(d) air inlet temperature and density
(e) fan power PERCENT WABILIN = x 100
The determination of this flow rate,asstated in
para. 5.1, is an iterative one, since the corresponding

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R =
T, - T*
T and t are not interchangeable
+=++A ‘1

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

p - Thermal Effectiveness= -



Crossflow Unit - 1 Tube Row, Unmixed
(Reproduced by permission of Heat Transfer Research, Inc.)

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T and t a r e not interchangeable

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.o

rz - r l
P - Thermal Effectiveness = -
T1 - tl


Crossflow Unit - 2 Tube Rows, 1 Pass, Unmixed
(Reproduced by permission of Heat Transfer Research, Inc.)

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T and t are not interchangeable

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 .o

P -- Thermal Effectiveness = -
‘2 - f l
T1 - ‘1


Crossflow Unit - 3 Tube Rows, 1 Pass, Unmixed
(Reproduced by permission of Heat Transfer Research, Inc.)

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T, - T2
R =
T a n d r a r e not interchangeable


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10

P - Thermal Effectiveness = -
‘2 - ‘1
T1 - tl


Crossflow Unit - 4 Tube Rows, 1 Pass, Unmixed
(Reproduced by permission of Heat Transfer Research, Inc.)

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T and t are not interchangeable

1 .o




IL 0.6
0 0.5


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 , 0.8 0.9 1 .o

P - Thermal Effectiveness = -


Crossflow Unit - 2 Tube Rows, 2 Passes, Unmixed Between Passes
(Reproduced by permission of Heat Transfer Research, Inc.)

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0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 .o

P - Thermal Effectiveness = -
‘2 - ‘1
T1 - ‘1


Crossflow Unit - 3 TubeRows, 3 Passes, Unmixed Between Passes
(Reproduced by permission of Heat Transfer Research, Inc.)

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R= -
T1 - T2
‘2 - ‘1
T a n d t a r e not interchangeable

‘2 - ‘1
P - Thermal Effectiveness = -
TI - t l


Crossflow Unit - 4 Tube Rows, 4 Passes, Unmixed Between Passes
(Reproduced by permission of Heat Transfer Research, Inc.)

Copyrighted material licensed to Stanford University by Thomson Scientific (, downloaded on Oct-05-2010 by Stanford University User. No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. Uncontrolled w

R= -
T1 - T2
‘2 - ‘1
r a n d t a r enor interchangeable

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 .o
P - Thermal Effectiveness = -




Crossflow Unit - 4 Tube Rows in 2 Passes, 2 Tube Rows Per Pass, Mixed at the Header
(Reproduced by permission of Heat Transfer Research, Inc.)

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ASME PTC 30-1991




= measuring station
= design station

FIG. 5.9
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ASME PTC 30-1991

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09 O’t OE 0’2 0 1 0
‘ 0
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ASME PTC 30-1991

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s0 m w
E; 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.o 0
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6.1 COMPOSITION OF REPORT It shall include astatement that the testwas con-
ducted in accordance with ASME PTC 30, including
The test report for a performance test
shall include
a list of exceptions, if any.
the following.

6.1.5 Test Data and Results at Operating Condi-

6.1.1 General Information tions. This shall include alisting of the reduced data
(a) Identification of the equipment to be tested for each run after all correktions are applied. It shall
(b) Identification of the plant where the equipment also list a summary of the results at operating con-
is located ditions.
(c) The name of the owner of the equipment and
his representative at the test 6.1.6 Test Result Adjusted to Design Condi-
(d) The name of the manufacturer and his repre- tions. This shalllist the adjusted test results (adjusted
sentative at the test to design conditions) and compare those results to
(e) A statement of who conducted the test the specified performanceat design conditions.
(0 Date of the test
Cg, Date of first commercial operationof the equip-
ment 6.1.7 Conclusions. This shall be a statement of the
(h) The design rating and specified operating con- conclusions derivedfrom the test, includingwhether
ditions for the equipment or not the equipment its design performance and
(i) A statement of the guarantee the extent to which it exceeded it or fell stiort.

6.1.8 Uncertainty Analysis. The report shall include

6.1.2 Object of the Test. This shall tell why the test
the uncertainty analyses (in accordance with paras.
is being run and what the parties
to the testare trying
3.4 and 3.1 7 ) for each run.
to accomplish.

6.1.9 Appendices. As a minimum the following Ap-

6.1.3 Discussion. This shall include abrief history of pendices shall be included.
the operation of the equipment and any pertinent
background information. It shall list all prior agree-
(a) Sample Calculation - Thisshallbe included
using the datafrom one run. It shall illustrate all the
ments made with regard to the test.
calculations and adjustments that are made to that
It shall'also discuss any inspection prior to or fol- run so that a reader could start with the data from
lowing the test and state what was inspected and
any run and makeall necessary calculations to verify
what was found. It shall describe when andhow the
the results of any of the other runs.
unit'wq last cleaned and i t s condition during thetest.
(b) layout Sketches - Thisshall include ade-
This shall include a descriptionof any fouling.
quately dimensioned sketches, both plan and eleva-
tion views, showing the location of ,the equipment
6.1.4 Test Methods and Procedures. This shall de- and its relationship to any other equipment orbuild-
scribe how the test was actually conductedincluding ings in the vicinity that would affect air flow.
It should
any unusual occurrences during the test. also show wind speed and direction for each run.
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(c) List of Instrumentation This shall list all the 6.2.3 Air Densities
instrumentationused on the test, including manufac-
turer and model number. (a) Ambient air density - Ibm/ft3
(0" List of all participating personnel. (b) Inlet air density - Ibm/ft3
(e) Uncertainty Analysis Sample Calculation - A (c) Outlet air density - Ibm/ft3
sample calculation forone run should be included.It
should use the same run that was usedfor the results
sample calculation, per (a) above. 6.2.4 Air Flow
(2)Total inlet air flow - ACFM - ft3/min
6.1.1 0 Raw Data Distribution. At least one complete (b) Total outlet air flow - ACFM - ft3/min
set of .copies of the signed original log sheets shall (c) Total air flow - SCFM - ft3/min
be distributed to each party in the test. (d) Total air flow - Ibm/hr

6.2.5 Process-Side Conditions

As stated in para. 6.1.5 the reduced test data for (4 Inlet process temperature - O F
(b) Outlet process temperature -
each run with all corrections applied should be listed

(c) Inlet process pressure Ibf/ft2

in the report. Alist of typical data follows. Since there
(d) Process pressure drop across ACHE - Ibf/ftz
are many types of air cooled heat 'kchangers, this
list is not necessarily comprehensivebut can be used
(e)Process flow -
as a guide. Anyother data that is pertinent to the test
should also be included.
6.2.6 Miscellaneous

6.2.1 General Information (a) Heat load - air-side - Btu/hr

(b) Heat load - process-side - Btu/hr
(4 Run number (c) Fan driver power input per fan - hp
(b) Date (d) Total fan driver power input - hp
(c) Barometric pressure -in. Hg - OF
(e) Uncorrected mean temperature difference
(d) Ambient dry-bulb temperature - "F 0 Mean temperature difference correction factor
(e) Ambient wet-bulb temperature O F- -
(0 Wind speed mph- @ Effective mean temperature difference -

(g, Wind direction (h) Adjustedoverallheattransfercoefficient -
6.2.2 Air-Side Temperatures (i) Adjusted process fluid flow rate - Ibm/hr
0) Adjusted heat load - Btukr
(4 Inlet dry-bulb temperature - O F (k) Capability - %
(b) Inlet wet-bulb temperature -
(c) Outlet dry-bulb temperature -

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A.l The actual testing environmental conditions, the A.6 Thephysicalinspection of thetubebundle
physical condition of the air cooled heat exchanger, should include checking for loose fins, intermeshed
and the process fluid operating conditions will decide tubes, bowed tubes, and fouled or dirty air-side sur-
whether or not a test will be considered valid. In face. Some of these may have resulted from cyclic
(order to enhance the probabilityof a successful test, operation,processoverheating,rainstormthermal
a careful review and inspection should be conducted shock, water spray cooling, or improper design for
before starting a full-fledged test. thermal growthor internal steamout. Defects suchas
these will affect performance and should be notedin
the test report.
A.2 All parties to the test must have a clear under-
standing and agreement of the proposed procedure,
A.7 Check all fan assemblies for uniform blade pitch,
instrumentation,andmeaningfulresults to be ob-
tained. By prior agreement or through discussion at
roded airfoil surfaces. A change in air foil shape will
the site, one person, or a team consistingof one per- likely decrease fan efficiency. Prevent automatically
son from each of the various interests, must be put
variable pitch blades from modulating during the test.
in responsible chargeof the test and subsequent cal-
culations and results.As a first action, it is suggested
thatSection 3, Guiding Principles,bereviewed so A.8 Insure that air seals,baffles, tip seals,etc.,as
that disagreements, if any,canberesolved before originally designed are in place to avoid unexpected
testing. air leakage.

