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Agramon, Ashley Nichole P.

September 17, 2022



1.What is a high-quality website? discuss the questions presented in the Overview

section above.

 Why do you feel that some websites are good?

 Some websites are good because they were given enough time to develop and
have unique designs, as well as because the content included inside them is
readable, relevant, and understandable, and the instructions on how to use them
are simple to follow and easily accessible.

 Why do you feel that some websites are not so good?

 There are several failed websites on the internet, and there are numerous
reasons why this occurred. Some websites use clickbait in their titles, and if you
fall for it, you will only see unrelated information on the topic. Some websites
have extremely sluggish load times, which irritate users and cause them to
abandon the site. Worse, some websites do not provide account security.

 Who is the target audience for a particular site?

 The targets of a particular websites depending on what is the content and the
information included in it.

 How might website quality be judged differently across different audiences?

 Are there some qualities of websites that all audiences would agree are good?

What are these qualities?

 As an audience I think the qualities that I would agree as good are the following:
 First, if the website has a fast loading time, it provides me more time to search for
other things. Second, when the contents of the website are on point. Finally,
when the website delivers clear instructions and gives the account security that I

2.What do the experts say? Each of these website provides someone else's opinions as
to what constitutes high-quality websites.
 According to Angela Hausman, there are 12 characteristics of high-end web
design. These are the following:

 Superior customer experience

 An easily navigable space
 Market your website to bring in the right visitors
 A website optimized for mobile
 Excellent SEO
 Simplicity
 Get insights from professionals
 Get to the point
 The right amount of advertising and promotion
 Fast load speed
 Cybersecurity
 The right branding and colors

3.Become a web critic. Browse the web and choose one website that's good and

one that's bad.

 Rate each site from 1 to 5 (5 being the highest).

 Comment on the site's design. Does the site look good? What is the

eye drawn to immediately?

 Comment on the site's content. What seems to be the main purpose of

the site? Is the purpose clear?

 Comment on the site's noteworthy features. How do the features

enhance the site's main purpose?

Create a table for your notes which looks something like this:


Name of Website URL Explain Design Explain purpose

OXECURE Oxecure Philippines The design is very The primary goal
pleasing to the eye of their goods is to
specially the color treat those who
green it gives a very have skin
fresh aura to the problems,
surrounding of particularly acne
website. The problems.
feedbacks of the
customers that is
place below the
products really
proves the claims of
this company I’m
rating this a 5/5.
UNILAB Our Products - Unilab In my opinion the first The goal of this
page of this website website is to make
which contains the it easier for
featured products consumers to
seems a bit messy for acquire drugs
maybe because of without leaving
the dark blue color their homes.
that makes it look
messy, but the
categorize of the
products are well
organized. Having a
search bar helps
user/consumers find
what their looking for
easily so I’m rating
this a 3/5.
BELGIAN WAFFLE The Belgian Waffle Co. Their website's The goal is to
| Food Franchise | design is vibrant, serve customers a
Franchise Business literally, since the hot and yummy
Opportunities color is yellow. The waffle.
photos provided
appear delicious and
tempting, I’m rating
this a 4/5.

JOLLIBEE About Jollibee This website is very The goal of this

appealing, the website is to show
contents are very the history of
clear and readable, it Jollibee, when it
also shows the was created, and
values of their where it came
company so I’ll rate from.
this a 5/5
HUAWEI Huawei - Building a It has photos that The purpose of
Fully Connected, shows the very this is to advertise
Intelligent World modern and advance and show their
technologies and newest launched
products they have. products.
I’m giving this a 5/5


Name of Website URL Explain Design Explain purpose

Department of Department of This website is very The objective of
Education Education simple because it is this website is to
( a government make an
website. The announcement
contents are very regarding
readable and the upcoming activities
loading time is fast, at schools around
which is good. the Philippines.
Another good thing
is that it has a
search bar, I’ll give
this a 5/5.
De La Salle De La Salle University This website is very It also gives
University ( cute looking, green information about
is so refreshing in the school that is
the eye. The needed by the
contents are students.
Far Easter Far Eastern University  Cute It introduces the
University ( animated school and
fonts provides
 Good color information about it.
 Gives
 A 5/5 rate
University of the Home - University of It was too simple It shows the
Philippines the Philippines Diliman but clean looking upcoming events of
( website, 3/5 rate. the school
University of Santo Home – (  Plain and Although the site is
Tomas dull very bland, it has
 Informative the information that
 3/5 rating the students want.

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