A Guide To Assessing Endoplasmic Reticulum Homeostasis

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A guide to assessing endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis

and stress in mammalian systems
s Delaunay-Moisan3, Laurent Combettes4,5, Eric Chevet1,2
Daria Sicari1,2, Agne and
Aeid Igbaria
1 Inserm U1242, University of Rennes, France
2 Centre de lutte contre le cancer Euge ne Marquis, Rennes, France

3 Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), CEA-Saclay, CNRS, ISVJC/SBIGEM, Laboratoire Stress Oxydant et Cancer, Universite
Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
4 UMRS1174, Universite  Paris Sud, Orsay, France
5 UMRS1174, Institut National de la Sante  et de la Recherche Me dicale (Inserm), Orsay, France

Keywords The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a multifunctional organelle that consti-

Calcium distribution; ER redox state; ER tutes the entry into the secretory pathway. The ER contributes to the
stress; ER structure; UPR
maintenance of cellular calcium homeostasis, lipid synthesis and productive
secretory, and transmembrane protein folding. Physiological, chemical, and
E. Chevet or A. Igbaria, Chemistry, pathological factors that compromise ER homeostasis lead to endoplasmic
Oncogenesis, stress, Signaling-(COSS), reticulum stress (ER stress). To cope with this situation, cells activate an
Inserm U1242, Universite de Rennes-1, adaptive signaling pathway termed the unfolded protein response (UPR)
CLCC Eugene Marquis, Rue de la Bataille that aims at restoring ER homeostasis. The UPR is transduced through
Flandres Dunkerque. Bat D, 1er etage post-translational, translational, post-transcriptional, and transcriptional
35042 Rennes, France
mechanisms initiated by three ER-resident sensors, inositol-requiring pro-
Tel: +33 2 23237258
tein 1a, activating transcription factor 6a, and PRKR-like endoplasmic
E-mails: eric.chevet@inserm.fr (EC) or
aeid.igbaria@gmail.com (AI) reticulum kinase. Determining the in and out of ER homeostasis control
and UPR activation still represents a challenge for the community. Hence,
(Received 25 July 2019, revised 10 standardized criteria and methodologies need to be proposed for monitor-
September 2019, accepted 23 October ing ER homeostasis and ER stress in different model systems. Here, we
2019) summarize the pathways that are activated during ER stress and provide
approaches aimed at assess ER homeostasis and stress in vitro and in vivo
mammalian systems that can be used by researchers to plan and interpret
experiments. We recommend the use of multiple assays to verify ER stress
because no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one.

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) represents a complex secretory proteins. The ER is a multifunctional orga-
membranous network that beyond ensuring cell cal- nelle crowded with many enzymes, foldases, and chap-
cium and lipid homeostasis and mediates the produc- erones that assist oxidative protein folding and other
tive folding and trafficking of transmembrane and post-translational modifications, which ensure the

AM, acetomethoxy; ATF6, activating transcription factor 6; EM, electron microscopy; ER stress, endoplasmic reticulum stress; ERSE-I/II,
endoplasmic reticulum stress element I/II; FP, fluorescent protein; FRET, Fo €rster resonance energy transfer; GECIs, genetically encoded
calcium indicators; GSH, glutathione; IRE1, inositol-requiring protein 1; PERK, PRKR-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase; RIDD, RNA IRE1a-
dependent decay; roGFP, reduction- to oxidation-sensitive GFP; rxYFP, redox-sensitive YFP; sfGFP, superfolder green fluorescent protein;
Tg, thapsigargin; ThT, thioflavin; Tm, tunicamycin; TXN, thioredoxin; UPR, unfolded protein response; UPRE, UPR element; XBP1, X-box-
binding protein 1.

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Tools to measure ER homeostasis in mammals D. Sicari et al.

maintenance of ER homeostasis [1]. In addition, cells Approaches to assess ER stress

have developed different quality control systems in
order to ensure that only properly folded proteins are The unfolded protein response
exported through the other compartments of the secre-
tory pathway, the improperly folded proteins being The UPR is transduced by three ER transmembrane
degraded by the proteasome in a process called ER-as- sensor proteins (PRKR-like endoplasmic reticulum
sociated degradation [2]. Intrinsic (genetic mutations, kinase (PERK), activating transcription factor 6
aneuploidy) and extrinsic (environmental disturbances) (ATF6)a, and inositol-requiring protein 1 (IRE1)a),
factors compromise ER homeostasis leading to a situa- through their luminal domains they are able to moni-
tion called endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER stress) tor and sense the protein folding status of the ER, and
that occurs when the balance between the protein fold- then, they signal through their cytosolic domain either
ing demand exceeds that of the ER. In this situation, directly through specific catalytic activities or select
cells adapt by adjusting their folding capacity through post-translational processing (Fig. 1). UPR signaling
activation of an intracellular signaling pathway known aims at alleviating stress; however, if homeostasis can-
as the unfolded protein response (UPR) (Fig. 1). Once not be restored, the UPR activates cell death pathways
activated, the UPR outputs can be measured by differ- [3]. Hence, ER stress and the UPR play an important
ent methods that are discussed below. Monitoring the role in physiology and in the development of numer-
UPR outputs through measuring the activation of the ous diseases.
different signaling pathways of the UPR represents a
powerful and easy tool but may not be enough to mir- The IRE1a arm
ror ER proteostasis. In this article, we also review the
available methods to assess ER homeostasis and stress IRE1a (referred to IRE1 hereafter) is the most con-
as well as their use in biological research. Our recom- served sensor of the UPR, present from yeast to
mendation is to test different outputs including signal- human. IRE1 is a type I transmembrane protein with
ing pathways, ER morphology, and ER calcium flux a lumenal domain that senses misfolded proteins and a
in addition to assessing changes in the ER redox state cytosolic domain comprising two catalytic activities, a
to ensure the production of a proper representation of serine/threonine kinase, and an endoribonuclease
the ER functionality. (RNase) (Fig. 1). Accumulation of misfolded proteins

