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1 It's a challenge!

2 Our changing planet 12
3 Champions 16
LIFE SKILLS· Critical thinking: Accepting other people's opinions 20
4 Favorite things 24

CULTURE The beautiful games 28

5 Useful websites
6 City living 34

LIFE SKILLS Creativity and innovation: Brainstorming 38

7 Life experiences 42
8 Spending money 46
LIFE SKILLS Learning to learn: Effective learning 50
9 Staying healthy 54
CULTURE Shopping and money 58
10 From cover to cover 60

LIFE SKILLS Study skills: Taking exams 64

11 My way of life 68
12 City life 72
13 Getting on 76
14 Going away 80
LIFE SKILLS Interpersonal skills: Dealing with conflict 84
15 Taste this! 88
16 On screen 92

CULTURE British Food 96

17 Digital life 98
LIFE SKILLS ICT literacy: Staying safe Online 102
REVIEW 6 104
18 The world of work 106
19 The written word 110
CULTURE Special training 114
20 Seeing is believing 116

LIFE SKILLS Critical thinking: Identifying reliable news 120

REVIEW 7 122

Prepare for the exam 124

1 IT'S A CHALLENGE Adjectives of personality Present simple and The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Personal details present continuous Register to do the Duke of
page 8 g The alphabet Edinburgh's Award

2 OUR CHANGING PLANET Geographical features g Verbs we don't usually The Earth: A changing planet
page 12 th: /9/ and /o/ use in the continuous Learning about the giant panda

3 CHAMPIONS Sports Past continuous Meet the new BMXers

page 16 Words with different

Life skills Critical thinking: Accepting other people's opinions

Review 1

4 FAVOURITE THINGS Materials Possession Special memories

Adjectives for describing g W eak forms: a and of
page 24

Culture The beautiful games

Relationships Verb patterns: gerunds
5 USEFUL WEBSITE ggh and infinitives
Teen troubles
Six great websites for teenagers
page 30 Internet nouns and verbs

6 CITY LIVING Places in a city Determiners Signs, notices and messages

page 34 Uncountable nouns �Hhe Reading Part 1

Life skills Creativity and innovation: Brainstorming

Review 2

Present perfect with ever The great outdoors: 10 things to do

7 LIFE EXPERIENCES Outdoor activities before you're 16
Past participles and never Life quiz
page 42
g Past participles Reading Part 5
Present perfect with just, yet
and already
York Times
Units of measurement g Intonation: questions and Pocket money
page 46
and money statements

Life skills Learning to learn: Effective learning

Review 3

9 STAYING HEALTHY Body parts Reflexive pronouns Accident!

page 54 Adjectives to express Teen health
emotion g /u:/ and /u/

Culture Shopping and money

10 FROM COVER TO Books and reading First conditional Signs, notices and messages
Words about books g Sentence stress Reading Part 1
COVER Books to make you laugh this
page 60 summer

Life skills Study skills: Taking exams

Review 4

A conversation about the Duke Talking about yourself
of Edinburgh's Award -Speaking Part 1

A conversation about animals An article about an

-Listening Part 5 animal

A programme about sport Describing a past


Asking people about their favourite things Adjective order

A conversation about people's belongings
-Listening Part 5
Young app developers talk An email
about their work -Writing Part 6

World cities quiz Making requests in Favourite cities

Six short conversations different situations

An interview with an explorer Doing your own Life Life experiences


A conversation about a birthday An email

picnic -Writing Part 6

Five short conversations Giving advice Health

Listening Part 1

Famous markets

A talk about a reading A story

competition -Writing Part 7

11 MY WAY OF LIFE Life events Comparatives and Is teenage life better now than
page 68 too,enough,not enough superlatives in the past?
not as ... as

12 CITY LIFE City problems Past simple and That isn't allowed here
page 72 Compounds: noun+ noun continuous

13 GETTING ON be,do,have and make have to and must Troublespot: don't get angry -
page 76 Phrasal verbs: should get advice

14 GOING AWAY International travel Future: be going to and We're off to Tokyo
page 80 Phrasal verbs: travel present continuous

Life skills Critical thinking: Accepting other people's opinions

Review 5

15 TASTE THIS! Food and drink adjectives Present perfect and Ollie, don't eat that!
page 88 look,taste,smell past simple
How long? for/since

16 ON SCREEN TV and film Relative clauses So you want to be in a

Talking about films and film?
page 92

Culture British food

17 DIGITAL LIFE Computer phrases Present simple passive Apps for learning English
page 98 Phrasal verbs: technology

Life skills ICT literacy: Staying safe online

Review 6

18 THE WORLD OF Jobs Second conditional I'm in charge

WORK Suffixes: -er, -or, -ist, -ion
page 106

19 THE WRITTEN Things that you read Signs, notices and Reported speech
WORD say, speak, talk and tell messages
page 110

Culture Special training

20 SEEING IS Collocations: thinking Illusions everywhere Patst simple passive

BELIEVING look (at), see, watch
page 114

Life skills Critical thinking: Identifying reliable news

Review 7

-A conversation about a -An informal email (1) Life event
new computer

An interview about living in Agreeing and Modern life

the country disagreeing

-An informal email (2)

A talk about a traveling Making suggestions


Seven short conversations Ordering food -A story Taste this!

about food

Six conversations about Reaching agreement

TV and films

International food in London

-An informal email (3)

Two conversations about -Discussing options I'm in charge


An Online book review

Performing arts schools

-A university podcast

• VOLUNTEERING_ Give your time to make
a difference to people's lives.
• FITNESS - Do some exercise and get fitte
• SKILLS - Learn something new - or get
better at something you like.

• EXPEDITION _ Go camping and hiking in

the countryside.
If you complete everything, you get a
e of
Write an email to Mr Jones, The Duk
lead er at our scho ol.
Edinburgh's Award
and say why you wan t to
Describe yourself
do the award.

ABOUT YOU 3 Check the meaning of the words in the emails

� on page 11. Then use them to complete the
Do you have any awards or prizes? 'ii' sentences.
If yes, what did you win them for?
If no, do you know about any awards or prizes 1 My brother's very ___. He lies in bed until
for young people in your country? midday and never does any work.
2 My grandpa's 70, but he's still really ___
He cycles everywhere and plays tennis.
3 Sonia is very ___. She always thinks of other
people and is good to them.
4 Everyone likes Toby. He's the most ___ boy
in the school.
5 Our teacher is so ___. She always makes
Adjectives of personality us laugh.
6 When I speak to adults, I try to be ___
7 Sara is very ___. She smiles a lot and she's
1 Read the poster and look at the photos.
Then answer the questions in pairs.
easy to talk to.
8 Most people in my class talk a lot, but Fred is
1 What is The Duke of Edinburgh's Award? ___ and doesn't say much.
2 What kind of activities do students do for 9 I wasn't sure how to do my project, but the
the award? teacher was very ___ . She told me about
3 Can you do an award like this at your school? some great websites.
4 If not, would you like to do one? 10 Suchitra is very ___ . She can paint and
draw, and she writes excellent stories.
2 Read the students' emails on page 11 and answer
the questions with Daniel or Grace. �>) Listen and check. Then repeat.

1 Who plays two instruments? 4 Write sentences about your partner using the
2 Who is happy with a piece of work they're doing? adjectives in Exercise 3. Give the sentences to
3 Who is preparing a surprise for another person? your teacher to read out for the class to try and
4 Who is teaching another person how to do guess who they are about.

8 UNIT 1
Present simple and
present continuous

1 Complete the table with examples of the present

simple and present continuous from the two emails.

Present simple Present continuous

I often make people I'm learning to play
laugh the keyboard
I'd love to do The Duke of
Edinburgh's Award. I'm a friendly
person and I'm popular at school. I'm funny­ 2 Look at the examples in Exercise 1 and complete
the rules.
I often make people laugh, but I work hard and
I'm polite to the teachers. 1 We use the present ___ to talk about
Music is important to me. I'm good at the things happening now, around now and at
the moment.
guitar and I'm learning to play the keyboard.
2 We use the present ___ to talk about
I'm a very active person - I play hockey and things that are always true or happen
go swimming every week. I'm also teaching regularly.
my brother to swim.

3 Choose the correct form of the verb.

1 I watch/ am watching Spartak Moscow play
football every week.
2 What do you usually eat/ are you usually eating
for dinner?
3 Sorry, I can't talk now, I'm busy. I'm practising/
I hope I can do this award. practise the piano.
I'm a quiet person - I don't talk 4 We learned about rivers last term, and now we
much, but I'm very creative. Art is my learn/ are learning about forests.
favourite subject. At the moment_, I'm doing a 5 I'm quite lazy- I don't always do/ 'm not always
big painting, and it's going well. doing my homework.
6 My dad is teaching/ teaches me how to play
I like to be busy - I'm not a lazy person. I'm tennis at the moment.
also helpful. My neighbour's quite old, and I
often go shopping with her. She always tells 4 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
me I'm kind. It's her birthday soon. My mum 0 1 It rains a lot at the moment.
and I are planning a party for her, but she 2 In my free time, I'm usually going to the cinema.
doesn't know about it! 3 I sell my English book. Would you like to buy it?
4 Right now, I watch basketball.
5 I'm usually wearing a jacket, even when it's hot.
6 We are swimming and sunbathing every day.

5 Work with a partner. Look at the photos on page 10.

Say what the people are doing. Then say how often /
when you do the activities in the photos.

She's playing the guitar.

I never play the guitar, but

I sometimes play the piano.

6 Imagine you are writing an email like Grace's and

Daniel's. Make notes. Think of some:
• adjectives to describe yourself
• sports and hobbies you usually do
• things you are learning/ planning/ doing now.
Now write your email.

UNIT 1 9

Today, you are going to start using The Duke of
Edinburgh's Award part of our school website. This FIRST NAME: Grace
has all your details on it, and it shows the activities
SURNAME: Hopkins
you are doing. You can also get news and messages
from Mr Jones here. AGE: 14
What you need to do: FIRST LANGUAGE: English
Fill in the online form with all your details.
• Choose your activities. You have to discuss and agree CONTACT DETAILS
these with Mr Jones first. EMAIL ADDRESS:
Here are some ideas, but there are lots more on the
DofE website: ADDRESS: 44 Meadow Avenue,
London N24 68G
Volunteerin - helping older people, picking up rubbish
HOME TELEPHONE: 020 7946 0945
or working with animals
MOBILE: 0770 900 573
Fitness - dance, sport or exercise classes
S ills - playing an instrument, studying a language,
learning chess or improving your-drawing skills
• You have to do each activity you choose for at least
an hour a week for three months. Take lots of photos,
and write about what you are doing. Put all this
information on the website. When you finish, you can
use it to print a book about your time doing the award.
This costs about £20.

READING Personal details

Read the web page quickly. Who is it for? 1 Read Grace's details. Match questions 1-7 to the
words and phrases on the form above.
Read the information on the website. Are the �
sentences right(✓) or wrong(X)? 1 What's your family name?
2 How old are you?
1 Mr Jones is going to put news and messages on 3 Where do you live?
the website. 4 What do you speak at home?
2 Mr Jones is going to fill in the students' forms.
5 What numbers can we call you on?
3 Students need to talk to Mr Jones before they
6 What's your email address?
choose their activities. 7 What's your first name?
4 If students don't like the ideas, they can
choose others. �>)
04 Listen and check. Then repeat.
5 Students have to spend several hours
a week doing each activity. �) 2 Listen to Grace's contact details. Then repeat
6 Students can put information about their them.
activities on the website. 1
7 Every student gets a free book about their time 2 44 Meadow Avenue, London N24 6BG
doing the award. 3 020 7946 0945
4 0770 900 573
Which parts of the award do you think are most
useful? Why?

Which look most fun? Why?
Why is it a good idea to do awards like this?

10 UNIT 1
g PRONUNCIATION The alphabet

3 Practise saying the letters of the alphabet.

Listen to the conversation. What are Grace
07 1
A B C D E F G H I and Daniel talking about? Who is Finn?
J K L M N 0 p Q R
s T u V w X y z Listen agai_n. Complete the table with the
activities the friends choose.
4 Decide which letter has a different sound
in each group. · Grace Daniel Finn
1 H J U 4 K P V Skill
2 E M P 5 W X U Fitness
3 Z L Y 6 C O G
�>) Listen to the end of the conversation again.
�>) Listen and check. 08
06 Complete Finn's contact details.
··························· 1 Address: ___
······ · ············
2 Phone number: ___
3 Email address:
5 In pairs, ask and answer questions using the
contact details for Sam and Jo.

What's your email address?

My email address is
Speaking Part 1
How do you spell that?
In pairs, ask and answer questions to complete
the form for each other. Spell your surnames.


289 Sandy Lane, Oxford 022 3PG ADDRESS:
Tel 018.65 995478 PHONE NUMBER:
Mob 06968 133 254 ·2 In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
Jo School: How much homework do you get?
What's your favourite subject?
72 Hale Street, Manchester M4 8QT Tell me something about your school.
Mob 07473 964 443 Free time:
What do you do in your free time?
Who do you spend your free time with?
Tell me something about what you did last

UNIT 1 11
What is the weather like in your country?
Is the weather the same every year?

Geographical features

1 In pairs, discuss the questions. Then read the

article and check your ideas.
1 How old is the Earth?
2 What's happening to the Earth's
weather at the moment?
2 Read the article again and choose the best
heading for each paragraph.
A Good news in one part of the world
Scientists believe the Earth is 4.6 billion years old.
B Problems for the planet
However, the mountains, valleys, hills, rivers, C The age of the planet
deserts and forests we see today are much younger D How the planet changes
than that. For example, Mount Everest is about 60
million years old and the Amazon rainforest is only cj>)
3 Match the words in blue in the article to the
10 million years old. The youngest sea in the world is photos A-1. Listen and check. Then repeat.

the Baltic Sea, at about 15,000 years old.
The Earth is always changing because ofvolcanoes,
earthquakes and, of course, wind and rain. Some of
these changes are very slow and others are quick.
Water and ice can make very big changes to the
planet. For example, glaciers (rivers of ice) can cut
through mountains and make lakes and deep
valleys. Eighty or more volcanoes are under the
oceans and sometimes they become new islands.
This is happening in the South Pacific, near Tonga.
It's normal for our planet to change, but at the
moment, scientists think it's changing faster than
usual. They don't understand everything that's
happening, but they know that some deserts
(places where it doesn't rain much) are growing,
and many forests are getting smaller. The weather
is getting wetter in some places and drier in others,
and there are more big storms.

0 However, these changes are not bad for everyone.

Because the Arctic is getting warmer, some people in
Greenland now own businesses and sell vegetables
they grow on their land. That wasn't possible so far
north 50 years ago. Farmers in Greenland like the
warm weather and hope it will continue.

12 UNIT 2
4 Complete each sentence with the correct word Verbs we don't usually
from Exercise 3. use in the continuous
1 Not many plants and animals can live in ___
because they are very dry. deserts/ hills 1 Find these verbs in the article on page 14 and
underline them. What tense are they in?
2 Many ___ have snow on top of them all
year. mountains/ valleys
3 There's a ___ near my home, and I like believe hope know like
going fishing there. river/ sea own· think understand
4 There were so many trees in the ___ that it
was impossible to see the sky. forest/ lake
5 My friend and I cycled to the ___ for a. swim. The verbs above are about thinking, feeling and
lake I volcano owning things. We don't usually use them in the
continuous form.
5 Write five sentences of your own using the words
from Exercise 3.
....••...•••••••...•......... 2 Which of these words are also about thinking,

g PRONUNCIATION th: /0/ and /o/

feeling and owning things?

belong to buy climb feel hate

� >)
6 Listen to the sounds 0 and o and repeat have love mean need prefer
them. Then put the words in the box into run sing want work
the correct column.

north other south

that there these
thing think this 3 Complete the sentences using the present simple
or present continuous of the verbs in brackets.
0 earth o weather 1 Can you turn the TV off? I ___ (hate) that
2 Mr Jones ___ (want) to talk to you. Are you
�>) Listen and check. Then repeat. free now?
12 3 Why ___ (you sing)? I ___ (need) to
·· · ···················
················· study!
4 That book ___ (belong) to me. It's not my
7 Write sentences about the geography of your friend's.
country. 5 I ___ (love) this T-shirt. Can I buy it, Mum?
6 I can't talk now, sorry. I ___ (run).
There are mountains in the north of my country.
8 In groups of four, listen to each others' sentences.
4 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
Which geographical features from Exercise 3 does @ 1 There are things in my bag that I'm needing
each person talk about? at the moment.
2 The weather's cold at the moment, but I'm
preferring it like that.
3 I'm thinking the party was great.
4 My brother is liking summer and I'm liking
5 Get into the pool with me! The water is feeling
5 Use the prompts to write questions beginning
Do you ... or Are you ... Then walk around the
class and ask people your questions.
own/ a bike?
learn to/ play an instrument?
like/ cabbage?
do/ an art project at the moment?
think/ English is easy?
plan to/ do something interesting this weekend?
love/ watching TV?
need/ study for an exam?
In pairs, discuss what you found out.

UNIT 2 13

Look at the picture below. in pairs, write down three c:j>)

1 Match the words in the box to the photos
things you know about pandas. Read the article once to A-J. Listen and check. Then repeat.
check your ideas. �

2 Are these sentences right(✓) or wrong(X)?

1 The-writer helped to look after giant pandas on her trip.
2 It's possible to find wild pandas in several countries.
3 Pandas only eat bamboo.
4 Baby pandas are very light when they are born.
5 Pandas start eating bamboo at the age of 18 months.
6 Scientists know exactly how many wild pandas there are.
7 It's possible to see a panda in Mexico.

Learning about the

When I planned my trip to China, one of things I really

wanted to do was to work at the Dujiangyan Panda Base in
Chengdu. I spent seven days there, looking after the pandas,
giving them food and cleaning their enclosures.

While I was there, I learned a lot about pandas. Wild pandas live
in bamboo forests, high in the mountains of central China. In the
past, they also lived in other parts of China and in Myanmar and Q
Vietnam, but they don't any more. They spend about 12 hours
a day eating bamboo, but they sometimes eat other plants
or small animals. At Dujiangyan, we also gave them fruit, like
apples, and special panda cakes made of rice, eggs and flour
and other things.
Adult giant pandas weigh between 75 and 135 kilograms. dolphin elephant giraffe
Females usually only have one baby panda, or cub, at a time. monkey parrot penguin
The cubs only weigh about 85 grams when they are born! The polar bear snake
little cub drinks milk for about four months and then begins to tiger whale
eat bamboo. Young pandas stay with their mothers for around
18 months.
2 Answer the questions about the animals
Scientists think there are now between 1,500 and 2,000 pandas in Exercise 1.
in the wild. This is a low number, but it's double what it was in
the 1970s. The reason the number is going up is because of 1 Where do the animals come from?
all the work scientists are doing at places like the Dujiangyan 2 Where do they live (sea, mountains,
Panda Base in Chengdu. There are also about 325 pandas in forest)?
zoos in a number of different countries, including the United 3 Which are dangerous?
States, Mexico, Japan and Germany. 4 Look at each photo carefully. Are
the animals in a zoo or are they wild?
5 How many other animals can you name
in English?

What are your five favourite animals?
Why do you like them?
How often do you go to zoos?
Do you like them?

14 UNIT 2
Listening Part 5 An article about an animal
GET READY Underline the prepositions
1 You will hear Gina talking to her uncle about some between, about, around and including
photos of animals. Where did he take each photo? For in the article about pandas on page 16.
15 each question, choose the correct answer. Think about their meaning. Which two
Photographs Countries have the same meaning in the article?
O lion D A Argentina Complete the sentences with between,
1 monkey B England about, around or including.
2 snake C India 1 This competition is for anyone ___
3 penguin D Kenya the ages of 10 and 14.
4 dolphin E Mexico 2 There are ___ 40,000 African lions
5 elephant F New Zealand left in the wild.
G Scotland 3 All my friends, ___ Tariq, are
H South Africa interested in animals.
�) 2 Listen again and check. 4 The zoo is closed ___ January
and March.
s I've got lots of pets, ___ a rabbit
and two cats.
PLAN Plan your article about an animal.
Choose one of the animals in Vocabulary
3 Work in pairs. Look at the photos of the two animals Exercise 1 or a different one. Write three
below. Use the prompts 1-9 to write questions about paragraphs. Make notes for what to
these animals. include in each paragraph.
1 What kind of animal/ it? Paragraph 1 the kind of animal it is/
2 Where/ from? where it lives/ what it eats
3 Where/ live? Paragraph 2 what it weighs/
4 What/ eat? information about its
5 How much/ weigh? babies
6 How many/ left in the wild? Paragraph 3 how many are left in the
7 What/ babies/ called? wild/ in zoos
8 How many babies/ female have?
WRITE Write your article. Try to include
9 How long/ baby stay with/ mother?
the prepositions from Get Ready.
)) Student A, go to page 136. You have information IMPROVE In pairs, compare your articles.
about the kakapo there. Can you improve them?
)) Student B, go to page 138. You have information
about the sand cat there.

UNIT 2 15
ABOUT YOU Listen to six interviews and match the sentence
Which sports do you play regularly?
Which sports do you watch? 1 We go a athletics in the summer.
2 We do b cycling all the time.
3 I don't play c jogging quite often.
4 I go d ice hockey.
5 My mates and I go e tennis together.
6 We never play f windsurfing on the lake.
3 Add the sports from Exercise 1 to the table.

1 Match the photos to some of the sports in the box. do play
Then listen and check. Check the meaning of the
� athletics climbing ice hockey
'iW other sports.

athletics boxing climbing cycling

4 What other sports and activities can you think of?
Add them to the table in Exercise 3.
gymnastics ice hockey ice skating
jogging rugby squash surfing play basketball go snowboarding
swimming table tennis tennis
volleyball windsurfing 5 Do the quiz in pairs. The answers are all from
Exercises 1 and 2.

• Which nine sports can you do on your own?

Which four sports are for two or four players?

0 Which three sports are for teams of more than four?

g Which five sports do you do on or in water or ice?

fl In which two sports do you use a racket?

Ii In which four sports is there a net?

• Which sport is not in the Olympic Games?
a cycling b table tennis
c ice hockey d squash

What sports do people do in these competitions?

a Wimbledon b Tour de France
c IMF World Championships

6 Discuss the questions.

1 What's your favourite sport? Why? When do you
do it?
2 What are the most popular sports in your country?
16 UNIT 3
Read the text quickly and answer the questions.
1 Who are the new BMXers?
2 Do they like racing or 'freestyle' BMX?

Olivia, aged 15, has long, brown hair. She's smart and Some BMXers love doing jumps and crazy
confident, and the way she was smiling showed how much she stunts - this is called 'freestyle'. Other riders
loved it. How did she first become interested in BMX? prefer racing. BMX races are fast but short.
Although all the racers were boys, she knew instantly it was the . . . .. .. .. ..... .. . .. .. Both riding styles have something in
sport for her. 'It's not harder for girls to get into the sport,' she common: riders fall off their bikes a lot. That's
said - anyone can do it. 'BMX gives you knowledge. When you why they all wear a helmet, as well as knee
come to the track, you learn something new every day.' and elbow guards under their racing clothes.
So what is a BMX? A BMX is a bike with small wheels and a Many people think that BMX is scary or
low seat. Small wheels actually go faster than big wheels at dangerous, but fear isn't a thought that goes
speeds of up to 20 km/h. 2 . These mean that a bike through this BMX team's minds. 5 ___

can travel quickly without the rider using their legs too much. But They don't see the difference between male
there are no gears on a BMX, so the rider has to pedal a lot to and female, not while they are out on the track
go fast. 3 ..... do;ng who! they enjoy the most.

• Read the article again. Five sentences have been

removed from the text. For each space choose the
correct sentence. There are three extra sentences
which you do not need to use.
Should schools offer the same sports to girls
and boys? Or are some sports for boys and
others for girls?
A She laughed because some of the riders were Do you think there is too much sport on TV?
moving their legs so quickly. Why?/ Why not?
B They usually only last for about 40 seconds.
C BMX race bikes can be very expensive.
D She was watching her older brother race.
E They weren't worried by the rain either.
F They see BMX as a fun sport, a way of life,;; good
social activity.
G Normal bikes have at least 20 gears.
H This is the biggest problem with BMX races.
Match the highlighted words in the text to the
1 part of a bicycle that controls the speed of
the wheels
2 tricks or difficult jumps on a bike
3 a path, often circular, used for races
4 a hard hat that protects your head
5 things you wear to protect parts of your body
when playing a sport

UNIT 3 17
Past continuous 4 Write questions in the past continuous.
O you/do/sports at 3.30 yesterday?
Were you doing sports at 3.30 yesterday?
1 Read the examples. Then choose the correct 1 what/you/do/at 8.30 yesterday evening?
words to complete the rules. 2 you/read/at 10.30/yesterday evening?
1 I was taking photographs of the girls' BMX team. 3 what/you/wear/last/Sunday?
2 They were riding around the track. 4 you/sleep/at midnight last night?
5 you/have/breakfast at 8.00 this morning?
a We use the past continuous to talk about 6 what/do/five minutes ago?
actions in progress at a particular time in
the present I the past. 5 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 4.
b We form the past continuous with the correct
present/ past form of be and the infinitive I -ing
form of the verb. Words with different

Read the sentences. Choose the correct meaning

of the
2 Choose the correct form of the verbs to make past
1 I did the extra maths . Did you?
·� 1 They were wearing/ were wear dark helmets.
L\' continuous sentences.
a noun: physical activity to get stronger
b noun: written work to practise something
2 He isn't playing/wasn't playing ice hockey last 2 Does this tracksuit you?
night. a verb: be the right size
3 My friends wasn't talking/ weren't talking about b adjective: healthy and strong
sports. 3 Who won the Chelsea-Arsenal ?
4 What was he doing/ do on the court? a verb: be the same
S Were/ Was she watching the games? b noun: a sports competition
Yes, she was I were. 4 The Bulls won the basketball game by 20 � 1 -
6 Mark is climbing I was climbing yesterday. a noun: the score (e.g. the number of goals/
7 My parents was going/ were going to a bike race. baskets) at the end of a match
8 Were they listening/ listen to the match? b verb: indicate using your finger
No, they weren't I wasn't. 5 The basketball team has got a new iner.
a noun: a sports shoe
3 Look at the picture of a park last Saturday
morning. Write positive and negative past
b noun: a person who prepares players for an event
6 I can't what to do next.
continuous sentences about what the people a verb: to exercise to make the body stronger
were and weren't doing. b verb: to find the answer to a problem
O Kim/play tennis/swim 7 We got a to the volleyball match.
Kim was playing tennis. She wasn't swimming. a noun: a type of bus
1 Adam and Pete/run/skate b noun: someone who teaches people a sport
2 Myla/throw a ball/hit a ball 8 We at the football club twice a week.
3 Karl and Liam/play squash/kick a ball a noun: a long, thin vehicle that travels on rails
4 Megan and Ana/cycle/climb b verb: to practise a sport
5 Lucy/catch a ball/do athletics
Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of
the in Exercise 1.
O This green colour matches your top.
1 You aren't_ _ _ enough. Do some ___
2 We go jogging with the rugby . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. every day,
but we never ___ in the gym.
3 I can't see the captain. Can you ___ to her?
4 I bought some white ___ but they don't
. ... . . . . .. . .... . .. . .. . me.They're a size 7 but I take an 8.
5 I need help with the last ___ on page 144.
6 How many ... ... . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . has your team got? Did they
play any ___ last week?
7 Let's get a ___. The railway station is closed,
so there aren't any ___ today.
8 I can't ___ how to play this game.

)) Work with a partner. Student A turn to

page 121. Student B turn to page 126.
18 UNIT 3
Describing a past event

1 When was the last time you watched a sports event

(in person or on TV} or took part in one? What was it?
2 Listen to Max and Rachel talking about sports.
Who took part in an event? Who watched one?
3 Read the Prepare to speak box. Complete the
sentences with the past simple or past continuous
form of the verbs. Then listen again and check.
1 Manchester City ___ (win) for most of the
2 Real Madrid ___ (score) two goals in the last
five minutes.
3 Lots of people ___ (watch) the competition.
4 I ___ (come) third in one race.

Describing a past event
When you describe a past event:
use the past simple to talk about the main
things that happened
use the past continuous to talk about actions
in progress
add your opinion: It was an amazing ..., It was
Listen to the show and look at photos A-C. Which really exciting, It was the best ... ever, It was so
is the photo of the week? What happened next? cool, I really enjoyed ...
add reasons for your opinion: because ...
Number the events in the order you hear them.
Then listen again and check.
4 Listen to the whole recording again. Which phrase
from the Prepare to speak box do they not use?
a The football went into the goal.
b The Sunderland player kicked the football.
5 Complete the reasons that Max and Rachel give.
c A fan threw a beach ball onto the field. Listen again to check.
d A Sunderland player was running towards the 1 I was very happy because ...
goal. 2 I really enjoyed taking part because ...
e The referee decided to allow the goal.
f The football hit the beach ball. 6 Think about a recent sports event. Read the
questions and plan your answers.
Listen again. Complete the sentences.
18 1 What was the event and when was it?
2 Did you watch it or take part in it?
Liverpool (x3) Manchester Sunderland (x2)
3 What happened during the event?
4 What was the final result?
1 The Sports Review studio is in __ _
5 Did you enjoy it? Why?/ Why not?
2 A ___ fan threw a beach ball onto the field.
3 ___ won the match 1-0. 7 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 6. Use
4 The ___ players weren't playing well. the past simple and past continuous, and use
5 Chloe thought ___ played better than phrases from the Prepare to speak box.

UNIT 3 19
4 Do the quiz and choose the two best options.
Then in pairs, compare your answers.

is it
How important

Other people's ideas
• can help us learn
We talk to other people and give our opinions every
• can be fun
• make life interesting day. Maybe you talk about what to do after school
with your friends, or about plans for the weekend
We should listen to other people and enjoy with your family. It's important to give your opinions,
learning new things when we discuss opinions.
but it is also important to listen to other people's
opinions and think about the best option. How good
are you at listening? Do the quiz.
1 Make sentences that are true for you.

agree with my parents.

agree with my best friends. . look at him/her and smile?
agree with my teachers. , say, 'That's interesting' or 'That's a good idea'?
change my opinion. interrupt and give your own opinion as soon as
like new ideas� possible?

In pairs, compare your sentences. Did you have

. always agree with him/her and think his/her
the same ideas?
ideas are good?
2 Explain why each sentence is true for you. • ask questions about the idea to get more
I sometimes agree with my parents .. always disagree with him/her and often think
because they know more than me, but he/she is wrong?
other times they are too strict.

3 Look at the words in the box. In pairs, discuss the

ignore him/her by not listening and turning
your head away?
• think about his/her opinion before you say you
films food holidays
don't like it?
homework music sports
explain your opinion and ideas?
1 Do you talk to your friends or family about these
2 Do you always have the same opinions? They can ...
- explain their reasons for their opinions.
exchange ideas with each other by talking
and listening.
not work together.

Sometimes. I respect other people and know

I am sometimes wrong.
Never. I'm always right and I don't
like to change.
Maybe. If I have a good reason.
5 Match the questions 1-5 in Exercise 4 to the �) g Listen again and complete the sentences with
advice a-e. the phrases in the Useful language box.
a It's important to have your own opinions.
Don't always agree immediately. USEFUL LANGUAGE
b Sometimes you can change your opinion
great idea I'm sure Yes, but
because you listen and decide another idea
is better. I'm not sure Maybe, but
c You should be polite to other people and listen
carefully when they are speaking.
d It's best to talk to other people when there is a Jenny: We did it last year and it was fun.
problem and think of ideas that make everyone David: (1) ___ why not do something different?
happy. Jenny: We could go to the cinema.
e It is important to listen to other people's David: (2) ___ the cinema is expensive.
opinions and decide if the ideas are good or bad. Jenny: You're right. Do you like the idea of a picnic
Don't get angry or stop listening. Maybe they are in a park?
really good ideas! David: Yes, I do. That's a (3) ___
David: Do you think she wants to go to the park in
6 Match the highlighted words in the quiz to the the centre for her birthday?
definitions. Jenny: (4) ___ that's the best place.
David: Do you think Martha likes orange or lemon?
1 not pay attention to ___
Jenny: (5) ___. What do you think is best?
2 have the same opinion as ___
speak when another person is speaking ___
be polite to ___
10 Are the statements true (T) or false (F) for you?
In pairs, compare your answers and explain your
5 give and receive ___ opinion. Be polite!
Listen to David and Jenny discussing what to do I think ...
for their friend Martha's birthday. Do they agree in 1 football is more interesting than basketball.
the end? 2 pizza is better than pasta.
3 cats are nicer than dogs.
4 maths is easier than history.

A group of students from another country
are coming to visit your school. Your teacher
wants you to plan some activities for the
day. Prepare a timetable for the day.

