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This text is promoting Queensland and the experiences writer had through thorough description.

It is a
part of a newspaper called ‘The Sun-Herald’ under the traveller section. This could sense the reader that
this section is usually for those people who are more focused on lifestyle and personal well-beings. This
text focuses on advertising specific airlines and hotels but by describing the services through personal
experience. This is an indicative of suggesting the hard working people to take a break from the stressful
life. It presents them with a form of escapism that most people with same routine for their life may desire
to have. This article breakthroughs the point on what the modern day working class people may want and
by advertising different types of hotel and packages, this may allow them to boost revenue. Hence, not
only this piece successfully promotes and advertises Queensland but also the amenities that comes along
in the Queensland.

This text is an advertorial, a hybrid text type which has features of both advertisements and editorial texts
which has both features of an advertising and editorial. It has a big title with three columns which is a
typical representation of an article. Adding on, the big title with an author’s name and an image to show a
general scenery of Queensland that is a typical example of a news article. On the bottom of the page, ‘trip
notes’ the promotion of accommodation options with specific names of the hotel and a certain program
called ‘weekend wellness programs’ which clearly notes the audience that this text is a form of an
advertisement to promotes goods listed when visiting Australia. By advertising this programs, audiences
may be able to know more on the facilities being advertised in the advertorial which may allude the
audiences in considering to choose the goods over others. Hence, the hybrid text allows author to achieve
her different purposes.

The target audience is an adult with disposable income who are feeling stressed or down about something
and want a sort of escapism from their busy life. They will be most likely to be personally interested in
personal wellbeing and emotional health as they are reading the wellness section under the page
‘Traveller’. Furthermore, they are expected to be reading this text as part of a weekend morning routine,
as evidenced by the "On Sunday”. Hence, the kairos expected is a time of relaxation during the weekend,
where audiences may be seeking further means of relaxation, and is thus more open to travel advertising.
This may provide them with vicarious satisfaction as they may have a glimpse on taking a trip and
escaping from their strenuous life. However, not only these audiences, as it is posted in the newspaper, its
ultimate audience can be seen as a general wide web of people who love traveling or even those who did
not have intention to read a traveller's page but happens to do so because of its placement in the news
article. The approach to wider range of audiences may allow the author to further achieve her purpose of
exposing to more groups of people and boosting the revenue by the listed programs.

This advertorial is trying to promote and talk about the trip but also mainly promote the company. For
example, the text says ‘airline from the trip note and hotel from the activity description’ which is written
clearly. Adding on, the advertorial also clearly highlights that the writer came as a guest which means she
was sponsored by the companies to enjoy the facilities but also promote their companies.
Moving on, the advertorial has a personal and friendly tone which makes it more conversational. This is
emphasized with the use of first-person pronouns. For example, ‘This weekend I find myself…’ or ‘My
two-night visit..’ shows the usage of ‘I’ and ‘my’, which shares the writer’s personal experiences with the
readers in a conversational manner. It gives the reader the impression that the author is telling the readers
their own stories which makes it more effective as an advertorial through the use of personal voice.
Moreover, the choice of words is relatively informal for a newspaper. For example, ‘chatting over a herbal
tea’ adds on to the conversational tone that the advertorial has, intensifying the effect of personal
pronouns. Thus, these effects make the advertorial more personal and believable. Finally, there is a use of
synthetic personalization which is shown in the text as ‘even if you…’. The use of ‘you’ is a second-
person general pronoun in reference to the general audience of the text. It is however ambiguous enough
to be interpreted as the second-person singular “you”, which the audience would understand as a direct
personal address. This establishes direct contact with the reader, and makes them feel personally targeted
by the advertisement, thereby making it more relatable and rendering readers more easily persuaded to
visit Queensland.

There are several stylistic devices that are used to describe the writer’s experience but also to promote the
hotels and airlines. For instance, the use of ‘seductive swimming pools’ features sibilance and
personification which makes the readers wonder how good the swimming pool is. The combination of the
alliteration and vivid presentation of the resort’s amenities sounds more enticing to the audience, thereby
making it a strong draw and motivation to buy the retreat package.
The advertorial also features a consistent pattern of listing, such as ‘research-based advice, getting access
to naturopaths, counsellors,...’, which makes the reader take note of different types of experiences he or
she can have with the visit. Some of the lists also feature asyndeton, which emphasize the breadth of
activities and experiences available. This creates the impression of an all-inclusive retreat experience, and
also opens up the range of appeal to a broader audience due to the vast number of offerings presented.
Lastly, there is a use of complex noun phrases featuring gradable adjectives. For example, the text
suggests, ‘Energizing organic breakfast with eggs from the hen house, gluten-free bread and zingy juice
combos set us up.’ The use of pathos which appeals to the emotional side of the audience by expressing
subjective opinion about lifestyle experiences and the luxuries of the retreat, while being very illustrative
to the audience. The descriptive imagery makes it like the breakfast is actually in front of the audience
which makes it more believable on the luxurious retreat that they may have during their time of visit.