A3 Plant operating personnel involved with the air A.9 Observe the exchanger in operation,keeping
cooled heat exchanger should be requested to report alert to hot air currentsfrom outside sources or dis-
on performance daily. Ask about maintenance pro- chargeairrecirculation. By agreement, eliminate
characteristics, these to the maximum extent possible.
process upsets, mechanical problems, and any clues
concerning heat transfer performance. A.10 All test personnel should observethe maximum
safetyprecautions whiletaking data.Eachperson
A.4 A brief preliminarycheck of the operating proc- must stay within his assigned station to avoid inter-
ess flow andtemperatureconditionsandair-side ference or possiblydangerous disruption to other test
temperatures will help determineif the heat transfer personnel. Become acquainted with safety facilities,
and pressure drop are reasonably close to expecta- escape routes, and alarm systemsbefore undertaking
tions. Also, this may point to areas requiring spec,ial the test. Be alert to possible physical harm from hot
attention during the equipment inspection before for- process streams and discharge air. Insure that all re-
mal testing. quired safety and protective devices, suchas fan and
belt guards, are properly installed.
A.5 The process fluid should be sampled and tested
to ensure that all of its physical and transport prop- A . l l Steady-state conditions aredesirable forthe
erties are within acceptable limits. most meaningful test results. If test personnel ob-

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serve transient test data, they should alert the test should be kept running in order to maintain the full
leader who should decideif testing should continue, unit air flow patterns. Potential uneven distribution
be stopped, or extended past the agreed-upon time. of flow of the process fluids mustbe considered, par-
ticularly if the process is a two-phase system. This
technique must also result in the inside-tube flow
A.12 Interchange of agreed-upon instrumentation regime being similarto the original design, i.e., lam-
during the test is a good technique to account for inar or turbulent, the same predicted mechanism of
individual instrument error, or to flag significant er- condensation, etc. Testing in the transition zone be-
rors. This is particularly applicable to the measure- tween laminar andturbulent flow will not be reliable.
ment of process fluid temperature and pressure at
the exchanger inlet and outlet.
A.14 Normally a performance test is run as soon as
possibleaftercleaning.However, if there is doubt
A.13 If process flow and heat load are inadequateto about the internal fouling resistance, it may be pos-
properly load all of the exchanger bays,'it may be sible to "shock" clean certain processes, while on
possible to divert theflow by valves to a fewer num- stream, using water, steam, or solvent injection. This
ber of bays so that the flow rate and the heat load should be arranged in advance of the test so that the
per bay are closer to the design point. If this tech- proper operations personnel are available if it appears
nique is agreedupon, the fans on inactive bays necessary to investigate the effect of such cleaning.

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This example is presented to illustrate a thermal B.2.2 Tube Bundle

performance test of an Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger (a) Number per unit - 1
(ACHE). Due to the large variety of designs and ap- (b) Nominal dimensions, width x tube length,
plications covered by the Code, this example is by no ft- 10 X 24
means comprehensive. Thesamplespecifications, (c) Design pressure, psig - 100
contract provisions, data sheets,data, and calcula- (d) Number of tube rows - 4
tions are not forgeneral application,but may behelp- (e) Total number of tubes - 192
ful in formulating similar test procedures for other (19 Number of tube passes - 4
ACHE designs and applications. @ Number of tubes per pass - 48
(h) Tube pitch, inches - 2.50 A
(i) Total effective heat exchange surface, ftz:
B.l INQUIRY (7) External surface of prime tubes - 1,206
An inquiry was issued to manufacturers to quote (2) External surface of fins - 23,500
an ACHE for engine jacket-water cooling: Q Tube description:
(7) Prime tube
Fluid to be cooled - clean water (a) Material - Admiralty
Circulation rate, Ibm/hr - 285,000 (b) Shape - cylindrical
Inlet temperature, "F - 168.0 (c) OD, in. - 1.000
Outlet temperature, "F - 149.0 (d) ID,in. - 0.902
Heat load, Btu/hr - 5,415,000 (e) BWG wall thickness - 18 AW
Inlet pressure, psig - 60 (2) Fins
Maximum allowable pressure drop, psi - 8.0 (a) Material - Aluminum
Ambient air temperature, "F - 94.0 (b) Type - Spiral, extruded
Fouling resistance, hrft*."F/Btu: (c) Number per in. - 9
Internal (based onprime inside surface) - (d) Dimension - 2.40 in. OD
0.0010 (e) Root wall ID, in. - 1.000
External (based on prime outside surface) - 0 (19 Root wall OD, in. - 1 .I60
Site elevation - sea level
Barometric pressure, in. Hg - 29.92
8.2.3 Mechanical Equipment -

(a) Fans
B.2 SPECIFICATIONS (7) Number per unit -2
The following specifications submitted by the suc- (2) Diameter, ft - 8
cessful vendor were accepted and made part of the (b) Gears
contract: (7) Number per unit - 2
(2) Type - right angle spiral bevel
B.2.1 General
(c) Drivers
(a) Type of unit - ACHE (7) Number per unit - 2
01)Service - water cooling (2) Type - electric motor
(c) Air flow mode - induced draft (3) Nominal size, HP - 15

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Pertinent design and test data are:
Pertinentprovisions of thecontractconcerning
thermal testing were:
(4The test shall be conducted within six months PesiRn
after the unit is first placed in service. Water circulation rate, Ibm/hr 285,000 277,000
(b) Internal and external heat transfer surfaces shall Inlet water temperature, "F 168.0 160.0
be cleaned prior to the test. Outlet water temperature,
OF 149.0 141.2
Heat load, Btu/hr 5,415,000 5,207,600
(c) A tube-side fouling resistanceof 0.001 hr.ft2."F/ Inlet water pressure, psig 60 57.2
Btu (based on external surface of prime tubes) shall Water pressure drop, psi 8.0 6.8
be used. Fouling on the external surface of the fins
Air flow: total Ibm/hr 578,526 540,692 NOta ''
shall be considered zero. total SCFM 128,561 120,154 -Ia1
(d) Heatloadfrommeasuredprocess-sidedata
total inlet ACFM 135,957 127,390 Note
shall be used for the test heat load. Heat load exit ACFM per fan 72,755 68,459 .
from measured air-side data (Q3 shall be compared Barometric pressure, in. Hg , 29.92 29.73
Air temp., "F: Ambient DBT 94.0 91.2
to Q.; If the difference between Q; and Q: isless
Ambient WBT 75.0 76.7
than 10% of Q;, the test shall be considered valid. Inlet DBT 95.0 92.2
For determination of EMTD, the process-sidedata Inlet WBT 76.0 77.3

and the measured inlet air temperature shall be used. Exit DBT 134.0 133.5
The test values of air flow rate and/or exit air tem- Air density, Ibm/ft3: Ambient ' 0.071 05 0.07087
perature shall be adjusted so that Q: = Qp;this ad- Inlet 0.07092 0.07074
justment shall be based on the expected accuracies Exit 0.06622 0.06578
'of these two measurements. Uncorrected MTD, "F 43.23 36.60
(e) Testing and evaluation procedures shall be in MTD correction factor OF 0.99 0.99
accordance with the provisions of this Code. Corrected (effective) MTD, "F 42.80 36.24
(0 The test overall heat transfer rate shall be com- Overall heat transfer coefficient:
Service 104.91 119.1 5N""
puted from the test data, using Eq. (5.14). Drive-output power per fan, HP 10.20 11.40
For adjustment of the test data to design con-
ditions, Eq. (5.35) shall be used. (1) calculated
(h) For this example the air film is expected to be (2) based on external surface of prime tubes
the major resistance; therefore, the test value of //he
shall be established by deducting the summation of
the remaining resistances from the overall resistance. loads are equal. The capability will then be computed
(9 The process-side pressure drop predictedat de- from
signwatercirculationrate A f + shallbecomputed
from Test Capacity
Percent Capability = Design Capacity x 100


Thermal performance capability will be expressed The following stepwise procedure is presented to
in terms of test capacity; that is, the actual quantity clarify the order of the performance calculations:
of process fluid the ACHE will handle at design con- (a) From the test data calculate heat loads from
ditions offluidinletand outlet temperatures, fluid both process-side and air-side measurements. Com-
inlet pressure, fluid composition, air inlet tempera- pare the two values to determine whether or not the
ture, and fan power. test is valid [See para. B.3(d) of this Example]. Adjust
This will require an iterative or graphical solution, w" to w+ so that Q: = Q,.
since test capacity, inside film resistance, and effec- (b) Compute test value of EMTD.
tive mean temperature difference are all unknown. (c) Calculate test valueof c.
The test capacity flow rate,W + , will be assumed, and (d) Calculate test values of all resistances, deter-
theheatloadcalculatedindependentlyfromEqs. mining air film resistance by difference.
(5.7) and (5.14). Valuesof W + willbere-assumed (e) Adjust test air flow rate and test airfilm resist-
and thecomputationsrepeated until the two heat ance to designfan.poweranddesignairdensity.
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(0 Assume a value of W + , and compute Q from Heat balance check:

Eq. (5.7).

