Personal Achievement Reflection

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Chance B

Personal Achievement Reflection


So about almost a year ago me and my father built a PC. I’ve always wanted to build one for a
long time especially with my dad. Anyway since I knew we were going to do this I did a lot of
research and I mean a lot of research on how to build a PC, I found out what parts go where as
well what they do. The place my dad worked he could get good deals on stuff and so happens
there was a really good graphic card so I got it for only a grand, that’s a steal of a price.

Personal Relevancy:

Building a PC was a first for me I have never done anything like it before. I had to learn so much
with and about computers figuring out what each thing does and what I should spend more
money on then other parts. Putting together a PC takes a lot responsibility not with just the
machine it’s self but with your money. Like I said earlier I had to figure out what parts I should
spend more money on these parts are important and if you want a PC to last you’d probably
what to pay a little more for them.

Skill Development:

Like I said before about building a PC I had to research and figure out what each parts do and
why. I did this mostly because I was curious on what each part does but I also did it to see if it
was a necessary part. During all my research I obviously had to figure out how to put together a
PC this gave me the skills to be able to repair one as I know what everything should be like.
Learning how to build a PC also gave me the skills to actually put it together and make a
working rig.


Overtime well I was learning about computers and PC’s I grew to love them even now with a
built computer just messing around with it I enjoy. The once thing I hate with PC’s are
organizing the cables it’s really annoying making them look all pretty, it’s not a big deal if you
don’t care really about looks but I do. Learning to organize the cables was hard but gave me
skills to organize and make everything look good. Like I mentioned before I spent more money
on important parts, building this PC made me really budget conscious making me spend the
money I have wisely.

Future Connections:

The skills I learnt building a PC also gave me the skills to fix problems with computers like errors
and things, so if I want I could be a tech support man. As well as fix errors I got the skills to
actually fix the physical machine if something ever happens to it I can repair it. Doing this whole
thing helped a lot with how I spend my money instead of buying the best and expensive things I
focused more on the important things. I can use that skill for anything in life and I think it’s a
good one to have.

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