8 Listen again and .answer the questions. • Work in small groups.
• Read the situation.
1 Why doesn't David like the idea of a surprise • Individually, think of an activity you could
party? do with the students and think of a reason
2 Why does Jenny think the cinema could be why it is a good idea.
a good idea? • Write your ideas in your notebook.
3 What's the weather going to be like on Saturday? • In your group, decide what activities to do
4 Who will pay for the food and drink? and prepare a timetable for the day. Use
5 Who will send the invitations? the Useful language from Exercise 9 to
6 What does Jenny want to give Martha? discuss the best options.
• Make a welcome poster for the visiting
students to see when they arrive. Include
pictures and photos to make it attractive.
• Present your poster to another �roup or to
the class. \

1 Write the missing letters to complete the word 1 Choose the correct options to complete the
for each set. sentences.
0 dolphin penguin giraffe 1 I like to watch swimming competitions because
ani m
------ a l s I'm swimming/ I swim too.
1 receptionist luggage tourist 2 Of course everyone wants/wantto have
h more friends.
2 land hill sea 3 The weather was really hot, but I still have I had
E ---- a great time there.
3 tram underground scooter 4 In my town, thereis I thereare a lot of shopping
t -------- centres and sports centres.
4 balcony ceiling cupboard
h @ Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
5 address age surname 5 I visited Thao Cam Vien zoo, but I didn't liked it.
6 Every day we doing different tests or exams
2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
at school.
7 Do you liked the competition?
1 I don't want to go in the car to the beach. 8 I can't go shopping today because I working.
Walking is good for us, so let's go ___
2 My parents packed our ___ for our skiing 2 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple
holiday last night. or present continuous.
3 Have you got a ___ of the city? I want to O I really like (really like) my new bedroom.
see where the museum is. I .9.fJJ._paintinq (paint) it blue.
4 We've got a ___ in our apartment block, 1 I ___ (think) that's Olivia over there. What
but I don't use it. I always use the stairs. ___ (she/ do)?
5 Do you ever come to school ___ bike? 2 Sorry, I ___ (not know) where the station
6 ___ are large white animals and they live in is. I ___ (come) from another town.
the cold Arctic. 3 That aeroplane ___ (fly) very low.
7 ___ are birds with brightly coloured I ___ (hope) everything's OK.
feathers. Some of them can talk. 4 My aunt ___ (travel) a lot, but she ___
8 ___ are birds too, but they can't fly. They (not travel) at the moment.
spend a lot of time swimming in the ocean. 5 I'm sorry, I ___ (not understand). Can you

3 Read the descriptions of some nature words.

say it again, please?
Write the missing letters to complete the words. 3 Complete the text about Gabby using the past
O This place is water, but has land all around it. simple and past continuous.
I a k e
1 This place is very dry. It's hot in the day and Gabby wants to do dance for the fitness
often cold at night. part of a competition. Last month, she
---- r - (0) _QQL!.9.hL (buy) a dance DVD, so she
2 This place has lots of trees. (1) ___ (can) learn at home.
-- r ---
3 This place is all water and it moves all the time. But it was quite difficult because while
- i --- she (2) ___ (watch) the DVD, she
4 This place is low and is often between two (3) ___ (also practise) the dance
mountains. steps. When her mum (4) ___ (come)
1 home, she (5) ___ (say) to Gabby, 'Why
5 This place is a kind of mountain, but it has don't you join a dance class? It's a much
a hole in the top. better way to learn.' 'That's a good idea,'
V (6) ___ (answer) Gabby.

Listening Part 1 Speaking Part 1
1 For each question, choose the correct picture. 3 Work in pairs. Make questions and then ask
c:j>) 1 What day does Antonio play football? and answer with your partner. Take turns to
34 liil"li------, speak.
1 Name? 3 Live?
2 Age? 4 Country?

4 Take turns to ask and answer the questions

in the table.
2 How much is a family ticket to the zoo today?

Now let's talk about Now let's talk about
your home. your school.
5 When did your 5 When do you
family move into arrive at school in
this home? the mornings?
6 How many rooms 6 Which languages
3 What time does the girl's coach arrive? has your home do you learn at
got? What are school?
7 What colour is the 7 How many
furniture in the students are there
living room? in your class?
8 Which is your 8 What's your
4 What is the number of Rosa's house?
favourite room? favourite subject?
9 Tell me 9 Tell me
something about something about
your bedroom. your classroom

5 What did Marco buy for his bedroom?

Writing Part 7
2 Look at the three pictures. Write the story shown in the pictures. Write 35 words or more.

ABOUT YOU 5 In pairs, look around the classroom and at
what people are wearing. Find as many things
Do you have a favourite thing? What is it? as you can that are made from the materials in
Where did you get it? Exercise 1. Say what they are.
Why is it special?
What do you like about it? �) 6 Cam is doing a project for school. He asks three
people in the street about their favourite things.
Listen to the recording. Which thing was a present?


1 Look at the photos below. Match the materials in

the box to the photos A-J.

cotton glass gold leather
metal paper plastic silver
wood wool

Listen and check. Then repeat.
2 What are the things in the photos made of?
Talk about the photos with your partner.

The headphones are made of plastic.

3 Look at the examples. Which word is a noun c:J>)

7 Listen again and complete the table.
and which is an adjective? , .
Speaker Speaker Speaker
The box is made of wood. It's a wooden box. 1 2 3
4 Work with your partner. Use the materials as What is the thing?
adjectives to describe and find the things in Who does it
the photo. belong to?
They're cotton T-shirts. Photo B What is it made of?

24 UNIT 4
.. ...- ---- �
·GRAMMAR 6 Look at the pictures and decide who the football
player is. Match sentences 1 and 2 to pictures A
and B.
Look at the pictures. Match sentences 1 and 2 to
pictures A and B.

1 He's a friend of theirs.

2 He's a friend of hers.
1 It's my brother's dog.
2 It's my brothers' dog. 7 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

2 Look at sentences 1 and 2 in Exercise 1. Which

1 That's not Robert's book, it's Paula's. Robert lost
___ yesterday.
sentence has 's and which sentence hass'? Why?
2 My parents had a holiday on a boat last summer.
3 Complete the sentences. Use the word in brackets I think it belonged to a friend of ___
in the singular or plural and 's ors'. 3 A cat plays in our garden sometimes, but it's not
___. We've got a dog.
1 That's my ___ (sister) car. My dad bougbt
4 "You can't use my brother's football. But you
them one to share last year.
can borrow ___ if you like. I got it for my
2 I don't have a computer, but I use my ___ birthday.
(brother) when I need to. I lend him my camera
5 Are you looking for your hat? I saw Paul's in the
when he needs it because he hasn't got a good
garden, but I don't know where ___ is.
6 Sally. is so good at art. That picture is ___
3 My little sister loves going to the ___ (child)
disco. It's specially for little kids and there are 8 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
games and activities.
4 Don't put any cake on those plates! I use them
@ 1 You can read your favourite book's there.
for the ___ (dog) food. They don't like the 2 My friends name's Ben.
bowls from the pet shop. 3 The bus stop is just five minutes walk from
my house.
4 Look at the words in purple in the two examples 4 Bring your computer because my is broken.
from the listening. Underline the determiners and 5 My bedroom is bigger than their.
circle the pronouns. . ...........................� .••..........•.••.
1 They're not mine. They're my sister's.
2 Oh and what are theirs? Your dad's for example.
g PRONUNCIATION I Weak forms: a and of

�) 9 Listen and repeat.

5 Now complete the table.
She's a friend of mine.
He's a friend of hers.
Determiners Pronouns They're friends of ours.
my mine Is he a friend of yours?
your ··· ···········································
her 1Q Think of three .things that are special and belong
to different people in your family. In pairs, tell each
our other about them. Use the questions to help you.
their 1 What are they? What are they made of?
2 Who do they belong to?
3 Where did they come from?
4 Why are they special?
5 What else can you say about them?

UNIT 4 25
1 In pairs, tell your partner about a special present someone gave you. What was it?
Anja and P�te wrote about special memories in their online school magazine.
Look at obJects A-F. What present did Anja get? What present did Pete get?

My special memory isn't from very long ago. I was
opening presents on my 13th birthday. My older brother
My special memory is from when I was three years old.
gave me a large box. It was very hard. What could it
We were staying with my grandparents at their house
be? I opened it and felt inside. I'm blind, so I needed to
in the country. They lived in an old wooden house.
touch everything because I can't see. It was smooth and
I remember the house was always cold and it was near
round. I remember thinking 'It's a leather football' and
a forest. When it was time for bed, Grandma took me
feeling upset. I can't play football because I can't see
upstairs to read me a story. On my bed there was a
the ball. I picked it up. It felt quite heavy, and it made
lovely wool blanket. It was really colourful. I remember
a noise. My brother told me it was a special football for
touching it and it was so, so soft. 'It's yours. I made
blind people. There are little metal balls inside that make
it for you,' my grandma said. I still have the blanket
a noise when someone kicks or throws it. Perfect! Now
on my bed at home. It looks really small there, but
I play football all the time.
I remember when I was younger it seemed so big!

Adjectives for
3 Read the article again and answer the questions. describing objects
1 What was Anja's grandparents' house like?
2 When did Anja first see the blanket? 1 Match the words in the box to photos A-F.
3 What was it like?
4 Why do you think Anja remembers it as big when � colourful hard heavy large
in fact it's quite small? little lovely old pretty
5 Who was Pete's present from? round small smooth soft
6 What did it feel like?
7 Why did he feel sad when he first felt the cj>) Listen and check.
present? 46

8 What happened when he took it out of the box 2 In pairs, describe the objects in the photos. Use the
and why? adjectives from Exercise 1 and others you know.
3 Take turns to describe something in the classroom
TALKING POINTS to your partner for them to guess what it is. Use
Anja's memory is from when she was thr�e years the words from Exercise 1 to help you.
old. What's your earliest memory?
It's large, smooth and colourful. It's
Pete's memory is of his special football. What
made of paper and it's on the wall.
other special things can help someone like Pete?
A map?

26 UNIT 4
For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear
Carmen talking to Murat about some things she has found in her
47 grandparents' house. Who does each thing belong to?
Things People
[I] A aunt
□ B brother
O clock

□ C cousin
1 computer

□ father
2 hat

□ grandfather
3 toy bear D

□ F grandmother
4 painting E
5 jacket
G mother
Listen again and check
your answers. H uncle

Adjective order


Have you got a favourite thing or something
from the past you want to tell us about? Send
us an email. Describe the object and say why I've got a beautiful, old, silver ring. It was my uncle's.
it's special for you and -attach a photo if you I keep it in a small, red, wooden box as it's very
have one. special. He gave it to me when I was ten.
Email: I never wear it, but I like to look at it.


Read the notice from the museum and then read Ben's email reply. What's his favourite thing?
Put the adjectives from the email in the correct column in the table.
Adjective order
Opinion Size Physical quality Shape Age Colour Material
(pretty) (big) (hard) (square) (new) (blue) (gold)

Find three more examples of pairs of adjectives in the texts on page 38 and add them to the table.
PLAN You are going to write to the museum about something special. Use these questions to plan your email.
What is it? Where/who did it come from? What does it look like?
Plan your email to the museum.
What groups of adjectives can you use to describe your object? What order do they go in?
WRITE Write an email to the museum. Use Ben's email to help you. Write about 35 words.
Draw a picture of the object.
IMPROVE In pairs, read each other's email. Check for mistakes with adjectives. Rewrite your emails.

UNIT 4 27
1 Discuss the questions with your partner. 2 What can you see in the photos?
Read the text and check your
1 Do you like playing or watching football?
ideas. Match the photos A-D to the
2 Do many girls and women play football in your country?
paragraphs 1-4.
3 Do you ever watch girls or women playing football on TV or live?

0 In 1920, there was a match between two women's football 0 Nowadays, nearly three million girls
teams at Everton's football ground in Liverpool. Around 53,000 and women play football in the UK, and there
people went to watch it! Just a few years earlier, during the First are 100,000 registered players who can play
World War, many men were fighting abroad. This meant there were official tournaments. There are only about 200
no football players and no important games. People loved the sport professional players, and many have to do
and wanted to watch it, so women started to play. Some of the other work to earn enough money, but you can
best players, such as Lily Parr, are still famous today. She became often see women's football on television. They
famous when she was only 14 and scored 43 goals in one season. sometimes play in really famous places, such
as Wembley Stadium in London.

A year later, in 1921, the Football Association (FA) decided
to stop women's football because they thought it was not a sport In schools, girls and boys play football
that women should play for payment. Fifty years later, in 1971, in the playground - there are teams with both
women could finally play football as a profession and not just as a boy and girl players. Recently, all-girl teams are
hobby. However, it wasn't urJtil 1993 that the English FA recognised playing against all-boy teams. So football is
international women's football. After that, women could play in really a sport for everyone!
competitions with other countries.

3 Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 How many people went to watch the women's football match in Liverpool in 1920?
2 Why did many women start playing football during the First World War?
3 Why did women stop playing football after 1921?
4 When did the Football Association in England allow women to play in international competitions?
5 · Do professional women players receive a lot of money nowadays?
6 Do boys and girls always play in separate football teams?
4 Match the highlighted words in the text to the definitions.
1 three words for a place or places where people can play football
2 two words for football competitions
3 one word that means 'job'

Are some sports in your country only for girls or only for boys?
Which ones are played only by girls or only by boys?

5 Look at the table about different types of football. In pairs, try to complete the gaps.

When people first Number of Indoors or Where people

played it players outdoors play it most
Table football 1
Usually two or four Indoors Europe and the USA
Futsal 1930 ten (five in each 2
South America and
team) 3

FIFA video game 4

Maximum 8 5
All over the world
Football for the blind 1920s 6
Both indoors and 7

Listen and check. Complete the information you didn't know.

Find out about the history of a sport in
your country. Make a poster to present
the information to the class. Use pictures
and photos to make the poster more
interesting. Include information about:
when and where it started
who plays the sport: only men, only
women or both
some famous teams or players
· • what competitions there are for
this sport
Present your poster to the class.

Do your friends or family ever have problems?
Relationships What kind?
What do you do when you have a problem? Who do
you talk to? Do you often try to find advice on line?
1 Read the problems on the website. In pairs,
discuss the problems and think of some advice for
each person.

I go to dance lessons with some close friends of mine. The teacher moved me to a
higher-level group, but she says my friends have to stay in the lower level. I'm worried
about moving to a new class without them. I'll really miss seeing them! What should I do?
I am homeschooled and I don't spend much time with people my age. I am friends with
some of my neighbours, and I have old friends from primary school, but they often forget to
invite me when they go out. I have penfriends as well, but it's not the same as seeing people.
15 0)
My best friend won't stop copying me! I love wearing bright clothes and
looking different from everyone else. But last month my friend started buying
all the same things as me. Now we look exactly the same as each other!

2 Listen to Dr Mandy giving three pieces of advice to the teenagers. 5 In pairs, ask and answer the
Write the correct name beside each number. questions. Then write three more
1 2 3
1 How many contacts do you have
Listen again and make notes about the advice for each person. on line?
Was any of the advice the same as yours? 2 Are you friendly with your
4 Match the people 1-10 to the descriptions a-j. neighbours?
G» 1 guest a You live near this person.
3 How many of your relatives live
near you?
2 old friend b This person is a visitor in your home. 4 Who do you miss when you go
3 neighbour c You have this person's details in your phone or online. away on holiday?
4 close friend d This person belongs to a group or club.
5 member e You like this person very much and you know each 6 With a different partner, ask
6 contact other well. and answer your new questions
7 best friend f You met this person a long time ago. together.
8 classmate g This person is part of your family.
9 penfriend h This is your one special friend.
10 relative You study with this person.
j You don't meet this person, but you write to them.
cj>) Listen and check. Then repeat.

30 UNIT 5
g PRONUNCIATION gh 3 Choose the correct form of the verb. In one
sentence, both forms are possible.
Listen to the words and repeat them. Then 1 My friend decided buy/ to buy a new pair
put them into the correct column. of sunglasses.
2 Wait/ Waiting for people makes me angry.
bright caught daughter 3 I helped the teacher by carry I carrying
enough flight neighbour her books.
right straight thought 4 One day, I hope to be/ being a doctor.
5 Swim/ Swimming in the sea on a hot day
is lovely.
/aI/ /eI/ /Af/ /J:/ 6 I don't mind to sit/ sitting by the window.
night eight rough bought 7 I think to run/ running is the best kind of
8 Everyone loves to get/ getting presents!
9 I'm thinking of get/ getting a new poster for
my room.
10 Saving/ Save a bit of pocket money every
.. .. c:J>) Listen
and check. Then repeat.
week is a really good idea.
······················ · 4 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
@ 1 I hope see you very soon, and I hope that you
like my mobile phone.
Verb patterns: gerunds 2 I want write about my life.
and infinitives 3 I like play computer games best.
4 You can get to my house taking the number
1 Look at the example sentences. Then complete 6 bus.
the rules about verb patterns. 5 I think it's better to finish study before we go out.
6 Wo�ld you mind come with me to the shops?
I'm worried about moving to a new class.
You'll get better at dancing. 5 Complete each sentence with a verb from the box
Thank you for writing to the website. in the gerund or infinitive.
Try to talk to her about how you feel.
If you decide to do this, you can give her advice. chat come eat go improve
They often forget to invite me when they go out. pass play spend watch make
My best friend won't stop copying me.
1 We need ___ a cake, but we don't know
I'll really miss seeing them.
how to do it.
2 ___ chocolate isn't very good for you.
1 We use the gerund (-ing form) after
3 I need ___ the marks I get in maths. Mine
prepositions: about , ___, ___
are terrible.
(also by, of, with, etc.)
4 ___ TV late at night makes you tired the
2 We use the infinitive+ to after some verbs:
next day.
try , ___, ___ (also choose,
5 I'm angry with my neighbour for ___ his
learn, hope, plan, need, want)
music real(y late at night.
3 We can use the gerund after some verbs:
6 ___ my exam is very important to me.
stop , ___ (also finish, don't mind)
7 Jack didn't want ___ to my party.
4 We can use either the gerund or the infinitive
8 ___ with friends is really good fun.
after these verbs: start, begin, enjoy, like,
9 My best friend spends all her free time ___
love, prefer.
to the shops with the new girl in our class.
10 ___ a lot of time indoors is quite boring.
2 Look at three more examples. What form do we
6 In groups of three, each person writes a few
use when the verb is the subject of a sentence?
sentences about a problem. Listen to each other's
Studying alone isn't easy. problems and give advice. Who has the most
Leaving your friends behind is difficult. interesting problem? Who gives the best advice?
Waiting for them to contact you first isn't always
a good idea.

UNIT 5 31
Tick(✓) the things you use websites and apps for.
playing games

watching videos
chatting to friends
finding information

doing schoolwork
reading articles
listening to music
sharing photos, stories, etc.
1 EcoCe tral .
okmg after .the Earth.
What are your three favourite websites or apps? In This site is all about Io
pairs, compare your answers. different ammals as
There are facts about
out forests, deserts
Read what the people say. Which of the activities well as infor mation ab
upIoad your own
in Exercise 1 do they want to do? and oceans. You can
everyone to see.
videos onto the site for

I'm working on a project about

the human body at the moment
B Tee
and I'm interested in learning This is one of the best sites on the
web for teenagers who love writing.
about animals. I like having fun
You can share your work with others,
online too. �
and there is a message board where �
you can chat about things that are
important to you.

ha neTwen
I'm hoping to becom e a wri
one day. I'd like to p ut my
storie s online and discuss atch a daily new s
On this site, you can w
h for information about
ideas with p eople my age. programme and searc
. ere are also videos on
bag news stories. Th .
cles about famous . ri, l\
different subjects, arti
petitions. The app , s
bands, games and com
I like to know what is kinds of smartphones. 1
free and works on all 11
�- )
happening in the world.
I'm also interested in
music and would like
D cienceZone
to learn more about my There's lots of information on this site
favourite stars. about maths, chemistry and biology.
You can 'visit' some of the world's most
famous museums and watch wildlife via
webcams. There are also some very cool
I'm interested in nature and wildlife games, such as Save the Planet.
and want to learn about ways to help
the planet. I like making short films E Tune-· u to
and want to share them with others. ong_s on this site for yo
There are millions of s u c an sa ve y our
to onhne. Yo
download or listen . If yo u're in a band,
. ur own 1•1 st
4 Read about six websites and decide which is best
for each person. In pairs, compare your answers.
favourate songs ·1n yo
you can record your
. nd upload it. The
music a .
website is lar g e, b
use. The app that goe
ut th e
s w1
s eas to
��'.''t�; exce�ent. ·"'1'f
.J fl)
F nside-t e-c ver
Finding out about your favourite writers is easy

II on this site. There are lots of interesting articles

and information about the latest books. You
can read biogs by well-known writers and post
questions and messages to
them. There are in s to
other sites too.
32 UNIT 5
Internet nouns and verbs
G» nouns and six verbs.
Look at the words in the texts on page 60. Find six
Listen to three young app developers talking
about their work. Match each speaker to what the
Match the nouns to definitions 1-6. app they made helps you do.
1 This is all the pages online that you can visit. Speaker 1 a use your time well
2 You can write things here for others to read and Speaker 2 b learn things
reply to. Speaker 3 c play games
3 If you click on these, they take you to another
website. Listen again and complete the table.
4 This is another way of saying 'website'.
5 These are online diaries.
6 You look at this list to choose which part of a 1 2 3
website to visit. How old was each person when
they wrote their first app?
Use the verbs to complete the sentences.
How much is it?
7 You can ___ a short voice message and then How many people download it
share it with friends. per week?
8 You can ___ for information online by What can you do on the app?
typing a word into a box.
9 You can ___ a message or question on the
internet for others to read.
10 You can ___ a file from your computer onto
a website.
11 You can ___ a file from the internet to your
12 You can ___ a document or other file on Writing Part 6 An email
your computer so you don't lose it.
GET READY Count how many times these phrases
Listen and check. Then repeat. are used to start sentences in the texts in Reading
Exercise 4. Then find three other ways of starting
sentences in the texts.
1 There is/ There are ...
Reading Part 4 2 You can ...
3 This ...
2 For each question, choose the correct answer. PLAN You are going to reply to this email from
your penfriend.

Catherine Cook was only 15 when: She had the idea
a new (1) ___ to help people find' Tell me about your favourite website or app.
She also had lots of great ideas about how What's it called? What can you do on it? Why
make different from everythfrj
do you like it?
else on the (2) ___ is now called Make notes to help you answer each question.
When you join, you fill in a form and (3) ___ • WRITE Write your email. Use the descriptions of
a photo of yourself to the site. After that, you the websites in Reading Exercise 4 to help you. Try
can start (4) ___ for friends to add. It's to begin each sentence with a different phrase.
not difficult to explore the site and (5) ___ Begin Dear Sal, and end with your name. IMPROVE
people. You can play games, post (6) ___, do
In pairs, read each other's emails. Check that you
quizzes and more. It's available on the web and as
an app. both included all the information from your plan
and that you started each sentence with a
1 A website B computer C file different phrase.
2 A information B link C internet
3 A record B upload C copy
4 A searching B finding C missing
5 A talk B contact C speak
6 A screens B menus C messages

UNIT 5 33
What are· the three biggest cities in your country?
What are they famous for?
What's good or bad about living in cities?

3 In pairs, talk about the city where you live, or your

capital city. What things from Exercises 1 and 2
does it have? What are their names?
Places in a city
4 What countries are these cities in? Which are
capital cities? What are they famous for?
1 Think about what can you do at the places in the
box. Write five questions. Then test your partner. Beijing Cairo London Madrid
Mexico City Mumbai New Delhi
cafe church hospital library New York Paris Rio de Janeiro
museum park police station Rome San Francisco Tokyo
post office restaurant shop
sports centre theatre train station
university Listen to the quiz. Match the questions to the
names of the cities.
Where do you go to buy a stamp? Question 1 Mumbai
Question 2 Tokyo
A post office. What do you use a bridge for? Question 3 Rio de Janeiro
Question 4 Paris
Question 5 New York
2 Match the words in the box to photos A-L. Question 6 Beijing
c::]>) 6
G) art gallery cathedral embassy 85
Read the sentences and write the name of the city.
Then listen again and check.
fountain mosque old town palace
shopping area skyscraper stadium 1 It's the largest city in the world.
statue temple 2 Every year, there's a big carnival here.
3 Lots of films are made here.
4 The city has a lot of bridges.
Listen and check. 5 The Olympic Games were in this city in 2016.
6 It has a statue that's known around the world.
7 It's the second-biggest city in China.
8 Its most famous cathedral is on an island.
34 UNIT 6
.. - -
- - .. ....,...

GRAMMAR Determiners 5 Read the examples below and underline all the
examples of all, both, other and another. Choose
the correct word to complete the rules.
1 Read the sentences in Exercise 6 on page 64 again
and underline all the examples of a/an and the.
All the questions are about cities.
Are you all ready?
Choose the correct word to complete the rules.
The city has both beaches and museums.
Central Park and Times Square are both popular.
We use the I a/an to introduce something for the There are many other great places to visit.
first time. The other famous thing here is the statue of Jesus.
We use the/ a/an to talk about something already There's another beautiful church in the city.
mentioned; with superlatives; if there is only one
in the world; in front of first, second, etc. We use all/ both to talk about two things.
We use all/ both to talk about a total number
2 Complete the email with the or a/an. of things.
Another/ Other means 'one more'.

I'm having (1) ___ great holiday in Rome 6 Complete the text about Australian cities with all,
both, other and another. Use each word twice.
with my family! Today we visited (2) ___
Colosseum, and we went to (3) ___
fantastic museum called MAXXI. Afterwards, my
brother and I each had (4) ___ ice cream
in (5) ___ city centre. We both said it was
(6) ___ best ice cream in (7) ___
world! Tomorrow, we're going to see (8) ___
Trevi Fountain and also (9) ___ palace
Australian cities have a lot to offer visitors to the
- but I can't remember which one. Rome is
country. (1) ___ visitors to Australia should go to
(10) ___ really wonderful city!
Sydney. It's the largest and oldest city in the country,
and (2) ___ the Opera House and Harbour Bridge
are important world-famous monuments. (3) ___

popular cities are Perth, Brisbane and Cairns.
Cairns is in Queensland, in the northeast of Australia.
From this city, you can enjoy (4) ___ the rainforest
�) 3 Listen and repeat. When do we say /oi:/
and when do we say /oaf?
and the ocean, including the Great Barrier Reef.
(5) ___ thing you can do in Cairns is learn
(6) ___ about the culture of the Aboriginal people
/air/ the /oa/the of Australia.
the oldest the youngest Melbourne is (7) ___ great Australian city. It has
excellent museums and also a modern arts centre.
the east the north
Phillip Island is not far from Melbourne, and you can
the Atlantic Ocean the Pacific Ocean see koalas, penguins, kangaroos and many
the Olympic the World Cup (8) ___ animals here.
7 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
4 Put the words into the correct column
G1 It's a biggest museum in my town.
in the table.
2 it's not boring like others computer games.
the apple the Arctic · 3 The T-shirts cost both £l5.
the dog the Earth 4 This phone has very good screen and camera.
the Indian Ocean the North Sea 5 I went to park and I played football with my friends.
the orange the River Nile 6 We went on holiday to the·Edinburgh.
the Statue of Liberty the umbrella

�>) Listen and check. Then repeat.

8 In pairs, write a city quiz.

···· ························
87 • Choose three cities.
Write some notes about each one.
················· • Describe the cities to another pair of students.
···· • Can they guess your cities? Can you guess theirs?

UNIT 6 35
Reading Part 1
Look at the signs, notices and messages. For 1-4,
where would you see them? For 5 and 6, where is
2 For questions 1-6, choose the correct answer.
In pairs, compare your answers and say why
the writer? Match each sign to a place in the box.
you chose the answer you did.
at school in a shop by a river 1 A Children cannot come here without
at a train station in a cafe on a website an adult.
B It's not possible to see the animals all year.
C Summer prices are lower than winter ones.
2 A There's one trip in the morning and
Wilcllife Safarii Parili another in the afternoon.
B Go online to get more information about
Open March to October · � the boat trips.
Under 16s £12.50 Adults £25.00 C One of the boat trips is longer than
� the other.
Click here to book! �
3 A Some of these jeans aren't available in
all sizes.
B The assistant can tell you which size
looks best.
C Staff here can help you find the right size.
4 A You can leave your suitcases here.
B You must arrive early to leave your bag.
C If you have two bags, you get a discount
on the smaller one.
5 What must Tilly do now?
A Go to the cinema as quickly as possible.
B Let her friends know what to do next.
C Stay where she is until her friends arrive.
6 Why did Lily write this message?
A to give Jack some bad news about the
concert on Saturday
B to tell Jack to get a ticket for the concert
C to invite Jack to a concert

We open early and close late

09 Watch the video and ask and answer
the questions.
What's your favourite city?
Why do you like it there?
Is there anything you don't like about it?
What places in your city do you go to regularly
and why?

Can't call as class is starting, but are you free

Saturday night? We've got tickets for a rock
concert and Dad says I can bring a friend!

36 UNIT 6
Uncountable nouns

1 Complete the table. Match the 1 Read the six conversations. Which conversations do
� uncountable nou�s in the box to the pictures A and B show?
W countable nouns m the table.

electricity food furniture

homework information
jewellery luggage money
news staff traffic wildlife

Countable Uncountable 1 A: Hi. Can I help you?

1 desk furniture B: (1) ___ go bowling this afternoon.
2 project A: Ah, (2) ___ we're closing in ten minutes. Come
3 article back tomorrow morning.
4 car B: Oh, OK. Thanks.
5 coin 2 A: Excuse me. (3) ___ open the door for me?
6 meal B: (4) ___ . There you are.
7 battery A: Thanks!
8 details 3 A: (5) ___ leave my guitar here while I go round the
9 animals museum?
10 shop assistant B: (6) ___ . You need to put it in the cloakroom. It's
11 suitcase over there, next to the shop.
12 necklace A: Thank you.
4 A: Excuse me. (7) ___ open the window? It's really
2 Complete the sentences with the hot in here.
countable or uncountable form of the B: (8) ___ . I'm hot too!
words in the table in Exercise 1. 5 A: Excuse me. (9) ___ the way to the skatepark?
B: (10) ___. Walk along this road for about
1 I haven't got much in my room
100 metres, then turn left. You'll see the park on
- just a bed and a chair.
your right.
2 I've got two science to finish
A: Great! Thanks very much.
this weekend!
6 A: Excuse me. (11) ___ have a can of lemonade,
3 There's an interesting about
Rihanna in this magazine.
B: (12) ___. That's £1.50, please.
4 There's too much on the streets
in my town. 2 Complete the conversations with the phrases from the box.
5 Have you got a sop ? I need it for
the drinks machine. Can you tell me Could I
6 Mum prepared a lot of for our Could you Do you mind if I
picnic. I'd like to · I'm afraid not
7 Dad says my new radio doesn't use I'm sorry, but Is it OK if I
much No problem Of course
8 You can find all the you need Sure That's fine
about the competition on the website.
9 The number of in Africa is going
down. tj>)
Listen and check. In pairs, practise the conversations.
10 I couldn't find a member of
to help me.
11 I took a really small when I
went on holiday.
12 My sister gave me a lovely piece of
for my birthday.
1 In pairs, write three new conversations. For each
conversation choose:
3 )) Work with a partner. Go to page 137.
• a different place - shop/cafe /park/tourist information
office, etc.
• a different request - something to eat/drink/ a ticket/
help/advice/ directions, etc.
2 Role-play your conversations for the class for them to
guess where you are.

UNIT 6 37
1 When do you need ideas from other people?
Tick the sentences that are true for you. LIFE SKILLS
to do projects at school Brainstorming is a way to think of
to decide what to wear in the morning different ideas:
to make a room more attractive for a party • to solve a problem
to do homework • to create something
to buy a present for a friend • to plan something
In pairs, compare your answers. Brainstorming is thinking of lots of ideas
in a group or individually. If more people
2 Think of an example where you worked with other take part, then there are more ideas.
people to get ideas and tell the class.

Last term, we had a science project. We had

to think of an experiment to do in groups.

3 Read the text and match groups A-D to the

brainstorm techniques 1-4.


, �lllfU)

location School trip to the mountains

Food Drink Clothes E ui ment

sandwiches water warm backpack
biscuits juice sweat-er- -- -whistle

monuments shops

4 ��
Name for our school pet

Arcl1ie Fluffl


4 Read the texts again and answer the questions. c::]>)
7 Listen again and answer the questions.
GROUP A 1 What are the topics they mention first?
1 Did all the students write down their ideas? 2 List two of the themes the students suggest.
2 How did they organise their ideas? 3 Which nationalities do they mention?
4 How many topics do they have at the end?
GROUP B 5 What is the name of the final topic they
3 What did the students write in the circles? mention?
4 Did all the students write in the circles?
8 Choose the correct options.
5 What did the students write in the middle circle?
6 Did they learn new information? USEFUL LANGUAGE
1 Do we/ Shall we all write down a list of
GROUP D suggestions first I firstly?
7 What did the students use to show their ideas? 2 Why don't we/ We think to make a mind map?
8 What did they do with ideas that were the same? 3 Then/ Last, what about the other circles?
5 In pairs, discuss which brainstorming idea you
4 What about/ Let's start with the theme.
5 Shall we/ How about different nationalities?
think is best and explain why.
6 Next/ After, we'll have to choose decorations.
6 Listen to four students planning a school party.
Which brainstorming method do they use?
c::]>) Listen again and check.