Q,+ = (W') (cPp)(TI - T2) (8.2)

- Q"P x 100 = 5,406,456 - 5,207,600 x
0"P 5,207,600

Cg, Compute trial value of EMTD,based on as- = 3.82%

sumed value of W + , (process side) adjusted w + (air
side), and calculated t:. Therefore, test heat balance is within permissible
(h) Calculate adjusted value of inside film resist- limits. At this point responsible parties to the test
ance. Unless test data differs markedly from design, agreed that exit air temperature measurement was
Eq. (5.39) may be reduced to more accurate than air flow rate measurement; there-

fore, air temperaturesfor EMTD" calculationwere not

!$ = adjusted. Process-side heat load Q i was used for the

analysis, and measuredair flow rate adjusted for heat
(i) Compute trial value of U: from Eq. (5.35).
0) Calculate Q+ from Eq. (5.14): Q: = U:A, adjusted UP = 540,692 X
= 520,805 I b d h r
(EMTD). 5,406,456
(k) Repeat steps (f) through (j) until the values of
Q+ from steps (f) and (j) are equal. Graphical or in- Test EMTD:
terpolation procedure may be used to expedite this
trial-and-error solutionof W + .
= 16O.O"F
(I) Calculate the capabilityof the ACHE, using the
= 141.2"F
percent capability = -
X 100 (8.4)

(m)Calculate the predicted process-side pressure

2.= 92.2"F
drop from the equation
= 133.5"F

(141.2 - 92.2) - (160.0 - 133.5)
In -

= 36.605"F
Test heat load: Correction factor:

p=- tl - r, = 133.5 - 92.2 -- 0.6091

T~ - t, 160.0 - 92.2
= (277,000) (127.89 - 109.09) = 5,207,600 Btdhr
Tl - T2 = 160.0 - 141.2
= 0.4552
rl - rl 133.5 - 92.2

F = 0.99

= (540,692) (0.2421 (1 33.5 - 92.2)= 5,406,456 Btu/hr EMTD" = 36.605 X 0.99 = 36.24"F

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Unadjusted test U:
Inside film resistance =

c =OZ,)(EMTD")
Q: - (1206)(36.24)
5'207t600 = 119.1
5 Btu/hrfP"F = 0.0007361 hrftz*"F/Btu

Test process fluid film resistance:

inside fouling resistance = (R,)

= 0.0010000 hr-ft'."F/Btu
[see para. B.3(c)]

( &4°.'4

Outside fouling resistance = (R,")

(3 = 0

Btu [see para. B.~(c)]

4 = 0.386 hrft2-("F/ft)

Dp,= 0.902/12 = 0.0751 7 ft A, In (rp,ITpi)

Prime wall conduction resistance =
2 T 1 N kpw

= 21,256 Whr
= (48)(~/4)(0.902/12)*(61 For the configurationused in this Example the pre-
ceding equation reduces to:

p; = 61.18 Ibm/ft3
Prime wall conduction resistance = 'Po '*


p; = 0.455 X'2.42 = 1.1011 -
-In -
hr-ft 0.50 0.50
= l2 0'451 = 0.0000672 hr-ftZ-"F/Btu
ciP= 1.OO Btu/lbm "F

Bond conduction resistance

ibm = 0~0000100hrft'."F/Btu (from manufacturers' data)
p,Ew = 0.480 X 2.42 = 1.1616 -

A, In (rRJrR>
Fin root wall conduction resistance =

21,256 X 0.07517 X 61.18 2 ~ l N k ,
hp =
0.07517 1.lo11

( 1.I 01 I X 1.0b).1I (1.1 01 I)'.'~

1.1616 0.386

- I
0 58
= (0.1 181I) (9091.7) (1.41 33) (0.9925) -

l2 "' 0150 = 0.0000529 hrft2."F/Btu

= 1506.2 Btu/hrftZ*"F 117

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Equivalentconvectionandconductionresistance Trial-and-error solution for W + :

of the fin =
Trial No. 1: assume W + = 288,000 Ibm/hr
--I 0.0007361 - 0.0010000 - 0.0000000
119.15 Q' = (288,000)(1 .OO) (168.0 - 149.0)
- 0.0000672 - 0.0000100 - 0.0000529
= 5,472,000 Btulhr

Ata = 5,472,000/(502,012 X 0.240) = 45.02"F

t, = r, 4- At, = 95.0 + 45.02 = 140.02"F

Summary of unadjusted test resistances:
.. ...........................0.0007361
inside film .... Trial EMTD =
(149.0 - 95.0) - (168.0 - 140.02)
inside fouling ..............................0.0010000 In -
outside fouling.. ...........................O.OOOOOOO 27.98
. . .............................0.0000672
prime wall . .
bond .... ... ............................. 0.0000100
. .
fin root wall.. ..............................0.0000529 X 0.99 = 39.18"F
air film .....................................0.0065266
Z R = 0.0083928
Adjusted inside film resistance:


= 1/0.0083928 = 119.15 Btu/hpft'."F

Summary of adjusted test resistances:

inside film ............,,...................0.0007135
Adjusted test air flow rate: inside fouling ..........,...................0.0010000
outside fouling.. ...........................O.OOOOOOO
($) prime wall
1R.7 113

w+ = w o ( $ bond ...................................... 0.00001 00

fin root wall................................0.0000529
air film.;..............................:. ...0.0066917
XR = 0.0085353


=520,805( 0.06622 = 502,012 Ibm/hr

U,! = I E R = 117.16

NOTE: The value of w" in this calculation is the test air flow rate
adjusted for heat balance.
Q' = t117.16) (1206) (39.18) = 5,535,960 Btulhr

Adjusted test air film resistance: Trial No. 2: assume W + = 290,000 Ibm/hr

Q' = (290,000)(1.OO) (168.0 - 149.0)

0.681 0.681

= 5,510,000 Btulhr

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At, = 5,510,000/(502,012 X 0.2421) = 45.33"F EMTD = 38.98"F

t2 = 95.0 + 45.33 = 140.33"F

Adjusted R: = 0.0007361
- 277000
- = 0.0007095

(149.0 - 95.0) -
(168.0 - 140.33)
Trial EMTD =
54.00 Adjusted ZR = 0.008531 3
In -

X 0.99 = 38.98"F Adjusted U: = 117.22

Adjusted R: = 0.0007361
Q' = (117.22) (1206) (38.98) = 5,510,498 Btu/hr

Adjusted XR = 0.008531
4 , By interpolation, W + = 290,022 Ibm/hr

Percent Capability =-W

' X 100
Adjusted U: = 117.21 W*
=-290f022 x 100 = 101.76 %
Q' = (117.21)(1206)(38.98) = 5,510,231 Btu/hr
Process-side pressure drop:

Trial No. 3: assume W + = 290,022 Ibm/hr
LIP' '(^^

Q+ = (290,022) (1.00) (19.0) = 5,510,513 Btu/hr Af,' = p w = 6.8( 285,000 = 7.16 psi

At, = 5,510,513/(502,012 X 0.2421) = 45.34"F

Since the allowable pressure drop (as statedin the
inquiry) is 8.0 psi, the unit passed the pressure drop
t2 = 95.0 + 45.33 = 140.34"F criterion.

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ThisAppendixprovides an example uncertainty C.2 DEFINITION OF LETTER SYMBOLS

analysis for an Air Cooled Heat Exchanger(ACHE),
using the methodology described in ASME PTC 19.1 - Special letter symbols areused in this Appendix
which do notappear elsewhere in the Code. Thedef-
1985. Theexample is for a post-test uncertainty
analysis, using the designandtestvalues for the initions for these symbols are:
engine jacket-water cooler exampledescribed in Bij = the upper limit ofthe bias error for param-
Appendix B. eter j
Sij = the precision index for parameter j
tv,ssX = the Student-t statistic, determined from
C.l SUMMARY OF ANALYSISAPPROACH tabular data for a degrees of freedom, v,
and a 95 percent coverage
Theexampleuses the following step-wise ap- Un,,, = the overall uncertainty of result, r, for a 95
proach, as prescribed in para. 4.2 of PTC 19.1 : percent coverage
(a) Define Measurement Process. Theequations q = the degree of freedom for parameter j,.
used in computing the test results are listed. From used in evaluating the precision error
these equations, the independent measurement pa- 4 = sensitivity factor which functionally re-
rameters are identified. These equations alsoprovide lates a change in an independent param-
the basis for developing the sensitivity factors for eter j to the change in the result
each parameter. The sensitivity factors are the func-
tional relationships between each independent mea-
surement parameter and the test result.
(b) Calculate Biasand Precision Error Estimates. The C.3 DEFINEMEASUREMENTPROCESS
bias and precision error estimates aredetermined for Thereare two results calculated for the test ex-
each independent parameter. Typicalvalues for each ample in Appendix B - Capability and Process-Side
bias and precision error estimate are provided in this Pressure Drop. The development of sensitivity factors
example. The analysis procedure for developing these for each of these results will be illustrated.
values is not demonstrated in this example, but is
addressed in great detail in PTC 19.1.
(c)Propagate the Bias and Precision Errors. Using C.3.1 Capability. Theequationsused to compute
the sensitivity factors and the bias and precision val- capability in Appendix B are repeated herein.
ues for each independent parameter, the biasand Recalling that the process-side heat load,Q; ,was
precision errors are propagated separately. used for the analysis, the following are the calcula-
(d) Calculate Uncertainty. Thebiasand precision tions for capability:
errorsand combined into an overall uncertainty

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R, = Inside Film+ InsideFouling + Outside Fouling

+ Prime Wall + Bond + Fin Root Wall + Air Film
From Appendix B
NOTE: A constant value of 0.99 is used for the Temperature Cor-
rection Factor, f . Referring to Fig. 5.7 for the test conditions of the RT = R', + 0.0010 + 0.0000 + 0.0000672
Temperature Difference Ratio,R, and the Thermal Effectiveness,P, + 0.00001 + 0.0000529 + R:
the value of F is nearly constant at 0.99 over a wide range'of P
and R values.

