Modul Speaking 1

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Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum

Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ

A (ei) and B (bi) C (si) D (di) E (i) F (ef)

G (ji) H (eic) I (ai) J (jei) K (kei) L (el)
M (em) N (en) O (ow) P (pi) Q (kyuw) R (ar)
S (es) T (ti) U (yuw) V (vi) W (d^bal yuw) X (eks)
Y (wai) and Z (zi)

How do you spell ? (Bagaimana Mengeja___?)

1. Ali Bin Abi Thalib 6. Musholla
2. Fatimah Azzahrah 7. S A I
3. Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan 8. Home
4. Rasulullah SAW 9. Schooling
5. Kitchen 10. Tasikmalaya

 Killing time : Mengisi waktu
 Waste of time : Buang-buang waktu
 By the way : Ngomong-ngomong,
 Go Dutch : Bayar sendiri.,
 You see.,, : tu kan.,,

Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ
Short Conversation
CHARLES : Did you say ice?
RITA : No, I said eyes. Sometimes I have quite a bit of trouble
with pronunciation.
CHARLES : Oh, eyes and ice. It’s easy to mix them up.
RITA : Yes, try to spell eyes and ice.
RITA : Thanks, the difference between them is really difficult for me,
not to mention words like cap and cup. I often can’t tell them
CHARLES : Agreed, Please spell cap and cup, would you?
RITA : C-A-P and C-U-P
CHARLES : Big Thanks, Even so, it’ll be easier for you when you’ve been in the United
States longer.
RITA : I hope you’re right.
CHARLES : I’m sure of it.


Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ
 Cardinal = Bilangan Asli
0 = Zero 11 = Eleven 22 = Twenty two
1 = One 12 = Twelve 23 = Twenty three
2 = Two 13 = Thirteen 24 = Twenty four
3 = Three 14 = Fourteen 25 = Twenty five
4 = Four 15 = Fifteen 26 = Twenty six
5 = Five 16 = Sixteen 27 = Twenty seven
6 = Six 17 = Seventeen 28 = Twenty eight
7 = Seven 18 = Eighteen 40 = Forty
8 = Eight 19 = Nineteen 30 = Thirty
9 = Nine 20 = Twenty 80 = Eighty
10 = Ten 21 = Twenty one 100 = One hundred

USING (Penggunaan) :
1. A : What is your phone number ?
B : My Phone number is 085235518557

2. A : Is this your phone number 0811218445219

B : I don’t know bro…

3. A : How old are you ?

B : I am 19 Years old.
A : Ooohh,, I am 25 years old

4. A : I have 10 Books
B : They have 55 Cars and 100 Motorcycle
C : She has 450 Houses and also 144 Planes

5. A : I have 100.000 rp
B : I have 2.000 rp
C : She has 140.000 rp
D : He has 35.000 rp

Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ
Ordinal = Bilangan Bertingkat
1st = First 11th = Eleventh 25th = Twenty Fifth
2nd = Second 12th = Twelfth 30th = Thirtieth
3rd = Third 13th = Thirteenth 40th = Fortieth
4th = Fourth 14th = Fourteenth 50th = Fiftieth
5th = Fifth 15th = Fifteenth 80th = Eightieth
6th = Sixth 20th = Twentieth 100th = One Hundredth
7th = Seventh 21st = Twenty First 101st = One Hundred First
8th = Eighth 22nd = Twenty Second 1000th = One Thousandth
9th = Ninth 23rd = Twenty Third
10th = Tenth 24th = Twenty Fourth
Note : Biasanya juga digunakan dalam pengucapan Tanggal


 What Date is today ..??

It’s 07 September 2011 = It’s Seventh of September Two thousand and eleven

Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ
Mention it FAST.

