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Maker movement in education: maker mindset and makerspaces

Conference Paper · April 2018


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Carina Soledad González González Luis Gonzalo Aller Arias

Universidad de La Laguna 1 PUBLICATION   3 CITATIONS   

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Maker movement in education: maker mindset and
Carina S. González-González Luis Gonzalo Aller Arias
Departamento de Ing. Informática y de Sistemas Kreitek Makerspace
Universidad de La Laguna La Laguna, Tenerife
La Laguna, Tenerife

Abstract—According to constructionist models, students learn In addition, the research on makerspaces also needs
best by making tangible objects. Makerspaces build on a holistic reinforce the idea that the “most important benefits of maker-
constructivist ideology to form a constructionist approach to centered learning is providing children with a sense of self, and
education, and are the ideal environment to build maker mindset. community that empowers them to shape their world” (Agency
So, we present a preliminary study about the characteristics of by Design, 2015 Agency by Design. (2015, January) [6].
makerspaces and maker mindset to promote learning to code,
computational thinking in children according the constructivism Moreover, learning to code is the 21st century literacy.
approach. Computational thinking (Wing, 2006) [7], closely related to
programming, requires thinking and solving problems with
Keywords— Human Factors, Human Computer Interaction, different levels of abstraction and is independent of hardware
Computational Thinking, Makerspaces devices. Makerspaces can contribute to develop these 21th
century skills using STEAM.
I. INTRODUCTION This work is aimed to study the characteristics of the
The Makerspace movement (Halverson et al., 2014) [1], maker-based learning approach, with the goal to design a
started a decade ago, has spread out around the world with methodology that incorporates in the learning processes tools
different formats, organizations and structures (hackerspaces, and methods for the development of creative thinking -design
techshops, fablabs, classrooms makerspaces, libraries and prototyping of tangible interactive objects (making)-, and
makerspaces, etc.) (Preddy, 2013) [2], (Hira, Hoslyn & Hynes, for computational thinking. This paper describes the
2014) [3]; (Thompson, 2014) [4]. Main characteristics of preliminary study of the characteristics of the maker mindset
Maker movement includes the following: and makerspaces in education.
 Contemporary culture based on technology and
doing things yourself. II. MAKER MINDSET

 Born from the need to create, innovate, interests A. Learning by Making

related to real problems using science, Makerspaces build on a holistic constructivist ideology to
engineering, technology, arts and mathematics form a constructionist approach to education (Kurti, Kurti &
(STEAM). Fleming, 2014) [8], following the principles of Jean Piaget and
 Promotes invention and innovation through the Seymour Papert: learning by doing or, in this case, “learning by
design of prototypes. making” [9]. Constructivist and constructionist principles,
through their emphasis on active educational opportunities,
 Promotes the creation of spaces where people can have led to the development of the maker culture and STEAM
formulate and share information with other focused approaches to student learning and engagement
makers. (Hamir, S. et al 2015) [10]. Thus, learner knowledge is built
by creating and interacting with physical objects. So,
 It does not pursue economic purposes or business
makerspaces are a big opportunity to bring media literacy and
models, its driving force is the passion to do and to
21st skills to people, as formal (into schools) or informal
share ideas and collective creations.
education (into communities). But, teachers and communities
 Promotes learning in less structured environments needs guides, tools and training and more research about how
and learning by services. to design makerspaces to promote make-based learning in
different contexts (schools, libraries, communities, etc.) and
Research on how learning happens in makerspaces is still users (children, adolescents, adults) are also needed.
emerging and it is needed more research to understand how
learning is happening in makerspaces, into and outside schools
(Lindstrom, Thompson & Schmidt-Crawford, 2017) [5].
B. Making tangible objects: supporting imagination
Moreover, according to constructionist models, students
learn best by making tangible objects. In this sense, Papert
argued that “media matters”, due to particular properties
physical objects offered to children limit or enhance what they
can build, create, and learn (Blikstein, 2013) [11]. Research has
shown that objects with perceptual and manipulative
affordances affect the imagination young children (2-5 years
old). However, most studies accept that “objects act as tools of
psychological development that have immediate effects on
children’s behaviors” (Chuk & Quek, 2013) [12]. Thus, or for
an object to be effective in supporting imagination, it should
allow to move “from action in response to objects present in
the perceptual field to action generated and controlled by
ideas” (Chu et al., 2015) [13].
C. Tinkering and peer-supported making
Peer-supported making and tinkering activities have been
shown positive effects in learning (Bers, Strawhacker &
Vizner, 2018) [14]. Constructionist “learning-by-making”
Fig. 2. Kreitek Makerspace (Tenerife, Spain). Space adequated for adult
pedagogies can be particularly positive to introduce STEAM experiential learning.
competences to learners, mixing a project-based pedagogical
practices in an informal environment, and reinforced by
feedback-in-practice. Thus, Makerspaces contributes to the
students feel the makerspace like a “family or a group of


A. Examples of makerspaces
Anyone can be maker, then the movement moves from the
personal to social: from do it yourself (DIY) to do it together
(DYT). As we mentioned before, there are different types of Fig. 3. Early Childhood Makerspace at Eliot-Pearson Department. Tufts
makerspaces, such as Fablabs, Makerspaces, Hackerspaces, University.
Hacklabs, Innovation Labs, etc., and there is not consensus in
the differences of each one, but all of them follows the main
maker movement characteristics, although some of them has
economic purpose, but not as their main goal (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Different types of maker spaces. Source
hackerspaces-y-hacklabs Fig. 4. Inmersive space Ciencia MIX (Affective Lab, University of
Zaragoza, Spain). Tangible tables, collaborative games, inmersive games,
hybrid toys, interactive, inmersive and pervasive games, etc.
supporting, collaboration with other learners). There are
different kind of materials available, not just electronic or
digital ones, but every day common materials and tools
(sewing machines, iron, fabrics, costumes, etc.). Also, it is
possible to find several stories and narratives integrated in the
space, like Doctor Who (and time-lapse kit) or Calvin and
All these makerspaces are outside schools, but it is possible
to transform and adapt spaces into schools to create a
makerspace. Following we present some guidelines to create a
makerspace in the school.