We chose one person in our group to be the
secretary, who wrote down the ideas. We put the
ideas in lists in different columns. When" we "had lots
of ideas, we numbered them in order of importance.
Then, we crossed out the ideas we didn't like so
much. In the end, we planned a fantastic event! You see this advertisement for a competition
and decide to take part.

In my group, we drew lots and lots of circles on the

page. Then, we took turns to put an idea in each
bubble or circle. We didn't write sentences. Instead,
we wrote one or two words which expressed our
idea, although some people drew a picture. Some
Have you got an idea for a new film?
of the ideas were crazy, but it was fun to see things
that other people thought were important. Make a poster with the title, names of
the actors and a scene from the film.
Write a short description of the scene
you choose.
The winners will spend a day at the film
We decided to draw a circle in the middle of the school, learning to use cameras and
page and write the topic in the centre. Then, we
create special effects.
drew lines which connected the middle circle
to the other circles. Each of the circles contained
ideas about a different part of the topic. It was • Work in small groups.
good because everyone knew different pieces of • Read the situation.
information, like names or places, so when we • Decide which brainstorming technique you
finished, we had a lot to write about. are going to use.
• Brainstorm ideas.
Ciroup D • Choose the best ideas and make a poster
for the competition.
Each person in the class wrote one idea on a card. • Present your poster and explain your film
Then, we put all the cards on the board at the back idea to another group or to the class.
of the room. We put the cards that had the same
ideas together in groups on the board and then we
voted to decide on the best one.
1 Match the words 1-8 to a-h to make compound 1 Choose the correct words to complete the
nouns. Use each word once only. tY.i sentences.

1 shopping a class 1 My dad hadn't/ didn't have to work yesterday.
2 card b film 2 I'm happy with your idea about go/ going
3 old c game shopping.
4 fitness d board 3 I think that I lost it on the I a sofa in the living
5 art e assistant room.
6 action f area 4 I bought three shirts who/ which cost £10, £17
7 message g gallery and £25.
8 shop h town
0 Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
2 Find the odd word out in each set. Say why it
5 Oh, and we must forget to take our video and
does not fit.
O blog link (prize) site 6 I will try call to you on Wednesday.
'Prize' is the odd one out. The others are all 7 Where can I find an information about the bus
about the internet. times?
1 traffic stadium cricket fan 8 My favourite meal is pizza. I love it, especially
2 horror skier musical adventure the pizza who my mum cooks!
3 embassy mosque temple cathedral
4 guest member statue relative 2 Put the words in the correct order to make
5 climber diver runner golfer sentences.
6 board game puzzle video game 1 lots/ I/to/listening/of/kinds/of/enjoy/
badminton music/different/.
7 skyscraper tournament champion 2 for/contact/Could/to/school/you/try/
professional the/me/?
3 Write the missing letters to complete the word in
3 anyone/speak/exam/mustn't/to/before/
each sentence.
4 I/this/is/than/interesting/think/film/
1 Ben loves all kinds of sport. He's starting the/one/more/other/.
k _____ lessons on Saturday. 5 helping/the/ I/with/mind/activities/don't/
2 I was really sad when my mum was in hospital. tomorrow/you/sports/.
Im her a lot. 6 worried/was/about/another/ Frank/dance/
3 Do you have a c ______ at the school? joining/class/.
Then I can phone and ask for that person. 7 caught/bus/outside/hospital/that/ Elsa/
4 I don't want to play cards. Let's do a stops/the/the/.
p _____ instead.
5 My favourite type of film is a 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
c _____ because they always make me the verbs in brackets.
laugh. 1 I might stop ___ (have) piano lessons next
6 It didn't take a long time to u _____ all year.
the photos to my blog. 2 My best friend hopes___ (take part) in the
7 I found a great new website for teens. You don't cricket match on Saturday.
have to pay. It's free to j ___. 3 We decided ___ (visit) the art gallery first.
8 I got my mum a necklace for her birthday as 4 I forgot ___ (do) my maths homework last
I know she loves j ________. night.
5 My mum really misses ___ (see) my brother
now that he's at university in the USA.
6 You need ___ (write) your names on this
list before we start.
7 I didn't enjoy ___ (watch) that horror film
last night.

Reading Part 1
1 For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 A Ben wants Jim to go to the cinema without
B Ben will catch the next bus.
C Ben is meeting his mum at the cinema.
2 A There is something missing from the
B The skateboard is several years old.
C The skateboard is too small for Diana.
3 A Penny asks John to send a text to
Aunt Sandra.
B Penny wants to call Aunt Sandra.
C Penny needs to get Aunt Sandra's address.
■ Needs wheels 4 A All pizzas are free in the evening.
■ £20 ■ Small size B Two pizzas cost the same as one.
C The cheapest pizzas cost £6.

� - - - -''''�
Diana 09863567 � S A Andy tells Clare that he found her umbrella
in the bookshop.
B Andy will contact the bookshop to tell them
Clare will collect his umbrella.
C Andy dropped his umbrella and wants Clare
to find it for him.
6 A There are classes twice a week.
B All classes are full price at the moment.
C The classes are for adults only.
Listening Part 3
2 For these questions, choose the correct answer.
�>) You will hear Serena talking to her friend Ed about
97 the new sports centre.
1 What does Serena like best about the new sports
Starting at £6 A she can take fitness classes.
Buy two, get one free B she can play racket sports.
6 pm-9 pm only C she can go climbing.
2 The sports centre closes
A at the same time every day.
B later on Saturdays and Sundays.
Clare C earlier in the holidays.
3 Serena thinks Ed will like climbing because
I left my umbrella in the bookshop. Can A he already knows the teacher.
you pick it up for me? I'll let them know B he doesn't like team sports.
you're coming. C he's got a strong body.
Andy. 4 Ed likes board games because
A they make him think.
B he doesn't have to move around.
C he can't play them at school.
S Ed can contact the games club
A by text.
B by letter.
C by email.

The Great
1 O things to do
before you're 16

d the app and tick the

Start with these ten activities. Downloa
do them in any �rder
activities off as you do them. You can
hed these ten, click on
and at any time. When you have finis
Sport, and download ten
another section, Animals, People or
your friends.
more. Compare your activities with
> �----� (V ABOUTYOU
List as many outdoors activities that you can
think of.

READING Which ones do you like doing?

Which ones don't you like doing?

Outdoor activitie

1 Match the phrases in the box to the pictures on the website A-J.

camp under the stars climb a tree explore a cave

kayak down a river look for fossils pick wild fruit
play in the snow record birdsong track wild animals
try rock climbing

c:j>) Listen, check and repeat.


2 Listen to Juan talking to his friend Susanna about the activities
on the website. Which activities would Juan like to do?
�! 3 Listen again and complete the table about Susanna. Which activities are new for Susanna and which are not new?


Not new

4 Look at the table. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

1 Which of the outdoor activities on the website do you like doing or would you like to do? Why?
2 Which ones don't you like doing or wouldn't you like to do? Why?

42 UNIT 7
GRAMMAR Present perfect with ever and never

1 Read the statements and questions. Then, choose the correct words to complete the rules.

Statements Questions Short answers

I've picked wild fruit. Have you ever kayaked down a river? Yes, I have.
I've never tracked wild animals. Have you ever climbed a tree? No, I haven't.

1 We use have or has and the present/ past
participle of the main verb to form the present
g PRONUNCIATION Past participles

�! 4
perfect. Listen to the past participles and decide
2 We use the present perfect to talk about in which words we say -ed as an extra
experiences in the past/ present/ future. syllable.
3 We can/ can't use words like last week or ago
with the present perfect. Write these verbs as past participles in
4 We use never/ ever in present perfect the correct column.
questions about people's experiences.
5 We use never/ ever in present perfect climb collect end explore
statements about people's experiences. finish hate jump paint
play tidy try want

camped recorded
2 Make sentences and questions in the present
1 My mum/ visit/ a safari park.
2 I/ never camp/ in the winter.
3 you/ ever pick/ fruit from a tree?
4 Kris/ ever climb/ a mountain? c:J>) Listen and check. Then repeat.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·····
5 We/ never return/ to the amazing campsite :•·
in the woods. ···················· ·:
6 My little sisters/ play/ in snow. ···
3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. S Make questions about the activities on the
website on page 76 using the present perfect.
@ 1 I never try sleeping under the stars before. Then, in pairs, ask and answer them.
2 These are the best apples I ever picked.
3 My mother has never play the piano. Have you ever played in the snow?
4 And it is in a forest. The best place I never visited.
5 No, I've ever failed an exam.
Yes, I have.

Have you ever explored a cave?

No, I haven't.

UNIT 7 43

Reading Part 5
1 Read the introduction to the quiz. For each question, write the correct answer.
Write ONE word for each gap.

Hi Nina
Have (0) a look at this quiz. I found it (1) . . . ............... ............ the internet and thought you'd like to see it. It's
about people's different life experiences, both good (2) ___ bad.Don't worry! I did the quiz and there
are quite a (3) ___ things I haven't done. Some things are more fun (4) ___ others - for example
who wants to ride a horse? However, I read that it's important to have different kinds of life experiences
because they help us learn (5) ___ the world. Let (6) ___ know what you think.

2 Match the questions in the Life Quiz to photos A-L.

-- �-
Answer the questions in the Life Quiz. In pairs,

---- ---------
compare your answers. Are your answers the
same or different?

IZ - -------

0 Have you ever swum with sharks?

E) Have you ever broken anything valuable?
9 Have you ever met a famous person?
0 Have you ever had a bad dream?
0 Have you ever eaten Korean food?
0 Have you ever been in a film?
f.) Have you ever made fresh pasta? TALKING POINTS
0 Have you ever slept in a tent? ® 10 Watch the video and ask and answer
the questions.
0 Have you ever grown vegetables to eat? What's the most amazing thing you've ever done?
What's the most interesting place you've ever
· (I!) Have you ever ridden a horse? visited?
(D Have you ever flown in a plane? What's the most unusual thing you've ever done?

® Have you ever sent a message in a bottle?

Have you swum with dolphins?
Have you ridden a camel?
1:ta11e_yo_u_eateo_aJrog7�- - - - - - - -

44 UNIT 7
Past participles

1 What is the past simple form of each verb in the box? 1 Now, you're going to write your own
G» Now, match each verb to a past participle in the quiz. Life Quiz.
a In pairs, think of other life experiences
be break eat fly grow have you think are important. They can be
make meet ride send sleep swim good or bad.
b In pairs, write six questions beginning
Have you ever ...
2 In pairs, take turns to name a photo from the Life Quiz c In small groups, read each other's
and make a true statement about it. questions and choose eight questions
you think are the best.
Picture I I've ridden a horse. Picture A d Individually, write the eight questions for
the Life Quiz on a piece of paper. Make
I've never slept in a tent. I like sleeping inside. sure there is room to write answers for at
least two students.
3 In groups, ask and answer questions about the most e Ask your questions to at least two other
exciting thing each of you has done. Tell the class. students in the class. Don't ask students
from your group.
f In your original group, discuss the
answers students gave you to the eight
g Report back to the class about the
results of the Life Quiz. Use the phrases
Listen to the radio show. Jim is talking to Christina Wells, in the box to help you.
an explorer. Which three parts of the world does she talk
We asked ... students.
Listen again. Complete the questions about each trip. Some of the students we asked have ...
Then in pairs, answer the questions. Most of the students we asked have ...
Most of the students we asked
Trip 1
haven't ...
1 Complete Jim's question to Christina: Have you ever
None of the students we asked have ...
___? All of the students we asked have ...
2 What was she doing in the rainforest?
3 What information did she not want to share with people?
Trip 2
4 Complete Jim's question to Christina: Have you ever
5 How was she travelling to the North Pole?
6 What did she do to help her think more clearly?
Trip 3
7 What is different for Christina about this trip?
8 How will she travel?
9 How long will it take?

UNIT 7 45
Do you like shopping? Why?/ Why not?
What shops do you go to the most?


1 Match the shop words in the box to the

G) photos A-L.
bakery bookshop butcher's 21st March
cafe chemist's clothes shop
department store market
newsagent's shoe shop
sweet shop supermarket
Are you a reader? Then this is the place for you.
Listen and check. Then repeat. Choose something from the shelves. Then relax,

have a coffee and read.
Where can you buy these things? Choose Comfortable sofas and free wi-fi.
from the shops in Exercise 1. Sometimes,
there is more than one possibility.

bread burgers
52 Main Street .. ... ..
Do you like sweets and chocolates?
magazines sandwich socks Come and choose from the hundreds we
sun cream tea towels trainers have in our shop.
You can even try before you buy!
Opening 20th March.
3 In pairs, think of at least two more things
you can buy in each shop.
4 Read the advertisements in a magazine. One Foot After Another
113 River Avenue
What kind of shops are they?
We've got everything you need for your feet.
5 Where ca'n you ... There's something for everyone in our store.
Walking boots on sale.
1 surf the internet?
Our first day is 3rd April.
2 buy something to wash your hands with?
3 buy something for a lower price � -
than usual? Shop and Try
4 have some free food?
5 pick up something you bought online?
All the latest rashions in clothes.
6 Read the advertisements again and answer
the questions.
Order online, collect from our shop in York.
Try your jeans, jumpers and dresses on in store.
Make sure they're right for you!
1 What is the date of the magazine?
2 When does each shop open?
'O ' Chemist's
30 Grove Street
As well as medicines, get soap and make-up here.
Everything you need for baby too.
Free coffee.
46 UNIT 8
Present perfect with just, 4

Write a list of six things you've just done. In pairs,

yet, already compare your lists.

1 The date of the magazine is 21st March.

I've just opened my book.
Which shops are open and which shops will be 5 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
open soon?
@ 1 You already borrow my book for a week.
Reading Time (6th March). It has already opened. 2 I've just bought a new smartphone, but I didn't
Something Special (20th March). It has just opened. put music on it yet.
One Foot After Another (3rd April). It hasn't 3 I just see a football match with my father.
opened yet. 4 I already have bought something to eat.
Has One Foot After Another opened yet? No, 5 Are you still looking for your keys? If you don't
it hasn't. find them yet, I think they are in your bag.
Choose the correct sentence, a or b, for these two
shops. Today is 21st March.
Shop and Try'opens on 24th March. Intonation: questions and statements
Brown's Chemist's opened on 19th March.
a It hasn't opened yet.
�� 6 Listen and repeat.
b It has just opened. Has your brother arrived yet?
Yes, he's just arrived.
2 Study the examples in Exercise 1. Then match 1-4 Has your sister arrived yet?
with a-d to make sentences about the present Yes, she's already arrived.
1 To talk about something which happened a
very short time ago,
2 To talk about something which we expect to
7 Make a list of ten things you do every day. In
pairs, ask and answer questions about today.
happen in the future,
3 To talk about something which happened not Hav� you done your homework yet?
long ago, or sooner than someone expected,
4 To ask about something which we expect to
Yes, I've already done my homework.
happen in the future,
a we use the present perfect negative with yet. Have you used the computer yet? ,,,
b we use present perfect questions with yet.
c we use the present perfect with already. Yes, I've just used the computer.
d we use the present perfect with just.

3 Look at the things in the picture that Carla has

just bought for a camping trip. Then, look at her
shopping list. Answer the questions using yet
and already.
1 Which things has she already bought?
2 Which things hasn't she bought yet? water bottle

blanket D hat D
socks D gloves D
biscuits D T-shirt D
boots D scarf D
toothbrush D fruit D

UNIT 8 47
You might be surprised at the
answer. Teenagers in the UK spend more
Most teenagers receive pocket money every of their money on food than on clothes.
week. But not everyone gets the same amount of Is that true for you too? Teens do more
money. Have you asked your friends how much shopping online than before and online
they get? You might be surprised. And if you're a girl clothes shopping is cheaper. So perhaps
you'll be amazed to learn that boys often get more this is one reason they don't
than girls of the same age! spend so much on clothes.
Teenagers up to the age of about 15 in the Some parents do!
UK have about £5 a week in pocket money. But in They only let them buy some
Italy, France and Spain, the same age group gets things. Other parents want
about€9, which is a bit more. In the US, pocket their teens to save all their
money is called 'an allowance: Most teenagers get pocket money and spend
an allowance of about $30, which is more than it on something big in the
£20 or€25. future, or not spend it at all.
Quite a lot of teenagers do.They have to do
things in the house, like washing-up and cleaning TALKING POINTS
and then they get their pocket money. If they What was the most surprising thing for you in the article?
don't do the jobs, they don't get the money. Some
teenagers have part-time jobs too, which means
they have more than their pocket money to spend
each week. Units of measurement
and money

1 Complete the sentences using words from the box.

� centimetres dollars and cents euros and cents

1 In pairs, ask and answer the questions. grams kilograms kilometres litres
metres millilitres pounds and pence
1 What is pocket money?
2 Do you get pocket money? 1 You buy food in ___ or ___
3 How much do you get a week? 2 You buy drink in ___ or ___
4 Do you spend more of your pocket money 3 You use--� ___ and ___ to buy things.
on food or clothes? 4 You find out how far away something is in--�
Read the article quickly. Match the question --- and ---
to the correct paragraph. 2 Work with a partner and decide how you say the
a So what happens in different countries? amounts.
b Do teens have to work for their pocket
money? 260 g €15.34 700 ml 55 cm 2.5 I
c Do parents tell teens what to spend pocket 37 p £19.99 6 kg 62 c $27 1.65 m
money on?
d What do teenagers spend their money on?
e Do all teenagers get pocket money? cj>)
Listen and check. Then repeat.

3 Answer the questions about the article. 3 Complete the descriptions for photos 1-4 with the
words in the box.
1 What's the difference between the pocket �
money girls get and the pocket money a pair of a set of a slice of a variety of
boys get?
2 Where do teenagers get more pocket money,
the USA, the UK or Italy, France and Spain?
- - �whc1Cis poc:ket mon-ercalled in~ th-e USA7- - - - - - -
3 ----.r:, ---- .."'�...--
4 What dq some teens have to do before they
get thei'r pocket money? 1 ............ .. .. . pizza 3 . ..... ............ cups
5 How do some teenagers add to their pocket
6 What do some parents want their children
to do with their pocket money?
2 ........... ..... sunglasses 4 drinks

48 UNIT 8
4 Complete the sentences with the words from 5 In pairs, write conversations. Use the ideas below
Exercise 3. and the conversation in Exercise 4 to help you.
Then, in pairs, practise the conversations.
1 I've just bought ___ shoes. Do you like
them? 1 You're planning a day out at the beach with your
2 Let's have ___ music styles at the party. friend. You forgot about the food.
We can have rock, blues and rap. 2 You're planning a visit to a new shopping centre.
3 Can you pass me the knife? I'll cut you ___ You forgot how you're going to get there.
4 Our teacher has got ___ keys for the school.

1 Work in pairs. Tell your partner what you like to Writing Part 6 An email
eat on your birthday.
David and Lana are planning a birthday picnic for GET READY Read the note from David to
their friend Pia. Listen and tick(✓) the things they his dad. Correct the punctuation. Add full
have already got. stops, capital letters, apostrophes and
question marks.

Mar cuul

LOJ'\Ov OJ'lcl � need, to get. some �U'\gs for

• pizzas • fruit juice pi.o.s POvrtH pLea,se Gru"I !:jOU us to the
superm0vrket. ��s mornU'lg �OJ'\ks see !:jOU
• crisps water

Pfacf � In pairs, compare your corrected notes.

PLAN You have just bought a birthday
cake blanket present for your sister. Write a message
about it to your English friend Sam.
lemonade presents! In your message
• say what you have bought for your sister
• say why you chose it
• say which shop you bought it in.

�! 3 Listen again. Look at the list in Exercise 2.

How much of each food and drink have they got
WRITE 25 words or more. Make sure you
include information about all three ideas
or do they want? in your answer. Think carefully about
4 Read the next part of Lana and David's
IMPROVE In pairs, read each other's notes
conversation and answer the questions.
and look for mistakes. Check that you have
Lana: Hey, just a minute, we forgot about music. both included all the necessary information
We haven't chosen the music yet. and that you used punctuation correctly.·
We can't have a party without music. What
shall we do?
David: I could bring my guitar, I suppose.
Lana: Yes, and I can text everyone who's
coming, if you like, and ask them to bring
instruments, too. Right. Is that all?
David: Oh, I nearly forgot. The biscuits! I'll try and
make them this afternoon. If not, I'll make
them in the morning.
Lana: OK.
1 Which two underlined phrases make offers and
2 Which underlined phrase says what the situation
will be when something does not happen?

UNIT 8 49
first word
you said?
To learn something well, you need to
• use a notebook • revise
• practise • try
It's normal to make mistakes when we
are doing something new. But we can
learn from our mistakes as well. H ave you ever thought about how babies
learn to speak? For the first months of their
lives, they e,y and make noises, but, in general,
children start forming words when they are

1 Think about how you learn and answer about 12 months old. Which are the first words
they say? Sometimes, they are the words they hear
the questions.
most often, sometimes the words for things they like.
1 How did you learn that 2 x 2 = 4,
They usually start with words like mama, papa or dada.
2 X 3 = 6, 2 X 4 = 8, etc.?
Some scientists say that sounds like ma, da, pa and ba
2 How did you learn to ride a bicycle?
3 How do you learn to remember names are the easiest sounds to make, so when parents are
and dates in history? very happy because their child is saying mama, in fact
the baby is just experimenting with making noises!
2 Match questions 1-3 in Exercise 1 to
answers a-c. Then match them to one of All children begin learning their language first by listening
the ideas in the Life skills box. and then speaking. They start with words for objects,
a At first, I couldn't do it, but my brother like car or dog, then verbs for actions, like drink or eat,
helped me to go along our street every slowly adding other kinds of words to make sentences.
day until one day I could do it by myself. They can understand more difficult words and
b We said it in class and repeated it lots sentences, but they can't say them. Some children
and lots of times. speak more than others Oust like adults!) and some
c I work with a friend and we ask each children speak earlier than others, but by practising,
other questions about the things we they all learn in the end.
learn in class.
One mother tells the story of her son who
3 Did you learn to do these things in the
same way? In pairs, discuss how you
didn't speak until he was four years old.
Before then, he pointed when he wanted
something or just made strange noises.
4 Read the text. Circle the language skills One day, he came into the kitchen for
it mentions. breakfast and said, 'Can I have some
a reading b listening chocolate cereal, please?' And then, he
c speaking d writing never stopped chatting.
So when you start to learn another language,
remember ttiarit oo years for you to learn­
yours! If you keep listening and trying hard
to speak, you improve, just like in your
own language.

c:J� 9 Listen again and tick(✓) the expressions Mario

Did you know?

uses to make his presentation.

• Babies can learn any

ore diffic ult than another. 1 Hello, my name's Mario.
No langua ge is m
2 I'm going to talk about ...
eir first words
• Most chi ldren say th 3 The first thing I want to tell you about is ...
onths old.
between 11 and 14 m 4 Next,
Michael Kearney, 5 For example,
• A boy from the USA, 6 Finally,
n he was four
spoke his first words whe 7 To sum up,
secondary school
months old and finishe d 8 Does anyone have any questions?
when he was six ye ars old.

10 Do you know any people who speak English?

Do you try to talk to them in English?
In pairs, discuss your experiences.
5 Read the text on page 94 again. Are the sentences
right(✓) or wrong(X)?
1 Babies make thei_r first sounds when they are
about a year old. � PROJECT
2 Their first words are often words they have heard
a lot.
3 Some scientists think that babies aren't thinking
about their mother when they say mama.
4 Babies use verbs before nouns when they start Description: Th�s
speaking. �s o., vocoJ>t.Alru-�
5 The boy who didn't speak until he was four didn't
make any sounds at all. g(}J'Y)e. Yot.A
6 You can learn a new language better if you listen ho.,ve to
more and talk less. <ie,fi,nilions or word,s
6 Match the highlighted words in the text to the <l.Yld, mol-.cl1 them to the pi,c,t.ureh.
definitions. Opinion: 1es 0v ft.An g(}J'Y)e, bl.Ab HOlA h0vve
1 making an effort to do something
---+--to be 920d, Ovb fi, !
2 doing new things to find out something
3 repeating something again and again
4 talking • Work in small groups.
5 making the shape of something • Individually, think of something you read in
6 increasing the number of something English that was interesting - a web page,
a blog, a game, an article, a book, etc. or
Listen to Mario talking to his class about learning something you enjoyed watching in English -
English. Why did he improve? a video, a film, a series, a cartoon, an activity
from your coursebook, etc.
Listen again and complete the sentences. • In your group, prepare a short information
1 Mario didn't like English at first because he page about each idea.
couldn't remember the ___ and ___ • Include: the title, what it is, where you can find
2 He met the brothers at the --- it (the link to a web page or a video etc.), your
3 He wrote the words in a book and ___ to opinion, photos, screenshots or drawings.
show the meaning. • Present your idea to the class. Try to use some
4 After the holiday, he sent his new friends ___ of the expressions from Exercise 9 and be ready
.5 When he needed a new word, he used an ___ to answer any questions about it.
6 He's going to ___ his friends next summer. • Create a class file for everyone and add new
pages when you find other interesting things to
read or watch in English.

I 1 Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

dollars grams litres metres pair pounds set slices

1 I've lost my ___ of coloured pens. Can I borrow yours?

2 There are ten of us, so let's cut the melon into ten ___
3 I think I've lost my new ___ of gloves. My mum won't be pleased!
4 The jacket was on sale for 30 ___ and 99 cents.
5 We need 250 ___ of flour to make the cake.
6 My dad's nearly two ___ tall. That's much taller than me.
7 In our family, we drink two ___ of milk a day. We all have it on our cereal.
8 I haven't got any money for the bus. Can you lend me two ___ 50 pence, please?

2 Match words from A to words in B to make verb phrases about life _experiences.

1 camp a cave
2 climb under the stars
3 explore wild animals
4 kayak in the snow
5 look for down a river
6 pick a tree
7 play wild fruit
8 track fossils

Now, write a sentence using each verb


3 Look at the photos and complete the

names of the places.
1 d s 2 s s


' ....

s 5 b____ 6 s_____
_____ __ ___

Listening Part 5
1 Choose the correct options to complete the
1 For each question, choose the correct
© sentences.
� answer.
1 They have never seen I never don't see a city 124
like it. You will hear Ella and Tom talking
2 My dad has already bought I already buy the
about people's hobbies. What is each
paint. person's hobby?
3 I have had it since/ for one year. PEOPLE HOBBIES
4 Last night, my sister left/ have left her bag on 0 Suzy F A collecting things
the train. B cooking

e Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1 Jason
C doing sport
2 Laura
D horse riding
3 Tom
5 I never been to a wedding and I want to come. E listening to
4 Ella
6 Tom left his science book at school and he music
5 Maria
needs it because he doesn't do his homework .F photography
yet. G playing an
7 My mum has played the violin for she was six. instrument
8 I have texted you an hour ago, but you didn't H shopping
Writing Part 6
2 Write questions for the answers. Then, answer
the questions about yourself. Use never,just, yet 2 You would like to go camping next
or already in your answers. weekend.
o Have you ever done a Saturdayjob? Write an email to your English friend, Sam.
No, I've never done a Saturday job. • Ask Sam to come with you.
1 Yes, I've just finished my homework. • Say where you want to go camping.
2 I've lived in this town for five years. • Tell Sam what to bring.
3 Yes, I have. I visited Russia in 2018 for the Write 25 words or more.
World Cup!
4 Yes, I've already read three English books Speaking Part 1
this year.
5 No, I've never cooked a pizza. 3 Make questions. Then, in pairs, ask and
6 I've known my best friend since I was three answer the questions.
years old. 1 How many languages/ you speak?
3 Complete the text with the correct form of the 2 How long have you studied/ spoken this/
these languages?
verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or present
perfect. 3 your parents/ grandparents/ speak/
same language?
I (1) ___ (love) languages since I (2) ___ 4 What language(s) / they speak?
(be) a little boy. My dad is English and my mum is 5 Which languages/ would/ like/ learn?
Spanish, and when I was young, they (3) ___ Why?
(speak) both languages to me at home. So I 6 ever visit countries that speak/ different
(4) ___ (begin) learning English and Spanish language?
as a baby. Then we (5) ___ (move) to Turkey 7 like/ learn/ English?
for my dad's work, and I (6) ___ (go) to 8 What/ most difficult thing/ about
primary school there. I (7) ___ (learn) Turkish English?
quite quickly in school. Now, we live in Japan. 9 What/ best thing/ about learning English?
I (8) ___ (not start) learning Japanese yet.
But I'm going to learn it soon.

I> Watch the video and discuss the questions.
Have you ever hurt yourself? What happene�?
Have you ever had an accident?
Have you ever broken a bone?

Bo part

1 Match the words in the box to the body parts 1-12.

ankle back blood brain ear finger

heart neck stomach thumb toe tongue

c:J>) Listen and check. Then repeat.


2 Name the body parts A-H. Listen and check.
3 Work in pairs. One of you says a letter or a number, the
other says the body part.
4 Match the definitions with the words from Exercise 1.
You may need to make some of the words plural.
1 You've got ten of these on your feet. __ _
2 Your food goes into here when you eat. ___
3 You think with this. ---
4 This joins your leg to your foot. ___
5 You've got four of these on each hand. ___
6 This carries things that keep us healthy around our bodies.

7 This joins your body to your head. __ _

8 You've got one of these on each hand. ___
9 You hear with these. ---
10 This is opposite to the front of your body. __ _
11 This sends blood around your body. __ _
12 You use this to talk. ---

5 Read Ben's blog on page 99 about what happened to him

yesterday. Which parts of his body did he hurt?
6 Are these sentences right(✓) or wrong(X)?
1 Ben got a bike for his birthday.
2 There were often quite a lot of people on the cycle path.
3 The two cyclists knocked Ben off his bike.
4 The two cyclists came back to help Ben.
5 Ben was able to ride his bike after the accident.
6 Ben had blood on _his clothes when he got home.

54 UNIT 9
This is me with my new bike- before the accident! Have you ever fallen off your bike and hurt
yourself? Well, here's my story.
It was my birthday (thanks for all the texts) and this amazing bike was my present. I went for a ride
by myself along the bike path. The path isn't usually busy. But that day there were two cyclists
coming towards me. I slowed down as quickly as possible but I forgot it was a new bike with good
brakes! I stopped really suddenly and fell off. I hit my ankle and it really hurt. The two cyclists
rode past and didn't stop. I sat on the ground and watched their backs as they rode away. They
were enjoying themselves too much to think about me! I got up by myself and picked up my bike,
which luckily was OK. My heart was beating fast as I cycled slowly home and people were looking
at me! When I got there I found out why- there was blood all over my T-shirt from a cut on my ear.

11jJ,Mji'i',j jI Reflexive pronouns

1 Look at the examples from Ben's blog and 5 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
complete the Grammar box.
0 1 I bought a new shirt for me which was very nice.
Have you ever fallen off your bike and hurt 2 Our friends had a really good time together and
yourself? everybody enjoyed.
They were enjoying themselves too much. 3 You need to bring a photo of you with your name.

2 Complete the table with reflexive pronouns:

4 She went herself. No one went with her.
5 We were both hungry, so we went out and
himself, yourselves, herself, ourselves.
bought us some sandwiches.

We use -self when the subject and the object of 6 Read the conversation and answer the questions.
the verb are the same/ a different person. 1 What's Sara done?
I myself we c 2 Where's she going?
you yourself you d 3 Who's going with her?
he a ___ they themselves Anna: Hi, Sara, are you ok?
she b Sara: Hi, Anna, no, not really.
I've hurt my big toe. Look!
Anna: Oh no, that's horrible! Are
you going to the doctor?
Sara: Yes.
3 Look at two more examples from Ben's blog and Anna: Are you going by yourself?
Sara: Yes, but I'll be fine.
match sentences 1 and 2 to meanings a and b.
Anna: No, you won't. I'll come with you.
1 I went for a ride by myself.
2 I got up by myself.
7 In pairs, write your own conversations about
an accident.
We use the expression by myself, yourself etc. to
mean a alone orb without any help. Use the conversation in Exercise 6 to help you.
Choose different sentences from the box to
include in each conversation.
4 Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive
pronouns. Practise your conversations. Then role-play
a conversation in front of the class.
1 Peter wasn't badly hurt and drove ___ to
the hospital.
2 Simon and I really enjoyed ___ at the party. Help yourselves!
3 I hurt ___ when I fell off the chair. I tried it myself and it was delicious.
4 Zoe told ___ that she wasn't ill. They didn't enjoy themselves that day.
5 Ben and Sara prepared all the food by ___ He couldn't do it by himself.
6 Be careful! Don't cut ___ with that knife! We bought ourselves new clothes after that.
7 'You can help ___ to paper and pens,' the Did she cut herself?
teacher said to the students.

UNIT 9 55
,, Yes! But how do you know when it's too loud? Can someone sitting next to you
on the train hear the music on your earphones? They can? Do they get upset?
Do they get angry? Well, then you need to make it quieter. Remember, you
need to look after your ears, so you'll be able to hear well when you're older.

