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English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Teaching Manual 2004-2005

We must try, through international education, to realize something new in the world -- a purpose that will inspire us and challenge us to use our talents and material wealth in a new way, by persuasion rather than force, cooperatively rather than competitively, not with the intention of gaining dominance for a nation or an ideology, but for the purpose of helping every society develop its own concept of public decency and individual fulfillment. - Senator J. William Fulbright

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................7 EDITORS NOTE..................................................................................................................7 KOREAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM.................................................................................8 YOUR ROLE AS AN ETA.................................................................................................11 AT SCHOOL...........................................................................................................................14 YOUR PRINCIPAL AND VICE PRINCIPAL...................................................................14 YOUR CO-TEACHER........................................................................................................15 CONNECTING WITH TEACHERS...................................................................................18 YOUR STUDENTS.............................................................................................................19 THE FIRST DAY.................................................................................................................21 CLUB CLASSES.................................................................................................................23 BEING A TEACHER..............................................................................................................24 TEACHER PERSONA........................................................................................................24 ORGANIZATION & PLANNING......................................................................................26 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT........................................................................................30 SELF-EVALUATION.........................................................................................................35 RESOURCES..........................................................................................................................36 BOOKS................................................................................................................................37 WEBSITES..........................................................................................................................38 SAMPLE POINT SYSTEMS..............................................................................................40 SAMPLE ACTIVITIES /TOPICS.......................................................................................42 MISCELLANEOUS................................................................................................................44 TIPS......................................................................................................................................44 TROUBLESHOOTING.......................................................................................................48 POP CULTURE...................................................................................................................52 USEFUL KOREAN TERMS..................................................................................................54 DICTIONARY OF SCHOOL TERMS................................................................................54 ENGLISH CLASS PHRASES.............................................................................................55 SAMPLE CLASSROOM RULES.......................................................................................57 INTRODUCTION/GREETING LESSONS............................................................................58 TEACHER INTRODUCTION LESSON............................................................................58 GREETINGS/INTRODUCTIONS......................................................................................60 THE GREETING LESSON.................................................................................................61 GET TO KNOW THE STUDENTS....................................................................................63 WHO IS IT?.........................................................................................................................64 INTRODUCTIONS/GREETING........................................................................................66 SELF-INTRODUCTION COLLAGES...............................................................................68 INTRODUCTIONS:SIX THINGS......................................................................................69 GRAMMAR............................................................................................................................72 ADJECTIVES......................................................................................................................72 DICTIONARIES/ADJECTIVES.........................................................................................75 CONDITIONALS................................................................................................................76 PREPOSITIONS: WHERE IS IT?.......................................................................................77 3

MAKE-A-SENTENCE AUCTION.....................................................................................79 CATEGORIES:SENTENCES.............................................................................................80 HUMAN MAD LIBS...........................................................................................................81 PRONUNCIATION.................................................................................................................82 PRONUNCIATION.............................................................................................................82 MINIMAL PAIR TREES.....................................................................................................84 PRONUNCIATION:VOWELS...........................................................................................86 CLASSIC TONGUE TWISTERS.......................................................................................88 PRONUNCIATION:TELEPHONE.....................................................................................89 MASHIMARO.....................................................................................................................90 SYLLABLES.......................................................................................................................91 .............................................................................................................................................93 SPEAKING..............................................................................................................................94 GIVING ADVICE I.............................................................................................................94 GIVING ADVICE II............................................................................................................98 GIVING ADVICE III.........................................................................................................100 STORYTELLING..............................................................................................................102 EMOTIONS AND BASEBALL...........................................................................................103 GESTURES........................................................................................................................105 SLANG AND IDIOMS......................................................................................................107 KONGLISH TO ENGLISH DICTIONARY.....................................................................108 ASKING AND ANSWERING QUESTIONS...................................................................110 DINNER AT SAJIK RESTAURANT...............................................................................113 THE DOCTORS OFFICE................................................................................................115 BLINDNESS AND TRUST...............................................................................................116 ALL AT THE SAME TIME..............................................................................................118 M&M LESSON..................................................................................................................120 WRITTEN ENGLISH...........................................................................................................122 CREATIVE DIALOGS......................................................................................................122 EXAMPLE POETRY LESSON........................................................................................123 STORY CIRCLE................................................................................................................125 WRITING A POEM ABOUT MUSIC..............................................................................126 PROVERBS.......................................................................................................................127 SCRAMBLED STORY.....................................................................................................129 BUILD A STORY..............................................................................................................131 STORYTELLING CONTEST...........................................................................................132 LOVE STORY...................................................................................................................133 ILLUSTRATING A BOOK...............................................................................................134 COMIC STRIPS.................................................................................................................135 SEASONS..........................................................................................................................136 TRAVEL................................................................................................................................137 COUNTRIES.....................................................................................................................137 TRAVEL AGENCY DIALOGUE.....................................................................................139 WORLD LESSON.............................................................................................................140 TOURISM..........................................................................................................................142 CULTURE.............................................................................................................................143 HIGH SCHOOL IN AMERICA........................................................................................143 MIDDLE SCHOOL IN AMERICA...................................................................................146 4

AMERICAN VS. KOREAN SCHOOL LIFE.....................................................................148 PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY.....................................................................................150 HOLIDAYS:CHRISTMAS CARDS.................................................................................154 HOLIDAYS:HALLOWEEN.............................................................................................155 HOLIDAYS:THANKSGIVING........................................................................................158 HOLIDAYS:SECRET VALENTINE................................................................................160 BLACK HISTORY MONTH............................................................................................161 SOCIAL PROBLEMS.......................................................................................................162 WAR OPINIONS...............................................................................................................163 FAMILY LIFE...................................................................................................................164 FAMILY.............................................................................................................................166 MUSIC AND MOVIES.........................................................................................................167 MUSIC...............................................................................................................................167 I BELIEVE I CAN FLY.....................................................................................................168 LOLLIPOP.........................................................................................................................169 SONG PROJECT...............................................................................................................170 COMMERCIALS...............................................................................................................173 MOVIES/VIDEOS.............................................................................................................175 MOVIES.............................................................................................................................176 VIDEO SCAVENGER HUNT..........................................................................................177 NUMBERS/MONEY............................................................................................................179 SHOPPING........................................................................................................................179 SHOW ME THE MONEY.................................................................................................180 A REVIEW OF LARGE NUMBERS...............................................................................................180 100= ONE HUNDRED...............................................................................................................180 KOREA/ US EXCHANGE .........................................................................................................180 BIG NUMBERS.................................................................................................................185 TIME..................................................................................................................................187 DESCRIPTIONS...................................................................................................................188 DESCRIPTIONS................................................................................................................188 GUESS THE PSYCHO......................................................................................................191 WHO AM I?.......................................................................................................................193 PERSONALITY.................................................................................................................196 BODY PARTS...................................................................................................................198 GAMES TO PLAY WITH THE BODY!..........................................................................199 INVENT-AN-ANIMAL.....................................................................................................200 TRANSPORTATION........................................................................................................202 DIRECTIONS....................................................................................................................203 DIRECTIONS II................................................................................................................205 WHERES IT HIDDEN?...................................................................................................206 WHEEL OF FORTUNE....................................................................................................206 GAMES..................................................................................................................................207 WHEEL OF FORTUNE....................................................................................................207 BASKETBALL..................................................................................................................209 VARIATIONS ON THE BASKETBALL THEME..........................................................211 OPPOSITE WORD SEARCH...........................................................................................212 PASSWORD......................................................................................................................213 MAKING A BOARD GAME............................................................................................214 TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE.............................................................................................215 5

M.A.S.H.............................................................................................................................216 MAD LIBS.........................................................................................................................217 PSYCHOLOGY TEST......................................................................................................219 QUIZ SHOW......................................................................................................................220 EXAMPLE QUIZ SHOW LESSON..................................................................................222 PRONUNCIATION BINGO.............................................................................................224 ........................................................................................................................................224 HUMAN BINGO...............................................................................................................225 WHERES WHERE AT OUR SCHOOL?........................................................................226 TRIVIA: THE HUMAN BUZZER GAME.......................................................................227 SCATTEGORIES..............................................................................................................229 SCAVENGER HUNT........................................................................................................231 THE ENDING GAME.......................................................................................................233 MAFIA...............................................................................................................................234 POPULAR..........................................................................................................................237 TELEPHONE.....................................................................................................................239 CHAIR GAME...................................................................................................................241 TEACHING TEACHERS.....................................................................................................242 TEACHER WORKSHOPS................................................................................................242 THE STRUCTURE OF THE AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM........................245 TEACHING ENGLISH TEACHERS...................................................................................246 DICUSSION TOPICS FOR ENGLISH TEACHERS.......................................................246 KONGLISH-ENGLISH RECOGNITION.........................................................................247 KONGLISH TO ENGLISH...............................................................................................248 ADVICE.............................................................................................................................250 EXAMPLE TEACHER WORKSHOP:CORPORAL PUNISHMENT.............................252 LIFE AFTER DEATH?.....................................................................................................253 JOKES:CULTURE AND HUMOR ..................................................................................254 LESSONS ON THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE.....................................................................256 REASONS WHY ENGLISH IS SO HARD TO LEARN.................................................256 SIGNS OF THE TIMES....................................................................................................257 UP.......................................................................................................................................258 MYSTERIES OF THE WORLD...................................................................................259 FOR THOSE WHO ENJOY LANGUAGE (OR SEVERE DISTORTIONS THEREOF) ............................................................................................................................................260 SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW EVERYTHING? ...........................................................261 TEACHERS OF OTHER SUBJECTS..................................................................................262 INTRODUCTION DIALOG.............................................................................................262 AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOLS........................................................................................263



Welcome to your ETA year! The information presented within these pages reflects countless ETAs experiences and serves as a compilation of suggestions and tips. It is by no means an absolute authority and should be approached as a work in progress, to which future ETAs must add, subtract, and modify. That being said, this manual is an extremely useful reference guide for new ETAs approaching the challenging tasks of navigating Korean schools, defining their roles as teachers, building relationships with students and colleagues, and teaching English as well. Because each ETA comes from a unique background and will have a correspondingly distinct experience, this manual seeks to find common themes to which years of ETAs have contributed their knowledge. Aside from providing an ever-useful staple of sample lesson plans and ideas, this manual is also a place to find suggestions on how to approach other essential aspects of teaching, such as planning, management, and organization. Each ETA has a duty to adapt this advice to his or her own classroom, for every school and every situation is different. Whether you are an experienced TESOL teacher or whether it is your first time in front of a class, this manual can act as a starting point for tackling both broad and minute issues, as well as everything in between. Your role as an ETA is to be both English teacher and cultural ambassador, and your students will profit immensely from your efforts on both accounts. You will surely experience exasperating days at school, yet remember that your students are inevitably benefiting from your presence. Invest them with your creativity and your enthusiasm as a teacher, and show them respect and kindness as a person. Your own energy in the classroom is contagious, no matter what the activity. Finally, be a learner as well as a teacher, for youll find that your students have an incredible wealth of ideas to share with you. Have fun with your students and make the best of your year in Korea. Good luck and happy teaching!

KOREAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Before you begin, we want to mention again that teaching is one of the most important and central parts of your experience this year. You will spend most of your time at school, with your students and (a little less so) your teachers. As such, your relationships at school will be central to your happiness and well being in Korea (EVEN and ESPECIALLY if teaching was not a motivating factor in your decision to spend a year in Korea).
Orienting Yourself You will arrive at your school in the middle of the Korean school year. The Korean school system usually begins in March and continues until the end of July. There is a summer recess during the month of August. The second semester of school begins in late August or early September and (effectively) ends in late December. There is a month long break in January and during the month of February there is usually a 2-week period of classes and the school year comes to a close with graduation in mid-to-late February. A spring break usually occurs during the last week of February and then the new school year commences in March. The Korean school system was founded on Confucian tenets and many of these ideas still hold true today. Though the system is slowly moving towards a more western style of teaching, the foundation of rigorous entrance exams still shapes the day-to-day classroom activities as well as the ultimate goals or outcomes of instruction. The goal of the Korean secondary school system is to prepare the students for the rigorous national college entrance exam. This exam is compiled solely of multiple choice questions and the preparation for the exam is rote instruction and memorization (not problem solving, critical thinking or cooperative learning, which form the spine of the US educational system). Korean middle and especially high schools are extremely intense, while universities are usually comparatively easier. Students typically arrive at school between 7-8 am and have an hour to complete their homework. Regular classes run from 8:30/9:00 to 4:00/5:00, but supplementary classes can run until 6 pm and high school students usually return to school after a dinner break for an evening study session. During the day, there are about seven 45 or 50 minute class periods, an hour lunch period and a 20-minute cleaning period. English is becoming a second language in Korea, but the quality of English teaching is disparate. Some English teachers have studied abroad in the US, England, or Australia, while others can barely string together a coherent sentence. As of 2001, the Korean government is trying to increase the actual English speaking that takes place in Korean English classes. Eventually 90% of all English teaching is supposed to take place in English. As a result English teachers themselves are facing continued pressure to improve their English speaking skills and develop new teaching methods. Consequently, your school will most likely look to you as the authority on teaching English, and many people will be interested in your innovative methods. Depending on your situation your school may want you to lead teacher workshops. You will probably have a great deal of freedom and flexibility in what you teach to the students. But, schools do have specific expectations for ETAs, which may include getting

your students to like English, and increasing your students speaking ability. Many schools/teachers will discourage you from teaching grammar because that is seen as the job of the Korean English teachers. However, dont let this discourage you from introducing the grammar forms needed for the language functions that you are teaching. Regardless, have fun and get your students talking. History of English curriculum in Korea English conversation classes are a relatively new part of the curriculum for Korean students. In the past, Korean students learned English solely by studying grammar (unlike language classes in the U.S. where speaking, writing, and grammar are taught within the same class.) Teachers mainly spoke in Korean when they taught English. This emphasis on grammar has created a whole generation of Koreans that are competent in reading and taking tests, but have great difficulty speaking English and understanding native speakers. Within the last five years, there has been a growing emphasis on teaching English conversation classes. In Gyeonggi-do, the Ministry of Education requires that high-schoolers take three English conversation classes a week for one year in high school. Many other high schools outside of Gyeonggi-do are now incorporating English conversation classes into their curriculum as well. In middle schools, sometimes ETAs take away one English class a week from the regular English curriculum. At other times, the class ETAs teach is a supplemental class ( ) that they pay the school to take. (At one middle school, for example, each student pays 30,0000 won a year to take a class with the ETA.) Because many older English teachers in Korea grew up in Korea where speaking was not emphasized, they do not feel comfortable teaching in English. This poses a problem when it comes to teaching English conversation classes, where speaking in English is necessary for students to improve both their listening comprehension and speaking. Where the ETA fits in That is where the ETA comes in. As a native speaker who teaches class in English, you can help students improve their listening comprehension and provide a reason for Korean students to speak English. (Often, Korean students tend to speak Korean even to their English teachers who are native Koreans.) The students you will teach have been taught grammar, and are still being taught lots of grammar from their other English teachers. Because students have only learned grammar, they often do not think of English as a language they can use to communicate. Before English conversation classes, they primarily used their English knowledge to circle the appropriate bubble on multiple choice tests. Ideally, an ETA will give students a chance to use the grammar that they are learning or have learned in their other English classes. Students are often excited by this chance to use their knowledge of English to communicate with you and with each other, but correspondingly, they can be quite nervous and shy.

What you can do at your school

As you plan lessons over the course of the year, it is a good idea to find out what grammar structures your kids are learning or have learned in their other English classes. Once you know what grammar your students know, you can give your students an opportunity to use it

in your class. This will also help you build realistic lessons that will challenge, but not overwhelm your students.



Definition: 0 Your role as an ETA is to teach conversational English as a native English-speaking teacher in a Korean middle or high school. However straightforward this may seem, your role as a teacher is a great deal more dynamic and complex. Expectedly, you may teach some tongue twisters, a few situational dialogues, and reading comprehension here and there, but you are also a co-worker, a friend, a consultant, an expert, a novice, and of course, an ambassador. In addition to teaching up to 20 English classes a week, your job may or may not include the following: Teaching a teachers workshop class once or twice a week Teaching an English club class Teaching a winter break club class for two weeks Helping students with English contests and competitions Assisting with an English drama (play) Grading students for an English speaking test Editing various documents Helping with an English newspaper or magazine Hours: The maximum number of hours that you are expected to teach at your school was stipulated in the contract drawn up by Fulbright. Last year (2003-2004) that number was 20. You should not be required to teach more than the specified number of hours. An hour is generally defined as a single class period or 60 minutes, whichever is shorter. Therefore, if you teach 20 classes that last 45 minutes apiece, you should not be expected to make up the four and a half hours of absolute time lost because the class periods in your school do not go the full hour. Offering to teach an extra class or more per week, either a supplementary club class or a teachers workshop, is a wise political move on your part (it may help to win you some much desired favors later on with respect to vacations, scheduling, etc.). However, this is your decision to make, so you should not feel obligated. If you find the school pressuring you to teach extra hours of English an you do not wish to regardless of the context then tell Fulbright and they will assist you. Basically, the message is that you are under contract and that any extra time you make to you school should be voluntarily made, not externally mandated. Finally, with the close to 20 hours per week teaching load, you will be teaching the same if not more classroom hours than the average Korean school teacher. With this in mind, be respectful of yourself and the many reasons that you came to Korea aside from the teaching experience. Though there is much to be said for trying to gain favor with your school administrators, especially at the beginning, be mindful of the fact that the arrangements you make will last for at least half of your stay in Korea. It would be wise to sit down and figure out what else you want to do while here (martial arts, language classes, traveling, applying to graduate programs, etc.) and approach the scheduling situation with your school accordingly. Remember, youll only be hurting yourself and your students if you end up overworking yourself or resenting your schedule later on. Budget some time for yourself within your week. All


you overachieving Fulbrighters . . . youll need it. In 2003-2004: 7% of ETAs taught 10-15 classes a week, 81% taught 16-20 classes, and 12% taught more than 20 classes 67% of ETAs taught a teachers class while 33% did not Your Schedule: In general, students have English class 4-5 days a week. You will teach one of these classes and the Korean teacher will teach the remaining. While you have one main co-teacher, you will actually be teaching the students of several different homeroom teachers. Based on the experiences of previous ETAs, you may want to try to arrange your schedule with classes concentrated in the afternoon or morning, but not all day long, if possible. In addition, many ETAs try to work out a Monday through Thursday or Tuesday through Friday schedule. Some schools will be more or less willing and/or able to accommodate such preferences they are not obligated to honor any schedule requests as long as your hours are kept at or below the contract limit and are scheduled on Monday through Friday. Emphasize that your are here to teach as well as to experience Korea though travel and involvement in activities outside of the school, and that having this kind of packed schedule will make it easier to do both. Also keep in mind that your Fulbright teaching schedule already relieves you of both Saturday teaching duties and the requirement that teachers must stay at school throughout each day. Many ETAs have noted the tendency of school administrators to make last minute schedule changes without good communication. For example, you may show up on a Tuesday expecting to teach 3rd and 4th periods only to be informed there is testing during 3rd period, therefore, youll be teaching during 2nd period today instead. Let your co-teacher know its his responsibility to keep you updated, since you may not pick up on the Korean announcements or schedule changes posted on the chalkboard. In 2003-2004: 31% of ETAs had at one time a four-day schedule while 69% did not 17% of ETAs spent 5-6 hours at school a day, 74% spent 7-9 hours, and 9% spent 10 or more Ask your co-teacher to inform you ahead of time about holidays and testing days (if all your classes have tests, you MAY not have to teach = a holiday for you!) Although you may not have to teach on the days of sports festivals, school-wide assemblies, class-year festivals, picnics, camping/training trips, etc., its a good idea to see how these events are conducted. In many cases, they will fit in the experiences Ill never forget category of your Korean life, because theyll differ so dramatically from your expectations of such events. Also, any time you spend with your students outside of the classroom with benefit you later; they will feel more comfortable with you and work hard to please you. Write down your class schedule and ask for a copy of the comprehensive schedule as well (with all the periods and subjects on one impressive chart). It is good to know which English teachers are in charge of which classes. You also want (from the beginning) to make a record of lessons taught (and on which date you taught each one) so that you wont inadvertently skip or duplicate a lesson. Some ETAs kept journals or a notebook with each class getting a page (with a line or two of notes each week), or at


least a chart on which they wrote the lesson themes along one side and classroom numbers along the top (marking the date of a lesson taught to a given class in the appropriate cell). Testing Periods: 0 Korean schools have test periods ranging from a few days to a week in October, December, May, and July. The exact dates will vary from year to year and school to school. The schools usually have an idea when these tests will be, but the dates are not make definite until right before they happen. Unlike American school schedules, Korean schedule are highly flexible and always subject to last minute changes. 1 During these test periods you are from school responsibilities and are effectively on vacation. You will not likely be asked to proctor exams during this time, so go traveling and live it up! You may need Fulbright to back you up on this so dont hesitate to for their help. You may, however, be asked to give speaking tests prior to these exam dates. Breaks and Holidays: 0 You are not required to make up hours lost due to holidays in the Korean school year (Korean Thanksgiving, New Years Day, etc.) 1 Korean schools have a break in the winter that usually lasts from January through the end of February. 2 Some schools will ask ETAs to teach special classes during two weeks of the winter break period. Whether you teach or not will be determined by your school by the end of September. All ETAs will receive their salary during the winter months regardless of teaching duties. Those who teach the special winter classes will be additionally compensated. 3 Past ETAs have appreciated the smaller class sizes and flexibility of the winter program to teach special lessons. Some have taught a school-planned curriculum or special program. In 2003-2004: 51% of ETAs taught a winter break special class while 49% did not Note: As you have not doubt noted, your obligations to the school, contractually speaking, are purposefully limited. This it to give you the freedom to spend your free time as you wish. In past years, some ETAs stayed after school, hung out with teachers or taught them for free, watched movies with their students, taught extra classes, and really got involved with their schools. Other ETAs fulfilled their contractual obligations, and that was that. Ultimately, you have the freedom to decide whatever path you wish to take. The most important thing is that YOU decide.


YOUR PRINCIPAL AND VICE PRINCIPAL The exact roles of the key players in your school will differ according to many circumstances. Principals generally hold extraordinary powers over other members of the faculty. Often, the Principal's duties involve tending to the school's external affairs and public relations and to matters of an urgent, controversial, or otherwise extremely important nature. The Principal may often be away from the school or may seem to be a minor physical presence in the day to day operation of the school. He or she often occupies an office separate from the other teachers. On the other hand, the Assistant Principal's desk is often located smack in the middle of the largest teachers' office. As such, the Asst. Principal is "in control" of the daily basic operations of the school. He or she may seem to be something of a fixture in the teachers' office, and will generally be the final word on anything but matters of an urgent, controversial, or otherwise extremely important nature. It is quite literally always in your best interest to keep both of the aforementioned individuals happy. Much more than in any American school you're likely to have encountered, others afford people in either of these two positions inordinate levels of respect in the school (by teachers even more than by students). See section on "Giving Insa". In many schools you have to climb a great distance down the ladder of power and influence to reach the next authority figure (after the two Principals listed above). Two basic factors that determine the character of relations between members of the faculty are age and gender. Female teachers are often shown more consideration than you may expect based on horror stories you've heard or generalizations that you've made from watching interactions between males and females in the Korean public at large. However, you are still likely to note a pervasive notion that in Korea being older and being male earns you a certain default level of respect regardless of your personality or other factors that may be more important in parallel interactions back in the States.


You are likely to be left to a large extent out of the standard hierarchy due to the duration of your stay and to your foreigner status. So, the next most important person in your school life is the "one who can get you things" (Shawshank Redemption, anyone?) - your Co-teacher. This person will be able to communicate with you in English (if not, try to find someone who can!); your Principal and Asst. Principal may not. Your Co-teacher is the school's basic link to you. The appropriate way to approach any problem, unless you are told differently, is to first ask your Co-teacher, and to go beyond (or above) him or her only if absolutely necessary (ignoring this rule of thumb is a good way to ruffle some feathers). After arriving at your school, your Co-teacher is likely to be something of a crutch for you, at least for a while. Don't sweat it; this is natural. The Co-teacher should help you find your way to and from school, obtain supplies, set up your schedule, meet the appropriate people at the appropriate times, and take care of other basics, at the very least. For many ETAS, the Coteacher takes on an extensive role throughout the year, attending class with the ETA or otherwise being a fairly active part of the ETA's daily life at the school. In other cases, the Co-teacher's role may be quite minimal after the initial push. Your school will determine whether or not you will teach with a co-teacher. Last year, a large number of ETAs taught without a co-teacher. This manual has many ideas that will help you if you have to fly solo into the great Korean classroom adventure. A number of us teach with co-teachers; their participation in the English lesson can range from being a shadow that pops its head in from time to time, an observer who sits at the back of class and does nothing (or reads a book that may or may not be related to English), a minor participant in the class who helps you run the show, or in rare cases an actual team teacher who is active in your lesson and helps it run smoothly. Since you will have no idea about your schools policy until you actually get there, it will help you to have some idea of how to teach with and without a co-teacher. One piece of advice will help you before you step into your first class: ask your school right from the start what their policy is. Ask if you will be teaching alone or with a co-teacher. Ask what role the co-teacher will play if one will be with you in the classroom. Many schools are quite willing to do what they can to provide a teaching environment with which you are comfortable. The Shadows Here a few things should be said about the shadows, that is the teachers who show up to class but play a limited role in the actual lesson. Again, their role in your class will differ according to the school; understanding that role from the beginning is essential in making your class truly, your class. For ETAs that have English teachers pop in from time to time, your teaching experience will be much like teaching without a co-teacher at all. You must remember, however, that the class time is yours; do not allow the flow of your class to be interrupted. Do not allow them to take over, to disrupt the class with numerous whys about grammar, or to be a source of answers to students.


Some teachers may think they are helping you by translating everything you say. While a translation is helpful at times, if you prefer that your co-teachers not translate during your class, be sure to make them aware of this from the start. If the presence of a co-teacher becomes a problem, you can very politely make your English teachers aware of this. You can jokingly say, Now, Mr. Lee, dont give out answers! Let them do their own work! You can ask them to let you know when they will drop by so that there are no surprises. Focusing on the class rather than directly talking to your fellow English teacher can also help. Instead of asking him or her to stop giving out free answers, you can tell the class with a smile, Hey everyone! Dont look at Mrs. Bak-look up here! Youre all very bright, so you can find the answers yourselves! If it reaches the point that your class is becoming less effective because of an English teacher, it may be time to have a talk with your teachers. There is time for playing the saving face game; however, if the game drags on for too long, you might end up with a heap of stress, and more importantly, your students will suffer. If you approach your staff seriously and present your ideas about how the students can learn English more effectively, they should be willing to listen. Emphasize how the English staff together (this includes you) can make the class better. Team Teaching In some schools, English teachers will accompany you to class and truly assist you in your English lesson. Your teacher may tell students that this is your time-that you are the main teacher and that he or she is only there to help out. If you are team teaching, you should find out just how big a role your school wants your coteacher to play in your class. You should also very seriously consider how you would prefer the class to be run. Your teachers will often be very receptive to your preferences, so do not be afraid to mention them. Tact is always a good thing, however-do not come off with an I want this attitude-thats not cool anywhere! Getting Your Class Ready For Team Teaching To make sure that your students do not become over-reliant on the Korean teacher during class, there are some things you might want to do in your first few classes. Think about phrases you use or intend to use while teaching. Students may not have learned the phrases you use every day; they will certainly not be accustomed to your speaking style and having you as a regular face in school. Any phrases that you use frequently can be put down on a list with either a Korean translation or blanks for the students to fill in as an activity. I often say, Got it? instead of the standard Do you understand? Phrases you use often, as well as common class phrases like Take out your should be practiced at least once; they should also be used consistently throughout the year. A list of phrases that the students should use when speaking to you during class is also very useful. By preparing them with useful phrases and expressions, you can lessen the need of the co-teacher to translate simple instructions. The students in my classes are always so proud when they understand even these everyday phrases, so it seems to help with their confidence in class as well. Some co-teachers will let you be creative and fly. Others will want you to follow a certain curriculum and use a certain format in your class. What I have found to be ideal are the coteachers that let you be creative, but also let you know areas in which the students are in need of practice.