R, + R,' + R: + 0.0011301
i Q;
" = A, x EMTD"


',"- " = R,'+

1 R', +0.0011301
R," = -- 0.0007361 - 0.0010000 - 0

0.0000672 - 0.0000100 - 0.0000529


R Z = u 1p -
0.001 8662 (C.4)

NOTE:The other calculated resistance values, (0.0018662 = the

CAPABILITY (%) = (g) x 100 (C.14)

sum of the resistances of the inside film, inside fouling, prime

etc.) are taken as constants because of the negligible changes in
these valuesfor the expectedmagnitudes of the measure-
ment errors.
The next step is to identify the independent param-
eters which appear in the preceding equations, and
then to develop a set of equations which functionally
relate the independent parameters to the Capability
(i.e., determine the sensitivity factors). The first part
of this task is accomplished by simply listing all the
parameters which appear in the equations, and elim-

R', = E($) (C.6) inating all constants andall calculated parameters. All
design values are considered constants for the pur-
pose of the uncertainty analysis.
Q', = W' X c*,,~(T: -T:) (C.7) In reviewing the remaining parameters, it is .nec-
essary to ascertain if all of these parameters are, in
fact, independent. To do this, it is necessary to review
the calculations andcorrections, if any, that were
used in determining these values. In this case, the air
flow rate, wo, is found not to be an independent pa-
rameter. The air flow rate was determined by a ve-
locity traverse at the discharge of each of the fans;
however, by agreement, the mass flow rate of the air
wasbased on a heat balance calculation for use in
(7: - t:) - (7: - t') computing the test results. The equation for this com-
EMTD' = 0.99 X (C.10) putation was


R,' = R($) (C.11) (C.15)

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The final list of independentvariables then be-


T;, T;, W , WBT;, t,", g, hp", and Bo.

ewe= -
- -1.8-
(-)w* '.'
= -1.8-
As described in para. 2.7 of PTC 19.1, the sensitiv-
ity factor can be developed in either of two ways: Likewise, the relative (dimensionless) sensitivity
(a) When there are known mathematical relation- factors, €)'Aps and are determined by
ships betweenthe result and the independent param- P

eter, the sensitivity factors can be computed

analytically by partial differentiation of the equations,
(b) When no mathematical relationship is available
or when differentiation is difficult, the sensitivity fac-
tors can be determined numerically by taking finite
increments of each of the parameters and determin-
ing the effect of the incremental change on the result
by using the data reduction calculation procedure.
For the Capability calculations,mathematicalre-
lationships are established, as demonstrated by the
listed equations; however, thereis no closed solution
for these equations. The result must be determined Tables C.2 and C.3 provide listings of the bias er-
by an iteration schemebetween Eqs. (C.7)and rors, the precision error estimates, and the degrees
(C.13). As a result, it is more practical and convenient of freedom associatedwith each independent param-
to use a numerical solution approach in this case eter used in computing the capability and the proc-
(assuming there is access to a computer). ess-side pressure drop.As described previously, PTC
The numerical development of the sensitivity fac- 19.1 provides detailed instructions on the determi-
tors for each of the independent parametersare pro- nation of the error terms. The values provided in Ta-
vided in Tables C.l a and C.l b. For each independent bles C.2 and C.3 are values which could typically be
parameter, positive andnegativeincrementsare achieved using the proceduresandmethods de-
added to the test values, with the incremental values scribed in this Code. The uncertainty values and the
being approximately equal to the expected precision degrees of freedom associated with the precision in-
and bias error values. Capability is determined step- dices are based on the assumption that a computer-
wise for each incremental change. The sensitivity fac- based data acquisition system, with system accura-
tor for each parameter is calculated as the change in cies in accordance with Section 4, wasused to ac-
Capability divided by the positive or negative incre- quire the temperature data and the measurement of
mental value. Positive and negative incremental val- process flow rate. The other data - air flow rate,
ues are usedto determine the degree of non-linearity barometric pressure,fanhorsepower,andprocess-
in the sensitivity factor around the test value. side pressure drop - were acquired manually using
TheTable results show the final solution for each instrumentation of the accuracies specifiedin Section
parameter. 4. Thedegrees of freedom, which are determined
from the number of readings and the number of mea-
surement points,are basedon a typical one-hour test.
C.3.2 Process-Side PressureDrop. The equation for
It should be emphasized that the values for preci-
the calculation of the process-side pressuredrop is
sion and bias error for each of the independent pa-

AP; = *?(E) 1.8

rameters listed in TablesC.2 and C.3are the result
of propagating all the identifiable elemental error
sources. These values are provided for example pur-
poses only. The actual bias andprecision error values
In this case, there is a convenient mathematical are dependent on the particular ACHEtested, the
relationship between the result, AP;, and the inde- 'number and type of instruments, the calibration pro-
pendent parameters, AP," and W'. The absolute (di- cedures used, the length of the test, the constancy of
mensional) sensitivity factors, ej , are determined by the test conditions, andthe ambient conditions at the
partial differentiation of Eq. (C.16) by time of the test.
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I 9'PtSOGZ 8'60S68Z O'LOLLBZ 9'LC626Z S'LL 1662 6'EL018Z Z'OEPCBZ 9'2LS96Z L'ZZOOGZ (EL 'b3) .M
8OLOOO.O OLL000'0 60L0000 60L000'0 Z690000 LZL000.0 ZZL000'0 969000'0 60L000'0 (LC W !O
'8LL6LSS '9890099 'EEOSEPS 'SL8S9SS V
' f
X X89S 'S9Z60ES '088PE9S 'SLLS8ES
'LZPOLSS (L 'b3) ,"O
9PLS062 8'609681 ULOLLBZ S'LE6Z6Z S'LLL66Z 6'CLOL8Z Z'OCPCBZ 9ZLS961 L'ZZ006Z (ssaw) +M
189900'0 ZOL900'0 8LL900'0 909900'0 LZP9000 9L69000 6CE900'0 LS89000
1699000 (9 W !H
Z'660EOS Z'Z6696P 2'99800S
P'ZCOLOG L'ESESLS 6'09988P 6'09988t L'ESESLE E'ZLOZOS (S .b?) +M
9ZS9000 9ZS9000 0199000 EPPSOO'O 608900'0 292900'0 (t 'b3)
9ZS900'0 LLE9000 289900'0 :O
L9SL.611 L9SL.611 LS96'LLL Z8PF'OZL E8LOOZL ZOPE'SLL €286'911 PLOE'LZL L991'6LL (E W 3
Z98C2'9E Z98EZ'gE Z98EZ'9E EOZPt'9E 09PE0'9C Z98E2'9E
Z98C2' (z W .a~w3
PZESSLS 9L96EZS OOL9PCS 00L690S I 0016909 009LOZS 0019PES (1 'b3) o
: 8
~ ~~
9SS90'0 10990'0 BLEW0 8LS90'0 8Lf900 8LS900 8LE900 8,390'0 8LS90'0 ZZ9900 (EU191Yd
9EL000'0 9EL0000 9CL000'0 9ELMx)'O SELM)O'O 9EL0000 9CLOoo'O 9EL0000
9EL000.0 . VN &I
091 09 1 091 091 09L 091 S'GSL 5.09 1 09 L 891 (J.)bl
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... 902 L ,lI"V
k 08P - 00P+ . oMP- SIP + L I P+ lSel . U6lSea slelelu8J8d )UepUedepUl
TABLE C.Ib ern
Independent Parameters Design I Test I + dT: I -dT: 1 +dWBTt I -dWBTt 1 +dl; I - di; I +dHpo I -dHpo Prn
A..ftz 1206 I ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... U
TY'V 168 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
7-2" F) 14p 141.2 141.2 141.2 141.2 141.2 141.2 141.2 141.2 141.2
Wllbrnlhr) 285000 '277000 277000 277000 277000
277000 277000

(Eq. 14) 100.8907 102.6497 101.7386
101.7621 101.7844
101.7778 100.5392 101.7321
dCap [Note (l)] 0.887597 -0.87142 0,015675 -0.02349 0.022291 -0.03004 - 1.22294 1.291174
dCapldX 1.775195 1.742840 0.031350 0.044582 0.060088
0.046999 - 2.44589 - 2.58234 s0
dCap/dx)avg 1,759017 0.0391 75 0.052335 - 2.51412
dCaoldT: dCapldWBT; dCaDldt: dCaoldHD"
(1) dCap = (%Cap- %Cap at Test Measured Conditions)

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Bias limit Precision
Degrees of Freedom
Parameter (Si 1 (Si 1 ($4 (e) (Note (111
G 59 0.05 0.006 4.61 14
c 0.10 0.013 58 6.3521
w 2.5 0.25 59 1.0229
58 0.63 c 0.25
WBT 58 0.25 0.50 0.0392
e 56 0.3 0.47 0.0523
hP” 0.2 ’ 0.08 7. 2.5141
B“ 0.01 0.01 2 3 1.7629
(1) Reported from Tables C.l a and C.l b.

C.5 PROPAGATETHEPRECISION AND BIAS Evaluating Eq. (C.18)with the values in Table C.2,
Siq : (4.61 X 140.006)l =
C.5.1 Capability. The bias limit of the result, Bicap,
is computed using the equation Si, : (6.3521 X 0.013)’ =0.006819
Si, : (1.0299 x 0.25)’ =0.066293
Siq : (1.7590 X 0.63)’ =
SiwBq: (0.0392X 0.50)’ = 0.000384
Si5 : (0.0523x 0.4712= 0.000604
Sihp. : (2.5141 x 0.08)’= 0.040452
Si, : (1.7629 X 0.012)’ = 0.000448
Evaluating Eq. (C.17) with the values in Table C.2,
ZSi’ = 1.343807
Bi, : (4.61 14X 0.05)’ = 0.053163
Si,,, = 1.1592
Bi, : (6.3521 x 0.10)’= 0.403492
Bi, : (1.0299 X 2.5)’ = 6.629338 Since not all the degrees of freedom given in Table
Biq : (1.7590X 0.25)’ = 0.193380 C.2 are greater than 30, the degrees of freedom for
BiWBq : (0.0392x 0.25)’ = 0.000096 the result,vcap,are computed according to the Welch-
Bi5 : (0.0523 X 0.3)’ = 0.000246 Satterthwaite formulas, as
Bi,, : (2.5141 X 0.2)’ = 0.252828
Si, : (1.7629X 0.01)’= 0.000311
ZBi’ = 7.532854
Si,,, = 2.745 vcap = #I9)

The precision index of theresult, Sicap, is com-

puted using the equation Applying the values of Table C.2 to Eq. (C.19)

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Bias Limit
Degrees of Freedom
Parameter (Bi ) (Si 1 (4 (e)
w 2.5 1.7 59 1
Ac 0.05 0.063 11 1.8

E= 0.02631
I-1 3

1.8058 69
vaP= -
0.02631 =
Evaluating Eq. (C.21) with the values in Table C.3,

c.5.2 Process-Side Pressure Drop. The relative bias

limit of the result, Si,; is computed using the equa-
S;,; = [ (1 X 0.01 7)2 + (1.8 X I).'

