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The Level of Awareness in Getting a COVID-19 Vaccines



Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Subject Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion
Amungan National High School
Iba, Zambales

June 2022
Chapter 1
Background of the study
The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected
nearly all countries and territories. The epidemic was initially discovered in Wuhan,
China, in December 2019. Countries all throughout the world warned the people to be
cautious. Handwashing, using face masks, physical distance, and avoiding mass
gatherings and assemblies have been among the public care tactics. Lockdown and stay-
at-home techniques have been used as the necessary measure to flatten the curve and
reduce disease spread.
The COVID-19 epidemic has impacted practically every facet of life,
including education. Schools in the Philippines, as well as in the majority of the world,
were shuttered in March 2020 as nations created lockdown methods to prevent the virus
from spreading further. Many issues developed as educators shifted from conventional
face-to-face learning to digital platforms for remote teaching, necessitating swift answers
and adjustments to policy and procedures in order to deliver fair and suitable remote
learning to all students.
COVID-19's sudden and unanticipated move to online teaching and
learning has most definitely touched many, if not all, elements of university students' life
globally. This study focuses on the influence of the pandemic on student well-being,
which has been determined to be as crucial to student lifetime success as academic
accomplishment in contributing to the analysis of this transformation. Engagement and
performance in academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities, intrinsic
motivation, contentment, meaning creation, and mental health have all been connected to
student well-being. The goal of this study was to look at how students' perceptions of
their degree completion and future employment prospects affected their well-being
throughout the epidemic, and what role university assistance had in this connection.
With re-emerging pandemic surges, traditional on-site teaching and
learning cannot be assured on a long-term basis. Because social distance is critical at this
point to preserve all communities, there has been a rapid movement in pedagogy from
traditional to online class sessions, face-to-face to virtual instruction, and seminars to
webinars. The pandemic's impact has ushered in an era of extreme technological
transition, with rapid digitization of the global higher education sector [3]. As a result, it
is critical for students and lecturers to take advantage of digital technology, as research
has shown that online education is an effective and efficient learning environment, with
benefits such as accessibility, opportunities for life-long learning, improved quality, and
cost-effectiveness of educational resources. [4]. Meanwhile, professors may embrace this
digital transition phase to improve their abilities while developing capacity in new subject
areas and maintaining a healthy work-family balance [4]. Not only does online education
provide a safe method of avoiding COVID-19 community spread without the need for
face-to-face interaction, but it also improves student-centeredness by allowing lecturers
to tailor to the needs of students while providing flexibility in teaching delivery in terms
of time and location for both parties. [5]. There are several online tools and digital
technologies accessible to help lecturers adapt new technology and be more inventive in
their pedagogical delivery. Importantly, online education provides for a collaborative and
dynamic learning environment in which instructors may reach out to their students and
retain their students' involvement through a combination of audio, videos, and text [5].
According to research on the influence of COVID-19 on student education and
wellbeing, academic disruption can undermine university instruction delivery and result
in psychological implications for the university community. During the epidemic,
students frequently experience heightened worry, which may lead to decreased
motivation to study. [6] and this is linked to greater worries about academic, social, and
economic well-being [7]. College students may experience loneliness and isolation not
just as a result of social isolation, but also as a result of abrupt interruptions in their
research projects and internships, leading to anxiety about graduation and job market
availability [7]. Students' research productivity might also be significantly diminished if
hospital or clinical research activity is discontinued.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study was beneficial to the following person:
To the Teachers. The result of the study helped the teachers to developed
strategies in dealing with improvement of academic performance of their students.
To the Students. This study helped the student identified the student’s level of
perception towards academic performance issues in regards with educational system.
To the parents. This study able to help the parents to guide their children and help
them to improve the academic performance in new normal.
To the Researchers. The result of this study served as a basis for future research
regarding academic performance in new normal issues regarding the educational system.
Statement of the problem
This study will be conducted to assess the effects of the new normal on the academic
performance of grade 12 HUMSS students at Amungan National High School.

Specifically, this study sought to find the answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
2.How can the educational system affect the academic performance of Amungan
National High School?
3.What is the academic performance towards blended learning?
3.1 Activities and Independent Seatwork Completion
3.2 Study Skills
3.3 Motivation
4.How can the academic performance of the HUMSS Students be described?