If you end up with a great deal of creative freedom when designing your lessons, let your teachers know that you are willing to help the students practice things that may need work. My coteachers told me that they had trouble pronouncing certain English sounds, so they asked if I could help them with a pronunciation lesson. Criticism can also be a welcome and helpful gift from your co-teacher. Just remember that teachers might be reluctant to criticize you (in other cases they may be over-eager!); asking for criticism on how you can better reach the students will help you immensely. The Lesson Generally, it is at the beginning of the lesson that your co-teacher should play his or her biggest role. Remember that each class will be different-they will have different attitudes and different English levels. Lower level classes may require your teacher to translate a little more than others. You also have to consider that each English teacher teaches differently. Some use English in class, some do not use English at all. There will be times when you get blank stares-thats when the co-teacher can help you out. At times the students really do understand, but they are just not confident enough to admit it. A good co-teacher does not directly translate each time; he or she helps the students connect the English they understood to find the whole idea. For example, my co-teacher might say, What did he say? or What do you do first? One of the best teachers I have simply asks for words they understood and helps the students link them together. One advantage of team teaching is that your co-teacher can help you with more complicated lessons. While you are able, of course, to prepare to give instructions on your own, having the coteacher there can help you save time so that you can get down to business quickly. This is great when you want to do something fun that requires a little more time (and a little more Korean language training). You should not depend too much on the co-teacher, however. Try to keep these activities to a minimum if possible. Remember, they need to hear your voice and your English, so give them as much of that as you can. Once the students understand the instructions, you can go on with the lesson. Ideally, the rest of the class should be as Korean-free as possible. My co-teachers help me by participating in dialogues, walking around and prompting shy students to answer, and sometimes giving freebie answers to students that need a small confidence boost. A Few More Notes About Team Teaching An additional advantage of team teaching is that your co-teacher will be able to give you information about your students that will help you a great deal during class. Since your language skills may not be very high and you will be starting in the middle of the school year, your coteacher is an invaluable source of information about your kids. Your co-teachers can let you know not only about the group as a whole (their overall English level, potential for noisiness, etc.), they also told me about individuals. They were great about telling me about handicapped students, students who were very sick or who lost relatives recently; they gave information that I found to be very useful when I started out. Whether or not you end up team teaching, the other English teachers can provide you with information that will help you reach your students more effectively. Do not be afraid to ask them for advice or ideas.


CONNECTING WITH TEACHERS Making an extra effort to get to know and become friendly with your teachers will be worth it, and it will often pay off in ways that you would have never dreamed. (Upon her departure from her school, one ETA was given a glazed bowl by a friendly co-teacher whom she had spoken to occasionally. Later she found out that it was a 700-year-old artifact from the Koryo Dynasty.) What we suggest here is a compilation of our own experience and information taken from the JET (Japan English Teachers) Program Manual. Always give INSA daily! Give insa to the principal, vice-principal, and teachers by bowing and saying annyeong haseo or annyeong hashimnika EVERY DAY when you first greet them in the morning. After the initial greeting, a slight bow is all that is needed if you pass by them during the day. To the untrained American eye, the opportunity may or may not seem to present itself. Seek it out. For example, walk through the Kyomushil to get coffee in the morning and greet every one that you come across. Make sure to stop in front of the Vice Principals desk whether or not it seems to be the right moment. Just pause, bow, say your greeting, and move on. If the Vice Principal is not at his/her desk make sure to greet him/her when you first see him/her. If this initial sighting happens while you are seated, it is more polite to stand than stay seated while you bow and greet. If you come in later in the day because of your schedule, it is still important to stop by the Vice Principals desk even if it seems awkward. Taking your leave at the end of the day is not nearly as important as the initial greeting, but it is still polite to say good-bye as you are leaving. It is appropriate to say sugo haseyo (work hard) or munja kamnida (I go before you), which both sound strange in translation, but are in fact very polite. Bowing is always a good thing. Other Ideas 0 Lunch Meetings Try to eat lunch in your cafeteria, with the idea that during meals you can sit down with students or teachers and chat about things in English, just as there were "language tables" in college. Have an English hour that is informal open invitation event once a week at your office or in the "kyomushil" (teachers' room), for coffee and talk. This could even be held outside at a prearranged destination (coffeehouse?). Be emotionally prepared if no one shows for weeks at a time. Also realize that they will stay late, even if they have families waiting. If you can take it, try it. Approach co-teachers in the kyomushil if they are not busy (bring coffee or tea) and sit down to chat for a bit. Ask him or her for advice, knowledge, or about things the co-teacher is interested in. Maybe you have something in common.


0 Show pictures of your family and you, or children, spouses, or significant others. For older teachers, tell them about your parents. Coordinate extra activities with the co-teachers: club outings, letter exchanges, games. 0 Observe the classes of non-English teachers. Try to fit in arts and home economics and other "nonessential" subjects; the students sometimes act very differently in these classes. However, always ask permission and be understanding if a teacher denies your request. Your presence may disrupt his/her class Begin a student club of your own, with the help of the co-teacher. An ETA 2 years ago started a drama-skit club at her school which then went on to perform in the K-TESOL National English Drama Contest. Some students may be individually studying from Good Morning Pops, an English publication based from pop culture. An ETA last year met some students periodically and assisted their GMP studies. YOUR STUDENTS
In general, Korean students are very similar to American students in their personalities, interests, and attitudes, but they are accustomed to a hugely different educational system.

Their system v.s. your system: Cooperative learning goes against every aspect of your
students educational system, which is based solely on out-performing their peers on the entrance exams. The students will be willing to try your new teaching methods but they may need some encouragement, very clear directions and strictly regimented guidelines. Be patient and flexible with your new ideas but do not let their inexperience with your teaching methods lower your general classroom expectations.

Responsibilities: Your students have a strong sense of duty and responsibility when it comes
to their education. They are responsible for cleaning the bathrooms, their classrooms, and the entire school. They are also held responsible for memorizing vast amounts of information from their textbooks. Students are constantly running errands for teachers and even alert teachers when there has been a schedule change and the teacher is supposed to be in their class. They set up the overhead projectors or computers, pass out papers, carry teachers supplies to class, tape up posters, and arrange desks. Your students can be extremely helpful and they often enjoy doing the tasks that you give them.

Disabilities:Ask the English teachers if they have anything to tell you about your students.
For example, there may be a student with a learning disability in one of your classes or another with a hearing problem, and you may not be able to perceive this on your own. However, do be considerate and patient with those with physical problems. There is a minimal amount of tracking in Korean schools, but sometimes low-scoring students may be placed in one classroom. Find out if this is the case at your schools.


Student numbers: Students are all assigned a number within the class. Usually, a student
number is a combination of their grade, class, and number within that class. For example, a student in grade 1, class 4, and whose name is alphabetically ranked at 7 would have a student number that would be: 1407. Within the context of their class, the student is often referred to as number 7. In a coed school, often times the numbers for boys and girls are differentiated by skipping the twenties. For example, the boys would be alphabetically ranked and would have numbers from 1-18 and the girls would be alphabetically organized separately and have numbers between 31-45. A concept that is telling of the attitudes of gender and education that some Koreans hold.

Class Captains: The class captain, in essence, can be equated to a class president. S/he leads
Insa (the daily greeting and farewell) and has many other administrative duties such as collecting money, reminding students of tests, keeping track of schedule changes, etc. The captain is generally a student that is highly respected by both her/his classmates and by the homeroom teacher. Occasionally, there will be a different class captain for English class. Either way, it helps to connect with your class captain. S/he can be extremely helpful in controlling the class and getting you the things that you need.

Sports Players: If there is a perpetually empty desk in one of your classes, it is very possible
that the student who is supposed to sit there plays a sport. Most of your students dont have time to play organized sports and those that do play sports, dont have time to go to class. Sports players are generally tracked early in elementary school and arent expected to excel in academics. This becomes apparent in their consistent absences and their propensity to sleep when they do come. Often when you try to wake him (her?) up, his classmates will tell you oh, tennis/soccer/etc. player as if this is, at once, an explanation and excuse. It is up to you how you choose to deal with a student who plays a sport, but most ETAs try to include the student in class as much as possible.

Wang-dda: This is a term used to describe the class outcast. This is a sad and fairly common
occurrence in Korean classrooms. For whatever reason, one particular student is very blatantly ostracized. Behaviors toward this student can range from completely ignoring him/her to physical harassment. If you notice that there is such a situation in one of your classes, take measures to make that student as comfortable as possible. That could mean getting the student highly involved in class or giving him/her perceptible praise, or it could just mean not requiring her/him to do the speaking activities. Be especially considerate of this student during activities that require pair or group work. Talk to the homeroom teacher if things get out of control.

Behavior: Your students attitudes towards you will range from those that treat you as a
brilliant, worship-worthy teacher and those that see you as nothing more than the young, foreign teacher. Similarly, their behavior pretty much runs the gamut. The following are some behaviors encountered by past ETAs: o Testing you by... - speaking in Korean, especially slurs, knowing that you don't know what they are saying - talking over you in class - not paying attention / restlessness / spacing out - sleeping, sleeping, sleeping - goofing off - being disruptive while not doing the work - not doing assigned homework, or avoiding work given


- beating on each other - very common play" amongst Korean kids - doing other work / reading comic books or newspapers in class - playing with toys (i.e. walkmans, cellular phones!!!!, mirrors, spit balls) Less common but still probable are: - coming in late (or skipping completely) - getting up/running around/lying down on each other - eating/drinking in class - giving each other the finger And still less common, but encountered in the past: - intentional insults or defiance - giving you the finger - using mirrors to sneak peeks up skirts or down blouses - anti-Americanism - leaving class to smoke cigarettes - bearing a rusty Korean traditional farming sickle against you (yes, this actually happened to an ETA.

Connecting: One of the most effective classroom management techniques is simply to

connect with your students. If you can relate to your kids and your kids can relate to you, you will find that class will be a lot more comfortable, fun, and problem-free. You will most likely have a hard time not connecting with your students on some level. Nevertheless, here are some suggestions for connecting with your students: o Keep up with pop culture*. Learn about the latest music, TV shows, computer games, sports players, movies, etc. o Comment on art projects, hair cuts, or even socks. Individual compliments go a long way! o Have your students teach you Korean slang or even just the language in general. They will be thrilled when you mangle the pronunciation or attempt to write Hangul on the board. o Laugh, joke, be friendly. Even if you are no-nonsense kind of teacher, you dont have to venture far outside of your persona to connect with your kids. Even a smile or warm hello goes a long way. Try to be friendly even in the midst of one of those inevitable, the-schedule-changed-AGAIN-so-now-I-have-six-classes-on-Fridaywhen-I-was-planning-to-leave-early-to-catch-my-flight-to-jeju kind of days. o Walk around during the ten minute break between classes, lunchtime, or cleaning time. Chat with kids outside of the classroom. Play soccer, show movies, bring in music, or eat lunch with your students. *See POP CULTURE section for reference and more ways to connect with your students.

THE FIRST DAY Introduction This section is about what to do and things to expect on your first day of teaching. Now, of course, your first day will likely be very hectic, so doing a lot of this stuff before your first day of actual teaching will make your first day of teaching that much less hectic (i.e., a visit to the school before your first day of classes is highly advised). 21

Orienting Yourself The best way to orient yourself with your school, the school faculty, and your students is to ask questions. Your co-teacher will be your primary source of information, but dont neglect other English teachers or anyone else in the school that you can talk to (even the students!). Dont be annoying, but here are some questions you might want to ask: People and Places 1 Do I have my own classroom? If so, where is it? 2 Where is my desk? 3 Who are the teachers in my office? Can I get a map of where teachers desks are, or is there a school yearbook or website I can look at to familiarize myself with teachers names and faces? 4 Who are the English teachers in the school? Which offices do they sit in? What classes do they teach? Scheduling 5 When is the master class schedule made? Who makes the schedule? (If you have scheduling preferences, you better make them known before the master schedule is finalized.) 6 When will I get a copy of my personal class schedule? Can I get a copy of the master schedule? Anything I should know about my schedule in particular (e.g., my lunch hour being at a different time on different days)? 7 Are there any days that I wont have class (e.g., national holidays, schoolspecific holidays, testing days, random school festivals, picnics, field trips, field days, physical examination days)? For days off that are up in the air (e.g., midterm testing period), when will those dates be set? Classes and Teaching 8 Can I get class lists or even rosters with pictures for the classes Im teaching? 9 Will I be giving a grade, or will my class otherwise affect students grades in any way? 10 Is there a system of punishment points ( beol jeom) and leadership points ( sang jeom) or some other (non-physical) discipline system in place at the school that I can take advantage of? 11 What textbook do students use in their regular English class? Can I get a copy of it to look at? Do I have to teach from this book, or can I teach from my own materials? 12 Will I be teaching alone or with a co-teacher? If with a co-teacher, what will their role be, or what role do they think they should play? 13 (to co-teachers:) What is the level of this class? Who are the strongest and weakest students? Who is the class captain? Anything I should know about certain students in particular (e.g., learning disability, difficult home situation)?


Resources 14 How can I get supplies (e.g., paper, glue, tape)? Is there a supply cabinet? Can I order specific supplies myself? 15 Are there any rules on the use of copy machines? Is there a printing room I should use for printing massive numbers of handouts? If so, what is the procedure for requesting a print job? 16 What sort of audio-visual equipment does the school have available for my use? How do I request to use it? How do I work it? 0 Possible Surprises On your first day, you should expect the unexpected, which may or may not include: 17 having to introduce yourself and/or give a speech to the whole school This may happen at a school-wide assembly, via the school TV broadcast system, or (less likely) just over the loudspeaker. In any case, you should be prepared in the event you need to stand up and say something to hundreds (or thousands, depending on how big your school is) of people! getting a pop star reception Since students may have never seen someone like you in their community let alone their schoolbefore, you might have students screaming and yelping with excitement and/or surprise upon seeing you walking down the halls. This can get old fast, but enjoy being a celebrity of sorts while you can!


Meetings Teachers and Staff

You should try to meet other teachers and people in the school as soon as possible, and the first day is a good time to do this (although a pre-first day visit might be an even better time). Remember to give insa very respectfully and to come prepared with gifts, especially for the principal, vice-principal(s), and your co-teacher. You may also want to give gifts to other English teachers that you will likely be working with throughout the year, to teachers in other departments, and to other random people in the school like the nurse, administration staff, etc. You probably want to give something fairly substantial to the important people, but even something as simple as American cookies is a nice gesture for the people in the school that are less directly connected to you. See the guide about getting ready to go/what to pack/arrival in Korea for more good ideas about gifts and what sorts of gifts are appropriate.

CLUB CLASSES As part of your duties at the school, you may be asked to teach a club class or two. If your school does not ask you to do one, you may want to volunteer to teach one of these groups. It's a little more work, but it gives you a very different perspective on your school, and allows you to foster closer relations with your students. Club classes come in a few varieties.... Once a week


This is like any other class, but you can do special activities with them. Perhaps you can choose to do more on-going projects, though the classes are some times cancelled or times changed around. Everyday Yes, those same rowdy kids, but you get to see the same ones every day for probably 45 minutes. If your school asks you to do this, think carefully. There are wonderful pluses, you can really get to know your students and you can do those creative projects that cant be accomplished in your normal classes. After seeing 800+ students a week its a wonderful chance to develop relationships, and then you will have those friendly faces in your regular classes. But, there are minusesfar more lesson planning, consistency, and innovation are needed. Imagine having to create 70 lessons from scratch over the course of the semester. It can be a bit overwhelming, not to mention meaning longer hours at school. But, you will make the administration very happy by complying with their wishes and you will most likely enjoy your time with your students. Top English Students Some times these club classes are with the top English students, though not always. This is a good time to use those brilliant lesson plans that would never work in a class of 50 kids at various levels. Ask them how they feel about their family, smoking, relationships, war, corporal punishment (you'll get interesting responses), and the U.S. Get to know them. They'll be the ones writing fan mail to you when you go back to the States, the ones who are planning to visit you when they have time to travel once they hit college. 0 Co-ed Club Class Boys and girls together! Imagine the possibilities! Well, it turns out your students may be even more shy when they are in the presence of the opposite sex than they are in class. Keep it in mind and be gentle.

*** TEACHER PERSONA Teacher Persona describes the personality of you as a teacher. This may be very similar or a bit different to your personality around friends or colleagues, but it is imperative as a teacher to establish what your persona is. Your persona is directly related to what kind of classroom atmosphere you strive towards, how you manage your classroom, and how you interact with your students. There is no correct teacher persona, and no two peoples teacher persona is the same.


Creating a teacher persona: ask yourself what kind of classroom atmosphere you want and, knowing your students, what you must do to achieve that. consider your own strengths as a teacher, and plan lessons and interactions that bring those strengths to the forefront of your teaching establish a rapport with your students adapt your persona according to your students needs and attitudes

Every ETA should feel empowered to create his or her unique teacher persona. It can be very tempting to try to emulate the ETAs who have gone before you, but many find that they have the most success when they follow their own heart. Some ETAs will be very comfortable being a playful, laizzes-fair teacher, while others will more naturally migrate towards a more strict, no-nonsense approach. Both are equally valuable. Many ETAs have found that it is easier to start out by being strict, and then gradually ease up once they have established a relationship with their students. They other way around is more difficult. Your teacher persona should be a natural extension of yourself, but adapted to the classroom. While it is something that will develop with time, being fully aware of what kind of teacher you are will help you create lessons and deal with troublesome situations. Because teacher persona is such a unique and individual thing, a few examples of different ETA teacher personas have been given below: Most of my fellow ETAs would call me a strict teacher. I am a stickler for the rules and a notorious cell-phone confiscator. My subject-based lessons are more successful and meaningful than games, because that is where my strength lies, but I try to include a variety of lessons. I like a high-energy classroom and am a highenergy teacher, but class happens on my terms. I like to joke around with my students and do crazy things, but even playing around happens within the context of a clear teacher-student relationship. I started my semester by discussing class rules, and I punish students who disregard them. Being the fun-loving buddy ETA was unnatural for me, and my students sensed and took advantage of this. One finally told me flat out: you cant be my friend: youre my teacher, which impressed me greatly. Now that I have established myself as a teacher-figure I have a greater amount of freedom and a better defined relationship with my students, and classes can be both fun and productive. I try to be the student's friend and mentor rather than just their English instructor. I try to make my classes as comfortable and open as possible. I told the students on the first day the one thing I wanted them to gain was a sense of confidence and fun associated with speaking English. Therefore I play games with them, show them that I'm willing to act stupid in a skit, or yell out answers in a quiz game. The first semester some classes got out of hand and I couldn't keep them quiet- but now I've found a way to discipline the loud students without embarrassing them or intimidating the rest of the class. I usually just bring them up front with me and 25

have them "assist" me with teaching- then they get the hint that if they're loud they'll be coming up front. As a teacher, I do not often play the role of authority figure. I operate under the belief that students learn best when they are comfortable and when they have influence and say-so when it comes to their learning. Therefore, most of my lessons are student-centered and driven, and there is a lot of room for student choice. I give my kids high fives, make fun of them, laugh when they make fun of me, misspell words on purpose, wear vampire teeth to class, give candy and prizes, sympathize if they are sick, and generally make it a policy to have fun in class. However, underlying the candy and joking, is a milieu of expectation that is not to be disregarded. Respect and responsibility are concepts that I stress in every facet of my classroom. Though I do not radiate authority, the students know that I still control the class, and if I feel that learning is being compromised, I will call on my authority to get things back on track. I confiscate cell phones and MP3 players, keep students or entire classes after the bell, take away points, administer fair, but strong, punishments, and generally hold my students up to high expectations. Ultimately, if my kids meet my expectations, which they usually do, we have a lot of fun in class. ORGANIZATION & PLANNING
Note: However, effective teaching requires organization and planning ahead. Though there are huge discrepancies in the methods and extent of individual organizational styles, some type of planning and organization system needs to be employed in order to save yourself, your students, and the teachers around you from a lot of stress and headaches. Planning ahead and keeping track of details ultimately makes your job a lot easier especially in the face of the infamous Korean last minute schedule change. As one 2002-2003 ETA notes, Trying to teach without a lesson plan is tantamount to presenting a 50-minute keynote address without an outline only worse since the academics or professionals assembled as the audience will sit quietly and attempt to pay attention. Drive with a map. Teach with a plan that outlines objectives (what you want to teach), materials (what you need to teach), procedure (how you will teach), evaluation (how youll assess teaching effectiveness). Plan ahead for less stress in the classroom. Organization: Figure out what type of file system works for you. Stationary stores stock nearly every kind of binder or organizer you could imagine, so no matter what your system requires, you will be sure to find something to suit your needs. Its helpful to consider these questions in regards to organization: o How will you keep track of students names, points, grades, notebooks or other work? o How will you keep up with which classroom has a broken TV or overhead projector? Which class is high level? Which class is noisy? Which class finishes their work more quickly and which class takes longer?


Name cards. Many ETAs require their students to make name cards, on which they include a photo and write their name, student number, hobbies, etc. These cards have proven to be very useful tools of reference. If a teacher is asking about a student and you cant quite place the name, you can always consult your cards to place the name with a face. These cards are also invaluable when it comes to studying students names. Notes. After each class, it helps to write a note summing up the activities covered and the general mood and atmosphere of the class. The notes are quite useful when planning the next weeks lesson or mentally preparing for class. PLANS. Create semester, weekly, and daily planning templates that make sense to you and are conducive to your planning style. Planning: Planning is necessary on multiple levels. Very basically, it helps to consider the following plans: Semester, weekly, and daily. Semester Plans: Several ETAs were asked to complete a semester plan their first teaching week. The formats vary but essentially, a semester plan is an overview of what will be taught during the entire semester. This is an extremely daunting task to face your first week, or even first month on the job. Relax. Dont spend hours on end trying to come up with detailed lesson plans for each week of the semester. Most likely, you wont use more than half of them. Many semester plan requirements are a formality for the files or for a visit from the regional educational office. All your hard work often does not get more than a glance from another English teacher. So think about it, sketch out a list of topics you may want to cover, and with indeterminacy fill in the spaces on the respective semester plan form. If your co-teacher is very serious about a detailed semester plan, tell her/him that you still have to assess the students English levels and that you want to remain flexible to suit the students needs each month/week/day. However impossible it is to plan an entire semester, it does help to consider your goals and the skills and subject matter youd like to cover, and in what order. For example, it may not be the best idea to jump into a lesson on personality your second week with the students. Its better to start off with lessons like Questions and Pronunciation and get more specific later in the semester. The traditional ETA situation makes it difficult to form solid units of study, where lessons and concepts build on each other. Most ETAs don't work from textbooks, so there are no "objective" guidelines. We generally see our kids once a week or less, which (if you remember your elective classes from high school) makes carrying over knowledge, activities or homework almost impossible. However, try to plan lessons in an order in that makes sense. For instance, a lesson on money can be developed the next week with a travel lesson. A semester plan also helps you to look ahead at test dates, holidays, and events like Sports Day or the school festival. With these days in mind, it helps to schedule appropriate lessons. For instance, plan a game right before exams or schedule a lesson that requires food during a full, uninterrupted week of classes so, for example, the bread wont get moldy if you carry the lesson into the next week. Weekly Lesson Plans: Because classes, or for that matter, entire days of school can get cancelled for random, mysterious reasons, you may, for instance, see your 2-3 class four times before you meet with your 2-5 class for the second time. It becomes increasingly hard to remember which class did which lesson during which week. This is where some kind of weekly planning


grid, where you can write just the lesson number or topic, comes in very handy. You can glance at one week and determine which lessons you have done and which you will do with each individual class that week. Consideration of weekly plans also promotes flow and lesson development on a more immediate level than the semester plan. And, there's always the option of using multiperiod lessons or assigning homework to increase continuity. However, these can be very dangerous to use, for two reasons. First, your overworked Korean kids will not remember to do their homework for your class unless they are extraordinarily conscientious. Second, it is sometimes difficult to express clearly what you want them to do for the next class; they may be confused, and lack the courage and/or facilities to ask for clarifications. That having been said, lessons that continue for more than one period may have the advantages of- a) enforcing ideas through repetition (Korean students are not strangers to this method of teaching), and/or b) allowing you to create more complex lessons or to move to deeper levels within a certain topic area. One idea that several ETAs tried successfully in the past few years was to have students prepare to videotape presentations (e.g. commercials) during one week and the beginning of a second, actually roll the cameras at the end of the second week, and watch the videotape on the third week (along with appropriate supplementary video materials, such as in the case of the commercials example - tape of real American commercials).

Daily Plans: Everyday Routine: o Consistency ensures that your students know what to expect and consequently, your class will run more smoothly and your students will feel more comfortable. Establish a daily routine that both you and your students are comfortable with, and follow it faithfully. This is one ETAs daily routine: -Insa (greeting and bowing to teacher led by the class captain) -How are you? (require answers other than fine, thank you) -Daily Idiom or Slang -Introduce the lesson topic for the day; write name, date, lesson on board. -Lesson -Collect raffle tickets to signify lesson conclusion -Wrap up & review; announcements for next week -Raffle -Insa (goodbye and bow led by class captain) The Lesson Plan: This is where things get specific. Your daily lesson plan is essentially your map for the 4550 minutes you have with your students. Whether it is a lesson on war opinions or one involving Mad Libs, some kind of plan is necessary. There are several elements involved in a successful lesson:

o Timing and Flow:

This is a rather nebulous concept that is nevertheless one of the most important things to think about while teaching. Shaping the timing and flow of your lesson well depends on two things: a) thorough advanced planning, and b) an active kinetic sense of timing and flow as you teach. While in the planning stages, treat the lesson as a self-contained unit; a story. All good stories have a clear-cut beginning (introduction), middle (body), and end (conclusion).


So do good lessons. Assign an approximate number of minutes for each part of the lesson and try to stick to those times while you teach. Look at the clock early and often. o Strong Introduction: After the introduction to class (insa, review, daily idiom, etc.), you must somehow introduce the topic of the lesson. The introduction to your lesson should grab the students attention immediately. There are a variety of ways to do this: -Instead of writing Gestures or Questions on the board, do a quick game of hangman to find the lesson topic for the day. -Develop a little anecdote or pose a related question to the students so they can connect with the lesson before it is even announced. For example, a lesson on directions: Im hungry. I want to buy bread. But I dont know how to get to the school store. How do I get there? -Instead of writing R-L pronunciation on the board, draw a picture of a rock and a lock and have the students guess what the lesson will be about. o The Body This is where most of your sense of timing and flow will come into play as you navigate the activities of your lesson. The body, or lesson activities, will range greatly depending on the lesson topic. However, a good format to keep in mind when planning lesson activities is: PASSIVE ACTIVE PASSIVE Its good to sandwich group work between two, structured, teacher-centered blocks of time. Its also good to have multiple activities so students dont get bored. o Wrap-up This is the point where your instrinsic sense of timing and flow, or the minute hand on the classroom clock, tells you its time to conclude the lesson. The conclusion should be simply and clearly executed and should involve a review of the lesson and some type of evaluation, albeit informal and observational, of the students learning. It is also very helpful to have and distinct closure activity, such as a round of applause, administering of prizes, or the raffle drawing. Pitfalls to Avoid: o Packing the lesson too tightly with activities or bunching up activities at the beginning or end o Not giving the kids enough to do. Always have a backup plan!!! Ending the period five or ten minutes early is not unheard of, but you don't want to make it a habit. o Being swept away by a successful activity and letting the kids' energy peter out by repeating it too often or extending it. Better to end it at peak energy. o Not taking into account the students' original energy level. Be sensitive to if the kids are tired, full, hyperactive or just mellow, and adjust accordingly (e.g. jumping jacks to wake up, etc.)

Avoiding Pitfalls:
0 Doing a mental dry-run of your lesson cannot be stressed enough. Visualize the lesson in its entirety. Plan down to the last detail of how you will pass out papers or procure volunteers. 1 Brainstorm where problems might arise and try to think of possible solutions. 2 Reflect! You will most likely be repeating one lesson over and over. After finishing each lesson, reflect and consider where things could be adjusted and improved.


Example Class Format (from the real-life classroom of a 2001 ETA):

1. Insa: Captain calls students to attention, then students bowed. 2. I read the (written) Schedule for the day on the board and tell students what we will learn in that class. An example is below Todays schedule: 1. Notebook: Write the new vocabulary in your notebook 2. Dialogue- A Date with Hyun-soo 3. Game (Hangman) 3. Notebook: Students have a 5-10 minute period to complete a notebook activity. This is designed to be calming and focus them on what we will learn that day. A notebook activity should prep them for the next portion of class. Usually I have them write down vocabulary or answers to a question that they could read aloud (writing before speaking is important, especially with lower level students). 4.Dialogue: The use of dialogues works well for pronunciation and introducing new vocabulary. I ended up doing a short dialogue every week as part of our routine. I compose a short dialogue between 2 students that used the days vocabulary, or a dialogue to review previously learned material. Students practice in class, repeat after me-style, then have two volunteers come up and perform the dialogue for an immediate prize of candy, a postcard, or a sticker (since this is especially hard for shy Korean kids). 5. Game: This is where you practice what students learned that day. You can make almost anything into a game. Call on individual students to avoid chaos and confusion. OR Writing Activity/Project: This can be writing letters, drawing, etc. During this portion of the class, its especially important to keep students on task. Reward good behavior in some way. (See +/- system described below). Circulate around the class and talk with individual students to practice English conversation. 6. Closing/Wrap-up: Pick up papers you have given the students (dialogue papers), briefly straighten up the classroom, and end class with Attention, bow, and closing greeting. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT
Definition: 0 Classroom management is creating an atmosphere in your classroom conducive to achieving your educational goals. However ostensibly simple, classroom management is by far one of the most challenging aspects of the ETA year. 1 Fundamentally, there are two common extremes that classroom management in Korea combats; too much talking and too little talking. The more obvious battle is handling behavior problems that impede learning through the establishment of rules, expectations, and consequences. At the other end of the spectrum, classroom management should work to encourage participation by creating a comfortable, anxiety-free environment. Many of the following proposed management techniques, such as point systems, planning dynamic lessons, and establishing a tone of mutual respect, attempt to manage problems at both ends of the spectrum and generate a balanced classroom atmosphere conducive to learning.