Siu+ = 0.0238

where Si,+ = 7.16 x 0.0238 = 0.170 psi

Bl, = -
i The degrees of freedom of the result, vAp+p,is de-
termined using Eq. (C.19) and the values in Table C.3
Evaluating Eq. (C.20) with the values in Table C.3, as,

v + =

(1 x 0.01 7," +
(1.8X e)4 = 38

59 11

From Appendix B,
AP; = 6.8 psi
The overall uncertainty in the result for a 95 per-
APp = 7.16 psi cent coverage, U ~ I , ~ ~by,
is defined

B/,+ = 0.0283 Un,,,, = [Biz, + (tSi,)2]1n (C.22)

The overall uncertainties are evaluated accordingly,

or, BiDg = B/,,,,g x AP; = 0.0283 x 7.16 = 0.202 psi
[2.74S2 + (2 X 1.1592)2]"2= 3.59 percent
The relative precision index of the result, is
computed using U , P ~ +=, ~[0.2022+
~ (2 X 0.1 70)2]1n= 0.395 psi

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Degrees of Degrees of
Freedom t Freedom t

1 12.706 16 2.120
2 4.303 17 2.1 10
3 3.182 18 2.101
4 2.776 19 2.093
5 2.571 20 2.086
6 2.447 21 2.080
7 2.365 22 2.074
8 2.306 23 2.069
9 2.262 24 2.064
10 2.228 25 2.060
11 2.201 26 2.056
12 2.1 79 27 2.052
2.160 13 28 2.048
14 2.145 29 2.045
15 2.1 31 30 or more use 2.0
GENERAL NOTE: Table gives values of t such that from -t to + t the area included is 95%.

where the value of the Student-t statistic, t, is deter-

mined from tabular data for the degrees of freedom
(70 for capability and 38 for AP ;I, and for a coverage
of 95 percent (see Table C.41, t is equal to 2.
The results of Appendix B example are stated as

TEST U P A B I L I N = 101.8 percent 2 3.6 percent


AP: = 7.16 psi k0.41 psi

As discussed previously, the Appendix 6 example

indicates a contractual specification that the air flow
rate, used in the calculations of the test capability,
would be determined using a heat balance calculation
as defined in Eq. (C.15). Presumably, such an agree-
ment would be based on a preliminary uncertainty
analysis. As a check of this approach, an uncertainty
analysis was alsoconducted based on using the mea-
sured air flow rate (i.e., the air flow rate calculated
from the exit air velocity traverses) in the calculation
of the test capability. The results of this analysis

TEST CAPABlLlN = 103.4 percent f4.0 percent

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D.l INTRODUCTORYCOMMENT highly unpredictable and is very strongly influenced

by entrance disturbances andflow maldistribution.
The adjustment of tube-side heat transfer and pres-
In turbulent flow, it is necessary to take wall rough-
sure drop data taken during a test compared to the
ness into account. New tubesmaybeconsidered
design conditions is complicated by the many differ-
smooth, and agood representation of that curve over
ent combinations of flow regime, heat transfer proc-
the Reynolds number range from 10,000 to 100,000
ess and streamcomposition that can existon the tube
is credited to Blasius (Ref. [91)and given here as Eq.
side. Thecommon case of single phase turbulent flow
is dealt with in paras, 5.9.2 and 5.9.3. But laminar
flows and condensing applications require different fM = (D.31
correlations and particularly greater attention to the
details of the problem, andthis Appendix offers some
guides for analyzingtheseproblems. Forsome of
cases encountered, particularly in the process indus-
tries, more complex,usuallycomputer-based, pro- Older tubesmaybe coisiderably roughened by
ceduresarerequired.Some of these cases are corrosion or deposits and relative roughness up
identified below and references to the pertinent lit- to JDi = 0.003 may be encountered in practice.
erature are given. For flows that would normally be laminar, various
types of twisted tapes, springs and solid cores may
be inserted into the tube in order to disturb the flow
and increase the heat transfer rate. The devices are
D.2 FLUID WITH N O PHASE CHANCE variously termed turbulators, retarders, or accelera-
tors, and they inevitably increase the pressure drop
D.2.1 Pressure Drop. Pressure drop due to friction
also. There are no general correlations applicable to
for single phase flow inside tubes may be estimated
all geometries, and the manufacturer of a particular
from the Moody-Darcy friction factor chart (Ref. 1811,
device must usuallybe relied upon to supply the
given hereas Fig. D.l. The pressure drop due to fric-
pressure drop and heat transfer correlations.
tion, APf, is related to the friction factor, fM, by
An additional pressure drop is encountered at the
entrance to the tube due to the increase in kinetic
energy of the fluid and the frictional losses associated
with the expansion from the vena contracta and the
formation of the fully-developed velocity profile. A
The abscissa of Fig. D.1 is the Reynolds number of reasonable estimateof this loss is 1-1/2 to 2 velocity
the tube-side fluid: heads for eachpass,based on the velocity in the
D.p V
Re, = (D.2)

The region of discontinuity (Re, from 21 00 to about

7000) between the laminar and turbulent regimes is where n = 1.5 to 2 and APmtis entrance pressure drop.

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7 Q


ASME PTC 30-1991
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The total tube-side pressure drop i s the sum of APf For fully developed turbulent flow (Re, > approx-
and Af,,,. Nozzle and header losses may need to be imately 7,000), there areseveral good correlations
separately considered. available. For general use, the Petukhov-Popov equa-
The properties used in these equations and those tion, Eq. (D.6), (Ref.[131), is regarded as the most
in the following paragraphs are usually evaluated at accurate but it is not in convenient form for ratioing
the arithmetic mean bulk temperature on the tube changes in velocity, for example,
side, except for P,,~, which is evaluated at the inside
wall temperature atthe point where the fluid reaches
its arithmetic mean bulk temperature.

D.2.2 HeatTransfer. The appropriate heat transfer (D.6)

correlation to use depends upon whether the flow i s
turbulent or laminar. For laminar flow (Rej < 21001,
many different correlations and analytical treatments
havebeen given in the literature. Reference [IO] is
the most comprehensive and up-to-date source. The
Hausen equation (Ref. [ I l l , [I211 is widely recom- where the subscript t indicates turbulent.
mended in the literature to represent the major ef- The viscosity ratio term has beenadded to the
fects in laminar flow: above equation here. The Moody-Darcy friction fac-
tor, fM, in Eq. (D.6) can be calculated from Eq. (D.3).

TheSieder-Tateequation, Eq. (D.7), Ref. [4], is

usuallyadequate for air cooler applications and is

(y ))(:
more convenient for adjustments of tube side con-

3.65 +
1+0.04[ (Y)(y)(?)]
Forwater,Figs.D.2a and D.2b taken from Kern
(Ref. [141), are very easy to use.FiguresD.2aand
D.2b may be represented by the following dimen-
sional equation:

where Tji,,Lis the mean inside heat transfer coeffi-

cient for laminar flow in a tube of length L.
Examination of Eq. (D.5) reveals that for small
L, is proportional to L-'I3, where L is the length of
the tube. This is due to the development of an ad-
verse temperature gradientas a result of the conduc- and C = 0.911 - 0.429 logloDi (D.8c)
tive heat transfer in the fluid. As mentioned above,
various devices may be inserted into the tube in order
to break up this gradient by disturbing the boundary where T is the mean water temperature in O F , Vp the
layer or by forcing the flow to become turbulent. No tube insidewater velocity in feetper second,and
general correlations are availablefor all such devices, Di'the inside tube diameter in inches.
and specific correlations for each type should be ob-
tained from thevendorand their interpretation The dimensions of hi are then Btu/hr.ft2."F, and hi
agreed upon prior to the test. is based upon the inside area of the tube.

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For transition flow (2100 < Re, < 7,000), no ac- vapor with no liquid presenthas a quality of 1.00,
curate predictions are possible because of the slow- and a totally condensed stream atits boiling point or
ness with which fully-developed velocity and thermal bubble point has a quality of zero.
profiles are achieved and because of the strong effect Estimates can be made of the frictional loss using
of the entrance flow geometry. An estimate can be the work of Martinelli andNelson(Ref. [IS]). The
made by linearly interpolating between the laminar frictional pressure drop through the tube for the con-
flow heat transfer coefficient,hi,L, obtained from Eq. densing flow entering as a saturated vapor(x, = 1.O),
(D.5) and the turbulent flow result, hi,, , obtained and exiting at a quality ofx, is found from
from Eq. (D.6) or (D.7), using the equation:

hi = FeL+ (hi,, -
- 2100
6&I( Rei49oo ) where TPF indicates two-phase flow and APp,v is the
pressuredropcalculated from Eq. (D.1) assuming
that theflow is all vapor and no condensation occurs.
for 2 100 < Re, e 7000 (D.9) The mean two-phase multipyingfactor, pv,,, is read
from Fig. D.3 as a function of the exit quality and the
reduced pressure of the vapor,
Any calculation in this range must beregarded as 1

highly uncertain.
P, = -P (D.11)

