ETIB Brochure Bachelor of Arts in Translation

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Bachelor of Arts
in Translation
A Promising Future
Title of the Degree  eneral Conditions of
Bachelor of Arts in Translation | Registration
• Lebanese Baccalaureate or its equivalent as
recognized by the Lebanese Ministry of
Education and Higher Education (MEHE)

Academic Advisor •
Placed in level “A” at the USJ English
Placement Test or equivalent TOEFL score (70
Head of the Translation Department | Phone: +961 1 421000 ext. 5623 internet-based, 550 paper-based) or IELTS
score (6)

Required Documents
Admissions Deadlines • Application form
• Early admission: October – December
1 Title-based Admission
• Regular admission: April – June
• A passport-sized photo
• Late admission: June – August (Admission
Admission Based • A photocopy of the ID card or the certificate
2 on a File Study
Based on an Entrance Exam)
of the civil status or the passport for
Admission Based foreigners
3 on an Entrance Exam php?lang=2
• A photocopy of the Lebanese Baccalaureate
certificate or its equivalent

• Transcripts of grades 10 and 11 if applying

for Early Admission. Transcripts of grades
10, 11 and 12 if applying for Regular or Late

• A summary of grades 10 and 11 transcripts,

certified by the school

The L1 entrance examination consists of two

written tests in Arabic and in English as well as of
an oral test in which the candidate will have to
speak briefly in these two languages.

• Entrance examination: July – August

Phone: +961 1 421552 / Fax: +961 1 4215099
Email :
 bjectives, Program Learning
Outcomes and Potential Openings
Program Objectives

The School of Translators and Interpreters of Beirut aims at training high level translators
and interpreters whose basic language is Arabic.
The School also wishes to help its students acquire two skills that are crucial to the
translator and the interpreter:
To learn how to work, i.e. understand, think and express oneself.
To acquire the notion of system: any fact, whether linguistic, economic, legal, or religious
is only understandable when it is part of a system. The translator or the interpreter should
be able to understand how each society or culture organizes reality in its own way.
Language Combination Module Description
A language: Arabic 1 
Expression: to identify and address language
B language: English flaws in Arabic, English, and Spanish.

Socio-economic, political and health clusters are more and more being created in the world

C language: Spanish
in order to reflect on world problems and suggest solutions. Communication is established 2 
Translator’s Resources: to provide students
among countries giving rise to a myriad of documents in various domains requiring with the cognitive baggage they need so as to
translation. Program Organization ensure a perfect understanding of the text they
are translating.
The program spans over six semesters covering
180 credits 70% of which are core requirements. 3 
Translation Basics: to define the basic
The remaining courses are electives to be principles of the translation process which
• Express oneself clearly and properly in the working languages (A, B and C), both spoken
Program Learning

chosen by the student him/herself. consist of skills that are not limited to fluency in
and written. languages.

• Use cognitive and cultural baggage in the translation process.

• Explain the translation process in its different stages: critical analysis, comprehension of Program Structure 4 
Introduction to Translation: to provide students
the meaning, and expression. with the basic notions of translation (analysis,
The Bachelor of Arts in Translation program
• Recreate a translated work, with faithfulness, while taking into consideration the manipulating sentences, use of dictionaries)
consists of teaching units grouped into modules.
constraints of language, meaning and culture. based on texts with gradual difficulties.
• Develop the know-how-to-be and the know-how. 5 
Translation Strategies: to teach students how
to choose the right strategy to translate any
text, based on the communication situation, the
function of the text, and the intended recipient.


Social Sciences Domain: to introduce students

• Master of Arts in Translation
to the translation of legal and economic texts.
• Master of Arts in Interpretation
Sciences Domain: to introduce students to the
translation of medical and technical texts.
Conferences Domain: to provide students with
the basic terminology and know-how to

translate texts produced during national and

International Organizations; Embassies; Ministries; Translation Agencies; Publishing Houses; international conferences.
News Agencies; Media; Universities and Schools; Freelance
Spanish Domain: to introduce students to the
challenges of translating from and into Spanish.