Work with a partner. Look at Today's Topics on the
Teen Health website. What do you think the answers
to the questions are?
Adjectives to
Look at the questions on the Teen Health website. expre s emotion
Match them to the paragraphs.
Work with a partner. Read the texts again. Tell your 1 Match the words in the box to photos A-J.
partner what they say about:
1 earphones 5 feelings
G) angry confident embarrassed
2 hearing well 6 a friend, parent friendly lazy lonely surprised
3 too much sport or teacher unhappy upset worried
4 playing sport after 7 a plate of chips
meals 8 variety 2 Complete the sentences with the adjectives
in Exercise 1.
4 In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
1 I feel very ___ today. All I want to do is
1 Do you listen to loud music on your headphones? sit here and read my book. I don't want to
2 Do you eat healthily? What do you like to eat? do any exercise.
3 Do you do too little or enough exercise? 2 I was so ___ when the teacher asked
me to read my story. My face went red!
g PRONUNCIATION /u:/ and /u/
3 It was my first day at the new school today
and everyone was really ___ . It was
Listen and repeat the sentence. Do both the great!
129 5
oo words have the same sound? 4 I read a lot of French magazines, so I'm
really ___ about my French exam.
These types of food are gQQd for you. 5 My brother doesn't have any friends and he
gets very ___ by himself.
What other words sound like: 6 You look ___. You didn't think you'd get
a food? b good? 100% in that test did you?
7 That woman over there is very ___
·········································· ·
··· ················ She's shouting really loudly.
8 I can't find my phone anywhere. I'm really
In pairs, discuss whether you agree with the website's ___ that I've lost it.
answers to the teenagers' questions. 9 You look ___ today. Usually, you're
smiling and laughing! What's the matter?
10 He was-very ___ when he failed the
TALKING POINTS exam. He didn't want to talk to anyone.
Do you worry about any of these things? 3 In pairs, tell each other about different
What do people your age usually worry about? situations when you had some of the feelings
What do you worry about? Why? in Exercise 1.

56 UNIT 9
Everyone tells you it's not healthy to sit at the computer all day. For one
thing, it's very lonely and can make you feel lazy. But doing too much
sport can also be bad for you. Your body is still young, so you shouldn't
do too much exercise. You can easily hurt something. About an hour of
sport a day is right for a teenager. You should also think about when you
do sport. For example, you can get a stomach ache if you play tennis just
after you've eaten.

Everyone feels unhappy from time to time, so you're not alone. Don't
be surprised. It's normal for your feelings to change at your age. Is there
something you're worried about? Find a friendly person to talk to, like
your mum or dad or a teacher. You might get a bit embarrassed, but you'll
be glad that you did. If you talk about your problems, they aren't so bad.

The answer to this is yes! I'm sure you know that a plate of fruit is better
for you than a plate of chips! But what your growing body, your heart and
your brain need is variety. If you are careful and eat a bit of everything,
then you are healthier. Don't forget fresh fruit, vegetables and eggs! Eating
a variety of healthy food gives you energy and can help you feel confident
about studying and doing exams.

1 Look at photos A-D below and match them to the

things the teenagers are worried about 1-4.
Listening Part 1 1 I failed my exam.
2 They haven't picked me for the team.
1 Look at the pictures. In pairs, discuss what you
can see in each one.
3 My parents don't understand me.
4 I think it's broken.
2 For each question, choose the correct picture.
2 Work in pairs. Take turns to be the teenager
asking a question about one of the problems in
c:]>) 1 What time is basketball practice today?
130 I :
Exercise 1 and the person giving advice. Use the
ideas in the Teen Health website and the phrases
in the box to help you.

How about ... Why don't you ...

2 Which food does the girl choose? Why not ... You should ...

I failed my exam. What can I do?

You should ask the teacher what you need

3 Which earphones does the boy buy? to work on. You're always listening to music.
I Maybe you should spend more time studying.

4 What's the weather like?

5 What are they going to do?

1 In pairs, discuss the questions.
1 Where do you usually go shopping?
2 Do you or your parents ever shop in markets?

2 Match the types of markets in the box to the

You should definitely visit
the Queen Victoria Market
photos A-D. How many objects can you name
in Melbourne, Australia. The
that you can buy in them? Do you have similar
markets in your country? market started in the 1870s. Today, it's open
every morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays
food market clothes market to Sundays. There's also a night market
antiques market flower market on Wednesdays from 5 to 10 pm. There
are more than 600 shops and stalls in the
market. The fresh-food areas sell fruit and
3 Read about three famous markets. Which
one isn't a food market? vegetables, cakes, fish and meat (including
kangaroo and crocodile steaks!).

St Lawrence Market in Toronto,

Canada, started in 1803, but they
built the buildings you can see
today in 1904. The market is open Tuesday to
Saturday from 8 am to early evening. You can
buy many different things there from more than
100 stalls, especially fresh food and delicious
homemade products. A fun thing to do is
cookery classes in the Market Kitchen. Here,
you can learn to make different dishes and
take them home to eat! The farmers' market
opens on Saturdays at 5 am, and local farmers
come to sell meat, fruit, vegetables, eggs, etc.

4 Read the text again and answer the questions.
Which market(s) ...
1 is sometimes open at 9 pm?
2 has fewer visitors if it is raining?
3 can you buy a guitar in?
4 is over 100 years old?
5 can you learn to cook in?
6 sells unusual meat?
7 is the biggest?

5 Find words in the text that match the definitions.

1 a kind of small shop (text A)
2 a piece of meat (text A)
3 rings, necklaces, etc. (text B)
4 a kind of music (text B)
5 constructed (text C)
6 food that people prepare
themselves (text C)
Listen to Alice talking to her friend Dan about a market
in London. Which part of the market did she like most?

112 7 Listen again. Are these statements right (✓) or wrong (X)?
1 Alice went to Camden Lock Market last Saturday.
2 Camden Lock Market is very big.
3 You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables in the market.
4 Alice ate pizza in the market.
5 Alice bought three T-shirts and a handbag.
6 Alice's friend Lisa likes Justin Bieber.

Which market would you like to visit:
Queen Victoria, Hell's Kitchen, St Lawrence
or Camden Lock? Explain why.

� PROJECT �·iiiiiihi _:_· -�---�

Find out about a famous market in your
country. Make a poster to present the
information to the class. Use pictures
and photos to make the poster more
interesting. Include information about:
• where it is
when it is open
• what you can buy, see and do there.
Present your poster to the class.


Write a list of all the things you've read in the last Reading Part 1
three days.
How many books are included in your list? What kind 2 For each question choose the correct
of books are they? answer.
1 What is Amber doing in this message?
A telling Kat when she'll finish her
READING B asking Kat for some advice about
a book
C finding out if Kat wants to borrow
Books and reading a book
2 What must students do?
A take the books they've borrowed
1 Look at the messages, signs and notices. Where would you
see 3, 4, 5 and 6? back to the library
B collect the books they've ordered
from the library
C choose which books they want to
take out of the library
3 Next Tuesday, students will be able to
A find out how to write a book.
B listen to a well-known writer.
C get some books at a special price.
4 The receptionist wants people to
School secretary
A ask if they cannot find the right
Everyone - please remember! If you don't return your library B return books to the correct place
books by the end of term, you will have to pay for them. after using them.
C give books back to him when
I I they've finished them.
5 A Every customer will get a free book
eaking here next Tuesday! If today.
alk, she'll write in it for you. B There's a discount on all books for
today only.
C You can get three books for the price
of two today.
Put books back on the right shelves 6 A Miss Taylor wants to give the books
to another class.
when you've finished with them.
B Miss Taylor has new maths books to
lend to the class.
C Miss Taylor would like to know who
borrowed her books.

3In pairs, compare your answers. Discuss

why you chose each answer and change ':JA- - _any_you_think are wrong.
£veryoYle- wl-'lo took o.., mrutls textbook ltlome,>
pLeo..,se, bring ii to scl1ooL tomorrow. If you
MY\,t> I woY\ t be, o..bLe, to Le-Y\Gl H1em to 9B.
Ml6s .. T�Lor

60 UNIT 10
4 Find and underline the phrasal verbs G!l�MMAR First conditional
� the texts in Exercises 1 and 2. Then
'-ii' match each one to its meaning a-h.
1 Look at the examples of first conditional sentences. Then, find
and underline all the examples in Exercise 1 on page 102.
bring back find out give back
pick up put back put down If you buy two books today, we'll give you another from this
take back take out table for free!
I'll lend it to you, if you want.
a return something to a person
b lift something with your hands 2 Read the information and choose the correct answers to
the questions.
c return from somewhere with
d learn something new Sentences in the first conditional have two clauses:
e return something to the place you if+ verb ... , will+ infinitive
borrowed or bought it from 1 Does the if clause have to come first?
f put something you are holding onto Yes, it does. / No, it doesn't.
the floor or a table, for example 2 What tense do we use after if?
g return something to a place Present simple/ Future simple
h remove something from somewhere
We use first conditional sentences to talk about a possible
5 Complete the sentences with phrasal future.
verbs from Exercise 4 in the correct 3 How sure are we about that future?
tense. Very sure/ Not very sure
1 Did you ___ what we need to do
for homework?
2 Can you ___ all the books and
clothes from the floor, please?
3 My mum went to China and ___ 3 Match the two halves of the sentences.
some great presents for us. 1 We'll miss the film a I'll give it to the teacher.
4 How many books are you allowed to 2 If I find your book, b if you don't hurry.
___ of the school library? 3 I won't tell anyone C if you can't find yours.
5 My book is so exciting. I can't ___ 4 If you don't eat fast food, d you'll be healthier.
it ___! s I'll lend you my earphones e if you don't want me to.
6 Thanks for lending me this magazine!
I'll ___ it ___ to you 4 Complete these sentences with your own ideas.
tomorrow. 1 You won't get into the football team if ...
7 My new book had several pages 2 If our team get into the final, ...
missing, so I'm going to ___ it 3 If I have time this weekend, ... ·
___ to the shop. 4 I'll lend you my jacket if ...
8 When you've finished with my book,
can you ___ it ___ in my 5 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
room? @ 1 If I will go, I will play with my friends.
2 I'm happy if you come to my party.
6 � In pairs, go to page 138. Choose
one of the situations and write a short
3 If you join this class, you like it.
4 If you like, we would go by car.
conversation. Use at least three phrasal
5 My mum is angry if I don't wear these trousers.
verbs in your conversation.
7 In small groups, ask and answer the
questions. g PRONUNCIATION I Sentence stress
1 What's your school library like? What Listen to the sentences. Mark the stressed words,
sort of books can you borrow from it? then practise the sentences.
2 Is there·a library in your town? Do you • • • •
borrow books from it? What else do O I'll bring cake if you bring sandwiches.
you do there? 1 They'll come if you invite them.
3 How do you feel about lending other 2 If you pass the exam, I'll buy you a present.
3 You'll miss the bus if you don't hurry.
people your books or other things?
4 Do you ever borrow books or other
4 If you help Tom, I'll help Pete.
things from friends? Do you look after
· ·
·············································· ·
them carefully? ···· ·············

UNIT 10 61
Reading Part 2
Look at the pictures of the books and try to guess
what they are about. Read the texts quickly to 2 For each question, choose the correct answer.
Write A for Natalie, B for Heidi or C for Davina.
check your ideas.
1 Who didn't like the way the book ended?
2 Who plans to read more books by the same
3 Who explains where she bought the book?
4 Who thought the pictures inside were excellent?
5 Who says the book is different from what she
usually reads?
We asked three readers to tell us about a funny 6 Who thinks some people may get the wrong
book they enjoyed - here's what they told us. idea about the book?
7 Who says it didn't take her long to read the book?

U@rJIII� ......
My mum bought this for me for
my birthday and I knew from the TALKING POINTS
picture on the front and the title Do you like reading? If yes, what sort of books?
that I was going to love it. I read it What's the best book you've ever read?
in just two days and I was really
sad when I got to the end. The
story is about a girl who has to
help her family by getting back some stolen
paintings - I found it really exciting! I'm now a rds ab ul b k
huge fan of the author, Ally Carter - I have all her
other books on my shelf ready for the summer. 1
G» the box. Then, match them to the definitions 1-9.
Read the texts again and underline the words from

author · chapter cover drawings

In my opinion, this is one of the end opinion pages shelf title
funniest books ever written for
1 This is the last part of the book.
teenagers. It's about a 15-year­
2 The words and pictures on this help you decide
old boy who wants to start a rock if you want to read it.
band, but the adults in his life all 3 This is the name the writer gives to the book.
try to stop him. Nothing goes right 4 These pictures are done with a pen or pencil.
for him until the very end of the 5 You can put your books on this.
story. The writer is also an artist and 6 You turn these as you read.
the clever drawings on each page help the story 7 This person writes books.
along. Unfortunately, the cover makes it look like 8 This is what you think or believe about something.
it's for little kids, which is a shame as it might 9 This is one of the sections of a book that usually
stop some teenagers from picking it up. has a number or title.

2 Complete the questions with words from Exercise 1.

Then, in pairs, ask and answer the questions.
1 Do you listen to other people's ___ when you
I got this book for a great price in my local store. choose a book to read?
It's a funny story about a terrible girl who has to 2 Do you think books with ___ in them are just
learn to be a better person. It's for little kids?
the first time I've tried this kind 3 Have you ever chosen a book because you think
of book, but I really enjoyed it. Of the ___ or ___ look interesting?
4 Do you like books with hundreds of ___ or do
course, it's not perfect - I wasn't
you prefer shorter ones?
happy with what happens in the
5 Have you ever got to the ___ of a book and
last few pages. But it was a lot of felt sad that it was finished?
fun, and I think I'll probably read
more like it in the future.

62 UNIT 10
�! 1 Listen to the teacher talking to his class. Which of these is he
talking about?
a new book a competition a website a writer
�>) Read the sentences. Then, listen again. Are the sentences right(✓)
or wrong(X)?
1 If you're under 12, you can enter the competition.
2 To win, you need to read more books than anyone else.
3 If you enter, you'll have to buy lots of books.
4 The teacher will give the students all the instructions they need.
5 One of the prizes is a writing course.
6 You can see people's opinions of books on the competition website.
7 You might save money if you buy a book from the website.
8 The website blog is written by teenagers who like writing stories.

3 In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

1 How many books do you usually read in the long school holiday?
2 Would you like to enter a competition like this?

Writing Part 7 A story

Look at the pictures and read the sentences. Put the sentences in the correct order to tell the story.

a He started to feel a bit bored, so he took his book out of his bag and started reading it.
b Unfortunately, Tom was enjoying the book so much that he missed his bus, and he had to wait for the
next one.
c Tom was waiting for his bus, but it was late. There was lots of traffic because the weather was bad.

Complete each sentence with one of the linking words in blue above.
1 I'm tired this morning ___ I read my book until midnight last night.
2 I lost my library book ___ I had to pay for a new one.
3 I liked the writer's first book ___ I hated her second one.
4 ___ the shop didn't have the book I wanted.
5 I like books that can make me laugh ___ cry.
PLAN You are going to write a story about the pictures on page 139.
• Look at the pictures carefully.
• Make notes about the story. Answer the questions Who?, Where? and What is happening?
• Write down key vocabulary and decide what tense to use.
fl WRITE Now write the story shown in the pictures on page 139. Remember to write about every picture and use
linkers. Write 35 words or more.
IMPROVE In pairs, read each other's stories and check you have both used linking words correctly.

UNIT 10 63
When you have an exam you should:
• organise your time
• prepare what you need
• keep calm and don't worry!
Taking exams can make you feel nervous or
worried. If you prepare well and relax, you
will do your best.

0 ___ :
Look at the statements. Are they true for you?
Don't spend too long on one topic, but
1 I have a good memory.
2 I find some exams difficult. do a little of each subject every day or week. Make a
3 I don't worry about exams. timetable for the afternoons or evenings, with study
4 I can never finish exams in the time. time, eating time and include some free moments.
5 I like doing exams. f) ___ : It's difficult to remember too many things
at the same time, so if you have a lot of information r:
In pairs, compare your answers.

e ___ :
to learn, divide it into sections.
2 Do you think these ideas are important when
For example, draw a picture next
you have to study for exams?
to a foreign word you want to remember.
1 how much you sleep Or, to remember the formula E=mc2 , you could
2 what you eat
write The elephant made cakes twice.
3 preparing what you need for the exam
4 organising your time C) ___ : We often remember better if we can see
5 talking to your teacher a kind of picture of the most important points. This

6 doing physical exercise makes it easier to connect the information in our minds.

Read the text and tick the ideas that are E) ___ : Healthy food gives you energy and helps you
mentioned. to concentrate.
0 ___ Stand up every hour and move around. Have
a small snack or a short walk to clear your mind.
0 ___ : Don't stay up late to send messages on your

'1'12"" phone or play video games. It's better to go to bed not
too late, get up early the next day and review what you

m+., studied the day before.

C) ___ : You can test each other on what you need
l l+fr-
. ,
to know. For example, if you are studying history, say
" the name of an important event and then your friend
·,, :
can say the date, or say the date and he/she can try
to say the event.
0 ___ : Find time to do some physical activity

at the weekend or during the week.

� �
3 Complete the texts 1-9 with the sentences a-i.
a Make mind maps with important information
b Get plenty of sleep
c Organise your study time
d Exercise regularly to help your brain
e Have a good breakfast before you go to school
f Make sure you have breaks
g Try and learn information in small blocks
h Draw pictures or create sentences about
information you have to learn
Revise with a friend

4 Answer the questions. Use ideas from the text on

page 116.
1 What information should you put in a study
2 What can you do to remember foreign words?
3 What can you do in the morning when you have
an exam?
4 What should you do when you take a break from
5 What shouldn't you do at night instead of sleeping?
6 How can friends help each other to study?
5 What do you do when you have to prepare for
exams? Talk to your partner.

�! 6 Listen to the conversations and answer the

Conversation 1: What things did Peter and Matty
need for the exam?
Conversation 2: Why did Meg fail her exam?
Conversation 3: Did Sam answer all the questions
in the exam?
Conversation 4: What did Tim forget to do in the
Conversation 5: What advice does the teacher
give Sophie?

�! 7 Listen again. Complete the expressions for giving

Make a video presentation, giving advice and
USEFUL LANGUAGE suggestions for exams.
1 You ___ remember to bring an extra pen. • Work in small groups.
2 ___ I help you study for the next test? • Think about what you need to do before an
3 You know that you ___ guess? exam, during an exam or at the end of an exam.
4 You ___ make sure you've • In your group, prepare a short video
done everything. presentation with the best advice for your class.
5 If I ___ you, I'd look at the clock. ' You can record this on your phones, and you
can have a conversation or explain the ideas
• Show your video to the class and be ready to
answer any questions about it.
• After you see the video, tell the other groups
the ideas you liked.

1 Put the letters in order to make words for 1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
parts of the body.
@ 1 You must bring your pyjamas and clean clothes for
1 outhm 7 eadh you I yourself.
2 mtuhb 8 ranib 2 If it will be/ is all right, I'll meet you in the restaurant.
3 grinfse 9 thare 3 The batteries include/ are included in the price.
4 cekn 10 dolob 4 This present gave/ was given to me by my father.
s esto 11 cakb
6 are 12 nekal @ Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
S I bought a blue shirt for me, which is very nice.
2 Look at the words. Which words are used to
6 If you like, we go by car.
talk about books (8) and which words are
7 You like the class if you come.
used to talk about preparing food (F)?
8 You need to bring a photo of you with your name on
the back.
bowl chapter cover knife
plate shelf spoon title 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.
Use the past passive.
Now, match the words to the definitions.
I bake find make open sell write
1 This is a section of a book that has a
number or title. ___ 1 That book by my mother. She's an author.
2 We put soup in this. ___ 2 Her bike in the park after she lost it.
3 We use this to cut our food. ___ 3 The cakes for too long!
4 We put books on this. ___ 4 The new school last week.
S We eat our food off this. --- 5 My phone (not) in this country. It's from
6 This is the name of a book. ___ South Korea.
7 This is the front and back of a book. 6 The paintings for a lot of money.
8 We use this to eat soup and ice cream. 3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs
in brackets. Use the present simple active or present
simple passive.
Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the words in the box.
be born change schools find out

,,, ,, FACTORY--,
find part-time work give back
take back take exams take out

1 He only ___ the name of the book

yesterday. He didn't know it before.
Please can I borrow your maths book?
I ___ it - to you tomorrow.
3 We ___ our English ___ last
First, the cream, eggs and sugar (1) ___ (mix)
together in a big machine. Then, the mixture \
(2) ___ (cook) to kill any bacteria and make it
week. I hope everyone passed.
safe to eat. After this, the flavourings (3) ___
4 I (not) ___ last year. We moved house,
(add). These (4) ___ (include) chocolate, vanilla,
but I stayed at the same school. coffee, mint and of course fruit of all kinds. Some
S Please can you ___ the forks from the ice cream makers also (5) ___ (put) pieces of
drawer and put them on the table? marshmallow or whole nuts in their ice cream.
6 My grandmother ___ on 15th June
1962. The next step is very important. The ice cream
7 Some teenagers like to ___ in the (6) ___ (freeze) and mixed at the same time in
holidays so they have money to buy things. a special machine. After it (7) ___ (come) out of
the machine, it (8) ___ (put) into boxes and then
8 (you) ___ your library book yesterday?
into a big freezer. When it is very cold and hard, it
(9) ___ (send) to the shops for us to buy.
Around 13 billion litres of ice cream (10) ___
(sell) every year around the world.

Reading Part 5 Listening Part 2
1 For each question, write the correct answer. 3 For each question, write the correct
answer in the gap. Write one word or a
Write one word for each gap. c:]>)
149 number or a date or a time.
Example: 0 of
You will hear a woman talking to a class of
students about the history of her town.

Mrs Smith's town

I'm sorry I didn't see you on the last day Years Mrs Smith has lived in the town:
(0) ___ term to say goodbye. I hope (0) 60 years
you have a really lovely summer holiday in Age of town: (1) ___ years
the mountains (1) ___ your family. I'm
sure it (2) ___ be sunny and warm. Town in 1980
We're going to London for a week. I'm very
Number of people: (2) ___
excited because it's my first visit there.
I want (3) ___ see all the famous Day shops closed: (3) ___
places. We went to Madrid last year, and
Name of old cinema: (4) the ___
that was really interesting, (4) ___ it
was too hot for me. I hope London won't Cost of cinema seat: £ (5) ___
(5) ___ so warm.
See (6) ___ next term!

Speaking Part 1
2 Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer
the questions.
Tell your partner about health and fitness.
What exercise do you do to stay healthy?
Which foods keep you healthy?
Have you ever hurt any part of your body?
How do you get to school every day?
Tell your partner about books.
What kind of books or comics do you like reading?
Where is your favourite place to read?
Do you prefer reading on a screen to reading real
books? Why?
What is the best book you have read?
Tell your partner about food.
Describe your favourite meal.
What food can you cook?
Who's the best cook in your family?
Which country's food do you like best?

OS Watch the video and then answer the questions.
When did you learn to walk and talk?
How old were you when you learned to swim?
What are the most important events in a person's life?

Life events

1 Match six of the phrases to the photos.

be born get a degree get a driving licence get a job retire get married go to university
have children leave home leave school move home start school vote

2 Put the life events in Exercise 1 in order. There is more than one possible answer. Then compare your answers.

3 Read the quiz. Which four events in Exercise 1 are not mentioned in the questions?

Around the world:� � �

D In England, children usually start school when they are....
4 5 6 11:11
In almost all European countries, _ _ _leave
home before ___

women, men

111 a
men, women
In Belgium and Germany, students cannot leave school
before they are .. . In the UK, children of .... are allowed to
14 18 get a part-time job.

11:11 In some states in the USA, the youngest age you can get a driving
any age 13 or over 16 or over

11!1 licence is . l:JIII In _ _ _ , the average age at which women

rJ 14 16 17 1111 and men get married is 33.

n In England, around % of young people go to university.

Spain India Japan
U About 6% of these �t�d��t�l�ave university before the end of ffl
In Brazil you can vote in elections from the age
their course and don't get a degree. 1:11 of .......... ........................
a 33 a 43 53 16 18 21

4 Listen and choose Charlie's answers to the quiz.
5 )) In pairs, choose your answers to the quiz. Then check your answers on page 120.
Did you get more points than Charlie?
6 Look at the events in Exercise 1 again. Make six sentences with / want to ... .
I want to leave home before I'm 25. I want to retire before I'm 40!

7 Discuss the questions.

1 When can you leave school in your country? 5 Is it important to go to university and get a degree?
2 At what age can you get a job? Why?/ Why not?
3 How old do you have to be to get a driving licence? 6 Which of your relatives have retired?
4 What do you think is the best age to get married?

68 UNIT 11
� Everything is so different from when I was a teenager.
Technology is the greatest change. I had a computer - but only for
games, really. And I remember my dad's first mobile phone in the car r:t:ifU7 Yes, technology makes our lives easier and is
- it was huge! But the internet and smartphones changed teenage now essential for entertainment and school. But it
life forever. We wrote letters; they are texting each other all day. We brings problems too - the worst are awful things like
bought a few CDs every month; they've got almost every song in the bullying on social media ...
world - in a tiny device in their pocket! When we moved home, we My problem is that teenage life is too busy now.
often never saw old friends again. Now it's simple to stay in contact On weekdays, as well as normal lessons, there are
with anyone, anywhere. To me, teenage life looks more exciting than clubs at lunchtimes. Then after school on Mondays
it was. I have Spanish lessons, trumpet on Wednesdays
Not everything is positive, of course. I don't think teenagers now are and our band practises on Fridays. And weekends
as healthy as we were in the past. They don't do enough exercise. are just not long enough! On Saturday there's yoga
Without technology, we were more active and spent a lot of our free club and on Sunday we often see relatives. Then
time outside. Roads were safer, of course, but it's unbelievable to there's homework, of course. Sometimes I'm
think that often our parent· exhausted on Sunday evenings!
didn't have any idea The future will be harder for us, too. And I get
where we were! worried about that. My friends and I feel the most
important thing is to get a good degree - or
we won't be able to leave home and get a job.
And that means we have to get good marks in
everything now. It's stressful.
I think my parents' teenage years were more
relaxed than ours are today.

Read the article quickly. Who thinks teenage life ...
1 is better now? 2 was better in the past?

Read the article again. Choose the correct answers.

1 When Simon was a teenager,
A his dad owned a computer and a mobile phone.
B he owned a computer.
C he played games on his dad's phone.
2 Simon thinks that before the internet
A teenagers spent a lot of money on music.
B it was hard to stay friends with people you didn't see. Match the highlighted words in the
C teenagers enjoyed writing letters. text to the meanings.
3 Why does Simon think that teenagers spent a lot of time outside? 1 difficult to think is true
A because their parents weren't worried about them 2 calm and not busy
B because the roads weren't as dangerous 3 very tired
C because phones and computers didn't exist 4 very bad
4 Emily thinks that teenagers 5 very small
A need technology for their school work. 6 very big
B shouldn't use social media.
C aren't as happy as they were.
5 During the week, Emily
How was your parents' teenage life
A has extra music and language lessons.
different from yours?
B never has time for lunch.
C doesn't do any sport. What problems can modern life
bring for teenagers?
6 Why does Emily think she has to go to university?
A because her friends want to go
B because jobs will be harder to find in the future
C because she always gets good marks at school
UNIT 11 69
GRAMMAR Comparatives and superlatives not as ... as

1 Complete the table with the correct comparative 4 Read the example and choose the correct option.

Teenagers aren't as healthy as they were in the

and superlative adjectives. Check your answers in
past. (= they were healthier in the past)
the article on page 21.

Adjective J Comparative I Superlative

We use not as ... as to say that people or things
one-syllable adjectives are the same I not the same.
big bigger the biggest
great greater 1

safe 2
the safest
two-syllable adjectives with -y
S Compare the people and things with not as ... as.
easy 1 3

other two-syllable and longer adjectives

I the easiest Use the adjectives in the box or your own ideas.

I comfortable hard old serious untidy

important [ more important [ 4
irregular adjectives O English/ maths English isn't as hard as maths.
good the best 1 children/ adults
2 you / your best friend
bad worse
3 your dad/ your mum
far further the furthest 4 you / one of your relati
2 Read the examples. Then complete the rules with 6 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
comparative and superlative.
G1 They live in a house bigger than us.
1 Teenage life looks more exciting than it was. 2 My mum is more relaxed that my dadd .
2 Technology is the greatest change. 3 Coffee is the more popular drink in the UK.
4 This area is more quiet than the city centre.
We often use: 5 My most happiest time was when I lived abroad.
a than after ___ adjectives. 6 I'm not as taller as you.
b the before adjectives.

3 Complete the facts with the comparative or too,enough,notenough

superlative form of the adjectives. Remember to
use than or the.
1 Read the examples and choose the correct
options. Then match the rules to the sentences.
1 Weekends are just not long enough!
They don't do enough ex rc1se.

I ;as 122: .
3 Teenage life is too busy now.

(old) woman in the world lived until she
a We use too before/ after adjectives or adverbs to
mean 'more than is necessary, possible, etc.'.
The university with . . . . ... . . . ... . . . . . .. . (large) number of b We use enough before I after adjectives or
adverbs to mean 'as much as is necessary'.
students, over four million, is in Delhi, India.

I The average US teenage boy is 4 kg . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . (heavy) c We use enough before/ after nouns.
he was 25 years ago.
Write replies. Use too or enough and the words in
brackets. Be careful with the position of enough.
Research says that Norway is . .... ... . .. . . . . . . . ... (happy)
countr y in the world and also one of ..... ... . .. . .. . . .. . .. . (good) 1 A: Did you buy the trainers?
countries for children to grow up in. B: No. They weren't ___ (big). They felt
.... ... . . .. . ... . ... . ... (tight).
I Homes in Hong Kong, China, are now ___
(expensive) in any other city in the world.
2 A: Why didn't you do the homework?
B: I didn't have ___ (time) and I was
I · · · ···· ·· · (young) age at which people can vote in
Scotland is 16.
___ (tired).
3 A: Are you getting a new laptop?
B: Yes. Mine is ___ (slow) and it hasn't got
The north of England is generally ___ (cheap) the ___ (memory).
south of England.

70 UNIT 11
WRfflNG An informal email (1)

Read the email Jamal received from his friend Mark and the notes he made. What did Jamal do recently?

Back to school . . . _____,

Hi Jamal,
How's it going? We miss you on the football team - I'm the - --=-
- -'--- ­ Say
new captain! congratulations.
Describe ... --- Tell me about your new home. What's your room like?
What do you like doing in your free time where you live now? --�--­ Explain ...
What's your new school like? Have you got any new friends yet? --'-'----­ Tell Mark
Speak soon,
about Simon.

Read Jamal's reply. Does Jamal answer Read the Prepare to write box. Which phrases does Jamal
all of Mark's questions? use to begin and end his email?

RE: Back to school ..
An informal email (1)
In informal emails:
Hi Mark,
• use an informal phrase to begin your email: Hi ... ,
It's great to hear from you. Hello ... , It's great to hear from you
Congratulations on becoming captain! • use short forms: it's, he's, I'll
Awesome news! • use informal words and expressions: Great!, loads of
I love our new house. It's brighter, things, He's into ... , I guess ...
bigger and there's a garden. Brighton • use an informal phrase to end your email: Love, Write
isn't as big as Manchester, but there soon,Speaksoon,See you soon
are loads of things to do. T here's a
really good football team here. They're
great! I go to watch them play every
Find six different short forms in Jamal's email.
weekend with my dad and sister.
My school is the largest in Brighton, Rewrite the sentences using short forms.
but it isn't as modern as Victoria 1 He is really nice and we are good friends.
Park. In ICT, for example, there aren't 2 How is school? I hope you are getting on well.
enough laptops for everyone. I met 3 I am getting to know everyone and they are all really
a boy called Simon on my first day. friendly.
He's into computer games like me. 4 We have got tickets and we are going to a game together.
I guess he's my best mate at the Match the highlighted informal words and phrases in
moment! Jamal's email to the meanings.
Speak soon, 1 I think 3 likes s friend
Jamal 2 very 4 very good 6 a lot

Imagine you have moved to a new town and started a

new school. Read Mark's email again and plan your reply.
Use Jamal's notes in Exercise 1 to help you.

Write your email to Mark .

• • Use the phrases and tips in the Prepare to write box.

• Write about 100 words.
• Remember to check your spelling and grammar.

UNIT 11 71
04 Watch the video and discuss the questions.
Would you prefer to live in a big city or a village? Why?
What are the good and bad things about where you live?

_ City problems
1 Match the words to the photos A-F.
More than one word can match some
� photos. Then listen and check.

crowds graffiti green spaces _

pollution power cut
public transport rubbish
rush hour traffic jam
Listen to four people describing where they live. Answer
the questions about each person.
2 Complete the sentences with some of
• Do they live in a city or in a village?
the problems in Exercise 1.
• What problem from Exercise 1 is each person talking
O If we leave for the shopping centre about? Choose from the words in the box.
early, we can avoid the c_rql(ycls_ . It
gets really busy there by lunchtime. graffiti green spaces public transport rush hour
1 There was a . .... . .. .. . . . . . . our building
last night. We had to use torches to
see. Listen and write one or two words in each space.
2 Can you take out the ___? They'll
1 There's a lot of graffiti on a ___ near the man's house.
collect it tomorrow morning.
2 When the girl lived in a village, she to school.
3 There's a huge problem with _ __ into the city.
3 The boy usually gets . . .. .... . ... . ... .. .
in our city from cars and lorries. Many
4 The woman says she avoids ___ during the rush hour.
of the buses are electric now.
4 There is always a ___ outside our 5 Complete the sentences about where you live. Use the
school in the mornings. More children problems in Exercise 1. Discuss your sentences in pairs.
should walk to school. It's dangerous!
5 I go to school by . I often l There's a serious problem with ...
catch the bus but there's also a train. 2 We don't have a problem with ...
6 We never go on the underground 3 There are lots of ...
during the _ _ _ in summer. The 4 There isn't/aren't enough ...
trains get too hot. 5 One of my favourite places is ...
6 One thing I don't like is ...
72 UNIT 12
Look at the photos. What do you think these
teenagers invented? Read the article quickly
and check your answers. Ignore any spaces.

