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A. Basically, argument essays can be divided into two major types: opinion and discussion
1. The opinion essay
a. It asks directly for the writer’s personal opinion.
b. It usually has an additional question after the statement, which may take one of the
following forms:
- To what extent you may agree or disagree?
- What do you think (of this statement)?
- What is your opinion about…?
- Is it a good idea to…?
- Which of these views do you agree with?
- “should” starting questions
- Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the given statement.
2. The discursive question/ the for-and-against question
This question asks for a discussion of both sides of the issues raised. It usually has an
additional question after the statement, which may take one of the following forms:
- Discuss (this opinion). Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
- Discuss both of the views. Which do you agree with?
- Present arguments for and against the above opinion. Which one do you agree with?
N.B. The second additional question is given to remind you that you are expected to take the
side after discussing both sides of the issues. It doesn’t mean that you have to write an
argumentative essay, too.
In here, we just focus on the later type, discussion essay.

- A discussion/ for-and-against essay presents and discusses issues surrounding a
particular topic--usually one that is debatable and open to argument. A good discussion essay
must include a thorough discussion of both sides of the topic. It should provide a well-rounded
understanding of the issues before the writer presents his personal opinions and conclusions.

A good essay of this type should consist of:

a. An introductory paragraph in which you clearly state the topic to be discussed,
without giving your opinion;
b. A main body in which the points for and against along with your justifications,
examples or reasons are presented in seperate paragraphs; and
c. A closing paragraph in which you state your opinion or give a balanced
consideration of the topic

Example 1
Some people suggest sports which depend on violence for their entertainment, such as
boxing or wrestling, have no place in a civilised society and should be banned. Others
disagree. Discuss both views and show your opinion.
First, think of some rough ideas for your writing:
1. Rephrase the topic
2. Give reasons why violent sports should be banned
3. Point out the counter-argument to present the consequences
4. Conclude (agree/partially agree/disagree)
Then, work out a possible outline:
Thesis: It is highly debatable whether this is acceptable in modern society when at all
other times we try to emphasise co-operation and team spirit, training people not to be aggressive
and not to resort to violence when in conflict with others.
Body paragraph 1: It is argued that dangerous sports like boxing and wrestling, even in
a controlled and institutionalised form, are highly disturbing.
Body paragraph 2: However, it should be borne in mind that cruelty is inherent in
society and banning violent sports like boxing will not alter this. On the contraty,
institutionalising and controlling violence in boxing clubs can help change this.
Conclusion: To sum up, therefore, there is not much to be said about the prohibition of
violent sports like boxing as it will not stop violence in society.
Sample essay
It is quite common nowadays to see such sports like rugby and football involve violent
contact between players and often lead to injury. Other sports like boxing and wrestling, in
particular, have the deliberate intention of hurting the opponent. It is highly debatable whether
this is acceptable in modern society when at all other times we try to emphasise co-operation and
team spirit, training people not to be aggressive and not to resort to violence when in conflict
with others.
It is argued that dangerous sports like boxing and wrestling, even in a controlled and
institutionalised form, are highly disturbing. The line of reasoning lies in the fact that it is better
for everyone if we live in a violence-free society. In order for us, especially children, to learn to
avoid such behaviour, it is preferable if we never see it and cannot copy it. If society actually
sanctions brutality, as in boxing, it cannot be argued that violence is always unacceptable.
However, it should be borne in mind that cruelty is inherent in society and banning
violent sports like boxing will not altcr this. On the contrary, institutionalising and controlling
violence in boxing clubs can help change this. Boys, who would otherwise be part of street riots
outside the law, can be taught to be part of the law-abiding citizens, directing their energies at
legal activities. In this environment, they can be trained to be better members of society. In
addition, organised sports follow elaborate rules and medical facilities are always on hand; So,
barring accidents, no one should be seriously hurt in the fair and peaceful game,
To sum up, therefore, there is not much to be said about the prohibition of violent sports
like boxing as it will not stop violence ỉn society; on the contrary, it will drive organised fighting
outside the law and into the hands of criminals. There is no point in losing so much with limited
Example 2:

Technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in the world today. In the not too distant
future, technology will completely replace the teacher in the classroom. Analyze both sides
of this argument.
The use of technology is increasing rapidly in the modern world. Growing technological
influence can even be seen in the classroom. The argument that technology will completely
replace the teacher in the classroom is a subject that is both supported and refuted by many. Both
sides of this argument will be analyzed before a reasoned conclusion is drawn.

Firstly, it is easy to see the progressive rate at which technology is able to mimic the teaching
abilities of human beings. For example, several iPhone applications are able to hold the attention
of young children for hours a huge variety of vivid images and videos at a time, while
concurrently teaching them things. Besides, computers could provide the answers to any
questions relating to the subject in the fastest and the most precise. Thus, it is clear that on a
small scale, machines can act as effective teachers. The possibility for a robotic teacher in the
future can therefore be seen.

