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Maasin National Comprehensive High School

Maasin, Iloilo
2nd Semester, SY 2021-2022
2nd Quarter
Summative Test in Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship

Name: __________________________________ Section: __________________ Score: ____________

*GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read the instructions carefully and answer the following questions in
the space provided.
I. TRUE/FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.
_________ 1. Social action can be done by one or more persons.
_________ 2. Social action influence others.
_________ 3. Energy is the aim or objective for which the action was done.
_________ 4. In doing social action, it is performed on some social pattern or custom which is
called normative orientation.
_________ 5. There are six elements in social action.
_________ 6. Social justice is the reasonable relationship between the individual and society.
_________ 7. Practicing equal treatment to each and every one in a community is an example
of existing social justice.
_________ 8. Enjoy being a wealthy man is a form of social justice.
_________ 9. Giving alms to the poor for your political agenda is good practice of social
_________ 10. Having a productive community is the important of social justice.
II. Study the photos below and identify what human right is being shown. Choose your answer
from the box below. Write the letters only.
A. right to communication D. right to have freedom of expression

B. right to due process E. right to life

C. right to have freedom of the press F. right to property

_________ 1. _________ 6.

_________ 2. _________ 7.

_________ 3. _________ 8.

_________ 4. _________ 9.
_________ 5. _________ 10.

III. Identify the following if it is under PLANNING, ACTION or REFLECT phase.

___________________ 1. Including an assessment and design element.
___________________ 2. The RM effort (strategy and action plan) is monitored and.
___________________ 3. This phase is best broken down into a five-step process.
___________________ 4. The resource requirements of the programme or project should be
Examined and a plan developed on how to engage the likely resource
___________________ 5. Manage and Report
___________________ 6. Communicate Results
___________________ 7. Situation analysis of the external resource environment
___________________ 8. A communication plan therefore supports the RM Strategy.
___________________ 9. Identify external sources of funding
___________________ 10. Engage means involves seizing every opportunity to communicate
the programme for which resources are sought.

IV. Multiple Choice Question (2 points each)

_________ 1. What’s the best explanation of citizenship?

a. A person who is resident of a state
b. A person who is a resident of a country
c. A person who is entitled to the rights and protections under a state
d. A person who is entitled to the rights and protections afforded by a state and owes the
state certain duties*
e. None of the answers are correct

_________ 2. Which of the following is incorrect about citizenship in the Philippines?

a. You can obtain citizenship simply by being born in the Philippines
b. You can obtain citizenship through naturalization process
c. Philippines does not permit dual citizenship*
d. None of the choices are incorrect
e. All of the choices are incorrect

_________ 3. Which of the following is part of civil society?

a. A for-profit business*
b. A Local Government Unit
c. Office under the President
d. Office under the Vice President
e. c and d

V. Enumeration
1. Give five (5) example of duties and responsibility of a Filipino citizen?

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than
any obstacle.”
-Christian Larson-

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