Notes: 0 Korean school discipline methods have been modeled for the past eighty years on militaristic techniques. This means, in a phrase, corporal punishment. Although the heavy handed stuff - leaving bruises and welts - is falling out of favor and is now illegal, Korean teachers traditionally bring sticks and switches with them to class, and often do not hesitate to use them. Slapping, pinching, and hair, ear, nose pulling are also used. Having students kneel in uncomfortable positions (The three point stance) for lengths of time is another form of punishment ... and the list goes on. Combined with the 3000-year-old Confucianism tradition of respecting one's elders, particularly one's teachers, this makes for a very different classroom situation than one would find in the States. A "good" classroom is utterly silent, the students enraptured and passive. When discipline is called for, the students take it just as passively and occasionally cheerfully. Breaches of conduct border the absurd in the American context chewing gum, not picking up pieces of crumpled paper on the ground, or perhaps talking too much in class. To insult, threaten or attack a teacher is unthinkable--you need not worry about guns or butterfly knives in this hemisphere of the academic world. 1 However, there is really no way to provide an archetypal portrait of what you will encounter in regards to behavior. Each school, each class, and each student will have a very different view of your class, you, and her/his role during those fifty-some minutes you have together. Thus, you should not assume that your students will act as they do in their other classes, nor should you assume that without a large stick, you will have no control. Be firm, consistent, confident, and flexible and youll be fine. Prevention: Decide what your expectations are in advance. Some questions to ask yourself before stepping foot into class are: How will I encourage participation? What is an acceptable noise level while I am teaching? How will I maintain and enforce this noise/talking level? What behaviors are unacceptable in my class? How will I deal with displays of such behavior? Should students raise their hands, stand when speaking, bring English notebooks to class, sit in assigned seats? Clearly communicate these expectations to your students. Establish a classroom tone of mutual respect. You are learning from them just as they are learning from you. You will respect them and they will respect each other, themselves, and you. Try to be confident and firm. Dont let your students know that you are nervous or that you cant handle a situation. If they smell fear, theyll certainly take advantage of it. 0 Develop a routine. For example: insa, idiom/tongue twister, lesson, review, insa. Staring and ending class in the same, discernible way each day helps students transition into your class. 1 Create simple but meaningful rules. Spend as much time as needed to communicate these rules, even if it is one or two classes. Inform students of the consequences for breaking the rules. 2 Take control of your physical space. Whether or not you have your own classroom, move desks and students as is most effective for the days lesson. Assign seats if necessary. 3 Connect with your students outside of an academic realm. Learn the popular actors, musicians, computer games, movies, books. Ask your students to teach you about these things, or strike up a conversation about Se7en or Harry Potter. 4 Make the class captain your ally. Spend at least a few moments at the beginning of the year to connect with the captain. Tell her/him how s/he can help you both in and out of class. 5 Discuss your expectations with your co-teacher as well as her/his level of involvement and role in your class.


6 Plan diverse and dynamic lessons. Vary activities during the class to keep students engaged, interested, and involved. Give your students a chance to write, read, speak, and listen during class. This being said, make sure the activities relate and run smoothly into each other. 7 Do a mental dry-run of your lesson before going to class. Visualize even the smallest steps of your procedure in order to locate possible problems or snags. For example, HOW will you hand out papers or HOW will students get into teams. Maintenance: Establish a point system both on an individual student basis as well as with the entire class. (See Appendix A for examples.) Give positive, substantial feedback to your students, both in and out of the classroom. Have concrete teacher directives. For example, set a verbal or visual cue when you want students to be quiet. Some possibilities when students get too noisy: count aloud to three with hand raised place finger on lips with hand in the air clap loudly and rhythmically stand in a stern silence until the class or student is quiet write a countdown on the board where getting to ten means staying after class create a noise meter where an arrow can be moved to a yellow or red zone Have concrete student directives. How can students alert the teacher that s/he is speaking too quickly or that they do not understand directions? Some examples: o students jiggle their pencils to notify the teacher that s/he is speaking too quickly o students give a thumbs up/down/sideways to indicate whether or not they understand o students raise hands for questions or clarifications Plan downtime activities. Prepare an activity in case the lesson ends early. Give students something to do while they wait for their turn during a game. Be flexible. If a procedure doesnt work, change it. Adapt your lesson to your students mood and interests. Change an activity or lesson halfway through the class if necessary. Withitness AKA having eyes in the back of your head. Be aware of students actions, moods, and circumstances. Move around the classroom. Use physical proximity and contact to keep students attentive. Keep them on their toes and stay on your toes. Punishments: Tips: Establish punishments before you are confronted with a problem and make sure that students know the pre-determined consequences of their actions. Make certain that the student knows why s/he is being punished. Heart to heart, eye to eye discussion. Criticize the deed and not the doer. For example, what you did was bad, you are not bad. Maintain students pride and dont embarrass them in public or in private. Allow for students to redeem themselves. For example, if a student must be separated for talking, allow her/him to resume her/his seat after appropriate behavior has been demonstrated. Be fair and aware. Realize that there are exceptions and extenuating circumstances. Did your students just finish a really difficult math test? Did they just receive schedules for their upcoming class trip? Was there an accident or an incident over the weekend? Give your kids a voice. Allow them to explain or justify their actions. Give them say in their punishment when possible.

0 1 2 3 4 5


Make sure the punishment fits the crime. For example, confiscating a cell phone, staying in at break for being late.

Examples: Note: None of the suggestions below are more or less correct than others, and no ETA has any authority to realistically advocate any one plan over another for all situations. Discipline depends on your situation, and you. Decide what your goals and limits are. Chances are they will differ slightly from ETA to ETA - and without a doubt, they will differ from your Korean co-teachers. Keep this in mind. HOWEVER, we encourage you never to act out of anger; it is ugly to watch Korean teachers do it as often as they do. Take it home and mellow out, call your co-ETAs and vent. All justice, swift and harsh though it may sometimes need to be, should be executed fairly and impartially if possible. When disciplining your students, remember that you want your students to feel comfortable speaking up in class and challenging their common conceptions of what it means to be a member of a classroom environment. They are less apt to do this if they don't respect you. This absolutely does not mean you should refrain from disciplining them, but just that you should be fair and consistent in your establishment and enforcement of classroom rules. When at times it may be necessary to call on a coteacher for help, it is best if you discipline your own students. Passing the buck can lead to more disrespect and can often mean that the student will be more harshly punished than you intended. Non-Verbal Discipline Methods: Proximity. Walk near or stop next to the offending student. The teacher's glare. This can range from a pointed eyebrow lift to a laser beam of evil. Waiting. Simply stop teaching and wait until the class falls silent. Sound of any sort: clapping, pounding on the podium, stomping, a coach's whistle. Pointing. Simply point your finger at the students who is/are talking and usually their neighbors will try and shh them. A gentle touch. Walk over to the student and put your hand on their shoulder or give them a light tap to let them know theyve been spotted. For other homework or distractions, simply take them or motion for students to put them away. Remove them and return after class, after a few days or a week. (*Note: this may cause a bit of protest and pleading from the offending student so be careful when you choose to take something away). Verbal Discipline Methods: Commands in English or Korean (e.g. "ya!" = hey!; "hajijma!" = stop!/don't!). You may want to speak to your students more formally since that sometimes coaxes them into cooperating with you. Count backwards from 10 to 1 to signal the end of an activity or that the class has gotten too noisy. This gives students enough time to wrap things up and settle down again.. Give the class an "I'm disappointed in you" speech (leave them a chance to redeem themselves the following week). For stopping un-sanctioned work: stop class and announce in a loud, clear voice, "clear your desks, please."


Implement some sort of reward system in your class (i.e. if you earn 10 stars you can play a game). You may also want to use the three strikes and your out method where you verbally warn the student the first time, write his/her name down the second time, and the third time send the student out or have them see you after class. Learn names. With so many students and so few class times, it will be really difficult to learn all your students names. However, if you notice that there is one or two students in each class that are causing trouble, be sure to learn their names so that you can easily call on them. This is a very quick and effective way to quiet the class. It will not only startled the students, but give you a few points for your Korean! Physical Discipline Methods Actual hitting is discouraged for a number of obvious reasons. First of all, we are supposed to be sharing American-style teaching with our kids. Secondly, the Korean education system is, in theory at least, cracking down on corporal punishment. And lastly, it's a bit of a copout - there are plenty of other options that can make a point without causing welts. Some of them are slightly physical. Keep in mind though that the best way is prevention and physical discipline should be only used as a last resortif that. Move students into different seats. Have students face the wall, in the hall or in the back or front of the classroom, etc. Have them put their arms up in the air until everyone is quiet. Have them run laps or duck walk (o-di guh-dum) Have them do push ups or jumping jacks (best if done outside). Other Methods: Kick students out of class. Make the student(s) write an apology letter to you or the class. Take the student(s) out after class for a chat in the hall or in your office, or the teachers lounge. Inform third parties (homeroom teachers, co-teacher, office). Walk out. This may have a devastating effect, especially on girls, so use sparingly and only as a last resort. Use the class "Captain." Have him/her yell at his class in Korean or talk to specific people about their bad behavior. For major offenders, line them up at the back of the classroom or wait for you in the hallway and lecture them. For example, "This class is just as important as your other classes. Do you miss math class? No. Korean? No. (*See Troubleshooting Section for more specific problems & solutions.) Rewards: Encourage the growth of intrinsic motivation. Develop and maintain students pride. Praise liberally and meaningfully. Make your praise substantial. For example, tell them WHY they did a good job. (e.g. your participation was good today, your pronunciation has improved, etc.) Smile, laugh, be friendly. Chat with students during break or lunchtime. Bonus points towards their official grade or within your own point system. Allow students to create their own reward. Let them choose to watch a movie or play a game. Let them choose the topic of their next lesson. Give your students power and choice but remember that you are the teacher and maintain control over the situation. For


example, it always just happened that my students earned enough class points for a chill-out-and-chat day or a movie directly before mid-terms. Hmmm Immediate, tangible reward. CANDY. Although ETAs have varying views on giving candy or other tangible rewards (stickers, stamps, certificate of achievement), most have found that the promise of a prize, however small, just about triples participation, involvement, and enthusiasm.

Common Classroom Frustrations 0 Co-teachers are generally non-existent after the first several weeks. 1 In America, the bell means class is starting. In Korea (depending on your school), the bell means run to your class as fast as possible and maybe youll beat the teacher there. 2 Most ETAs dont give grades. Therefore, while students may participate in your class, enforcing homework, etc., may be difficult because there are no consequences. 3 While some schools are changing, in most schools, there is no uniform ability level. Students are placed in their homeroom by putting the top 2-3 students and bottom 2-3 students in the same class and dispersing the rest semi-equally. In addition, students do not FAIL a grade they are simply passed along with low grades. 4 With the ever-changing Korean school schedule, holidays, etc., continuity of lesson is often hard to manage.

SELF-EVALUATION Any good teacher - any good anything, really - steps back and takes a critical look at his or herself every once in a while. The ETAs have developed some useful ways of doing this that might be helpful for you as well. Keep a Class Journal. Not only does this allow you to record immediate impressions that you might forget later, but also it helps keep straight which lessons you've taught to what classes - a very important factor when dealing with the crazy last minute changes of the Korean school schedule! A journal also over time helps you see response patterns in your classes, so after a couple of months you can walk into a class saying, for example, "OK, these are the accelerated students," and thus have some idea of what to expect from them. Also write in your journal any teaching technique which seems to strike home or work very well. That way you won't forget to try it again. Ask Yourself the following questions while you are developing your lesson, while teaching your lesson, and after your lesson has been taught. Would I, as a high school student learning a foreign language, find this lesson engaging? We were all in this position at one point in our lives; again, don't downplay the value of your own experiences.


Evaluate the percentages of reading/writing/speaking English in your lesson. Which of these three do you want to emphasize? Since it's English Conversation it's good to tip the balance in favor of speaking - duh. How much of the lesson was student directed (active learning)? How much of it was teacher directed (passive learning)? A balance between these two, with an emphasis on active learning, is probably the best way to go. Are/Were your communications clear? Simple? Illustrative? Easy to follow? This includes speaking, board writing, and handouts. Was the structure of your lesson loose (i.e. involving spontaneous creativity, not teacher directed) or tight (referring strictly to taught material, controlled timing, structured activities)? Loose lessons can be great fun but can present more discipline problems. Be aware and prepare yourself Was the timing and flow of your lesson smooth? (see "Timing and Flow') And finally, the most obvious questions: Did my lesson WORK? Did the students understand? Did they gain something from it?

Ask the Most Important People - Your Students! Write up an appropriate survey and have the kids fill it out. Ask them what they hated, what they liked, which lesson was their favorite, what they'd like to do next semester/year. If you have a co-teacher who has a talent for translation, bring him or her in and have the students express themselves through the co-teacher. This can take place at any time, but just before the winter vacation and at the end of the year seemed to be the most popular times. Option: have the students write a letter to you, anonymous or not. If you will not be teaching the students next semester, have them write letters to your incoming students. Remember not to take the words of your students too harshly. Their criticism may just be a function of their inability to express a concern tactfully. They have not learned the etiquette of our language nor how to convey kind, constructive criticism. Also, you may just be misreading their occasionally very poor handwriting. One ETA thought his student had written that he was very 'lewd" when actually it said he was quite "kind." Use Your Evaluation to Modify Future Lessons. Don't be afraid to do this right away. If you do some sort of evaluation in the middle of the semester, use the feedback to implement changes immediately. Do it the next day, even the next class!




0 Here is a list of books previous ETAs have found greatly helpful in their lesson planning. As you can see, Oxford and Cambridge U. Presses have quality stuff, so look carefully at their offerings if you're wandering around a bookstore sometime. Cultural Awareness by Barry Tormalin and Susan Stempleski. Oxford University Press, 1993. Drama Techniques in Language Learning by Alan Maley and Alan Duff. Cambridge University Press, 1982. Jazz Chants by Pamela Graham. Oxford University Press, 1986. Music and Song by Tim Murphy. Oxford University Press, 1992. Conversation. (same series) New Interchange: English for International Communication by Jack C. Richards. Cambridge University Press, 1997. Side by Side, Prentice Hall Regents. Impact. Lingual House. New American Streamline. Expressways. Prentice Hall Regents. Face to Face.

Bookstores in Seoul

Kyobo: Gwangwhamun subway stop on the purple # 5 line. Go to the exit marked with the blue and red Kyobo sign. There is a huge entrance above ground. It is under the big brown building with copper windows. It is an underground bookstore and the English section is on the wall opposite the main entrance. It is somewhat akin to the Borders or Barnes and Noble of Korea. Unfortunately, the prices reflect the high quality of the book store. Youngpung: Jongak on line #1 (red) stop. If you turn off Jong-ro (the main street outside the yogwan) and at the pagoda/gate next to the alleyway with all the night clubs, this bookstore is on the opposite side of the street, one block off of Sejong-ro. It is also underground. English +: On your way from the yogwan to Kyobo (ie, go out onto Jong-ro from the yogwan and take an immediate left). The English bookstore is on the same side of the street as the yogwan. If you walk towards the Kyobo corner, you will pass it. It is on ground level and it is full of teaching materials. Kim & Johnson: Kangnam stop on the green line (#2). Go to the exit with the New York bakery. Go about 200 feet beyond the bakery. Turn right on the street with the agricultural bank. Its on your right. If you pass the LG 25 (Family Mart?) convenience store, you have gone too far. Its in a four or five storied white building on your right. The sign is small and yellow. It is on the 5th floor. It has nothing but


English teaching materials (including stickers, posters, texts, resources, guides, etc), but it is slightly more expensive than the bigger bookstores. Abbys Book Nook: This is not a bookstore where you will find teaching materials. It is in Itaewon. If you go down the main street in Itaewon (In the opposite direction of the US Army base) and follow the signs up the hill for the Mosque, you are heading in the right direction. You should pass the mosque on your left and Abbys book nook is about a half a block down on the right side. Abby is the 2 or 3 year old daughter of the owner. The bookstore is full of used books and the owner really knows a lot about books. He will often buy your books or let you trade as well. WEBSITES
GENERAL TEACHING (An American Teaching English in South Korea) teaching information) (lessons, printables, tips, general information) (lessons) ESL LESSONS AND RESOURCES (links to LOTS of ESL resources) (Daves ESL Caf: games, lesson plans, grammar practice, etc.) (ESL lesson plans and worksheets) (ESL Lessons Online) (ESL Lounge: place to get ESL materials) for ESL teaching)'s English Forum: resources for ESL teachers and students) (TESL monthly web journal: Articles, Research Papers, Lessons Plans, Classroom Handouts, Teaching Ideas & Links) World One People: ESL lessons and discussions on culture) Korea ESL) level/basics site) To Go: will send you a free lesson plan into your e-mail inbox weekly) (Karin's ESL Party Land) WORKSHEETS AND PRINTABLES and printables) (worksheets) worksheets and digital books that you can use in your classes) worksheets) (worksheets and lessons) (lessons, printables, tips, general information) GAMES & PUZZLES (excellent site for Jeopardy template), puzzles, etc.) games) search)

38 (Three Wise Monkeys: collection of games activities and teaching ideas by language teachers in Japan) (poems, rhymes, jokes, crafts, stories, animal facts, etc.) (jump rope chants) (download a free trial program for word searches, crossword puzzles, etc; create your own crossword puzzle) (20 questions game) (crossword puzzles) HOLIDAYS arts & crafts) carols) (more Christmas carols) (making snowflakes) (scary sounds for Halloween) (lots of links to different Easter cutouts, worksheets and other Easter stuff) (Thanksgiving pictures and lesson plans) pictures and lesson plans) (St. Patricks Day) (Halloween) (Halloween) (Halloween sun catchers, mazes, activities) MUSIC (free, fast music downloads; site in Korean) (American pop songs translated into Korean) carols) (free music for kids) (scary sounds for Halloween) POETRY (kids poetry) (simple poetry for kids) (rhyme creator) poetry) STORIES, BOOKS, AUTHORS (create your own story) literature)'s fables) PRONUNCIATION, INTONATION, GRAMMAR pairs) (speech rhythm and intonation in English) (talks about "thought groups" (i.e., syntactic constituents) and how intonation often follows these boundaries) (Grammar) PENPALS

39 DISSCUSSION TOPICS (click on "Lesson ideas" and scroll down to "Prepare for discussion" and then to "Discussion questions.") HISTORY history) history) INTERNET PULIC LIBRARY

SAMPLE POINT SYSTEMS *Point systems are an invaluable part of successful classroom management. They will simultaneously help to encourage participation while keeping students focused, on task, and quiet. These are some suggestions but ultimately it is up to you to create a system that fits your students and your teaching style. INDIVIDUAL POINT SYSTEMS: General: + (PLUS) marks Students received + marks for: Speaking English in class Staying on task Bringing English notebooks and a pen or pencil Correct answers to English questions, etc. - (MINUS) marks Students received - marks for: Refusing to speak English in class, being noisy and speaking Korean Bad behavior Forgetting their notebook and/or pen Coming late to class, etc. After receiving 5 + marks, students would receive a reward of some type (candy, postcards, stickers). On the other hand, after 5 - marks, their would be a punishment of some kind (cleaning the classroom, extra assignment, etc.). This system only works if youre really consistent with it. Keep track of the students + and - marks on an extra copy of the attendance list. *Keeping track of points: -Notecards can help keep track of points during class. This is especially helpful for schools that dont require students to wear nametags.


-Place personalized notecards on the edge of students desk and mark points on the card as they earn them. Correspondingly, mark minus points on the card. -Collect cards at the end of class and record the points on a class roster. Raffle: -Student receive raffle tickets for participation, good behavior, completed work, etc. The raffle ticket is a small piece of paper with a graphic on it. Students are to write their name and student number on the back of their tickets and at the end of class, deposit tickets into a designated raffle bag (any kind of drawstring bag or jar with a top). With three minutes or so of class remaining, have the raffle drawing. Depending on how well behaved the class was during the lesson, pull more or less names out of the bag. The student whose name is chosen gets to come to the front and take a prize (candy, sticker, pencil, etc.) from the prize bag. A variation is to allow students to come up front and choose a name from the bag. However, be careful that the student does not feel around the bag for his/her ticket, which has been strategically folded or taped. Your students discover brilliant strategies for finding their own tickets in a bag full of small, square papers. -These raffle tickets can also be used to keep track of points for the semester. If you are in the rare position of influencing students grades, you can use the raffle tickets to determine the class participation component of their score/grade. (The other component of the grade is usually their speaking test score.) Keep all the raffle tickets and after class, record the number of tickets for each student on a class roster.

CLASS POINT SYSTEMS: Start each class with five (ten, seventeen, whatever) points. Make large tally marks on the board at the beginning of each class. If the class is too noisy or disruptive, erase a point. If the class is extra attentive and works hard, add a point. When the class earns a designated number of points, they get a prize or movie. Have a contest between classes. As individual classes earn points, record them on a large chart outside the teachers room or near the lunchroom. The class with the most points at the end of the semester gets a reward, pizza party, movie, etc.

Some Suggestions For Rewards and Prizes: If you choose to use tangible rewards, don't just use them. Flaunt your prizes; tantalize your students with the prospect of material gain. Prizes don't have to be major investments.. Some examples: stamps cut off from your letters (students often collect these) certificates made on your school computer, reading to the effect of "Congratulations on being the #1 participant! Presented to _____ by _____on the date of_____! Sign it!


bookmarks with English quotations, bits of dried natural stuff (flowers, leaves), drawings, or magazine clippings (you can get laminate coating, "ko-ting," at some stationary stores. stickers, with or without English written on them some item relevant to the lesson; for example, in the money lesson you can collage a Xerox dollar bill with your face in the place of Washington's. take their picture.

SAMPLE ACTIVITIES /TOPICS 1. sequencing (a story, a sentence) 2. draw or illustrate 3. songs 4. quiz games (like Jeopardy) 5. brain storming vocabulary 6. listening tests, exercises 7. write and share 8. perform a dialogue 9. memorize a dialogue 10. write a dialogue 11. create a dialogue in comic strip form (fill in the voice bubbles for the characters) 12. write new captions to comics (Farside comics work well) 13. perform a role play 14. word puzzles (word searches, cross word puzzles) 15. card games (old Maid, Go Fish) 16. dice game 17. 20 questions or M.A.S.H 18. create materials (make newspapers, menus, advertisements, commercials) 19. movie 20. watch and then perform a dialogue from a movie 21. make/read/find information from charts or diagrams 22. board game (make your own, Monopoly) 23. listening game (bingo, Simon Says) 24. spelling game (hang man, Wheel of Fortune) 25. arts and crafts 26. internet or website scavenger hunt 27. information gap (one student has information that the other student needs, the student cannot show the information but must describe it verbally) 28. write a word for each letter of the alphabet on a given topic (e.g. food: apple, banana, cake, donut,...)

SAMPLE LESSON TOPICS Sports Hobbies Clothes weather seasons numbers/how many


nature food/drink animals jobs shapes school subjects

countries/cities/st ates geographical features feelings health/sickness Descriptions Adjectives Personality Appearance At school Toys/games Transportation Music 0 Opinions 1 Advice 2 Writing letters 3 Onomatopoeias 4 Slang / Idioms 5 Subject-based lessons (Civil Rights Movement, Environmentalism, Politics, History) 6 American culture 7 What would you do? 8 Sign Language 9 Cursive 10 Skits / Drama 11 Jokes

prepositions shopping Konglish Famous people Colors Movies/songs/ TV shows Commercials Rhymes Poetry Opposites Gestures Holidays

Months Time Money Telephone calls Social problems Space Stories Travel Directions Restaurant Body parts Comparatives/ superlatives


Choosing Participants: *Tips for moments when there are too many volunteers and those when there are none. Everyone stand up" 0 For a game in which you want all your students to answer, have the whole class stand up and explain that only those who volunteer can sit down. The ball 1 A small rubber ball, tennis ball, beach ball, or Koosh ball is an exciting prop to bring to the classroom. The students toss it around and whoever catches it must answer your question. Or if this gets out of hand, toss the ball to a particular student. Their eagerness to answer explodes with this technique. Beware of the ball that lands in the aisle: it may require some intervention on your part. And beware of the student who will inevitably chuck the round object directly at you. Call him "tough guy. The kids will love it. Randomization 2 Roll a pair of dice. Pick a random desk and count off the number on the dice through the seats until you find your victim. The students can't see the dice, don't know if you're lying, and don't even seem to mind that the desk from which you start counting is picked arbitrarily. Nonetheless, the randomization seems more fair than pointing. Student numbers 0 Each student is assigned a number in the classroom, so you can also choose the student numbers at random (using dice or slips of paper or just your brain). OR: ask students simple questions with numerical answers such as What time is it? How old are you? How old is your mother? What's the date? How tall are you? What is your phone number?" and use the numbers you they give you to call on a student: "It's 11:33, so who is student #33?" You can truncate the number or add the digits together if the number exceeds the range of numbers in your class. You can also use the role book for this method. 1 Write students numbers on popsicle sticks or notecards. Have a student pull a card or stick randomly out of a bag. The number on the stick is the student who is the next participant. 0 Visuals and Materials:

Chalkboard Try to get into the habit of writing your name, date, and lesson theme in the corner of the board. If you have messy handwriting, start practicing now. Learn to write slowly. Never use cursive handwriting. Be consistent in the shapes of the letters you make. You could look at some students' notebooks to see which letter forms they use. Make your letters at least 1.5-2 inches tall and no more than about three inches tall, unless you are playing Hangman. Chalkboard space can be scarce. Your classrooms should have chalk aplenty. Use the colored chalk to separate different kinds of information and to add zest to your display. Think of how exciting class was for you when your teacher used colored chalk! Make drawings whenever you can, but dont spend time making them da Vincis. Even if you cannot draw, a sloppy stick figure will make the students very happy.


As you give directions, have them specified again either on a handout, a poster, or write the directions on the board. To denote something the students should write in their notebooks, you can draw a loopy line like a spiral vertically on the board. If you tape a poster or visual to the blackboard make sure to fold the end of the tape down so that it can be easily pulled off the board. Scotch tape often ruins blackboards.

Handouts 0 Use lots of illustrations, You can cut out pictures from magazines and newspapers or find a book of clip art. And, of course, you can draw. Your students will appreciate even stick figures. 1 You can make one set with enough copies for a class (with one sheet shared for every two or three students, usually about 25 copies suffice), or waste time and resources by making one for every student every week. If you want your students to keep an important chart or story, your school might have cheap (recycled?) newsprint copy paper. If you have a class set, make sure you write "Please Do Not Write On This!" although the students will probably color the illustrations anyway. If you make fewer copies than there are students, it is less likely that they will write on the sheet. If you want to use all caps in the writing of the text on a handout, make sure you put a little space between the letters, as all caps are difficult to read sometimes. Scrap Paper If you don't want students to write on your handouts, or if you have a lesson requiring the shuffling of responses, you can bring slips of paper torn into smaller sizes from the one-sided copies in the recycling bin. There may be a box next to the copy machine, and as long as you don't pilfer around exam time, it should not be a problem. Look for single-sided copies, but beware the ones with looser tone (copy ink). You can tear them into sizes appropriate to the activity. This saves delay time on the "get out your notebooks, find a blank page" bit. When monitoring the classroom, you know what you are looking for. If you see the scrap of paper blank, then you know the student needs to be prodded. By choosing the size of the scrap paper, you imply the amount of effort the kids should put into it. Large sheets of blank paper can be so daunting. If it's an activity requiring several slips of paper and sorting, you can rip them into different sizes (using ruler as straightedge) or use different colors/types of paper (for the Advice lesson, for example, you can use newsprint and standard white.) A different alternative is to have the students maintain a journal or section of notebook just for your class. Scrambled Slips of Paper If you have an activity that requires the scrambling slips of paper (such as scrambled pop song lyrics or a mixed-up story) think ahead about your slips of paper. The more awkward the sheets of paper the easier they will be to lose. Have the shape of the slip of paper tend towards the proportions of an index card. If you cut up your lyrics into long, skeeeeeny rectangles, these may slip between desks more easily and be lost forever. This leaves the groups that get that set of scrambled slips in your subsequent classes at a disadvantage. When you print out the lyrics, double- or triple-space them to make it easier for you to cut the slips apart. Rearrange the lyrics before photocopying; some students may spend their time trying to match up the curves created by your scissors (that is, cheat). Make sure you have a reasonable number of slips. Too many slips may discourage your students from trying. Cut the original text into larger rather than smaller pieces originally; while you can always make something smaller by cutting it in half, it is a pain to paste smaller pieces back together again. The students will probably lay out all the slips on the desk - the total area the slips cover should not exceed that of a desk or two. Use envelopes from old mail to store the slips rather than paper clips.


