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Reading Laxmikanth Effectively by Manuj

Polity is a huge section for prelims and you need a different strategy for Mains.
Laxmikanth is considered the main book for UPSC aspirants for GS 1 (prelims) paper. Covering it is a huge task and requires a lot of
effort. I have read this book many times. Finally, I think the following strategy is good to structure your preparation.

1. Please do not read the book chronologically, i.e., starting from chapter 1 to 2 and so on….You can follow this approach:
Start with the chapters on:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Governor.
4. Emergency Provisions — it is closely related to the above chapters
Then cover the following:
1. PM
2. Cabinet
3. CM
4. State Council of Ministers.
After these, do a quick revision and then:
1. Parliamentary System
a. Parliament. However, don’t read the whole chapter. Put a short pause after you have done the budget topic as it is a very
long chapter.
b. Finally, read CAG chapter.
c. Return to Parliament and finish it.
Followed by:
1. State Legislative Assembly
a. Supreme Court
b. High court
c. Tribunals
d. Attorney General and Advocate General.
e. UPSC and SPSC chapters
Take another break and revise:
1. Finance Commission
a. Niti Aayog
b. National Development Council etc.
Then, come to the Centre State and Interstate relations one and read those.
What’s left now:
a. Election Commission
b. Election
c. Anti-defection
At the end, cover these together: National Commissions on SC, ST, OBC, Women, CVC, Lokpal
Now we still have some more left! That’s the beauty of Laxmikanth, it is unending!!
Cover the following now:
1. Citizenship, Fundamental Rights, DPSP, Fundamental Duties.
2. Amendment of Constitution and Preamble
3. Jammu Kashmir and Scheduled and Tribal Areas.
4. UTs, Panchayati Raj Institutions, and Municipalities
If anything else is left, finish that too.
Should you make notes from the book?
1. It is already in the ‘note-format’
2. You can make notes by using margins of the book itself to make personal notes and use
these while revising.
3. Revise, revise, revise!

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