eroGFP [1] ThT 3

ER-Redox State rxYFP [2] S 1 SH
1 S
ThT [3] S Aggregated protein eroGFP
ER-structure eroGFP rxYFP S SH SH
ER 405nm 488nm
CEPIA [4] 2 rxYFP SH
Calcium Status 2
5 Ca+2 CEPIA

Cytoplasm P P P P
eIF2α Chem. Golgi
P Dyes AT
F6 Xbp1 Xbp1s-Venus/Luc
Global Protein Selective Translation SERCaMP s1p/s2p
Synthesis (μORFs) Xbp1s Xbp1s-Venus/Luc
ATF4 Xbp1s-Venus
genes Target

Fig. 1. Summary of the activation of the different signaling outputs during ER stress. in green redox state: eroGFP, rxYFP (1,2); in black ER
structure: ThT (3); in red calcium status: CEPIA (4); UPR: in orange PERK pathway (5), in violet ATF6 pathway (6); in blue IRE1a pathway (7).

28 The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 27–42 ª 2019 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
D. Sicari et al. Tools to measure ER homeostasis in mammals

in the ER leads to IRE1 dimerization and trans-au- ligase RTCB [6]. This nonconventional splicing shifts
tophosphorylation. IRE1 activation can be directly the open reading frame on the mRNA resulting in the
measured by assessing the phosphorylation state at ser- translation into an active transcription factor XPB1s
ines 724 or 729, which are phosphorylated upon its [7]. The abundance of XBP1s can be measured by
activation, and antibodies specific for the phosphory- using PCR with primers flanking the intron (Table 3).
lated IRE1 are available commercially (S724) or upon XBP1u (unspliced) amplicons migrate on agarose gel
request (S729) (Table 1). Because IRE1 is poorly (3% or 4%) around 476 bp, while XBP1s amplicons’
abundant, it is useful to concentrate the protein by mobility is faster (450 bp). Alternatively, because the
immunoprecipitation (IP) prior to immunoblotting 26nt intron amplicon contains a Pst1 cleavage site,
(IB) (IP-IB). Alternatively, a Phostag-based western digestion with Pst1 after PCR yields better separation
blot approach can be used. In particular, this method of XBP1u/s with XBP1u producing two fragment of
allows a direct visualization and quantitation of IRE1 ~186 and ~290 bp, whereas the XBP1s corresponds to
signaling in various conditions [4] (Data S1). More- an amplicon of ~450bp (Data S2). In addition, it is
over, IRE1 oligomerization state can be tested to mea- also possible to measure XBP1s mRNA by qPCR
sure its activity, for instance using the superfolder using primers that only recognize XBP1 spliced version
green fluorescent protein (sfGFP)-IRE1 construct in (Table 3) [8].
which the sfGFP is N terminally fused to the luminal A genetic method to monitor XBP1 mRNA splicing
domain of IRE1 (Table 2) [5]. has been developed by fusing XBP1 sequence to venus,
IRE1a phosphorylation causes a conformational a GFP variant or to luciferase (Table 2). Venus/lu-
change leading to the activation of the RNase domain, ciferase was cloned downstream of the 26-nt ER
which in turn leads to the excision of a 26-nt intron stress-specific intron of human XBP1. Similar to
from the X-box-binding protein 1 (XBP1) mRNA. endogenous XBP1, upon ER stress the frame shift
The 50 and 30 fragments are then ligated by the tRNA allows expression of the chimeric XBP1-venus/

Table 1. List of antibodies used to assess ER stress by WB, IF, IHC, and IP. CST, cell signaling technology; SCBT, Santa Cruz
Biotechnology; Ptg, ProteinTech; H, human; M, mouse; R, R. Application score: 1 = good, 2 = medium, 3 = bad.