Posters 0 You can use posters instead of making a class set of handouts. Posters can play a key part of suspense in your lesson flow, or surprise.... Again, words on these should be 1-1/2 to 3 inches high, maybe as small as 1" if it is all caps. 1 Decorate posters with clippings from magazines or your own drawings. Use color. 2 If you will be using these posters repeatedly, it may be a good idea to laminate them (Koting, available at some stationery stores). Materials to Pass Around If you are passing something around the class, it is a good idea to get it coated or it will be in shreds after passing through two hundred pairs of hands. You can use plastic bags, a reusable plastic , or plastic wrap and tape the sides. It is possible that your school will reimburse you for coating. Magazine Clippings If you clip pictures from magazines, it may be best to mount them to another piece of paper, or else the students will use the other side, either paraphrasing/copying the English, or translating it all even if it is unrelated to the assignment. If there is a different picture on the back they may use it instead of the one you intended. Coating may also be an option for these visuals. If you need some good colorful magazines, sometimes you can pick up some free copies of "Asiana" or "Morning Calm" at ANA and KAL offices. These are especially good for travel photos, of course. Activities:

Pop Song Variations 1. Fill-in-the-blank: Give students the lyrics sheet with blanks, have them write the missing words. 2. Sequencing: Put 2 to 4 lines on a strip of paper. Have students put the strips in order. 3. Correct mistakes: Give students a lyrics sheet with incorrect lyrics, have them find the mistakes and fix them. 4. Rhyming: Give students the lyric sheet, but only give them one of the words of each rhyming pair. Before listening to the songs, students must try to fill in the blanks based on the rhyme and the context. 5. Write as many words as you can. 6. Sing the song, or just the chorus. Jeopardy Variations 1. Use it as a review--The categories cover information that you've previously taught. 2. Use it as a trivia game. 3. When one category is used up, replace it with a new one, but double the values. 4. Make up questions as you go, students can request categories and difficulty level. 5. Students write the questions and the answers. Filler Activities 1. Blackboard bingo--Brainstorm a bunch of words, maybe 20 to 30. Students choose 5 to write in their notebooks. You call out words, when all fice have been called, they say "bingo". 2. Which word doesn't belong? 3. Hangman 4. Boggle-- Make a grid of 16 or 9 letters, and they use it to make as many words as possible. 5. Tongue twisters


6. Correcting mistakes--Write an incorrect sentence on the board and have the students correct it. 7. Jumbled sentences or stories --Either jumble the words of sentences or the sentences of a story and have the students arrange them in the correct order. 8. True/False --Write three or four sentences about yourself (or something else), one is false. Read the sentences, and explain them. Have students guess which one is false. 9. Pass around a question--Write a question on the board, ask a student, who answers, and then asks the same question to the next student of their choosing. 10. Telephone--Write the sentences on cards. Give the last person in each row the card. The student whispers that message to the student in front of him or her. Then first row to successfully pass the sentence to the front wins. 11. MASH--Remember the fortune telling game? The students list four boys, four cars, four jobs, whatever you want. 12. Sign language--alphabet, "What is your name?", other basic phrases. This is also a great intro to class--it makes everyone quiet (they must concentrate), so their "hands" are doing the talking--definitely great for rowdy classes! 13. American culture--teach anything from baby/bridal showers (they don't have these) to holidays. It's helpful to have someone from home video tape cultural events--from "trick-or-treaters" to Christmas lights to American high school/middle schools or classrooms, to commercials. 14. World culture--have you studied abroad? Tell them about the countries you've visited, explain different cultures that you've experienced, and illustrate this with pictures. Also, you can have friends who are living/travelling abroad send you postcards. 15. Have students explain Korean culture/holidays/customs to you. Example, "We don't celebrate Chusok in the United States. What do you do on that day? Study?!?:)" 16. In general, asking them questions is great! Example, "Can you explain what your "Emoticons" mean--for instance, what is "^^;", or "@_@"? "What do you do during your school festival?" The more clueless you are, the harder they'll try to explain it to you. 17. Teach them how to write in "cursive". Now, students are usually only taught how to print. The length of this filler can easily extend into a whole lesson--write all the letters on the board, both upper and lower case, and then have them practice writing (in their notebooks) their Korean names, English nicknames, "South Korea", their city--you name it! Show them letters written in cursive so they understand that it is used. 18. As an addendum to a physical descriptions lesson, if you have girl students, pick 'victims' and show them how to do a French twist, braid, bun, etc. They remember the vocabulary much easier after they see how it is done! 19. Think of creative things you did for fun growing up--teach them how to make their own snowflakes out of paper, valentine's day boxes, games like M.A.S.H., etc. 20. Take them outside! Bored of the classroom routine? Students (even at an all-girls school) love to play dodgeball and kickball.
Situation Skits

Activity 1: Good Reaction, Bad Reaction 1. Two students will be shown a card describing a situation. 2. They will flip a coin. The student who wins the coin toss gets good; the other gets bad. 3. The student who gets good must act out a good reaction to the situation; the student who gets bad must act out a bad reaction. Activity 2: What would you do? 1. You will hear a description of a situation. 2. You will have a minute to think about what you would do. 3. You will have 30-45 seconds to pretend that you are really in that situation.


Activity 3: What is it? 1. One student plays a pet or object; another plays the pet or object owner; another plays a friend. 2. The friend must guess what kind of animal the pet is by asking questions and watching the pet and pet owner. 3. The pet cannot make any noise! Activity 4: Grab bag 1. The class will be divided into groups. 2. Each group can pull 2-3 items from the grab bag. 3. Each group has 10 minutes to think of a creative story using the objects they have pulled. 4. Groups must perform their story for 1-2 minutes. 5. Lightning round: Students have 15 seconds to make up something using the objects in the bag. Games 1. Clue 2. Boggle 3. Charades 4. Pictionary 5. Jeopardy 6.$25,000 Pyramid (describe a word without saying the word) 7. Battleship (the battle ships can be words, to sink it you must spell in correctly) 8. Hangman 9. Bingo 10. Wheel of Fortune 11. The Price is Right 12. 20 questions 13. Memory 14. Scattergories 15. Mad Libs 16. Simon Says 17. G-H-O-S-T (remember that card game in which you finish a word, you get a letter)

TROUBLESHOOTING 0 Troubleshooting for problems with students or classes:

Trouble: Rowdiness / Too much talking in class

0 Make eye contact with individual students, physical proximity 1 Move seats 2 Put them in the front of class or remove them from the classroom 3 Keep students after class for a talk 4 Establish a point system (see point systems) 5 Apology letter, minus points, exclusion from class activity 6 Have entire class sit silent with eyes closed to calm things down and refocus their attention 7 Inform homeroom teacher of the problem (a last resort)
Trouble: Lack of participation

This is a common problem for several reasons: *First of all, many students are intimidated to speak English with a native speaker. They would rather keep quiet than make mistakes. So, make your students comfortable in class: Make mistakes as a teacher! Have your students teach you some Korean words and butcher the pronunciation or spelling.


Teach lessons that are silly and that deemphasize mistakes. Games are always good as they often tap the competitive nature of your class and make them forget that they are speaking English. Dont put kids on the spot. Nervousness always twists tongues and shuts off brains. So, give them fair warning that you will be asking them a question or requiring them to speak. When asking for students to speak individually, walk around the room and allow them to speak quietly while the rest of the class chatters. Often students will speak if they dont have the attention of the entire class. Establish a participation point system (see point systems) Connect with your students outside of class so that they can relate to you and feel comfortable talking with you in class (see your students)

*Secondly, dont expect your students to jump at the chance to answer a question that doesnt have a stipulated answer. If you ask your class, how are you today, they will most likely respond collectively with, fine, thank you and you? It will take some time for students to answer questions creatively and without a textbook response, literally. However, it is important to challenge students to use what they know to respond to a situation that doesnt appear in their books. So, give students a chance to practice production before you put them on the spot to talk. Try these activities before trying a free-talk activity: 0 Group recitation: the whole class repeats what you say 1 Guided writing: giving students a limited fill-in-the-blank writing assignment to get them thinking 2 Controlled practice: any activity in which you give students a specific question to answer based on examples and models that you have already done
Trouble: Doing other work in class

0 1

Take away books or other work If it is a persistent problem, alert the teacher of the class in question Confiscate for pre-determined amount of time Require an apology letter (in English) Students stay after class for a specific amount of time Students sacrifice a break or lunch to come to kyomoshil or classroom to sit quietly/speak English/do a chore. Apology letter to teacher or entire class Exclusion from class activity or game Minus points

Trouble: Cell Phones

Trouble: Tardiness

Trouble: All they want to do is play

0 Make a game out of the topic you want to teach. You can make a game out of just about any lesson. 1 If you cant make a game, just make it a competition. Even if it is just timing your students to see who finishes first or which team can answer the most questions. 2 Spend the first half of the class on something non-game related with the promise that once you get through the serious stuff, a game will be played.
Trouble: They dont understand enough to get the game started

Give directions orally, visually, and by example


Take the time to create an example for your class Use the class captain or high-level English speaker and have her/him translate Ask your co-teacher to translate in class or write out directions in Korean

Troubleshooting for ETAs with their own classrooms:

Trouble: Tardy students

set a specific start time for your class (at the bell or a set number of minutes after the bell), and keep track in your roll book or through other means of late comers create a reward system by class based on punctuality lock your door at the start time; latecomers must wait outside for a predetermined amount of time have a pre-deterimined "punishment" for impunctuality; an apology letter, cleaning duty in your classroom, staying after class

Trouble: A really dirty classroom

0 ask your co-teacher to arrange for a daily cleaner 1 use cleaning your classroom during breaks or lunchtime as punishment for minor offenses (tardiness, disruptive behavior, coming to class unprepared, etc) 2 assign a rotation of one or two students to be in charge of leaving the classroom clean. Each class has a "chubon" each week, and you can add a cleanliness check to his or her duties.
Trouble: Being left with a dirty chalkboard

0 each class designates a "chubon" for each week whose job it is to clean the board at the end of each class. He or she should clean your chalkboard, too. Identify them at the start or end of class and remind them of their duty.
Trouble: Students coming to class unprepared (ie no notebook, no pen, etc)

1 give students a list of things they must bring to class each day, and check for them at the start of the hour 2 send unprepared students back for their supplies and count them as late 3 prepare a shelf or other space in the classroom where each class stores their notebooks and other supplies between classes 4 have a store of communal pens that students may borrow. Have students ask you for them specifically, or designate a student to distribute, collect, and count them at the end of class.
Trouble: Cell phone use in class

0 confiscate phone for a predetermined amount of time 1 have a shelf, box, or other space where students must deposit their cell phone at the beginning of class, and can retrieve it after
Trouble: students skipping class

take roll at the beginning of class and report the list of absentees back to your coteacher, the class's homeroom teacher, or compare your list with the official class rollbook ask the class captain to bring the official class roll-book to class every day

Troubleshooting for other ETA problems:

Trouble: Your students (and fellow teachers) havent noticed that youre not still last years ETA

*A common ETA problem early on is the inability of their school to distinguish between their new ETA and the one they sent off last year. This can be extremely frustrating, especially


when students call you by the wrong name or expect you to behave in a certain way. Whether or not you are living in the shadow of last years teacher, there are a few things you can do to establish yourself: Define yourself in a unique way. Show your strengths, and let your students get to know your interests and talents. Sure, last years ETA may have been athletic/ nearly fluent in Korean/ a good singer/ a clown in the classroom/ the worlds biggest sweetheart/ a tae kwon do blackbelt, but that doesnt mean you are. Let your school know what you are passionate about! find out if last years ETA had a daily class routine, and either consciously follow it or consciously change it. In either case, spend one of the first lessons explaining your daily routine to the students. Even if you choose to use the same rules as your predecessor, explain them again. Remind the students that they are your rules. Write your name on the board at the beginning of class and leave it there throughout the lesson. Have students use your name when they insa to you. For example, good morning Ms. Hughes.
Trouble: Umthe subjunctive?

*From our own language classes, most of us think of language learning and teaching as the study of grammar. But, current ESOL methodology and knowledge about language learning tell us that people acquire language and grammar by relating language with meaning. Think of how you remember anything, from your telephone number to an abstract concept. You remember it by relating it to what you already know, by expanding your already existing ideas, and you choose to remember it because it has meaning to you. Sheer memorization will only get you so far in remembering AND understanding any concept, and language learning is the same way. Language learning is the production of a new creative system, and new knowledge is acquired when you add new pieces to the already existing system. As a result, language teaching and especially English Conversation teaching is most effective when you activate students prior knowledge and provide them with a context with which they are familiar. 0 Walking into your class and introducing the past tense will do nothing for your students. They will stare at you more than they already do! But, walking in and asking them, What did you do last weekend? would give them something real to talk about while using the past tense. In this conversation about their weekend it would be completely appropriate to remind them of the irregular forms of the past tense, but focusing the entire lesson on a grammar drill is boring, and it is clear that it does not foster acquisition. 1 The best way to come up with these meaning/grammar relationships is to think of what is often referred to as language functions. These are the purposes and situations for which we use language, for example: making requests, apologizing, ordering food, making introductions, greetings, telling time, asking for prices and bargaining, and anything else you can think of. In this sense, you dont need to have an in-depth understanding of the subjunctive to be an ESOL teacher, you just need to think about your own language usage, identify the grammar associated with the function, and teach this to your students. If you need help, take a look at the series called New Interchange because it is based on this approach.
Trouble: Im not a real teacher. I dont give a grade.

*Most ETAs don't give grades or tests, and while this means extra vacation time, it also means a lack of accountability in your classes. 0 Create some sort of system of accountability in your classes. Some ETAs have used "participation cards" that they use to call on students and to record whether or not they participated. The students with a good participation record then receive a prize at the end of the semester. Others simply provide stickers or candy as a reward for doing the class work.


1 Make sure that your classes are relevant to the skills the students need to get into a Korean university. Take a look at the students' textbook and ask questions to keep yourself informed about what the students are doing in their regular classes. Building off of what they are already studying may make your class seem more meaningful and helpful to them, and it will also help to foster acquisition. 2 Remind your students that they are practicing for their English listening tests in your class. Most of the basic conversation topics are relevant to their course work because of the English listening tests that they must take. As a native speaker you have the perfect opportunity to help them to practice their listening skills. 3 Maintain clear classroom policies about behavior and participation. POP CULTURE *compiled Spring 2004 0 Beware. Your students will, without a doubt, ask you about your favorite music. Sure, you could be honest and tell them that you like Miles Davis or Jurassic 5 or The Indigo Girls, but such a response will most likely even further remove you from their world. If you feign your love of Westlife, Avril, or Boa, however, you will be met with cheers of delight. Connecting with your students on a pop culture level will often act as a catalyst for developing a comfortable relationship with your students. The following is a list of some most populars compiled from a boys high school, coed middle school, and several ETAs. Be advised, however, this list is by no means exhaustive or universal and will most likely change before you even get into the classroom. 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 Korean Music Favorites: Boa (female) Buzz (male band) Lee Su Yeong (female) Seong Shi Gyeong (male) Tei (male) Yun Do Heyon Band Band (male band) Dong Bang Shin Gee (male band) Foreign Music Favorites: Britney Spears Westlife Backstreet Boys Eminem Avril Lavigne Favorite Movies: o Taegeukgi o Silmido o The Lord of the Rings o Old Boy o Harry Potter o The Little Bride o Troy Popular Actors: Bae Yong Jun Jang Dong Gun

3 0 1


2 4

Won Bin Popular Actresses: o Jeon Ji Hyeon o Lee Me Yeon o Kim Tae Hee Favorite TV Shows: o Yasimmanman o Gag Concert o Happy Together o Brain Survivor Favorite Books: o Harry Potter o Gasigogi Favorite Sports: o SOCCER! o Basketball o Baseball Popular Soccer Players Beckham Zidane Hong Myung Bo Ahn Jung Hwan Computer/ Video Games: o Starcraft o Lineage o FIFA Korean Heroes: o King Sejong (invented the Korean Language) o Yi Soon Shin (Korean General who protected Korea from Japanese in the late 1500s) o (former president of Korea; won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work with North Korea)

8 0 1 2 3 9




DICTIONARY OF SCHOOL TERMS Kinds of Schools: Elementary School High School Grade/Year in School School Subjects: English Science Society P.E. Grammar: Sentence Noun Paragraph Korean Art Morals Home Economics Word Verb

Middle School University Class # Math Music History Class Period / Question Adjective

In the classroom: Glue Paper Desk Overhead OHP Student Dictionary Ruler

Paper Clips Rubber Band Correction Fluid (white) Envelope Chair Chalkboard Chalk Notebook Teacher Marker Pen Map Numbers Clock Teachers Office Main Office

Places in the School: Library Classroom Bathroom Gym Common Phrases Please sit down Please stand up Please be quiet Please write Take out your pencil Put away your pencil Open your book Close you book Please read Repeat the word


Hey! Stop it!/Dont! Please go out! Come here Hurry up/Quickly do it!

!! ya!! ! ! Really?/Truly? ENGLISH CLASS PHRASES

At the Beginning of Class 1. What is todays date? ? 2.How was your weekend? / ? / ? Did you have a good weekend? 3.Today we will / Today we are going to ~ . 4.How is the weather today? ? 5.Lets ~. Questions Your Teacher Might Ask You 6.Do you understand? / Got it? ? 7.Who does not understand? ? 8.Would you like me to repeat? / ? Repeat- / Do you want me to repeat? 9.Do you want me to speak more slowly? ? 10.How do you say in Korean/English?/ / ~ ? What is in Korean/English? 11.Do you remember ~ ? ~? (Remember-) 12.What did we do last time? ? 13.What is the answer? ? Answer- / 14.Who knows the answer? ? Common Phrases Your Teacher Might Use 15.Please say that again. . 16.One more time. 17.Good! / Very good! / Great job! / Great! . 18.Correct! / Wrong. . / . 19.You are close! . 20.Please sit down. 21.Please stand up. 22.Take out your ~ . 23.Quickly! / Hurry! / Hurry up! . 24.Raise your hand. . 25.Write in your notebook. . Students Phrases 26.Can you please repeat that? / Can you please say that one more time? 27.Please speak slowly. 28.What does mean? / 29.Is this correct? 30.How do you spell ~ ? . . ~ ? ~ ? ? ~ ?


31. Can you please explain that again? 32. I dont understand. 33. I understand a little.

. Explain- . .


SAMPLE CLASSROOM RULES I want to help you learn English. Please help me teach you. 1. Always try to speak English. Mistakes are okay. Learn from your mistakes. . . . 2. Show your teacher and fellow students respect. . 3. No talking while the teacher or another students is talking. . 4. No other reading during class. . 5. Be in your seat when the bell rings. . 6. No sleeping. . If you follow these rules, your English will improve : . If you violate these rules, you will get punishment that corresponds to that. . Its not that we make these regulations to punish you, but only to create a more effective learning atmosphere. . Note: These rules are only an example. Make sure your rules are appropriate for your teaching style, because you are the one that will have to enforce them. It is also very helpful to have the students keep a separate notebook only for your class. Generally, have few rules and make them easy to understand. Most importantly, stick to them and BE CONSISTENT.



TEACHER INTRODUCTION LESSON Objectives: In this lesson you attempt to introduce yourself as the one who will (1) make English fun, (2) have authority, (3) bring a slice of American pie to the students. You dont want to intimidate them by speaking too quickly and you dont want to be too lenient so that they start ditching your class later. Pace yourself and bring lots of visuals. Materials: Photos of your family, school, hometown, pets, map of your state of the United States, (printed or hand-drawn) with hometown indicated, sign with classroom rules, college cap or other fun paraphrenalia, 20 index cards with questions (see below). Procedure: Speak slowly. Enunciate clearly. Take lots of deep breaths to slow yourself down. Use simple vocabulary. Twenty Questions to ask your New Teacher: The tendency is to say too much about yourself, leaving little time for questions from the students. You could set yourself up right away as a live TV show-where the kids just absorb for your 50 minutes. To pace yourself and get them involved with the presentation, play Twenty Questions. The twist is that you prepare the questions for them and pass out 20 index cards randomly. A sample set of questions which guided one ETAs introduction: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is your name? Where did you come from? Which country? Which state? Where are your parents from? When did your parents go to the United States? Did you live in other states? Where did you go to college? What did you study in college? Do you have any sisters or brothers? Do you have any pets? What do you like to eat? Is it ok to do other work in this class? - NO!!! Explain rule #1. 10. Is it ok to hit each other during class? - NO!!! Explain rule #2. 11. Han-guk-mar hal-su issumnikka? (Can you speak Korean?) - NO!!! Only English is spoken in this class. 12. Is it ok to have a good time during your class? - YES!!!! Lets have fun together. Remember: A wrong answer is better than no answer. Try your best. You dont have to be correct, but you have to try. 13. Are there any more questions? Thats up to the students.


You may get questions on birthday, height, age, shoe size, favorite Korean 'talent, (movie or TV star), favorite Korean food, what you think of Korea .. Think of how you would approach the questions before you are faced with them. Some students may even ask about the LA riots, North Korea, American forces in Korea. First impressions are important: think ahead about how you will maintain a jolly atmosphere. Options: Warn your co-teachers not to tell the class your name, and then play Hangman with it. Write it in the corner of the blackboard every class thereafter, along with the date and the days theme, to set the scene. (Nonetheless, they may spell your name wrong as late as July). Your students are getting used to your voice. They may not understand you at all. Thats why you are trying to give them lots of visuals, and trying to make this fun. If you ask, Do you understand? and they say that they do, this does not therefore mean they really understand you.


Hyejung Kook (ETA 2001-2002) Level: High school boys After my self-introduction class, I did a combination introduction and greeting lesson; basic stuff, but they had fun and I know they learned it, because I hear Hello instead of in the halls. 1. Greeting and the date 2. Under the date, write 1. Introductions, have them repeat the word and ask if they know what it means. Choose a student at random, make him stand and demonstrate with student: Hello, Im Miss Kook. Pleased to meet you. with a handshake. Prompt a response (i.e. Pleased to meet you too. Im ). If they still dont understand, tell them its . 3. Choose another victim and introduce yourself. Then ask the students for what things you could say and write them on the board. (Im) Pleased to meet you. (Its) Nice to meet you. Glad to meet you. Happy to meet you. Its a pleasure (to meet you). ~The pleasure is mine. My name is ________. Im __________. Have them repeat several times, exaggerating intonation (better too much then none at all). 4. Now, this is time-consuming, especially when your class has 45 people, but I went ahead and introduced myself to each and every person in my class. That way, every student of yours will have spoken to you at least once and have had personal attention from you. 5. Most kids are so shy they wont look at you, cover their mouths as they speak, and barely touch your hand, so with the next student, explain the importance of a good handshake and eye contact, writing handshake and eye contact on the board. With the handshake, mention in America handshakes are one-handed, not two, and that it is used once, when people first meet, not each time you see each other. If a student doesnt speak loudly enough for everyone to hear, shakes hands improperly or refuses to look you in the eye, make them do it again. 6. Next, demonstrate performing introductions, and write phrases on the board: A. Let me introduce you to _________./Id like you to meet ___________. B. Pleased to meet you. C. Pleased to meet you, too. Im ________/My name is ________. 7. After demonstrating a couple times, make students introduce each other a few times. 8. Take questions if there are any. 9. Switch gears; now that youre all introduced, what do you say when you see each other? Write 2. Greetings and ask the meaning, demonstrate, and check the Korean: . 10. Write the various phrases used on the board, i.e.: A. Hello B. Im fine, thanks. And you? Hi. Im so-so. How about you? Good morningetc. Im greatetc. A. Hey, whats up? Wassup? Whats going on? B. Nothing much. OR Same old, same old. Nothing special. A. Im doing well, thank you. Im good Im feeling kinda tiredetc. B. Im going to _________ Last night I _________ I have a new________.

11. Have the class read part B while you read part A. Go through various combinations. Then switch.
12. Greet individual students.

13. At this point Ive usually run out of time, but time permitting, review goodbyes as well.


THE GREETING LESSON This is a highly interactive lesson, make sure you have the energy for it. Write Greetings on the board and explain it. Get kids to copy what you are going to write down on the board. Start on the left most board and work right. I) HELLOS To older people (put this in Korean cultural context) 1) How are you doing? a) [formal response] I am doing (fine, ok) (how about you/and you). -Stress that fine is very boring. -Should they always return the question? b) [informal response] (good, great, not so good) -Practice adjectives: tired, hungry, sleepy. -Not so good Then show them the Why not? -response. To the same age 2) Whats up, Whats the news, whats going on, is there anything new in your life? [responses] not much, nothing special, same old, same old. Answer what has changedI have a new I went to see a movie I am sick To younger (just kind of a joke) 3) Whats shakin bacon? (Explain the shakin and bacon rhyme) Nothing honey (nutin honey) Emphasize the change in pronunciation. 0 Howdy partner (pardner-emphasize the pronunciation change) Describe the slangpartnerExplain that this is a joke. II) 1) GOODBYES Goodbye [formal] Bye [informal] Emphasize the beauty queen wave. Discuss the difference between the wave and the bow. So long Usually when leaving on a trip, or for a while. (i.e. Titanic)

To older people


To the same age. 3) See you later, catch you later, later (shortened version)see you around 4) Take it easy (relax) take care (be careful)

To younger 5) See you later alligator (rhyming againthats why its a joke) In a while crocodile (For younger kids)alligatorcrocodile.


Comments: Drawing pictures and using a lot of body language helps. Have kids practice each section and then test them.


GET TO KNOW THE STUDENTS Fiona Duncanson (ETA 2000-2001) Level: All After deciding that it was ridiculous and poor to not know my students names I did this as my first lesson in march, but it could be done at the beginning of the year (Sept.) for best results. I explained to the students that I wanted to work on getting to know them and that I would need their help. Materials: index card for each student, rings to hold cards together, glue and an exacto knife Procedure: 1. Draw a big index card on the board. I required the students to put their student number, class number, name in Korean, name in English, nickname, birthday, and at least three interesting hobbies on the front. This means no "watching tv" but naming actors, genres, and shows. On the right side on the front I also required the students to glue a photo or sticker photo in which I could see their face clearly. If they didn't have a picture they had to draw one and bring a photo next week. 2. I drew the back of the card on the board. I wrote 3 questions about their English abilities and stressed that I wanted the answers in sentences. eg. Do you like English class? Why/why not? (at least 3 sentence and no crap "because it's fun," isn't good enough. Why do you want to learn English? Have you ever visited an English speaking country? 3. I passed out the cards and let them go to work. This did take all period as I was pretty picky about the sentences and made the students correct them if I found mistakes. 4. Your hw is then to study the pictures and the names and try to remember who likes BSB and who likes SES. This is a good lesson as the students appreciate any effort you make to identify them as individuals instead of as a group.


WHO IS IT? Aimee Betz (2003-2004 ETA) Middle School level (lower) 2 week lesson to be done at the beginning of the semester, possibly as your introduction lesson or the following week Objective: Allow the students to think about how they would communicate facts about themselves to others in English and be able to listen to the answers of someone else. The lesson is also designed to get them speaking at the beginning of the semester and to check their understanding or practice using different subject pronouns. The lesson also bonds students by discovering each others interests or tests how well they know each other (which they loved). The teacher is also able to show individual students that she cares to understand them. Materials: a 3X5 card for each student or a piece of paper, colored pencils for each group, Korean-English dictionaries Procedure: First week -Write 7 questions on the board in your preference order 1. What is your favorite food? 2. What are your hobbies? 3. What is your favorite subject? 4. Who is your favorite singer? 5. When is your birthday? 6. What is your favorite color? 7. What do you want to be when you grow up? - If it is your first lesson, have the students ask you these questions and take the time to act out what the question means so that when they have to do it themselves they understand. Answer each question and draw a quick sketch of your answer for the ones that it is done easily for and write the answers for the others like your birthday and dream. - If your last lesson was your introduction lesson then change the your to my and test how well they listened last week, drawing pictures for your answers. After they list your answers, change the my back to your and explain why you did that (because you are now asking them). - Explain to your students that you want to know more about them so you want them to answer these questions too. I have name cards for my students so that I can easily take attendence by the cards I have left on my desk after they arrive to class and pick them up. If you do not want to do namecards you can do paper. - Tell the students you want them to write their name on one side and answer the questions on the back. Make sure they understand that they are to draw pictures to answer when they can and that they dont have to write each question. This will save more time for the game. Show them an example you made and after the first class show them another students card. - Split the class into 5 or 6 groups before they start working so that only their group knows their answers. Give them the rest of the class period to figure out their answers while you walk around helping lower level students. Write the months in English on the board to save yourself from spelling them numerous times. Tell the class it is okay to use dictionaries. - Collect them at the end or you wont have them for the next week


Week Two - Pass out the cards and let them finish if they need to but put a strict time limit so that the slackers actually finish (tell them there is a game and youll see how amazingly fast they can think in English). Collect all the cards and put them in some sort of bag. - Change the 7 questions on the board to the appropriate subject pronoun; her (I have all girls, explain why), his or their. - Explain the game- The class is in teams and one person from team one comes to the front of the room, draws a card shielding both sides from her group and the class. The group gets to ask two of the seven questions and then must guess who is it? Before the first group starts, review the questions, saying them together as a class. Then show them how the person in the front must answer each question: Her favorite food is, She wants to be Look up the Korean word for guess because they will take forever to figure out who it is unless you explain its okay to guess. When the group asks the question make sure they do it in unison; be strict with this from the beginning or a trend will start with only one person in the group choosing and aksing the two questions. - If the group guesses correctly give them three points. If they are incorrect, give them one point explaining its for their English. - If the group guesses incorrectly, give the other teams an opportunity to steal. Explain at the beginning that the next team gets the opportunity and if they are wrong then it goes to the next team, otherwise you will have chaos and fighting over whos hands went up first. This gives the other groups a reason to listen to the group whos turn it is and trust me they really do! - When the student is finally identified, ask where she is (this is for the teacher to make individual connections and show how much you care about learning who your students are). Ask the student one of the remaining five questions and encourage her to answer in a complete sentence. You may get many of your lower level students this way, since most groups will send their best english speakers to the front. If you see a great deal of hesitation , subtly help them remember their answer. - Do as many rounds as you can (I was able to do 2 with 6 groups). If you have time left but not enough time to do another round amongst the groups, do a lightening round. Take the opportunity to teach them what the lightening round is. This involves you picking the cards and reading the answers to the entire class. Her favorite color is.etc. Dont slow your speech down as you normally would, they should be used to the questions by now. Read the answers until the first hand goes up, if that group is correct give them one point, subtract one point for incorrect answers to limit random guesses and numerous flying hands that you are unable to fairly choose from. Make sure you deomonstrate this with your explanation so the first group that it happens to isnt furious that they didnt understand the rule. They understood the risk of guessing and it made the game more enjoyable for all because they would get pumped when the team in the lead lost a point!