Speaking and Writing Principles for Sciences Medical Domain English-Arabic 2
Speaking and Writing Principles Sciences Technical Domain English-Arabic 2
4 Translation (Arabic) II 4 Domain Medical Domain Arabic-English 2
for Translation (Arabic) Domain
Basics of Translation Spanish- Technical Domain Arabic-English 2
Speaking and Writing Principles Speaking and Writing Principles 3
4 4 Spanish Arabic 1 Basics of Translation Spanish-
Expression for Translation (English) for Translation (English) II 3
Expression Domain Basics of Translation Spanish- Arabic 2
Spanish – Level 1 A 4 3
Spanish – Level 2 A 4 English 1
Basics of Translation Spanish-
Spanish – Level 1 B 4 Spanish – Level 2 B 4 Introduction to Consecutive 3
2 Spanish English 2
Linguistic Tutoring 1 2 Linguistic Tutoring 2 2 Conferences Interpreting Domain Basics of Translation Arabic-
Domain Sight Translation 2 2
Basics of Translation English- Reading for Pleasure (English) 1 Spanish
2 Conference Texts Translation 3
Translation Arabic Introduction to Translation English- Basics of Translation English-
2 Commercial Law 2 2
Basics Basics of Translation Arabic- Arabic Translator’s Spanish
2 Introduction Introduction to Common Law
English Introduction to Translation Resources 2
to 2 System Legal Domain English-Arabic 3
Arabic-English Social
Translator’s Translation Core Requirements S5 21
Civil Law 2 Sciences Legal Domain Arabic-English 3
Resources Discovery of the Arab World 2
Current Issues (Arabic) 2 Sworn Translation 2
Core Requirements S1 24
Core Requirements S2 27 Coaching and Mentoring 1
Current Issues and Developments 2
Business Correspondence 1
SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Core Requirements S6 26
Spanish – Level 4 A 4
Language and Culture (Arabic) 2
Expression Spanish – Level 4 B 4
Language and Culture (English) 2
Expression Reading for Pleasure (Arabic) 1
Spanish – Level 3 A 4 Translation Translation Strategies English- Summary Number of credits
Spanish – Level 3 B 4 Strategies Arabic Core Requirements 141
Translation Strategies English- Translation Strategies Arabic-
3 2 ETIB Electives At least 12
Arabic English
Translation USJ Electives At least 12
Strategies Discovery of the Anglo-Saxon
Translation Strategies Arabic- Translator’s 2 Open Electives At least 6
3 World
English Resources
Medical Concepts 2
Translator’s Criminal Law and Procedure 2 Social Economic Domain English-Arabic 2
Resources * To choose at least:
Economics 2 Sciences
Economic Domain Arabic-English 2 - 12 credits of ETIB Electives
Core Requirements S3 22 Domain
- 12 credits of USJ Electives
Core Requirements S4 21 - 6 credits of Open Electives

For more information, please visit ETIB website:

ETIB: A Brief Historical Overview
• Founded in 1980 by Reverend Fathers René Chamussy S.J. and Roland Meynet S.J.;
• Affiliated to the Faculty of Languages (FdL) in 2012 which became the Faculty of Languages and
Translation (FdLT) in 2018;
• Earned the best ranking at the assessment scale of the International Association of Conference
Interpreters (AIIC);
• Signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the United Nations in 2010 and an MoU with the
European Parliament and the FAO in 2014;
- Has agreements with many university institutes including:
- Ecole supérieure d’interprètes et de traducteurs (ESIT) Paris III – France 
- Institut de management et de communication interculturels (ISIT) France
- Institut supérieur de traducteurs et d’interprètes (ISTI) – Université de Bruxelles – Belgium
- Escuela de traductores de Toledo – Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha – Spain
- Faculté de traduction et d’interprétation (FTI) – Université de Genève – Switzerland
- Università degli studi di Trieste – Trieste – Italy

Member of the Conférence Associate member of Member of the

internationale permanente International Federation network Lexicology,
d’instituts universitaires de of translators (FIT) Terminology,
traducteurs et interprètes Translation (LTT)

Member of the European

Master’s in Translation
(EMT) network of the
European Commission

School of Translators and Interpreters of Beirut (ETIB) +961 (1) 421552 etib.usj
Faculty of Languages and translation (FdLT) +961 (1) 421509 USJLiban
Campus of Human Sciences etib.usj
Damascus Road, Po.Box 17-5208 USJ TV
Mar Mikhael, Beirut 1104 2020 Lebanon

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