W hile Ben Gulak was visiting Beijing, China, he was

shocked at the air pollution in the city. He soon realised
one of the main causes: transport. In Ben's home town in
W hen Ann Makosinski was young, she only had
a few toys to play with. Instead, she loved
inventing new things from rubbish around the house.
Canada, the traffic is quite light, but Beijing has a lot of traffic. They didn't work, of course, but Ann soon 1 .....................................
Some people drive cars, but a lot of people ride scooters. an interest in science and electronics.
They 're cheaper and they don't need much petrol.They're The idea for her first successful invention came from a
also lighter and easier to drive through traffic jams. friend in the Philippines. Ann, who is half Filipino, half
There is one problem: petrol scooters can produce Canadian, 2 ...................................... that her friend was doing badly
ten times more air pollution than cars. at school.The 3 .. .... .......................... was that she couldn't study
Back in Canada, Ben started thinking about the at night because there wasn't any electricity. Ann was
problem. He wanted to design a new amazed to discover that many people, over a billion in
type of transport - something fact, don't have 4 ___ to electricity. And then she
as small as a scooter, but remembered a fact from her science class: the heat in
cleaner. He called his a person means each of us is like a walking 1 00W light
invention the Uno - a bulb. So Ann designed a torch
motorbike which that uses just the heat from
looks like ... half a a human hand. It wasn't as
motorbike! It doesn't 12owerful as a normal torch
use any petrol - just and only 5 .... a little
electricity. light. But Ann's invention
Ben won a prize for won an international
his invention and now he's science competition
completed three different with a prize of $25,000
versions of the bike.Will we one to 6 her
day see it on our roads? education in the future.

• Now read the part about Ann Makosinski again and

choose the correct word for each space. For each question,
choose A, B, C or D.
1 A developed B grew C made D increased
2 A informed B heard C told D called
3 A trouble B event C complaint D rule Match the highlighted words in the
4 A opportunity B way C chance D access article to the meanings.
5 A did B brought C produced D achieved 1 largest
6 A own B carry C keep D support 2 something you know is true
3 plan something before making it
Read the article again and complete the sentences with one or
4 surprised and upset
two words in each space.
5 very strong
1 Ben was on holiday in... . . . .. ... ......... but he is actually from 6 in place of something else

2 Cars use ................................... than scooters.

3 Scooters create more than cars. TALKING POINTS
4 The Uno is cleaner than a normal scooter because it uses What problem or situation would you
like to solve where you live?
5 When she was a child, Ann used rubbish new things. How could you improve the problem
6 Ann's friend wasn't doing well at school because it was or situation?
impossible.................................... at night.
7 Ann's torch works by changing ............. ..... ...... ........ into electricity.
8 Ann won $25,000 for her.... of the torch.

UNIT 12 73
I \' \/ ;
some/any,. mu c hlmany, a lot of,
a few I a /1ffle· ·
Choose the correct words.
A: Do you like living in the country?
1 Read the examples. Then complete the rules with
B: Mostly. There are a few/ a little bad things.
There isn't many/ much entertainment.
some or any.
2 A: I got much I a lot of tips from my aunt about
1 Some people drive cars. visiting the UK.
2 The Uno doesn't use any petrol. B: My brother gave me a little/ a few information
3 Have you got any ideas? about a/ some good things to see in the UK.
3 A: Have you got a few/ some minutes? I'm doing
We use: a questionnaire on pollution.
a ---· before nouns in positive sentences. B: I'm sorry. I haven't got much/ many time. Are
b ---· before nouns in negative sentences there many/ much questions?
and in questions. 4 A: Do you have some I any problems with crime?
B: There's a little I a few graffiti, but not really.
2 Complete the sentences with some or any. 7 Think about your perfect place to live and
1 Do you need . . . .. . . . . ... . .. . . . help with the rubbish? complete the sentences. Compare your ideas.
2 I like . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... graffiti but not all of it. 1 My perfect place to live has got a lot of/ a few ...
3 There's_ _ _ heavy traffic on the motorway. 2 There are some/ a lot of ...
4 Is there ___ information about bus times? 3 There aren't any I a lot of ...
5 There isn't ___ electricity at the moment. 4 It hasn't got much/ many ...
I think there's a power cut. 5 There's only a little ...
6 I've got ___ rubbish here. Where can I put it?

3 Read the examples. Then complete the rules with

Compounds: noun + noun
the words.
1 Beijing is like a lot of big cities around the world.
2 The city has a lot of traffic. 1 Make a word from A and B for each photo 1-8 below.

3 A lot of� ride scooters.
4 Scooters don't need much petrol. • apartment bus pedestrian post
5 When Ann was young, she only had a few toys. recycling speed taxi road
6 Many� don't have access to electricity.
7 Ann's torch only produced a little light.
bin box building crossing
rank sign stop
a We use many, ___ and to talk
about large amounts.
b We don't usually use much or many in positive 1 apartment building
sentences: There is mtteh a lot of time.
c We use ___ and to talk about
small amounts.
d We don't use a few or a little in negative
sentences: He hasn't got a-little much money.

4 Look at the underlined nouns in the examples in

Exercise 3. Are they countable or uncountable? 2 Compete the sentences with the correct compound

5 Complete the table with a lot of, a little and much.

from Exercise 1.
1 There's a lot of people at the_ _ _. Maybe we
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns should catch a bus instead.
There aren't many There isn't 1 2 What's the ___ on motorways?
cities. water. 3 Can you take this letter to the ___ for me?
4 I live on the fourth floor of that_ _ _
There are a lot of There's 2 traffic.
5 It's compulsory for cars to stop at a
6 Is this your . . . . ... . ... . ..... . ....... . Is it OK to put plastic in it?
There are a few people. There's 3 ............... ............ petrol. 7 Let's meet at the ___. There are lots that go
into the centre from there.
8 The _ _ _ says turn right.

3 )) Work with a partner. Turn to page 121.

74 UNIT 12
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in
the country?

Listen to an interview with Bess and Mr Evans. In general,

do they agree or disagree?

Read the sentences carefully and check any new words.

Then listen again and choose the correct words.
1 Mr Evans lives in the country/ city.
2 Bess lives/ lived in the same place as Mr Evans.
3 Mr Evans thinks Bess is sometimes/ never late for school.
4 Mr Evans thinks villages need better roads I public
5 Bess thinks the problem with rubbish is worse I better
where she lives now.
6 Bess thinks we should do more cleaning I recycling in
this country.

Agreeing and disagreeing

1 Look at the two photos below. What can you see? 4 Discuss which place in the photos below
you would prefer to live in. Use phrases
Listen to Alice and Oliver talking about the places. from the Prepare to speak box to agree
What do they agree on? and disagree.
Read the Prepare to speak box. Then listen again.
5 Prepare your ideas on two of the topics
Which phrases do Alice and Oliver use? Write A or 0
next to each phrase. 1 going to the cinema/ watching films at

'-' PREPARE TO SPEAK 2 going to a concert/ listening to music on

Agreeing and disagreeing 3 cycling/ using public transport
Giving your opinion Agreeing 4 living in an apartment building/ living in
Personally, I think ... That's true. a house
Yes, maybe you're right. 5 holidays at the beach/ holidays in cities
I (don't) think ...
It seems to me ...
If you ask me, ...
I completely agree with ...
6 Discuss the topics in Exercise 5. Use
phrases from the Prepare to speak box to
Asking for an opinion I'm not sure I agree. agree and disagree.
What do you think? I don't think so.
Do you agree? I don't agree.
Do you think ...?

UNIT 12 75
When you have a problem, who do you ask for help?
Friends or family? Why?
Do you consider any members of your family to be a
friend as well?

3 Complete the table with the phrases in Exercise 2.

Can you add any more?

be be annoyed

4 Complete the sentences with the correct positive or

negative form of be, do, make or have.

1 Oh, no! Something ........................... ....... wrong with the TV.

It isn't working!
2 Can you···- - - me a favour, please?
be, do, have and make 3 Some people find it easy to .................................... new friends .
4 I'm really sorry that the glass broke, but it
c::J>) 1 Look at the photos and listen to two
........... ..... ............. my fault!
33 5 You should talk to someone if you _ __
conversations. Complete the sentences with the
correct name.
6 Let's ___ something together on Saturday.
1 . ................................ has a problem with family. 7 Our coach _ _ _ really annoyed with the
2 .. ................ ............... has a problem with non-family referee at our last match.
members. 8 What were they saying? Were they
an argument?
2 Choose the correct option to complete the 9 Thanks for your party last night. We ...
� sentences. Then listen again and check. a lot of fun.
1 He does/ makes me angry. 10 I get on OK with Noel, but we ___ much
2 You're always making/ having problems in common.
with him. 11 My cousin is always rude. She ................................... me
3 We had/ made an argument this morning. really angry.
4 I'm/ I've annoyed with him! 12 Is Piper feeling OK? She ............. ................. on her own
5 Are you/ Have you on your own? again.
6 Why don't we make/ do something later?
7 You need to make/ have fun.
5 Discuss the questions.
8 Can you make/ do me a favour? 1 Who or what makes you angry?
9 What is/ hos wrong? 2 When and why do you have arguments?
10 It's hard to do/ make friends. 3 When do you like being on your own?
11 It doesn't/ isn't my fault. 4 How do you have fun? Who with?
12 You have/ are lots in common. 5 What do you have in common with your best

76 UNIT 13
Read problems 1-3 quickly. Who isn't
annoyed with a family member?


D I'm quite a shy person and I haven't got a lot of friends. I was
walking home from school yesterday, when I saw some boys
from my class. They were laughing at me. One of them said,
I agree. Sometimes you don't
have anything in common with
other people, and that's fine.
'She's always on her own!' and he pointed at me. It was
He should apologise. Maybe
unbelievable! Why do I have to be with someone all the time?
you should lock your door.
What's wrong with being on your own?
You shouldn't get angry.
It's important to talk
DYLAN, 14, PENZANCE to your parents. Then
you'll understand why
My little brother is really annoying. Yesterday, I found him
in my room. He knows he mustn't go in there. And he was they're worried.
reading my diary! It made me really angry. Then we had an
You must show them you
argument because he took my phone. He sent about 50 texts
can change, so try to be
and now I haven't got any credit. Help!
really sensible for a month -
or forever!

Maybe you should put a

password on your phone.
My best mates, Sasha and Mandy, are just like me. They're often
late and they forget things, but they behave themselves (most of the Friendship is important, but
time!). I was hanging out with them last Saturday and I had to get you don't have to be with
home by 1 O pm, but we were having fun and I didn't realise the time. someone all the time. It's good
I was a bit late because they didn't have to get home until 11 pm. to be independent.
Now my parents say I can't spend time with my mates because they
can't trust me, and I have to get home by 9.30 pm. It isn't fair! I don't
want to fall out with my parents, but they think I'm still a child. What
should I do?

Read the problems again and complete the Match the highlighted words to the meanings.
sentences with the correct names, Kaitlin, Dylan
1 a secret word that protects you on line
or Alex.
2 shut something with a key
1 .. ... .. . ... .... ..... has a problem as a result of a mistake. 3 say sorry to someone
2 .................................... had a problem after class one day. 4 treating people in a way that is right
3 ..... ........................ ... had an unwelcome visitor.
5 be polite and not do things that are unhelpful
4 .. ............. ......... . . . ... likes being alone sometimes. 6 believe someone is good, reliable and honest
5 .. ................................ doesn't agree with someone else's
6 ... . ...... ..... .... . .... can't use something essential. TALKING POINTS
Are internet forums good places to get advice?
Read the problems again and then read advice Why?/ Why not?
A-F in the 'What you think ...' section. Match two In what ways can you help or support your
pieces of advice to each person. friends when they have problems?
What advice would you give to each person?

UNIT 13 77
-GRAMMAR have lo and must 4 Take turns to read out the problems and give advice.
Use You should or You shouldn't.
1 I can never find my phone.
1 Read the examples. Then complete the rules.
2 I find it hard to make friends.
1 You must show them you can change. 3 I have a lot of arguments with my cousins.
2 He knows he mustn't go in there. 4 My parents think everything is my fault.
3 I have to get home by 9.30 pm. 5 My sister/brother uses my things without asking.
4 You don't have to be with someone all
the time. 5 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
5 Last Saturday, I had to get home by 10 pm. 01 We wanted to chat, but we must go to school.
6 My mates didn't have to get home until 2 I'm sorry we had ask you.
11 pm. 3 In my opinion, all schools has to have a uniform.
4 Studying is great, but you don't have to sit down all day.
a We use have to and___ to 5 I don't must go to bed early at weekends.
talk about rules and things that are
b We use ___ when something isn't Phrasal verbs: relationships
allowed by a rule.
c We use don't have to when something
isn't necessary. We use ___ when 1 Read the examples. Then match the phrasal verbs in 1-8
something wasn't necessary in the past. to the meanings a-h.
d We use __ _ for rules in the past.
1 We hang out in the park after school.
e Remember: You mustn't go. = You aren't
2 Do you get on well with your sister?
allowed to go. You don't have to go. = It
3 I get together with my mates on Saturdays.
isn't necessary for you to go.
4 I don't want to fall out with my parents.
5 Let's play on my computer. Come round at 4.30.
2 Make two sentences for each idea. 6 Friends should always look after each other.
Compare your answers. 7 Did your cousins make up after they had that argument?
8 The band were together for a year, but then they split up.
O things you have to do at school
I have to wear a uniform. I have to study for a have a good relationship and not argue
my exams. b spend a lot of time somewhere
1 things you don't have to do at school c end a relationship
2 things you mustn't do at school d visit someone in their home
3 things you must do at home e make sure someone is well or happy
4 things you mustn't do at home f become friends again after a disagreement
5 things you had to do when you were g spend time with, or go to meet, a friend
younger h have an argument with someone
6 things you didn't have to do when you
were younger 2 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from
Exercise 1.
1 I don't ... .. ..................... very well with my brother. We had a big
should argument last week. I don't know if we'll ever....
2 Some of my friends... .. ....... at the youth centre, but I
3 Read the examples. Then complete don't go there.
the rules. 3 Tom and Harriet weren't together for long. They
1 What should I do? .. ........................... ... after six weeks.
, ,.

4 I know you're nervous, but you mustn't worry.

2 He should apologise.
3 You shouldn't get angry. 1'11 ... . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . YOU.
5 I always ................... ............. with my friends after school, but they
We use: never..... ...... ..................... . to my place.
6 It isn't a serious problem, and I'm sure we won't
a _ _ _ to say something is a good
idea. .. ......................... ...... about it.
b _ _
_ to say something isn't a good
3 Discuss the questions.

c ___ in questions to ask for advice. 1 When do you and your mates get together? Where do
you usually hang out?
2 What kind of people do you get on with?
3 How should friends look after each other?

78 UNIT 13
WRITING An informal email (2) Read the Prepare to write box and find the phrases
that are in Nicole's email.

Read the email. Where do Ana and Nicole live?

An informal email (2)
Ana Salinas
Nicole Mason
In replies to emails:
• start with a greeting: How's it going?, How ore
you?, It's great to hear from you.
Hi Nicole,
• answer all of the questions you were asked
How's it going? I'm really looking • to give advice, use: You should/ shouldn't ... ,
Me too! -- forward to visiting you in England Remember to ..., It's a good idea to ...
on the school exchange trip next • end with a closing phrase: I'm really looking
month! I have a few questions: forward to your visit/ to meeting you/ to seeing
you, I can't wait to meet you/ see you again.
Explain -- What's the weather going to be
I'll buy some adaptors. What else
Suggest ... -
should I bring? Complete the sentences using phrases from the
What will I have to do while I'm at Prepare to write box.
Tell Ana _ _
the school? 1 It's very cold here in winter so it's ............................... to
Hugs from Spain! visit in summer.
Ana 2 I know you love cycling, so···--- bring a
helmet and gloves.
3 Thank you for your email. It's great ....
Read Nicole's reply to Ana. Underline the parts again.
of Nicole's email that match the four notes in 4 We got together two years ago but I didn't see
Exercise 1. you last year, so I can't ..
5 The weather changes all the time, so you
_ _ pack an umbrella and sunglasses!
Nicole Mason
Ana Salinas Read the email from Sam. How many questions
does he ask?
Hi Ana,
I'm great, thanks. I'm really looking forward to Sam Morris
your visit too!
February is the coldest month here in the UK!
Remember to pack a hat, gloves and your
warmest coat. You should also bring some How are you? It's nearly the
money for shopping and going out. school holidays. I can't wait to
Great --- travel to your country! I'll be at
You don't have to do homework, but during
your house in three weeks!
the trip it's a good idea to make a note of
things to tell your classmates in Spain. I did Explain - - What's the weather like at this
that on my trip to your school. time of year in your country?

Bye for now! Suggest ... - What should I bring with me?
Nicole I'd love to give your family a gift
for letting me stay. I'd like to bring
something special from my country.
Tell Sam - - What would your family like?
See you soon,

Write your email to Sam.

• Use the notes beside Sam's email.
• Use the tips in the Prepare to write box.
• Write about 100 words.
• Check your spelling and grammar.

UNIT 13 79
ABOUT YOU 2 Work in pairs. Number the photos in order and then use
them to describe what you do at an international airport.
Has your family ever travelled abroad?
Where did you go? 1 You arrive at the airport and you go to the check-in desk.
Where in the world would you most like You show ...
to visit? Why?
35 3 Listen and check your answers to Exercise 2.

4 Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1.

1 You have to show your ......... ........................ and your ticket at the
check-in desk.
International travel 2 There's often a ................................... for the security check.
3 You need to follow the _ _ to your departure gate,
1 where your_ _
_ and your ................ ............... are checked.
G» the photos.
Match the words in the box with A-Kin
4 As you walk through customs, officers might ask to check
inside your ....

baggage baggage hall 5 Discuss the questions.

boarding pass check-in desk
1 What's the difference between a boarding pass and
customs departure gate
passport passport control
a ticket?
2 What's the difference between a security check and
queue security check sign
a customs check?
3 What are the best and worst things about air travel?

80 UNIT 14
I can't wait! We're leaving on Saturday - a taxi is picking us up at 8 am and
we're going straight to the airport. We're going to have a great time! On the
1 Read Olivia's blog entry. What does
she plan or intend to do in Tokyo?
first day, we're going sightseeing in and around the Roppongi district. We're
going to visit a cat cafe and have a go at gaming. Apart from that, I'm not sure.
Mum says we're going to look around the shops but I'm not so sure about that.
Read the on line guide to Tokyo. I've found this great guide to the city, but has anyone got other suggestions?
Which paragraphs mention things
that are in the blog?

ff45rroop 11t:-,1rt:H> THE sTREETs ARE 2
T£a{ t:1./?Tf//<£-) IF YOU WANT TO DISCOVER
FULL OF RESTAURANTS selling noodles and sushi. the Japanese love of technology, spend some time in a gaming
Noodles look like spaghetti and they're served with cafe. Try the Internet Comic Cafe Manboo, where you can admire
fried meat, seafood or vegetables. Sushi is rice thousands of manga comics for sale as well as play all the latest
served with uncooked fish or vegetables. The flavours computer games. They rent rooms with sofas where gamers can
are incredible. You can even take a class to learn how lie down after long sessions. They even have showers - you'd
to prepare your own sushi. probably need one after an 8-hour overnight gaming session!
. . . . . . . .
. .... ... ... ......... .. . .. .......... . . . . .. . . . . . . .�. . . . . . . . . .
.......... ......... .... .......... . . . . ...... ........... .......................

/{45'ff/OH/57A5'> BE SURE TO VISIT the 4
#£11<.P/#HP #OHP£/<.rl/?) TOKYO IS FULL OF
Harajuku district. It's where all the trendy Japanese UNUSUAL THINGS to see and do. It's hard to walk a block
teens hang out, so be prepared! You're going to see in Tokyo without seeing loads of vending machines! Most sell
a lot of people wearing 'cosplay' clothing. Cosplay cold drinks but others sell things like dog food, umbrellas and
is short for 'costume play' and it's a Japanese hamburgers! How about going to one of the famous cat cafes,
pop tradition. Girls and boys dress in incredible where you can play with a cat or a kitten while you drink your
costumes inspired by their favourite anime (manga coffee? There are around 60 cat cafes in Tokyo! There's even a
cartoon) or computer game character. hedgehog cafe in Roppongi.

Read the on line guide again and choose the correct 4 A vending machine is something that
answers. A makes drinks.
B sells drinks.
1 What is sushi?
A a meat and rice dish C cooks food.
D sells sushi.
B fresh fish and vegetables
C rice with fish or vegetables 5 Tokyo's cat cafes
D a type of noodle A serve Japanese tea.
2 At Man boo, you can't
B have hedgehogs as well.
C are well-known.
A buy modern sofas.
D are in the Roppongi district.
B play computer games all night.
C get manga comics.
D have a shower. TALKING POINTS
3 What happens in the Harajuku district? Would you like to visit Tokyo? What
A Teens play computer games. would you like to see and do there?
B People go to cosplay cafes. What sightseeing would you recommend
C Japanese pop stars hang out. to visitors to your town or country?
D People wear unusual clothes.

UNIT 14 81
Future:be going to and
GRAMMAR present continuous 5 Make notes about your plans and arrangements
for next weekend. Use the ideas in the box or your
own ideas. Discuss your plans and arrangements
1 Read the examples. Then complete the rules with in pairs.
be going to or present continuous.
1 We're going to look around the shops. go shopping go to a gig or to the cinema
2 We're leaving on Saturday. hang out in town meet some friends
3 Be prepared! You're going to see a lot of people study visit my grandparents
wearing 'cosplay' clothing. watch a football match

We use: A: What are you doing next weekend?

a ___ to talk about future plans and B: I'm going shopping on Saturday. I'm going to buy
arrangements, usually with a specific time some new jeans.
reference (for example, next week, in August).
b ___ for things we intend to do some time
in the future, sometimes with a non-specific Phrasalverbs:travel
time reference (for example, one day, some
c ___ when we predict things that we know 1 Read the sentences. Choose the correct meanings
of the phrasal verbs.
are likely. �
1 We're going away at the weekend.
a staying at home b visiting another place
2 They set off at 9.30 this morning. .,.. I

a left a hotel b started a journey

2 Complete the conversation with the correct 3 When are you getting back?
form of be going to and the verbs in brackets. a arriving in another place
b returning
Olivia: We ............. ...................... (fly) to Tokyo on holiday!

I'm really looking forward it. 4 What time did the plane take off?
a leave the ground b arrive after a flight
Zayne: I was in Japan a few years ago. Tokyo's
amazing. You 2 .................................. (have) a great time! 5 We're going to check in early.
What 3 .......................... ........ (you/ do)? a arrive at a hotel or for a flight
b reserve a hotel or a flight
Olivia: We ..... ........................... (visit) a cat cafe.

Mum: And we 5 ...... ............... ............ (go) shopping! 6 See you at 4.00. My flight is getting in at 3.45.
a arriving b leaving
Olivia: What? I .............. .................. (not walk) around the
7 I can't wait to look around Moscow.
shops! I 7 ................................... (find) a good gaming
cafe. a visit a place and look at the things in it
Zayne: 8 .................................... (you/ try ) sushi with fish? b feel happy that something is going to happen
Mum: No way ! 1 9 .................................. (not eat) uncooked fish! 8 My dad is going to pick up my mum at the
J Choose the correct form of the verbs. a call b collect
<-) 1 Next month, I going to I'm going to return your 2 Complete the questions. Use the correct form of
bicycle. the phrasal verbs in Exercise 1.
2 We 're going to/ going to visit Argentina
3 They aren't going to meet/ met at the bus stop. 1 What time do you .................. ............. ... for school every
4 I 'm going to working/ 'm going to work in a morning?
sports shop. That's my plan. 2 Who normally ......... .............. ......... you and your friends
5 You're going to come/ coming to the UK one day. from school?
6 They aren't going/ not going to join us. 3 Do you usually·--- or stay at home in the
4 Make sentences with the present continuous or be 4 Do you like ...................................... old places?
going to. 5 What time do you from school in the
0 we/ visit/ Turkey one day
6 When did you ... .... ...................... from your most recent
We're going to visit Turkey one day.
holiday? Where did you go to?
1 I/ get/ the bus at 6.45 pm
7 How do you feel when your flight ····················•············ and
2 I/ cycle/ to your house next time
3 they/ not buy/ a new TV
8 Can you explain what you have to do when you
4 we/ walk/ home after school today
5 The sky is dark and cloudy. I think/ it/ rain .................................... to a hotel?
6 we/ not catch/ the 5.30 train/ tomorrow
J Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 2.

82 UNIT 14
Look at the photo and make predictions.
1 Where do you think this is?
2 What is the person doing?
3 Where is the person going?
Read the notes and look at the spaces. What
kind of information is needed for each space?

Length of trip: two (2) . .

o , "'tition details
What you must mention: the people, (3) . . . .. . ... . . . . ... . ... . and the
loca l environment.
Maximum number of words to write: (4)
Closing date of competition: 19th (5) ...

Listen and complete the notes.

Compare answers with your partner.
Listen again to check, and correct any mistakes.

Making suggestions

1 Discuss the questions in pairs. 4 Work in pairs. Choose three possible activities for the
weekend. Use the ideas in the box or your own ideas.
1 What do you usually do at the weekend?
2 What are you planning to do next weekend?
go walking in the mountains go to the beach
2 Listen to two friends planning their weekend. hang out in a country park go sightseeing
What do they decide to do? visit a cool museum
Read the Prepare to speak box. Then listen again.
Which phrase don't you hear? 5 Discuss the three activities and agree what to do.
Use phrases from the Prepare to speak box.
Making suggestions
Suggesting ideas Disagreeing with ideas
Why don't we ...? I'm not sure.
What about ...? The problem with that
How about ...? is ...
We could .. . ... might be a better
Agreeing with ideas
That's a good idea. Making a decision
That sounds great! Yes, let's do that.

Dealing with conflict
We never have exactly the same ideas or opinions
as our fr i ends or family members. We often
disagree with people and someti mes we get
angry or have arguments. When that happens, we
1 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. need to deal with conflict in a positive way and
work together to solve the problem.
1 Do you get along well with most people?
2 What th i ngs make you feel upset or angry?
3 What do and your friends argue about?

2 Read the text quickly. Match the titles (A-D)

to four of the tips.
A Live and learn C Stay calm
B Be clear and k i nd D Th i nk together


1 g i

;�����\h:�:�h:�•�;e��t J�;�t : ;l:a:7b :t����

5 . Two heads are always better than one.
You should have a conversat i on with your friend
keep cool and think carefully before we speak. Count to about how you could solve the problem. And you
ten i n your head, and if you can' t relax, then walk away. don't have to keep it a secret . You can get help from
Sometimes you have to do that! another fr i end or an adult i f that's helpful.
ft Listen first. Give the other person a chance to speak
� without interrupting them. You have to listen carefully
6 Cool down. After you've had a serious argument,
it's good to relax and cool down. When you feel
and pay attention to your fr i end's face and body language. better, you should go for a walk w ith your friend or
Try to imag i ne how your friend is probably feeling at that maybe you can do someth i ng fun. Why not play a
moment. sport or watch your favour i te TV show together?
. You have to be honest about your thoughts a

� and feel i ngs. Explain the problem clearly and say what
you need from your friend. You should choose your words
7 iit�, t

��d �����.:� :v:�o ;�;�: :0:7


disagreement. But we should try to learn from them.
carefully and try to be nice to the other person. You don't After all, we don't want to repeat the same mistakes
want to start a new argument! again! Th i nk about what happened, and remember
that lesson for the fut ure.
f. Admit your mistakes.
.. Remember that even the
best people make mistakes
and nobody is perfect. It's
OK to make mistakes, but
we have to admit them and
then say we're sorry. We
should also forg i ve other
people when they apologise
for the ir own mistakes.

3 Match the sentences to similar ideas in the text. Listen to a conversation. Why is Michael upset
with Amy? Do they use any of the suggestions in
1 Nice people sometimes do things that aren't
the article to find a solution?
2 You should do something to make you feel calm Listen again and answer the questions.
after an argument.
1 What time did Amy arrive?
3 We sometimes say bad things to people when
2 Who has got Amy's bicycle right now?
we're angry.
3 When did Michael and Amy plan to meet?
4 We don't want to have the same problem twice.
4 Why does Amy usually arrive late?
5 Try to put yourself in the other person's place.
5 What solutions do Michael and Amy discuss?
6 A third person could help you find an answer.
6 What does Michael want to do right now?
4 Match the highlighted words in the text to the
8 Complete the Useful language phrases with the
words in the box.
1 say that something is true or real
2 stopping someone who is speaking about always fault idea
3 find the answer to something or stop a problem tired why
4 when people have a different opinion about
5 shout something very loudly, in a high voice USEFUL LANGUAGE
6 movements and positions of your body and face Dealing with conflict with a friend
that show other people how you are feeling,
You've ___ got an excuse.
without using words
I'm getting of this.
S Discuss the questions. ___ are you so angry?
1 When was the last argument you had with a I'm sorry ___ that.
friend? What did you argue about? It wasn't my ___
2 How did you deal with the conflict? Did you use I've got an ___
any tips from the article?

Resolving a

Work with a partner. Write a dialogue

about two friends who are having
an argument. Use the situations and
questions below to help you.
• forgetting someone's birthday
• not inviting someone to a party
• borrowing and losing something
• always arriving ten minutes late

1 Who are the people in your dialogue?

2 What are the people arguing about?
3 Which person started the argument?
4 How could they solve the problem?
s What can they do after the argument?
Act out your dialogue for the class.

3 Use a word from each box to make a compound
noun to match the definitions 1-8.

1 Complete the information with the pairs of words. baggage boarding check-in departure
green power public traffic
burglary/ burglars hacking/ hacker
pickpocketing/ pickpockets
cut desk gate hall jam
shoplifting/ shoplifters vandalism/ vandals
pass spaces transport

1 the place at an airport where passengers get on

a plane
2 a card that a passenger must have to get on a
3 buses, trains, etc. that anyone can use

4 a queue of cars, lorries, etc. that are moving
slowly or not moving at all
5 the place at an airport where you show your
The average' takes less than ten mloutes. ticket and leave large suitcases
\ 6 a temporary problem when there isn't any
About 30% of 2 enter a home through an open
door or window of an apartment. electricity
7 areas of grass, trees, etc. usually in a city,
is very common near signs that warn about I where people can walk, play sport and enjoy
the problem. The reason is that when people see these themselves.
signs, they check their important possessions. 4 8 the place at an airport where you collect your
can then see where these possessions are and follow the suitcases after a flight
people until they get their chance to steal them.
. in many areas has decreased since the GRAMMAR
introduction of mobile phones. Some researchers
believe that mobile phones are so entertaining that
.......................... ......... aren't as likely to go out, get bored and 1 Choose the correct word.
break or damage something.
1 There isn't ............................ crime in my neighbourhood.
A many B much C some
According to American research, 75% of l.... 2 My sister and I are having ............................ arguments at
are adults, and 25% of them are under 18. And the moment.
... is actually more common among shop
A a lot of B many C a little
workers than customers!
3 We did .... .................. .. sightseeing on holiday, but we
mainly relaxed on the beach.
A a few B much C a little
The youngest 9... ................................ in the world was five -year-
old Kristoffer von Hassel. He discovered a way to use 4 I'm taking out the rubbish. Have you got
his father's video game account without knowing the A any B a lot of C many
password. His 10 earned him $50 and four free 5 I made ............................. new friend s at the party.
games from the video games company. A any B a little C a few
6 How ........................... boarding passes have you got in
your hand?
A a lot of B many C much
2 Match the beginnings of the sentences 1-4 to two 7 There's amazing graffiti under the
correct endings a-h. bridge.
A some B any C a few
1 I am ... a on my own.
8 There's ............................ traffic on the roads this evening.
2 I am doing ... b me really happy.
A a lot of B many C much
3 We have ... C something tonight.
9 There isn't much serious crime where I live,
4 He makes ... d a lot of things in common.
but there's vandalism.
e friends easily.
A a little B any C much
f fun together.
g you a favour.
h never wrong.