INTRODUCTIONS/GREETING Kevin Kim (ETA 2001-2002) Level: Daejeon Eoeun Middle School Materials: Tie, baseball cap Procedure: 1. Begin lesson by asking class How are you today? Ask the class several times, drawing out the monotony of their Im fine, thank you. And you? responses. Explain what a robot is and tell them they are all robots; for dramatic effect, imitate a robotic Korean student and then a sleepy one answering How are you today? in the above fashion (3 min). 2. Write Greetings at top of board and explain (2 min). 0 Say Korean greetings, e.g. and . Refer to practice of many Korean stores like Galleria that have many women giving insa to guests. 1 Ask for examples of English greetings. 3. Then write And Introductions next to Greetings and explain (5 min) 2 Introduce yourself to student victims: shake their hands, say My name is Mr. Kim. Whats your name? Wait for response, then say Nice to meet you. Have class repeat Nice to meet you. 3 Emphasize the American handshake versus the Korean bow. 4 Alternatively or even subsequently, draw a picture of a handsome boy or pretty girl and two friends on the board as stick figures. Using gestures and easy language, act out an introduction between one interested friend and the handsome boy or girl. 4. Student Introductions (15 min) 5 Explain they will work in pairs and introduce their neighbor. 6 Tell them to interview their neighbor for his/her name, hero (), and what he/she did during Chusok. 7 To explain hero, I referred to possible popular Korean heroes and some purely comedic answers like Kim Dae Jung, Jeollaman, myself, and so forth. 8 Give them five minutes to work on this. Meanwhile, write a model paragraph on the board with fill in the blanks. (Hello class. My friends name is ______. His/her hero/heroine is _______). Then write out all the greetings you will be teaching the class after the students are finished. 9 Have random student pairs come up and introduce their friend. (Use the student picture cards or pick student numbers according to the date of the lesson, e.g. Today is Oct. 25. Who is student 25?) Have class say Nice or Glad or Pleased to meet you after each introduction. 10 For added fun, have students who perform be able to pick the next student pair. 11 This is a great chance to get misbehaving students to participate in the classthrow in jokes, have fun with this part! Students gave lots of funny answers for their heroes especially. 5. Greetings Practice (15 min) 12 Go over the meanings and pronunciations of the greetings, goodbyes, and greeting answers on the board. Explain formal versus informal by laying out potential scenarios (e.g. Dont say Wassup! to the Principal or hell hit you or call you crazy!). 13 Formal Greetings: Hello, Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, How are you?, Goodbye, Good night


14 Informal Greetings: Whats up?, Hows it going?, Hey, Wassup (explain Wassup is slang pronunciation), Later, See you around, Catch you later, and Take it easy. 15 How are you? answers: Im doing well; Im tired/hungry/sick/bored; Im great!; Same old, same old. 16 Group Practice: Have the class ask you How are you? or Whats up? and answer each time differently. 17 Individual Practice: Call up individual students and give them the option of being your friend or an ahjushi. Ask class collectively whether formal or informal language is appropriate. Give the student the necktie or the cap and act out a brief street/office encounter using a greeting, How are you?-type questions and answers, and a goodbye. 6. Wrap up the class by asking So class is over, how do you all feel? and tease out Im great! as the answer. Say goodbye with newly learned words (1 min).


SELF-INTRODUCTION COLLAGES Megan Mockares Level: Girls High School (or club class) This lesson works best with a small class (less than 20) but could be adapted for larger classes by making it into a pair or group project. It takes a minimum of two class periods to complete, most likely 3 or 4. The best part of this lesson is that its 99% student centered. It requires a lot of supplies but its really up to you as to how much you are willing to supply and how much you want the students to provide on their own. Materials: Large poster-sized paper (1 sheet per student group), glue, tape, scissors, exact-o knife, markers, old magazines and newspapers, an example poster, a Korean-English dictionary. Procedure: The first one or two class periods are for preparation. The following periods are for individual or group presentations. Tell the students that they must make a poster about themselves. They can do anything they want to with their poster. The only requirement is that they will have to speak for 5 minutes about their poster in front of the class. Show them an example of a poster you have made about yourself then turn them loose upon the magazines and newspapers for the rest of the period. If possible, provide some Korean-English dictionaries so that they can also prepare for their oral presentations. On presentation day, have each student stand in front of the class and give their presentation. Be ready to jump in with questions to bolster any students who may be running out of things to say, 5 minutes can be a very long time. Encourage other students to ask questions as well. Comments: My students were very enthusiastic about making their posters. It was one of those rare moments when they were able to show off their individuality. I found that the poster making periods were great times to just sit and chat with my girls while they worked. I was a little worried about the presentations, because no matter how much I urged, they put little preparation into the oral portion of their presentation, making the poster was far more intriguing for them. However, on presentation day I was pleasantly surprised. They had little trouble with the 5 minutes and the other students listened attentively, helped each other with difficult phrasing or vocabulary and even asked questions occasionally.

Variation: For club class, another ETA used the following questions to help guide the students in making their posters: If I were a piece of fruit, I would be a(n) ___________, because ________________. If I were an animal, I would be a(n) _____________, because _________________. Students were very excited about drawing or making collages of the fruits/animals they would be, and this also allowed for more creativity.


Holly Fincher (2003-2004) **(Part I takes two days to complete)** PART I: Objective: To review six possible discussion questions most often approached in a first meeting in a Question and Response fasion. By compiling six areas of discussion, the students will be able to ask and answer basic questions covering a broad range of areas. Materials: Candy Procedure: 1. Greet the students 2. Explain that today you will be talking about meeting someone for the first time. 3. There are six things you might talk about when you meet someone for the first time: (write on the board) a. Greeting b. Age c. Grade d. Where are you from? e. Job f. Hobbies Greetings: (A) 1. Ask them for different ways to say hello and write them under column A Hello, Hey, and Hi are needed (but for fun add, Yo and Howdy and explain this is not to be used with adults = ) 2. Then under column B write in order: How are you? Hows it goin? Whats up? What are you up to? Explain: How are you and Hows it goin I = How are you doing? ( ?) Whats up and What are you up to = What are you doing? ( ?) 3. Under column C write the responses to the two questions: A B C Hello How are you? Fine. How are you? Hi Hows it goin? > (How are you doing?) Hey Whats up? Not much. What are you up to? What are you up to? > (What are you doing?) *Underline and explain that Fine and Not much can be replaced by more exciting phrases. (For B-F ask the student for the questions and answers before writing) Age: (B) Q: How old are you? A: I am ____ years old./ I am ____. Grade: (C) Q: What grade are you in? What year are you? A: I am in the __ grade at (enter school name) Q: Where are you from? (D) Where do you live? A: 0 Explain that where are you from is big = country/city 1 where do you live is smaller = city/street/apartment


Job: (E) Q: What do you do? A: I am a _______. (give examples) Hobbies: (F) Q: What do you like to do? A: I like to _______ What are your hobbies? A: My hobbies are _______(ing), etc. Other phrases: When you meet someone for the first time = Its nice to meet you (When you meet that person again = see) When you FORGET someones name ( ..) = (When you want them to REPEAT their name) Im sorry. What was your name again? When you want to know the SPELLING of someones name = How do you spell your name? 0 then write your name on the board and tell them your first and last name. Ask them how you spell your first name, then how you spell your last name.

4. JEOPARDY GAME: (Review) Two Questions: a. What do you say when you want to know.. = how do you ask ( ) b. What do you say when you are asked = how do you answer ( )

- Draw a jeopardy board, throw in points 10, 20, 30,.and some question marks for random points. 1 Divide class into two teams, give them team names, a team captain who selects the points from the board, flip a coin to see who goes first. -Example questions: What do you say when you want to know someones age? What do you say when you are asked where you live? *To keep the game competitive, I waited till there was one square left on the board and changed it to a special question mark worth 200points to win! I then ask the whole class a question from a previous lesson that they should remember or must find in their notes. The first team member to raise his hand and answer correctly gets the point for their team. The winners get candy!!!!! PART II: Objective: To review six possible discussion questions most often approached in a first meeting, this time using them to introduce someone else.

0 1 2 B-E

Have the student call out the six things(A-E). Write them on the board. Have the students give you the questions to each. Write on board. Then have the students change the YOUs and YOURs to HE/SHE and HER/HIS for


Ex: Where are YOU from? -> Where is HE/SHE from? What are YOUR hobbies? -> What are HER/HIS hobbies? (They catch on quickly to this.) 3 Then erase the original questions and draw arrows connecting new answers. Ex; She is from America <- Where is HE/SHE from? His hobbies are reading and biking <- What are HER/HIS hobbies? 4 0 1 2 Write the three introductions: This is my (title), (name). Let me introduce you to my (title), (name). Id like you to meet my (title), (name). Title = mom, sister, boss, teacher, friend. Names = teach MR. MRS. MS.

*Usually there is 15min. to spare for this lesson. A game to review would be good.


ADJECTIVES Amy Patuto (ETA 2000-2001) Level: 1st Year Middle School, 3 Part Lesson ADJECTIVES PART 1 Blindfold Descriptions March 2001 Objectives: 1) Students will be able to identify adjectives. 2) Students will be able to use adjectives to describe in conversations and writing. 3) Students will use adjectives to describe an object. Procedures: 1) Write the word adjective on the board. 2) Ask who knows what this word means. 3) Write answers on the board. Adjectives describe people, places, and things. 4) Ask for examples of adjectives and write them on the board. 5) Make five groups and ask groups to choose a leader. (too many groups make this lesson become boring five worked the best for me) 6) Call the leader of one group up to the front of the room. 7) Tell him/her that he will be picking an object out of a bag and to use at least five adjectives to describe it. 8) Student will sit down and I will blindfold students. (laughter) 9) Student will describe the item and his/her group will write down all of his/her answers. 10) Student will take his/her object to his/her desk. 11) Repeat with all five groups. 12) They will then write sentences together in their groups using the five words given by their leader and three new words. 13) They will hand in their sentences when they are finished. 14) If you have time make it a race to finish the sentences. First group that finishes gets candy. Assessment: How quickly students think of adjectives and write their sentences. Assess how the sentences were written and the adjectives were used. ADJECTIVES PART 2 Travel Brochures March 2001 Objectives: 1) Students will take their new knowledge of adjectives and use them to describe their schools town in a travel brochure. 2) Students will review and apply city, town and neighborhood vocabulary Procedures: 1) Review Adjectives. Adjectives describe people places and things. Today we will describe places. 2) Ask What town is your school in? or What town is this? 3) Ask What is in this town? Students will then brainstorm a list of all the places in the town such as a museum, the baseball stadium, mountains or a park. If they need help draw mountains or something else in the town on the board and students will get the idea of what to say. 4) Ask for adjectives that describe some of these places. For example: The big baseball


stadium is fun and exciting. The tall mountains are beautiful. 5) Put students into groups of 4 or 5 students 6) Say today we will make a travel brochure of this town. 7) Explain a travel brochure using one you made about your own hometown in America. Pass around travel brochure of Wayne New Jersey. Make it colorful and write in BIG letters. I underlined all the adjectives I used. This was very helpful. I also made about 3 so more than one group could look at it at a time. 8) Discuss what you wrote in your own travel brochure. 9) Explain that they need 5 different places in Gwang-ju and 10 adjectives in the brochure. 10) Students will get a piece of construction paper and colored pencils or markers and each group will create their own travel brochure of the town. 11) Walk around to help each group. Assessment: Assess their progress by how well they answer each of the opening questions and how well they brainstorm. Examine how well they complete the task of writing 5 places and 10 adjectives in their brochures. ADJECTIVES PART 3: Appearance March 2001 Objectives: 1) Students will learn to use adjectives to describe people in pictures. 2) We will go over different types of beauty hoping to make them understand that differences in bodies and faces can be beautiful. Try to stop them from laughing at their peers and other people based on appearance. (What can I say I m optimistic and think that I can change the world and fight prejudice!) Procedures: 1) Go over Adjectives. Adjectives describe people, places and things. 2) Explain that we describe things and places over the last two weeks and this week we will describe people. 3) Give the students the handout on appearance vocabulary. 4) Practice saying the words. 5) Hold up pictures from magazines to show students what you mean. Sometimes ask them questions like What color is her hair? Is she short, tall or medium height? If possible use men and women of various races, shapes, and sizes. Oprah magazine has a variety of different people. 6) Play the game 5 adjectives. 7) Put students into groups of four. 8) Hold up a picture of a person. 9) The first group to write five adjectives gets a point. 10) The students with the most points win the game. Assessment: How well they play the game and how well they answer my questions throughout the lesson.


ADJECTIVES (Worksheet) Appearance Vocabulary People have different sizes like their height and weight. Here are some descriptions of height: Tall, short, and medium height Here are some descriptions of weight: Petite, big, skinny, thin, chubby, plump, muscular, athletic, and fat. In the west the word fat is an insult. Do not call people fat in western society. Eyes are very different. There are many eye colors, shape and sizes.. Some eye colors include brown, blue, green, hazel, and gray. Some shapes and sizes include almond shaped, round, big, small, and wide. There are many types of hair. Hair has many different colors, styles, and lengths. Here are some colors: brown or brunette, blond, redhead, and black. Here are some styles: Straight, curly, wavy, thin, and thick. Here are some different lengths: Long, short, shoulder length, buzz cut, and bald. You can describe women as pretty, beautiful, cute, plain, glamorous, and ugly. You can describe men as handsome, cute, good-looking, plain, and ugly. Ugly is not a nice word to use. In the west ugly is an insult. Do not use this word.


DICTIONARIES/ADJECTIVES Lisa Nance Level: Middle or High School Objectives: 1) Students will gain proficiency using Korean-English dictionaries . 2) Students will generate adjectives in English 3) Students will use selected adjectives to construct an Acrostic poem with their names Materials: Korean-English dictionaries Lesson Format: 1) Write the word adjective on the board and have the students give the vocabulary in Korean, then define in English
2) Generate two categories of adjectives on the board, good (positive connotations) and "bad" (negative connotations). Give the students a few examples of each. 3) In groups, the students will generate as many adjectives for both categories as they can, in the given time limit. Encourage the students to use dictionaries to increase their vocabulary.

4) Each group will report to the entire class the lists they have generated. Show the students an example of an acrostic poem with teacher's name. If desired, the teacher can complete his/her first name and have students complete teacher's last name. 5) Give students the remainder of class to complete an acrostic with his/her own name, using only positive adjectives to describe themselves. Comments: This can be extended to 2-day lesson. Provide students with some positive adjectives using o, since it is used often in their names. ** I used this with both middle and high school-boys, and surprisingly, they all liked it! Anyone loves thinking up nice things to say about him/herself! I also made this a "test grade", since my school forces me to give them tests. It's a great way for them to feel successful with English.


CONDITIONALS Level: High school Objectives: To practice the use of Ifcouldwould. Procedure: Part I: Review the can/could and will/would. Go around the room and engage them in short conversations that use these terms: -What can you do? (I can play the piano.) -If you COULDNT play the piano, what WOULD you do? (I would.) etc -Do you have a boyfriend? (No I dont) -If you had a boyfriend, where would you go on a date? (I would go to) Write on the board: If I had a free airplane ticket to anywhere in the world, I would go to...because. Ask the students to pick a country, and give a reason as to why they want to go there. Part II: SIMILIES 0 Use examples to illustrate how because it feels liketo make it more descriptive than because it is like Ex: I like rain because it IS like a shower. I like rain because it FEELS like a shower.

2) After sufficient practice with, I likebecause it feels/sounds/looks like ask the students to use their imagination and complete the following sentence. If I could smell the darkness I think it would smell like . 3) Ask them to write 5 sentences, one for each of the senses, stressing the use of their imaginations. Some of the creation I received: If I could smell anger, I think it would smell like red peppers. If I could hear a smile, I think it would sound like popcorn popping. If I could touch solitude, I think it would feel like a rainy day. If I could see time, I think it would look like a fast train. If I could hear the mountains, I think they would tell me history. Comments: With the younger students I only did, I like Spring because it is like They are both . and it worked really well. .


PREPOSITIONS: WHERE IS IT? Materials: Posters which demonstrate the 6 prepositions, a worksheet for each student, OHP of worksheet answers (optional). Procedure: 0 Greeting date. 1 If you have a desk in front of your classroom, shock your students by sitting on top of it, then ask, Where is the teacher? Wait for some mumbled answers then say together, The teacher is on the desk. Explain that today you are going to be practicing words such as, on, next to, etc 2 Go through your posters with the class asking appropriate Where questions to the class as a whole and later to individuals if you desire. Stress the six prepositions in your answers. Also ask some questions about objects in the room until the students feel comfortable using the prepositions. 3 Pass out the worksheets and have the students complete the front side. 4 Go over answers together and read the sentences aloud as a group. 5 Have students flip over their papers to the empty table. Explain that you are going to read some sentences about the table ad they have to draw in the objects that you are talking about in the proper locations. It may be helpful to list the objects ahead of time so that the students know what to listen for. Read the following sentences aloud, repeating twice: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) The hat is on the table. The beer is under the table. The ball is next to the beer. The apple is behind the hat. The chair is next to the table. The watch is in front of the ball. The pencil is on the chair. The pen is in the beer.

6 Draw a table on the board, pass out chalk and have the students draw in their answers. Then say one sentence together about each. Comments: I taught this to my first-year middle school girls. Its not the kind of lesson that kids are jumping out of their seats about, but the various activities hold their attention while teaching them some useful English. As for the posters, how you make them is entirely up to you. I cut pictures of famous or strange people out of magazines then put them in various locations on benches, in jail, under umbrellas, etc



1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

The cake is The milk is The dog is The spoon is The milk is The light is The table is The cake is The cake is The cat is

the table. the cake. the table. the cake. the table. the cake. the kitchen. the light. the milk. the table.

MAKE-A-SENTENCE AUCTION Ashley McCants (2002-2003 ETA) Level : Hanbada Middle School Co-ed Introduction: My students always speak in incomplete sentences. They leave out subjects and verbs all the time. I wanted them to practice constructing complete sentences with random words based on a few simple rules: Subject () + Verb () = Sentence () If a sentence is missing either a subject or a verb, then it is not a complete sentence. The subject and the verb have to agree. Procedure: I told the students we were going to have a make a sentence auction. Auction in Korean is . I have some fake American money, so I gave them envelopes with $300 dollars. I told them they would be buying words or phrases from me to make sentences. My kids sit in tables of 6, so I instructed one member of each group to be the bidder to keep the noise down. I had some sentences prepared before I started, but you have to have materials to write new words as you go and you also have to keep track of what words each team has. The bidding gets pretty rowdy, but the kids really get into it. They also get good practice counting. It is best to start bidding with the verbs. Possible Sentences: Shall/ we/ see/ a movie? He/ is/ good at/ playing soccer. I/ am/ always late/ for school. I/ never/ drink/ coffee/ at night. She/ needs/ something/ to eat. Comments: Besides practicing subject-verb agreement and constructing complete sentences, the kids also think about how words can function as both verbs and nouns how the function of a word can change based on the content of the sentence. This can get really rowdy, but they really enjoy the bidding and are excited when they secure the words to make a correct sentence.

CATEGORIES:SENTENCES Heather Glick (2003-2004 ETA) Level: Can be adjusted to any level, originally used with co-ed high school Objectives: To make students more comfortable with forming correct sentences in English in a fun way. To make students more used to adding the -s on the 3rd person singular verb. To inspire creativity in putting sentences together within a framework of rules. Procedure: Explain the rules of the game. I gave a handout (see below), but it could easily be explained without one. -Write Category Game on the board, and make sure the students understand category. -Divide the class into teams of 4 (or however you think works best). Explain that they will get points, but at the end, the points will be counted per group (not per student). -I used five categories: furniture, American states, animals, weather words, and something made from paper. -Rules: 1. Write as many words in each category as possible. For each word, the group gets one point. For example, if they write: cat, dog, bird, they get 3 points. 2. Use each category word from part 1 in a sentence. For each sentence, the students get 3 points. For example, I love dogs = 3 points. 3. If they use he/she/his/her/him/they/their/them, they get two extra points per pronoun, per sentence. For example, He hates cats = 5 points. Or, She feeds his lions = 7 points. -Go around and help students write correct sentences. Give them hints on how to get more points with the sentences they have already created. (He hates cats. => He hates his cats.) -Stop at least 10 minutes before the end of class to have the students add up their group points (my students were slow at this, but they enjoyed it anyway). -You can also make the students write the sentences on the board, or else read them in front of the class. -Reward the students with candy or whatever else. Comments: My students were of a low- to middle-level, so they really had to think about how to make correct sentences. Starting with categories helped them a lot, because they knew a lot of individual word vocabulary (especially animal names). This activity has a ton of room for flexibility, both on the part of the teacher as well as the students. Just use it however you think it would work best. The most beneficial part of this activity turned out to be the fact that later, when I checked the notebooks, I could read and correct their sentences and really see who had trouble versus who could construct sentences more easily. The fact that it was a competition made it more interesting and fun for them. The handout was a half-page and looked something like this:

1. List as many words for each category as possible (1 point each). 2. Use the word in a sentence (3 points). 3. Use the following pronouns (2 extra points per pronoun): He She They his her him their them furniture
weather words American states

something made from paper


Emily Hyde (ETA 2003-2004) Level: Yeodo Middle School Objective: Students will gain practice using articles, demonstratives, possessive adjectives, and prepositions, which they often leave out when they speak and write. Materials: Raffle tickets for volunteers, colored chalk, 50-60 noun & verb(past tense) word papers (a random noun, verb, written at the bottom of a piece of paper which is then folded in half, hiding the word. On the cover of the folded paper write: verb or noun depending on the word that is concealed.) Procedure: *note: I used the words ADDs and PREPs in place of a lot of unnecessary terminology that would confuse and overwhelm students and hinder the lesson. 1 After the morning routine (notebook check, daily slang, etc.) write a simple sentence on the board, such as: The dog ran to the park. 2 As a class, diagram and dissect the sentence using colored chalk. (The students should be VERY familiar with Subject Verb Object and parts of speech. Dont dwell on this.) 3 Make a list of ADDs(articles, demonstratives, possessive adjectives) and PREPs(prepositions) on the board as students call them out. (These will be borrowed during the Mad Libs game.) 4 Call students attention to the fact that it is possible to create a sentence with any nounverb-noun combination. BUT it is necessary to fill in the holes of the sentence with ADDs and PREPs when necessary. 5 To give an example: call on students to give you a noun, a verb and, another noun. In one class I got: flower, ran, teacher. Write flower ran teacher on the board with spaces between each word. Ask how to make it a grammatically correct sentence. Give them the hint that they must borrow ADDs and PREPs from the board. They may look at you like youre nuts at first, but usually someone catches on and creates a sentence. i.e. The flower ran to the teacher. 6 Ask if the sentence is correct. (some say yes, some say no) Tell them it is a crazy sentence but the grammar is correct. Ask if anyone wants to try to draw a picture of the sentence. If no one does, draw a picture of a flower running to a teacher. (easy enough) 7 At this point, the kids are usually in hysterics and most will understand the game. 8 Pass out the folded paper that is concealing a noun or a verb(1-2 per student). Invite two students with a noun and one with a verb up to the front of the class. They face the class and open the folded paper to reveal their word. One example might be: worms ate mom 9 As the class laughs, have the students write their word on the board in a noun verb noun order. Then ask the class to borrow articles and prepositions to make a sentence. The worms ate near her mom. 10 Ask if anyone wants to volunteer to draw the picture. (usually there are a few; if not, draw it yourself giving kids a visual really helps them understand that the sentence is grammatically correct no matter how strange it is) 11 Switch the articles and prepositions in the sentence to create a new sentence: The worms ate her mom. (lots of laughter) Draw a new picture and explain how changing only some the words in the sentence really alters the entire meaning. 12 Ask for other noun and verb volunteers to come up to front and repeat activity. 13 Closure: Students write a silly sentence in their notebooks. Volunteers come up to board and write their sentence. As a class, go through sentences and give a thumbs-up if it is correct and a thumbs-down if the sentence needs ADDs or PREPs. 14 Raffle.

Objectives: To teach absolutely essential fundamental stuff for speaking the English language Materials: Pink and yellow cards; tape of a pop song Handouts: Alphabet/ 'trouble spots'"; pop song lyrics (optional) Procedures: There are several hundred variations on this theme available for your use. -Trouble spotting: If you think beginning with the alphabet might end up being too labyrinthine, you can begin by simply focusing on the 'trouble' spots in English for Koreans. These include P/F, P/B, B/V (your kids pronounce the letter V bwee. F/V, S/Z, Z/J, L/R, D/Th, Ch/Sh, and Th/S. Prepare this part of the lesson by watching your mouth and listening to yourself making these sounds; then devise a simple explanation for tongue, breath and/or lip placement for each example. The difference between P and B is, aspiration. Place a sheet of paper in front of your mouth. 'P' is aspirated, it moves the paper, B does not. Use as examples, words which have the trouble sounds at the beginning,. middle, and end respectively. -The Alphabet: It can be good review to run through this once with your students, particularly for the consonants. The ABC song works well: so does grouping the letters in terms other "pure" (ie. ABC song) pronunciation, in this fashion.

The "long E group": E, B, P, C, Z, T, D, V, G.

The "A group": A, H, J, K. The "short E group": F, L, M, N, S, R, O. The "U group": Q,U, W. The "long I group": I,Y. This lesson should familiarize your students with the names of letters, BUT, the names of the letters often do nothing for the understanding of the pronunciation of the letters, In all good conscience you shouldnt attempt the alphabet without the review of the sound/letter correspondence (below). The Sound/Letter Correspondence. This is almost one-to-one in Korean, but involves contextdependent multiples in English. You might want to try a simple explanation of this in your classes, else the oversimplification above will be confusing. Sing a Song: Give the kids lyrics to go over the trouble spots verbally before singing. (Any pop song will do). Tongue Twisters. Some ETAs had their classes write tongue twisters for a specific letter; most just gave them out. Make them up, or use the ones listed later in this lesson plan. Fun variations are to have the students say them backwards/slow/fast/soft/one student for each word/half the class say the first half, etc The Pronunciation Game: Yell out words that begin with a certain letter and have the kids hold up a pink and yellow card depending upon which letter they think they heard. (This method is easier to correct that just random yelling). Pronunciation Tic-Tac-Toe: Make a 3X3 grid with words which sound very close. Team representatives must pronounce a word correctly in order to gain a square.

A note on time: its quite easy to devise a lesson from review components (1-3) and practice components (4-7), that takes up the entire class. Where it differs in actuality is according to ability. Expect middle schoolers to take longer with review, for example.

