Concept Paper To Conduct A Study Regards To The Effectiveness of FDRE Sustainable Tourism Master Plan 2015-01

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Concept paper to conduct a study regards to the effectiveness of

FDRE sustainable tourism master plan 2015-2025

The Proposed Title:-

Assessing the effectiveness of FDRE sustainable tourism master plan 2015-
2025. In the case of ANRS tourist destination areas

Bahir Dar
Table of Contents Page
1. Title......................................................................................................................................................3
2. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................3
3. Need for this Study..............................................................................................................................3
4. Background..........................................................................................................................................4
5. Objective of the Study.............................................................................................................................6
5.1. General Objective.................................................................................................................................6
5.2. Specific Objectives................................................................................................................................6
6. Research Question...............................................................................................................................7
7. Study area............................................................................................................................................7
8. Population of the study.......................................................................................................................7
9. Data source of the study......................................................................................................................7
10. Data Analysis...................................................................................................................................7
11. Coordination to conduct the study..................................................................................................8
12. Budget Allocation............................................................................................................................8
13. Research Timeline............................................................................................................................8
4. WORK PLAN OF THE STUDY.....................................................................................................................9
4.2 REASEARCH BUDGET...........................................................................................................................10

1. Title: - Assessing the effectiveness of FDRE sustainable tourism master plan 2015-
2025. In the case of ANRS tourist destination areas.

2. Introduction
Tourism can be an important development tool if it is managed sustainably. The
ever increasing numbers of tourism destinations worldwide have opened up
opportunities for tourism investment, turning tourism in to a key driver of socio-
economic progress through export revenues, the creation of jobs and enterprises,
and infrastructure development. Because of these the tourism sector has got a great
attention in different countries in the world.

3. Need for this Study

Ethiopia has abundant tourism endowment with nine world heritage sites register
by UNESCO (first in Africa along with South Africa), but hosts only 596,341
international tourist with 607 million US$ in 2012 based on the data obtained
from MoCT statistical bulletin (2013) and UNWTO report (2014). This figure is by far
low from south Africa which has nine world heritage sites like Ethiopia and attracts
8,339,400 international tourist arrival with US$, millions 9,546.7 receipt from
international tourist in 2011. Mauritius with two world heritage sites registered by
UNESCO able to attract 964,600 international tourist arrival with US$, millions
1,488.1 in 2011(WEF, 2013 pp.85-319).The World Economic. Forum report on
Travel and Tourism Competitiveness for 2013 also indicates that Ethiopia ranks 120 th out
of 140 countries worldwide and 17th from 31 Sub-Saharan countries.
On the other hand the recently prepared Sustainable Tourism Master Plan (STMP)
2015-2025) has set a high target of 2.74 million international visitors by 2025. Based on
this high growth scenario, receipts from international arrivals is projected to increase
from a baseline of ETB 13.10 Billion in 2013 to ETB 59.72 billion in 2025, with the
corresponding number of tourism related jobs expected to rise from 985,500 to 2.59
However, Ethiopian government perceived at National level the following bottle necks
that hinder sustainable tourism development in Ethiopia. these includes poor image of the
country, poor marketing and promoting tourism destinations, lack of tourism
development financing ,poor infrastructure in tourist destination, poor tourism facilities
and services, lack of trained man power and others. Due to this the tourism master plan
2015-2025 were launched by Ministry of Tourism and Culture.
Even if, Ministry of Culture and Tourism launched 10 years master plan as the
researcher understanding the aforementioned problems that recognized by the
Government above were also challenges in Amhara regional state tourist destination
areas. This raised a question in the researcher mind is the prepared tourism master plan
implemented or not in Amhara Regional State to overcome the challenges of sustainable
tourism development.
In this regard, despite a strong empirical support for the contributions of tourism on
sustainable Economic development, researches on assessing the Implementation of
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Sustainable Tourism Master Plan 2015-2025 In
Amhara Region tourist destination areas in particular Ethiopian destination areas in
general are scanty. Even if some studies conducted in the area they are conducted out of
indicated title. For instance:-
1. Binam Asfaw (2011) conducted a study on assessing tourist satisfaction in
2. Abel Markos (2012) carried out a study on Web GIS for Tourism
Development of Bahir Dar town and Its Surroundings,
3. Yabibal Mullualem (June 2010) conducted a study on Tourist Flows and
Its Determinants in Ethiopia.
To sum up, to the best of the researcher knowledge, no previous researches have been
directly addressed assessing the Implementation of Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia Sustainable Tourism Master Plan 2015-2025 In Amhara Region tourist
destination areas. This motivates the researcher to conduct the study on the title
assessing the Implementation of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Sustainable
Tourism Master Plan 2015-2025 In Amhara Region tourist destination areas.

