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inevitable (April 8).

On the 9th the gallant remnant of the

two-thirds filled. There the reaction mentioned above takes

the water in a series of bluffs some 300 to 350 ft. high.

of iodine and of arsenic are sometimes found of service.

greater speed than ``La France''; but a driving belt slipped,

(1842-1881), in succession to Henry Timrod (1829-1867) and

associated plants, including the soft-wooded ambach, flourish

America. The programme it proposed was as follows:--

sodium (A. Ladenburg, Ber., 1886, 19, p. 783); by heating

of titanium dioxide, it crystallizes in the tetragonal system;

Judaism. To this he conformed his own conduct as a Jew, so

it was necessary to subdue certain fortresses, one of which

and similar verse, but he is better remembered as the artistic

The architectural and ornamental sculpture of the interior

been printed separately, with Latin translation and scholia, at

course of time many important privileges. They were suppressed

at hand there is no appearance in the least corresponding

Socrates. At the same time we may conclude that Plato's mind

monastery, or charter-house, as it was called in England,

of the battery is disturbed. Sometimes the number of cells

relating both to his geographical results and his political

sustained or combined labour, a stranger to those great

text. The most obvious non-Amosian passage in the book is the

important, as it is the most impressive, in Afghanistan.

Wilson, and Report of the Spanish Atrocities Committee,

the whole world according to the eight books of Ptolemy's

Austria. At the same time he was anxious to obtain for the

pursued by the new government gradually led to the formation

Idioms Romauntschs d'Engiadina ota e bassa, &c. (1895); A.

Cambrian age and possess a Paradoxides fauna. They

no less than construct, out of the different materials at his

Valley was held for a time only), while the latter added to

provincials paid a land tax from which Italians were exempt.

on the west coast and the British sphere of influence north

has been met with as an admixture of the fatty part of

Amphibia, as a class of the Vertebrata, co-ordinate with

family of sons, set Peter an example which he did not fail to

liquid does not alter as the solidification progresses.

was inscribed over the doors of houses as a protection, and

AHASUERUS (the Latinized form of the Hebrew shin vav resh

city has a public library. The excellent climate has given

and a fine Roman aqueduct; pop. (1900) 4501. Caudete (5913),

with the exception of a few years between 1857 and 1860, when

the most extravagant technical difficulties. His invention

buildings, devoted to the aged and infirm members of the

Europe. A remarkable feast is kept annually by the Algerian Jews

by the Goths. Adrianople was the residence of the Turkish

in the civil wars. Its prosperity, in the imperial period,

colleges had in 1904-1905 a total income of $11,659,955.

steel, slaughtering and meat-packing products, boots and shoes,

2. refectory; 3. calefactory; m,m. Hen and duck house.

cotton to fine pulp, which enabled it to be prepared with

nt} pigmented nerve tube; ps, primary gill-slits, 1, 9,

basketry. Textile work in the Sioux province was chiefly

shortly after his ordination in 1717, he taught theology and

1540, and entered upon the practice of his profession in

Chalotais et le duc d'Aiguillon (Paris, 1893); Marion, La

his most important services were translations of works by Averroes.

varying structure, rise to about the same level and give the

Castellina, is sent to Florence for figure-sculpture, whilst

vol. ii. pp. 551-620; Durm, Geschichte der Baukunst, II.2

clear general principles on such points as poetic truth,

condemnation of the teaching of Osiander, and the climax came

he had to brave the wrath of the duke of Burgundy, override

Clackmannanshire, and was born in October 1734. Educated

imprisonment for debt at Brussels he lived at Cologne and

of the 3rd century, was probably born in Libya, and may have

face should first of all be held over steaming water for

its native country, and in which it has been proved that the

who understood his subjects well enough not to go too far.

Berar, Central Provinces. The district was reconstituted

ROMAN.) In South Africa the first thorough examination of

intervention; in 364 he was defeated at Cynoscephalae by the

must have been gold. No place in the East, unless Japan,

its prosperity numbered 12,000 students, and was second only

events, though the Persians were checked for the time, the

he drew from his love of Goldsmith, and the charm of his

the instrument is a horseshoe magnet having soft-iron

raise, organize and train the famous Army of the Potomac, which,

persons who spoke Gaelic only, and 1333 who spoke Gaelic and
to the north of Kismayu. In British Somaliland the frontier

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