2 Complete the story. Use the past simple or 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
past continuous form of the verbs. or the present continuous.
be going to
1 That woman near the bags is behaving oddly.
I think she_ _ _(steal) something.
On a cold January morning, Flight 1549 2 We . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . (get) together on Saturday. Are
0 yyq?. tqk/r,gqf( (take off) from a New York you free?
airport when it 1 ___ (hit) some birds. The 3 1 . . . .. . ... . ... . ..... ... . . (go away) on holiday in the last two
engines 2 . ... . . .. . . . ·. . . . . . . . . (stop) almost immediately. weeks of August.
Captain Sullenberger quickly realised that 4 You drive too fast. One day you_ . _ _ (get)
the plane 3 ___ (fall) very fast. There was a fine.
only one place he could land the plane: on the 5 I've changed my plans. My friends . .
Hudson River in the middle of New York! (not come round) this evening any more.
6 Mum and Dad _ _ _ (find out) about this
Steven Day is a photographer. That morning
and there . . . . . . . ... . ..... ... . ... (be) trouble.
he 4 ___ (work) on his computer when
someone passed his desk. 'What's that?' they 5 Choose the correct words.
asked, pointing to something on the river.
Steven 5 · ·--- (find) his camera. At first, he @ 1 One day I'm asking/ going to ask you for a
didn't know what he 6 ___ (take) pictures favour.
" of. 'It 7 ·-- - (move) down the river, like 2 In my opinion, young people have to/ should
a boat,' he said. When he looked closely, stay at school until they are 18.
he 8_ _ _ (see) it was a plane. People 3 We've got a little/ a few time before we need to
9 .... . ... . .. . . . . .. . . . . (stand) on its wings in the middle of set off.
the river! 4 We saw/ were seeing the crowds of people
when we were leaving my apartment building.
The nex t day Stephen's photograph
10 ---· (appear) in newspapers and on 6 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
websites all over the world. G
�� 1 Last week we must do three tests.
2 When we travelled to Cambridge, the car
broke down.
3 I think I going to visit your house.
4 When I was younger, I spent much money
on sweets.

7 For each question, write the correct answer.

• Write one word for each gap.

3 Complete the second sentence so that it means

the same as the first. Use three or four words
including the word in brackets. A few years ago we moved to a new city, so I had to change
schools. On the first day at my new school, I was really
1 It isn't necessary to take your passport. (have)
nervous. I find 1 hard to make new friends and
You . . . .. . . . . . .. . ... ... . .. take your passport. hardly said a word to anyone for hours. ___ 2 the
2 What's your advice about splitting up with
morning break started, I went outside and stood on my own.
I was feeling really lonely.
Do you think . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with Francesca? (should)
3 It wasn't necessary for them to print their Towards the end of break, a girl walked up to me. She
boarding passes. introduced 3 ... ... as Monica and started chatting right
away. She was also quite new at the school and we soon
T hey ..... . .. . ... . . . . . . .. . . print their boarding passes. (have)
4 Taxi drivers are only allowed to pick up discovered we had a_ 4
__ in common. We watched

passengers at the rank. the same TV shows, listened to similar types of music, and
we were both learning to play the guitar. Also, we lived just
Taxi drivers .... ..... . ... .. . . .. . . . . . passengers at the rank.
(must) a 5 ... . .. ..... . . ..... . minutes' walk from each other!
5 Is it a good idea for us to come round after Monica and I have been really good friends since that day.
dinner? (should) Naturally we sometimes argue 6 ................................... everyone does,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . after dinner? but we're very close.

Watch the video and then
answer the questions.
What are your favourite types of food?
Is your diet healthy? Why?
What's the most unusual food you've
ever tried?
Do you think it's good to try lots of
different food and drink?

Food and drink adjectives

1 Look at the photos. Which of the foods have you c::J>)

5 Match the foods that Ali tasted to the adjectives
tried? Did you like them? � he used to describe them. Then listen again and
� check.
Listen to the first part of a conversation. What is
Isla asking Ali to do?
delicious disgusting horrible tasty
Listen to the second part of the conversation.
Number the photos in the order of the taste test. 1 pineapple 3 lemon juice
2 sushi 4 curry
G» Then listen and check.
c::J>) Match the adjectives to the foods in lsla's project.
6 Discuss the questions.
1 juicy a curry 1 What's the most delicious food you've ever eaten?
2 sour b pineapple 2 What's the most disgusting food you've ever tried?
3 raw c lemon juice 3 What food do you eat raw?
4 spicy d salmon 4 What spicy food do you eat?
5 bitter e bread 5 Do you often eat vegetarian meals?
6 sweet f vegetables 6 Do you eat a lot of sweet things?
7 frozen g cake
8 fresh h coffee

88 UNIT 15
d Once my dad brought home some
giant toasted ants from a business
IJ Th�t;�d�finitely the
cheeseburger in a can. A reader
trip to Colombia. They tasted good, like salty sent it to me from Germany. It tasted like
meat. I described them on a website and I a really low-quality vegetarian burger.
got a lot of replies! So I started looking for It looked horrible and it tasted worse. I
other unusual foods and I set up a blog to really couldn't finish it.

write about them. I've tried over a hundred
different things since I started my blog. Oh, my favourite is miracle

fJ Th�;t����est is durian fruit, from

South East Asia. It's actually illegal
berries, from Africa. They taste
bitter, and after you eat them anything
that's sour tastes sweet! Lemon juice, for
to carry them on public transport in some example, tastes like sweet lemonade!

countries because they smell disgusting
- like old fruit and rubbish. However, they
Not once. I'm always careful
taste incredible - sweet and creamy. I've also
that the food is safe. My
cooked with unusual ingredients. I found a
parents check everything. They've
recipe for an ostrich curry online, and last
tried lots of things too. They loved my
week I made that. An ostrich is a bird, but its
ostrich curry!
meat is dark red. I expected a strong flavour,
but it isn't as meaty as lamb. I got it from an
ostrich farm in England.

READING Find these words in the article.

Then match them to their meanings.
1 giant
Read the interview quickly. Match questions a-e to a very large
spaces 1-5. b very small
2 recipe
a What's the most interesting thing you've ever eaten?
a instructions for cooking something
b Why did you start your website?
b a book about food
c Have you ever been ill because of something you've
3 flavour
a how food or drink smells
d And what about the most disgusting?
b how food or drink tastes
e What's the best food you've tried?
4 lamb
Complete the sentences with one word in each space. a meat of a young sheep
b a type of fruit
1 Ollie started his blog ___ years ago. 5 low-quality
2 Ollie's . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . gave him the toasted ants. a something that's very good
3 In some countries, it's against the law to . . . ... . . .. . . . .... . ... durian b something that isn't very good
fruit on public transport
4 The smell of durian fruit is
5 Ollie recently made a curry with some ostrich --- TALKING POINTS
6 Ollie didn't eat all of the cheeseburger in a What food or drink from your country
7 Miracle berries make sour things taste ___ would you like Ollie to try?
8 Ollie has never been ___ from eating foods for
Do you think more people will eat
his blog.
insects in the future? Why?/ Why not?

UNIT 15 89
JHI jHjYH!lII ___
Ii I
rrasa�t perfect and
past 11mple -
.............................................................................. ................ ........... ....

Read the examples. Then complete the rules with

5 Write for or since for these time phrases.

three weeks
this morning
Monday a few years
a long time

present perfect or past simple. four o'clock midday

1 Ollie's eaten everything from ants to zebra.
2 I made an ostrich curry last week.
6. Complete the sentences about you.

a We use the --- to ask or talk about O I 've been {be) at this school for three years
experiences in our life. 1 I ___ (not miss) a lesson since
b We use the.. .. .... .. ...... .. .. .... ...... .. ...... .. ...... (often with a past time 2 We .... .. ...... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .... ............ (be) in this classroom for
phrase) to ask or say exactly when something 3 I ___ (not eat) anything since ___
happened. 4 Our teacher ___ (work) here for ___
c We do not use past time phrases with the 5 I ...... .. .. (not do) an exam since_ _ _
6 ___ {live) in this town for.. __ _

7 Correct the mistake in each sentence.

2 Choose the correct form of the verbs.
G1 Yesterday I have left my phone at your house.
1 We enjoyed the party, but therehasn't been/ 2 Hi! I didn't see you for a long time.
wasn't anything to eat. 3 I know her since 2010.
2 Macyhad/ 'shad an argument with her best 4 On my last birthday I've got a lot of presents
friend yesterday. from my friends.
3 We eat meat, but we went/ 've been to 5 Have you ever visit London?
vegetarian restaurants lots of times. 6 Two weeks ago I've watched a tennis match.
4 Did you ever cook/ Have you ever cooked a meal
for your friends? 8 In pairs, ask questions with How long ...? Answer
them with for or since.
5 It was Mum's birthday on Sunday and we
went/ 've been out to a restaurant. O you/know/your best friend?
6 I never ordered/ 've never ordered pizza online. 1 you/have/your phone?
3 Ask and answer questions using the present 2 you/be/ in this class?
3 you/live/in your home?
perfect with ever and the past simple.
A: How long have you known your best friend?
0 go to a concert? - Who/see?
1 make anyone angry? - Who/be/it? B: I've known my best friend for ...
2 eat out with your friends? - Where/ go?

look, taste, smell

3 win anything? - What/win?
A: Have you ever been to a concert?
B: Yes, Ihave.
A: Who did you see?
B: / saw Calvin Harris last year.
1 Read the examples. What type of word can we use
after the verbs look, taste and smell?

1 It looked horrible.
How long? and for/since 2 They taste bitter.
3 It smells disgusting.
4 Read the examples. Then complete the rules with
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the words in the examples. look, taste or smell and an adjective from the box.
1 How long has Ollie had a blog? He's had a blog
for two years. disgusting clean exhausted bitt
2 He's tried over a hundred different things since
he started his blog.

- -
_ _
- -
- _
___ _
- -

O Those trainers look new. When did you buy them?
We use: 1 What are you cooking? It ---
a ___ to ask a question in the present 2 My coffee ___. Did you put sugar in it?
perfect about a period of time. 3 These socks don't .... . .... ........................ Put them in the
b ___ to say when something started. washing machine.
c ___ to give the period of time something 4 You all ___ . Did you go to bed late last
has continued. night?
5 Mum ___. You should apologise.
6 This burger.. . I'm not going to finish it.

90 UNIT 15
Ordering food

1 Have you ever made a meal for anyone? Who was

it for? What did you make?
1 Look at the menu below and answer the questions.
1 What do you think 'veggie' means?
2 You are going to listen to some short extracts. 2 How much is a spicy beef pizza with olives?
• Read the questions and look at the pictures. 3 Why are there two prices for cola?
What words might you hear in each extract?
1 What did the girl cook when she was young? Listen to the conversation. What does Emma
order? How much is her meal?

�) 3 Read the Prepare to speak box. Then listen again.

Which phrases do Emma and the server use?

2 Where does the boy get his recipes from? Ordering food
Phrases the server uses Phrases the customer
What can I get you? uses
What would you like? Could I have ... , please?
And to drink? I'll have ... , please.
Anything else? I'd like ... , please.
3 Who is a vegetarian? Eat in or take out? Have you got any ... ?
I • Here's your change. Here you are.

4 Look at the menu again and decide what you

would like to order. In pairs, practise ordering
food. Use phrases from the Prepare to speak box.
4 Which dish is only available today? 5 Act out your conversation for the class.

Sandwiches/ Panini

5 Which food does Lizzie dislike?

a a
6 Which ingredient do they need to buy?

7 What do the couple decide to have for dinner?

c::J>) Listen and choose the correct picture A, B or C.

Listen again and check.

UNIT 15 91
What films have you seen recently?
What are your favourite TV shows?

Watch the housemates 24/7
on Channel45 tv

1 Match the photos to the TV and film genres in the box.

� action thriller animation chat show comedy

crime drama documentary horror film period drama
reality show science fiction soap opera the news
S In pairs, think of one example for
each of the genres from Exercise 1.
A - action thriller

2 Listen and check your answers to Exercise 1.
The Toy Story films are animations.

3 Are the genres in Exercise 1 a TV show, a film, or both? Yes, and so are the Despicable Me films.
4 Complete the definitions with genres from Exercise 1. Then,
in pairs, write one-line definitions of the other seven genres. 6 Complete the sentences with the
genres that you like and dislike.
1 A ... ..... .. . . . . . ... is a film or TV show that gives information about
Compare your opinions in groups.
a subject.
2 A ... . . . . . . . ... . . is a TV drama series about people's daily lives. 1 I'm a big fan of ...
3 A show or film about the future is called 2 I can't stand ...
4 A . . . . . . .. . .. . ... . . . . .. is a show or film with a story that takes place in 3 I love ...
the past. 4 I'm not a big fan of ...
5 A ___ . is a TV show where someone interviews guests on 5 I'm really into ...
various topics. 6 I'm not into ...
92 UNIT 16
Discuss how you think people can get their first role in a film.

Read the text quickly. Did you think of the three ways that Kameron suggests?

My best friend and I have just appeared in a film! It sounds unbelievable, but the truth is: it
was easy. We were extras, and anyone can be an extra. Extras act in films or TV shows, but
they aren't the main actors. They might be people who are chatting in a restaurant, walking
down a street or playing sports. Sometimes, with smaller films, people are happy to work
for free as extras. Although you don't get paid, you get to hang out with cool people, learn
about film making and support a local director. Also, film companies provide great lunches!

I found a national website which producers FINALLY, A FEW WORDS

and directors look through to find extras. It was tree to join. I just had to send OF WARNING!
a photo and fill in a questionnaire about my skills and abilities , for example
sports I'm good at, musical instruments I can play, and whether I have a Be prepared for long waits: you'll
motorcycle licence. A director is the person who is in charge of filming. A spend more time doing nothing
producer is responsible for the team that makes the film. Producers are than appearing in a scene.
interested in anyone, from babies to grandparents. Hopefully, you'll get
something cool like a part in a reality show or a period drama!
Forget advertisements that say
they'll make you famous. They
probably won't!
Film boards help local companies
with things like money and the contacts they need to make a film. They'll also
Remember: this isn't your 'big
send you information about directors who are filming in your area.
chance' to become a star.
Extras are there to do a job, not
because they hope to 'show
Drama schools are often the first place where
what they can do' ..

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the highlighted words from the text.
1 The teacher gave her a ..................................... about being late.
2 Do you want to ___ in a video that I'm making?
3 The football team is going to ___ a new coach.
4 I'd like to talk to the person who's ___ here.
5 My brother played the---·· of a rock singer in a short film.
6 It's hard preparing for exams, but my teachers ....... ........................... me in various ways.

Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 How did Kameron appear in a film? TALKING POINTS
2 What do extras do? Would you like to be an extra or even
3 Why do volunteers like helping smaller film productions? an actor? Why?/ Why not?
4 What's the difference between a producer and a director? What films or shows would you like to
5 How can film boards help people who want to start acting? appear in?
6 Why should you take acting classes?
7 Why might it be boring to be an extra?

UNIT 16 93
·:::--....-.;:;:.- � - -_-_
Relative clauses 4 Connect the sentences with relative pronouns.
' 0 Mary Shelley was a British author. She wrote

1 Rea d the examples. Then complete the rules with

Frankenstein in 1818.
Mory Shelley was a British author who wrote
the words in the box.
Frankenstein in 1818.
1 They'll send you information about directors 1 Stranger Things is a brilliant series. I started
who are filming in your area. watching it last week.
2 I found a national website which producers and 2 The Fantastic Beasts series was filmed in
directors look through. New York. It stars Eddie Redmayne and
3 A producer is responsible for the team that Katherine Waterston.
makes a film. 3 There's a new bookshop in the mall. You can buy
4 Local drama schools are often the first place English-language DVDs there.
where producers look. 4 Jennifer Lawrence is a Hollywood star. She has
5 Forget advertisements that say they'll make you appeared in lots of great films.
famous. 5 Steven Spielberg is an incredible director. He has
won three Oscars.
I t:h-at that where which 6 Cortlandt Alley is a tiny street in New York. They
have filmed dozens of film scenes there.

We use relative clauses to explain who, what or

where we are talking about. We use: Talking about films
a that and ___ to talk about things. and shows
b .. .. ................. .........and... .......... to talk about people.
c ___ talk about places. Match the sentence halves.
• 1 A is 5 A '° is
2 A is 6 A J is

2 Read the text and choose the correct words. 3 A is 7 A ii is

4 A is

a a small part taken from a longer film or show.

b a report with an opinion of a film or show.
c the story in a film or show.
is a classic science fiction story. d a short video advertising a new film or show.
There are a lot of film versions, e a part which an actor plays.
but Frankenstein was originally a novel 1 that I who was published f the music used in a film or show.
in 1818. Many people think Frankenstein is a monster, but in fact g individual programmes that use the same
the main character is a crazy scientist 2 which I who is called characters in different situations.
Dr Frankenstein. He's got a laboratory 3 where I who he is trying
to create a beautiful, new kind of creature. Eventually, he makes a Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1.
monster 4 that I where is huge - and ugly. Frankenstein's monster 1 Homer is my favourite ___ in The Simpsons.
has got yellow and green skin, and a face 5 where I which is very
2 There's a new comedy......... ....................... on tonight that
frightening. I haven't watched, but there are ___ of the
Boris Karloff played the part of the monster in a 1931 film version of funniest scenes online.
the book. Karloff's monster had a big, square head with a white face 3 Nothing happens in this film. The.... is
and a metal bolt 6 where I that went through its neck. This 1931 film really boring.
created the image of Frankenstein's monster 7 that I who most modern 4 Have you read any ___ of the new Marvel
audiences are familiar with. film? - No, but I've watched a... for it. It
looks amazing.
5 The.................................... has some great songs
on it.
J Complete the sentences with who, which or where. Discuss the questions.
Then tick(✓) the ones where that is also correct.
"" 1 Who's your favourite film or TV show character?
O This is a film about a weak boy .1t11h9 turns 2 Do you read reviews before you choose a film to
into a strong man. ✓ watch? Where?
1 The Font Cafe is a quiet place ___ you can
study. )) Work with a partner. Turn to page 123.
2 Have you ever met anyone ___ can speak
five languages?
3 My mum has a new car ................... . ............. I love.
4 I met a girl at the youth club ............. . .................. knows you.
5 Are there any places around here .............................. I can
charge my phone?

94 UNIT 16
Reaching agreement

Look at the list of film and TV genres. Listen to six 1 You are going to watch a film with friends. Look at
conversations and write the conversation number the menu. Which one would you like to watch? Why?
next to the genre. (There is one genre that you
don't need.)
a comedy e reality show
b documentary f ............. the news
C 1 horror film g science fiction
d period drama
Read the questions and possible answers in the
exam task in Exercise 3. Underline the key words.


• Listen to the six conversations again. For each

question, choose the correct answer.
1 You will hear two friends talking about a film.
What do they say about it?
A The reviews of it are rather negative. A film for all sci-ti fans.
B They are too young to see it. Captain Adams and crew year! Funny and clever,
C Someone they know found it hard to follow. travel to a new planet. with great soundtrack too.
2 You will hear two friends talking about reality What will they find? Recommended.
What annoys the girl about reality TV stars?
A They get paid too much.
B They behave badly in public.
C They are boring to listen to.
3 You will hear two friends talking about taking
part in a short film.
The boy is unlikely to appear in the film because Don't watch this horror Jerry is planning a holiday
A he didn't see the information about it. film alone. Very exciting with a friend. But things
B he doesn't want to go to the meeting about it. special effects, and very don't go to plan, with funny
C the producer won't pay people who appear in it. scary! results. A laugh a minute!
4 You will hear two friends talking about a sci-fi
film they've seen.
They agree that �>)
2 You will hear two friends talking about which film
A the creature was scary. to watch. Which one do they choose?
B the film was too long.
Read the Prepare to speak box. Then listen again.
C the soundtrack was excellent.
Which phrases do you hear?
5 You will hear two friends talking about the news.
They agree that
A there's too much politics in the news. • PREPARE TO SPEAK
B they should stop watching the news. Reaching agreement
C their attitudes to the news have changed. Reaching agreement
Giving reasons
6 You will hear two friends talking about going to because ... Let's decide.
the cinema. It's too ... Yes, that's a good choice.
What does the boy suggest? It looks/sounds ... I think we're both happy
A asking someone to get their tickets with that.
B reading about the film before they set off
C seeing the last showing of the day

Follow the instructions to reach agreement about

watching a film or show.
1 Look at the films and shows on page 80. In pairs,
make a list of three that you would like to watch.
2 Discuss the films/shows, and reach agreement
on which one to watch. Use phrases from the
Prepare to speak box.

UNIT 16 95

1 Answer the questions.

1 What do you think British people eat in a typical day?
2 What do you know about traditional British dishes?
3 Do you think British food is very different from food in your country?

2 Read the text quickly. Match the underlined food to photos A-G.

Many tourists are quite surprised by all the delicious food they can find
in the UK. In the past, many visitors had a bad opinion of British cooking,
but that was often because they ate in cheap restaurants that only served
food for tourists. Fortunately, things have changed in recent years and now
tourists can find many types of good quality food all over the country.

---����� Typical favourites

You can find excellent traditional British food in the thousands
of cafes, restaurants and takeaways around the UK. A typical
cafe dish, and perhaps the best-known abroad, is the 'full
English breakfast'. That's eggs, sausage, tomatoes, beans and
fried bread. If you want something hot for lunch in a cafe, try
the meat or vegetarian pies on offer.
A classic summer dish is ploughman's lunch, which is a
cold dish of bread, butter, cheese, pickled onion and salad.
On Sundays, it's typical to have a roast dinner with friends
and family. Roast beef, lamb or chicken is served with potatoes and boiled
vegetables such as carrots and broccoli, and gravy is poured on top. Gravy is a
thick, brown sauce and it's delicious!
Takeaways are really popular in the UK. These are small shops that sell hot food
that customers take home or eat on the street. Fish and chips has been a British
takeaway favourite for a long time. They fry the fish in batter (a mixture of flour
and water) and it's often served with peas, and, of course, lots of chips!

Local dishes
Many places in the UK have local specialities. In Scotland, Cullen skink is a
creamy soup with fish, potatoes, onions, and milk. In Wales, one of the most
popular dishes is called Welsh rarebit. It's hot cheese on toast. And for dessert
you can try some bara brith. It's a sweet bread with fruit and spices.

International options
Since the 1950s, many immigrants have come to Britain from all over the world
and they have brought lots of international dishes with them: curry from India and
Pakistan, pizza and pasta from Italy, along with dishes from China, Japan, Egypt,
Mexico and many other places. Curry, in particular, has become so popular that
it is often called a 'national dish' of the UK.
With all of these choices, tourists nowadays won't have any problems eating in
the UK. Their biggest challenge will be deciding what to eat!

3 Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
1 At the moment, British food hasn't got much variety.
2 Nowadays, British people don't eat roast dinners.
3 People usually cook fish and chips at home.
4 Cullen skink is an English dish that has fish and potatoes.
5 Welsh rarebit is a recipe that hasn't got any meat or fish.
6 British food has become more varied because of immigration.

4 Match the highlighted words in the text to the meanings.

1 kept in vinegar or salty water
2 famous dishes
3 a place that cooks and sells food for people to eat
somewhere else
4 maybe, possibly
5 something difficult
Listen to Emily and her cousin Andrew, who is from the USA.
Answer the questions.
1 Where are Emily and Andrew now?
2 What decision are they trying to make?
3 What historical event does Emily talk about?

(!>) 6 Listen again. Complete the sentences with one or two words.
1 At first, Andrew suggests they have . .. .. . .. . .. ... . . . . for lunch.
2 Emily thinks some _ tikka masala would be good.
3 Andrew says he isn't a big fan of ___ dishes.
4 Bangers and mash are ___ with mashed ___
5 Emily says that cottage pie isn't a

� PROJECT ,l.;.;.&1
6 Trifle is made with . ..... . ... .. . .. . ... , __ _ jelly and cream.
7 Read the Useful language phrases. Complete them with
ideas about food in your country.

USEFUL LANGUAGE Write a food guide for tourists who

visit your town or city. Use the
Discussing possibilities questions below to help you.
1 A famous dish in our country would be ... • What food is popular in your
2 A popular local speciality might be ... country?
3 Visitors could perhaps try ... • What are the local specialities
4 A popular fast food here would be ... where you live?
5 Some tourists might not like ... • Which restaurants should tourists
6 People who like desserts might want to try ... try in your area?
• What fast food is popular where you
• What desserts or sweets should
visitors have?
• What other food might people want
to try?
Present your guide to the class. Then
post your work at school where
other people can see it.. ____ _ __


What do you use your phone or computer for?
Make a list of things.

Computer phrases

G» questions. Then listen and check.
c::J>) Match the beginnings and ends of the quiz

Listen to Jack's answers to the quiz. Alex
asks follow-up questions to get more details.
Complete the questions.
Have you
1 What did YO..Y.cf9}
ever deleted an
2 How did you
3 How do you Have you ever had
4 What kind of things Do you have a
5 What did
6 Which apps do you use Do you often share
7 How many do you ? & Have you ever done
8 Which ones do you . the most?
8 Do you upload

�) J Complete the sentences about Jack with 7 How many new apps have you
words from Exercise 1. Then listen again and
8 Do you ever download

1 Jack deleted a school project, but his dad

helped him to get it back. 8 photos or videos to the internet to
2 He got a ... . ... . ... . . . . .... . .. . when he installed a share with friends?
3 He uses a different --- for each b different password for each website
website. you use?
4 He often . ... . .... . . . . ....... . .. to funny videos or photos. C important file by mistake?
5 He has .. . . . . . .. . ... . .. . . . . for his name and found it
in some football reports. d podcasts?
6 He .a lot of and mainly 8 a search for your own name on line?
uses lnstagram.
7 He has _ _ _ about ten this f a virus on your computer?
week and has over 200 altogether.
�stalled on your phone this week?
h links to interesting websites with friends?
8 He sometimes ___ and his favourites
are the ones about science.

4 In pairs, take turns to answer the quiz

questions in Exercise 1. If you can, use the
follow-up questions in Exercise 2 to find
out more information.

5 Tell the class something interesting you

found out about your partner.

Sara got a virus on her dad's computer

and they had to buy a new one.

98 UNIT 17
READING Read about four more teenagers who want apps to help
them with learning English. Underline three key pieces of
information about each person.
Emre wants an app to help him with
2 Anna enjoys all subjects but she needs more help with
learning English. Read about Emre and
English vocabulary and grammar. She is bored of doing
notice the key underlined information a-c.
traditional exercises and is looking for an app with
1 Emre often• finds language apps easy activities that are quick to complete.
and wants some difficult practice. He 3 Luis would like to get better at understanding movies and
b would like to improve his listening skills TV shows in English. He expects apps to look good and is
and he c intends to use the app on his prepared to spend money on the right one.
short bus journey to and from school. 4 Evie's interested in developing and revising her
vocabulary. She likes fun activities and she really enjoys
Read the descriptions of the first three competing against friends.
apps (A-C). Find two apps that do these 5 Filipe is an advanced level student and he would like an
things: app to help him revise grammar. He doesn't want to pay
1 mention difficult practice B, C for an app.

2 practise listening skills
Read the descriptions of the apps (A-H). Decide which
3 are suitable for use on short journeys
app would be the most suitable for each teenager in
Which app is best for Emre? Exercise 3. There are three apps you don't need.


� i ".:.f:.,. ..., ·-:,':�-·._·.;


WordPowr is all about learning words - Languagelab costs nothing, but will be of
nouns, verbs, everything. There are eight limited interest to anyone except high-level
games, which are very enjoyable, but the best language learners. The grammar reference for

part is that you can also play online against other users. each topic is full of important details but the practice
At less than the price of a coffee, the app is great value that follows is fairly typical. The app also allows you to
for money. Games last just a few minutes, so it's perfect compare your progress with friends on social networks.
for a bus ride. Turn down the annoying music, though!
The design of VidEnglish isn't always clear
Although EnglishScene is expensive, the app and it seems to be mainly links to very high­
is often given awesome reviews by its users. level video clips from documentaries. The
As soon as you use it, you can understand clips aren't downloaded with the app, so it's best to
why. Everything about this app is professional, use when you have free wi-fi. There is a basic dictionary
from the high-quality and interesting video stories, and the app is completely free, with no advertisements.
with challenging activities to support students in

understanding them, to the simple, but attractive design. The first thing you notice with GrammarWise
is its professional-looking design. Everything
Newscast is a professional-looking app that about this app is easy to use. There are fun,
helps you understand the news in English. animated grammar presentations and a huge choice of
practice activities, with over 50 different grammar topics

You listen to and read stories, do some typical
exercises about new words, even a little grammar, and per level. You can try one topic for free but it costs to
then answer the questions. Each activity takes between get access to the whole app.
five and ten minutes and is surprisingly hard.
Themez is a fresh and unusual app. It uses
Practise the 3000 most frequent words in games to teach grammar and vocabulary
English with PassWords3000. This app is for through topics like science and history. The
low-level students working by themselves and app is perfect for when you only have a few minutes to
includes a very common range of activity types. It's free, practise, but at the moment you can only play by yourself.
so sometimes you have to watch video advertisements
to continue using it. New questions are added
every month.
What apps do you use to help you with studying?
Do you mind paying for apps?

UNIT 17 99
GRAMMAR Present simple passive 4 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
@ 1 My best friend called Luis.
2 This computer it's used by everyone in my family.
1 Read the examples. Then complete the rules with
3 More computers need in our school.
4 My favourite game calls FIFA and costs about £50.
the words in the box.
1 The app is often given awesome reviews by its 5 This phone is recommend for older people.
users. 6 The virus was deleted some important files.
2 New questions are added every month.
3 The clips aren't downloaded with the app.
4 What is the app called? Phrasal verbs: technology
by past participle I
1 Complete the phrasal verbs.

a We use the passive when the person or Q

thing that causes the action is unknown or
b We form the present simple passive with the
correct form of .................................... and the ___ of
the verb.
c When we include who or what did the action,
we use ___

2 Complete the text about lnstagram. Use the Q

present simple passive form of the verbs.

lnstagram is an online photo cfo�

and video sharing app and
__ (own) by Facebook. y
The app is extremely popular and 2 _ _ (use)
by over 500 million people daily.

Over 95 million photos and videos 3 _ _


(share) every day and a word or phrase 4 plug shut switch

switch take turn turn

(add) to the photo, called a 'tag'. Thousands of

products 5 ___ (advertise) by companies on
1 down 5 turn off/.... off
the app too. Users click a heart icon next to the
in out
photos they like the most. Around 50,000 'likes'
3 turn on/.. on down
. . . ...... .......

(give) to photos and videos every

.. .............. up 8 ..... .................. up
second on lnstagram!
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the phrasal verbs in Exercise 1.
3 )) Complete the questions with the present O Please.. turn off/ switch off your mobile phones.
simple passive form of the verb. Then answer the The film is starting soon.
questions with your own ideas. Turn to page 124 1 This TV isn't working. Can you check it is
to check.
1 Which type of program___ (download) from 2 This app makes it easy to _ _ _ the train times.
the internet the most often? 3 that music! It's too loud!
2 Which password _ _ _ (use) by people most 4 Is there a problem? Try _ __ the computer.
often online? Wait ten seconds, then... ... ...... ......... the computer
3 Which celebrities .......... ........................ (search) for online the again.
most often? 5 Don't forget to . . . .. ... . .... .... . . . .. your SIM card before you
4 How much ................................... (spend) on buying apps sell your phone.
every year? 6 Can you _ _ _ the sound on the TV? I can't
5 Which countries .. ................................ most smartphones hear what they're saying.
............ .... ..... .......... (make) in?

100 UNIT 17
WRITING An informal email (3)

Read this email that Paul receives from his friend Abbie.
Why is Abbie looking for new apps and podcasts?

Good apps?

Hi Paul,
I'm going on a road trip with my
Great ----- family next week. We're visiting
relatives in Scotland for a few days.
It's going to be a long journey!
I need some new games for my
Recommend ... - phone. What's your favourite at the
Explain ----- Why do you like it?
Tell Abbie ... -- Also, have you heard any good
podcasts recently?
An informal email (3)
In an informal email:
Read Paul's reply. Does he answer all of Abbie's questions? • use phrases to give your opinion:
I (really) think ...
I don't think ...
For me, ...
Hey Abbie,
In my opinion, ...
Your road trip sounds fun! Yes, it's long, but if you /would say ...
have a few good games and podcasts, I think • use phrases to make suggestions
you'll be fine. and recommendations:
My favourite game on my phone at the moment You should ... I recommend ...
is Rol/ercoaster Tycoon. You should try it. You • remember to answer any questions
• remember to use an informal phrase to
have to design your own theme park, build
begin and end the email.
rollercoasters and encourage as many visitors as
possible. I love this game because I can play for
hours and never get bored. I would say it's perfect
for long journeys. Complete the sentences with your
For podcasts, I'd recommend Reply All. It's a opinions about game apps and podcasts.
show about anything on the internet, and in my
Compare your opinions with a partner. Do
you agree with your partner's opinions?
opinion, the stories are really original. Everyone in
your family will enjoy it. 1 In my opinion, ...
Have a great time!
2 I really think ...
3 I would say ...
What informal phrases does Paul use to
begin and end his email?
Which game and which podcast does Paul mention? What Read Abbie's email again and plan your
phrases does he use to recommend them to Abbie? reply. Use all Paul's notes in Exercise 1.
Read the Prepare to write box. Find three phrases that Write your email to Abbie.
Paul uses to give his opinion.
• • 1 Use the phrases and tips in the Prepare
to write box.
• Write about 100 words.
• Remember to check your spelling and

UNIT 17 101
Staying safe online
We use the internet for many things, such as studying,
communicating with friends and having fun on line.
The internet is a normal part of modern life,
but we must use it carefully in order to
stay safe and prevent problems.

