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Exercise 1 ( Scene 1): Fill the blanks with TWO or THREE WORD:

1. Everything is very well, except for some problems with occupational (1)
…………………………………….. and safety.
2. The former problem is about the (2) ……………………………………….,
we are wearing too thin and could get injured.
3. After talking for a while, Hạnh went for lunch. As soon as Hạnh went
away, Dương took out a (3)
4. No, smoking can cause heart disease, cancer, (4)
………................................., and countless other dangerous diseases. You
should cut it off before it kills you.
5. After coughing for a while, he fell to the ground and (5)
6. My friend is dying and you dating your friend (6)
……………………………. an ambulance. I should do it by myself.
7. Dương was taken to the hospital after Đan made a call, and he was (7)
……………………………………….two lung cancer.
Exercise 2 ( Scene 2): Listen and decide whether the statement below is
No Questions True False
1. Now, we don’t need to serve this body, let’s rebel and
destroy it.
2. Our former target is the lung because of its crucial
function in the respiratory system.
3. You’re nothing but a weak unstated cell, and you want
to destroy me??? What a daydreamer!

Exercise 1:
1. occupational health
2. the protective clothes
3. pack of cigarettes
4. lung disease
5. lay unconscious
6. instead of calling
7. diagnosed with stage

Exercise 2:
1. False  don’t need
2. True
3. False  unstable

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