B. Makerspaces in schools
Although, Makerspaces has emerged as a powerful learning
force in the non-academic community, however schools have
recognized it as a potent learning opportunity.
Makerspaces are supposed to be multi-purpose spaces, so,
normally in a school the libraries are the most adequate space
to be transformed into a makerspace. However, computer labs
and media centers are also suitable places for Makerspaces.
Teachers can use these spaces in their classes or in projects in
collaboration with other teachers from other subjects. In order
to facilitate the creation process, students need flexible large
work areas, and a diverse tools and materials for arts, crafts,
engineering, and technology. Besides, students need a flexible
furniture to facilitate collaboration, creativity, and openness.
Making a project may take several classes to complete. So, take
Fig. 5. A community Makerspace in Cambridge (Boston). “Tinkering into account the furniture to storage the materials for projects is
studio” with activity stations offering different resources and materials essential.
(electric, recycling, etc.) for making learning.


Makerspaces can be oriented to different users, such as
adults (Fig. 2) or children (Fig.3-5). Also, it can be immersive Elements Strategies Examples
and entirely tech-based (Fig.4) or crafting /tinkering based Think about the most
(Fig. 5). The organization, tools and resources can be different favorable spaces to Library, computer
too. For example, in the community Makerspace in Cambridge Places make a maker room, classroom,
(Boston) (Fig. 4), it has several corners and spaces for making community in the etc.
which allows learning trough the projects, collaboration,
Make an inventory of
creativity, innovation, tinkering and engineering practices. tools and materials Electronics, 3D
Also, there are facilitators to support and ensure that this kind Tools and furniture and budgets (see the printing, lockers,
of active learning can be achieved. This space (Fig. 4) is approximate cost to tables, etc.
designed for the community involvement from an see its viability)
environmental education point of view. Also, it allows the Policy statement
Plan security, signage
Security designed by users
development of children’s creativity using the discovery and common rules
of makerspace
method with an interdisciplinary approach, where children For teachers: The
enjoy playing part in the design process of projects (i.e. study Project manager,
the problem, planning, measuring, drawing, model making, The Principal
construction and building, experiment, evaluation, modification investigator, the
and destruction). According to Petrich, Wilkinson and Bevan Coach, the
Define roles and
(2013) [15], this space can be considered “tinkering studio”, functions of the
where exploration is driven by children: different kind of Roles and Functions teachers, students, and
For students: main
mentors of the
materials are available in the space, active work with others can Makerspace.
functions and
be possible by the space design and where tinkering facilitators rules for work in
can participate in making activities, as well as community team.
For mentors:
makers. Here, can be observed evidences of active learning: facilitators
engagement (active participation, observation, reflection), functions
intentionality (idea, goal, plan), innovation (new tinkering Think different maker i.e. Curriculum
Didactic strategies
strategies, creation, use of materials) and solidarity (sharing, practices, how they are guide [16]
[8] Kurti R., Kurti D., & Fleming L.(2014). The philosophy of
Elements Strategies Examples educational makerspaces. Part 1 of making an educational
integrated in the makerspace. Teacher Librarian, 41(5), 8.
curriculum in a [9] Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children, computers, and
transversal way and powerful ideas. New York: Basic Books
pedagogical [10] Hamir, S., Maion, S., Tice, S., & Wideman, A. (2015)
approaches can be ETEC 512. Constructivism in Education. Retrieved
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Source: Adapted from:
[11] Blikstein P. (2013). Gears of our childhood: constructionist
toolkits, robotics, and physical computing, past and future.
Conference: Interaction Design & Children'13. DOI:
IV. CONCLUSIONS 10.1145/2485760.2485786
Many countries are revising their educational curricula in [12] Chu S.l & Quek F. (2013). Things to Imagine With:
order to incorporate 21th century skills, including as new Designing for the Child’s Creativity. Conference:
literacy the programming, digital competences and Interaction Design & Children'13. DOI:
10.1145/2485760.2485793 ·
computational thinking. This paper aims to contribute in the [13] Chu S.L., Quek F., Bhangaonkar S., Boettcher Ging A. &
understanding of the maker movement and its impact to the Sridharamurthya K. (2015). Making the Maker: A Means-
education, mainly in the areas of STEAM, and in informal and to-an-Ends approach to nurturing the Maker mindset in
formal contexts. elementary-aged children. International Journal of Child-
Learning in school remains controlled by traditional Computer Interaction 5 (2015) 11–19.
pedagogies and curriculum which are opposed to the way of [14] Petrich, M., Wilkinson, K., & Bevan, B. (2013). It looks
learning in makerspaces. So, the introduction of the maker like fun, but are they learning. Design, make, play:
movement in schools can be an opportunity for teachers to Growing the next generation of STEM innovators, 50-70.
change the establishment. But teachers need to be trained in New York: Routledge.
[15] Bers M., Strawhacker A., Vizner M. (2018) "The design of
this new movement for transforming the school, with practical early childhood makerspaces to support positive
guides for the introduction into their curricula the maker-based technological development: Two case studies", Library Hi
learning approach. So, we are working on the design of a Tech, Vol. 36 Issue: 1, pp.75-96,
methodology that incorporates in the learning processes tools
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