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Informative Essay

Informative essays contain well-researched facts on a topic and relay it to the reader in terms that they can
understand. Writing an informative essay is an art. An informative essay has a particular outline upon which
it is structured. An informative essay outline enables the writer to put in only the relevant data, while making
it easier to read.
An informative essay outline consists of four major parts. They are:
1. Introduction
This is where you introduce your topic and agenda. In a few lines, it should provide a background of your
informative essay topic and its relevance. It should articulate your point of view and give a brief overview of
what the audience expects to learn after reading your informative essay.
Useful tips
 Narrow the scope of your informative essay.
 Ensure there is cohesion between your introduction and thesis statement.
 Strive to hook your audience.
2. Thesis
Write a thesis statement that will give your audience the direction your informative essay is going to take.
The thesis statement must be brief, concise, and written in simple language. It is prudent to conduct proper
research before writing it down.
Useful tips
 Narrow down the scope of the thesis statement to your agenda only.
 The thesis should be interesting and capture the attention of the reader. Remember it must persuade
the audience to read your work.
 Avoid cliché phrases or wording.
3. Body paragraphs
The body of the informative essay is composed of three main arguments. Thus three paragraphs. There are
two main points to consider while writing the body. One is the target point and secondly, the supporting
Ideally, the first sentence of each paragraph in the body of your informative essay should provide the idea on
which the whole paragraph has been centered. This statement must blend with the main thesis statement
(target point). Then, you must provide credible evidence that supports your idea. The evidence should be
irreproachable and relevant to your target point. Detail supporting facts. Quote sources and provide proper
citations to avoid plagiarism. Lastly is the conclusion. For each paragraph summarize your points and
explain relevance of the evidence in relation to the main thesis statement. In summary, a well-written body
primarily depends on three building blocks. These are: making a claim, providing evidence to substantiating
the claim and lastly, providing an explanation.
Important tips to remember
 Never include your opinion on the subject matter. Deal entirely on facts and research.
 Start the paragraph with your strongest point.
 Always phrase your points interestingly that they maintain the reader’s attention.
 Use transition words. They create flow in your paragraphs.
4. Conclusion
This part wraps up your informative essay. Start by restating your main thesis statement albeit with more
sophistication. Explain each of your major arguments and their purpose in advancing the agenda of your
The primary function of this paragraph is to explain the reason for your informative paper and its value in
the real world. It describes the purpose of your work. What it means for your audience and why it is
Briefly, summarize your arguments. Include a strong closing statement that will summarize all your points
and ideas with great distinction.
Useful tips
 Highlight the main points of your argument.
 Restate the thesis statement or paraphrase in other similar terms.
Ineffectiveness of Incarceration
Attention Getter: The United States of America has one of the highest rates of incarceration in the world.
However, statistics indicate there is a rise in criminal activity despite the high rate of incarceration. Where
did the rain start beating us?
Purpose: there is a need to inform the public on how a criminal justice system that is heavily reliant on
incarceration is failing us.
Importance to Audience: Incarceration is expensive to the tax paying population. Prisons are not the only
viable way to deal with criminals.
Thesis Statement: Why reliance of incarceration is failing the criminal justice system.
Preview: I will discuss incarceration, indicators of its failure and other viable options that are available to
reduce the incidence of crime.
I. First Main Point: What are the main ways the criminal justice system deals with criminals?
A. Sub-point: Define the meaning of incarceration.
B. Sub-point: Why do they rely on this particular method?
1. Cite relevant statistics.
2. Compare it with other methods of dealing with individuals.
3. Capacities within the available facilities.
C. Sub-point: types of incarceration facilities.
1. Jails
2. Prisons
II. Second Main Point: Incarceration hasn’t reduced the incidence of crime on the streets.
A. Sub-point: there are high rates of recidivism.
Supporting Sentences: It costs $ 87.61 on average to maintain a prisoner in jail. Prisoners go back to prison
as they are assured of meals and basic comforts that are not guaranteed back at home. Interaction of
hardcore criminals with first time offenders may result in the first time offender engaging in more crime.
a) Proliferation of gangs within the prisons.
b) Inadequate policies to deal with prisoners.
c) Mentally ill patients being in prions rather than asylums.
III. Third Main Point: What methods can make prisons and jails more effective in prisoner rehabilitation?
A. Sub-point: Policy change in the criminal justice system.
Supporting Sentences: Segregate criminals by the nature of their crimes.
Details: Reduce the use of harsh treatment on prisoners such as solitary confinement.
Remove mentally challenged individuals from prisons and jails or provide them with proper medical care.
Create programs that equip inmates with skills to survive upon reintegration with society.
B. Sub-point: Use other methods within the law to deal with criminals rather than taking them to jail.
C. Sub-point: Changing the social perception of incarceration.
Supporting Sentences: Many people view incarceration as the most effective tool.
Stigma associated with ex-convicts push offenders back to crime.
Summary Statement: Incarceration is the most relied upon method to deal with offenders within the
criminal justice system. However, it has not reduced crime rates indicating its ineffectiveness. Policy change
and use of alternative methods to deal with offenders have the potential to reduce the rate of crime.
Concluding Remarks: It is possible for anyone to find themselves on the wrong side of the law. Therefore,
it is necessary to create a system that is deterrent and effective in dealing with offenders and rehabilitating
In order to write a good informative essay, the writer must understand the topic, his audience, format, and
technique involved in that particular essay. However, just as in all forms of writing, continuous practice is
the best way to ensure you become a pro in informative essay writing.


