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Question sheet code 2001

Lecturer: (Date) Approved by: (Date)

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MID-TERM Semester/Academic year

2 2020-2021
Course title English 2
FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Duration 50 mins. Question sheet code 2001
Notes: - No materials allowed
- Submit the question sheet together with the answer sheet
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A. Which words is stressed differently from the others?
1. A. successful B. industry C. comfortable D. animal
2. A. conservation B. popularity C. reality D. independence
3. A. design B. texture C. livestock D. marriage
4. A. discover B. recognize C. encourage D. consider
5. A. explain B. involve C. practise D. afford

B. Which underlined part is pronounced differently?

6. A. through B. think C. thing D. though
7. A. duck B. butterfly C. tuna D. vulture
8. A. create B. health C. head D. French
9. A. food B. moon C. foot D. improve
10. A. basic B. design C. reason D. music


Choose the word or phrase that BEST completes each sentence.
11. This picture has been badly hung. It ________ be nearer the light and lower.
A. can B. could C. should D. need
12. Regular mail and good food are important to maintain the morale of soldiers _______ a war.
A. during B. while C. when D. through
13. He considered himself a failure. He had succeeded _______ nothing.
A. on B. in C. at D. from
14. If you change your mind, _______ me a ring.
A. give B. gave C. giving D. will give
15. If they don’t keep their promise, I _______ never trust them again.
A. could B. would C. will D. have to
16. They _______ married next month. They have sent out the wedding invitations to everyone.
A. get B. got C. are getting D. are got
17. When we were at high school, we _______ wear school uniform.
A. should B. must C. had to D. had better
18. The TV program was so complicated that none of the children ________ understand it.
A. could B. should C. have to D. must
19. We ________ travel by train but then we decided to go by car.
A. were going to B. are going C. will D. were going
20. Learning a new language ________ be a frustrating experience.
A. has to B. can C. should D. ought to
21. I am too tired to walk to school. I think I _______ get a taxi.
A. am going to B. won’t C. will D. am to
22. Can we stop walking soon? I ________ to feel tired.

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A. start B. starting C. am starting D. was starting

23. _ “________ anything interesting this weekend?” _ “Not really. I haven’t decided yet.”
A. Have you done B. Are you going to do
C. Do you do D. Did you do
24. Chemicals released by our brains can have a huge effect ________ our emotions.
A. in B. for C. on D. to
25. I don’t allow my children ________ computer games because many of them are too violent.
A. play B. playing C. played D. to play

Choose the word or phrase that BEST completes each sentence.
26. You should avoid salty, fatty and ________ foods that might harm the stomach.
A. spicy B. healthy C. nutritious D. sweet
27. With a good diet, you can stay ________ for a long time.
A. wealthy B. tidy C. healthy D. safe
28. I was really ________ yesterday. I made a presentation to an audience of more than 100 people.
A. desperate B. annoyed C. nervous D. dangerous
29. Bees store honey and ________ to serve as food for their young.
A. pollen B. petal C. beeswax D. hive
30. Water ________ at one hundred degrees Celsius under normal conditions.
A. cooks B. freezes C. boils D. grills
31. The farmers here still plant and harvest their _______ by hand.
A. foods B. products C. diets D. crops
32. Everyone agrees that it is ________, easier and cheaper to prevent a disease than to try to cure it.
A. safer B. more dangerous C. unsafer D. more deadly
33. Coconut is a basic ________ for many curries and many other Asian dishes.
A. ingredient B. part C. recipe D. section
34. Trust and seizing the moment are the only chances for ________.
A. failure B. success C. perfection D. mistake
35. Thomas has always been good at sports. He once ________ a medal in a running race at school.
A. made B. did C. won D. scored
36. You will certainly get the job. You made a good ________ at the job interview.
A. speech B. impression C. mistake D. choice
37. She was fired because of a number of ________ from the clients.
A. respects B. recommendations C. compliments D. complaints
38. You should reduce the amount of ________ you take in because it might cause high blood pressure.
A. sugar B. pepper C. salt D. chili
39. It is hard to ________ the consequences, especially the bad ones for your actions.
A. accept B. offer C. give D. make
40. The meal ends with a succulent ________ and cocktails.
A. flavor B. food C. spice D. dessert
41. I try to avoid ________ foods such as cheese and cream.
A. healthy B. delicious C. spicy D. fattening
42. Some people think that eating fresh fish can help you ________ healthy.
A. get B. take C. stay D. have
43. Animals such as cows, sheep, and chickens kept on a farm are _________.
A. livestock B. avocados C. insects D. shrimps
44. She has succeeded beyond our _________.
A. goals B. failures C. disadvantages D. expectations
45. That Italian restaurant is very cheap as they serve very big _________ of spaghetti.
A. units B. amounts C. proportions D. portions