However, on the other side of this argument, it must be remembered that a teacher powered by
artificial intelligence would have little to no control over its students. For example, it is
commonly understood that children require the watchful eye of a teacher to ensure that they are
indeed completing their class work and not fooling around during class time. Unfortunately, this
is something that a robotic teacher simply cannot provide. That is not to mention that students,
especially young children will have difficulties in learning human skills such as communication,
showing emotion or solving problems if they have no chance to interact with a human teacher.
Thus, this makes it clear why the argument that technology will never completely replace the
teacher in the classroom could also be possible.

In summary, both sides of the argument regarding the possibility of a technologically driven
classroom have strong support. However, after analyzing the two camps, it is clear that the idea
of having a class run entirely by a machine is unlikely to materialize anytime soon. As such, it is
predicted that the plausibility of technology-based classroom teachers will remain weak.
Detailed Outline
A. Introduction:
- General statements:____________________________________
- Thesis statement: _______________________________________
- (Outline sentence): ________________________________
B. Body
B1. - Topic sentence:_____________________________________
- Details: ______________________________________
- Example: ____________________________________
B2. – Topic sentence: ___________________________________________
- Details: ___________________________________________________
- Example: ____________________________________________

Example 3: “Censorship is necessary in modern society.” Discuss.

Censorship is an issue which frequently generates a great deal of hated debate, with
supporters maintaining that it is vital in order to protect society, whilst opponents claim that it is
an unadjustable restriction of public access to information.
Firstly, all countries have secrets which must be safeguarded for reasons of national
security. For instance, if an enemy country were to acquire such highly sensitive information, the
effects could be catastrophic. Consequently, governments have to have the power to restrict
access to information concerning areas such as the armed forces or particular aspects of foreign
Secondly, it is often argued that censorship is necessary to preven the broadcast and
publication of obscene material which is considered offensive or harmful to public morals. Many
people feel that, without censorship the public would be constantly subjected to material that the
majority would find offensive. For this reason, the government has a duty to impose certain
restrictions on the mass media by censoring films and texts which contain explicit scenes of sex,
violence or foul language.
In contrast, opponents of censorship point out that when it is abused by governments,
censorship becomes an instrument used to misinform society and maintain power. In oder to
control the flow of information which reaches the public, repressive regimes try to put
constraints on the media, thus depriving citizens the rights to information owing to the fact that
governments believe it may lead them to greater freedom.
Furthermore, it is generally felt that mature adults are able to make informed choices
about what they watch, read and listen to and should, therefore, be permitted to make their own
decisions. For example, some comedians make use of offensive language and taboo subjects in
their performances. Critics of censorship argue that the only person who will watch or listen to
such material are adults who have made a conscious decision to do so. Thus, it is claimed, it is
unjust to censor material like this since it is not forced upon people who may subsequently be
offended by it.
All things considered, it can be concluded that a certain degree of censorship is always
necessary. The best course of action would be to attempt to achieve the balance between the
requirements of the country and the public on the one hand, and individuals’ rights on the other

Detailed Outline
A. Introduction:
- General statements:____________________________________
- Thesis statement: _______________________________________
- (Outline sentence): ________________________________
B. Body
B1. - Topic sentence:_____________________________________
- Details: ______________________________________
- Example: ____________________________________
B2. – Topic sentence: ___________________________________________
- Details: ___________________________________________________
- Example: ____________________________________________
B3. - Topic sentence:_____________________________________
- Details: ______________________________________
- Example: ____________________________________
B4. – Topic sentence: ___________________________________________
- Details: ___________________________________________________
- Example: ____________________________________________


Paragraph 1
State the topic (summary of the topic + with/ without giving opinion)
Paragraphs 2 & 3
Arguments against your opinions + reasons + examples
Paragraphs 4 &5
Arguments for your opinions + reasons, examples
Balanced consideration/ your opinion


1. In many cities, children participate in some paid work in their spare time. Some
people think that this is wrong, but others believe that such work will extend
children’s knowledge and increase their sense of responsibility. What is your
2. Many people believe that zoos should be closed because it is cruel to keep animals
locked up. Moreover, zoos do not have a positive role to play in society. Discuss.
3. Nowadays, the age at which children start to attend school is becoming younger
and younger. Some children go to school at the age of four. Some people think it is
good for children to attend school earlier while others disagree. Discuss.
4. Nowadays, surveillance cameras are widely used in supermarkets. Some people
think that this is a violation of human rights, while others insist that they are for
the benefit of the supermarkets. Discuss.
5. More than four decades ago, man for the first time set foot on the moon. Some
people think that space research is a waste of energy and money. Discuss.

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