Below you will find an example of an informative essay written in APA style format requirements that can
serve as a good basis for you to start writing your own essay. Pay keen attention to the layout format,
reference list and in-text citations.

Prevalence of Domestic Violence in the

Twenty-First Century and Measures to Stop It
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Prevalence of Domestic Violence in the Twenty-First Century and Measures to Stop It

How does a person feel when his father is beating his mother, or the other way around? Would you

be able to handle the situation after seeing violence occur between your parents? The effects of domestic

violence have been felt in the society since the dawn of human existence. In the modern era, the trend has

continued with people often getting injured, psychologically tortured, sexually abused and even killed. The

government and other agencies need to join hands and fight this vice that has continued to be a major cause

of separation and divorce that people are experiencing each and every day. The victims of domestic violence

have suffered a lot without involving other people in that neighborhood since they fear they will not be

helped, thus, suffering psychologically and emotionally. This kind of problem in society has to be stopped

since what the parents are teaching the children, is a problem that will continue as long as human beings are

still existing (Medline Plus 2014).

The government should involve children to be aware of the problem. They should be taught that

domestic violence is not right. They should be informed that the cultures that support it are already outdated.

They should be taught about the effects of domestic violence. When the government does so, it will save

lives, save money for therapy and diminish the occurrence of domestic violence in the future. Children are

an opportunity to be agents of change in society, and they should not be ignored or uninformed about what is

happening in the society. Otherwise, the same problem can still happen to them later in their lives. It’s

important to note that, about five million children are affected by domestic violence annually, and about

forty million adults in the United States grew up witnessing domestic violence. In order to put an end to this

problem, the children should be taught how to handle issues, even when they are angry or not happy when a

certain thing concerning them has failed to be fruitful as they had planned (“Childhood Domestic Violence

Association” 2014).

The majority of people claim that when two people are living in the same house, they fight.

Therefore, with these kinds of thoughts, many people continue to live in abusive relationships. After

domestic violence has occurred, and the psychological effects have worsened, that is the time various
organizations and the government intervenes. It’s agreeable that domestic violence is a crime. A person

cannot physically traumatize


someone while everyone else keeps discreet about the issue. In this situation, justice should be exercised

since someone has violated another person’s rights.

Lakshini Puri, the acting head of the United Nations womens’ panel said that the least prosecuted

issue in society is domestic violence. She stated that the impunity and abuse against women should be

stopped. Therefore, it’s evident that domestic violence is a global issue and it should be treated just like any

other criminal act. Leaders and other influential figures who believe the same, should break the silence and

address the issue that has continued affecting people in society. About 70% of women continue to live in an

abusive relationship by being battered and others being intimidated. These women do not want to address

the issue because they do not want to be seen as if they are the ones who are exposing the issues of their

family. Moreover, about 140 million women and girls suffer from female genital mutilation, one million are

trafficked, and rape cases have increased. It’s important to address the issue in the best way. If this problem

is not addressed with the seriousness it deserves, people will continue torturing and isolating each other.

Moreover, more serious consequences will continue being felt afterwards, affecting the future generation.

Many countries have already enacted laws that address violence against women, but the enforcement part is

lacking. Puri (2013) believes that in order to stop this matter, the laws to address the issue should be

emphasized, and women should be informed about their rights.

Women in society should be empowered so that they can fight for their own rights. With domestic

violence against women being felt so much in society, women need to be trained on gender equality and

empowered to speak out about the issue affecting them in their family. There are many women who suffer in

abusive relationships, because of their cultural values. For the women that have suffered abuse, it’s time that

these women are empowered to speak for their rights and the possible ways of solving issues in an amicable

way. Seminars that are organized for married couples have proved to be essential in preventing domestic
violence. In addition, during the seminars, they are taught about the rights each party has, as well as the best

ways of solving their issues—rather than engaging in violence (“UN Women”).


Even though there are some people who claim that domestic violence cannot end (as a result of their

beliefs of their communities and the environment they have been brought up in), I believe when people are

provided with the right information, the problem can come to an end. The only way it can come to an end is

through education and by ensuring the community that their community is organized, and such things cannot

happen. Moreover, the women in families should be given free information and guidance to show them how

to solve their issues, as well as respecting the rights of each other. When people have an organized

community that is known for its good behavior and support of moral values, especially in the ways family

issues are handled, it will help to fight against domestic violence. In an ideal situation, people are taught and

given guidance on the sustainable ways of living as husband and wife, something which would be effective

in ensuring that everyone is happy and satisfied being in that family (Nonell 2013).

Overall, domestic violence involves psychological, emotional, physical and verbal abuse from one

spouse to the other. Domestic violence has been affecting society, and family members, for a long time.

With proper education for children, enforcing laws, women empowerment and establishing a stable

community that emphasizes the best practices of living as a family can see the issue come to an end. Even

though the majority of people claim that ending domestic violence is difficult because of cultural beliefs,

early exposure to violence, and discrimination against women, I believe that the problem can come to an end

once and for all. It’s the duty of every person to respect the rights of each other and learn to solve issues in a

logical manner without involving themselves in any violence.


Domestic Violence. (n.d.). Retrieved October 3, 2020, from

Focusing on prevention to stop the violence. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Nonell, J. (2013, December 4). 16 Ways to Stop Domestic Violence in Your Community. Retrieved from

10 Startling Statistics about Children of Domestic Violence. (n.d.). Retrieved October 3, 2020, from

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