Antibody Source Reactivity Application Company/Cat#

1 1 1 1
IRE1a Rabbit H, M IP , IF , WB , IHC CST/3294S
IRE1a (B12) Mouse M,R,H IP1, IF1, WB1, IHC1 SCBT/sc390960
p-IRE1 pS724 Rabbit M,R,H WB2 Abcam/ab48187
p-IRE1 pS729 Rabbit M WB1 Tang et al [83]
XBP1s (9D11A43) Mouse H,M IF1, WB1 Biolegends/658802
XBP1s (D2C1F) Mouse H WB2 CST/12782S
RTCB Rabbit H,M IP1, IF1, WB1, IHC1 Ptg/19809-1-AP
PERK (C33E10) Rabbit H,M,R,Mk WB1 CST/3192S
PERK (D11A8) Rabbit H IP2, IF2, WB1 CST/5683S
p-PERK (16F8) (Thr980) Rabbit R WB3 CST/3179S
p-PERK (Thr982) Rabbit H,M IP2, IF1, WB2, IHC1 Abcam/Ab192591
eIF2a (L57A5) Mouse H,M,R,Mk WB1 CST/2103S
p-eIF2a(119A11) (S51) Rabbit H,M,R,Mk WB2 CST/3597S
ATF4 Mouse M,R,H WB1 Sigma-aldrich/ WH0000468M1
ATF6 (1-7) Mouse H IP1, IF1, WB1 Abcam/ab122897
CHOP (L63F7) Mouse H,M,R IP1, IF1, WB1 CST/2895S
BIP (C50B12) Rabbit H,M WB1 CST/3177S
PDIA3 (3G4G7) Mouse H,M,R IP2, IF1, WB1, IHC1 Ptg/66423-1-Ig
SAPK/JNK Rabbit H,M,R WB2 CST/9252S
p-SAPK/JNK(81E11) (Thr183/Tyr185) Rabbit H,M,R WB2 CST/4668S
p-SAPK/JNK(G9) (Thr183/Tyr185) Mouse H,M,R WB2 CST/9255S
TXNIP Mouse H,M,R WB1 MBL/ K0205-3
Insulin (2D11-H5) Mouse H,M,R IP1, IF1, WB1, IHC1 SCBT/8033
PRDX4 Rabbit H,M,R IP1, IF1, WB1, IHC1 Ptg/10703-1-AP
BLOS1 Rabbit H,M,R IP1, IF1, WB1, IHC1 Ptg/19687-1-AP
MANF Rabbit H,M WB1 Bethyl/A305-572A
GADD34/PPP1R15A Rabbit H,M,R IP1, IF1, WB1, IHC1 Ptg/10449-1-AP

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Tools to measure ER homeostasis in mammals D. Sicari et al.

Table 2. Chemical and genetic tools to assess ER stress in mammalian cells.

Method Notes Ref

The UPR assays

XBP1s PCR/qPCR/WB/ DnaJ/Hsp40-like genes, EDEM, p58IPK, [7,9,84–88]
Florescence ERdj4, HEDJ, protein disulfide isomerase-P5,
and RAMP4
IRE1a Phosphorylation WB/Phostag pIRE1a antibodies, Phostag Gels –
RIDD WB/qPCR RTN4, PRDX4, Galnt2, Gyltl1b, Pdia4, and [5,10,11,89,90]
Blos1 (see Refs for list of genes)
miRNA qPCR miRNA-17, miRNA-34a, miRNA-96, and [91,92]
IRE1a Oligomerization WB/Florescence sfGFP-IRE1a construct [5,93,94]
EGFP-IRE1a construct
Cell death WB/Annexin V CHOP/ pJNK/ TXNIP-NLRP3 [5,13,91,92]
‘ER stress-activated Florescence Transgenic mouse [9]
indicator’ (ERAI)
IRE1a Inhibitors
Kinase and RNAse Inhibitor WB/qPCR on IRE1a and Compound 18, MKC-3946, MKC-8866, STF- [95–98]
IRE1a targets. 083010, 4l8c.
PERK phosphorylation WB/Phostag p-PERK antibodies, Phostag Gels [16,99]
ATF4 target genes WB/qPCR CHOP/GADD153 and Noxa [19–21]
eIF2a phosphorylation WB peIF2a antibodies [16,99]
NRF2-KEAP1 WB/qPCR of the NRF2 GCLC, NQO1 [22]
target genes
PERK inhibitors
Phosphorylation inhibitors WB/qPCR on PERK and GSK-2606414*, GSK2656157* [102,103]
its targets ISRIB
*also known to inhibit RIPK1 and/or cKIT
ATF6f localization WB/Luciferase assay p5xATF6-GL3, Plasmid #11976 [25]
ATF6f target genes WB/qPCR GRP78, GRP94, ERp72, PDIA4, SEL1L, OS9, [104]
HerpUD, and Hyou1
ERSE-LacZ model mouse Florescence Transgenic mouse [29]
ATF6 Inhibitor
ATF6-f transport inhibitor, WB/qPCR on ATF6 protein Ceapins, Nelfinavir [105–107]
S1p protease inhibitors and ATF6 targets PF-429242
Assessing the redox state of the ER
Redox state of the ER lumen
Assaying the redox state of Non reducing WB/ eroGFP, ER-rxYFGP, Grx-rxYFP, PDI redox [37–41,43,45–47,51,53]
redox sensitive FPs Fluorescence/FACS/ state, ERO1 redox state
Measuring calcium distribution
Chemical Indicators Fluorescent dyes Fura-2, Fluo3, Fluo4, Calcium Green-1, Indo1, [62–64,108]
Cytosol: Cal-520, etc.
ER lumen Mag-Fura2, Mag-Fluo4, Fluo-4FF, Fluo-5N,
Calcium Green-5N, Magnesium Green NTA
GECIs Florescence/Microscopy CEPIA family, YC family, D1ER and CatchER [68–70]
(TED) Florescence/Microscopy GFPCES3, Fluo 5N/Ca + 2 [109]
Membrane-targeted GECIs Florescence/Microscopy OER-GCaMP6f, Lck-GCaMP6f, LcK-RCaMP2 [73]
Gaussia Luciferase SERCaMP Luminescence SERCaMP [110]