2.000 Phone Number : 96.000

1.500 0852-3996-6547 850.000
5.700 0813-1000-3000 551.200
8.000 0854-5569-8870 76.500
124 0898-6548-9010 13.500
58 021-8482301 890.880
698 0265-8186987 710.000
740 0275-987321 934.000
211 0325-6587412 147.800

Please Write the Alphabet :

1. 1.230 :

2. 3.560 :

3. 9.500 :

4. 7.100 :

5. 2.890 :

6. 76.400 :

7. 98.000 :

8. 79.100 :

9. 43 :

10. 68 :

Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ
11. UNIT 3
Telling Time (Mengucapkan waktu)

British Style : Sebutkan Menitnya dahulu seperti di gambar, lalu jamnya

Example :
1. 10.14 : It’s fourteen past ten
2. 12.30 : It’s a half past twelve
3. 04.40 : It’s twenty to five
4. 09.50 : It’s ten to ten

It’s Quarter to Five

It’s a Quarter past eleven

Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ
American Style : Sebutkan Jamnya dulu, lalu menitnya.
Example :
1. 09.05 : It’s nine five minutes
2. 10.27 : It’s ten twenty seven minutes
3. 07.48 : It’s seven forty eight minutes

Please write the time.

1. 8.
2. 9.
3. 10.

Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ
Days and Months
(Hari dan bulan)

Sunday : Ahad January August

Monday : Senin February September
Tuesday : Selasa March October
Wednesday : Rabu April November
Thursday : Kamis May December
Friday : Jum’at June
Saturday : Sabtu July

Satuan-Satuan Waktu :
Morning : Pagi Week : Minggu
Day : Siang Weekend : Akhir Minggu
Afternoon : Sore Evening : Malam
Night : Malam Month : Bulan
Yesterday : Kemarin Today : Hari ini
Tomorrow : Besok This Morning : Pagi ini
Tonight : Malam ini This Afternoon : Sore ini

Tomorrow Night : Yesterday Night :

Tomorrow Morning : Yesterday Morning :
Tomorrow Afternoon : Yesterday Afternoon :

 What Day is it today ? Today is ………….

(Hari apa hari ini ? Hari ini adalah hari ………….)

 What day was yesterday ? Yesterday was …………..

(Hari apa kemarin ? Kemarin adalah hari ……………)

 What day will tomorrow be ? Tomorrow will be ………..

(Hari apa besok ? Besok adalah hari……………….)

Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ
One way Street : Jalan Satu Arah Find : Menemukan
Bend : Tikungan Crossi ng : Penyebrangan
A Dead Line : Jalan Buntu On The Left : Sebelah kiri
Cross Street/Road : Perempatan On The Right : Sebelah kanan
A Dead Alley : Gang Buntu Turn Left : Belok Kiri
Fork Road : Simpang Lima Turn Right : Belok Kanan
Three-Junction : Pertigaan Traffic Light : Lampu Lalu Lintas
Go Straight On : Jalan Lurus Twiddling Return : Putar Balik
Go Pass/ Go a head : Jalan Terus Traffic Rotary/ Circle : Bundaran

Can you show me, how to get Mosque from Office ? (Tau ga, jalan ke masjid dari Office?)
ould you like to tell me how to get Inn from here ? (Mau kewarung lewat mana sih.?)

Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ
1. Let me introduce myself, my name is . . .
2. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is . . .
3. I’d like to introduce myself, my name is . . .
I was born on 15 July 1994.
I live on Singaparna, I stay at Siliwangi Street Tasikmalaya or on
Siliwangi Street no 41.
I go to Siliwangi University, Educational Faculty, English

Guys I’d like to introduce a friend of mine, his name is . . . her name is . . .
He/she lives on Siliwangi Street no 76 Tasikmalaya.
He/she goes to Siliwangi University, Economic Faculty, Accounting.

Asking Some Questions Hello..

My name is red,

What is your hobby? Are you ok ?

What sport do you like?

What do you do?
What is your favorite food?
Where do you usually hang out?


Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ
A. Dialogue
Part One (Bagian Satu)
Rahmat : Assalamu’alaikum, Good Morning,
Hafidz : Wa’alaikumsalam, Good Morning
Rahmat : Hi I am Rahmat, What is your name ?
(hai, aku Rahmat, siapa nama mu ?)
Hafidz : I am Hafidz, how do you spell your name ?
(Aku hafidz, gimana ejaan nama mu?)
Rahmat : R-A-H-M-A-T, can you spell your name ?
(kalo ejaan kamu gimana ?)
Hafidz :H–A–F–I–D–Z

Rahmat : Are you new ?

(kamu anak baru ?)

