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Name: ________________________

Wednesday 6th May, 2020

Class: ________________________

Date: ________________________


Marks: 10 marks

The answers have been included at the bottom to

Comments: check your work when you have finished. Please read
the text and complete the questions first.

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The Spark of New Life

The texts show some different views of forest fires and their effects.

In England, forest fires are rare and can be destructive. In many other parts of the
world, where they happen quite frequently, they can have a beneficial effect.

A forest fire can burn for days, or even weeks, through many square kilometres of
land. Newspapers and television reports show dramatic pictures of whole forests

But the news reports do not mention that these huge fires can have good effects as
well as bad. Although they destroy much of the forest, they also help it to grow
again more healthily.
Would you believe that the effects of a forest fire can be beneficial as well as
destructive? The fire is part of a cycle that helps new life to grow.


1. Circle the correct option to complete the sentence below.

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(a) Many forest fires are caused by

1 mark

(b) A forest fire can help plants to grow by

1 mark

(c) As soon as the new plants start to grow,

begin to feed on them.

1 mark

(d) Gradually, different plants grow and

move into the area so that in time there is

1 mark


than before.
1 mark

2. Why does the fire pine need heat to release its seeds?


1 mark

3. How did the macaque monkeys of Borneo adapt after the fire?


1 mark

4. How were the forests of Alaska different:

(a) shortly after the fires?

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1 mark

(b) a few years after the fires?

1 mark

5. Why is The Spark of New Life a good title?

1 mark

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Mark schemes


1. Award 1 mark for each correct choice.





up to 5 marks

2. Award 1 mark for answers which refer to the fire/heat melting the resin, eg:

• the fire melts the sticky resin;

• the seeds are held in resin which melts in the heat and releases the seeds.

Do not accept references to the cone melting.

1 mark

3. Award 1 mark for references to the monkeys’ change of diet, eg:

• by changing their diet;

• they now lived on dried fruits, young shoots and insects.

Do not accept responses which simply list the foods eaten after the fire.
1 mark

4. (a) Award 1 mark for reference to either of the following:

signs of new plant growth, eg:

• grasses and plants began to grow;

or insects and/or small animals present, eg:

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• small animals came to feed on the new growth.

Also accept direct quotation of appropriate parts of the text.

1 mark

(b) Award 1 mark for responses which refer to the greater variety of plants and/or
animals, eg:

• new / different kinds of trees grew there;

• new / different / large animals moved in.

Also accept direct quotation of appropriate parts of the text.

Do not accept: more animals /plants.

1 mark

5. Award 1 mark for answers which link both parts of the title with the content, eg:

• after the fire (the spark) new life begins;

• because the fire burns down the forest and gives good space for things to

• a ‘spark’ can cause a forest fire which destroys the forests but encourages
‘new life’;

• after a fire the result isn’t always bad and there is new life, so it’s describing
what happens.
1 mark

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