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Table 2. (Continued).

Method Notes Ref

Functional changes
ER size and shape EM, Fluorescent EM, ER-TrackerTM, DiIC16(3) and DiIC18(3), [74,75]
Microscopy PDI, SERCA, GPR78, etc.
Immunofluorescence GFP-Sec63, Calnexin IF
Secretion Luciferase assay Gaussia luciferase [111]
Misfolded protein aggregation
Protein aggregation Fluorescence ThT [78–82]
The UPR genetics tools
Xbp1s XBP1-venus Monitoring the fluorescence activity of venus [7,9,84–88]
F-XBP1DDBD-venus in the nucleus
IRE1a RNAse activity RFP-GFP fusion Flow cytometry [112]
IRE1a Oligomerization WB/Florescence sfGFP-IRE1a construct [5,93,94]
EGFP-IRE1a construct
IRE1a Transfection IRE1a KA-pcDNA3.EGFP [113]
NRF2-KEAP1 Luciferase assay Neh2-luciferase to monitor drug-induced Nrf2 [114]
ATF6f localization Luciferase assay p5xATF6-GL3, Plasmid #11976 [25]
ATF6 localization Immunofluorescence p5xFLAG-ATF6, Plasmid #11974 [115]
ATF6f localization Immunofluorescence pCGN-ATF6 (1-373), Plasmid #27173 [25]
pCGN-ATF6 (1-373)m, Plasmid #27174
ATF6 nuclear localization Western blot/ DHFR:ATF6 [116]
selective ATF6f induction
Assessing the redox state of the ER
Redox state of the ER lumen
Assaying the redox state of Fluorescence/FACS/ eroGFP, ER-rxYFGP, Grx-rxYFP, [37–41,43,45–47,51,53]
redox sensitive FPs Microscopy/western blot
Measuring calcium distribution
GECIs Florescence/Microscopy CEPIA family, YC family, D1ER and CatchER [68–70]
(TED) Florescence/Microscopy GFPCES3, Fluo 5N/Ca + 2 [109]
Membrane-targeted GECIs Florescence/Microscopy OER-GCaMP6f, Lck-GCaMP6f, LcK-RCaMP2 [73]
Gaussia Luciferase SERCaMP Luminescence SERCaMP [110]

luciferase mRNA [9], which can in turn be detected Once in the nucleus, XBP1s regulate the transcrip-
using either microscopy or luciferase-based light emis- tion of subset of genes that have a cis-acting element
sion, thus making it a suitable method to monitor called UPR element (UPRE/[TGACGTGG/A]). The
Xbp1 splicing in vitro and in vivo models including expression of these target genes can be monitored
mouse, worms, and flies. Another Xbp1-Venus variant using real-time PCR, and primers can be found in
was developed (F-XBP1DDBD-venus), which lacks the Table 3. IRE1 RNase can also regulate the stability of
DNA binding domain of Xbp1. Because it is unable to different RNA through endonucleolytic cleavage of
bind DNA and mainly localize to the cytosol, F- either mRNA encoding for ER targeted proteins,
XBP1DDBD-venus is recommended in experiments mRNA that localize to the ER membrane, or miRNA
that requires overexpression of the reporter without in a mechanism called regulated IRE1-dependent
interfering in a dominant negative way with induction decay (RIDD) of RNA [10–12]. RNA stability can be
of UPR-target genes. At last, the expression of the assayed by measuring the IRE1-dependent decay and
XBP1s protein can be measured using western blotting is usually assessed after pulsing cells with the tran-
approaches (Table 1). scription inhibitor actinomycin D in the presence and

The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 27–42 ª 2019 Federation of European Biochemical Societies 31
Tools to measure ER homeostasis in mammals D. Sicari et al.

Table 3. List of sequences of published primers used to assess ER stress and the UPR by RT-qPCR and PCR products in human and
mouse samples.