Hafidz : Yes I am, I don’t know the other student’s name. how many are there ?
(Iya, saya anak baru, saya ga tau nama murid lainnya, ada berapa mereka?)
Rahmat : There are 5 altogether, Let me tell you, Yasin, Rosyid, Ali, Adi and Udin.
(ada 4 semuanya, ku kasi tau ya, ada Yasin, Rosyid, Ali, Adi and Udin.)
Hafidz : Subhanallah, Wonderful, how do you spell their name ?
(Hebat ya, gimana mengeja nama mereka ?)
Rahmat : Yasin, Y-A-S-I-N
Rosyid, R-O-S-Y-I-D
Ali, A-L-I
Adi, A-D-I
Udin, U-D-I-N
Hafidz : Thank you for your spelling.
(makasi yaa atas ejaannya)
Rahmat : It is ok, never mind. Ok then let’s come into the class.
(iya ok, ga apa-apa, yaudah, yuk kita ke kelas)

Haii,, Hello…

Part Two (Bagian dua)

Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ
At The Backyard (di Halaman Belakang)
Arif : Assalamua’alaikum,
Good afternoon Granfather.,
Granfa : Wa’alaikumsalam,
Good afternoon Arif.
Arif : How are you granfa ?
Granfa : Alhamdulillah, I am fine, thanks, how about you.?
Arif : Alhamdulilah, I am fine too, Do you have a pet granfa.?
Granfa : Yes a lot,
Arif : Do you have a cat..?
Granfa : Yes I do.,
Arif : How many cats do you have ?
Granfa : I have ten cats, do you like cat .?
Arif : Yes I like it very much.
Granfa : Then, why ?
Arif : They’are funny, can cat smile or laugh ?
Granfa : hahaha,, you are full ideas, well may be.
Arif : I see, do you have other pets granfa.?
Granfa : Ofcourse I do, I have 4 geese, 9 ducks, 7 rabbits, 3 cocks, 8 hens, 5 chicks.
Arif : waaah,, so cool, can I play with them.? I am sure, its will be great.
Granfa : naah that’s it, you also have to feed them,
Arif : Ok Granfa, see you later
Granfa : See you too.,
Arif : Assalamu’alaikum
Granfa : Wa’alaikumsalam

Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ

‫ َم ْن َي ْه ِد ِه‬،‫َأع َمالِنَ ا‬ ِ ِ ِ
ْ ‫ َو َنعُ وذُ بِاهلل ِم ْن ُش ُرو ِر َأْن ُف ِس نَا َوِم ْن َس يَِّئات‬،ُ‫ِإ َّن احْلَ ْم َد للّ ِه حَنْ َم ُدهُ َونَ ْس تَعِينُهُ َونَ ْس َت ْغف ُره‬
ِ ِ ْ ‫ ومن ي‬،‫ض َّل لَ ه‬ ِ ‫اهلل فَالَ م‬
َّ ‫َأش َه ُد‬
‫َأن‬ ْ ‫ َو‬،ُ‫يك لَ ه‬ َ ‫ َو ْح َدهُ الَ َش ِر‬،ُ‫َأش َه ُد َأ ْن الَ ِإلَ هَ ِإالَّ اللَّه‬
ْ ،ُ‫ي لَ ه‬
َ ‫ض ل ْل فَالَ َه اد‬ ُ ْ ََ ُ ُ ُ
)‫ (أما بعد‬.ُ‫ الَ نَيِب َّ َوالَ َر ُس ْو َل َب ْع َده‬،ُ‫حُمَ َّم ًدا َعْب ُدهُ َو َر ُسولُه‬
Excellency : Mr. Fauzi as the director of ILS Boarding School.
Respectable : All Teachers and functionaries of ILS Boarding School
Honorable : All my friends whom I love and whom I respect.

First of all praise is due to Allah, The Lord of The World, The Creator of all things in the
universe, The One who has been giving us some mercies and blessings. So, we can attend
and gather in this place, in good condition and happy situation without any trouble.
Secondly, My peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW,
which by his guidance, we are able to differentiate the good thing and the bad one, the
right way and the wrong one, in order to know our obligation to get paradise.
Thirdly, I don’t forget to say, thank you very much, for MC who has been giving me time
to speak in front of you all.
OK, My Beloved brother and sister,
Standing in front of you, I would like to deliver my speech under the

Ok, That’s All My Speech, I do hope my speech will be useful in our life in this world and the
here after. Thank for your nice attention, as human being, I realize that I can’t avoid the
mistake,, so, please forgive me, because the right thing just belong to Allah, The last I say,
assalamua’alaikum wr. Wb.

Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ

Green :Hijau Red : Merah

Yellow : Kuning Blue : Biru
Pink : Merah Muda Black : Hitam
White : Putih Brown : Coklat
Purple : Ungu Gray : Abu-abu
Violate : Ungu Tua Redish : Kemerah-merahan
Blackish : Kehitam-hitaman Yellowish : Kekuning-kuningan

Song :
Who is wearing blue today, blue today, blue today ?
Who is wearing blue today, oh blue today ?
I am wearing blue today, blue today, blue today,
I am wearing blue today, oh blue today,

Idiom Using Color :

1. Green with envy (is very jealous of the success of others)

2. Give you the green light (give official approval for something to be


3. Once in a blue moon (happens very rarely)

4. Show a red rag to a bull (become very angry)

5. Red hot (very good, exciting, popular or successful)

6. In the pink (be healthy and happy)

7. Black hole (situation that sacrifice much but no benefits)

8. Out of the blue (sudden and unexpected)

Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ

 DESCRIBING THING (Mendeskripsikan Benda)

- It’s made from the glass : ini terbuat dari kaca,

- It’s have two circles : mempunyai 2 lingkaran
- This function is for drinking : berfungsi untuk minum
- There are many shapes : mempunya baik bentuk

- It has a blue color : ini berwarna biru

- It’s made by plastic : terbuat dari plastic
- In the other place, it has foam : disisi lainnya, ini mempunyai busa
- This function is for erasing : Berfungsi untuk menghapus

 DESCRIBING PERSON (Mendeskripsikan Orang)

His name is Arif
He has brown skin : Dia mempunyai kulit coklat
He has athletic body : Dia mempunyai Badan Atletis
He has curly hair : Dia mempunyai rambut keriting
He is very kind : dia sangat baik hati
His nose is sharp : Hidungnya mancung
He wears a Orange Sarung : Dia memakai Sarung bewarna Orange
He wears white T-shirt : Dia memakai kaos putih
His eyes are Blackish Brown : Matanya Coklat kehitam-hitaman
He has brown skin : Dia mempunyai kulit coklat

Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ
1. Greeting
With Young People
 Hii,, May I practice my English with you…?? (and introduce yourself)
 Hellooo,, do you have a good time or a pleasure time here ?? (and introduce yourself)
 Do you mind if I Practice my English with you ?? (and introduce yourself)
With Older People
 Good Morning (Persuade with condition), Sir, Could I practice my English with you ?
 Excuse me Madam, is it ok to practice my English with you ?

2. Asking some Question

 Their name : May I have your name ?,
 Where is he / she from ? : Where are you from ?

3. Beginning to talk about some interesting topic. Can you mention it ??

 Tourism Place (Tempat Wisata)
o What places have you visited in Indonesia ?
o What do you think of this place ?
o Where do usually people in your country spend their holidays ?
 Season and Weather
o What are the season and weather like in your country now ?
o Can you tell me more about the weather in your country ?
o What seasons do you like most ? why ?
 Culinary (Food)
o What is the specific Culinary in your country ?
o What kind of culinary do you like in over here ?
o What is your favorite culinary ? Do you know how to make it ? Tell me !!
 Sport
o Do you like sport ? What kind of sport do you prefer ? Why ?
o Well,, to me,, I like ………………………………… a lot, coz ……………………………………………..
Jl. Bandung Blok. A2 RT. 03 RW 15 No. 140 Kotabaru Cibeureum
Kota Tasikmalaya 49169 Jawa Barat

‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ

4. End Of Conversation
 It was nice talking to you sir / madam, thank you for your time.
 It was nice having conversation with you, We appreciate it so much, see you.

Constraction Pronunciation Meaning
I’m /aim/ I am
I’ve /aiv/ I have
I’ll /ail/ I will
You’re You are
You’ve You have
You’ll You will
He’s He is, He has
He’ll He will
She’s She is, She Has
She’ll She will
It’s It is, It was
We’re We are
We’ll We will
We’d We had, We would
They’re They are
They’ve They have
They’ll They will


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