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BABCOCK UNIVERSITY 2 SCHOOL OF BASIC DICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY IN.COURSE TEST (PHGY 209) DATE: 08/06/2021 TIME ALLOWED: IHR INSTRUCTIONS: Shade True (T) or False (F) The followings are the right functions of these organs 1. _Jejunum - absorption of the building block ‘molecules 2. Rectum ~ absorption of water and salt 3 Duodenum digestion of all types of macromolecules 4. lleum — contains large amount of bacteria 5. Stomach - mixes chyme with HCI Component of the Upper GIT includes 6 Mouth 7. Pharynx 8 Stomach 3. Salivary glands 10. Oesophagus About the walls of the GI 11. Formed of 4 layers 12. Innermost layer is called mucosa 13, Blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves are found in the submucosa | 14, Muscularis externa forms the outermost layer 15. Serosa is the layer closest to the blood Circular muscle of the muscularis externa 16. Precedes the submucosa plexus 17. Located post myenteric plexus 18. Regulates the diameter of the lumen 19. Mixes the content of the lumen | 20, Precedes the longitudinal muscles About the Enteric Nervous System. 21, Made up of nerve network 22. Myenteric plexus controls secretion by Intestinal gland 23. Meisner plexus controls contraction of circular and longitudinal muscles a 24. Sympathetic innervation inhibits intestinal motility 25. Parasympathetic innervation promotes secretion of enzymes and intestinal motility Salivary secretion 26. The glands are tubule-acinar in shape 27. Secretion of the submanillary gland is serous in nature 28. Parotid gland makes both serous and mucus secretion 29. Mucus cells are found mainly in the sublingual glands 30. Made up of 25%parotid; 75% submandibular and 5% Saliva production stages 31. Primary secretion takes place mainly in the acinar portion 32. Primary secretion is hypotonic with plasma 33. Secondary secretion is isotonic with plasma 34, NaC! is reabsorbed from primary secretion in the plasma 35. Chloride ions are transported from blood into the acinar cell for primary secretion The following are composition of saliva EXCEPT 36. Lysozyme 37. Hormones metabolic 38 Lecithin 39. Peroxidase 40. Immunoglobin A ‘The following are true about saliva 41. Secretes beeen 0.5 -1 Smi/day 42. Basal secretion is 0.3 -0.5mi/min 43. Serretion can Increase to 4 — Smi/min under Stimulation 44 Possesses bacteriostatic and bacteficidal capacity 45. Impairs taste sensation when copious Gastric Juice 46 Produced by 3 different glands located in the stomach 47. Pyloric gland is made up of 3 different cells 48. intrinsic factor is produced by oxynthic cells. 49. Mucus content is produced by the pyloric gland only 50. Chef cells produces pepsinogen Gastric secretion functions include 31, Deactivation of the enzyme pepsin 52. Destruction of bacteria and other pathogens 53. Enhancing Vit B production 54, Protection of the gastric mucosa 55 Aiding nori-al absorption of non-haem iron The following will inhibit gastric acid secretion (G.A.S) 56. Histamine 57 Gastrin £8. Secretin 59. Serotonin 60. Cabachol The following will inhibit @.A.S 61. Vitamin 8-12 62 Atropine 63. VIP 64. Acetylcholine 65. Caffeine As regards phases of G.A.S the following matches are correct, 66. Cephalic — sight of food 67. Cephalic ~ presence of food in the mouth 68. Intestinal — presence of chyme in the stomach 69. Local— end-product protein in the antrum 70. Gastric ~ stimulated by alcohol Control of gastric acid secretion (G.A.S} 72. Vagus nerve increases G.A.S 72. Myoenteric plexus inhibit vagus nerve: activitie: 73. Somatostatin decreases the secretion of both Bastric and parietal cells. 74. Vasoactive intestinal peptide enhances G.A.S 75. GIP counteracts secretatgogues activities As regards pancreatic secretion 76. Pancreatic julce is Isotonic with blood 77. Acioi region of the gland produces electrolytes 78. The ductile area produces enzymes 79. Interdigestive secretion rate is 0.5-0.?ml/min 80. It has an average pH of 6-7 Pancreatic enzymes include 81. Enteropeptidases 82. Ribonucleases 83. Procarboxypeptidases 84. Trypsinogen 85. Sucrases Control of pancreatic secretion include 86, Sympathetic stimulation increases secretion 7. Secretin causes echolic secretion 88. Cholecystokinin causes hydrolactic secretion 89. Parasympathetic stimulation reduces secretion 90. Secretin increases secretion of juice rich in water content Biliary secretion 91. Contains 80% water 92. Made up of about 0.7% bile salt 93. Secreted at the rate of 120-150mi/day 24, Stored and concentrated in the gall bladder 95. Glycocholic acid is a secondary bile salt Functions of the bile salt sre: 96. Inhibition of bacteria growth 97. Deodorization and diecolouration of feaces 98. Emulsification of fatty food 99, Activation of the enzyme lipase 100. Enhancing fat soluble vitamins absorption Control of biliary secretion 101 Vagal stimulation reduces biliary secretion 102 Secretin increases biliary secretion ~ CCK reduces secretion by relaxing the Ball bladder 104 Biliary secretion increases with blood flow 105, Gastrin is involved in the control biliary secretion Succus entericus 106 Made up of secretion from the intestinal epithelium 107 It has an acidic pH 108, Contains no mucus 109 ts enzymes play the final role in digestion processes 110 Ns secretion is inhibited by local irritants Carbohydrate digestion 111 Cellulose and pectin are broken down by amylase Starch digestion begins in the stomach Product of starch digestion in the duodenum include maltose and isomaltose 112 113 114 Increase in flatulence is a consequent of impaired starch digestion Maltase convers glucose to glucose and isemaltose 115 Glucose absorption 116 Involves primary active transportation 117 Is reduced with availability of intestinal sodium 118, Insulin increases glucose uptake in the intestine The transport mechanism is inhibited by phiorizin The NA‘- K’ ATPase is located in the basolateral surface of the intestinal epithelium 119. 120. | __ Digestion of fatty food 121. 122, Commences slightly in the mouth Ceases with in the stomach because of acidic pH Duodenum and jejunum accounts about 90% digestion 123 124 Requires a process called emulsification Slows down in absence of miscella formation 125, Protein digestion 126 No protein digestion in the mouth 127 Commences in the stomach 128 Conversion of pepsinogen to pepsin requires a pH environment of 2 In the stomach chymotrypsin breakdown peptides into varying chair: length Peptides are converted to amino acids by peptidases in the intestine 123 130, The following are true about these organs pH 131 Mouth - pH7 132 Stomach ~ pH1-2 133, Duodenum — pHa 134 Lower intestine - pH9 135. Rectum ~pH14 Vitamin Ba - 136. sourced from liver, nuts and yeast 137. Stimulate appetite 138 Involved in carbohydrate metabolism 139 Nourish the nerve cells 140, Its deficiency causes loss of maturation Vitamin 812 141 Destructible by heat 142 Required for RBC maturation 143, Its deficiency is rare 144 Sourced from polished and legumes 145. Causes nerve degeneration ‘The following destroys Vitamin ¢ 146. Heat 147 Aging, 148, Acid 149. Alkali 150. Drying

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