Pathway Gene Human Mouse (50 –30 )


absence of ER stressor. As a control, RNAi-mediated total RNA for 2hrs. One good negative control for
silencing of IRE1 is usually used in cells lacking func- this reaction is the use of heat-denatured IRE1. This is
tional XBP1 [11], or alternatively, the IRE1 RNase followed by qRT-PCR with primers flanking regions
activity can be blocked using select pharmacological of potential cleavage sites, and then, the relative
inhibitors (Table 2). For assaying the cleavage of cellu- mRNA levels of each reaction are normalized to
lar RNA in vitro, recombinant IRE1 is incubated with housekeeping gene such as GAPDH. Examples of

32 The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 27–42 ª 2019 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
D. Sicari et al. Tools to measure ER homeostasis in mammals

RIDD target mRNA and corresponding primers are In addition, since it is well established that other
listed in Table 1. eIF2a kinases exist, other controls should be included
Finally, IRE1 was shown to lead to the activation to confirm PERK-dependent eIF2a phosphorylation.
of JNK1 through interacting with TRAF2, an adaptor Other methods to measure PERK activity could be
protein that couples plasma membrane receptors to c- testing both mRNA and protein levels of downstream
Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) activation. JNK1 targets such as ATF4 and CHOP. PERK activation
phosphorylation can be tested using western blot, as a induces the phosphorylation of the transcription factor
surrogate marker of its activation, using phospho- NRF2. Normally, NRF2 is kept in check by interac-
JNK1 antibodies (Table 1) [13]. tion with the protein KEAP1. Upon phosphorylation
by PERK, NRF2 is liberated from KEAP1 and
translocates to the nucleus where it activates the tran-
The PERK arm
scription of genes encoding antioxidant proteins [22].
PERK is a type I transmembrane protein, which is Thus, NRF2 protein levels and its target genes could
functionally and structurally related to IRE1 (Fig. 1). represent a good strategy to test PERK activity.
The ER luminal portion of PERK contains a stress- Finally, translational attenuation can be useful tool to
sensing domain, and the cytoplasmic portion of PERK test PERK activation by taking advantages from meta-
has a protein kinase domain that is activated when bolic pulse labeling of newly synthesized proteins and
PERK dimerize and/or oligomerize in stressed cells polyribosome profiling [16] (Data S3). Pharmacological
[14,15]. PERK activity is mainly linked to global trans- inhibition of PERK can be achieved using specific
lation inhibition, antioxidative response, and mitochon- compounds as described in Table 2.
drial bioenergetics demands [16–18]. Once PERK is
activated, it phosphorylates the a-subunit of the
The ATF6 arm
eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2a)
to attenuate global translation and to reduce ER-lumen ATF6 is a 90 kDa type II single-pass transmembrane
protein load [16]. To measure PERK activation, PERK protein that is present in two variants in mammalian
and eIF2a phosphorylation status can be detected cells -ATF6a and ATF6b (Fig. 1). During ER stress,
using antibodies for total and phospho-specific proteins ATF6 translocate from the ER to Golgi where it gets
(Table 1). We must note that proper controls (such as cleaved by two serine proteases (S1P and S2P) to gen-
the use of PERK inhibitors) should be carried when erate a 50kDa active basic-leucine zipper (bZip) tran-
assaying eIF2a phosphorylation as it can also be phos- scriptional factor (ATF6f) [23]. ATF6a activation can
phorylated in PERK-independent way through GCN2, be monitored using western blot and specific antibod-
PKR, and HRI. Notably, since phospho-PERK-speci- ies to the C terminus of the protein (Table 1). Upon
fic antibodies do not work well in many cell types and ER stress, ATF6 and ATF6f can be resolved as 90
because of the low abundancy of PERK protein, the and 55 kDa proteins by SDS/PAGE, respectively.
antitotal PERK can be used to measure the band shift Alternatively, cells can be transfected with a 3xFLAG-
obtained upon thapsigargin (Tg), tunicamycin (Tm), or human ATF6a plasmid (Addgene, Cambridge, MA,
dithiothreitol treatments using western blot [4]. Alter- USA, Plasmid #11975) (Table 2) and the activation
natively, immunoprecipitating PERK before IB (IP-IB) (processing) detected using anti-FLAG antibodies
with anti-phospho-PERK antibodies increases the effi- (Table 2). Of note, it is important to ensure the
ciency of this method. amounts of plasmid transfected are appropriate for
Although cap-dependent translation is inhibited, each cell type studied as too much of ATF6 expression
translation of certain transcripts is increased. In partic- promotes its activation.
ular, transcription factor such as ATF4 is selectively In the nucleus, ATF6f promotes transcription of
induced in response to eIF2a phosphorylation [19,20]. UPR-target genes through binding of three different
ATF4 acts as a transcriptional activator of various consensus sequences: (endoplasmic reticulum stress ele-
pro-survival genes including many ER chaperones and ment, ERSE)-I (CCAAT-N9-CCACG/A), ERSE-II
antioxidative factors [21]. Interestingly, ATF4 target (ATTGG-N1-CCACG), and the UPRE [24,25]. ATF6f
genes also include well-known factors that are associ- transcriptional activity can be assayed by measuring
ated with ER stress-induced apoptosis such as CHOP/ the expression and transcription of most of its cognate
GADD153 and NOXA. The expression of ATF4 can targets [26–28]. The expression of these target genes
be measured using western blotting (Table 1), and the can be monitored at the transcript level using real-time
expression of its target genes can be evaluated using PCR (Table 3) or using western blot with specific anti-
real-time PCR (Table 3). bodies (Table 1). Another way to evaluate the ATF6f

