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Many people try to balance work and other parts of their life. However, this is very difficult to do.

are the problems associated with this? What is the best way to achieve a better balance?

Introduction: General statement + thesis statement

Body 1: Cause+ Solution
Body 2: Cause 2+ solution 2

Paragraph 1: Causes
+ Topic sentence:
Cause 1: +vấn đề tài chính or
+làm việc vì đam mê
+Raise of promotion

Cause 2:

Paragraph 2: Solutions
+ Topic sentence:
Solution 1: Chính sách cty sẽ đải ngộ cho người làm thêm giờ
Government: có luật lao động: được làm ít nhất 40 tiếng một tuần (take summer holiday)

Solution 2:


Những mẫu câu về causes và solution:

A solution is for the Government to
To tackle this problem, people should
The forward way might be to
This problem could be addressed by
That is to say = explaination
this tends to

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