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Read the following passage and choose the best word (A, B, C, or D) to fill in each blank.

Tea is one of the most popular drinks all over the world, but it is also a strong medicinal herb.
The Chinese have been drinking tea since 3000 B.C. and believe it helps _______ (46). Green tea,
which is _______ (47) in Japan, is rich in fluoride and can prevent tooth decay. Green tea has also been
shown to fight skin and stomach cancer and help the immune system. People in some _______ (48) put
wet green tea leaves on insect bites to reduce itching. Oolong tea is drunk in Korea and other Asian
countries to _______ (49) cholesteral level after a fatty meal. Japanese research suggests that Oolong
tea may help lower blood pressure and _______ (50) the risk of diseases of the blood vessels.

46. A. digestion B. absorption C. fever D. headache

47. A. famous B. outstanding C. rare D. popular
48. A. companies B. cultures C. families D. customs
49. A. reduce B. increase C. grow D. strengthen
50. A. limited B. limiting C. limit D. limits


Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) to each question.

France is one of the world’s chief producers of wine. There are many wine plants in France. Grapes are
grown on vines in the vineyards. The vines grow best in summer when there is adequate sunlight. They
require a good supply of water for their growth as well. The grape flesh is mostly used to make wine.

When they are first planted, the vines take about four years to mature. After they mature, grapes can be
gathered from the vines every year. The vines are grown to last for about twenty years. Workers are
employed to harvest the grapes by hand. The grapes are then brought to the winery where they are
washed and processed to obtain the juice. The juice is stored in a large barrels. Yeast is added to the
juice and the mixture is left to ferment for several weeks. The fermentation of grape juice is strictly
carried out so as to produce the best wine.

Wine may be of two types: red wine or white wine. Red wine is made from the grapes fermented with
their skins. White wine, however, is made from the grapes whose skins have been removed. The wine is
then bottled and labeled before being exported to the countries all around the world.

51. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. France produces a lot of wine.
B. Before the wine is exported, it is labeled.
C. The fermentation is properly observed.
D. The grapes are gathered by modern harvesters.
52. The productivity of grape-vines mostly counts on ___________ .
A. summer time B. sunlight and water
C. the vineyards D. the producers
53. The word ‘adequate’ (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. enough B. insufficient
C. lacking D. plentiful
54. When will the grape juice be fermented ?
A. after four years. B. after twenty years.
C. after one year. D. after several weeks.
55. It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.
A. Vines can live as long as they are expected
B. Without yeast the grape juice cannot be processed to produce wine.

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C. Water is more important than the sunlight.

D. Red wine and white wine may be processed in the same way.
56. The word ‘barrels’ (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. large bottles B. large wine mugs
C. large round containers D. large boxes
57. To produce white wine, ___________.
A. the yeast must be added B. the grapes need to be washed
C. the grapes are scarcely peeled D. the peels need to be removed
58.The word ‘mature’ (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. become an adult B. become fully-grown
C. be able to obtain the juice. D. be able to produce wine
59. The wine is bottled ___________.
A. after the juice is properly fermented with yeast
B. after it is labeled.
C. before the grapes are brought to the winery.
D. before the grape juice is obtained.
60. The main idea of the passage is ___________.
A. the winery in France
B. the fermentation of grape juice
C. the cycle from grapes to wine
D. the description of the quality of the exported wine

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