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activity is by introducing cells with a luciferase con- roGFPs (for reduction- to oxidation-sensitive GFP)
struct that was made by adding five repetitions of a [37,43]. Mechanistically, both rxYFP and roGFPs sur-
specific binding sequence for ATF6f upstream to the face-expose two redox-active cysteines located close to
luciferase gene (p5xATF6-GL3; Addgene, Plasmid the fluorophore whose protonation status is then
#11976) [25]. This construct is highly specific for affected by the structural modifications brought about
ATF6 activity allowing researchers to measure ATF6 by the reversible cysteine oxidation. Consequently, in
activation both in untreated conditions and during ER the oxidized probe, the excitation peak at 400 nm
stress induction. In vivo, the ATF6 activity can be increases at the expense of the peak at 490 nm. The
monitored using the ERSE-LacZ mouse model that ratio of fluorescence after excitation at these two wave-
was constructed by using LacZ reporter gene driven lengths reports on the redox state of the probe and
by the GRP78 promoter [29]. As a control and in thus on the redox potential of the equilibrating couple,
order to control specificity of this system, it is impor- somehow independently of the probe concentration.
tant to use the ERSE model lacking the GRP78 pro- Ratiometric measurement of roGFPs redox status can
moter [29]. The selective pharmacological inhibition or be determined in living cells by FACS, confocal micro-
activation of ATF6 can be achieved using specific scopes, or plate readers and by nonreducing western
drugs as described in Table 2. blotting, after quenching of free cysteines with alkylat-
ing agents and cell lysis (Tables 1 and 2).
rxYFP/roGFPs equilibrates with the GSH/GSSG
Monitoring changes in the ER redox state
couple, a reaction enhanced by fusing the probes to
ER unique redox metabolism supports disulfide bond the glutaredoxin-1 (GRX) enzyme [44–46]. Targeted to
formation in protein substrates. These are catalyzed by the ER, (GRX1-) rxYFP/roGFPs locally reports on
the FAD containing ER oxidase (ERO1), and proteins the reduction potential of GSH (EGSH), which inte-
from the disulfide isomerase (PDI) family, yielding to grates both the extent of ERO1-PDI-dependent oxida-
H2O2 as a by-product [30–34]. Poorly defined ER tion of GSH and of its ER transport. Nevertheless,
reducing pathways are also needed to reduce non-na- measuring EGSH in the ER with rxYFP/roGFPs
tive disulfides and terminally unfolded proteins, thus should be taken cautiously. First, as targets of ERO1-
maintaining/restoring ER homeostasis. To function, PDI, rxYFP/roGFPs may also directly report on their
these are linked to the cytosolic reduction pathways, activity independently of GSH [47,48]. Second, the
namely the glutathione (GSH) and the thioredoxin probe may wrongly report on ER redox modulation if
(TXN) pathways. While the way TXN pathway oper- mistargeted or refluxed from the ER to the cytosol
ates in ER reduction remains enigmatic, GSH is upon stress [49]. A solution is to tether the probe to
imported in the ER where it can reduce PDI and reset the ER membrane [40]. Third, it is critical to consider
ERO1 activity, both of which shall help relieve ER the range of redox potentials the probe linearly reports
stress conditions. Yet, irremediable misfolded protein on, which typically lies within +/ 40 mV from the
accumulation may engage futile cycles of oxidation probe midpoint redox potential [50]. As the ER is
and reduction, triggering H2O2 production and more oxidizing than the cytosol, ER-specific probes
exhausting GSH pools [35]. The UPR control of few with shifted midpoint redox potentials have been
redox enzymes and the sensitivity of the UPR to redox developed [43] by inserting either a leucine or a glu-
cues further highlight the reciprocal interconnection tamic acid at GFP position 147. Because these probes
linking ER stress to redox metabolism [36]. have an intrinsically lower fluorescence, imaging, based
Monitoring ER redox parameters shall thus be on the distinct fluorescence life time between the
informative to rationalize if and how they deviate dur- reduced and oxidized probe [51], and insertion of addi-
ing ER stress, which could then be used as indepen- tional GFP superfolder mutations have been worked
dent measures of ER health. As nonproteinaceous out for these variants [52,53]. Fusing roGFP probes to
molecules, monitoring GSH and H2O2 ER redox state peroxide sensors instead of GRX1 shifts the probe
and levels is challenging. It benefited from the develop- specificity toward H2O2 detection [54–56]. Targeted to
ment of genetically encoded redox sensitive fluorescent the ER, these probes, however, also behave as PDI
proteins (FP), which dynamically measure, in living substrate and thus do not strictly report on ER H2O2
cells and in a given compartment, the redox state of production [57]. To overcome this caveat, several mod-
specific redox couples [37–41]. Stemming from the ini- ifications of disulfide-based reporters and protocols
tial work on the first redox sensitive YFP, redox-sensi- were suggested [57,58]. A better way to solve this issue
tive YFP (rxYFP) [42], the repertoire of these redox would be the development of disulfide independent ER
biosensors now includes a family of ratiometric probes that are actively being searched for [59,60].