MINIMAL PAIR TREES Tony Morrow (ETA 2000-2002) Level: Anyone who can read English letters Time: about 5 minutes per tree This is an exciting way to spend some time each class dealing with pronunciation without too much time commitment on either your or the students parts. Try beginning or ending every class with a minimal pair tree exercise. You can fit trees to any theme or no theme. Or create a whole game lesson of expansions of the minimal pair tree idea. Go over the pronunciation of all words on the tree before beginning. The first tree is an example of a Who is (student name here)s new boyfriend? tree. There are four pairs of words, exemplifying the r/l distinction. Simply, you, the teacher, choose a Korean celebrity from the list at the right of the tree and then read the four words that lead to that celebrity from left to right. The students, each having a tree to look at, follow as you read, trying to figure out which word you said and which celebrity is (student)s new boyfriend. You might transfer leadership of the game to a student and see if other students can guess the celebrity based on that students pronunciation. Of course, you can change genders in the right column or mix them up. I chose celebrity names from the Korean celebrity list at The list includes pictures, so you can choose to your liking!! ROAR FLARE STEER FRAIL RAIL FLARE STEEL FRAIL FRAIL STEEL FLARE LAIR FRAIL STEER FLARE ROLL ROAR ROLL ROAR ROLL ROAR ROLL ROAR ROLL ROLL ROAR ROLL ROAR ROLL ROAR Yoo Seung Joon Kim Jaewon Won Bin Yun Kyesang Song Seunghun Ryu Jin Pak Gwanghyeon Han Jae-suk Jang Dong-gun Ahn Jae-wook Kim Hojin Cha In-pyo Gosu Kim Raewon Gu Bonseung Yu Junsang

Another minimal pair tree possibility is to use destinations in a Where shall we send our Tomb Raider? chart. For this chart, I arbitrarily choose the V/B consonant distinction. The fun of this one is explaining where the hell some of these places are. Like Palm Springs (Cali), Machu Picchu (Peru), Kilimanjaro (Kenya/Tanzania), etc. You can have students (in groups) make a secret travel itinerary, then relay it in code to the rest of the class using the minimal pair words in the tree. If the class guesses the itinerary, the relaying group receives some kind of cheapo spy award you have made on colored paper or something.



Afghanistan Daegu North Korea Hawaii Palm Springs Disneyworld Mount Fuji Paris Antarctica The Taj Mahal Lhasa, Tibet Machu Picchu Mt. Kilimanjaro Istanbul Easter Island Niagara Falls

PRONUNCIATION:VOWELS Ashley McCants (2002-2003 ETA) Level: Hanbada Middle School Co-ed Objective: To practice the pronunciation of long and short vowels. Procedure: 1. Write the following on the board: PORT PIT PAT PERT PET POT PUTT PUT PART PEAT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2. Here, the only difference in sound is that of the vowel. The words should begin and end with the same consonants. 3. First I modeled each word and had the students repeat after me. Then I called out numbers and had the students say the words. I particularly practiced problem areas: PAT/PET, POT/PART, PIT/PEAT. 4. I then told the students they would hear one of the words and that they must write the number which corresponds to the word they heard. You can use their answers to figure out what sounds they are confusing and then practice more. 5. Two or three words are then presented together and the students write them down. Then I tell the students they are going to hear an important telephone number. Give them 7 words, and then ask, whats my phone number? 6. Students are then divided into pairs to give their own phone numbers and practice their pronunciation. The students can then tell each other what they did and didnt understand, and are forced to exaggerate to make themselves understood to their peers. It is good because they are actively thinking about their pronunciation and how to repair it. Variation: (takes about 20 minutes but should NOT be combined with the above) P/F Lesson: A similar distinction can be made, for example, between consonants P and F. Write on the board the following list of 26 words. After writing the complete list and going over all vocabulary and pronunciation, assign each word a letter (in parentheses): (A) pull full (N) (B) past fast (O) (C) passion fashion (P) (D) prize fries (Q) (E) pat fat (R) (F) snip sniff (S) (G) dipper differ (T) (H) apt aft (U) (I) puppy puffy (V) (J) pan fan (W) (K) pin fin (X) (L) pine fine (Y) (M) pond fond (Z)

Then, spell a word or sentence by saying the word assigned to that letter. For example, to spell FROG, say, snip, fat, fast, dipper. Next, let the student who is the first to guess the correct answer do the same thing in front of the class.

CLASSIC TONGUE TWISTERS Kelly Bergman (96-97 ETA) Level: Sangsan Boys High School (1st and 2nd Year) This is an activity I did as part of a pronunciation lesson. The kids loved it, and things got really competitive and rowdy, so if possible, move your class to a remote location so as not to disturb everyone around you! Materials needed: 4 sets of Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper tongue twister slips. Each set written on a different color of paper, one or two words on each slip of paper. Pass out slips of paper to one half of the class, making sure the colors are well-shuffled, so equal amounts of the color are distributed between the front and back of the class. Call out a color (this is a good listening exercise, especially for red and blue). People holding the color must run to the front and line up in order. When everyone is lined up, each person says their word. Time them and write their time on the board. The first time around, the times will probably seems really slow (30-35 seconds). Egg them on by telling them the fastest time from another class. I did 2 or 3 rounds, depending on the mood of the class. Then I have the winning team hold onto their cards while everyone else passed their cards on to the other half of the room. Repeat the process and at the end, have a championship race between winning teams from each half of the room. My kids ended up leaping over desks and tackling each other. I think the fastest time was around 4 or 5 seconds. This is a great game at the beginning of the semester when students are afraid to speak. CLASSIC TONGUE TWISTERS Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
She sells seashells by the seashore.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Which witch wished which wicked wish? Theo thought thirty-three things on Thursday. Fabio found a funny French friend in France. Loose lips sink ships. Toy boat. Toy boat. Toy boat. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Many men munch much mush. Unique New York. The sixth sheiks sixth sheep was sick. Three gray geese in the green grass grazing. Grope Greek grape leaves. Rubber buggy baby bumpers. If the batter is bitter, use a better butter.

-Tongue twisters can also be used as a time-filler at the end of the class. Divide the students into teams. Teach them the tongue twister and have them it for a couple minutes. Then, time them as each student in a team gets up says the tongue twister twice and sits down, like a relay. The team that has the shortest time wins.

PRONUNCIATION:TELEPHONE Chrystal Grener Cheonan Jungang Boys' High School Lesson: Pronunciation - Telephone Overall Goal: To encourage communication confidence. Lesson Objectives: To practice/review trouble sounds, to increase participation, to have fun with English. Materials: Sentences on strips of paper. Procedure: 1. Insa, opening dialogue. 2. Review trouble sounds: R, L, P, F, B, V, S, Sh, Th 3. Play telephone game with minimal pair words. - Each row is a team. - Give a slip of paper to the first person in each row. They will read the sentence, remember it, and tell it to the person behind them, and so on. The last person in the row will say the sentence out loud to the teacher. It can be a race, but each team should be allowed to finish. - Write the sentence on the board exactly as they say it. This will help students see the common mistakes they make. - If the sentence is wrong, correct it, and have the team repeat the correct sentence aloud. - Go through each team, and give one point to any team who is correct the first time. - Change sentences, and this time give the paper to the last person in the row, so that the first person in the row must say the sentence aloud. These sentences should be more difficult, but they will probably work harder on pronunciation now that they understand the game. *This game can get pretty loud as the sentences are being transmitted, so be prepared. I just let my kids go with it though, since they were speaking English. I think this game really helped to improve pronunciation and awareness of common mistakes. Sentences: Do not shoot me - this is a new suit! The frying pan is on the fan. On the seat was a pink sheet. I sigh when you act so shy. What do you do for poor people? I will lead you to read the book. The best time to wear a vest is in winter. Sam Smith is a sham. The woman wore lace pants to the race. You failed to fill up the pail. The rain on the lane made it slippery. Please do not sell your shell! It is not fair to pair me up with him. My father lent me money to rent the apartment.

MASHIMARO David Golden (ETA 2001-2002) Level: Middle School Objective: To improve listening comprehension, focusing on minimal pair sounds. Materials: MashiMaro toy or accessory Procedure: 1. Hold up Mashi Maro doll to grab their interest. Draw a bunch on the board. 2. Walk around the room holding the MashiMaro, chanting, MASHI MARO! MASHI MARO! Have the students join in, chanting in rhythm together. 3. Say hello to Mashi Maro! Write Mashi Maro under one of the rabbits. 4. Then, Say hello to Mashi Malo! Write Mashi Malo under another rabbit. 5. MASHI MARO, MASHI MALO, MASSI MARO, MASSI MALO label the rabbits 1-4 and underline the key sound in each name. 6. Read each name and have students repeat, emphasizing r/l, s/sh sounds. Part II 1. Say one name and ask the class which one it was. Take a vote for each option and write down the tally. If, by vote, the class chooses the right answer, the class gets one point. If they do not, they get 1/15 of a point for each correct vote. Keep a separate tally of those votes, and each time they hit 15, give them a whole point. 2. Vote and tally several time with the Mashi Maros. 3. Vote and tally with new words. 4. Variations: Use the words in a sentence and have them guess OR have students say words to their team. Minimal Pairs Think-sing, thing-sing Fries, flies, lies, prize Play, pray, fray, flay Rice, rise, lies, lice Sea, see, she Can, cant Raw, law, claw, craw French, friends, france, prance Steer-steel, fear, feel Roar, roll, rail, lair Bitter, butter, batter, better Sentences Do you want fries with that? I like to eat flies. I won first prize. Where is the prize? Hes full of lies. Dont tell me lies. Dump it in the sink. What is that thing? Think about it. Sing about it.

SYLLABLES Patricia Seo, ETA 2003-2004 Cheonan Bukil Girls High School, medium to advanced level Objectives: To make students aware of common syllable mistakes by teaching them the correct number of syllables of English words. Languages have different rules about the ways syllables are spokenKorean always have to end in a vowel, Japanese must always pronounce each voweland students will learn the pronunciation rules about the English language. Example: sandwich and send a witch. Another example is: McDonalds (3 syllables for English, 4 syllables for Korean, 5 syllables for Japanese?) Procedure: Start off with explaining why syllables are important and how syllables are a part of pronunication. I draw a music staff to show how syllables are like rhythms. I use McDonalds as an example of how the pronunication of the word in English has 3 beats (syllables), in Korean has 4 beats, and in Japanese 6 beats. Usually, the students can easily pick up on the syllables of McDonalds for all three languages. Then I continue to explain how when you do not pronunce the word with the correct number of syllables, people will not understand you. Example: sandwich and send a witch. I like to continue with the McDonalds theme and say French Fries and with my fingers show how many syllables the word has in English (2 syllables) and in Korean English (6 syllables). I write a little graph on the board like this to show how Korean pronunciation of English has more or equal number of syllables as American pronunciation of English: Sandwich Send a Witch French Fries English Korean English 4 5 6 4 American English 2 3 2 2

As students are writing this information in the notebook, I write the following words on the board with the EMPTY graph underneath: 1 syllable Is Ease Called Closed Care Cant 2 syllables English Notebook Sentence Happy Language College 3 syllables Syllable Carefully Happiness Emphasis 4 syllables Identify Analysis

Ask the students to place the words within the graph. While students are placing words on the graph, pass out English dictionaries. After placing the words in the graph and practicing the pronunciation of the words, I ask students to look up the words listed such as identify or college to see how there are syllable markers. If the students are more advanced, you can continue with the lesson and discuss dropped syllables. Explain how there are silent letters in American English pronunciation of some words even though in the dictionary it shows there are more syllables (such as laboratory, elementary). Work with the students to cross out the silent letters.

1 syllable Walked Planned Closed Talked

3 syllables 4 syllables Vegetable Laboratory Interesting Elementary 1 Syllable 2 Syllables Sit City Fish Fishy Blow Below Games you can play with syllables: Prayed Parade Loud Aloud Syllable Number Game: Each group must send Closed Closet one representative to write as many 2, 3, and 4 Sport Support syllable words in a given amount of time (it must Cracked Correct be a different person each time). The students who First Forest do not write the words on the board will instead Cleaned Clean it look up words and shout words out to their Rose Roses teammates. Students will then read their words out Choose Chooses loud and classmates will correct the words. I give Dish Dishes less amount of time for 2 syllable words and more State Estate time for 4 syllable words. Spelling does not count Flow Fellow but wrong number of syllables is a negative point. Clothes Cloth is The team with the most words wins! Steam Esteem Through Thorough Syllable List Game: Pass out the pairs of words Squeeze Excuse list below. Read through the list together making Sleep Asleep sure they know the meaning of the word and the School A school correct pronunciation. Read out question such as: Train Terrain Miss Misses How do you spell [support/spot, Watch Watches through/thorough, prayed/parade, state/estate, flow/fellow, train/terrain, loud/aloud]? The word is __________ in Korean. What is it in English? What does [steam/esteem (respect), closed/closet, traffic/terrific, cracked/correct] mean? How do you say ____________? (spell out the word) The Syllable List Game Handout is on the next page. Notes: This lesson usually takes one or two class periods. It helps to do this lesson after other pronunciation lessons.

2 syllables Chocolate Several Business Wednesday Every

1 Syllable Sit Fish Blow Prayed Loud Closed Sport Cracked First Cleaned Rose Choose Dish State Flow Clothes Steam Through Squeeze Sleep School Train Miss Watch

2 Syllables City Fishy Below Parade Aloud Closet Support Correct Forest Clean it Roses Chooses Dishes Estate Fellow Cloth is Esteem Thorough Excuse Asleep A school Terrain Misses Watches

GIVING ADVICE I Objectives: 1. To teach the students common grammar patterns associated with giving advice in English. 0 To increase the students comfort with writing their own sentences in dialogues and performing them in front of the class. Materials: Ask Alice handout, grammar handout, What would you do if? dialogue cards. Procedure: This lesson was divided into three parts. First, I introduced the concept of giving advice (in Korean, chung-go) by reading a portion of an Ask Alice column from New Interchange 2, p. 97. I informed the students that advice columns are common in newspapers and magazines in the U.S. When a person has a problem, they write to Alice or Abby and explain their dilemma. The advice-giver then writes back, suggesting ways to resolve their problem. The letter that I chose to use as an example for the class was from Distraught Sister: (I explained to the class that people who write letters to advice columns disguise their identity by not using their real names.) Distraught sister wrote: Dear Alice, Someone told me that my brothers girlfriend was dating another guy. I felt I should let my brother know, and after I did, he confronted her with the story. Although she denied it, it caused a terrible argument and they almost broke up. Now it turns out that the rumor wasnt true, and my brother has stopped speaking to me. Distraught Sister The reply: Dear Distraught Sister, Well, you learned a lesson. You shouldnt have listened to gossip. And you shouldnt have passed it on. Now you have to repair the damage. Apologize sincerely and hope that he will forgive and forget. Alice I drew a diagram of the sister, brother, brothers girlfriend, and other guy on the board while reading the letter to explain the situation. Most of the students seemed to understand quite well. I explained the rumor as nappun somun to clarify for those students who were confused. This also applied to the word gossip in Alices reply. In the next part of the lesson, I went over some grammar points for giving advice with the students. I handed out a copy of page 95 of Interchange 2 and asked the students to look at the Grammar Focus section. I explained the difference between would and should when giving advice, (I would, you should), and then emphasized the importance of the verb tense when giving advice. If it is for something that has already happened, use the past tense. But if it has not happened yet, use the present/future tense. For example, Alices advice was, You should not have listened to gossipNow, you should apologize sincerely. She could also have said, I would not have listened to gossip. Now, I would apologize sincerely, and the advice would be the same. Although this grammar point seems confusing, I encouraged the

students that it would probably make more sense once they started to practice writing their own advice. The final activity of this lesson involved active student participation in writing their own advice in dialogues and then performing those dialogues in front of the class. I introduced the activity as the What would you do if game and explained that each student would be writing advice that they would give a friend in different hypothetical situations. I had prepared eight laminated (coated) dialogue cards for this class, each involving three actors. One of the actors, B, explains her problem and asks for advice from the other two actors, A and C. At the top of each dialogue card were different endings to the sentence What would you do if that served as titles for each dialogue. I asked the students to work in groups of 4 to 6 students and to choose three actors by rock, paper, scissors. They then had to do two tasks: 1. Practice reading Bs part, the problem, and 2. Write two different pieces of advice for A and C to give, keeping the grammar points we had previously revised in mind.

The eight dialogue scenarios were as follows: What would you do if 0 you saw your friends cheating on a math test? A: Whats wrong, (Bs name)? You look like something is worrying you. B: Well, actually, I have a problem, and I dont know what to do about it. We had a math test yesterday in class, and I saw two of my friends across the room sharing answers with each other. I know that cheating is wrong, but if I tell a teacher about this, my friends will get into trouble. What should I do? A: Well, I think you should C: I dont agree with you, (As name). If I were you, (Bs name), I would B: Thanks for your advice, (A and Cs names). I think Ill take (A or C)s advice. 1 your friend got a really bad haircut and asked you if you liked it? A: Whats wrong, (Bs name)? You look like something is on your mind. B: Well, I saw Sharon on the bus this morningshe got a terrible haircut. She looks like Marge Simpson! She asked me if I liked it, and I didnt know what to sayso I just smiled and changed the subject. Should I have been honest with her and told her I didnt like it? Or should I have lied and said it looked nice? A: Well, if I were you, I would have C: I dont agree with you, (As name). I think you should have B: Thanks for your advice (A and Cs names). Next time I see Sharon, I think Ill follow (A or C)s advice and tell her you saw your friends boyfriend with another girl? A: Whats wrong, (Bs name)? You look like something is troubling you. B: Well, actually, I have a problem, and I dont know what to do about it. I saw Ji-hyes boyfriend out with another girl last night downtown. They were holding hands and everything! What should I do? Should I tell Ji-hye or not? Shell be so upset if she finds out! A: Well, I think you should C: I dont agree with you, (As name). If I were you, (Bs name), I would B: Thanks for your advice (A and Cs names). I think Ill take (A or C)s advice. you broke your mothers favorite vase? A: Whats wrong (Bs name)? You look like something is troubling you. B: Well, actually, I have a problem, and I dont know what to do about it. I was dancing around my house last night while listening to Seo Taejis latest CD, and I accidentally knocked my mothers favorite vase off the table. It fell on the floor and broke into many pieces. What should I do? A: Well, I think you should C: I dont agree with you, (As name). If I were you, (Bs name), I would B: Thanks for your advice, (A and Cs names). I think Ill take (A or C)s advice. you borrowed your friends sweater and lost it? A: Whats wrong, (Bs name)? You look like something is troubling you. B: Well, actually, I have a problem, and Im not sure what to do about it. I borrowed Sujins sweaterthe really expensive blue oneto wear on a date. I was going to give it back to her at school today, but when I went looking for it last night in my room I couldnt find it! I dont know where it could beits lost! Su-jin loved that sweater! What should I do?! A: Well, I think you should C: I dont agree with you, (As name). If I were you, (Bs name), I would B: Thanks for your advice (A and Bs names). I think Ill take (A or C)s advice.

you had a crush on your friends boyfriend? A: Whats wrong, (Bs name)? You look like somethings on your mind. B: Well, I have a problem. Seulgi has a new boyfriend who I think is really cute. Actually, I have had a crush on him all year. When he asked her out on a date, I was really upset. But I think he might like me toohe smiled at me yesterday on the bus. What should I do? A: Well, I think you should C: I dont agree with you, (As name). If I were you, (Bs name), I would B: Thanks for your advice (A and Cs names). I think Ill take (A or C)s advice. you wanted to break your plans with your friend to go to another party? A: Whats wrong, (Bs name)? You look like something is troubling you. B: Well, actually, I have a problem, and I dont know what to do about it. My friend, Jenny, asked me to go to the movies with her on Saturday, and I promised her I would go. But then Sue invited me to her party on Saturday, and Jenny is not invited. I really want to go to the party to meet all of the cute boys there, but I dont want to hurt Jennys feelings. What should I do? A: Well, I think you should C: I dont agree with you, (As name). If I were you, (Bs name), I would B: Thanks for your advice, (A and Cs names). I think Ill take (A or C)s advice. you found 500,000 won on the street? A: Whats wrong, (Bs name)? You look like something is on your mind. B: Well, actually, I have a problem, and Im not sure what to do about it. I found an envelope on the street yesterday with 500,000 won in it. I know that somebody is probably looking for it and hoping I will turn it in to the police, but I would really like to use the money to buy a CD player and some new clothes. What should I do? A: Well, I think you should C: I dont agree with you, (As name). If I were you, (Bs name), I would B: Thanks for your advice, (A and Cs names). I think Ill take (A or C)s advice.

Evaluation: In most classes, impressive improvements seemed to have been made in two areas: first, the students ability to compose quality sentences in English, and, second, the students comfort levels in speaking English in front of their peers. The fact that the lesson plan was divided evenly between instruction and participation also seemed to contribute to the lessons success. Many of the students proved to be very good advice-givers!

GIVING ADVICE II Jairus Rossi (2002-2003 ETA) Level: Middle School Objective: Practice correct forms of giving and receiving advice. Procedure: 1. Explain what a problem is. Examples: My dog is crazy My girlfriend hates me. I need more money to buy Shin-Hwa (or any other famous group/singer) CDs. They will get it if you use examples, because these are pressing issues for middle-schoolers. 2. Give examples of forms to ask for help on problems.
Im worried because unhappy because problem is because Im My Im upset

Give examples of forms of giving advice. If I were you I would If I were in your shoes I would I think you should. Why dont you. It might be a good idea to.

4. Illustrate constructive examples of advice. Student A: Im worried because my dog is crazy. Student B: If I were you I would buy a cat. 5. Play a game where you give a group of students (maybe like 6 groups) a list of problems. Explain that you will give them 3 hints, the hints being pieces of advice. They must then guess the problem that the advice would go to. The first hint is the most general and if they guess right on the first hint, it is worth 5 points. The second hint is more specific to the advice and if they guess right on the second clue, they get 3 points. The last hint is pretty much a dead giveaway and is worth 1 point. The groups are only allowed to guess on one of the hints. Example: What is the problem? (possible choices I am bad at English. I am not good at soccer. I am not good at the piano.) Hint 1 - Practice more often. (Worth 5 points, it could apply to all 3 problems). Hint 2 Ask Mr. Jairus for help. (Worth 3, Im an English teacher and play soccer.) Hint 3 Go to Hagwon everyday. (Worth 1, directly applies to English) The problem isI am bad at English. Once they figure it out, distribute points and then make them read it together out loud as a quasi dialogue, complete with the problem and advice forms. Comments:

Most students liked it better then most of the stupid things they had to do in the book and because it was a competition, they got into it. Generally, I made it easy enough for the less advanced students to understand how the problem and advice relates. But making the first clue general, it made the smarter kids have to think as well. So it worked because it was thinking, but not too much, and they had to speak as well.

GIVING ADVICE III Brandon Jackson (ETA 2003-2004) School Number ( ) Name ( ) Giving Advice

Asking for Advice

I am worried because If I were you I would I think you should I am unhappy because Why dont you I am sad because I am upset because It might be a good idea to My problem is If I were in your shoes I would ___________________________________________________________________________ Example: A: I am worried because my dog is crazy B: I think you should go to the Animal Hospital

A: I am sad because Ms. Park just hit me. B: If I were you I would ____________. a) listen more in class b) go to Internet Caf c) call the President A: My dog was hit by a car. B: I think you should ______________ a) study more in school b) go the Animal Hospital C) play Stacraft

A: My problem is that I am in love with Boa. B: It might be a good idea to_____________ 0 love b) write her a letter c) buy a car 3 A: I am sad because I am bad at English B: Why dont you ________________? 0 give Mr. Jackson some candy b) My dog died c) ask Mr.Jackson for help 5. 6. A: I am angry because my computer game was stolen. B: __________________ buy another computer game. A: I am embarrassed because I cant play soccer very well. B: __________________ I would join the schools soccer club

7. A: I am upset because I do not know which movie to see, Matrix 3 or The Lord of the Rings B: If I were you I would __________________ because Matrix is _________ ________ (interesting) than The Lord of the Rings. 8. A. I am confused because I do not know if I should go to the Internet Caf or Hagwon () after school today? B: I think you should _____________________ because the Hagwon is _______ ____________ (important) than the Internet Caf.

9. 10.

A: I am sad because my parents are upset with me. B: It might be a good idea to _____________________ A: My problems is that I always talk in Mr. Jacksons class B: If I were in your shoes I would _____________________ .

STORYTELLING Chrystal Grener Cheonan Jungang Boys' High School Lesson: Storytelling Overall Goal: To encourage communication confidence. Lesson Objectives: To practice speaking in full sentences, to work together to create a story, to create humor in English. Materials: None. Procedure: 1. Insa, opening dialogue. 2. Arrange desks in a circle. 3. Play a hangman game with the word "story." Ask for meaning. 4. Explain that we will write a story together. Each person will contribute one sentence. 5. Go over the structure of English sentences. SUBJECT - VERB - OBJECT. 6. Write the first sentence on the board. Example: "My brother is crazy!" or "Today, teacher is happy." 7. Each student will say one sentence. Write each sentence. If he passes, he must later think of TWO sentences. 8. At the end of the story, read out loud. 9. Should have time for two stories.

EMOTIONS and BASEBALL Mimi Do (ETA 2001-2002) Level: Daejeon Jungang Middle School Objective: To teach students importance of emotions, in speaking and tone. Also good review of other replies to, How are you? Materials: 9 different emotion faces, dialogue handout, sentence slips for game. Procedure: 0 Emotion faces (15-20 minutes) 0 Todays lesson is Emotions. Emotions are any feelings, like love, hate, sorrow. Korean word for emotion: gam-jung 1 Show emotion faces to class, one at a time. Act out the emotion, have them guess what it is in English (happy, sad, okay, sick, tired, angry, confused, worried, scared, surprised, bored). 2 Have students repeat emotion words and write them down. 3 Write on the board, How are you? Ask students individually. Discourage them from saying fine, thank you. 1 Emotional Baseball (30 minutes) 0 Draw a baseball diamond on the board. Explain were going to play baseball! 1 Divide the class into two teams. Have them choose team names. 2 Each team takes turns "at bat." One by one, students must read a different sentence with a different emotion. Then the team must guess which emotion it portrays. 3 If the team guesses correctly, the team advances according to the level of difficulty. The easiest phrases advance 1 base, medium is 2 bases, hard is 3 bases. 4 If the student is incorrect, the team gets one out. When the team has three outs, the other team is up at bat. 5 Play until you run out of time or sentences. Prepare enough words so that everyone has at least one chance up at bat.

Comments: I originally did this lesson in 2 parts with my 2nd and 3rd grades, based on the original Emotions lesson in the ETA handbook. But the dialogue was too difficult for my students to understand (p. 52-3) and they lost interest very quickly. They liked the emotion faces I drew (and acted out) to convey each emotion. The students already knew most of the words, but werent used to saying them. The baseball game was good because the students had to read each sentence and make themselves understood by their team. Then the whole team had to apply their new knowledge of emotions vocabulary. The sentences were things like, I just played 4 hours of soccer! and My grandmother is sick. I did the modified lesson with my 1st grade students a week later and it worked. Time ran out, but thats never a problem! The baseball lesson can also be applied to pronunciation, spelling, or other review games. I found a version of it on Emotion Sentences: Happy Im going to Disney World! Hey dude! Whats happening! Sad My dog died. I failed my math test. My grandmother is sick. Sick I have a cold. I ate some bad sushi. I broke my arm. Tired I stayed up late last night. I just played four hours of soccer. Sleepy I only slept 4 hours last night.

Angry My girlfriend is cheating on me! Be quiet! Bored This class is so boring. Scared Theres a monster in the closet! Oh my God! You scared me! Shocked Put on your clothes! Surprised I didnt know it was your birthday! I won a million dollars! Thats terrible! Excited Lets go play soccer! Worried I didnt study for the exam. You seem a little upset. What happened to you? Confused What is Miss Do saying? Im lost! Wheres the library?

GESTURES Julia Lee (ETA 2000-2001) Objectives: To increase awareness of non-verbal cues in communication; to acquaint students with English gestures Handout: Pictures of gestures. Procedure: Explain what a gesture is. Have pairs of students think up four or five gestures and write them and their meanings down. Have one student from each pair get up and demonstrate one of their gestures. The other students must guess its meaning. (15-20 minutes). Give them the handout and explain that for each picture, you want the students to answer two questions. What does this gesture mean? and Is it the same or different in Korea? (5-10 min). Go through each gesture, imitating each with the class and discussing their answers. (5-10 min). Options: Integrate with BODY PARTS Play charades Comments: A crucial distinction to make is that gesture involve the whole body, not just facial expression. Decide beforehand (especially with boys) what level of lewdness you will allow and stick to it. This lesson is directly adapted from Oxford Press book Cultural Awareness; a wellrecommended resource. The Gestures handout: GESTURES Im bored. (crossed arms and rolled eyes) Call me (hand telephone on one ear) I love you. (The peace V). Oh no! (Hand over mouth in surprise). OK our OK is their sign for money. so-so (flattened hand tilted back and forth) Crazy (Point at head with finger in a circle) Whew (Wipe forehead). Over your head P.U. (pinch nose closed) No X with arms or fingers Middle finger Stick-out-Tongue Scratch head (Question)

Rubbing chin (contemplation) Hand-patting yawn (tired) Shrugged shoulders (I dont know) Index finger to lips (quiet) Thumb-index finger (I love you in ASL) Wagging index finger (shame) Handshake (Meeting someone) Wave (Hello) Sideways thumb (hitch hiking) Hi-five (Congratulations) Stealing your nose (thumb out through the fist is obscene in Korea)

SLANG AND IDIOMS Objectives: Handouts: To teach native informal English Slang idioms dictionary (optional) found in most ESL bookstores in Seoul.

Procedures: Put together a slang/idiom dictionary based upon your own knowledge or a slang dictionary. Devise a dialogue with fill in the blanks for practice, or have the students write their own dialogues and share them. Cross-culturally connect by having the students (individually or in groups) write down a list of Korean idioms or slang and translate them for you. Options: Use appropriate slang and idioms as an introduction to another lesson (travel slang for travel for example.) Some ETAs made slang and idioms a permanent part of their classes by teaching their student one slang or idiom term at the beginning of each class. Comments: Use slang the way Americans use hot pepper; sparingly. As you may have noticed by now, non-native speakers using slang can make them less competent in a language. To propagate the myth that using these figures of speech constitutes fluency is just plain irresponsible. However, they are useful and fun.


