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Pemerintah daerah memainkan peran signifikan dalam memutuskan kebijakan yang paling tepat bagi daerahnya.

Mereka dituntut untuk

mengenali secara cermat lansekap masalah, memutuskan secara cepat kebijakan yang relevan, serta memastikan kebijakannya bekerja secara

Kesenjangan Antardaerah kerap terjadi dalam pelaksanaan otonomi daerah :

Kesenjangan kuantitas dan kualitas sumber daya manusia, serta intra struktur
ekonomi. Ketimpangan Sumber Daya Alam : Daerah yang tidak memiliki kekayaan
sumber daya alam tetapi populasi penduduknya tinggi akan terengah-
engah dalam melaksanakan otonomi. Otonomi daerah tidak dapat dilaksanakan
secara optimal tanpa adanya partisipasi masyarakat. Upaya apa yang dapat
dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah yang dapat efektif menggerakkan partisipasi
masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan otonomi daerah?
Gaps between regions often occur in the implementation of regional autonomy: gaps
in the quantity and quality of human resources, as well as intra-economic structures.
Inequality of Natural Resources: regions that do not have a wealth of natural
resources but whose population is high will be breathless in exercising autonomy. Of
course, local governments cannot optimally implement regional autonomy without
community participation. What efforts can be made by local governments that can
effectively mobilize community participation in the implementation of regional

Interregional disparities often occur in the implementation of regional

autonomy: Gaps in the quantity and quality of human resources, as well as intra-
economic structures. Inequality of Natural Resources: Regions that do not have
rich natural resources but have a high population will be breathless in
implementing autonomy. Of course, local governments cannot optimally
implement regional autonomy without community participation. What efforts
can be made by local governments that can effectively mobilize community
participation in the implementation of regional autonomy?

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