where P is the absolute pressure of the condensing

vapor and Pcr is the absolute critical pressure of the
D.3.1 GeneralComment.Thecondensation of a vapor being condensed. P and PC, must be in con-
single (pure) component can usually be considered sistent units, usually psia.
to be carried out atnearlyconstantpressureand The other two pressure effectsthat need to be con-
therefore at nearly constant temperature. However, sidered in condensation are the momentum and hy-
the details of the condensation process are not fully drostatic contributions. Momentum effects arisefrom
understood, andthe correlations correspondingly are the decelerationof the vapor as it condenses; in prin-
not very precise. Coefficients for condensing steam ciple, this results in a pressure recovery. However,
or ammonia are so high (in the absence of non-con- this recovery is usually at least partially offset by in-
densablegas) thatthisuncertaintyhardlymatters. creased friction losses in the liquid film. In design, it
However, coefficients for other substances (such as is usually conservativeto neglect any pressure recov-
propane or other light and medium hydrocarbons), ery that may occur. However, in analyzing the per-
while generally quite good,may be comparable to formance of a unit,thispressurerecoverymay
the air side when the area ratio is taken into account. explain, at least partly, why the pressure drop is less
The heat transfer correlations given below are accu- than that expected.
rate enough for most purposes. Prediction of pres- The hydrostatic pressure effect arisesonly for ver-
sure drop in two-phase flow is very uncertain; errors tical or inclined tubes. The hydrostatic pressure effect
up to a factor of five are possible. results in an increase in the pressure at the lower end
of the tube compared to a similar horizontal tube.
0.3.2 Pressure Drop. Pressure drop calculations in Accounting for this effect requires detailed calcula-
two phase flows in principle require the step by step tions of the local density of the two-phase mixture
integration of local conditions, coupled with the heat and is often(conservatively) omitted in condenser
transfer rate to estimate the rate at which the vapor design.
is being condensed. The total pressure effect is the
algebraicsum of thefrictional,-momentum,andhy- D.3.3 Heat Transfer Coefficients
drostatic effects, of which the first is usually of the
greatestconcern.An important parameter is the qual- D.3.3.1 Horizontal Tubes.At low condensingrates
ity of the flow, which is defined as the mass flow rate inside horizontal tubes, the condensate flows down
of the vapor phase only, divided by the total mass the walls of the tube into a pool at the bottom of the
flow rate of both vapor and liquid phases. A saturated tube, which then drains by gravity out of the end of

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Velocity Through Tubes, ft/SeC

GENERAL NOTE: This chart applies only to a tube 0.62 inside diameter (e.g., 3/4 in. X 16 BWG).
For other diameters, refer to Fig. D.2b.



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Inside Diameter of Tube, in.

GENERAL NOTE: Multiply the value obtained from Fig. D.2a by the above factor.


the tube. Kern’s modification (Ref. [I411 of Nusselt’s

equation (Ref. [161) maybeused to calculate the
and p is found as a function of +,, in Fig. D.4. The
Chaddock correlation corrects the horizontal tube,
coefficient in this case: Nusselt equation for the relative amount,of surface
blanketed by the stratified pool of liquid (through
r 7 1/3
which no heat transfer is assumed to occur).
At higher condensing rates, all or a portion of the
L J tube may be in annular two-phase flow, in which a
turbulent liquid film covers the entire inner surface
of the tube. A convenient correlation for this regime
is due to Boyko and Kruzhilin (Ref. [18]).
In this equation, L is the length of the tube and wp
is the pounds of vapor condensedper tube per hour.
If a U-bend tube is used, L is the combined length of
both straight sections and the U bend.
A more rigorous equation used for low condensing
rates is the Chaddock correlation (Ref. [I 71):

where, In this equation, G, is the mass velocity of the con-

densing stream
r -4 0.1 42

r 7114

where Wv,,,is the pounds of vapor entering each tube

per hour.

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Also, As the condensing load increases above the point

at which the condensate film becomes turbulent
(which occurs when Rei = 4W, / p L p ~ D>2000),
i the
Colburn correlation (Ref. [201) becomesvalid.The
Colburn correlation may be represented graphically
as in Fig. D.5 or analytically by Eq. (D.16):

where x, and x, are the inlet and exit qualities of the where Pr,,p = cp~t,pcL1*p

stream, respectively. For the special and important kl@

case of total condensation of a saturatedvapor

stream, the term in brackets in Eq.(D.14a) reduces Again, research is showing that the transition from
to: laminar to turbulent flow is not as abrupt as sug-
gested by Fig. D.5 and the actual coefficients in the
1+ G (D.14e)
transition regime are higher than shown for Rei from
perhaps 800 to 3000.
If the condensing load (or more exactly, the vapor
flow) is sufficiently high, vapor shear effects cause an
The correlations of Kern and Chaddock arevalid at early transition to turbulence in the condensate film
low vapor flow rates, where gravity dominates the and a sharp increase in the heat transfer coefficient.
flow pattern, and areinvalid at high vapor flow rates, Undertheseconditions, the Boyko-Kruzhilin equa-
where vapor shear dominates. The Boyko-Kruzhilin tion given above, Eq. (D.14a) et seq., becomes valid.
correlation operates in exactly the opposite fashion. Again, a conservative and simple procedure for esti-
Comparison of the fundamental bases for each equa- mating a condensing coefficient for vertical tubes is
tion indicates that the correlation which is valid under to calculate the coefficient by all three ecfuations,
a given set of conditions gives a higher heat transfer (D.141, (D.15), and (D.161, andselect the highest
coefficient than the invalid correlation. Therefore, to coefficient.
determine which type of correlation is applicable in
D.3.3.3 Inclined Tubes.Very few datahavebeen
a given situation, one may calculate the coefficient
published on condensation in downward flow inside
by each method and select the higher value. In the
inclined tubes, though proprietary data and correla-
transition region where the correlations cross, the ac-
tions exist. It is reported that the condensing coeffi-
tual coefficients are found to be greater than those
cient increases significantly (compared to a vertical
predicted by either type of correlation. The values of
tube) in a tube which is inclined from 1 deg. to 20
hi calculated by these equations are meanvalues for
deg. from the vertical. As the inclination moves to-
the entire tube. Calculation of the local values is be-
ward the horizontal, the coefficient changes toward
yond the scope of this standard; Ref. [I91 may be
that for a horizontal tube.
consulted as a typical example.
Nilsson (Ref. 1211) has shown that a very slight (1
to 2 deg.) upward inclination in a horizontal tube can
D.3.3.2 Vertical Tubes. Nusselt (Ref. [ I 61) also ob- cause substantial reduction in the.condensation heat
tained an equation for condensation under laminar transfer coefficient, presumablybecause of excessive
condensate film conditions in vertical tubes (corre- pooling of the liquid in the lower end of the tube.
spondinggenerally to low condensing rates).This
equation is
D.3.4 Mean Temperature Difference for Saturated
Pure Component Condensation. Themean tem-
perature difference for condensation of a saturated
L -I pure vapor, assuming a constant overall heat transfer

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1 .oo








0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
~l,,,, radians



coefficient, and constant saturation temperature, is sure existing in the vapor space. In this case, it has
given by: been shown that the above-referenced equationsfor
condensing a saturated vapor adequately predict the
EMTD = LMTD = If , (D.17) heat transfer rate on the vapor side, if the saturation
temperature of the vapor is used as the process fluid
temperature in Eq. (D.17). It is necessary to include
in the heat load the sensible heat of cooling the va-
where T,,, is the saturation temperature of the con- por,even though its temperature is ignored in cal-
densing vapor. culating the EMTD.
If the surface is above the saturation temperature,
The EMTD under'these conditions is independent
the vapor will cool sensibly by the usual single phase
of flow arrangement. It should be noted that in fact
convectiveprocess until it reaches atemperature
the local condensing coefficients do vary with local
such that the wall does become wet. In principle, it
quality, but the effect on the overall coefficient i s
is only necessary to follow the cooling of the vapor
ordinarily small. Consideration of these effects is in
and the wall temperature until the wall reaches sat-
any case beyond the scope of this document.
uration temperature and then follow the procedure
given in the previous paragraph.
D.3.5 Superheated Vapors. A superheatedvapor However, such local vapor cooling calculations are
will condense directly from the superheated stateon tedious because the vapor temperature changes
a surfacethat is even slightly (perhaps 0.01 O F ) below along each tube and the airtemperature changes
the saturation temperature of the vapor at the pres- across each row of tubes as well as along each tube.

