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Web design and development Assignment 2

“Agar Alemayehu Behabtu”

UU-MBA-740-ZM Web design and development (38245)”
“Richard Ndonye Ngungu”
“Jul 1, 2022
1) Assignment Deliveries

a) Site MAP
Assignment 2

Home Contact Us Movie Reviews Music Reviews Video Game reviews

Album Game Name: In To

Wonderful Serenity
Name: Circumstances The Wild

One Morning, When Album Name: One of Game Name: The

Gregor Samsa Woke These Days (EP) Adventures of Lockt

Far Far Away, Behind Album Name: Easy Game Name: Speed
The Word Saying Goodbye Racer

The Quick Fox

b) The full contents of your WordPress site including your

MYSQL database
Attached with a file name:

c) A PDF document with user names and passwords

Please find below in section 2 - Website requirements with Site MAP

2) Website requirements with Site MAP

• A home page with a top/side navigation bar linking to all other pages of the site
• The following pages should be accessible site wide: home, contact us, movie reviews,
music reviews, video game reviews
• Each review should include a star rating at the end (e.g. 1-5 stars)

• Each review should have a picture (provided) with a click-able link that opens
in a new tab

• Sensible tagging of categories on pages

• Install and enable an SEO plug-in that supports metadata and keywords (add
tags to pages accordingly)
I have used Yoast SEO

• Install and enable your choice of a free security plug-in

I have used Wordfece Security Plugin

• Minimum 5 users with various roles and permissions (at least 1 admin with full
permissions and 1 with limited permissions)
Username: wordpress_admin
Password: 5ekNkaeCEoYfv@LM4Y

Username: LimitedUser
Password: lIpaqm&q*6w56q^7)VXSAaQj

Username: PostOnly
Password: H*hR3AwWJjayhw$i^y)r4mX6

Username: AuthorUser
Password: @w@YmBHPdF)FWz5IV3p3IOUyer

Username: EditorUser
Password: V%fMh1z&4lLS@IQm1mh8%Qhz

• Create either a guest login account or allow a guest to register an account with
post only privileges
Done with new role as PostOnly

• Chose/install a free theme and adjust its default styling settings (you must
Maintain a consistent site wide styling)
I have used the Twenty Twenty-one theme
• Post a review with the guest or registered user
Done on the First movie review

• A search bar accessible site wide

Done on the bottom

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