1 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

1 How many hours do you spend on the internet on a typical day?
A less than 1 B 1 to 2 C 3 to 4 D more than 4
2 What electronic device do you use most often for going on line?
A smartphone B a tablet C a laptop D other

3 How much do you think you know about internet safety?
A nothing B a little C quite a lot D a lot

2 Read the text quickly. Match photos A-D to four of the rules. How well do you
follow these rules?

When you're online, you should protect Don't share any photos or videos of
your friends and other people unless
information like your real name, address, phone
you have their permission. Be polite and
I hate you
number and date of birth. This information is
too personal to share with everyone. respect other people's privacy online.

Keep your passwords secret, so strangers can't

Don't accept any friend or chat requests
access your email or other accounts. And don't
from strangers on social media apps or
choose an obvious password, like 123456.
websites. All your online contacts should be
Choose something that people can't guess.
people that you already know and trust.

Be cautious about websites and apps that If you use social media, you shouldn't write
tell people your locatio . You don't want nasty comments about people or the things
strangers to know where you are going or they post online. Respect their feelings
when you aren't home! and don't be mean. You wouldn't want
someone to say those things about you!
If you really want to meet a new online friend,
you should always tell your parents first. They If you have any problems with other
should know where you're going, and they people online, ask an adult for help. It's
may want to accompany you the first time. better to talk with someone as soon as
possible. Don't keep the problem a secret!
Think very carefully before you share any
personal photos or videos online. Just pause
for a moment and ask yourself, 'Do I really
want everyone in the world to see this?'

3 Match the highlighted words in the text to the meanings.

1 easy to guess 4 keep someone or something safe
stop or wait 5 where someone or something is
unkind or nasty

4 Answer the questions. Use ideas from the text. Listen again and write the correct names:
Justin, David, Laura or Melissa.
1 What type of information should you keep personal? ·
2 What must you do if you want to meet a new online friend? 1 ___ didn't tell her parents about the
3 Why shouldn't you tell other people your password? cyberbullying.
4 What can happen if you share silly photos of yourself 2 ___ changed the privacy settings on
online? his profile.
5 When can you safely accept friendship requests online? 3 ........... .... .. .. . ...... has closed his email account
6 Why shouldn't you write bad things about other people? five times already.
4 ................................... got a new phone. Now she
5 Read the comments. Are these people using the internet
safely? Why? / Why not?
blocks messages from strangers.

8 Complete the Useful language phrases

with the words in the box.
I love posting photos of my friends online.
best important need
Sometimes they get angry with me, but I
opinion tell should
think it's funny.
posted 2h ago
Daniel says Giving advice
I don't like it when strangers send me friend
1 You .. ··-··----. tell your parents
requests. I never answer, and I block them
right away.
when I can.
2 I think people to be
posted 2h ago
more careful.
3 I'd... . ... my friends not to be
I use a phone app that shows people where 4 In my ... ··· -··--·-··-·, people should be
I am, but only my parents can see that nicer.
information. 5 The ___ thing to do is ask for
posted 2h ago permission.
6 lt's ___ to keep your
password secret.
Samuel says
When people insult me online, I always insult
them back. Sometimes it gets really nasty.
posted 2h ago

Listen to Melissa, Justin, Laura and David.

,l f"' _,. ' ,J/;out
Choose the correct answers.
111/1•1111•t '><lf<•ty
1 A boy posted comments about
Justin/ David on a social network. Make a poster about cyberbullying and
2 Girls were making fun of the dangers of internet use. Give practical
Laura / Melissa because advice.
she looks different.
3 A boy was writing nasty • What type of things do cyberbullies do?
emails about Melissa I • Why shouldn't people do these things?
Laura last year. • What can people do if they're being
4 David I Justin always cyberbullied?
receives lots of emails • Why is it important to talk about
from strangers. cyberbullying?
• Where could people find more information
about this problem?

Present your poster to the class. Then

display it at school.


1 Find the words (----t L ':.) and complete the lists.
You have got the first letter of each word.
1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct
form of the verbs.

d 0 C u m e n t a r y s 1 .............. you .................................... this book yet? (read)

·-- 2 When I switch off the lights , it ....................................
m i d g w r a p n e p e always very dark in here. (be)
b d s p r a b 1 i s r m 3 This table ..... ........................ ... of wood. (not make)
4 He never .. . . ..... ..... .......... .... much homework
0 0 r a i a s r m 1 0 b when he's in his room. (do)
C w e s p y t h a i u a 5 Look! The teacher .. .......... just
0 n s s y p n e a n d r
6 Breakfast ....... . ...................... every day between
m 1 0 w u r 0 s f k t r 7 and 10 am. (serve)
7 Don't worry. I'll remind her if she
e 0 C 0 V e r i 0 u e a
. (forget)
d a r r w e e h n r 1 s 8 I'm not hungry. 1 ............. already .....
y d a d V i r u s t e s lunch. (have)
9 If you click 'yes', the film usually
b 1 0 w t 0 r n C h e e
.................................... quite quickly. (download)
e a C h a t s h 0 w r d 10 Unless he arrives soon, we ___
leave without him. (have to )
p t p a n i m a t i 0 n

Adjectives: feelings Computer words 2 Make sentences.

d_ _
_ e p 1 you/ upload/your film/yet?
g V d
2 this film/not translate/ into Spanish
TV and film Doing experiments
a C b C
3 Jon/just/shut down/his computer
C d s w

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 4 if/ I/fill/the kettle,/you/make/the
blow up characters confused deleted
5 the app /open/when you/enter/
exhausted plot plug in search soap opera
your password
soundtrack stressed turn off work out

1 I did a ....... .......................... for a cheap ticket online, but there 6 the British actors/not mention/in the
weren't any. reviews
2 This ___ is on TV five times a week.
3 I've just run 15 km. I'm .............................. .... · 7 the rubber ring/not float/unless/
4 She's upset because she···· - -- her homework by you/fill/it with air
5 I'm . I can't . ................. ...... ....... how to answer this 8 Sonia/ already/wrap/your present
6 I'm feeling very ................................... this evening. I need to sit down
and relax.
7 Can you .......... ..... ..... ............. this HDMI cable to the back of the
8 Have you heard the . ................................. from the new Star Wars
9 .... ......... ........... .... . the machine, quickly. This experiment's going
to ··································•···
10 The ..... .......... ... . ........... of Stranger Things is great; it always keeps
you guessing what will happen next. I love the main
. ...... .......... .............. too.

104 REVIEW 6
3 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.
Use no more than three words.
1 They produce most Indian films in Bollywood.
Most Indian films .................................... in Bollywood.
2 If you don't come to the cinema, you'll be really bored tonight.
___ be bored tonight if you come to the cinema.
3 This laptop doesn't install updates automatically.
Updates ....................... ............ automatically on this laptop.
4 I finished watching the documentary a few minutes ago.
I've ............ ........................ watching the documentary.
5 She's the new actress. She plays Juliet.
She's the new .................................... Juliet.
6 Do you sell DVDs here?
Are ......... . .. . ............. .. . here?
7 This is a really funny comedy. You should watch it.
This is a really funny ... ................................ should watch.
8 Unless someone can remember the password, we can't use the computer.
We ... .......... .... .... ........ the computer if someone can remember the password.

4 Choose the correct words.

@ 1 My friend hasn't arrived already/ yet.
2 You have/ 'II have fun if you come with us.
3 This is the computer game that/ who I bought a few weeks ago.
4 I've been watching a series that called/ 's called Stranger Things.

S Correct the mistake in each sentence.

@ 1 I've just spend some money on lunch.
2 You'll like the pizza restaurant where is near my house.
3 My closest friend calls Simone.
4 If you'll have a problem, I'll help you.

6 For each question, write the correct answer.

• Write one word for each gap.

ny student between the ages of 12 and 19 can enter the Young

Engineers for Britain competition. This is an annual event in which
students 1 ..................................... challenged to be creative in developing their own
idea. The aim of the competition is to design 2 ___ useful item that can
eventually be produced and sold.

Ruth Amos won the prize a 3 .................................... years ago for her invention, the
'StairSteady', which helps old people to go up and down stairs. It is
.. .............................. . . from a strong metal and is very safe, as well as being simple to

use. Ruth 5 ___ sold over 1,000 StairSteadys all around the country.
More recently, Matthew Hunter developed a product to charge a mobile
phone 6 .......................... ......... will fit on a bicycle. He won the Young Engineers' Duke
of York Award and received prize money of £1,000 for his invention.

REVIEW 6 105
12 Watch the video and then answer the questions.
What jobs do people you know do?
What job might you want to do? Why?


84 1 Label the photos with the jobs in the box. Then listen and check.

architect babysitter builder coach firefighter

hairdresser journalist lawyer pharmacist
politician presenter vet

85 2 Listen to six people describing their jobs. What are their jobs?

3 Answer the questions, using the jobs you didn't use in Exercise 2. 4 Discuss the questions.
Who ... Which jobs ...
1 explains the law to people and gives them advice? 1 do you usually need to get a degree for?
2 designs buildings? 2 are paid the highest?
3 works in government? 3 do people mainly do in an office?
4 introduces a TV or radio show? 4 often mean working weekends?
5 gives people medicine? 5 would be the most interesting/boring?
6 writes news stories or articles for publications, radio or TV?

106 UNIT 18
READING • If you could do any job for a day, what would it be?
A famous actor? An amazing sports star? A well-known
musician? Takeover Challenge offers thousands of
young people this opportunity. Read more to find
Read the introduction and look at the photos. out how it works and hear about the experiences
What jobs do you think the three young people of Sophie, Simon and Alexandra.
did? Read the article quickly and check.

Takeover Challenge is an annual event in English schools and about 50,000 young people 'take over'
from adults and have a go at their jobs. They're in charge for just one day! Of course, it's difficult to
make someone into a film or music celebrity. However, Takeover Challenge has offered young people
the chance to be TV presenters, sports coaches, journalists, teachers and even politicians.
The event has two aims. Firstly, it gives young people experience in a wide range of jobs. Secondly,
adults can learn from young people's opinions and fresh ideas.

Cameron, 1 s, Alexandra Shaw

became the headteacher of her spent the day with a
school. 'I'd go mad if I were a politician. She even went
headteacher permanently,' she to a meeting with the
said. 'There were so many meetings prime minister! Alexandra
and some of them went on thought that if everyone
for ages!' Sophie thinks she did a politician's job
learned a lot. 'My favourite day at Coventry Football Club. He for a day, they'd
part of the day was meeting became coach of the football team. be amazed. 'It
the school chef and 'Training with professional players isn't a nine-to-five
approving the was exhausting. They're really fit,' job,' she said.
school menus for said Simon. 'I would do this job every 'It's 24/7. There
the week. It was a day if I could. It was an unforgettable isn't even any
great opportunity to experience.' time for lunch!'

Read the article again. Answer the questions.

1 How often does Takeover Challenge happen? TALKING POINTS
2 Who does the day help? How? Is Takeover Challenge a good idea?
3 What did Sophie dislike about her day? Why?/ Why not?
4 What part of being a coach was difficult for Simon? What job would you like to 'take over'
5 What su rprised Alexandra about a politician's work? for a day?
6 What jobs does the article mention?

Match the highlighted words in the article to the meanings.

1 a lot of different types 4 new and different
2 opportu nity 5 exciting and impossible to forget
3 a long time 6 the leader of a government

UNIT 18 107
GRAMMAR Second conditional 4 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
'@ 1 If I were you, I'll get a job as a babysitter.
2 Would you be a football coach if you would have
1 Read the examples. Then complete the rules with
the chance?
the correct words.
3 If you met her, you will really like her.
1 If everyone did a politician's job for a day, they'd 4 It will be fun if you came with me.
be amazed. 5 I would leave if I would find my job stressful.
2 If you could do any job for a day, what would it 6 If I would see them again, I could identify them.
3 I would do this job every day if I could. 5 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. In
4 I'd go mad if I were a head teacher permanently. pairs, compare your answers.
1 If I were a journalist, I'd write about fashion.
We use the second conditional to talk about an 2 If I could do any job for a day, ...
unlikely or impossible situation in the present or 3 If I had €100,000 to spend on equipment for my
future, and its results. school, ...
a We form the second conditional with: 4 I wouldn't ever be bored again if ...
If+ ___ , and ___ + infinitive 5 If I were in charge of my school, ...
b The short form of would is 6 My parents wouldn't be pleased if ...
c We can use 1 . ......... ...................... instead of I was in the if 7 If I could be the coach of any team, ...
clause of the second conditional. 8 If I were prime minister of my country, ...
d The if clause can come first or second in the
sentence. 6 Tell the class about your partner's answers in
Exercise 5.

If Luca could do any job for a

day, he'd be a photographer.
2 Match the sentence halves and choose the correct
1 You probably didn't/ wouldn't earn much money Suffixes: -er, -or, -ist, -ian
2 I get/ 'd get paid a lot of money
3 Did/ Would you be worried
4 If I were/ would be the headteacher of my 1 Read the examples. Then make nouns for people
school, from the words in the box.
5 If I wanted/ would want to be a vet, �
• 1 He spent the day with a politician.
6 If Dad worked I would work nine-to-five in an
2 It isn't easy being a teacher.
3 Would you like to be a journalist?
a if your dad was I would be a firefighter? 4 I'd love to be a film director for a day!
b he got/ 'd get very bored.
c if you became/ would become a musician. aet art clean music
d what subjects did I would I have to study? reception run visit
e if I became/ 'd become a lawyer.
f lessons started/ would start at 10 am. actor
Complete the second conditional sentences.
2 Complete the words with the correct suffix and
1 You _ _ (sleep) better if you ___ (do)
_ match them to the definitions.
more exercise. 1 Ablogge, competes in a competition.
2 If you .................................... (fail) the end-of-year exam, what 2 A competit... b is an expert who studies or
.................................... your parents ....................... ............ (say)? 3 Ascient ... works in one of the sciences.
3 If my brother ................................... (not take) my things, we 4 Afootball c is the player who stands
.................................... (not have) so many arguments. support ... in the goal.
4 You .............. ..... ............... (finish) your homework before 5 Avegetar... d writes a blog.
dinner if you ................................... (not waste) so much time
6 Aguitar... e writes novels.
on the internet. 7 Anovel... f plays the guitar.
5 If 1 ................................... (can) live anywhere in the world, I 8 Acomed ... g doesn't eat meat or fish.
---··· ( choose) somewhere hot. 9 A goalkeep ... h tells jokes.
6 .................................... you .................................... (be) upset if your best likes a particular football
friend ................................. .. (not give) you a birthday present? team and wants them to win.

108 UNIT 18

c:::]>) Listen again. Are the sentences true

or false?

Conversation 1
Listen to two conversations about problems and
1 Ben has already got a weekend job.
complete the table.

2 Allie's parents said she is allowed to get

a weekend job.
3 Ben thinks Allie might be able to earn
some money at home.
4 Allie wants to avoid asking her parents
about a weekend job.
Conversation 2
5 Evan knows what he wants to study at
6 Evan has already done some research
7 Mrs Shaw thinks Evan should choose a
Conversation 1: I Conversation 2:
wide range of subjects.
Allie Evan
8 Mrs Shaw thinks that ten subjects might
What is his/her be too many for Evan.
Who is he/she
asking for advice?

Discussing options

1 Look at the picture. Nicole is thinking about getting a weekend job. Which jobs is she thinking about?

c:::]>) 2 Listen to two friends discussing the jobs that

Nicole could do. Which one do they agree
would be best for Nicole? Discussing options
Making suggestions Disagreeing
Read the Prepare to speak box. Then listen
What about ...? No, I don't agree.
again. Which phrases do you hear?
I think ... might be a good I'm not so sure.
4 Work with a partner. Talk together for three idea The problem with ... is ...
minutes about the different jobs Nicole could What do you think ... might be better.
do and decide which would be best. Use the about ... ? But don't you think ...?
phrases in the Prepare to speak box. If I were you/him/her, ...
Reaching agreement
5 In pairs, discuss the questions. Agreeing Yes, that's a good choice.
1 Would you like to have a weekend job? Yes, you're right.
2 Which job would you choose? Why? That's true.
3 Do you think students should have weekend Maybe you're right.
jobs? Why? / Why not? I see what you mean.

UNIT 18 109
Do you like reading? What do you read?
Do you prefer printed magazines or digital ones?

Things that you read

G» check.
r::J>) Match the words with the photos. Then listen and

advert article brochure e-book

graphic novel note notice paper
poster sticker

Listen to four short conversations. What things IFUL DES

that you read are they talking about? The OK Phone comes in

3 Complete the sentences.

two fashionable colours to
suit your personality. With
super-fast 5G technology,
1 I don't want to carry the novel I'm reading a 2 GHz processor,
around the whole time, so I read . ... 100 GB of memory, and
an ultra-high-quality
2 I read an interesting in this magazine all camera, this phone is a
about how to relax before exams. must-have.
3 My dad buys a-�- six days a week, even
though the news is at least a day old.
4 There's a big . . . . . ... . .... . .. . ... . .. in the corridor all about
World Book Day.
5 Your parcel was posted in the States. Look,
there's a customs ... .
stuck on it .
.. .....................

6 I like looking at the ___ in magazines, but

they don't persuade me to buy anything.
4 Where can you see the following? Include things
that you can read from Exercises 1 and 2 as well
as other words you know.
1 an advert 4 poetry
2 an article 5 a review
3 instructions

S Discuss the questions.

1 How often do you read each of the things from
Exercise l?
2 Is most of what you read printed or digital?
3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of
reading printed material as opposed to digital?

110 UNIT 19
Look at the texts 0-5 below. What kind is each one? In pairs, discuss where you think you might see them.
O email - on your tablet or laptop
Look at the example (0) again and answer these questions.
1 Underline the part of the email where Paula offers to help Jon.
2 Who is going to write Jon's CV?
3 What did Paula discuss with the bike shop manager?

Look at texts 1-5 again. What does each one say?

• Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
O Paula is offering to
Jon @ help Jon with his CV.
bike shop ·ob advert B write Jon's CV.
C introduce Jon to the manager.

I called the bike shop about the job advert. The manager
1 A Students can only go into the staff room
said he wanted people to send a CV. We should discuss
what qualifications and experience you can include when with a teacher.
you write yours. B Students can speak to teachers outside
the staff room.
C Students can't speak to members of staff.
2 A Deb has done something wrong.
Q STAFF ONLY B Deb's parents miss her.
C Deb's sister is in trouble.
Students are not permitted in the staff room. Please
knock on the door if you need to speak to a teacher. 3 A Georgia and Soph are going to walk to
the cinema.
B Georgia is going to meet Soph and her
mum at the cinema.
C Georgia and Soph are going to watch a
film after school.
4 At this pool
Q Sopl1,
A you must be at least 16 to swim alone.
B you have to be 16 or younger.
Mum said, s11e. could, to.k e. (,(s to tl1 e. cine.m IA- Lo..ter .
C children can't swim at the same time as
Wny a,on't we. get toge.tl1er 1A-ft;et- sc.nool Q..rlcl w<ill:'. to
mme.? Mum saul s11e. wa.s workmg hlL b.30. She. wn
clr�Ve. IA S to tl1 e. cine.m IA- IA-
ft;et- tl1 GU;.. 5 You can win a competition� A to go on tour with FC Barcelona.
B by finding the location of a ball.
C by emailing a picture.
What qualifications and experience
could you put on your CV?
Have you ever entered a competition?
What for? Did you win?
We've hidden the football in this photo. Put a 'X' where
you think the ball was and win a holiday!
Includes tickets to see an FC Barcelona match. To enter,
complete your details and send us the picture.


UNIT 19 111
Reported speech 4 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same
meaning as the first. Use one, two or three words.
0 Clare: 'I love writing about fashion.'
1 Match the speech bubbles to the examples.
Clare said that c,Q�lgv�cf 11yrifir.i.g about fashion.
1 Ewan: 'I don't want to write about sport!'
a I can take you later.
Ewan told me he .................................... to write about sport.
2 Anita: 'My article will be really funny.'
b We won't get angry. Anita said her article ............... ...................... really funny.
3 Paul: 'I'm writing about the cafeteria.'
c I want people to send a CV. Paul told us that he .................................... about the cafeteria.
4 James: 'The story can't be true.'
d I'm working till 6.30. James said the story .................................... true.
5 Sophie: 'The photos look amazing.'
1 The manager said he wanted people to Sophie told me the photos .................................... amazing.
send a CV. 6 Dan: 'You'll enjoy the movie.'
2 They told me they wouldn't get angry. Dan told me that 1 .......... ......................... the movie.
3 Mum said she was working till 6.30. 7 Sarah: 'There won't be any more shows in that series.'
4 Mum said she could take us to the cinema Sarah said there .................................... any more shows in that series.
later. 8 Chris: 'I'm not listening to a word you say!'.
Chris said that he ..................................... to a word she said.
2 Match the examples 1-4 in Exercise 1 to the
tense changes a-d in the box.
5 Report what the people said.

We use reported speech to repeat what I don't read print magazines

someone said earlier. We change the tense very often. I prefer reading
in reported speech. online. It's free and I can choose
Direct speech ➔ Reported speech from thousands of websites. I'll
a present simple past simple start my own website one day.
b present continuous past continuous Louisa said she didn't read print magazines very often. . . .
c can could
d will would
We also often change pronouns:
Sandra can help us put up some
'I make films.' ➔ He said he made films.
posters. She does it every day, and
Remember: say+ o-bj-ec-t; tell+ object.
she knows all the best places. She'll
He said me he made films. ➔ He told me he
be a graphic designer one day!
made films.
Pavel said that Sandra could . . .

say, speak, talk and tell

3 Choose the correct options.

@ 1 Katy says/said she liked reading graphic 1 Read the examples. Then match the verbs to the uses.
novels. • Can you speak Turkish? I've told you the answer.
2 Dexter told/told us he would leave us a I said, 'Hello.' I'm talking about biogs.
3 Adam told me he is reading/was reading 1 speak a someone something
an e-book. 2 say b about something or to someone
4 Tatum said me I said she couldn't read my 3 tell c something
handwriting. 4 talk d a language
5 Sally told/said me there were some
adverts online.
2 Choose the correct verbs.
6 Cosmo said the noticeboard will I would 1 What did you tell I say?
be full soon. 2 I can say/speak English.
7 Jude said/told he was coming to the 3 I spoke/told him my phone number.
party. 4 She was talking I telling about you.
8 Caz said //she was getting some stickers. 5 Nobody told/said anything.
6 Did you talk/tell to Mr Marsh?
7 Can anyone here speak I say German?
8 Please tell/say us the truth.

112 UNIT 19
� WRITING An online book review 4 Read an online review of Artemis Fowl. What is the
writer's opinion of the book? Complete the review
with the words in the box.
1 Do you read reviews of books or films online?
Do you ever write reviews? author character incredible
thought written
2 Read the review quickly. Tick (✓) the information
that Sachin includes.

�rt:emis !Eliw.-l
I've just read a really good fantasy novel
called Artemis Fowl. It was 1. .... by

Eoin Colfer, an Irish 2 .. . The main

1 the title of the book .... _ ·- is a teenage boy called Artemis
2 the author's name Fowl II. He comes from a family of
3 information about the author criminals and he does all sorts of awful
4 the name of the main character
5 the story of the whole book
things to make his family richer. He isn't
6 a description of part of the story a very nice person, but that doesn't matter
7 details about how the story ends because the story is 4 • It was the
8 his own opinion of the book first in a series of eight books. I 5 ....
it was a really exciting story, and I'll
definitely read the rest of the series.

by Anthony Horowitz
I've just read Crocodile Tears by Anthony
Horowitz. It's a great book! The main character
is a teenager called Alex Rider. He's a spy for the
British government. Alex visits a farm in England
that belongs to a criminal. The criminal is called
Desmond McCain and he's creating a new type of
crop that can kill people. He's planning to cause
lots of problems around the world using the crops.
Suddenly, McCain catches Alex! I think it's a very
exciting story, but I won't write more in case you
read the book!

S You are going to write an online book review.

J Read the Prepare to write box and find features
a-d in Sachin's review.
Think about a book that you like and plan your
review. Use the notes to help you.

• What is the title of the book?
PREPARE TO WRITE • Who is the author?
An online book review • Who is the main character?
• What happens in the story?
In an online book review: • What is your opinion of it?
a include the title of the book and the author
b include the name of the main character(s) 6 Write your online book review.
c give your opinion of the book • Use the tips in the Prepare to write box.
d include some details of the story, but avoid • Write about 100 words.
'spoilers' - and don't say how the book ends! • Remember to check your spelling and grammar.

UNIT 19 113
1 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.
1 What activities do you enjoy in art class? 2 What after-school activities do you enjoy?

2 Read the article. Complete it with the words in the box.

acrobatics companies dancers fashion regular training

For ballet dancers, one of the best training centres in the world is The
Royal Ballet School, in London, England. The school only accepts the
most talented _1 _ _ , who must complete eight years of full-time
training. There are 225 students, aged 11-19, and most of them live
together in boarding houses. On school days, they start at 8.30 am and
finish at 4.00 pm. They have two hours of ballet classes and four hours of
2_ _ _ subjects. Students also have ballet practice after school and on
Saturdays. It's a lot of work, but the results are incredible.

Located in the mountains about 100 miles from Los Angeles, the ldyllwild Arts
Academy is a boardi g school for young artists. It offers _ _ _in visual
arts, like drawing, painting, sculpture, photography and cinema, along with
programmes for the performing arts, like music, dance and theatre. There
is even a special department for young .................................... designers. Every year,

more than 300 students from about 25 countries attend ldyllwild, and it has
become one of the most famous arts schools in North America. The school's
quiet, rural location also makes it a very peaceful and beautiful place to learn.

If you' d like to join the circus, you should apply to the National Circus
School in Montreal, Canada. Since it was founded in 1981, the school
has offered training in 5 .................................... , theatre, dance, juggling and other
circus arts. About 150 people study there every year and 30 of them are
teen students in the high school programme. In a typical week, they have
twenty hours of circus classes and twenty hours of regular classes. After
finishing the programme, many students find work in circus 6
such as the Cirque du Soleil. That's the dream of every circus artist!

3 Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false �) 6 Listen again and complete the sentences.
1 Carolina didn't like her first ballet class,
1 Any students who like dance can attend The Royal but then her parents ...
Ballet School. 2 Her first week at The Royal Ballet School
2 Royal Ballet School students must also practise at the was hard because ...
weekend. 3 The advantages of studying in Russia are
3 The ldyllwild Arts Academy isn't in the centre of Los
Angeles. 4 The disadvantages of studying in Russia
4 ldyllwild only offers programmes for visual arts are ...
5 The National Circus School has about 150 high school 7 Read the Useful language phrases.
students. Complete them with information about
6 Everyone who does the circus programme joins the your own school.
Cirque du Soleil.

4 Match the highlighted words in the text to the meanings.

Describing schools
1 ask for permission, usually in writing 1 The school is located in ...
2 be present or go to a place or event 2 There are about ... students.
3 agrees to take someone or something
3 The school offers classes in ...
4 work or job that someone chooses 4 Students can also ... after
5 a school where students live and study school.
6 very good, surprising 5 On a typical day, students ...
Listen to an interview with Carolina Woods. Answer the 6 The advantages/disadvantages
questions. are ...

1 What is Carolina's special talent?

2 Where did she start studying when she was 11?
3 Where did she decide to study when she was 15?

Find information about an unusual

training school in your country
or anywhere in the world. Make a
presentation about the school and its
1 Where is the school located?
2 How many students attend the school?
3 What can young people study there?
4 What do students do on a typical day?
5 What are the advantages and
Make your presentation to the class.


Look at the pictures on this page. Have you
ever seen any of these pictures before?
Do you know the name for these types of
What other examples have you seen?

3:33 PM 33%-=i

Ang31ica 3nriqu3z

1 2

GH3 5
How many 3s can you see?
What animals can you see?


Collocations: thinking

1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

q blue green yellow
Listen to five short conversations. Match them to the pictures.
pink red orange
�>) 3 Match the sentence halves. Then listen again and check.
G» 1 purple black
I lost a second thoughts now.
2 Can you give me b your imagination to see the
3 It didn't cross second person. white brown
4 I've just had a c your mind!
5 I'm having d concentration! Can you say the colours of each word
6 Make up e a hint? without saying the word itself?
7 You have to use f thought.
g my mind to look there.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the S In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
collocations in Exercise 3.
1 Do you find it difficult to make up your
O I've just had a thought. Why don't you get some work as mind about things? Or are you good at
a babysitter? making decisions?
1 It's time to ___. Are you coming or not? 2 What causes you to lose concentration
2 I wanted to watch that new comedy show. But now I've while you are studying at home or at
read the reviews I'm --- school?
3 As soon as I fell in the water, the thought of sharks 3 When was the last time you had second
thoughts about something?
4 Question ten is impossible and Mrs Thomas wouldn't 4 What school subjects allow you to use
even __ _ your imagination? Do you use your
5 I can't do my homework while I watch TV. __ I _ imagination out of school?
6 I find it hard to write stories because I'm not good at

116 UNIT 20
Read the article quickly. Choose the main topic of the article.
A The ways optical illusions are used
B How optical illusions work
C Optical illusions in nature

Read the article again. Are the sentences true or false?

1 Scientists can't fully explain optical illusions.
2 Akiyoshi Kitaoka designed his optical illusion for a car advertisement.
3 Alexander McQueen only made one of his striped 'optical illusion' dresses.
4 Animals use optical illusion to hunt for food.
5 The road safety illusions have been successful. In advertising, optical illusions are useful to get
6 The plate illusion means it is probably healthier to use larger people to pay attention. Look at this picture
plates instead of smaller ones. by Akiyoshi Kitaoka, a Japanese professor of
Psychology. Kitaoka created it while he was
making a New Year's card for his family and
friends. The picture was later used in a car
advertisement. Can you guess why?

On roads, several countries have used optical

illusions to encourage people to drive more safely.
For instance, these pedestrian crossings were
painted on roads in China. From a distance, they
look 3D and the research shows that this causes
drivers to go more slowly near the crossings.

In fashion, optical illusions are used to change our

appearance. This dress was designed by the famous
fashion designer, Alexander McQueen. But it wasn't
designed just to look good. The narrow black and white
lines create an illusion, and the person appears slimmer
than they are. Several celebrities bought one.

In the natural world, some animals Researchers have found that one simple illusion
need optical illusions to stay alive. could help us to eat, and also waste, less food. In
Many butterflies, snakes and spiders experiments, the same amount of food was served on
are a similar colour to the place two plates: one small and one large. When people
where they live. They don't want their were asked to estimate the amount of food on each
enemies to see them - and eat them. They plate, they usually said the same thing: there was
can also use their colour to catch other more food on the smaller plate. Restaurants sometimes

animals themselves. Can you see the animal use this trick too - if we think we are getting more
hiding in this picture? What is it? food, then a meal looks better value for money.

Match the highlighted words in the text to the meanings.

1 trick a stop something or someone from escaping What practical uses of optical
2 appears b seems illusions have you seen?
3 catch c make someone more likely to do something What are your favourite optical
4 encourage d watch, listen to or think about something carefully illusions from the unit so far?
5 pay attention e make someone believe something that is not true
(to something)

UNIT 20 117
Past simple passive 4 Complete the second
part of the article. Use
the past simple active or
1 Match the examples to the passive forms. passive form of the verbs.
1 The picture was used in a car advertisement.
2 In fashion, optical illusions are used to change
our appearance. Between 1790 and 1820, over 150 kilometres
3 This dress wasn't just designed to look good. of canals 1 .................................... (build) in London to
help transport materials. Nowadays, cyclists
a present simple positive
and pedestrians share the path next to
b past simple positive
these canals, but some cyclists ride too
c past simple negative
fast. Recently, 3D pavement art 2

2 Look at the examples and complete the rules. (use) to make the path safer. A large 3D hole
(paint) on it by two local artists. As
cyclists approached the painting, it 4 ...
A Japanese professor created the picture.
(look) like there was a huge hole in the path.
Many cyclists stopped or 5 ....... ........................... (start) to
The picture was created by a Japanese professor.
ride more slowly. Then they 6 ... ................................ (give)
In the past simple passive: information about safer cycling!
a we use was/ . ··-- + (not) + ___
b if we want to say the person/thing that did the 5 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
action, we use
(fJ; 1 He born in Paris and he died in London.
2 This house it's built in the 16th century.
3 Yesterday we were met to have lunch together.
4 The medicine was tasted terrible.
5 The film we saw yesterday called Now You See It.
3 Read the first part of an article and choose the
6 We were allow to eat in the classroom.
correct forms of the verb.

look (at), see, watch

Street painting first appeared I was appeared

in the 16th century in Italy. The painters 2 called/

Read the examples. Match the verbs look (at), see
were called 'madonnari' and they 3 painted I
and watch to their meanings.
were painted pictures of well-known characters
on the pavement. 1 Look at this picture by Akiyoshi Kitaoka.
2 They don't want their enemies to see them.
In 1984, 3D pavement art 4 invented I was
3 I wanted to watch that new comedy show.
invented by the American, Kurt Venner. When
you look at 3D pavement art from a certain a ....: notice people or things with your eyes
place, it looks like it is 3D! A few years later, a TV b .......... ...........: pay attention to something, usually for
documentary 5 made I was made Kurt and his a short time and especially something that isn't
work famous. He 6 asked I was asked to make 3D
art for adverts, festivals and museums. This 3D
c .. .: pay attention to something, usually for
a longer time and especially something that is
pavement art 7 didn't do I wasn't done by Kurt ,
but by Julian Beever, a British pavement artist.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
look (at), see and watch.
1 Did you _ _ _ that white van? It was going
really fast.
2 the whiteboard and copy the words.
3 It crossed my mind today that I haven't ---
your brother for ages.
4 .... .. my hands carefully and I'll show you
how the trick was done.
5 _ _ ! That guy is shoplifting!
6 I'm exhausted. I was ....................... ............ films all night.
7 The World Cup final was .............. .................... by over a
billion people around the world.

