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As you are reading put your hands just below your
ribs. You can feel something moving in and out, this
is a muscle called diaphragm which helps you to
breath. This is the part of respiratory system.


Respiratory system is a system in which there is an
exchange of gases. It starts from your nose where
the air passes through your nostrils. The tiny hair in
your nostrils trap the dust particles. Then the air
passes through your windpipe also called trachea.
The trachea divides into two tubes called bronchi
(singular: bronchus) where tiny hair called cilia
move back and forth moving the mucus. It is a sticky
substance that collects the germs and the bacteria.
The bronchi then carry air into each lung. The right
lung has three lobes while the left lung only has two
lobes. The left lung is smaller because of the heart.
Inside the lungs the air goes to tiny tubes called
bronchioles. there is a bush shaped thing called
alveoli attached to bronchioles, it collects the
oxygen from the air and lets the carbon dioxide go.

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