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Who said that the end justifies the means?

Niccolò Machiavelli
The end justifies the means is a phrase of Niccolò Machiavelli. It means that if a goal is morally
important enough, any method of getting it is acceptable. The idea is ancient, but it was not meant to
justify unnecessary cruelty. It was part of a political philosophy called consequentialism.

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Why do the ends justify the means?
The phrase “the end justifies the means” is used to suggest that any activity, whether
or not that activity could be considered ethically or morally bad, is worth doing so
long as a desired end result is achieved. The origins of the phrase go back to

When Does the End Justify the Means? - Benjamin Spall › ends-means

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Do you agree with the end justifies the means?
YES I AGREE with the quote "The end justifies the means."

The means determine the end. If one uses one's resources properly, the end will be
good. If one's resources are people and they're misused, they'll turn back upon the
maker or leader. Stalin reversed this, for example, so that his ends justified his means.

Why the End Does Not Justify the Means

29 Votes
Why don't we torture accused criminals in order to find who is guilty? Because the end does not justify the means.

It has become clear that many politicians and lawyers, and a few real people, don’t understand what is meant

by The End Does Not Justify the Means.

They act like people are saying the desire to have pancakes cannot justify making batter. But this is more

specific. It’s about good versus evil. In their unfortunate perspective, caring about what is right must seem


But the truth is that this phrase sums up one of the most important principles of ethics and morality:

It means that there are certain fundamental principles that are “right”, “good”, et cetera, that are essential to

those conditions…and you cannot justify violating them because you have some “right” or “good” goal in mind.

For example, you cannot have justice, unless you adhere to the principles of justice; It’s not OK to do unjust

things to people simply because you have a just goal in mind.

This is a basic philosophical rule that is ignored or denied by almost all evil people you will find out there, and

supported by almost all good ones. Marxists coined the modern use of the phrase “the end justifies the

means”, and naturally they and their socialist spinoffs were responsible for the vast majority of all great evils,

for the past century.

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