Scope and Limitations

The focus of this study was to determine the effects of the new normal academic
performance of grade 12 HUMSS at Amungan National High School. This research study
will involved a sample of student from grade 12 in Amungan National High School
which may be viewed as the respondents.
Chapter 2
This chapter include the related literatures and studies as well the framework of the


Academic Performance
Without students, schools, colleges, and universities have no worth. Students
are the most essential asset for any educational institute. The social and economic
development of the country is directly linked with academic performance. Academic
performance (academic achievement) plays an important role in producing the best
quality graduates who will become great leaders and manpower for the country, thus
being responsible for the country’s economic and social development. (Ali et al., 2002).
The home environment also affects the academic performance of students.
Educated parents can provide a supportive environment that suits the academic success of
their children. School authorities can provide counseling and guidance to parents to
create a positive home environment for improving students' quality of work (Marzano
2008). The academic performance of students heavily depends on parental involvement
in their academic activities to attain the higher level of quality in academic success
(Barnard, 2004; Herderson, 2008; shumox & Lomax, 2009).
Student Performances
Family stress is due to socio-economic factors like attendance in the class, family
income, mother's and father's education, teacher-student ratio, presence of a trained teacher in
school, sex of students, and distance from school. These factors affect the performance of the
students. (Raycahudri et al., 2010).
Performance assessment is used to judge and observe a process (how student does
something) or a product ( students created work) like tern papers, academic or technical projects,
or oral reports, and group presentation. Performance assessment is evaluated using model answer,
a rubric, a checklist or some type of scale. This type of evaluation gives the reader more latitudes
than the typical dichotomous (right-wrong) answer in providing feedback for student.
Performance assessment may involve student in construction the grading process. It gives the
students latitude in how to respond to the item, because there is no single correct answer or the
best answer (Grocks, 2008).
Academic performance or school outcome is the product of the student’s achievement
at the specific institution, for specific time duration, under a specific guideline of a leader to right
motive, the primary level student’s academic performance is usually checked observation. While
the examination and test are the best way to check the academic performance or academic
understanding in high classes. These written test or examination are known as home exam
because it is conducted by the school administration. In Pakistan annual system of examination is
used to upgrade or degrade the student so if a student is intelligent but did not attend the annual
exam will be left in same class till he/she succeed in the exam (Poropat, 2009).
The first theory is that ‘Self-control’. He suggests that teachers need to help students
to learn to develop self-control. The teacher has to empty appropriate body language to make use
of an incentive system and efficiency assisting learners, so that is the way teacher helps learners
to control themselves. He also suggests that learning self-control empower students and prepares
them for the future. (Frederic Jones 2002).
Educators and researchers have long been interested in exploring variables
contributing to the quality of academic performance of learners. Academic performance is
affected by many factors, including parents’ education levels and income, teachers’ knowledge of
the subject, truancy, textbook availability and accessibility, libraries, practical laboratories, meals
provision, and many other factors [2]. The home environment has been recognized as having a lot
of influence on academic performance. Children who experience poverty may live in physical
environments that offer less stimulation and fewer resources for learning. Education at the
secondary school level is supposed to be the bedrock and the foundation towards higher
knowledge in tertiary institutions [3]. Consistent lower academic performance at senior high
school is a threat to every country’s educational system. There is therefore a need to review the
literature on academic performance and gain insight into factors and their influences on the
academic outcomes of students at senior high schools. This, one way or the other, could help
expose some gaps in the literature and other issues that have been favoured by research and
publications. This study has been structured to review literature on factors and their influences on
the academic outcomes of students at senior high schools.

Conceptual Framework
The theory of Performance (TOP) develops and relates six foundation concepts
framework that can be used to explain performance as well as performance
improvements. To perform to produce value result. Students relation has been and still
one of the critical areas of discussion and higher education all over the world. To
performer can be an individual or a group of people engaging in a collaborative effort.
Developing performance is a journey, and level of performance describes location in the
1. The profile of the PROCESS OUTPUT
respondents in terms of.
*Collection of data
1.1 Age
Questionnaire Identified the effects
1.2 Sex
*Statistical tools
of academic
2. How can the educational performance of Grade
system affect the academic *Mean *Percentage 12- HUMSS at
performance of Amungan Amungan National
National High School? High School
3. What is the academic
performance towards
blended learning?

Figure 1 presents the paradigm of the study. As shown in the framework, figure
1 presents the inputs which includes the personal profile of the respondents their age and
sex. It also covers how the new normal affects the academic performance.
In frame 2, the process shows the means by how the researchers gathered the
desired data information for the study with the use of questionnaire. It also covers the use
of the different tool as mean and percentage.
In frame 3, the output of the study. It includes the identification of the effects of
the new normal academic performance of grade 12 HUMSS at Amungan National High
There is no significant relationship between the effects of the new normal academic
performance of grade 12 HUMSS at Amungan National High School when respondents
are grouped according to profile variables.

