Emergency Procedures c172

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ENGINE FILURE DURING TAKE OFF RUN: 1.trottle - idle 2.brakes - apply 3.wing flaps - retract 4.

mixture - idle cut-off 5.ignition switch - off 6.master switch - off ENGINE FAILURE INMEDITELY AFTER TAKE OFF: 1.airspeed - (65, 60 - flaps up, flaps down) 2.mixture - idle cut-off 3.fuel selector valve - off 4.ignition switch - off 5.wing flaps - as requered 6.master switch - off ENGINE FAILURE DURING FLY: 1.airspeed - 65 kias 2.carburator heat - on 3.fuel selector valve - both 4.mixture - rich 5.ignition switch - both(or start if propeller is stopped) 6.primer - in and locked EMERGENCY LANDING WITHOUT ENGINE POWER: 1.airspeed - 65, 60 (flaps up or down) 2.mixture - idle cut - off 3.fuel selector valve - off 4.ignition switch - off 5.doors - unlacht prior to touchdown 6.touchdown - slightly tail low 7.brakes - apply heavily PRECAUTIONARY LANDING WITH ENGINE POWER: 1.wing flaps - 20 2.airspeed - 60 kias 3.select field - fly over noting terrain and obstruction, then retract flaps upo n reaching a safe altitude and airspeed 4.radio and electrical equipment - off 5.wing flaps - 40(on final approach) 6.airspeed - 60 kias 7.master switch - off 8.doors - unlatch prior to touchdown 9.touchdown - slightly tail low 10.ignition switch - off 11.brakes - apply heavily ENGINE FIRE DURIGN START ON GROUND: 1.cranking - continue to get start which would suck the flames and accumulated f uel trought the fuel carburetor and into the engine if engine start: 2.trottle - 1700 rpm for one minute 3.engine - shutdown and inspect for damage if engine failS to start: 4.trottle - full open 5.mixture - idle cut-off 6.cranking - continue for one minute 7.engine - secure

A.master switch - off B.ignition switch - off C.fuel selector valve - off 8.fire extinguisher - fight the fire 9.fire damage - inspect ENGINE FIRE IN FLIGHT: 1.mixture - idle cut-off 2.fuel selector valve - off 3.master switch - off 4.cabin heat and air - off(except overhead vents) 5.airspeed - 100 kias (if fire and airspeed wich will provide and incombustible mixture) 6.forced landing - excute (as describe in emergency landing without engine power ) ELECTRICAL FIRE IN FLIGHT: 1.master switch - off 2.all other switches(except ignition switch) - off 3. 4.fire extinguisher - fight the fire 5.master switch - off 6.circuit brakers - check for faulty circuit, do not reset 7.radio/electrical switches - on one at a time, with delay after each until shor t circuit is localized 8.vents/cabin air/heat - open when it is acertained that fire is completed extin guished CABIN FIRE: 1.master swith - off 2.fire extinguisher - fight the fire 3.vents/cabin air/heat - close(to avoid drafts) 4.land - as soon as posible to inspect for damage NOTE: luego de descargar un extinguidor con la cabina cerrada, ventilar la cabin a WING FIRE: 1.navegation lights switch - off 2.pitot heat switch - off NOTE:hacer virajes escarpados para alejar el fuego de la cabina y las alas, usar flaps solo si es necesario en aproximacion final y toma de contacto LANDING WITH FLAT MAIN TIRE 1.approach - normal 2.touchdown - good tire first,hold the flat tire as long as possible STATIC SOURCE BLOCKAGE 1.alternate static source valve - pull on 2.airspeed - mirar tabla de calibracion en seccion 5 OVER VOLTAGE LIGHT ILUMINATES: 1.master switch - off(one minute) 2.master switch - on 3.over voltage light - off if over voltage light iluminate again: 4.flight - terminate as soon as possible

ammeter shows discharge: 1.alternator - off 2.nonessentail electrical equipment - off 3.flight - terminate as soon as possible

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