34 The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 27–42 ª 2019 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
D. Sicari et al. Tools to measure ER homeostasis in mammals

Peroxide probes will however never report on H2O2 color palette of these calcium indicators available now
levels as dynamically and accurately as GSH/GSSG makes it easy to observe at the same time, variations
reporting probes. Indeed, the H2O2/ H2O redox couple in calcium in different compartments.
being unproductive in the reduction reaction, the There are plenty of genetically encoded calcium indi-
probe redox state will also depend on in situ reductase cators (GECIs), which consist in general of a calcium
activities, which will differ among cellular compart- binding domain (calmodulin or troponin C), fused to
ments. Alternatively, irreversibly oxidized probe oxida- one or two FP. These markers can be thus divided
tion will not provide dynamic monitoring. Quantifying into two main groups: single-FP vs. double-FP GECIs
H2O2 ER production thus faces important intrinsic (see Ref. [67], for review). In the first case, the fluores-
challenges. Finally, directly reporting the redox state cence intensity of a circularly permuted or split FP is
of ER proteins, especially endogenous ones, shall pro- modulated by calcium binding-dependent changes in
vide a complementary and necessary approach to map the chromophore environment. Single-FP-type GECIs
redox events triggered by ER stress. Different tech- show generally a high dynamic range because they
niques are currently carried out ranging from nonre- show narrow excitation and emission spectra and
ducing western blotting to elaborated mass allow to use them with other fluorescent molecules.
spectrometry analyses [61]. Proteins to be followed Double-FP GECIs, rely on the principle of F€ orster
should include ERO1 and PDI family members, but resonance energy transfer (FRET) is that the fluores-
also disulfide containing substrates to scrutinize oxida- cence variation of the two FPs allows ratiometric mea-
tive folding efficiency. surements. Indeed, Ca2+ binding to the Ca2+ sensitive
element induces a conformational change in the indica-
tor, which modifies the FRET efficiency between the
Measuring calcium distribution
two FPs, resulting in a change in FP fluorescence
Although it is considered mainly as a factory for pro- intensity. Note that certain single-FP indicators can be
tein folding, the ER is the largest Ca2+ store in the used also for ratiometric imaging. The first ER GECIs,
cell. Calcium release from this compartment can be such as the YC3er developed as early as 1997, were
monitored using several chemical and genetic tools. based on FRET and were subsequently improved to
Since the synthesis more than 30 years ago of quin2 generate D1ER family and others YCer [68–70]. More
then fura2, tens of chemical fluorescent markers of cal- recently, several groups introducing mutations in cal-
cium that vary in their Ca2+ dissociation constants cium binding sites of calmodulin have developed dif-
(Kd) or Ca2+ response range, excitation/emission ferent types of single-FP GECIer [71]. Among them,
wavelengths, and spectral shift have been proposed our preference is for the CEPIA family (Table 2). In
[62–64]. Acetomethoxy (AM) derivatives of these our hands, these GECIs show a large dynamic and a
probes allow the dyes to readily enter cells. Once very good signal-to-noise ratio.
inside, nonspecific intracellular esterases cleave the Although it is interesting to measure calcium in the
AM groups off, thus trapping the dyes within the cells ER, it is also important to visualize the calcium com-
[65]. These markers have also a very good signal/noise ing out of the ER. Experiments with chemical fluo-
ratio and a large dynamic range. Moreover, they are rophores have shown that calcium release from ER
easy to calibrate and some of them are ratiometric, occurred at specific ER sites rich in RInsP3 [72] partic-
that is, that upon binding to calcium, they undergo a ularly in areas of contact with mitochondria called
shift either in excitation wavelength, emission wave- MAMs (mitochondria associated membranes). Thus,
length, or both, therefore avoid artifacts, for example, in order to measure Ca2+ release from the ER at sub-
related to the geometry of the cells. The most used cellular resolution, several GECI have been developed,
dyes are the fura2, which allows ratiometric measure- targeted either to the outer ER membrane, or to the
ments, the fluo4 which shows a very good signal/noise outer mitochondria membrane (Table 2) [72,73].
ratio and a newer marker the cal520, which is retained
longer in the cells (Table 2). In the context of the
Assessing ER structure and functions
UPR, the genetic indicators of calcium are probably a
better choice for calcium measurements since they The ER is an organelle of many different functions
allow to observe calcium variations over long periods that must be tightly regulated to carry out the proper
of time, compatible with kinetics of the expression pat- functions. When there is an increase in protein folding
terns of UPR-target genes induced by UPR-inducing demand, translational inhibition, degradation of
compounds such as Tg or Tm, which are observed at unfolded or misfolded proteins, and an increase in the
least 4 h after treatment [66]. In addition, the large production of chaperones and folding enzymes are