In conclusion, the choice of words and use of stylistic devices adds on to vividly presents the experiences
one can enjoy at the Queensland resort to promote it to the audience of the text. The tone also builds a
friendly connection with the reader, thereby making its messaging more persuasive. Moreover, the choice
of advertorial that is on the newspaper adds on to the credibility as usually the content of the newspaper is
with peer editing and checking. All the effects present successfully achieves the writer’s purpose of not
only giving the readers a mind of relaxation but also engages with the reader naturally and ultimately
achieving the goal of advertising the airlines and hotels.
This text is about a JD Hooker’s scientific discovery in the region of Bengal, Himalayas. Hence, this
could have been a huge breakthrough into further research on anthropology and botany. Back in Hooker’s
time, the intended audiences could have not only been the researchers but also the general audience. This
is because at that time, traveling from one place to another was prohibited. Hence, reading the sharing of
JD Hooker might have been the interest to see what is going on around the world which allows them to
have vicarious satisfaction through the reading of Hooker’s journey. Also, for present-day readers, it
could have been an important historical piece that takes a snapshot of his life at that time. It shows the
experiences of the exploration at the given time and the clear lifestyle of the Tibetan people.

This text is a journal focused on natural science recordings as the journal contains jargon that the speaker,
a scientist, uses to describe a certain type of plant. This is challenging for a normal person with no
understanding to interpret the meaning. Hence, this text is directly targeted at scientists who would use
the datas given for research or to learn more information on the environment and people of the
Himalayas. Adding on, the text is also targeted at a more general audience with an interest in botany and
anthropology, who is likely to understand the specialized technical language used. For other audiences,
due to the lack of scientific knowledge, it may act as a barrier to understanding.

Moving on, this text is divided into 6 separate paragraphs with each of them talking about different events
and describing the different phenomena the scientist witnesses in a straightforward manner. There is a
picture on the right side of the second page which depicts the subject of the last paragraph, which serves a
multimodal function aiding audiences to visualize the subject and develop a better understanding of the
text. There are also uses of semicolon when listing scientific terms such as ‘naked soil; others growing
in…’. This creates a signposting effect that allows the readers to compartmentalize the content presented,
where the listing of information makes the division between topics much clearer. Hence, this subdivision
of information can be easier when a certain audience wants to take notes on the findings.

The text throughout has a rather formal tone as it is on a scientific discovery and the process of doing so.
The tone is more factual and detached, as it does not explain a lot of emotion except for the third and
fourth paragraph. This is how the author wanted to focus on using technical terms to convey the
information in an efficient manner. For example, in paragraph 1, ‘The continued mist and fog intercepted
all view….bounding the village of Lanchen to the north’ is geared towards specific description and
elaboration of great details on the attribute of the environment and what the author encounters. Hence, the
declarative mood is utilised in the majority of sentences in this descriptive text. In paragraphs 3 and 4,
less of the declarative mood is used, and more emotive and subjective language is present, such as in lines
‘...had formed the pursuit of my life, will it be wondered that I felt proud…’. These sections, which stand
out as a personal narration rather than a factual depiction of his journey, are more emotive and show the
author’s mindset and feelings about his experiences. This section adds some human interest for the
audience, where the author explains about the emotional side of his journey while studying natural
science. As the journal is largely intended to be scientific in nature, as opposed to being a personal
memoir, the author largely maintains a consistently formal and detached tone, with only occasional forays
into pivotal moments in his personal experience.

This text also features different types of textual devices which makes the conveying of information to be
more efficient. First, the use of the projected clause is shown through the use of semicolons. For example,
in paragraph 2, ‘greater portion had no woolly cover; nor did I…’ uses semicolons. This journal generally
has a complex choice of words and a lot of detailed depiction of the particular environment and group of
people. Hence, the projected clause helps in furnishing more detailed information within one sentence.
Moving on, the use of non-gradable adjectives such as ‘’41.3 degrees to 42.5 degrees’ is shown
throughout the passage. This shows standard measurements used such as the SI unit for ‘degrees’ or
‘celcius’, which conveys the scientist’s descriptions with great precision to the audience. As the purpose
of this journal is for taking notes on scientific discovery, the text’s greater specificity and accuracy in
conveying the data collected and presenting information both present higher utility to the target audience.
Adding on, precise diction from the semantic field of natural science and anthropology further enhance
the specificity of the information presented in the journal. With instances of jargon such as
‘Caryophylleae’, ‘Cyananthus’, the high precision and specificity in describing the organisms conveys
very accurate information to the audience, which makes the text very useful for scientific research. This
precision also has value for audiences not intending to use it for research but for recreation and personal
interest, where it presents an opportunity for them to learn more about the new names of the organism
which increases their knowledge on the topic.

In conclusion, this text successfully conveys important pieces of information which is frequently used in
the field of science. The intended audience is clear and the purpose of writing the journal is specific when
he gets to the second paragraph when he lists his experiences with semicolons and projected clauses. The
literary devices used adds into the understanding of how the environment and people who live in the
harsh environment of Himalayas look like. However, the addition of a small personal experience also
adds to the interest value for readers.For all the reasons above, I believe that the author clearly achieves
his purpose of his text.

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