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Omnibus 3
A Take of Two Cities
Session XV

1. The thing being described is a guillotine.

2. He is making shoes. He learned this skill in his prison.
3. A note that Sydney carton gave to his master which paints out the resemblance of
Carton and Darnay and as there were no witnesses Darnay is acquitted.
4. He tells the Marquis that he doesn’t want any part in the Marquis will.
5. She is knitting a list of names who will be killed in the French Revolution.
6. He finds out that Gabelle is in trouble and he’s to help him.
7. They are both regretful on the point if not finding love.


1. What is the French revolution seen as in the book by Charles Dickens known as A
Tale of Two Cities? In the book, we can see that the French Revolution was started
out of concern for the poor and common people being oppressed by the rich who
had no respect for them. We can see that the rich of Paris would just drive over
children in the street and care less than if they had driven over a dog. However, just
because something started with legitimate intentions does not mean that it would
end well. This as we can see in the book was the case with this revolution. In the
end, the revolution as seen in the book is turned into a tool of blood she’d and
anarchy. From this, we can see that in the book the French Revolution was a
revolution that started with good intentions but ended as a tool for anarchy.
2. What made Sydney Carton an interesting character? This is one of the main
characters in the book Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities. He is a character who
goes through many changes in the book. Let us first look at what he was like at the
beginning of the book. At first, we see him as a clever and quick-minded drunk. He is
a man who has fallen in love with a beautiful lady called Lucie. This is what first
sparks the change that turned into a snowball effect that would change him
completely. In the end, we can see that he shows a selfless love for Lucie who in the
end chooses to marry Darnay. He even chooses to give up his life for them which has
given him the resemblance of a Christ-like figure in the book.

Lateral Thinking

Many books are written in a historical fiction setting. What is a historical fictional setting?
The definition of historical fiction is A literary genre in which the plot takes place in a setting
related to the past events, but as the name states are fictional. There are many different
types of styles and ways to write in this style of historical fiction. The classic by Charles
Dickens known as A Tale of Two Cities is a brilliant example of this style of writing it brings in
many events from real history and ties them together with stunning fictional characters to
create the masterpiece that we all know and love.
We will explore three topics in this essay. The first one will be what the author of this essay
thinks about the use of historical fiction. The second one will be what other books are
considered historical fiction in our day and age. And finally, the third topic will be what the
famous Charles Dickens did differently in his book, A Tale of Two Cities.
The first topic will be what the author of this essay thinks about the use of historical fiction.
In short, I think that it is a wonderful way of demonstrating history through a fun and
interactive viewpoint. It is a way to teach very important history to children who are not old
enough to grasp some of the more advanced topics which are addressed in high school
history textbooks. In conclusion, I think that it is a great tool and an enjoyable way of
teaching history.

What other books are associated with this genre of historical fiction? Let us first mention
some authors. G.A Henty is considered the prince of storytellers and is best known for his
famous historical fictional books. Another much more ancient author is the highly esteemed
Homer with his classical Odyssey. This book uses a historical journey of a man going home to
teach the concepts of Greek mythology in a poem. Another good example of modern-day
historical fiction is the well-known author Rick Riordan with his famous series Percy Jackson.
As we can see many authors have used this style of writing and there are countless more in
modern days.

Our third and final point will be: what did Charles Dickens do differently in his book A Tale of
Two Cities. The answer is he relied more on his fictional characters than on the actual
historical events and characters. The main fictional characters don’t meet some of the
prominent figures that played major roles in the French Revolution like authors such as G.A
Henty shows us in his novels. In conclusion in this paragraph, we saw that what sets Charles
Dickens apart from the rest is his habit of relying on his fictional characters more than on
actual historical characters and events.

In conclusion, we saw that the style of historical fiction is a great way of teaching
complicated historical events to younger people. It is a style of writing that many great
authors of the past and the present use. And finally, we saw that the book A Tale of Two
Cities is written differently from many of the other historical fiction books that have been
written in the past.

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