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This survey is the part of the thesis entitled The effects of the new normal academic
performances of grade 12 HUMSS at Amungan National High School.
In this connection the researchers humbly request your cooperation to answer each
question. Rest assured that all information gathered will be kept strictly confidential

Name ( Optional ): _____________________________________________________

Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female

Direction: Please check ( ) and rate honestly based on what actually do given the statements
using the following scale:

5- Strongly Agree 4-Moderately Agree 3-Agree 2-Fairly Agree 1-Disagree

5 4 3 2 1
1. I would prefer face-to-face instruction
2. Face-to-face instruction would help me
understand the concept better
3. The use of technology interferes with my
ability to accomplish the required work.
4. Face-to-face instruction would be a better way
for me to learn the content materials.
5. Face-to-face instruction would help me learn
6. The instructor understand the environment and
makes it easy to learn.
7. An online environment makes it easier for me
to communicate with my instructor.
8.Students and teachers instructor is weak through
online learning
9.Online learning ensures the effectiveness for
presenting the work in class
10. Quality of teaching can be increased through
online learning because it integrates various of

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