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Primary Sources Significance to the study Relevance to the

of Philippine History Present/Contemporary
Magellan’s Voyage Around Magellan's arrival in the Ever since early 16th
the World Philippines paved the way century, the navigation
for Spanish rule, brought route created by Magellan
Christianity to the islands, and his crew during the
and lives on in Filipino First Circumnavigation of
folklore and cultural the World has physically
practices. It provided us and figuratively linked
with a better understanding various cultures and
of how Filipinos lived in the civilizations, facilitating
past and how they dealt trade, scientific
with Magellan and his men advancements, and
when they arrived in the exchanges in cultural,
Philippines. artistic, and religious
Customs of the Tagalogs The Tagalog customs We could confirm that
allowed the exploration of many of the 16th-century
the ancient lives of the ideas and practices are still
people who lived in central alive and maintained
Luzon. It continued to today, such as the belief in
serve as a foundation for legendary creatures and
historical reconstructions other superstitions. It
of Tagalog society. The contains thorough
information provided in the information on fascinating
text provided vivid themes such as customs,
imagery, allowing for traditions, religions, and
further analysis of the superstitious beliefs. It
ancient Tagalogs' practices confirms that the
and comparisons with Philippines had a
other accounts of thriving government and a set of
periods and key events in values before the arrival of
Philippine history. the Spanish.
The Act of Proclamation of The Declaration of Undoubtedly one of the
Independence of the Independence is an most significant moments
Filipino People essential part of Philippine in Philippine history is the
history as it was the proclamation of
confirmation of our independence. It is
country's proclamation of significant up until this
freedom and sovereignty present time because it
from colonialist and serves as a reminder of
imperialist Spain. With how our forefathers fought
these, we subsequently for our dignity, and our
have the opportunity to rights to claim the nation
reclaim our rights and as ours. And it, and always
freedom as an absolute be practiced up until our
nation. This document also present time.
represents the endeavors
and selfless sacrifice of
Filipinos who dedicated
their lives to achieving
Speech of President Cory spoke for all those The impact that the First
Corazon Aquino before the who were victims of the People Power Revolution
Joint Session of the United Marcos dictatorship in this brought limelight on how
States Congress, Sept. 18, historical treatise, narrating some Filipinos, in a large
1986 how the fate of her scale, are willing to
husband ignited the first sacrifice and work together
People Power Revolution, to protect democracy, and
with Filipinos crying out for to bring a better future in
democracy and freedom our nation. This is still
from the country's tyrants. relevant up until this time,
The text reflects the as that spirit of bayanihan
socioeconomic and resonated again on
political predicament of the People’s Campaign during
Philippines during that time 2022 Presidential
and accounts the first Elections.
bloodless revolution in the
national history. It carries
the anguish of the people
who fought against the
injustices of tyranny as the
Filipino people rally for
“Through these [primary] sources, they described what
they saw and experienced within the context of their
own time. Remember that the context is an important
factor in order to determine the historical importance of
the text. In understanding a document, you must
consider what is happening in and around the time
period of the historical data or event at hand to create a
full picture (Umali et al., 2018).”

There is indeed a huge difference between reading an event, and being on the event.
The advantage of being present in that certain historical event is the first-hand
experience – which is something you can never filter, yet you can never describe
equally through words. Content is something that a mere reader could easily
distinguish. Meanwhile, context is the essence and the spirit of a certain historical event.
It is a challenge for the author to write about such an event with such vivid imagery
within their perspectives. Although there are skilled writers who could write eloquently
about that certain event, nothing could ever compare to the contextual value of
experience; it goes beyond the mere Who’s and What’s, it taps into reasons, and
stretches out far from the past event, to the future it will come up to.

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