This chapter present the research method that will be used by researcher with the
questionnaire as the main instrument in data gathering respondents.
This study used descriptive research to describe and determine the Effects of
the new normal academic performance of grade 12 HUMSS at Amungan National High
The descriptive research is defining as research method that describes the
characteristics of the population of the phenomenon that is being studied. This
methodology focuses on the “what” of the research subject rather than the “why” of the
research subject. The descriptive method of research is the most appropriate method in
gathering information about existing conditions.
According to Barcelo (2016) this type of research method aims to define or
give verbal portrayal of picture or person, thing, event, group, situation ETC, it’s topic
relative itself only a certain period or limited number years, the true meaning of data that
will be collected will be reported from the point of view of the objectives as a basic
assumption of the study. The formula will be subjected to thinking process by means of
ordered reasoning.
The descriptive method of search is the most appropriate method in gathering
information about existing a conditions. This refers to the academic behavior in relation
to the effects of the new normal academic performance of grade 12 HUMSS at Amungan
National High School.
The present study was conducted at Amungan National High School during the year June
Amungan National High School is studied at Zambales province in the
Philippines which is located in Central Luzon Region in the island of Luzon. The capital
of Zambales is Iba it is the second largest provincial capital in terms of land area In
Central Luzon Region after Tarlac City. The municipality of Iba is bounded by the
municipalities of Botolan to the south, Palauig to north, the province of Tarlac to the east,
and the South China Sea to west. Iba has 14 barangays including Amungan Iba,
Zambales. Amungan National High School is located at Purok 3,Amungan Iba,
Zambales. Amungan National High School has a total land area of 11,170 sq. it is
surrounded by a creek at the right side and Amungan Elementary School at the left side.
The respondents of this study were the twenty students under the Humanities and
Social Sciences in Amungan National High School. They were officially enrolled during
the school year 2021-2022. The table 1 show the distribution of the respondents.
Table 1
Distribution of the Respondents



Research Instrument
The survey questionnaire was the main instrument in the data gathering in this
The first part of the questionnaire focused on the profile of the respondents where
name, sex and age was included.
The second part of the questionnaire is the checklist regarding to the level of
perception toward academic performance in new normal in Amungan National Hgh
Sampling Technique
Simple random technique was employed in this study in choosing the
respondents. Sampling helps a lot in research. It is one of the most important factors
which determine the accuracy of your research/survey result. If anything goes wrong with
your sample, then it was reflected in the final results. There are lot of techniques which
help us gather sample depending upon the need and situation.
Population is the collection of the elements which has some of the other
characteristics in common. Number of the elements in population is the size of the
Sample is the subset of the population. The process of selecting a sample is
known as sampling. Number of the elements in the sample is the sample size.
Validation of instrument
The researchers drafted questionnaire and showed to research adviser and he
defense panel for critique and suggestions. The researchers took note and deeply
considered the suggestions for the improvement of the instruments. The final form was
made upon the approval of the research adviser.
Data Gathering Procedure
After the validation of the instrument, the researchers made the final draft
integrating the corrections and discrepancies noted during validation. A letter was
prepared seeking the permission of the Principal of Amungan National High School
regarding the distribution of the survey questionnaire.
The distribution questionnaire was conducted during the month of June 2022. The
researcher utilized the vacant periods in the distribution so as not disrupt their classes.
The researcher ensured a 100% of retrieval of the questionnaire and upholds
confidentiality of the data.
Statistical Treatment of the Study
This was organized, tallied and tabulated using percentage and weighted mean.
The statistical tools were essential towards the completion of the study.
To present the profile of the respondents, and determine the level of perception
towards the effects of the new normal academic performance of grade 12 HUMSS at
Amungan National High School. Frequency and percentage distribution will be
Formula: %= f/x x 100
Where: P or % = percentage
F= frequency
N= Total Number of Cases
Weighted Mean
A weighted mean is a kind of average. Instead of each data point contributing
equally to the final mean, some data points contribute more ‘weight’ than others.
Formula: WM= Σfx/N
Where = WM = Weighted Mean
Σ fx = summation of the product f and x
x= Weight of each option
f= Frequency
N= Number of Cases

Likert Scale
Likert Scale is a psychological measurement device that is used to gauge attitudes,
values and opinions. It functions by having a person complete a questionnaire that
requires them to indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree with a series of
Table 3
The Criteria Used to Interpret the Category in the Likert Scale

Numerical Value Point Scale Descriptive Symbol


5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree SA

4 3.40-4.19 Agree A

3 2.60-3.39 Uncertain/ Not U/NA


2 1.80-2.59 Disagree D

1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree SD

Chi Square
Chi square is a method used in statistics that calculates the difference between
observed and expected data values. It is used to determine how closely actual data fit
expected. It is a test that measures how expectation compare to actual observed data or
model result. The data used in calculating a chi-square statistic must be random, raw,
mutually exclusive, drawn from independent variable, and drawn from a large enough
x2= Σ (o-e) 2 / e
c= degrees of freedom
o= observed value (s)
e= expected value (s)

Chapter 4
This chapter presented and analyzed the gathered data to provide clear
understanding for the question stated in Chapter 1.
1. Profile of the Respondents
1.1 Age

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