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Main Difference – APA vs MLA

APA and MLA style are two main citation styles used in papers, reports, and
academic essays. MLA (Modern Language Association) is typically used in the
Humanities whereas APA (American Psychological Association) is typically
used in the social sciences. This is the main difference between APA and MLA
style. While some similarities can be seen in these two styles, many differences can
be also noted between them based on the structure, content, style and referencing.


Who Runs The Show?

Modern Language Association American Psychological Association

The Modern Language Association (MLA) The American Psychological Association

is the organization responsible for (APA) is the organization responsible for
creating MLA style. creating APA style.

Subject Matter

Language, Literature, Humanities Sciences

MLA is the style most often used in APA is the style most often used in science
literature, language, history, art, and theater subjects. Other disciplines may use APA as
subjects. Other disciplines may use MLA as well.

Title Pages

Header Required Title Page Required

MLA style does not require a standalone APA style requires a standalone title page.
title page. Instead, create header, and place On the title page, you place the:
it on the first page. title of the research paper
The header includes the: name of the writer
name of the writer name of the institution
name of the instructor
course information
date of submission

Title of Sources Pages

Works Cited References

The source page of an MLA research paper The source page of an APA research paper
is titled as "Works Cited" is titled as "References"

Names on The Source Page

Full Names Initials

Full names are displayed on an MLA Works Full last names are displayed on APA
Cited page. A middle initial is acceptable to Reference pages, but first and middle
use. initials are used.

Capitalization of Titles

Title Case Sentence Case

On MLA Works Cited pages, titles are On APA Reference pages, titles are written
written in "Title case" form. A capital letter is in "Sentence case" form. Capitalize the first
used at the beginning of each major word. letter of:
the first word of a title
the first word of a subtitle
any proper nouns

In-Text Citations

Name & Page Number Name, Year, & Page #

MLA in-text citations include the last name APA in-text citations include the last name
of the author and a page number. of the author, the year the source was
published, and a page number.

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