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NAOMI: Hello, Good Day Everyone!

I am _________, one of the tour guides that will accompany you in today’s adventure.
On behalf of the AGES Travel and Tours. Hope you learn and discover new things.
But before we travel around to this majestic island, there are some friendly reminders and
safety precautions that I want you to know so that our tour will be smooth flowing and hassle free. So
kindly keep in mind my reminders.
First, synchronize your time with me so no one will be left behind.
Second, I have with me a whistle, if you heard me whistle once that means we are going
to line up in front of the bus because we are heading to our next stop.
Third, I also have with me a first aid kit in case of emergency.
And last, always observe a body body system. Walk in pair so no one will get lost. Is
everything clear?
Oh Hi Cambrie (wave)
CAMBRIE: Oh, Hi Naomi, Hi Kids!, (wave)My name is Cambrie and I am going to give you some ideas
on where we are and what are going to learn today.
Welcome to Our first destination here in Bayang Pilipino, and here we learn about the
different national symbols. There are official national symbols of the Philippines and there are
those that we know but there’s no basis in Philippine law.

Philippine National Symbols (Pambansang Sagisag Ng Pilipinas) represent our ideals and
represent our sovereignty as a nation. These symbols have been enacted in our laws.

I have here my friend with me. Oh! Hi Luke!

LUKE: Oh, hi Naomi (wave), Good day my name is Luke,
Oh, Can you here that sound? (Playing the Lupang Hinirang),
Yes, that is……….
Very Good Lupang Hinirang, and it is the Philippine national anthem is entitled and
composed by Julian Felipe. “Lupang Hinirang” was first played publicly on June 12,
1898 during the proclamation of Philippine Independence.


NAOMI: Wow! That’s good to know, again kids What is our National Anthem?

Very Good! Thank you for that information, Luke! Bye bye and I’ll see you around

And now we are heading on our next stop, Hi Brianna!

BRIANNA: Hi Naomi! Good day everyone my name is Brianna and I am here to give you some facts
and trivia about our National Flag, May I ask what colors can you see on our Flag? (Pause for 10 seconds
while smiling),

Yes, greet we have color blue, red, white, and yellow. The Philippines national flag, as defined by the
National Historical Commission of the Philippines, is made of silk, had a white equilateral triangle at the
left containing a sunburst of eight rays at the center, a five-pointed star at each angle of the triangle, an
upper stripe of blue and a lower stripe of red. The sun stands for liberty; the sunburst of eight rays for the
first eight provinces to take up arms against Spain; and the three stars for the three island groups of the
Philippines – Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. The white triangle signifies Filipino hope for equality; the
upper blue stripe stands for peace, truth, and justice; while the lower red stripe stands for patriotism and


NAOMI: Wow, thank you Brianna for that Trivia and because of that we already know that there are
different meanings for the colors in our Philippine Flag.


And now we are heading on our third stop, on Bayang Pilipino Garden! Kids what things
can you see on our garden? (Pause for 15 seconds) Yes, your right we have here trees, flowers, and birds,
right? Ow! Hi Brielle (wave)

BRIELLE: Hi Naomi, hi everyone my name is Brielle, and I am here to give you some facts about those
trees, bird, and flowers.

By the way do you know what tree is this? (Pause for 5 seconds) Yes, this is the Nara
Tree and this is our National Tree and is tall and symbolizes the lofty ideals of the Filipino people. It is
tall, strong, enduring and signify the persistence of the Filipinos in their demand for freedom.

Next one is this, what kind of bird is this? (Pause for 5 seconds) Yes, this is the
Philippine eagle and it is the National Bird because it states that the characteristics of the Philippine eagle
- whose uniqueness, strength, power, and love for freedom - exemplifies the Filipino people.

And last one is the Sampaguita and it is said to be our Philippine National Flower and its
white color symbolizes purity, simplicity, humility, and strength.

Again our National Tree is (Pause for 5 seconds) ……….. Nara Tree

Our National Bird is (Pause for 5 seconds) ……………….. Philippine eagle

And our National Flower is (Pause for 5 seconds) ……. Sampaguita

That’s it for today, Naomi, bye bye and I’ll see you around. (waving)


NAOMI: Wow thank you for those facts, Brielle, we enjoy listening to your facts about that. Whistling

And now for our last stop, is in the Bayang Pilipino Sports Field, wow what a nice
game! And I can see also my friend here also watching, Hi Gavryn (waving)

GAVRYN: Hi Naomi (waving), hi kids (waving), Do you know what is that game? (Pause for 5 seconds)
Yes that is Arnis and that is Our National Sports and both a martial art and a sport whose origins are still
largely unconfirmed because of lack of documentation. It’s known by two other names: Kali and Eskrima,
and makes use of both bladed weapons, batons/sticks, and bare hands. That is how the play that.


NAOMI: Wow, as I want to try that Gav we are lacking our time, maybe I’ll be back soon and try it
playing with you. Bye Gavryn, thank you (wave)


CAMBRIE: And kids those are some of Our National Symbols. Again, we have,

The Philippine National Anthem: Lupang Hinirang, Our Philippine Flag, The National
Tree: Nara, The National Flower; Sampaguita, The National Bird; Philippine Eagle, and The
National Sports: Arnis.

Now, you may be wondering: where (or when) in this list will the name Dr. Jose Rizal
appear? What about things like anahaw and mangoes? Sadly, these cannot be included in the list
above as they are listed by the NCCA as national symbols because there is no law that has been
signed declaring them as such.


NAOMI: Wow, Thank you for that information, Cambrie.

And this is the end of our land tour, on behalf of AGES Travel and Tours, we thank you
for being here today and taking time to visually listen to what we had to say, and I wish you all
had a pleasant and memorable journey and learning a lot of in this trip. And remember to pick a
place wisely because one’s destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things.

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