4. Background
According to World Tourism Organization (2005), tourism is an activity of
human beings moving and staying in places outside their permanent

residence and environment for recreation, business and trade purposes.
Now a day, tourism is increasingly becoming an important economic
sector in many developing countries (UNCTAD, 2007).
The Tourism industry was one of the major sources of foreign exchange
earnings and the most viable and sustainable economic development
option. It contributes 11 percent of the world GNP (UNWTO, 2005).
To the same token, the travel and tourism industry is globally becoming an
increasingly expanding area and is the most important economic catalyst in
many countries. Over the past six decades, tourism has continued to
expand and is, according to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO,
2014), now one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors in the
world with an estimated number of 1,087 million international tourist
arrivals in 2013, with a growth of 5% over the previous year. International
tourist receipts grew to US$ 1159 billion in 2013.
It is also the largest employment generator worldwide with 1in 11 jobs in
the service industries. Tourism has the potential to contribute significantly
to economic growth and development in Africa (Roselyne, 2010). Despite
its positive endowment and good growth in tourism over past decade, it
remains a sad fact that Africa’s tourism potential is underexploited and
underdeveloped. Africa’s share from total international tourist arrivals and
receipts as of 2013 is only 5% and 3%, respectively (UNWTO, 2014). The
situation in Ethiopia is even worse. Even though, its tourism potential is
diversified and immense, which comprises well preserved natural
attractions, magnificent historical traditions, an attractive cultural diversity
of more than 80 nations and nationalities, the country is still one of the
most poorly performing countries in terms of tourist arrivals and receipts
(MoCT, 2010). For example, the total number of tourist arrivals in

Ethiopia in2012 was 596,000 which is less than four times smaller the
number in neighboring Kenya,1,619,000 (UNWTO, 2014).
The travel and tourism industry is a very competitive market at the
international level, where only the best-managed and marketed enterprises
and destinations are likely to benefit. Since there is a huge and steadily
rising number of international tourist destinations, which means destination
choice available for tourists are continually expanding, there is fierce
competition in which some 200 nations are “clamoring for a share of the
tourist’s heart, mind and wallet” (Sharpley and Telfer,2002).
The promotion of tourism resource is an important approach for many
developing countries to influence tourists’ destination preference (Ghosh,
2005). It also guarantees the destination image improvement in terms of
economic viability, socio-cultural and environmental sustainability. By
considering the importance of Tourism for the contributions of economic
development to improve the industry the Ministry of Culture and tourism
launched Sustainable Tourism Master Plan 2015-2025

5. Objective of the Study

5.1. General Objective

The general objective of this study is assessing the effectiveness of FDRE
sustainable tourism master plan 2015-2025.In the case of ANRS tourist
destination areas.

5.2. Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the study are:
1. To assess the practice of implementation FDRE sustainable master plan in the study area.
2. To identify the challenges of implementing FDRE sustainable master plan in the study

6. Research Question
1. What are the practices of implementation FDRE sustainable master plan in the study
2. What are the major challenges faced by the local government in the implementation
FDRE sustainable master plan in the study area?

7. Study area
The study of this study covers Tourist destination area in Amhara regional state and
includes Tana monasteries, Tis esat , Gondar castile, Semen Park ,Chokie mountain,
Ankober (Minilk Palace) and the like.

