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Name:JDS Date Performed: May 23, 2021

Course & Year: BSCE 2A Date Uploaded: May 28, 2021

Week 17
Sustainable Development Goal
Activity Tasks #1 & 2
Deadline: May 30, 2021@11:59PM

The Sustainable Development Goals are the world’s work agenda which aims to end
poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all within 2030. All of the 17 goals are mutually
dependent on each other and built on the principle of sustainable development.
Goal number 4 is to ensure quality education for all. One of the targets is that the learners
acquire “knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development”.

The purposes of the tasks are:

 To show the correlations between social relations, economic and environmental dimensions of
sustainable development
 To provide the students the ability to think critically, be creative, communicate, cooperate and
gain experience in finding sustainable solutions to actual problems.

STS_Activity Task # 1: What Is Sustainable Development?

As an individual activity (30 pts.)

A learning activity including animation movies, discussions and quiz to gain knowledge
about sustainable development.
1. Animation Movie: What Is Sustainable Development?

Watch the animation movie “What Is Sustainable Development?” (03:30 minutes). It gives a
short and simple introduction to sustainable development:

2. Read about Sustainable Development

Read an article about sustainable development. The article should include the UN’s
definition of sustainable development and an explanation of the three dimensions (social, economic
and environmental).
Suggestion of information in English:

Discuss the following questions:

a. What did you already know about sustainable development? (5points)

Sustainable development is the ability of the society to develop both the economy and the
environment simultaneously. It is a win-win situation for both the people as well as to nature. The
goal is to preserve the environment in a finite planet while developing and improving the all aspects
of the society.


b. How did the article fit with your knowledge about sustainable development? (5pts)

The article points out that the purpose of sustainable development is has one major feature
than that of the traditional environmental policies; a long-term preservation of the environment and
resources for the future generations while improving.

c. What are the characteristics of a sustainable society? (5 pts.)

- It regulates the use of natural resources

- Has a long-term benefit for the environment
- Economic development
- Provides good quality resources and social progress

d. How far are we from living in a sustainable society in our country?(5pts)

From my observations, the Philippines is very far away from sustainable development. Some
of the people, but not all, have a little respect for the environment. It can be observed that trashes
are thrown on some places and there are no proper segregation and disposition of wastes, so the
environmental stability here is low. Additionally, there is only a small utilization of resources; the
resources are not used for development of the country.

e. How can sustainable development especially on Health be achieved with the current problem
of COVID-19 in the society. Identify some difficult concerns that the government or a country
is facing right now and how do you think government is going to deal with it? (5 pts.)

Sustainable development provides good quality life. With the COVID-19 pandemic, most of
the people are having a hard time finding a job and earn money for food and other necessities. But
with sustainable development, this will not be the case. The authorities, the government, is ought to
forced to distribute goods, especially to those in need.

f. Give examples of government programs/ activities and people's way of life in which we could
say, we are near in attaining sustainable development in our region or country (5pts)

- Coastal cleanup
- Tree-planting activities
- Set regulations or conventions that regulate or limit factory wastes
- More funding for environmental research
- Encourage manufacturers to use renewable resources


STS_Activity Task # 2: Illustrate the Goals
As a group activity: (20 pts.)

Group Members:

The task can be solved in groups. All the Sustainable Development Goals have different targets
which the students should study before they start to illustrate the goals.
Here is an overview of the goals and their targets:
Divide your class into groups of 4-5 students. Each group must illustrate the Sustainable
Development Goals – either by using photography, graphical design, drawing, cartoon, photo collage
or other art forms.


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