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09/05/20 8am Awake on bed c D5LR x 80cc/H, infusing well @ L

metacarpal, 200cc, c dressing @ RLQ soaked with

serosanguinous discharges, c foley catheter draining to
100cc of yellowish urine, NPO maintained.
9am Dr. __________ made rounds, orders noted.
Dressing Changed by same, made comfortable after.
D5LR 1L x 80cc/hr As follow-up, gtts. Regulated.
Done, with result of 130mg/dL, SNOD_____ informed.
10:30am CBG
Afebrile, BP-110/90mmHg, PR-20bpm.
Complained of pain at the post-operative site.
Pain scale 8/10. Referred to SNOD___.
Given PRN as advised.
12:40pm Tramadol 100mg/tab 1tab
Relieved of pain as verbalized.
Resting on bed, c foley cather in place, dressing intact.
Student Signature
Robeanna M. Diesto CPUSN/ CI signature

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