8. Population of the study

The study population will the Amhara Regional State Tourism and culture Bureau
heads, process owners and working staffs, Zonal and woreda tourist destination areas
tourism and culture departments and offices heads, process owners and working staffs
and local and foreign tourists who are found in the study area. The study area will use
by purposive sampling technique but the respondents will be selected based on the

9. Data source of the study

The study will use both primary and secondary data source, the primary data will
collected though questionnaire, interview and focused group discussion and the
secondary data will collect through document inspection.

10. Data Analysis

Assessing the effectiveness of FDRE sustainable tourism master plan 2015-2025.In the case of
ANRS tourist destination areas. The quantitative data gather through questionnaire will analyze
by using descriptive which will include percentage distribution, mean and the frequency count
and inferential statistics with will include t-tests and inferential statistics.
Eventually the data obtain through interview will analyze qualitatively undergo transcription and
reported in themes and sub-themes.

11. Coordination to conduct the study
The study will conduct with the harmonization between Amhara leadership academy and
Amhara Tourism and culture Bureau. In this regard both organizations will assign experts to
conduct a study with a predetermined title or the revised title based on the Bureau interest to
carry out the study.

12. Budget Allocation

The budget allocation will be based on the Agreement between Amhara leadership academy and
Amhara Tourism and culture Bureau.

13. Research Timeline

The project is expected to be completed in 117 days with the following indicated as the activity’s
durations for every section of the research project:
Research Section Duration
Concept paper preparation
1.Title selection 5days
2. Introduction for concept paper 1 day
3. Need for this Study
4. Background
5. Objectives 5 day
6. Research Questions
7. Research Methodology
8. Data analysis interpretations and
proposal preparation
preparation of proposal 15 days
presenting the proposal 1 day
Editing the comments 5 days
literature review preparation
Related literature review 15 days
Preparing data collection instruments 15 days
Data collection 36 days
Data analysis 20 days
summation of first draft 1 day
presentation 1 day
Editing the paper based on the comment 5 days

MoCT .(2013). Ethiopia’s Tourism Sector: Strategic Paths to Competitiveness and Job Creation
by the World Bank

UNWTO (2014), World Tourism Barometer; Volume 12, April 2014

WEF (2013), the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness: Reducing Barriers to Economic

Growth and Job Creatio

UNCTAD (2007), FDI in Tourism: the development dimension, UNCTAD current Studies on
FDI and development No. 4, New York and Geneva, United Nations.

World Tourism Organization. .(2007). Roselyn, N. O. (2010). Tourism Development in Africa:

Focus on Poverty Alleviation. The Journal of Tourism and Peace Research.




Activities to Be performed

Preliminary literature

2 Problem identification

3 Topic selection

4 Proposal preparation

5 Thorough literature review

Data collection instrument


7 Data collection

8 Data analysis

Submission of the draft to the


Obtaining feedback from the
14 Incorporating the feedback
15 Submission of the final Paper


No. Activities to be Designated No. of Per diem Amount to

Performed Person Travel in In birr Be paid
1 Interview Researcher 6 300.00 1,800.00
2 Questionnaire distribution Assigned personnel 3 200.00 600.00
2 Questionnaire collection Assigned personnel 3 300.00 900.00

2 Primary data collection Researcher &/or 5 350.00 1,750.00

assigned personnel
A Sub total    17 1,150.00  5,050.00

1 Paper Rim 5 110.00 550.00

2 Ball pen Number 10 5.00 50.00
3 Tape recorder small Number 1 1,000.00 1000.00
4 Bag Number 1 600.00 600.00
5 Internet browsing Hour 52hrs 8/hr 416.00
6 Transportation Trip 30 500.00 15,000.00
7 Printing Pages 1000 3.50 3,500.00
B Subtotal       21,116.00
  Total ( A+B)       26,166.00
  Contingencies (10%)       2,617
  Grand Total       28,783


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