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Seismic data loading

Copyright ©2017 NExT. All rights reserved

Seismic main folder (1)

1. On Home tab, in the Insert group, click Folder, then click New seismic
main folder.

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Seismic main folder (2)
The new folder is stored in the Input pane
with predefined subfolders:
 Vintages
 Interp survey inclusion filters
 Interpretation folder with an active
seismic horizon.
Insert a seismic survey folder so you
can import seismic data.
 On the Home tab, click Folder and
click New Seismic survey.
 Right-click the Seismic main folder
and click New seismic survey.

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Load seismic data (1)
1. Right-click a survey folder and
select Import (on selection) to
open the Import file dialog box.
2. Choose the file and its type. 1
Click Open.
3. Set the corresponding data
type (2D/3D).
4. Define the Vintage.
5. Set the Line detection method. 3

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Load seismic data (2)
7. Scan a specified number of
6. Change Line detection traces to QC parameters.
method to Trace
headers fields.
If necessary, check the
headers and adjust: 7
 Inline/crossline 6
number byte
positions for 3D data
 CDP and SP byte
position for 2D lines.

Note: With Line detection method\Automatic, the most likely line/inline and trace/crossline
headers are selected from trace headers analysis. In this case, scanning is unavailable
because the headers are undetermined until the SEGY file is read.

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Load seismic data (3)
8. In the Input data dialog box, choose a color template and a domain.
9. Create or/add a Vintage.
10. Specify the CRS of the 8
loaded seismic if it differs
from the project CRS. 9


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