KONGLISH Cola Cider Cocoa Hof Service Dutch pay DC Hot dog Super Pama Dry gi Rinse Bleach Badge Running Training Pola tee Panty / Braza Y shirt Eye shopping Back number Sandbag Goal in Fighting Meeting Skinship Condition One shot Same same Okay okay See you again Sharp White Ball pen Sign pen Notebook Hotchkiss Note PC Room/ PC Cunning

ENGLISH Coke, Coca-cola, Pepsi Sprite, 7-Up Hot chocolate (cocoa) Chocolate Beer (drink), bar (place) Complimentary, free of charge, free Go dutch Discount Corn dog, hot dog Supermarket, store Perm Hair dryer, blow dryer Conditioner Highlight Pin Undershirt Warm-up suit, sweat suit Turtleneck Underwear, panties Bra, brassiere Dress shirt, button down Flat tire Window shopping Number, athletes number Boxing bag, punching bag Goal, made a goal Go! Lets go! Blind date Touching, touch I feel(good, bad, etc) Bottoms up! Same, similar Okay Okay. I understand. Got it Lets meet again. See you later. See you tomorrow. Mechanical pencil, lead pencil White out, correction pen Ballpoint pen, pen Magic marker, marker Laptop Stapler Notebook Internet Caf Cheating

Morning call Coating Autobi Handle Back mirror Klaxon Kickboard Car Center WC Apart Villa Handphone Wave Back dancer Talent Gag man Night Classic music VTR Telebi Remote con Air con Flash Gas range Hip Health Overeat Glamour Luxury Free size Activity:

Wake-up call Laminate Motorcycle, scooter Steering wheel Rearview mirror Car horn, horn Scooter Auto body shop Fork Bathroom, restroom Apartment Apartment Cellular phone, cell phone Breakdance Backup dancer Actor, actress Comedian Night club, club Classical music VCR (video cassette recorder) Television Remote control Air conditioner Flashlight Oven, stove Buttocks, butt Microwave Gym, Health club Throw up, puke Sexy Beautiful, graceful, sophisticated One size fits all

-If you have slightly higher level students, you can play Konglish Jeopardy. Divide the students into teams and have the Answers as Konglish words and have the students give you the English Question. Afterwards or during the next class, do something to review the vocabulary like a mad lib or short quiz. For lower level classes, you can play BINGO by having students fill in the English word, and you call out the corresponding Konglish word.

ASKING AND ANSWERING QUESTIONS Su-Lin Throndson (2000-2001 ETA) Level: Pohang Jung Ang Girls/Boys High School Objectives: Students learn how to ask and answer basic questions involving, who, what, when, where, and what. Students also practice listening and making logical conclusions. Materials: Note cards should be prepared for each of the characters with his/her appropriate answers to read aloud. A handout of the blank chart below for students to fill in. Time: 1 class or 40-50 minutes Notes: This lesson involves a lot of specific names which should be changed to keep current. Also, this scenario is fitting for my students, because they are high school level and attend school on Sundays. Change the story to fit your situation. 1) Preparation for the game. Tell students that they are going to play an exciting game that is a mystery. The game involves asking characters questions. Review the question words: where, what time, what , who and why. The game Criminal We need 7 volunteers to be our characters for the game. Choose 7 students, bring them to the front, and give each of them their prepared card with their characters name written on one side and answers to the questions on the other. Students hold these cards up at chest level with their characters name facing the class, as in a mug shot.

These characters are famous people in Korea and most of them are pop stars. Give the following blank chart on a handout to the remaining students. Then, read the following story. It was another Sunday night in downtown Seoul. Jo Sung Mo performed his famous hit Let me Love in front of thousands of fans. After the concert, Mr. Jo ate a late dinner with a few friends and then returned to his home and went to sleep. The next morning Police found Mr. Jo dead in his apartment. He had been stabbed in the back with a knife. The police said Mr. Jo died around 9 pm on Sunday night. Friends came forward and expressed their sorrow at his sudden death. However, they also told the police that Mr. Jo had many enemies. Apparently, some people were very jealous of his fame and wealth. After a long search, the police gathered all the suspects in Mr. Chos death. Let the questioning begin Vocabulary: Stabbed (to stab) Expressed (to express) Sorrow Sudden Enemies (enemy) Jealous Gathered (to gather) Suspects (suspect) Review vocabulary for understanding if necessary.

Explain to the class that the suspects are the 7 volunteers in the front of the class holding their name cards. The remaining students will question the suspects using the questions on the left hand column. Emphasize that one of the characters is the killer and that they need to listen to the answers carefully, and think about what may be wrong in their answers. Also, review vocabulary in the suspects answers if necessary, i.e., freezing, by myself. Who are you? Where were you on Sunda y at 9 pm? What time were you there? What were you doing? Who were you there with? What . was the weathe r like? Park Chan Ho Stude nt Hong Sumi Kyong Cho Min Yang Pa Son Park Ji Ho Yoon Young

The chart below is the master chart with each of the characters answers. Use this chart to make the name cards for each of the characters with answers on the reverse side..

Who are you? Where were you on Sunda y at 9 pm? What time were you there? What were you doing? Who were you there with? What was the weath er like?

Park Chan Ho Los Angel es, Baseb all Practi ce From 5 pm to 10 pm Playin g baseba ll My team

Stude nt

Hong Sumi Kyong Cho Min The opera house in Paris. From 5 pm 11 pm.

Yang Pa

Son Park Ji Ho Yoon Young At the nightc lub Lotte depart ment store.

At At my school apart ment

Hair salon.

From 9:30 am 10:30 pm. Studyi ng

All day and all night

From 8 10 pm.

My friend s Cloud y. Kind of cold.

Watch Singin Havin ing tv, g g my and hair eating. washe d. My Other My family opera sister. singer s Cold. It snowe d. rainy Snow y.

From 8 pm to 11:30 pm Danci ng and singin g

From 7:30 11.

Shopp ing. There was a sale. G.O.D By . myself . I dont Freezi know. ng.

Sunny . Its alway s sunny in LA.

3) Conclusion: After the questioning has ended, ask students if they know who the killer is. The killer is the student because he/she said he/she was in school from 9:30 am 10:30 p.m. Students go to school on Sundays, but they leave around 5 or 5:30 p.m. Students would almost never be in school on Sunday at 10:30 p.m., so that is a lie, and the student is the killer. Students may give you other answers, ask them how they came to that conclusion. If the class seems stuck, pull each suspect up one by one and have the class logically brainstorm if he/she could possibly be the killer until you get to the student.

DINNER AT SAJIK RESTAURANT Caroline Smith (1999-2000 ETA) Level: Sajik Girls Middle School, Pusan Objective: To have students practice restaurant/ordering food conversation. Materials: -36-38 "Dinner at Sajik Restaurant" scripts -36-38 Sajik Restaurant menus -restaurant "mood music" if you teach girls -9 (borrowed!) cafeteria trays -9 sets of paper plates and cups with specific dinner names and pictures written/drawn on Each set contains: 3 PLATES 1 plate with a picture of a cheeseburger, French fries and a salad with dressing glued to the' plate Write out the words: cheeseburger, French fries, salad and dressing on the picture. 1 plate with a picture of spaghetti and meatballs and a salad with dressing. Again, write out the words: spaghetti, meatballs, salad, and dressing on the picture. 1 plate with a picture of a fish, green beans and a salad with dressing. Write out the words on the pictures on the plate. Each set contains: 3 CUPS On 2 of the paper cups write Coke; on 1 cup write Cider Procedure: 1) Write "Welcome to Sajik Restaurant" on the chalkboard. Hand out the "Dinner at Sajik Restaurant" scripts. While students are still in rows, divide the class by rows into four groups. (There are 4 roles to play in the script, so about 2 rows for each role.) Rows 1 & 2 play the "SERVER" role. Rows 3 & 4 play the "PERSON 1 role. Rows 4 and 5 play the "PERSON 2" rule. Row 6 & the leftover students play the "PERSON 3" role. 2) Have the students listen to you read the script first. Really emphasize inflections, pauses, emotions, facial expressions. In other words.ACT!!!!! Theres no monotone script reading aloud!!! 3) Practice the script together as a class several times. Review new vocabulary. Encourage students to lead it as if they were comfortably chatting with their friends. 4) After all 4 groups have practiced each part as a class, then instruct the students to break up into groups of 4 and to push their desks together like a table. Ask them if they're hungry yet, and then tell them they're about to have dinner. 5) Hand out the plates/cups/menus/tray set to each of the 9 groups. 6) After the screaming dies down, tell each person in the group to pick a role to play. Students must act out the restaurant scene using the cafeteria tray, menus, 3 plates, and 3 cups. The dinner plates and drinks must be served to the right people who ordered them, etcStudent 3 should swap roles so that each student gets to try all the roles or at least more than one. 7) Use the last few minutes of class to have one group act out the dinner scene. Comments: Walk around during the group practice time to make sure groups are really practicing the script and not discussing Kang Tas (of H.O.T. of course) new hair color. Bring candy for the group that acts out for the class.

DINNER AT SAJIK RESTAURANT Server: Hello. Welcome to the Sajik restaurant. My name is be your server tonight. Please look at our menu (GIVE MENUS). May I get you something to drink? Person 1: Yes, Id like a coke. Person 2: Yes, Id like a coke. Person 3: Id like a cider. Server: (GIVE 3 DRINKS). Would you like to order dinner now? Person 1: May we have a few more minutes to decide? Server: Sure! Ill come back in a few minutes to get your order. LATER Server: Are you ready to order now? Person 2: Yes, were ready. Person 1: Id like the cheeseburger, the french fries and a salad. Server: How would you like your hamburger cooked? Person 1: Medium, please. Server: What kind of dressing would you like on your salad? We have French, Italian, and Blue Cheese. Person 1: Id like Italian, please. Person 2: Id like the spaghetti and meatballs. And Id like French dressing on my salad. Thank you. Person 3: How is the fish tonight? Server: Very tasty. Its my favorite dish here! Person 3: Okay, Id like the fish. It sounds delicious! Does the fish come with any vegetables? Server: Yes, the fish comes with green beans. Person 3: Great.and may I have the Italian dressing on my salad? Server: You sure can. Ill be back with some warm bread for all of you. Person 1: Thank you! Person 2: Thank you! Person 3: Thank you! Person 1: Wow, Im really hungry! Person 2: Me too! Person 3: I hope it doesnt take too long to bring out our food. Im starving! LATER Server: (GIVE FOOD) Ladies, here are your dinners. May I get you anything else? Server 1: No, thank you. Everything is perfect! Server: enjoy your dinners! Person 1,2 and 3: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New Words: Dressing: Green beans: Server: Perfect: Starving: , and I will


Objectives: To review parts of the body as well as to use body part vocabulary in a practical application. To introduce verbs such as to feel and to hurt, and the modal auxilary should, as well as synonyms for bad. Ability Level: Second or third grade middle school and higher Application: To introduce the phrase "how do you feel today?" by explaining that it is very similar to "how are you?". Look for a student who is obviously not feeling well and ask the student how he/she is feeling. Write the words sick, awful, rotten, and terrible on the board. Choose students at random and ask them how they are feeling and have them use one the words you have written. Write the sentence "My _______________ hurts" and have students fill in the sentence. Then write "I have a _________ache," and explain to students the concept of headache, stomachache, leg ache, toothache etc. Show them your throat, ask students what it is (many will say neck) and then tell them that the correct phrase is "I have a sore throat." Next, pass out the worksheet and review the vocabulary. Begin the dialog. Choose students from the class to fill in the blanks and read it through several times. Have students complete the dialog themselves and make sure that each diagnosis matches the cure. Have two students perform the dialog in front of the class. To add drama, have the student who is the doctor actually act out what a doctor might do. Suggestion: Try to find pictures of different ailments for the students and pass them out as well. The New Oxford Picture Dictionary (Korean/English edition) is one such source. AT THE DOCTORS OFFICE Vocabulary Attention: I feel terrible (sick, awful, rotten) = I don't feel well My stomach hurts. I have a stomachache. My throat hurts. I have a sore throat. = to hurt = headache = stomachache = a sore throat = doctor = patient Dialog I Feel Terrible Doctor: Hello. How do you feel today? Patient: I feel __________________. My _________________ hurts. I have a ____________ache. Doctor: Let me take a look. Ahh, yes. Now I understand. Patient: What's wrong, doctor? Doctor: You have a ___________________. (rash, bruise, broken _______, cold, fever,) Patient: Oh no! What should I do? Doctor: You need ___________________________. (to rest, to have surgery, a shot, to take medicine, a cast, a pair of crutches) Patient: Thank you doctor. Goodbye. = infection = bruise = rash = fever = cold = a broken bone = crutches = rest = surgery = shot = medicine = cast

BLINDNESS AND TRUST Jairus Rossi (2002-2003 ETA)

Level: Middle School (Can be adjusted to any level)

Objective: To have students contemplate what it would be like to lose the sense of sight , to show how humans are quite adaptable, and to show that you see with your mind and not your eyes. Materials: Numerous blindfolds, random objects that are funny to touch, markers, and an extra teacher if possible.

1. Ask students if they know what the word blind means. 2. Ask them what things that they do regularly would become impossible if they lost their sight. (Television, read books, computer games, most sports.) 3. Ask them what things are possible to do, but would be really hard. (Reading, navigating a city, drawing.) 4. Ask them what things a blind person would be better at than a normal person and then show them pictures of Stevie Wonder and play the song Superstition because you can. Explain how other senses become better and more attuned. 5. Give them a handout and read it to them to help them maybe possibly think about being blind. (see next page for handout) 6. Time to do fun activities. Options: 18 Take 4 students to the board, blindfold them, whisper an object in their ears, and make them draw it blindfolded. Have the class guess what it is. (they were good at this.) 19 Take 4 students to the front, blindfold them, give them a funny object and make them guess what it is from touch. (The best item, unexpectedly, was a rabbits foot! Also, for some reason they freak out when its a tube of toothpaste). 20 Take 6 students, blindfold 5 of them, and have one be the leader with eyes open. Make them hold onto each others shoulders and have them navigate an obstacle course. Explain the idea of trust to them. 21 Blindfold 2 students and place them far away from each other and make them talk to each other to find each other. Once they find each other, make them switch their school jackets, slippers, or some article of clothing. (this is really funny) 22 Blindfold 2 students and place them far apart and have the rest of the class make them navigate an obstacle course to find each other (this can be used in conjunction with a lesson on directions.) Make sure to explain that the rest of the class can help by saying directions in English. Comments: Kids loved it. If you do parts of this exercise outside, it helps to have a co-teacher with you to help control and translate the handout for the low level students.

Blindness Imagine if you could not see. Easy actions would be very hard to do. You could not read a book, play soccer or computer games, or watch TV. Your life would be very different. How could you use money, walk around, or draw a picture? You could do these things, but it would be very hard. You would need help from other people. You would have to trust other people. But. You could hear very well. You might be very good at music. You would be able to feel things very well. You could learn to read with your fingers. All of your other senses would be better than a normal person. You could see, but in a different way. You would see with your brain and not your eyes.

ALL AT THE SAME TIME Ashley McCants (2002-2003 ETA) Level: Hanbada Middle School Co-ed Objective: To have the students make choices and then justify them. Procedure: 1. The students have to decide in groups what they are going to do first, second, third, and fourth, TOGETHER, which requires them to talk in order to come to a consensus. I told them absolutely no Korean. 2. Then I presented the following scenario: Its Saturday afternoon and you are relaxing at home, watching television. Suddenly, four things happen at the same time: (Write these on the board. Acting them out too is always great fun). 0 1 2 3 The baby starts crying. The phone starts ringing. Someone is at the door. It starts raining and the clothes outside are getting wet. 3. I then ask students what they would do first. I explain that they have to decide what they would do, in what order, and then provide a reason and that they had to decide together. They were not allowed to speak in Korean. Comments: I thought this could be a warm-up activity, but it actually took the whole class. It was great though, because they argue with each other and try to persuade each other until they all agree. Really great to stimulate conversation and it was interesting to see how the priorities differed. The conclusion was also good, because I had them write their orders on the board and then explain their reasons. We learned that everybody had different answers because people think differently and have different points of view- a wonderful lesson for any Korean classroom.

All at the Same Time

get the clothes answer the phone

get the door

pick up the baby

What would you do first?

First I would _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Next I would _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Third I would _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Last I would _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

M&M LESSON Level: Middle School, 1st and 2nd year. Intermediate-Advanced Students School type: Co-ed School Objective: The students will be able to respond to questions in English, in complete sentence form. Sub-objectives: 0 Get students to listen to each other 1 Get to know more about your students in class (and have them get to know more about their classmates) 2 Eat candy Materials needed: M & Ms or some other multi-colored candy (or if you dont want to use candy, use colored paper slips in an envelope), questions or things to respond to prepared for each color, list of students names to check participation and/or cheating. Format: 0 Introduce the game. Today we will play a game called the M & M game. Students will recognize the candy if you show them a bag of it. Wait to do this until after you have explained the rules though, unless you want to create mayhem. Also, have the sentence fragments for each color written on the board beforehand, to aid in explanations and save time. 1 Explain the rules: a. You will work in groups of 10 +/- (get into a circle) b. For each color of candy, you will answer a question or respond to a comment. c. You must speak in English and speak in a loud voice. d. After you finish the sentence, you can eat one piece of candy (the corresponding color to the question you answered). e. If you speak Korean, your friend can take your candy and speak. Then your friend can eat your candy. 2 M & M game sample questions: Red- I hate it when Orange-One of my hobbies is Yellow- I like Green- If I had 100,000 Won, I would buy Blue- On the weekend, I like to Brown- I am a good student, because These are made for middle school, but you can change them to be more difficult, review something you have learned in class, or be more of a revealing/getting to know you thing. Just make sure that when you write these sentence fragments that the same fragment can be responded to 2 times by the same student. 3 Before you start the game, provide a model by practicing one or two sentences aloud with your bravest students. Give them a piece of candy when they answer correctly according to the rules. 4 Separate the students into groups and seat them in circles. Provide each student with about 12 M & Ms and tell them not to eat it yet or cheat it any way. They are surprisingly good about policing each other on this. Especially since they get to take their friends M & Ms if they catch them cheating. 5 Let the students go for it. Walk around and help students as they work. Students will be surprisingly quiet and listen to each other because they lose their candy if they speak Korean. (Make sure you enforce this and in a funny, not mean way). I also marked students for

participation, and gave them a bad mark if they were cheating. It is especially important to encourage shy students during this portion. Wrap-up: 6 When class is almost over, wrap things up by asking a student or two one of the questions to check comprehension. Then, let all students eat their remaining M & Ms. Evaluation: This lesson is the best one I have used to get students to listen to each other. My students can be incredibly shy about speaking too, but this seemed to motivate all of them to speak. Students also really worked together, and helped each other out during this lesson. They wanted to eat their candy and wanted to help each other eat candy too. A bag of M & Ms isnt that expensive-- A 3,000 won bag is enough for 30 students. Variation on the lesson: If you dont want to use candy, you can use colored pieces of paper. Give each student 12 strips of paper and follow the same rules for the game, except after they finish they should remove, mark, or tear up the piece of paper instead of eating it. If a student speaks Korean someone else can take their paper. The students with the most pieces of colored paper removed from their envelope at the end, wins. Give them a prize of some sort.

CREATIVE DIALOGS Nora Mallonee (2003-2004 ETA) Level: Regular Class, co-ed high school Objective: This is an easy lesson that requires no preparation. The object is to encourage students creativity in writing a dialogue with characters, places, and quotes they make up. Procedure: Instruct each pair of students that they must come up with two peoples names, a location, and any one-line quotation. They should write them on strips of paper. Then, the students will pass the strip of paper with the names to the left. They should pass the strip with the location to the front. They should pass the quote in back. Tell the students they must create a dialog between those two people at the given location. At one point in their dialog, they must use the quote that they received from the group in front of them. Tell them, the more creative they are, the better. At the end, let the students read their dialogs to the class. Comments: Its helpful to do an example on the board when explaining the task to the students.

EXAMPLE POETRY LESSON Amy Marshall Level: Middle School and High School Materials: None Procedure: I thought this exercise would be a great way to introduce poetry or include it in a poetry unit. It is Mad Lib Poetry exercise, in which students must think of appropriate responses to the suggestion cue. Have the students copy down the poem as you read it slowly or give them a handout and have them fill in the blanks as you explain the poem and the accompanying directions. I AM I am (two special characteristics you have) I wonder (something you wonder about) I hear (an imaginary sound) I see (an imaginary sight) I want (an actual desire) I am (the first line of the poem repeated) Stanza II I pretend (something you actually pretend to do) I feel (a feeling about something imaginary) I touch (an imaginary touch) I worry (something you worry about) I cry (something that makes you sad) I am (the first line of the poem repeated) Stanza III I understand (something you know is true) I say (something you believe in) I dream (something you actually dream about) I try (something you actually make an effort with) I hope (something you actually hope for) I am (the first line of the poem repeated) Comments: I tried the lesson with my middle schoolers, but I only attempted the first verse. I need to translate it into Korean the targeted directions, such as Two special characteristics. Lesson II Club Class (not more than 20 students) Poetry Anthology I did a lot of poetry with my club class, starting them with guided stuff, and then letting them go. They did really well. It culminated into a long project (about a week) of making a poetry anthology as a class of poems about themselves. Basic schedule went like this: day 0 writing/brainstorming their poem, day 2: conferencing with me individually about their poem, day 3: typing their poem on the computer (give them a specific format), day 4: reading

their poems to each other, day 5: I took each of their- pictures, day 6: reading their poems to the other English teachers (and anyone else that wanted to come) day 7+: making the book. Each page had their poem and their picture. Because of time, I ended up doing a lot of the actual book-making but if there had been time, it would have been nice to let them design their own page, and then the book-making could be as simple as punching holes and tying together their pages with string/yarn. Of course, then there is only one copy of the book, another- small problem. But then they can decide as a class who they want to give it to. This was a lot of fun and the students really enjoyed actually producing something.

STORY CIRCLE Level: Any level, could be especially good for club classes. Originally used with a high school co-ed club class. Goals/Objectives: Cooperative narrative writing. In this activity, students join together to write a story. But there is an element of fun built into the activity and the results are not intended to be taken too seriously. It also encourages lots of creativity! Preparation: none Procedure: Students are put into groups of about five, sitting in circles. The teacher then gives a sentence such as: That day, when Julia came home from school, she knew something was different. Each student writes the sentence on the top of their piece of paper. They are then asked to write one sentence which follows this introduction. When all the students have done this the teacher tells them to pass their pieces of paper to the person on their left. They all now have to write the next sentence of the story which has just been passed to them. When they have finished, the teacher asks everyone to pass their papers to the person on their left. They all now have to write the next sentence of the story on the piece of paper in front of them. The procedure continues till the pieces of paper return to their original owners. At this point the teacher tells everyone to write a sentence to finish the story off however ridiculous! The students are then encouraged to read out the stories they have just finished. The results are often highly amusing, and because many hands have collaborated in the process, nobody has to suffer individual responsibility for the final versions. Comments: I tried this lesson with my club activity class, and the stories were really funny. I would be careful in making sure the groups are of a similar English level, because it takes some students more time than others to first read and comprehend the story passed to them, and then to think up something new.

WRITING A POEM ABOUT MUSIC Ashley McCants (2002-2003 ETA) Level: Hanbada Middle School Co-Ed Objective: To teach students about music and English through writing poetry. Introduction: My students have been studying about music. They are listening to Vivaldis Four Seasons and discussing how it sounds like birds and water, etcThey also have been learning about how every day sounds are also like music. Procedure: 1. I began class by writing a quote on the board: All the sounds of the earth are like music. Oscar Hammerstein. I asked them what it meant they eventually got it. 2. Then I asked them what kinds of sounds are like music. The told me things like rain falling, bees humming, birds singing, children laughing, a bell ringing, a clock ticking, etc I brainstormed with them lots of sounds on the board to get their juices flowing. 3. Then, I explained we would be writing poems about music. This was intimidating at first, but I explained that every person would only write one line: Music is(Korean for sound). My students sit in groups of 6, so I told them every person in each group had to write a different sentence. Some of them used the sounds on the board, but others came up with new sounds frogs croaking, steamboat whistle, footsteps in the snow, etc Of course you have to help them, but its cool to see them be creative. And of course you always get kids who want to know how to say a toilet flushing, farting, snoringetc. 4. Then we put the poems together. The first line was the same for everyone: What is music? Then they all wrote their sentences underneath that. Music is Music is 5. There should be 5 or 6 sentences about music with different sounds. The last line is All the sounds of the earth are like music. I gave them colored paper and markers and they wrote and illustrated their poems. Then, I had them read them aloud. One person read the poem, and everyone else made the sounds. The kids all enjoyed it!

PROVERBS Objectives: Students will define ten proverbs. Students will listen to situations and identify the proverb being described. Materials: Proverb quiz sheet, dictionaries (if kids have them), pen/pencil, situation cards (I glued each situation onto a note card). Procedure: 0 Tell the students they will learn some proverbs. Ask them if they know what proverbs are. Define the proverbs for them. 1 Show students the paper. Tell them the proverb is on one side and the meaning is on the other. They must match them together. They work in pairs. 2 Distribute papers, walk around and help as needed. 3 Go over answers together. Read each proverb, have students repeat the proverb and then read the meaning in its entirety (for speaking practice). 4 Give a situation card to random students in the class. Provide about five minutes for the student to read the card and decide which proverb it goes with. They help eachother. Then, call on the students to read the card and provide the answers. Note: Although I thought this would be really difficult, the students didnt have any trouble with it and actually enjoyed it. I used this with my second year high school students. PROVERBS A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A watched pot never boils. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. All that glitters is not gold. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Dont bite the hand that feeds you. Every cloud has a silver lining. Haste makes waste. Better safe than sorry. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone. Necessity is the mother of invention. Rome wasnt built in a day. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Theres more than meets the eye. Theres no time like the present. Time is money. When the going gets tough, the tough get going (or go shopping) You cant teach an old dog new tricks. Youre never too old to learn.

ENGLISH PROVERBS WORKSHEET Match the proverb with its meaning. Proverbs 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) It takes two to tango. Rome wasnt built in a day. Birds of a feather flock together. Dont judge a book by its cover. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. No pain, no gain. Look before you leap. Money doesnt grow on trees. . . . . . . . . . .

The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

Meanings a) When two people work together, they are both responsible for the success or failure. b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Consider everything before you act. Dont form an appearance only based on appearance. Important things do not happen immediately. People who complain the loudest get the most attention. Money is not easy to get. People like each other more after they are apart. People who are similar gather together. Nothing can be accomplished without effort. What one person thinks is ugly, another make think is beautiful.

SCRAMBLED STORY Level: High School (1st and 2nd Year) Objectives: To tell students about an American holiday/custom and to practice various listening and comprehension skills. Materials: Any story (you can use the one shown below, thanks to Mike Hurt-ETA 94-96 for telling me this) and a worksheet that has the sentences of the story scrambled. Procedure: First tell the story by illustrating it on the chalkboard. You have to be careful to tell the story using the sentences that you have included on the worksheet. Next give the worksheets with the scrambled story sentences to the students. Students must put the story in order by re-writing the story in their notebooks. After the students finish, tell the story again so they can check their work. If you wish, for speaking practice, and review, you can have the students tell the story to a partner. ONCE, A LONG, LONG TIME AGO IN JAPAN ON A CLIFF NEXT TO THE SEA, THERE WAS A SMALL HOUSE. IN THE HOUSE LIVED A SMALL GIRL AND HER MOTHER. THE GIRL WORE A WHITE KIMONO. THEY WERE POOR AND HUNGRY AND THE MOTHER WAS CRAZY. SO ONE DAY BECAUSE THE MOTHER WAS HUNGRY AND CRAZY, SHE THREW THE GIRL OFF THE CLIFF. THE GIRL COULDNT SWIM, SO SHE DIED. NOW THAT CLIFF IS A TOURIST SPOT. MANY PEOPLE GO DIVING AT THAT CLIFF. ONE DAY, THREE AMERICANS WERE DIVING THERE. ONE WAS VIDEO TAPING THE DIVERS. THEY KEPT DIVING. ONE TIME THEY DOVE AND ONE FRIEND DIDNT COME UP FOR A LONG TIME. HE DROWNED. THEY DIDNT KNOW WHY HE DROWNED BECAUSE HE WAS A VERY, VERY GOOD DIVER. SO LATER THEY WERE WATCHING THE VIEDO TAPE OF THE DIVE. OH MY GOD!

THEY NOTICED SOMETHING STRANGE IN THE VIDEO. ON THE FRIENDS BACK WAS A STRANGE, FUZZY WHITE SHAPE. WHEN THEY LOOKED CLOSELY, THEY SAW IT WAS A LITTLE GIRL IN A WHITE KIMONO. SHE WAS RIDING HIS BACK AND SMILING AT THE CAMERA. Comments: The students really liked unscrambling this story-they liked the problem-solving aspect of it challenging, but not beyond their ability. Many were actually scared by the story too!

