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This is to certify that the following students

1.Furqan Hannure ROLL NO. 18

2.Saloni Maske ROLL NO. 30
3.Zaid Muchale ROLL NO. 31
4.Danish Muchale ROLL NO. 58
5.Vasim Shaikh ROLL NO.50
6. Sohail Shaikh ROLL NO.49

Of Forth semester of diploma in Civil Engineering (Shift) of institute Government

Polytechnic, Solapur (code:0015) have completed micro-project Work satisfactorily under my
supervision guidance in Environmental Studies (22447) the academic year 2021-2022 as
prescribed in the I-Scheme curriculum.

(Guide: Gogi.A.L. Mam) H.O.D. Principal


Sr.No. Particulars Page No.

1. Acknowledgment 4.

2. Annexure I 5.

3. Annexure II 7.

4. General Information 9.

6. What we learn ? 11.

7. Conclusion 20.

At the beginning we would like to thank our lecturer and guide

Prof.Gogi.A.L. Mam as because of their constant guidance we are able to complete
our Micro -project, successfully within the time limit. We are also thankful, to our
all group members to enhance their own ideas to help/support us for project. It
was an enthusiastic support and atmosphere that made us sustain from
demotivation during the completion of our project in this atmosphere due to
pandemic. Even though we were unable to meet in person we were able to contact
each other virtually through technology. Thus, technology has been a source of
great help. We would also like to thank the Principal, himself has been source of
motivation and encouragement. Finally, we are also thankful to our Civil
Department who has always been supportive whenever we needed help and we
also thank our classmates who have helped us .

Thank you!
Annexure I


1.0 Aims/ Benefits of the Micro Project

• Study about urban ecology.

2.0 Course outcomes addressed

• Studied about an introduction to urban as interaction between human and nature.

3.0 Proposed Methodology

1. Discussion of the micro-project completion.

2. Collection of the information.
3. Typing of file.
4. Preparation of word file.

4.0 Action plan

Sr. Details of activity Planned Planned Name of

No. start date finish responsible
date team members

1. Discussion of micro project 22/03/2022 23/03/2022 All Group Members


2. Information collecting regarding 23/03/2022 25/03/2022 All Group Members

3. Typing work 01/04/2022 04/04/2022 Group Leader

4. Preparation of word 04/04/2022 06/04/2022 Group Leader

5.0 Resources Required

Sr.No. Name of Resources Specifications Remark

1. Internet Wikipedia Website

2. Browse Google Search Engine

3. URBAN ECOLOGY Reference

4. Mobile Microsoft word Typing purposes

6.0 Name of team members and Roll Numbers :-

Sr.No. Name of team members Enrollment No. Roll No.

1. Furqaan Hannure 2000150301 18

2. Saloni Maske 2000150282 30

3. Zaid Muchale 2000150353 31

4. Danish Muchale 2000150372 58

5. Vasim Shaikh 2000150343 50

6. Sohail Shaikh 2000150344 49

Annexure II

1.0 Aims/ Benefits of the micro-project:

• Study about relation of living
organisms with each other and
their surroundings in the context
of an urban environment.

2.0 Course outcomes achieved:

• Studied about an introduction to urban as interaction between human and nature .

3.0 Literature review:

The use material related to the micro project can be made available by using internet and referring
reference book . The material collected as a data of the subject of the micro project. The data can
be summarized and used for micro project. After finalizing the material related to topic for micro
project. All material is verified from subject teacher then taken print out.

4.0 Actual Methodology Followed:

1. We had discussed regarding the way of completion of the file.

2. Each student was assigned with the preparation of the file on individual
3.Each of them had to assign their report to the Group leader to compile the
selective best part in the file.
4.We had to represent the information collected through a Word file and
the presentation was created by the Group Leader.

5.0 Actual Resources used :-

Sr.No. Name of Resources Specifications Remark

1. Internet wikipedia Website

2. Browse Google Search Engine

3. Environmental Studies. book Reference

4. Mobile Microsoft word Typing purposes

6.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects:

6.1 Studied the process of schology articles for

urban ecology.

7.0 Skill Developed of this micro – project:

Planning, monitoring, subject matter expertise, communication, collaboration, time management,

organization, adaptability are the skills developed in this micro- project.

8.0 Applications of this Micro- Project:

• Studied the urban ecology.


From this visit, we get the information and practical knowledge about the The
impact of DID and migration on urban ecology has limited scholarships but is of importance
considering sustainable development of cities in future . And got the knowledge about
detailed process of filtration process. The visit was nicely completed with group
photography at 12:00pm.

The reference of the project are as follows :-
Thank You !

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