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Reference [22] shows that the heat transfer flux for These calculations require vapor-liquid equilibrium
cooling a superheated vapormust be higher than the and enthalpy calculations that are usually computer-
condensing flux if the wall is to remain dry. Therefore, based andsupplied by the customer. Beforeany con-
if it i s assumed that the vapor is desuperheating in clusions can be drawn about the performance of the
the wet wall regime from the start (using the simple condenser, mutual agreement must be reached be-
procedure given in the first paragraph), the area cal- tween customer and vendor on the validity of these
culated to be required will either be correct (if the calculations.
wall is wet even at the vapor entrance)or conservative (b) Sensible heat transfer effects (i.e., cooling of
(if some portion of the wall is in fact dry). The term the vapor-gas mixture) are always present in multi-
correct means that the calculated area is as close to component condensation in both the vapor-gas and
that actually required as the validity of the correla- liquid phases. The cooling of the vapor-gas mixture
tions permits; conservative means that the calculated tends to be an important and often controlling part
area is larger than would be obtained by a detailed of the heat transfer process.
local calculation. (c) Mass transfer effectsare always present in mul-
ticomponent condensation. These processes areonly
poorly understood and must be treated in a fairly
0.3.6 Subcooling of Condensate. When subcooled arbitrary manner. The specific problem of a single
condensate is required, it is customary to design the condensable vapor with a noncondensable'gas can
condenser so that the bottom row or rows of tubes, be handled with some rigor as shown in Ref. [231.
disposed in one or more passes, run full of conden- (d) Physical properties change in bothphases, both
sate. The liquid phase heat transfercoefficient can be as a result of changing compositions and changing
calculated using the correlations given in para.D.2 temperatures.
and the heat transfer rateby using a corrected LMTD, Usually, careful analysis of multicomponent con-
the correction factors being given in para. 5.5 for the densation problems (which may include noncon-
appropriate pass arrangement. densable gases) requires zone-by-zone analysison a
The averageair temperature leavingthe subcooling computer. However, if the condensing temperature
section can be calculated by a heat balance. Without range is relatively small compared to the mean tem-
going to a zone-by-zone analysis (which requires a perature difference,or if only a smallamount of con-
computer program for all practical purposes), it is densate is formed, approximate calculations of
sufficient accuracy may be possible (Ref. 1241).
necessary to assume that the average air temperature
In these cases, the heattransferprocess on the
off of the subcooling rows is equivalent to a uniform
tube side may be considered to consist of two re-
inlet air temperature to the condensing rows. This is
sistances in series:
of course not the case, and it is usually somewhat
(7) Sensible heat transfer from the vapor-gas mix-
nonconservative to assume so. In analyzing the per-
ture to the condensate interface,with a typical vapor-
formance of an existing unit, this factor can be taken
phase heattransfer coefficient h,, calculated from the
into account qualitatively without agreatdeal of
correlations in para. D.2, and,
(2) Convection of the sensible heatfrom (11 above
and the latent heat released by condensation at the
interface through the condensate layer, with a con-
densing heat transfercoefficient hi,=.
A combined coefficient for these two processes on
the condensing side, hi, may be calculated by Eq.
There are several specialproblems associated with
the condensation of a multicomponent mixture or a 1
h, = 0 . 1 8a)
vapor containing a noncondensablegas. Among them z 1
are the following: -+-
hi,, hi,=
(a) It is necessary for accuratedesign to have a
condensing curve for the mixture;
a where
curve gives the temperature of the condensing mix-
ture and the fraction of the flow that has been con- Z= Q," (D.18b)
densed as a function of the amount of heat removed. Q,, + Qt + Qsr

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Q,, is the heat duty required to cool thevapor-gas (c) Reduction in number of tubes in successive
mixture: passes in condensing(andsometimessubcooling)
service in order to maintain high vapor velocity and
condensing coefficients. Note however that uniform
distribution of the two phases among the tubes in
later passes can not be expected, and this can lead
to excessive subcooling in sometubesand incom-
Q, is the heat duty required forcondensation: plete condensation in others.
(0') Multiple servicesmaybe handled in a single
Q, = h W p , c o n d (D.18d) unit, usually with the sections in parallel on the air
flow (side-by-sidein the frame). Different tube sizes
and number of rows may be used in each section.
(e) A single row of tubes may be split between two
Q,, is the heat duty required for cooling the con- passes in order to obtain the same number of tubes
densate: in each pass, e.g., two passes in five rows of tubes.
(0 A row of tubes may contain asingle tube (or at
(0.18e) most a few tubes) servingas a vent condenser off of
an air removal point and having a different inlet and
outlet header connection.
Thermal analysisof types a, b, and c can be carried
Wp,, and W,,, are the average weight flow rates of out by a procedure similarto that suggested for sub-
vapor and condensatein the condensing process, and cooling sections above, and with the same caution
Wp,condis the amount of vapor actually condensed. upon assumingthe airinlet temperature to the upper
rows of tubes to be uniform.
Type d can be analyzed straightforwardly for each
section if the air flow and exit air temperature for
D.5 UNUSUAL PASS ARRANGEMENTS each section are measured.
Type e can be analyzedreasonablyclosely by
For avariety of reasons,unusualpassarrange-
straightforward methods, using the actual number of
ments of various kinds are often used in air cooled
tubes in each pass for tube-side calculations andig-
exchangers. The following examples may be cited:
noring the usually slight imbalance in the air tem-
(a) Reduction in number of tubes in successive
perature profile caused by the split pass or passes.
passes,used in cooling viscous liquids in order to
Type f poses no serious problems on the air side
increase thevelocity andmaintainturbulent flow
since only a fewtubes are involved. The analysis in-
side the tube can be carried out by the methods of
(b) Using enhancement devices in one or more of
para. D.4 or Ref. 1231.
the last passes for the same purpose.

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E.l Theexchangerdesigner incorporatesaheat should preferably be performed in the clean condition
transfer fouling resistance to account for the accu- on both air-side and tube-side to minimize the effects
mulations of layers of resistive material on the heat of fouling dnce fouling cannot be reliably predicted.
transfer surfacesas the exchanger operates. Thefoul- The fouling resistances used to interpret the test re-
ing resistance is also known as fouling factor, dirt fac- sults shall be agreed upon by the parties to the test
tor, and dirt film. The fouling resistance occurs on prior to the start of the test, see para. 3.2(j).
both the air-side and the process-side heat transfer
surfaces. Unfortunately, the existing technology does
not provide a dependable analytical method for ac- E.3 The influence of fouling on the overall heat trans-
curate predictionof fouling. The purchaser normally fer coefficientwill vary according to the relativemag-
depends on experience in similar services to select nitudes of the fouling resistances and the clean heat
and specify the design fouling resistances. transferresistances.Forexample, aclosed-circuit
treated water cooler might have a low tube-side foul-
ing resistance of 0.0005 hr4tz*"F/Btu referencedto the
E.2 Fouling presentduring the test affects the air-side inside surface. Thismight be approximately5 percent
and process-side heat transfer coefficients and flow of the total heat transfer resistance. In comparison,
pressure drops. Fouling of the air-side surface may this resistance for a heavy oil cooler might be 0.003
occur from the deposition of air-borne materials such hr-ftz-OF/Btu which might be over 20 percent of the
as dust, organic material, seeds, and insects, or from total heat transfer resistance, making a clean condi-
corrosion. It is impossible to accurately predict the tion for testing relatively more important.
effect of such deposits and they must be removed
prior to testing. Fouling of the inside surface of the
tubes is dependent upon the fouling and corrosion E.4 For additional information on fouling the reader
characteristics of the fluid in the tubes.Testing may refer to Ref. [25].

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F.l Adverse wind conditions, faulty design, or poor be basically the same as for a test conducted when
orientation of the ACHE with respect to adjacent there is no air recirculation or contamination. How-
structures may cause hot air to recirculate into the ever, entering airtemperatures may be far from uni-
unit. The resultant elevation of entering air temper- form. Temperature variations at a given measurement
ature above ambient will reduce the capacity of the station and/or variations from station to station, cou-
ACHE. Similarly, contamination of the entering airby pled with variations in air velocity, may require an
hot air from extraneous heat sources, suchas heaters, abnormally large number of measurement stations,
boilers, or heat exchangers, will have a detrimental and may necessitate coincident measurement of tem-
effect on capacity. perature and airflow at each station.

F.3 A detailed survey should be made just prior to

F.2 Since the performance evaluation procedures de-
scribed bythis Code are based on entering rather than the test, and agreement reachedby theparties to the
ambient air, the recirculation and/or contamination test on the number and location of measurements to
described abovewill not necessarily have a significant be taken to ensure the desired level of accuracy.
effect on the performance capabilityof the ACHE. The
results of a test conductedwhile the entering air tem- F.4 For more informationon this subject the reader
perature is well above ambient, but uniform, should is referred to Refs. 1271 through 1361.

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[l I Field Testing of Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers, [141Kern, D. Q., Process Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill
Chemical Engineering Progress, July 1960. Book Company, New York (1 950).
[2]Flow of Fluids Through Valves,Fittings, and Pipe [15]Martinelli, R. C., and Nelson, D. B., Trans. ASME
- Crane Co., Technical Paper No. 41 0,1978. 70,695, (1948).
[3]Fundamentals of Pipe Flow, R. P. Benedict, Wiley, [161 Nusselt,W., Zeits. VDI 60, 541, 569 (1916).
1980. Also cited in Refs. 161 and [91.
141 Sieder, E. N., and Tate, G. E., Ind. Eng.Chem., [17] Chaddock, J. B., Refrig.Eng. 65, No. 4, 36
28, 1429 (1936). (1 957).
151 Briggs, D. E., and Young, E. H., Convection Heat [181 Boyko, L. D., and Kruzhilin, G. N., Int. J. Heat
Transfer and Pressure Drop of Air Flowing Across Tri- Mass Trfr. 70, 361 (1967).
angular Pitch Banks o f Finned Tubes,AIChE, August [191Traviss, D. P., Baron, A. B., and Rohsenow, W.
1962. M., MIT Rept. No. DSR 72591-74 (1971).
161 Ward, D. J., and Young, E. H., Heat Transfer and [201Colburn, A. P., Trans. AlChE 30, 170 (1 934).
Pressure Drop of Air in Forced ConvectionAcross Tri-
angular Pitch Banks o f Finned Tubes, Chemical Engi- [21]Nilsson, S. N., Paper 2.32, Proc. Xlll Int. Cong.
neering Symposium Series No. 29, Vol. 55, 1959. Refrig., Washington, DC (1 9711.
[7]Gardner, K. A., Efficiency o f Extended Surface, [221Bell, K. J., Chem. Eng. Prog. 68, No. 7,81 (1 972).
ASME Transactions Paper 1945, Vol. 67. [23]Colburn, A. P., and Hougen, 0. A., Ind. Eng.
[8]Moody, L. F., Trans.ASME 66, 671 (1944). Chem. 26, 1 1 86, (1 934).
[9]Blasius, H., Forschg. Arb. Ing -Wes. No. 131, Ber- [24]Bell, K.J., and Ghaly, M.A., AlChE Symp. Series
lin (191 3).Cited in Schlicting, H., Boundary Layer 69, NO. 131, 72-79 (1 972).
Theory, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York [251Kakac, S., Bergles, A.E., and Mayinger, G., Heat
(1 979). Exchangers: Thermal-Hydraulic Fundamentalsand De-
[lo]Shah, R. K., and London, A. L., Advances in Heat sign, McGraw-Hill, and Hemisphere Publishing Corp.
Transfer, Supplement 1: Laminar Flow Forced Convec- (1 1.981
tion in Ducts, Academic Press, New York (1978). 1261 Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association,
[ll] Hausen, H., VDlZ Beih.Verfahrenstech. 4. 91 Standards of TEMA, latest edition.
(1943).Cited in Ref. [12]. 1271 Cunter, A. Y., and Shipes, K. V., "Hot Air Recir-
[I21Jakob, M., Heat Transfer, J. W. Wiley and Sons, culation by Air Coolers,"AlChE Twelfth National
New York, Vol. 1 (1949). Heat Transfer Conference, AIChE-ASME, Tulsa,Okla-
homa, August 15-1 8, 1971.
[I31 Petukhov, B. S., and Popov, V. N., Teplofiz. Vy-
sok. Temperature 7, No. 1 (1963).Also discussed by [281 Collins, G. F., and Mathews, R. T., "Climatic
B. S. Petukhov in Advances In Heat Transfer, Vol. 6, Considerations in Design of Air Cooled Heat Exchan-
Hartnett, J. P., and Irvine, T. F., Jr. Eds., Academic gers,"Paper 59-A-255,December 4, 1959, Annual
Press, New York (1 970). Meeting ASME.