The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 27–42 ª 2019 Federation of European Biochemical Societies 35
Tools to measure ER homeostasis in mammals D. Sicari et al.

part of the adaptive response. In this case, the cell models. We believe that the experimental approaches
must be capable to adjust the morphology, architec- reviewed here should help researcher to better evaluate
ture, dimension, and molecular composition of specific ER protein folding stress in vitro and in vivo. As men-
organelle to meet the increase in protein folding tioned before, we highly recommend not to rely on
demand. The ER has the plasticity to expand its sur- one assay for this task and to try and test as many
face in response to cargo load and in order to increase outputs as possible.
the expression of resident chaperones and other factors
to assist protein folding. The same observation was
also documented in the case of B-lymphocytes differ-
entiating into plasma B cells that need to secrete huge This work was funded by grants from Institut
amounts of immunoglobulin. Using electron micro- National du Cancer (INCa PLBIO), Fondation pour
scopy (EM), it was shown that the ER in this case fills la Recherche Medicale (FRM, equipe labellisee 2018),
all the cytoplasm [74,75]. The use of EM or the use of ANR (ERAAT), MSCA RISE-734749 (INSPIRED)
immunofluorescence against ER membrane proteins grants to EC. DS was supported by an AIRC fellow-
including calnexin and Sec63, which are powerful ship for Abroad.
methods to assess the size and shape of the ER, does
not allow to follow the kinetics of the morphological
Conflict of interest
change of this organelle [76]. Fluorescent dyes such as
the long-chain carbocyanines DiIC16(3) and DiIC18(3) EC is a founding member of Cell Stress Discoveries,
have long been used to monitor the ER morphology Ltd. (https://cellstressdiscoveries.com/).
in living cells [77]. In most of the above cases, measur-
ing ER stress needs either introducing of exogenic pro-
Author contributions
teins or assaying mRNA/protein levels indirectly. In
order to be able to look at protein aggregation during DS, ADM, LC, EC, and AI conceptualized and wrote
ER stress, a small molecule called thioflavin T (ThT) the manuscript.
was developed. ThT can give us a direct quantifiable
measure of ER stress in living cell in real time. ThT
exhibits enhanced fluorescence when it binds to protein
aggregates—particularly b-sheets—and it correlates 1 Rapoport TA (2007) Protein translocation across the
with the induction of the UPR. ThT can be used in eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum and bacterial plasma
different cell types and responds to different ER stress membranes. Nature 450, 663–669.
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in vivo and in mouse tissue samples without the need endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation. Nat Rev
to in vivo introduction of an exogenous transgene Mol Cell Biol 9, 944–957.
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secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP), XBP1-Venus, S, Araki E & Mori M (2002) Targeted disruption of
the Chop gene delays endoplasmic reticulum stress-
or the Ca+2 indicator GLuc. Thus, it makes ThT a
mediated diabetes. J Clin Invest 109, 525–532.
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4 Qi L, Yang L & Chen H (2011) Detecting and
misfolded proteins [78–82]. At last, the ER function in
quantitating physiological endoplasmic reticulum
protein biogenesis can be monitored either by measur-
stress. Methods Enzymol 490, 137–146.
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5 Ghosh R, Wang L, Wang ES, Perera BG, Igbaria A,
ium using western blot (Table 1) or by using a Morita S, Prado K, Thamsen M, Caswell D, Macias H
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tant feature that will help many laboratories that are 33, 2922–2936.
interested to monitor the function of the ER and the 7 Calfon M, Zeng H, Urano F, Till JH, Hubbard SR,
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Supporting information
develop obesity, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Additional supporting information may be found
hepatic carcinoma and insulin resistance. Sci Rep 5, online in the Supporting Information section at the end
13519. of the article.
131 Wang Q, Mora-Jensen H, Weniger M a, Perez-Galan
P, Wolford C, Hai T, Ron D, Chen W, Trenkle W, Data S1. Protocol to assess IRE1a and PERK phos-
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Data S2. Protocol to assess Xbp1 splicing using qPCR
BH3-only protein NOXA in cancer cells. Proc Natl
and semi-quantitative RT-PCR.
Acad Sci USA 106, 2200–2205.
Data S3. Protocol to assess PERK-dependent transla-
132 Jais A, Einwallner E, Sharif O, Gossens K, Lu TT-H,
tional control using 35S-Met incorporation.
Soyal SM, Medgyesi D, Neureiter D, Paier-Pourani J,

42 The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 27–42 ª 2019 Federation of European Biochemical Societies

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