118 UNIT 20
Expressing surprise
and disbelief

In pairs, discuss the questions. 1 Look at the photo. How

would you feel if you saw
1 Do you know the names of any famous magicians?
someone do this?
2 What are the best magic tricks you've seen?
3 Can you do any magic tricks? Listen and decide which
sentence is true.
Read the description of the podcast. In pairs,
write five questions that you think the presenter a Mark doesn't believe Lucy.
might ask. b Lucy doesn't believe Mark.

Read the Prepare to speak box. Then listen again.

Which phrases do Mark and Lucy use?
The University Podcast
33 Mysteries of the mind -!J PREPARE TO SPEAK
0 Play More episodes ...
Expressing surprise and disbelief
You won't believe this, but ...
This week's show is all about I find that hard to believe.
mysteries of the mind. And we
You're joking!
start with an interview with Amelia
Are you serious?
Rogers, a first-year French and
Spanish student at the university. No way!
Amelia is also a member of the I can't/couldn't believe my eyes.

University Magic Club, whose That just isn't possible.
recent show was reviewed very
well by this podcast in episode 31.
4 Work in pairs. Discuss the quiz questions together.
Use the language in the Prepare to speak box.
Listen to the podcast. Did the presenter ask any of
the questions you wrote in Exercise 2?

Listen to the interview again. For each question,

choose the correct answer.
1 Amelia became interested in magic because Which two events happened in the same year?
A her older brother used to enjoy it. A: The Eiffel Tower in Paris was finished.
B she was told she was naturally good at it. B Contact lenses were invented.
C she was given a magic set on her birthday. C The Japanese company Nintendo was started.
2 Amelia's favourite performances have been
Which law is true in parts of Australia?
A at children's parties.
A: You are only allowed to own a pet rabbit if you are a magician.
B in competitions she won.
B Cats aren't allowed to make a noise after 9 pm.
C during her time at university.
C You must attend classes before you can own a dog.
3 Amelia thinks creating your own tricks is
A less important than how you perform them. en the Mona Lisa was stolen in 191 L
B impossible for people with her level of o did the police think the thief was?
experience. a French poet
C necessary if you want to become famous. a museum guard
4 What does Amelia say about practising tricks?
A She does it in lots of different places. How thick would a piece of paper be if
B Her friends aren't interested in helping. you folded it in half 42 times?
C It's something she prefers doing alone. A: It would be about 2 metres thick.
5 What does Amelia say about explaining to other B It would be as tall as a house.
people how she does tricks? C It would be thick enough to reach the moon.
A She thinks it's a bad idea because people Which two people were born in the same year?
can't keep secrets. A: Marilyn Monroe, the film actress
B She sometimes does it with her closest friends. B Queen Elizabeth II
C She only ever does it with other magicians. C Pele, the Brazilian footballer
6 What are Amelia's plans for the future?
A She wants to be a professional magician.
B She wants to concentrate on her studies.
C She wants to work abroad.

UNIT 20 119
4 Match the highlighted words in the text to the
1 funny stories that people tell
2 give or supply something
3 notice or understand something
4 topic or subject
5 very new and up-to-date
LIFE SKILLS 6 have a bad effect on something

Identifying reliable news c:J>)

98 S Match the photos (A-D) to the topics (1-4). Then
listen to four people talking about fake news.
We can get news from many sources. We can
ask people we know and we can turn on the Which topics do they discuss?
radio or TV. We can also use the internet to find
out what's happening. However, we can't trust
everything we see or hear. We need to identify
reliable sources that we can believe and trust.

1 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

1 a food that sounds disgusting
What sources of information help you stay up to date? 2 stories about health and medicine
• my parents 3 celebrities and their private lives
• teachers and other adults 4 something surprising in space
• my friends at school
• newspapers and magazines c:J>) 6 Listen again and answer the questions.
• news on the radio or TV
1 A In the astronomy article, what did scientists
• internet websites and apps
see on Mars?
• other sources
B Why might NASA want to keep the story
Which sources of information above do you believe secret?
the most? Why do you think they are better than 2 A Who did the article say the actor had married?
other sources? B Why was it impossible for them to be married?
3 A Why didn't the company like the phrase
2 Read the text quickly. Match the questions (a-e) 'strange pink liquid'?
to the expert's answers. B What happened after the report was shown
a Why do people create fake news? on TV?
b How can we avoid or identify fake news? 4 A What health products are fake stories often
c Is fake news only a recent problem? about?
d What other negative effects can fake news have? B What are the fake news writers really trying
e What does the phrase 'fake news' mean? to do?

3 Match the sentences to similar ideas in the 7 Complete the Useful language phrases with the
introduction and paragraphs 1-5. words in the box.
1 New technology, like the internet, makes it easier
cases discuss issue serious
to share fake news.
share solution
2 You should always check the facts if a news story
sounds false.
3 We can get information about the news from lots
of places.
Discussing a problem
4 Fake news stories can change opinions about
people and companies. 1 It can be a ___ problem.
5 A fake story can become famous if lots of people 2 There have been many ___ of this.
share it online. 3 It's quite an important___
6 Some websites use fake news to get more 4 We need a ___ to this problem.
visitors and make money. 5 People shouldn't _ _ _ fake news.
6 It'd be good to ___ it at school.


We need to know what's happening around
us in the world, and there are many ways
to get news. We can read print media, such
as newspapers and magazines, or we can
use digital media, like TV and the internet.
However, we have to think carefully about
the information those sources provide and
watch out for a problem called 'fake news'.

When people talk about fake news, they mean false

stories that we sometimes find in the media. For
example, a website might post an article with false
information about a famous celebrity. Then the story
might be shared on social media and go viral before The phrase 'fake news' isn't new. In fact, it's more than
people realise that it's false. 100 years old. And of course, rumours and false stories
have existed since people started using language!
However, fake news is becoming more common today
because modern technology makes communication
faster and easier than before.

In some cases, people invent fake stories to have

fun and make jokes, but fake news can also be used
to get attention. For example, websites might use
fake headlines to attract more readers so they can
earn more money. In some cases, fake news gets Another negative effect of fake news is that
more attention than real news, and that's not funny! people can stop trusting the media because
WHAT'S IN they don't know who is really telling the truth.

OUR FOOD'? Fake news stories can also damage the image
of a person or company. For instance, a fake
story about a restaurant could suggest that
its food is unhealthy or dangerous. Similarly,
fake news about other cultures makes
people feel negatively about them and
To protect yourself against fake news stories, ask
changes public opinion.
yourself four questions: who, what, where and why.

Who wrote the story? Are they experts on the

issue? Do you trust them to tell the truth?

What do other people say? Check the facts with

other sources and people that you trust.

Where has this story appeared? Did you find it Organise an information campaign about fake
on a website that usually tells the truth? news for your school. Use the questions to help
Why has this story appeared? Is it a joke or is you plan your campaign.
it serious? What is the writer trying to do? • Can you define fake news in a simple, clear way?
Think carefully about these questions before • Have there been any fake news stories in your
you share any news on social media. But area?
don't be too negative. Some people tell • Why do some people believe fake news so easily?
the truth! • How can young people avoid or identify fake
• How can schools help students notice fake news?
• How can websites be useful for stopping fake
Actress Pippa Cox says news?
Present your work to the class. Then display it in
your school.


1 Choose the odd one out in each group of words. Explain
your answer.
1 Read the first sentence. Then complete
the second sentence using the verbs in
the box.
1 novel biography author e-book
2 actor audience painter writer
3 sticker painting poetry sculpture advised asked persuaded
4 artist director studio poet ordered warned
5 article gallery notice brochure
O 'You should publish that story.'
2 Complete the jobs with the missing vowels. Then answer His friends advised him J9pL1bJi�h the
the questions. story.
1 'Sit down!'
b_bys_tt_r pr_s_nt_r The teacher ___ the students
f_r_f_ ght_r j__rn_l_st
rch t ct ph_rm_c_st 2 'Be careful when you do question five.'
The teacher . . . . ... . . . . .. . ... the students
Who ... ___ with question five.
1 has the most dangerous job? 3 'Can you help me?'
2 works with children? Harry___ Charlotte _ _ _ him.
3 writes about the news? 4 'You really should enter the art
4 designs buildings? competition.'
5 introduces radio or TV shows? My mum. .... me_ _ _ the art
6 sells medicines? competition.
3 Complete the words in the mini-conversations. 2 Complete the sentences. Use the second
1 A: We have to finish this essay by tomorrow but I ' m so conditional form of the verbs.
tired. I keep losing my c and I can't think of 0 My cousins don't live near me, so I
anything to write! don't see them.
B: Your problem isn't being tired, you just need to pay If my cousins lived near me, ...
more a.................................... in class. I would see them.
2 C: So what do you want for your birthday? Give us a 1 Marcia doesn't invite me to her parties,
h__ _ so I don't invite her to mine.
D: No way, I want a surprise. You know me well enough, If Marcia invited me to her parties, ...
just use your ... . ... .... . ... . . . .. . . .. 2 They talk all the time, so they're always
3 E: I have £12 to spend but I can't make up my m__ _ in trouble.
what to buy. I was going to get a poster for my room They wouldn't always be in trouble if ...
but now I'm having secondt___ 3 I never do exercise, so I'm not fit.
F: Hey, I've just had at_ _ . What about one of If I did exercise, ...
these graphic n ? The plots are supposed to 4 He doesn't work hard, so he never gets
be amazing. good marks.
He 'd get good marks if ...
4 Complete the sentences. Use the noun or adjective form 5 She doesn't like TV, so she plays
of the words in brackets. computer games all the time.
If she liked TV, ...
-al -er -ful -ian -ist -or

1 Katy doesn't eat meat. She's___ . (vegetable)

2 There's a new___ on this site who is really funny.
3 I love the soundtrack to that film, but the acting isn't
very _ __ . (nature)
4 My sister is a brilliant_ __ . (piano)
5 How many___ are there in this year's marathon?
6 I've hurt my leg. It's really . .... .. . . . . ... . (pain)

122 REVIEW 7
3 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.
1 Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
The Mona Lisa was .......................... ..... .. Leonardo da Vinci.
2 In 2017, a collector sold Salvator Mundi by da Vinci for US$400 million!
In 2017, Salvator Mundi by da Vinci ................................ . . for US$400 million!
3 'I can't imagine life without my phone,' said Nina.
Nina said ..... ............................. life without her phone.
4 I don't think you should paint your bedroom black.
If I were you, I ___ your bedroom black.
5 Joe said he was going to the exhibition later.
'1 ............. ....................... the exhibition later,' said Joe.

4 Choose the correct words.

@ 1 The teacher asked/ asked to us to work together.
2 If they would want I wanted to watch a film, they'd need to use my spare screen.
3 I wanted to say I tell you that I have a new game.
4 This series was I is filmed in 2017.

S Correct the mistake in each sentence.

@ 1 The driver stopped the bus and warns Lisa to sit down.
2 If you came with me to the concert, it will be more fun for me.
3 Someone tells us it was too late to get a bus.
4 The medicine was tasted horrible but it made me feel better.

6 Choose the correct word for each space. For each question,
choose A, B, C or D.

Many teenagers dream of becoming celebrities - do you?

If you have a 1 ___ talent for acting, dancing or singing, why

not attend our two-week course and develop all three! Students
are taught in small groups to allow you to 2 ___ progress
quickly. For the first three days, you will concentrate on the three
areas - acting, dancing and singing - with a full day for each skill.
The rest of the course is all about the challenges of performing live.
On the final afternoon, you will take 3 ___ in a show in front of a
real 4 ___, which is always exciting. Past students 5 ___
the most fun they've ever had.
The course starts on 15th July and there are ten six-hour classes
altogether. To book, simply complete your details on the other side
of this 6 ___ and send it in!

1 A central B cultural C natural D traditional

2 A do B get C have D make
3 A away B back C off D part
4 A audience B character C presenter D performer
5 A say B speak C talk D tell
6 A advert B paper C novel D sticker

REVIEW 7 123


Reading Part 1 Multiple-choice signs, notices and messages
{Unit 11, Unit 18, Review 3)


What is Part 1? • Look at each text and think about where you would
There are six short texts to read. see it.
They may be emails, text messages, • Decide what the main message of the text is.
signs, notices, postcards, etc. • Read all the options carefully. Think about the
What do I have to do? meaning of each one. Don't just choose an option
Each text has a multiple-choice question because it has words or ideas from the text.
for you to answer.

1 Look at the exam task and read question 1. What kind of message is it?
Which option is the correct answer? Why are the other two wrong?

Dom would like Jules to

A find a jacket that Dom can borrow.
B tell Dom what size jacket is best.

C ask his brother to return Dom's jacket.

2 Now you try. Complete the Reading Part 1 task. Use the Exam tips to help you.

For each question, choose the correct answer.

A Students can get information about the new

menu here.
B The cafe is asking for ideas for new dishes to
What do you think of add to the menu.
our new menu? C This is how students can give their opinion of
Leave a note in the box! the menu.



A Abby is excited about how good the climbing club was.

B Abby wants Mia to contact Mr Wilson as soon as

C Abby and Mia are the only students who like climbing.

What do students find out from this message?

A what kind of painting can go into the exhibition

15th-25th July
B how long they've got to finish their paintings
Anyone who wants their painting
included in this must give it to C why the art exhibition is taking place in July
Miss Evans by Friday, 12th.

A The shopping centre closes later than usual two days

a week.
B You can see films here from Tuesday to Thursday.

C Some places in the centre close earlier than others.

A Isobel will ask her mum if she can go to the park.

B Isobel won't be able to meet Zoe this weekend.

C Isobel will see Zoe later than they planned.



Reading Part 2 Multiple-choice three short texts

(Unit 3, Unit 12, Unit 18)


What is Part 2? • Underline the important words in the questions.
There are three short texts to read. • Read the texts and find the information which
They might be about people, places, matches the question exactly. The meaning will be
books, films, etc. · the same, but the words will be different.
What do I have to do? • Don't worry if you don't understand every word in
There are seven questions to answer. the text.
You match each question to one of the texts.

1 Look at the title of the article and read the questions. Then, read the article and find
the answer to question 1. Underline the part of the text that gives you the answer.

2 Now you try. Complete the Reading Part 2 task. Use the Exam tips to help you.
For each question, choose the correct answer.
Sarah Andrea Trudi
1 Who knows other people who live in homes like hers? A B C
2 Who says that she feels safe in her home? A B C
3 Who is happy with the size of her home? A B C
4 Who says that her house is brigh.t? A B C
5 Who says that guests enjoy spending the night in her home? A B C
6 Who needs a lift when she wants to visit friends? A B C
7 Who feels less comfortable when she is in other people's homes? A B C

My home is a houseboat on a river. My parents and I have lived here since I was four, and I can't
remember living anywhere else. Lots of my friends live on houseboats too, so it feels normal to me.
We haven't got much space, but we don't mind - it's enough for us. Visitors love staying here and
·;; are surprised by how comfortable it is. They always sleep really well and love being on the water.

My friends at school think my lighthouse home is very cool. I like it, but it's not easy living here. The
rooms are round, so it's hard to fit furniture in, and they're not very big. Also, my parents have to
drive me everywhere as we are so far from town. The sea is only about 10 metres away, so it gets very
exciting when there is a storm. But the building is very strong, and I never feel afraid.

My dad built our house. It took him four years because he did most of it by himself. The sides and
the top are covered with earth and grass, but the front of the house has big windows. Lots of light
comes in and it's lovely and quiet. There's always lots of fresh air, too. When I am at my friends'

Reading Part 3 Multiple-choice one long text
(Unit 5, Unit 9, Unit 15)


What is Part 3? • One or two questions will test your understanding of
There is a newspaper, magazine or the text as a whole.
website article to read. • The other questions will test details, opinions or
What do I have to do? feelings in the text.
You have five multiple-choice questions • The detail questions will follow the order of
to answer. information in the text.
• Don't just match words in the options with words in
the text. Think carefully about the meaning.
1 Read the text and the questions, but don't
answer the questions yet. One question tests your
understanding of the whole text. Which question is it?

2 For each question, choose the correct answer. Use the Exam tips to help you.

When he was 12, Luke Thill was at home during the school holidays. He was bored
and looking for a fun activity, but he didn't want to play computer games or ride
his bike. Then, he heard about people who build, and live in, very small wooden
houses. 'I decided that I wanted to build one in my garden,' he said. 'I thought if
I made enough money doing jobs for my neighbours, it might be possible.'
Luke's dad agreed to help, but he had a few rules. Luke had to pay for everything
himself and had to do most of the work. Luke describes his dad as his 'coach' and
says that working as a team brought them closer together. It took them a year and
a half to finish the house and it cost $1,500.
The house is three metres long and two metres wide. Downstairs, it has a kitchen
and sitting area with a TV, and upstairs there's a little bedroom. When he began,
Luke was already quite good at repairing things, but there was a lot he didn't
know. 'It all seems very simple to me now,' he said. 'But at the time, I had no idea
what to do.'
Luke sleeps in his house about twice a week, does homework there after school
and invites friends round. He enjoyed building his little house so much that he
plans to build a second, bigger one soon, and in a few years' time he'd like to
live in it full time.

1 What is the writer doing in this text? 4 What does Luke say about building the house?
A giving advice to teenage builders A He was surprised it was so easy.
B describing an interesting project B He learned a lot while he was doing it.
C saying why small houses are popular C He broke some things at the beginning.
. 2 Why did Luke decide to build a little house? 5 What would Luke like to do next?
A He needed something to do. A make another little house
B He liked the one his neighbour had. B build houses for his friends
C It was a way to meet new people. C move out of the family home
3 Luke's dad was happy to
A do most of the building work.
B lend Luke money for the house.
C show Luke how to do things.
Reading Part 4 Multiple-choice cloze factual text
(Unit 8, Unit 1 O, Review 2)


What is Part 4? • Before choosing an answer, read the whole sentence
There is a short newspaper, magazine, so you understand what it is about.
website or encyclopaedia article to read. • Look at the words around the space carefully before
What do I have to do? choosing the one you think is best.
• With some questions, you need to think about
Complete the text by choosing the
grammar as well.
correct word for each gap.
There are six multiple-choice questions.

1 Read the article and try question 1. What is the answer? Why?
2 Now you try. Complete the Reading Part 4 task. Use the Exam tips to help you.
For each question, choose the correct answer.


A few years ago, workers in Melbourne, Australia,
gave each of the city's 70,000 trees JD numbers
and email addresses. They did this so that people
had a way of (1) ___ workers know when
there was a (2) ___ with a tree or if it was
dangerous. They could then send someone to
work on it and make it (3) ___

The emails soon started arriving. However,

workers got a big (4) ___ when they read
them because many people were using the
email addresses to send love letters to the trees.
They (5) ___ the trees stories, asked them
questions and said how beautiful they were. The
workers joined in by sending replies from the trees.
The email conversations are (6) ___ to read
and show how important trees are to the people
of Melbourne.

1 A making B letting C getting

2 A mistake B trouble C problem
3 A safe B correct C well
4 A adventure B surprise t experience
5 A spoke B told C explained
6 A popular B glad C wonderful


Reading Part 5 Open cloze email
(Unit 13, Unit 19, Review 5)


What is Part 5? Read the text once without thinking about the gaps, so you
There is a short text, such as an know what it is about.
email, postcard or internet post. • Think about what kind of word is needed for the gap,
Sometimes, there may be two emails. e.g. preposition, pronoun, article.
What do I have to do? • Read the whole sentence carefully.
You have to complete the text by • Only write one word in each space or you will not get
writing one word in each space. the mark.
• Spell each word perfectly or you will not get the mark.

1 Read the texts once. What kind of words are missing, grammar or vocabulary?
2 Now you try. Complete the Reading Part 5 task. Use the Exam tips to help you.
For each question, write the correct answer.
Write one word for each gap.
Example: O my

To: Bart

From: Shammi

Guess what? Mum says I can paint the walls in (0) ___ bedroom. I'm really happy

(1) ___ I hate the colour it is now! (2) ___ you want to come and help me? I'm free on
Saturday afternoon and (3) ___ day on Sunday.

To: Shammi

From: Bart

Of course! I know (4) ___ much you hate your pink walls! Is it OK (5) ___ I come at
ten on Sunday morning? By the way, (6) ___ colour are we going to use? I painted my
room black a few weeks ago, and it looks fantastic!


Writing Part 6 Guided writing email or note
(Unit 10, Unit 14, Review 4)


What is Part 6? • Underline the important words in the email so you
There is a short writing task. understand the topic and the three questions.
What do I have to do? • When you have finished, check for spelling and
You have to write a short email or note to grammar mistakes and that your email or note clearly
a friend. You may get some instructions includes answers to all three questions.
to follow, or you may have part of a • Check you have written at least 25 words.
message with some questions to reply to.

1 Read the exam task question and the four example answers. Which one is perfect?
What is wrong with the other three?
Read the email from your English friend, Danny.

Tell me about your birthday presents! What's the best thing you got? Who gave it
to you? Why do you like it?

Write an email to Danny and answer the questions.

Write 25 words or more.

a I 3ot lots of fantastic presents form� birthda�. The best thin3 wasm� bike, whichm�
parents 3aveme. I love it because it's fast and a reall� cool colour. Lets 30 for a ride
to3ether soon!

M!'.j bi-rH1� was grea.t. ALL m!'.j fri.encis to m!'.j po..r� <A.nci we o., grea.t
time. We oJl m�sseci !'.jOlA o., Lob! When cru, we see !'.jOlA?

l!Jtl'f far offYMenl:r � a new uurl,i/,e plwne it1 the /mt one I've WM' had

(:1 Mg bestpresent is earring f"m mg fend. is bautifa/ t /"ving it and waring a/wags

2 Now you try. Write your own answer to the Writing Part 6 task. Use the Exam tips to help you.


Writing Part l Picture story
(Unit 4, Unit 18, Review 1)


What is Part 7? • Look at all three pictures and get an idea of the whole
There is a story writing task. story before you begin.
What do I have to do? • Include something about every picture in your story.
You have to write a story based on three • Use the past tense for the events of the story.
pictures. • Try to use linking words such as so, and, but, because,
etc. in your story.

1 Read the exam task and the sample answer. Is there something
about every picture? What tense is the story in? Why?
Look at the three pictures.
Write the story shown in the pictures.
Write 35 words or more.

LMt week, Jim saw o., poster o..t sdlooL o..bo1At o., cookit,g competuioY\. He Loves
boJ::it,g, so he ciecicled, to eY\ter it. He weYlt home ru,d., boJ::ec.l ru, o.,mo..zit,g dlocoLo..te Jim took h�s to tr1e competuioY\ ru,d., WM ver!:j ho..pp!:j ru,d., s!Arpr�sec.l
whet'\ he got first pr�ze for it.

2 Now you try. Do the Writing Part 7 task below. Use the Exam tips to help you.
Look at the three pictures.
Write the story shown in the pictures.
Write 35 words or more.



Listening Part 1 3-option multiple choice five short dialogues
(Unit 4, Unit 17, Review 1)


What is Part 1? • You will hear something about each picture, but only
There are five short conversations. one picture answers the question, so only give one
What do I have to do? answer.
Each conversation has a multiple-choice • You hear the conversation twice, so don't worry if you
question for you to answer. The options miss the answer the first time.
are pictures.

1 Look at the pictures for question 1. Write down some words you think you are going to
hear in the conversation.
Read the question carefully. Is it asking about what Ted has got or what he wants?
Now, listen and answer the question.
1 What would Ted like to get for his room?

�>) Listen again to check your answer.

3 Now you try. Complete the Listening Part 1 task. Use the Exam tips to help you.
For each question, choose the correct picture.
2 What is still in the car?

3 How much is the bag?



4 Where did they go camping last year?

5 What are the boys going to do now?


Listening Part 2 Gap fill notes

(Unit 7, Unit 19, Review 5)


What is Part 2? • Before you listen, think about the kind of information
There is a person giving some information you need for the gap.
on a subject. • Sometimes, you will hear two possible answers.
What do I have to do? Listen carefully to understand which one is correct.
You need to listen and complete • It's best to write numbers as numbers and not as
some notes. There are five pieces of words, so you don't make a mistake with spelling.
information you need to write down. • You hear the recording twice, so don't worry if you
These will be words, numbers or miss the answer the first time.

�)) Read the exam task. Then, listen to the first part and look at the example. You hear
two days - Saturday and Friday. Why is Saturday correct and Friday wrong?
Now you try. Complete the Listening Part 2 task. Use the Exam tips to help you.
For each question, write the correct answer in each gap. You will hear someone talking
about a gym. Write one word, or a number or a date or a time.

Bodyfit Gym
Club for teenagers
Day: Saturday__ Teacher's name: (3)
Price: (1) £ per month What not to wear: (4)
Start time: (2) am What to bring: (5)


Listening Pan 3 3-option multiple choice dialogue
(Unit 12, Unit 20, Review 3)


What is Part 3? • Read the questions before you listen so you know
There is a conversation between two what information to listen for.
people. • You will hear something about all three options, so
What do I have to do? listen carefully to catch the meaning of what the
Listen and answer five multiple-choice people are saying.
questions. • The answer can come from either speaker.
• At least one question will ask about the opinion
or feelings of one of the speakers.
�)) 1 Read the questions and the instructions so you • You hear the conversation twice, so don't worry if
154 you miss the answer the first time.
know what the conversation will be about. Then,
look at question 1. Listen to the first part of the
recording and answer the question below.
Why is C the answer? Why are A and B wrong?
�>) 2 Now you try. Complete the Listening Part 3 task. Use the Exam Tips to help you.

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Callum talking to his friend Stella about going to a skatepark.
1 Callum says the new skatepark is close to
A the cinema.
B Callum's house.
C the swimming pool.
2 Stella does not like skateparks that are
A old.
B small.
C dirty.
3 What will the skatepark have in the future?
A a shop
B a roof
C a cafe
4 How much does it cost to use the skatepark at the moment?
A £7
B £5
C £3
5 The friends will see each other at the skatepark at
A 10 o'clock.
B 12 o'clock.
C 1 o'clock.


Listening Part 4 3-option multiple choice main idea, message, gist or topic
{Unit 8, Unit 1 &, Review 2)


What is Part 4? • Read the focus question carefully as this will tell you
There are five short conversations or what to listen for.
monologues. • The kind of things you'll be listening for include
What do I have to do? the topic, an opinion, someone's reasons for doing
Listen and answer five multiple-choice something, someone's likes and dislikes, activities,
questions. events, etc.
• Don't worry if you don't understand every word.
• Listen for the meaning, don't just match words in the
�)) 1
question and answer.
Look at question 1. Then listen and choose
the correct answer. ComP.are with a partner and • You hear the recordings twice, so don't worry if you
say why you chose the answer you did. miss the answer the first time.

Now you try. Complete the Listening Part 4 task.

Use the Exam tips to help you.
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 You will hear a girl talking to her mother. What does she want to eat?
A a sandwich
B some biscuits
C a large meal
2 You will hear a girl talking to a friend about a TV programme. What does she say about it?
A It was funny.
B It was long.
C It was exciting.
3 You will hear two friends talking about a walk they did together. What happened on the walk?
A They got wet.
B They got lost.
C They hurt themselves.
4 You will hear a boy leaving a message for a friend. Where would he like to meet his friend?
A at the bus stop
B at the ticket office
C at the big stage
5 You will hear a teacher talking to her class. What is she talking about?
A a story they'll write
B a book they'll read
C a film they'll watch


Listening Pan 5 Matching
(Unit 2, Unit 6, Review 4)


What is Part 5? • Before you listen, read the list A-H carefully and think
There is a longer dialogue. about the kinds of words you may hear.
What do I have to do? • Often the words in A-H will be different in the listening,
You need to listen and match five e.g. get ready for the concert= music practice.
people/ days/ times, etc. to eight • You will hear the conversation twice, so don't worry
possible answers. if you cannot answer all the questions the first time.
• The information in the recording will be in the same
order as the questions.
Read the exam task instructions and the
example. Then, listen to the first part of the
dialogue while you read the recording. Underline
the part of the text that gives you the answer to
the example.

Grandma: How was your half-term holiday, Jasmin?

What did you and your friends do?
Jasmin: Well, Grandma, I played the guitar-a lot. I'm in the
school concert next week and I need to get ready for it.

�! 2 Now you try. Complete the Listening Part 5 task. Use the Exam tips to help you.
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Jasmin telling her grandmother about her half-term holiday. What activity
did each person do?
Example: 0 Jasmin w

People Activities

1 Sophie A cooking

2 Sam B going online

3 Joe C music practice

4 Emily D photography
5 Gemma E shopping
F studying
G sport
H travelling


Speaking Par11 Examiner led questions
(Unit 1, Unit 1 &, Review 1, Review 4, Review 5)


What is Part 1? • Listen carefully to the examiner's questions. You and
There are questions about you. your partner will get questions on different topics.
What do I have to do? • You can ask the examiner to say the question again if
You need to talk to the examiner and you don't understand.
answer the questions you are asked. • When the examiner says Tell me about ... try to
answer in two or three sentences.
• This part will take three to four minutes.
1 The examiner willask you questions like
these. Which need short answers and which

1 What's your name?

2 Where do you come from?
3 What's your best subject at school?
4 Do you like studying science?
5 What do you wear to school?
6 How much homework do you get?
7 Tell me something about your favourite teacher.
8 How much free time do you have?
9 Who do you spend your free time with?
10 Do you play computer games?
11 Do you like reading?
12 Tell me something about a hobby you enjoy.

2 Match theanswersa-e to the questions in Ex ercise 1. Whichare goodanswersand whichare not so good? Why?

a No, I don't.

b No, not really. I find it quite difficult.

c Just my normal clothes. I don't have to wear a uniform.

d She's nice. I like her.

e I haven't got any hobbies.

160 3 Listen to some more answers and match them to the questions in Exercise 1.
4 Now you try. Take turns to ask and answer the Speaking Part 1 questions. Use the Exam tips to help you.



Speaking Part 2 Discussion with visual stimulus

(Unit 3, Unit 7, Review 2)


What is Part 2? • Don't forget to say what you can see in the pictures.
There is a conversation with your partner Let the examiner see how much vocabulary you know.
and the examiner about some pictures. Don't just say yes or no. Use some adjectives.
What do I have to do? • Try to make correct sentences and questions if you can.
You need to answer the examiner's Don't worry about making small mistakes.
questions and talk to your partner as • Let your partner speak too and ask him/her questions.
well. You will get marks for that, too.
• Try to relax and enjoy yourself!

1 Look at the pictures. They are all places you can visit.
Work with a partner and say what each one is.
Listen to two students doing this exam task. Number the pictures in the order the students
speak about them.
3 Write the places in the table in the correct order. Then listen again and complete the table with
(✓} for 'likes it' and (X} for 'doesn' t like it'. The first one has been done for you as an example.
Place Girl Boy
Shopping centre ✓ X

4 What adjectives did you hear the speakers use about each place?

5 Now you try. Take turns to ask and answer the Speaking Part 2 questions.
Look at the pictures on the opposite page. Use the Exam tips to help you.
Here are some pictures that show different places to visit. Do you like these different places to visit?
Say why or why not.
6 Now ask and answer these questions together.
Do you think:
going to a museum is boring?
visiting a castle is interesting?
going to the cinema is expensive?
shopping is fun?
going to a park is pleasant?
Which of these places do you like visiting best? Say why.
7 Listen to the last part of the test. Number the questions below in the order you hear them.
D Do you prefer visiting places that are inside or outside? Why?
D Do you like places that teach you about history? Why?
D Do you prefer visiting places on your own or with other people? Why?
162 8 Listen again. What happens if the candidate gives a very short answer to a question?
g Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 6 with your partner. Ask Why?/ Why not?
if your partner gives a short answer.


Do you like these different places to visit?


Infinitive Past simple Infinitive Past simple
be was, were lend lent
become became lie lay
begin began lose lost
break broke make made
bring brought mean meant
build built meet met
burn burned/burnt pay paid
buy bought put put
catch caught read read
choose chose ride rode
come came ring rang
cost cost run ran
cut cut say said
do did see saw
draw drew sell sold
dream dreamed/dreamt send sent
drink drank show showed
drive drove shut shut
eat ate sing sang
fall fell sit sat
feel felt sleep slept
find found speak spoke
fly flew spell spelled/spelt
forget forgot spend spent
get got stand stood
give gave steal stole
go went swim swam
grow grew take took
have had teach taught
hear heard tell told
hit hit think thought
hold held throw threw
hurt hurt understand understood
keep kept wake woke
know knew wear wore
learn learned/learnt win won
leave left write wrote


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