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[29] CoolingTower InstituteTechnical Subcommittee [34] Haldridge, E. S., and Reed, B. H., “Pressure Dis-
No. 2: “Recirculation,” CT
I Bulletin PFM-l%lO,1958. tribution on Buildings,” Department of Army, Con-
Also PFM-11OA, Appendix to PFM-110. tract No. DA-18-064CML77,August1956, Texas
Engineering Experiment Station, Texas A & M.
I301Schmidt, W., “Calculations of Distribution of
Gases in the Atmosphere,” [351 Haldridge, E. S., and Reed, B. H., “Pressure Dis-
Gesundheits Ing. Vol 49, 1926, pp. 425-426. tribution on Buildings-Report No. 2,” Department of
Army,Contract No. DA-18-064 CML77, August
[31] Sutton, 0. G.,“A Theory of Eddy Diffusion in 1956,
the Atmosphere,” Proc. Roy. Society (London) Ser. A
Texas A & M.
VOI. 135, 1932, pp. 143-165.
1361Kosten, C. J., Morgan, 1..I., Burns, J. M., and
[32] Bailey, A., and Vincent, N. D. G., “Wind Pressure Curlett, P. L., “Operating ExperienceandPerform-
on Building IncludingEffects on Adjacent Building,” anceTesting of the Worlds Largest AirCooled
Journal Institution of Civil Engineer, March 1943, Condenser,” April 27-29,1981,AmericanPower
pp. 243-275. Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
[331 Dryden, H. L., and Hill, C . C., “Wind Pressures
on Structures,” Scientific Papers of Bureau of Stan-
dards, Vol. 20, 1926, p. 697.

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PTC 1 - General Instructions ............................,.......................I986

PTC 2 - Definitions and Values ................................................. 1980
PTC 3.1 - Diesel and Burner Fuels ......... ...
............................. .......1958
PTC3.2 - Solid Fuels ....... ...
(RI 984)
PTC 3.3 - Gaseous Fuels ............................... ...
PTC 4.1 - Steam-Generating Units (With 1968 and
1969 Addenda) ......................................................I964
(RI 985)’
Diagram for Testing of a Steam Generator,
Fig. 1 (Pad of 100)
Heat Balance of a Steam Generator,
Fig. 2 (Pad of 100)
PTC 4.1a - ASME Test Form for Abbreviated Efficiency Test -
Summary Sheet (Padof 100) ............ ... ..................,..I964
. ...
PTC 4.1 b - ASME Test for Abbreviated Efficiency Test -
,Calculation Sheet (Pad of 100) ...................... .................1964
PTC 4.2 - Coal Pulverizers ........................................,...........,...I969
PTC 4.3 - Air Heaters .......................... .......................,...........I968
PTC 4.4 - Gas Turbine Heat Recovery Steam Generators........................I981
PTC 5 - Reciprocating Steam Engines ,..,.,,....,.......,..,...........,.,..,..1949
PTC 6 - Steam Turbines ..................... .........................,..........1976
PTC 6A - Appendix A to Test Code for Steam Turbines
(With 1958Addenda) ..............................................:I982
PTC 6 - Guidance for Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty
Report in Performance Testsof Steam Turbines ............................I985
PTC 6s - Procedures for Routine Performance Tests
Report of Steam Turbines .. ............... ... .............................1988
PTC 6.1 - Interim Test Code for an Alternative Procedure
for Testing Steam Turbines ................... ... ....................I984
PTC 6 on Steam Turbines- Interpretations 1977-1 983
PTC 7 - Reciprocating Steam-DrivenDisplacement Pumps ....................I949
PTC 7.1 - Displacement Pumps ..........,.......................,................I962
PTC 8.2 - Centrifugal Pumps ......................... ................... .. ....I990.. ..
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PTC 9 .Displacement Compressors. Vacuum Pumps and
Blowers(With 1972 Errata) ......................................... 1970
PTC 10 .Compressors and Exhausters .......................................... 1965
PTC 11 .Fans ..................................................................... 1984
PTC 12.1 .............................................
- Closed Feedwater Heaters 1978
PTC 12.2 .Steam-Condensing Apparatus .......................................... 1983
PTC 12.3 - Deaerators.............................................................. 1977
PTC 14 . EvaporatingApparatus ................................................. 1970
PTC 16 - Gas Producers and Continuous Gas Generators ...................... 1958
PTC 17 - Reciprocating Internal-Combustion Engines ........................... 1973
PTC 18 - HydraulicPrimeMovers ............................................... 1949
PTC 18.1 - Pumping Mode of Pump/Turbines ..................................... 1978
PTC 19.1 - MeasurementUncertainty ............................................. 1985
PTC 19.2 - Pressure Measurement ................................................. 1987
PTC 19.3 - .Temperature Measurement ............................................. 1974
PTC 19.5 - Application, Part II of Fluid Meters: Interim Supplement
on Instruments and Apparatus ...................................... 1972
PTC 19.5.1 - Weighing Scales ........................................................ 1964
PTC 19.6 - Electrical Measurements in Power Circuits ............................ 1955
PTC 19.7 - Measurement of Shaft Power .......................................... 1980
PTC 19 8 - Measurement of Indicated Horsepower ............................... 1970
PTC 19.10 - Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses ........................................ 1981
PTC 19.1 1 - Water and Steam in the Power Cycle (Purity and Quality,
LeadDetectionandMeasurement) ................................. 1970
PTC 19.12 - Measurement ofTime .................................................. 1958
PTC19.13 - Measurement of Rotary Speed ......................................... 1961
PTC19.14 - LinearMeasurements .................................................. 1958
PTC 19.1 6 - Density Determinations ofSolidsandLiquids ........................ 1965
PTC 19.1 7 - Determination of the Viscosity of Liquids ............................. 1965
PTC 19.22 - Digital Systems Techniques ............................................ 1986
PTC 19.23 - Guidance Manual for Model Testing .................................. 1980
PTC 20.1 - Speed and Load Governing Systems for Steam
Turbine-Generator Units .............................................. 1977
PTC 2.0.2 - Overspeed Trip Systems for Steam Turbine-Generator
Units ................................................................. 1965
PTC 20.3 - Pressure Control Systems Used on Steam
Turbine-Generator Units ............................................. 1970
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PTC 21 - Dust Separating Apparatus .,..........., ........,.....,...............I941
PTC 22 - Gas Turbine Power Plants ...............,.............,................I985
PTC 23 - Atmospheric Water Cooling Equipment.... ... ....... .. ..... ....... ...
PTC 23.1 - Spray Cooling Systems ... .......,................... ....... .........I983
PTC 24 - Ejectors .................................................................I976
PTC 25.3 - Safety and Relief Valves.................'...............................I988
PTC 26 - Speed-Governing Systems for Internal Combustion
Engine-Generator Units ..............................................I962
PTC 28 - Determining theProperties of Fine ParticulateMatter ................I965
PTC 29 - Speed Governing Systems for Hydraulic
Turbine-Generator Units
(RI 985)
PTC 30 - Air Cooled Heat Exchangers ... ........................,............1991
PTC 31 - ton Exchange Equipment ...................................,...........1973
(RI 985)
PTC32.1 - Nuclear Steam Supply Systems................... .....................I969
PTC 32.2 - Methods of Measuring the Performanceof Nuclear
Reactor Fuel in Light Water Reactors .... .....
.. ... ... ...,.. .I979 ..
PTC 33 - Large Incinerators ......................................................I978
PTC 33a - Appendix to PTC 33-1978 - ASME Form for
Abbreviated Incinerator Efficiency Test
(Form PTC 33a-1980) . ..... ...
..... .. ..... .. ....
. . ............. ...1980
PTC 36 - Measurement of Industrial Sound ........... ...,.,,....... .......... 1985
PTC 38 - Determining the Concentration of Particulate
Matter in a Gas Stream ...... ... ... .. ........ ,.......... 1980
......... ..
PTC 39.1 - Condensate Removal Devices for Steam Systems ....................1980
PTC 42 - Wind Turbines ..........................................................I988
The Philosophy of Power Test Codes and Their Development
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