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He well remarked that the debility and

Schlern in southern Tirol. In all such cases the mineral

authority was by the same act authorized to enter premises

Villers-Cotterets in the south. The osiers grown in the

were lightened; literature, art and science were encouraged;

of which he served as president from 1874 to 1887. Hn

observed to plough in their cloaks. It is the fashion of them

took voluminous evidence. They reported that where the acts

use in cream be boric acid, or mixtures of boric acid and

know nothing of his early life nor of his descent. He pursued

many institutes and societies have been formed in the British

took advantage of Theodore's difficulties with the British

in his possession, or make or mix with any worts or beer,

Storer and Heard, Criminal Abortion, its Nature, Evidence

remaining space with a slow-burning composition. This plan

He reached a revolutionary extreme, but he had not arrived

England and Wales are set out in the table on the next page.

John Fiske, the line would be between 41 deg. and 44 deg. long.

name Astruc, Don Astruc or En Astruc of Lunel. The descendant

was only 8.5. The select committee found that wide local

though made the centre of a conventus by Caracalla. The

from St Louis to Alton. He had attracted considerable

North Africa the Algerian and Tunisian railways were largely

of Saxony led an army against his former comrade. The

games performed in honour of Claudius, and the inhabitants of

a rich agricultural region. The chief articles of commerce

Broughton), A Journey through Albania, &c. . . . during

themselves in simulated actions. Aesthetic activities

of their desolate island shores. Of the Mexican and Central

with the ammoniacal salt solution with which the tower is about

nitric acid) into warm isoamyl alcohol; or by distilling a

of the head of the Roman Catholics of England; and as such,

Cherries 1,476,719 2,873,499

given, in logic, to an instrument, often called the ``logical

sulphate. To rebut these hypotheses it is only necessary

charm and amiability of manner; he was tall, dignified and

corresponding to a height of 34,500 ft., and possibly rose

(1) The Council of Government, a purely advisory body,

nevertheless, that a struggle impended, they instantly

brackish, some completely closed, others connected by short

Pass, and preserves that direction through the Lesser Tauern

None of them can be said to have founded a school, but

tertiary alcohols. Furthermore, he exhibited a comparison

Polyolbion. The metre, however, failed to catch the English

social feeling which subordinates itself to the welfare of

``you will gain much more labour from your servants, a great

1884 no fewer than forty-two treaties were concluded with

of the grant of a royal charter, and the title of borough soon

repaired to the Rectory, Wanstead, then the residence of Mrs

i.-v., together with an abridgment of what he wrote on the

centuries, but was disproved by P. Cluver (1624). But it

1903 4,031 40,923 34,631,603

(367) and Philip of Macedon (338), recovered control of their

crude notions immediately into practice, and as their desire

sq. m. of absolutely new territory, an area eight times as

inhabitants). Aargau is an industrious and prosperous canton,

with precipitous sides, and these early citadels became in many

of the Cedar Rapids & Missouri River railway (now part of the

who utilized it for local application by inventing the Junod

made by the House of Representatives, which was confined

of his government was the first Burmese war of 1824, resulting

fallow prevented the exhaustion of the soil, which was further

order, Pecten asper and Cardiaster fossarius, Schloen

``Abode of Love,'' was enlarged and furnished luxuriously, and

allied species of Celebes and the Moluccas; the species or

either of settling differences or of advancing their welfare

Solitary, touching unequal weight (as of wool and lead or

Rajput custom. Besides their division into clans and tribes,

non-native, we do not come upon another case of the kind till

Aeschylus must therefore have competed (between 499 and 458)

appointment by Sir Robert Peel to the office of sheriff of

Baga Ekoi

distinctly and legibly written or printed on or with the

on Mt. Helicon, while Diodorus represents them as historical

C. (E. Auge, Comptes rendus, 1890, 110, p. 1139).

idea of a nutation of the earth's axis, and was rewarded by the

that house his wife, the well-known actress, Miss Mary Moore,

all that remains on this Coast to represent Portugal's share in

from Abbas, who, supported hy the province of Khorasan, achieved

any portion of the lake, nor of the Shire; she has neither

AFER, DOMITIUS, a Roman orator and advocate, born at

d'Abondance), whose name often occurs in poems of the Middle

country. In 1908 the legislature of New York appropriated

flows past that town N.W. 140 m. to the sea. Among the less

coaling station has grown immensely since the opening of the Suez
KO2C.CH2.CH2.CO2C2H5, would give only two ions, viz.

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