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Topic 1: Benefits of internet

- Introduction: Without a doubt, the Internet plays an essential role in our life.
Whilst many people are still doubting about the influence of vast network, I
strongly believe that the internet brings us a lot of outstanding benefits for reasons
Main idea #1: Internet provide us with an enormus source of updated
information and knowledge
- Help students self-studying
+ Many websites provide free lectures, books and documents on different topics
and subjects. Ranging from politics, government laws, trade fairs and so on. Not
only are these information free but also very accurate.
+ Thanks to the internet, people can save time searching for information instead of
having to go through books just to find what you want.
- A great tool for an interesting lessons compared to traditional class
+ With GG class, quizziz, quizlet; teachers can control the class while also make
the lesson interesting
+ Due to Covid-19, schools have to close; therefore, online classes are the best
solution to the problem, helping the school to keep up with national curriculum
Main idea #2: The internet is a great way of communication
- Geographical distance is no longer an issue since people could communicate with
overseas friends via apps like Facebook or Instagram.
- Allow users to interact with their friends, families, colleagues and business
partners. Making it way immensely convenient to keep in touch with them
- It has become easier to establish global relationships where you can share your
thoughts and explore other cultures

Topic 2: Drawbacks of Internet

- Introduction: Without a doubt, the Internet plays an essential role in our life.
Whilst many people think that the internet has a lot of benefits, but I strongly
believe it has more drawbacks.
Main idea #1: Internet is addictive and harmful to people’s health
- With the creation of apps such as: Facebook, Youtube, Reddit and so on, the
internet suddenly becomes popular but also very addictive. Many students waste
their time just playing video games, watching TV and surfing the apps. They do
not want to join outdoor activities and spend time with friends or families.
- The internet poses hidden risk to users. Staring at the computer for too long will
damage eyes and lead to tiredness. Furthermore, sitting for long periods of time
affects health, it can leads to obesity, high blood sugar and so on.
Main idea #2: The internet is a dangerous place
- Children with unsupervised internet acccess will be exposed with a lot of
harmful things that should not be allowed on the internet.
- People’s personal information are most likely stolen by others and even by the
pages that they visited. Therefore, doxxing has become a problem on the internet
for a long time. The more time people spend on the internet, the more dangerous it

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