BUILD A STORY Objectives: To involve every student in creating a story where each student contributes a sentence or two, adding to the story the proceeding students have built, When I am sad, I cry. When I cry, I eat cake. When I eat cake, etc To introduce I do that whenever and That happens whenever and/or I hate it when that happens. Procedure: One day I went into class and the students were in tears for one of their classmates father had passed away the night before. They werent in any condition to learn, and I was at a loss for what to do with them. I came up with this lesson on a whim and it was actually quite successful. I put them in groups, and asked them to work in groups together writing a story about this sadness. I started the story with , When I am sad asking them to build it, each student contributing a thought or two. I think it helped them a lot to be able to work and mourn together instead of separately at their desks, and it certainly lifted their moods. Here are some of their stories: When I am sad, I want to be alone. When Im alone, I write a letter to myself. When I write a letter, I think of past days. When I think of past days, I hit on childhood. When I hit on childhood, I feel my face ahs changed. When I feel my face has changed, I realized that sadness has made me grow. When Im sad, I cry. When I cry, I listen to music. When I listen to music , I eat and sleep. When I eat and sleep, I forget a little bit. When I am sad, I write in my diary. When I write in my diary I think of my friend. When I think of my friend, I write a letter. When I write a letter, I listen to music. When I listen to music, I drink a cup of coffee, I eat crackers and I am happy. When I am sad, I read the Bible and I listen to music. When I listen to sad music, I cry all day long. When I cry all day long, I go to a movie theater and watch a movie. When I watch a movie I feel better. When I feel better, I think happy things. When I think happy things I talk about happy days with my friends. Comments: Ive since done this lesson with other classes and levels with beginnings such as, You wont believe what I saw the other day. Did you know that Sometimes I wonder I encouraged the students to make the stories as outrageous as possible and they were hilarious. Theyll never cease to amaze you with their imaginations. Encourage them to read the stories with as much humor.

STORYTELLING CONTEST Janet Oh (ETA 2001-2002) Level: Gumi Boys High School This lesson ended up taking several class sessions. My boys English level is pretty good so many of them were able to write creative and funny stories without much difficulty. However, I gave them a list of questions to answer if they were having difficulty thinking of what to write. Preparation: I bought two magazines (mainly movie magazines, such as Premiere) and laminated about 20 pictures. The Goal: To have students work in groups to create a story and then present it to the class. The Contest: Each group gave every story (except their own) a score for presentation and creativity. I then added up all the scores and gave them a grade for grammar. The winning stories received a prize and their stories will go up on the schools wall for other students to read. The Process: My students needed 2 class periods to write their stories. Reading the stories also took about 2 class periods. (Warning: Depending on your kids classroom behavior and reading ability, you may not want them to read it for the class. In some of my classes the students were very noisy while other students were reading their stories. In other classes, they listened attentively and read along.) On the day of the presentation, I made a copy of each story to give to every group so the students could better understand the stories that their classmates had written. Reflections: This lesson ended up requiring a lot of preparation: photocopying stories, adding up scores, and correcting the students grammar. However, in the end the students used their creativity and wit to come up with some damn funny stories. Questions to help write their stories: 1) Who is in the picture? 2) What are they doing? 3) What are they thinking? 4) How do they know each other? 5) Where are they? 6) What is happening? 7) How do they feel? 8) What are they saying to each other?

Variation: This can also be done using a comic strip with no captions/dialogue bubbles.

LOVE STORY Level: High School Objectives: To practice descriptions and storytelling. Materials: Slips of pre-torn paper, preferably in dissimilar shapes and/or colors so as to be distinguishable. Procedures: 1) Ask for the students favorite love stories, from movies, books and plays. Write these on the board with the corresponding lead characters who fall in love. 2) Divide the class into thirds. One section must write a boys name and a brief description of him. The other side of the room must write a girl's name and a brief description of her. The middle section must pose a scenario where the two met and how (at the library when they wanted the same book.) Collect the papers. Divide the class into groups of four (or whatever number you would get by dividing the number of Boy slips or Girl slips or Scenario slips into the total number of students. If you have 50 students and 10 of them write about a Boy, your groups should be five in number). Redistribute the slips to the groups. Each gets one Boy slip, one Girl slip and one Scenario slip. From these three bits of information, they must complete the story. What were his first words to her? How did she reply? What happened next? What was the reaction of the people who knew them? What was the result of all of this?



Comments: -Love Stories: Have the students read for comprehension a short story about love (something from real life is always interesting to the students). Have them answer questions about the story. Handouts: story with comprehension questions (25-30 min). -Write Love is . on the board and have the students complete the sentence on a piece of paper. Collect the papers after 5-10 minutes or so and write all the replies on the board. Good way for the class to discuss something they always think of, but may be too embarrassed to do so in public. -Instead of stories have the students write short dialogues enacting the scene when the boy and girl meet. Then, have the students act them out and videotape them if possible. (It can be hard to motivate the students but the results are worth it.) Comments: Some students may be slackers, which will screw it all up because you need just the right number of Girls and Boys. If you have excess, give some groups an extra Boy or Girl to make the story more interesting. (ex: The ex-girlfriend, etc)

ILLUSTRATING A BOOK Joanne Lee (2000-2001 ETA) Level: Daeje Boys Middle School This one is quite simple and can be done in one day with all classes. Materials: All you need is a short story (any childrens book or fable will do), copies of the words (either photocopied or retyped), and a pair of scissors. Procedures: You take the stories and number the sentences. Then cut each sentence out separately (or just make sure each student or group has a sentence/paragraph). Explain to the students that they will be illustrating a book. You may need to introduce new vocabulary here (both from the story and about the project) and show examples. In class you break the students up in whatever way you like and pass out one sentence/paragraph per student/group. Depending on the resources of your school you can also pass out white paper for the students to draw on or just have them use a piece of their notebook paper. The students will read the sentence (to themselves or in their groups), rewrite it on the blank paper, look up the words they dont know, and try translating the sentence/paragraph (if youre not able to check their translations in Korean, ask a co-teacher to help you out or leave this part out). After they are finished, have them draw a picture that explains their sentence/paragraph. Make sure the students number their picture (same as their sentence/paragraph number). Finally, at the end of class or at the beginning of the next class, put the illustrations in order and read the story to the students. Afterwards, check for comprehension. This went over well with my boys and we all had a good laugh at some of the interesting illustrations. Have fun! Variation: I used the short childrens story Stone Soup in my advanced club class as a reading/listening/creative art activity. I followed the same procedure as Joanne Lees, but I read the story to the students before they started drawing. First, I gave them each a slip with their lines. Then, as I was reading, they raised their hands when they heard their sentences. After listening to the story, I had them read their sentences aloud. Since the students can only sound out most of the words, then I had them look up difficult vocab and translate their line into Korean. After all the work was finished, then they got down to drawing the pictures. When everyone was done, the students read their sentences again while showing their picture to the class.

COMIC STRIPS Mimi Do (ETA 2001-2002) Level: Daejeon Jungang Middle School Introduction: My middle school boys love comic books. So after having confiscated about 50 books in one semester, I decided to let them have their way. I did two different comic strip lessons, one in my club class and one with all the classes. 3-Word Comics: I handed out a sheet of paper with a grid of 6-8 squares on it. On the board, I wrote the words rabbit, key, and bridge (you can use any words). The students have to make up a comic strip story incorporating the three words in any way. The rabbit found a key on the bridge, The rabbit ate a key and jumped off a bridge, or A boy met a rabbit on a bridge holding a key, etc. I encouraged the students to write captions or bubble dialogue, but told them it wasnt necessary. After they finished drawing, I chose a few students to share their comics with the class. The lower-level students really enjoyed this lesson because they were able to communicate without actually writing English. Some of the kids are really creative and very funny with their drawings. Super Hero Comics: After watching Spiderman with my club class, I had them draw comics about their own superheroes. First we brainstormed different superheroes, describing powers, weaknesses, and adventures. Then, each student had to make up a superhero. The comic strip had to include his name, description/depiction of powers, and a problem for the superhero to solve. Some useful questions to write on the board: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is your superheros name? What can he do? What are his powers? What does he look like? What is his weakness? (Superman is weakend by kryptonite, etc.) What kind of problem does he have to solve?

**2-Part Lesson** LESSON ONE Part 1 I asked for four volunteers to come up to the board. Each volunteer represented a season. I made four columns on the board. I had each student write the season they represented on the board at the top of their column. Then, I had them number their columns from 1-10. I had each of the sitting students pick a season and say one thing related to that season (such as weather, food, clothing that's worn, holidays, etc). For example, for winter, snow/Christmas/scarf. Then the student who represented winter would write that word in their column on the board. I would then say the word and have the entire class repeat my pronunciation. I went around to each student in the class asking them to pick a season and say one thing related to that season. You can also prepare pictures/magazine cut-outs/real props to show your class to help them think of words/ideas. After all of the columns are filled, I thank my volunteers and have them sit down. You can reward your volunteers. This all takes about 10-15 minutes. You may have to help your volunteers with spelling or you can have the class help instead. Part 2 Then, I write the word "poem" on the board and explain what it is (in Korean, poem is pronounced "she"). I break the students up into groups of 4 and have them write a short poem about a season or anything related to a season. I tell them to be creative, funny, serious, whatever tone they'd like to give to their poem. I rewarded the group with the best poem. Some of my students didn't like the idea of writing a poem-they thought it would be too difficult, but after reading some example poems from other classes, they were much more into it. For the first class you do this lesson with, you will not have example poems but you can write a few simple ones up yourself. I tell them they can choose from the words on the board. In my lower level classes, I had each group of 4 write a 4 line poem at the least. which means one line per student. In my upper level classes, I had each group of 4 write an 8 line poem at the least, which means two lines per student. Depending on how fast your students work and how long Part 1 takes, you can read the poems at the end of this class period or during the beginning of the following class period. LESSON TWO Part 1 Continued Lesson One: Had the entire group come up to the front and read their poem aloud to the class. Often the students did not understand the pronunciation of their classmates so I would read the poem a second time through. After all the groups read their poems aloud, I reward the group with the best poem. This takes about 10 minutes. Part 2 - Game Break the class up into teams. Make a scoreboard on the board. You will need a deck of cards. You spread the deck of cards out on a table. I also made four envelopes - one for each season. In each envelope, I put in about 15 cards with a word related to that season (related to previous lesson). One student comes to the front of the class. From the deck of cards spread out on the table, the student picks out two cards. The first card represents their season. They pick a word from that season's envelope. The second card represents their method (Talk in English, Mime, or Draw) in trying to get their team to guess the word. Hearts - Summer - Talk in English Diamonds - Spring - Talk in English Club - Winter - Mime Spade - Fall - Draw (Joker - The two Joker cards did not represent any season. However, if a student picked a Joker, I allowed the student to explain their card "in Korean.") I gave each team about 1 minute to guess the word their teammate was trying to explain. The team must answer in English. If the team guesses the word, the team gets a point. If the team can not guess the word, the other teams get a chance at guessing. If there is more than one team that knows the answer, those teams can do "rocks-paperscissors" to see who can answer. This is a good opportunity to teach the students how to play "rocks-paperscissors" in English. At the end of class, the team with the most points is rewarded.

COUNTRIES Debra Mirtle Level: Coed Middle School Objective: To learn the correct way to address people, language and country (e.g. Korean, Korean, Korea) Materials: Colored butcher paper. Hand out grid with names of people, languages and countries. Procedure: 0 Write on the board, people, language and country. Have students repeat. 1 Make a grid on the board so that students understand what they will have to do. 2 Ask the students what country they are from? What language do they speak? What do they call people from their country/ Make X on the makeshift grid on the board. Do another example to make sure they understand. 3 Questions. 4 Give the students 10 minutes to complete the grid. Review. 5 Assign each table a country and have them determine if their country is a powerful or weak country, what food the people eat, and is the country bog or small. Have students write the answers on colored butcher paper. 6 When finished have two students from each table report their answers to the class. 7 Questions. 8 Hang answers on the wall. Reflection: This exercise was a total success. The students were both interested and challenged by the activity. I dont think they had ever really thought of how the above words differ when describing people, language and culture. I have also discovered that they love doing activities that involve using colored paper and pens; basically they love being creative. They all contributed something too. The students sit together in groups of 8 at tables and everyone really got into it. It is challenging in that they were not totally sure what people from Italy and Mexico eat, nor the actual size of the counties. I think the best aspect of this activity was that they actually looked beyond Korea for 45 minutes and thought about what is happening in the rest of the world. Great exercise.

Countries and Languages Example: Korean people live in Korea and speak Korean. Language Japanese Spanish Korean English s, People and Countries Korean (Korea) Chinese (China and Taiwan) Japanese (Japan) American (America) Italian (Italy) Spanish (Spain) Canadian (Canada) Mexican (Mexico) Australian (Australia )



Every table has to answer these questions for every country above. 1) What do these people like to eat? Korean/Chinese/Japanese people like to eat . 2) Is Korea a powerful/weak country? Korea/China/Japan is a country? 3) Is Korea a big/small country? Korea/China/Japan is a country?

TRAVEL AGENCY DIALOGUE Level: Co-ed High School Club Class Objective: To spark interest in travel by making students think and speak about it. Procedure: Use any warm-up you want for this dialog. Then, hand out the dialog and explain that the students must fill in the blanks with whatever they choose. Have them perform the dialogs in front of the class. Talk about travel by showing pictures/postcards/currency/clothing, etc. from other countries. This worked really well in my club class, especially because I had a lot of props from other countries. They were also really excited about choosing their own country, and I could ask them further questions about why they wanted to go there, etc.

Travel Agent: Hello. Welcome to Sharp Travel Agency. My name is How can I help you? Customer: Yes. My name is (city) __________________ in Travel Agent: Customer: . Id like to book a vacation to (country). (country)? Do you speak ((yes/no/a little bit).


Travel Agent: Dont worry, if you speak English, youll be fine. English is used in most countries as a second language. Why do you want to go to (city, country)? Customer: I hear that . Travel Agent: Good thinking. Lets see, when would you like to leave? Customer: (coming back date). (leaving date), and returning to Seoul on

Travel Agent: Okay, theres a flight leaving on (leaving date) at 10 am and getting to (city) at 5pm. The return flight on (coming back date) leaves at 6pm and arrives in Seoul at 6am. Customer: Thats great. But how much does it cost? Travel Agent: Customer: won. ! (Ill take it!/ Thats too expensive!)

WORLD LESSON Vicki Versland (ETA 2000-2001) Level: Changwon Boys High School Procedure: To learn why English is important, to learn how to pronounce countries names, to practice listening skills Materials: World Map, Paper for Bingo. pen or pencil Procedure:
1. Write the word World on the board. Tell the students that today we will learn about world countries.

2. Ask them why it is important to know about the world outside of Korea? Then talk about technology and how the world is becoming a smaller place. In 10-15 years Korea will have much more contact with the world. 3. Then write 2002 on the board. ASK what will happen in Korea(and Japan) in 2002? (World Cup) 4. Ask what does this mean for Korea? Who will come to watch the World cup--only Koreans and Japanese? No. people from all over the world. 5. What countries love soccer? Students will say Brazil, England, France, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Spain, Etc As the students say these---write them on the board. 6. Then on another part of the board write Spain. Ask the students what language they speak. Then write Spanish. Then Korea--what language? Korean, FranceFrench, Russia ---Russian, Germany--German Brazil---Portuguese, Saudi Arabia--Arabic. You get the point--make a list of about 7-10 countries with their languages. 7. Then just randomly tell your students you are a German person --you are a French person, you are Korean and so on. 8. Then tell them you are all at the opening WC 2002 soccer game, an exciting goal was just scored you want to talk about it with your neighbor--but you all speak a different language. How do you communicate? English! 9. I tell my students--you may on may not like this--but English is the common language that people use to communicate with. If you try hard to learn English--you can communicate with many different people. I also tell them about jobs that are available blah blah blah 10. Then I tell them that we will learn some of the countries in the world, their capitols, language spoken and some facts about the countries. So then if they meet some foreigners during the world cup--they won't seem so dumb if they try to talk to them. (I show them the blank stare look that I often get from my students and say unh?) The kids love it! 11. Give them a piece of paper and have them fold it five by five( it saves time---they are so anal about drawing lines for bingo!) Tell them if they happen to fold 6/6--just fold it under for 5/5. Or play anyway you want--you get the picture 12. Then tell them they are to write 24(free space) country names--one for each square. 13. Have them shout out any country names as they fold their paper--then write them on the board. These are the country names they can choose from to write on their card. 14. Then tell them that you will say a capitol, language spoken, fact or location (this depends on your students levels.). I usually start out with easy ones like--Washington DC, Mexico City, Bulgarian. Then I move into a country in South America that is very long and thin--Chile. I just make up the clues as we go along. My students abilities really surprised me--so I made up some pretty difficult ones. Of course I am pretty comfortable with geography and cultural things of different countries. So it was a bit easy. But you should be Ok if you have a

world map to look at. You should be able to copy one from the internet if you can not get you hands on one. Of course you know the way Bingo progresses 15. Then you give a prize--or if you do not have any--a smile and the satisfaction of winning! I actually just give them a card that says "Thank you". I tell them if they get this card, hold onto it until the end--then come up to my desk to get a prize. This seems to work out well. I usually let about 15 people win before I call a new game--that way they can keep learning the countries and facts and stuff. 16. If you want to work on pronunciation at any time--just have them pronounce the list of countries. And for extra fun--you can say it the Korean way--they can say it the American way. Its kind of fun! My students always insist on adding the extra U or E at the end. I didnt do the whole deal with buying vowels because I figured it would be too confusing.

TOURISM Lee Wilbur (1999-2001 ETA) Procedure: Play hangman to find the word 'tourism.' What is tourism? The business of making money from the travel industry When did South Korea make a lot of money on international tourism? 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, 2002 FIFA World Cup How did South Korea make money? Tourists came and spent money in South Korea; hotels, restaurants, stores public transportation, tourist destinations, barber shops, etc.. Much foreign-made money entered South Korea. When will South Korea make more money on International tourism? 2002 World Cup Soccer in Korea/Japan Since tourism is healthy for the Korean economy, we should encourage more foreigners to come to Korea How can you persuade foreign tourists to visit South Korea? -We can persuade them by telling them exciting and interesting things they can do in South Korea. I want my best friend Mike to visit South Korea. Mike does not know much about your country. Please write him a letter and tell him why he should visit South.Korea. Pass out a sheet with the following (adapted from Fulbright lesson plan book); While visiting South Korea, What is one thing Mike should taste? WHY? (food, drink, etc...) -What is one thing Mike should see? WHY? (a movie, a dance, a play, etc...) -What is one thing Mike should hear? WHY'? (a song/singer, folk music, pop music. etc) -what is one place Mike should visit? WHY? (a city, temple, museum, club, island, etc...) -who is one person Mike should meet? WHY?

Please answer these questions in a letter format. Write on the board, 'Dear Mike.' Remember, if you tell Mike he should try Korean soju. he will not understand because he does not know what soju is. You must explain everything that is Korean. Example; Mike, you should try Korean soju. It is our most popular traditional alcoholic drink, and wow is it delicious! It tastes just like paint thinner! Be careful though, it is powerful stuff... I will send your letters to my best friend Mike. He will read your letters. I hope you are all convincing so that he will come and see how great your country is!

HIGH SCHOOL IN AMERICA Sunny Diaz (1990-2000 ETA) Level: High School (Boys) Objective: Pronunciation, plus reading, listening, and speaking comprehension. Materials: Copies of the fill-in-the-blank handout for all of your students 30-40 small index cards, which you have prepared by class time. I thought of this lesson because I had the sneaking suspicion that my boys, if forced to, probably couldn't understand each other when speaking English to save their lives. I was right. This lesson helped my students to realize that: a) although their reading comprehension is OK, their speaking ability is not, b) if they had a reasonable command of proper pronunciation, it would be easier to understand people who speak English and c) if they don't shut up and listen to the guy who's talking, then they will never be able to fill in all the blanks. Procedure: 0 Xerox enough fill-in-the-blank handouts (included) for all of your students. 1 Use the completed handout as your guide for doing the following: a. Using small index cards, make about 30 (or more, ideally you want each student to have a card) cards with one sentence on each card. (Or just laminate regular strips of paper). Underline the words that are blank on the handouts. b. Number each sentence on the cards according to which blank number is on the handout. c. Give one card to each student. d. Let each student find their sentence on the handout before beginning, so they can fill in the blank without being distracted by it later. e. When you (and they) are ready, each student reads their card out loud, in the order of their numbered cards. As each student reads their sentence, the others listen and fill in the blanks. f. Be sure to tell your students to read LOUDLY and S-L-O-W-L-Y. This is your chance to have them know what it feels like when you talk to them. If you're not satisfied with their reading, or if some of the students can't hear them, make them read their sentence over and over until everyone is happy. Poo-ha-ha-ha! ! g. Go over all the missing words with them. Be sure they understand the context and meaning of the words. Comments: 1) You can modify this by adding more little tidbits of info about HS in America if you have more than 30 students--chances are, most of you do. 2) Although this isn't the most entertaining lesson in the world to do, I think it's really helpful for the students, and they were interested in finding out about how HS in the states compares to the Korean school system. I left out the parts about teenage sex and unplanned pregnancies, reckless and drunk driving, and how much the jocks just want to get laid-but feel free to add anything you think will be good for your students to know. 2 Students' reactions: My one severely English-impaired class had major issues with this lesson, but all of my other guys impressed the hell out of me by actually listening carefully to each other and doing a great job overall.

HIGH SCHOOL IN AMERICA High school in the (1) is very different than Korean high school. Most of these are found in the students and teachers. First, American high school students do not wear (3) unless they go to a special (4) school. Most students are allowed to wear (5) they want and their (6) can be in any style they choose. Sometimes this causes (7) because students wear clothes that are not proper for school. For example, some students wear T - shirts that have (8) on them, and sometimes their clothes show too much of their (9) . Also, some students have very (10) hair styles that their teachers do not like. They might be told to (11) their hair so that it is not so wild or too ugly. Many high school students in America also (12) their own cars to school. Some take the (13) or get a ride with their parents. Most students in the U.S. can drive when they are (14) years old, it depends on which state they live in. If they have their own car, they feel very special and can drive their (15) around, especially during the weekends. In many schools, students are allowed to (16) the school campus during lunch time. This is called an "Open Campus". If students have a car, or a friend with a car, then they can go to McDonald's, Burger King, or even (17) for lunch. They do not have to eat in the school (18) if they do not want to. Students in America only go to school until about 3:30 in the (19) . Then many students go home and do (20) and then hang out with their friends or watch TV. Some students play sports after school. Many schools in America have (21) , like basketball, soccer, volleyball, football, and baseball. The teams in each school compete with other school to see who has the (22) team. There are teams for both boys and girls in school, so many (23) in America are very athletic. Some schools also have a school band. Students in this band play different (24) and the band plays at school football games. Many students spend a lot of time after school playing sports or (25) in the band. These are called "Extra- Curricular Activities". In America, teachers cannot (26) their students. If they beat a student, they will (27) their job and go to jail. Teachers in America (28) their students in many different ways. Sometimes the student will get "detention", which is a type of punishment where students have to stay (29) at school and do extra work. Some teachers give a lot of extra (30) if their students are bad. Many teachers call the student's (31) to come in to talk with the principal if their student causes a lot of trouble. Sometimes a teacher will give students a very bad (32) in their class and fail them. If students (33) too many classes, then they cannot (34) from high school.

HIGH SCHOOL IN AMERICA High school in the United States is very different than Korean high school. Most of these differences are found in the students and teachers. First, American high school students do not wear uniforms, unless they go to a special private school. Most students are allowed to wear whatever they want, and their hair can be in any style they choose. Sometimes this causes problems, because students wear clothes that are not proper for school. For example, some students wear T -shirts that have bad words on them, and sometimes their clothes show too much of their body. Also, some students have very crazy hair styles that their teachers do not like. They might be told to change their hair so that it is not so wild or too ugly. Many high school students in America also drive their own cars to school. Some take the bus, or get a ride with their parents. Most students in the U.S. can drive when they are sixteen years old, it depends on which state they live in. If they have their own car, they feel very special and can drive their friends around, especially during the weekends. In many schools, students are allowed to leave the school campus during lunch time. This is called an "Open Campus". If students have a car, or a friend with a car, then they can go to McDonald's, Burger King or even home for lunch. They do not have to eat in the school cafeteria if they do not want to. Students in America only go to school until about 3:30 in the afternoon. Then many students go home and do homework and then hang out with their friends or watch TV. Some students play sports after school. Many schools in America have team sports, like basketball, soccer, volleyball, football and baseball. The teams in each school compete with other schools to see who has the best team. There are teams for both boys and girls in school, so many girls in America are very athletic. Some schools. also have a school band. Students in this band play different instruments and the band plays at school football games. Many students spend a lot of time after school playing sports or practicing in the band. This is called "Extra-Curricular Activity". In America, teachers cannot hit their students. If they beat a student, they will lose their job and go to jail. Teachers in America punish their students in many different ways. Sometimes the student will get "detention", which is a type of punishment where students have to stay late at school and do extra work. Some teachers give a lot of extra homework if their students are bad. Many teachers call the student's parents to come in and talk with the principal if their student is very bad and causes a lot of trouble. Sometimes a teacher will give bad students a very bad grade in their class and fail them. If students fail too many classes, then they cannot graduate from high school.


Sandra Wittner (ETA 2001-2002) Level: Middle school This is my adaptation of the high school in America lesson in the handbook. It worked pretty well with my second grade middle schoolers, but I'm not going to try it with my first graders. It didn't work for me to have them read from cards like in the original plan, so I just made it a listening lesson and read the whole thing myself. Admittedly it doesn't help their speaking much, but they were quiet and behaved for 20 minutes. Middle School in America Middle school in the United States is very different from Korean middle school. The school year starts in early September and ends in June. The students have summer vacation from June through August. There is a two-week winter vacation for Christmas and New Years. In spring there is a week-long vacation for Easter. School in America starts around 9 in the morning and ends around 2:30 in the afternoon. There is no school on Saturdays. After school is over, many students go home. In America, there are no hagwons. At home, they watch TV, play computer games, and hang out with their friends. Most students do their homework after dinner. Students need between one and two hours to finish their homework. Some students stay at the school for sports. Most schools in America have team sports, like basketball, soccer, football, and baseball. Both girls and boys play sports, but on different teams. The teams from each school compete with other schools to see which school has the best team. There are also many different clubs after school. Some of the biggest clubs are music clubs. Many students spend a lot of time learning how to play an instrument in the school band or to sing well. Sometimes the school band will play music during football games. Students in America take English, math, history, science, art, music, gym, and computer. They also take a foreign language, usually starting in their second year of middle school. They can usually choose to learn German, French, or Spanish. The students do not clean the school. Most American schools have tracking. Tracking means there are special classes for very smart students and special classes for students who have problems. Some teachers only teach the smart students, and others only the students with problems. In America, each teacher has his or her own classroom. The students move around between the different classrooms. American middle school students do not wear uniforms, unless they go to a special school. Most students can wear whatever they want, and their hair can be in any style. Sometimes this causes problems when students wear clothes that are not right for school. For example, a student might wear a shirt with a bad word on it. If a teacher sees the shirt, the student must go home and change clothes. In America, teachers cannot hit their students. If they hit a student, they will lose their job and go to jail. Teachers in America punish their students in many ways. Some teachers make students stay late at school, until around 5:30 in the evening. Other teachers give bad students a lot more homework. Many teachers call the students parents. If the student is very bad, the principal will talk to the parents. Sometimes teachers give Fs to students. If a student has too many Fs, he cannot go on to the next grade. If a student is very, very bad, he must leave the school he is at and go to another school. Compete= Instrument= Usually= Unless=~ Punish= Jail=

MIDDLE SCHOOL IN AMERICA Middle school in the (1)________ _________ is very different from Korean middle school. The school year starts in early (2)___________ and ends in June. The students have summer (3)_________ from June through August. There is a two-week winter vacation for Christmas and (4) . In (5)_________ there is a week-long vacation for Easter. School in America starts around 9 in the (6)___________ and ends around 2:30 in the afternoon. There is no school on (7)____________. After school is over, many students go (8)_______. In America, there are (9) _____ hagwons. At home, they watch TV, play computer games, and hang out with their (10)______. Most students do their homework after (11)_______. Students need between one and two (12) ________ to finish their homework. Some students stay at the school for (13)______. Most schools in America have team sports, like basketball,(14) _______, football, and baseball. Both (15)______ _____ _______ play sports, but on different teams. The teams from each school compete with other schools to see which school has the best team. There are also many different clubs (16)_______ school. Some of the biggest clubs are (17)_______ clubs. Many students spend a lot of time (18)________ how to play an instrument in the school band or to sing well. Sometimes the school band will play music during (19)_____________ __________. Students in America take English, math, history, science, art, music, P.E., and (20)___________. They also take a foreign language, usually starting in their (21)___________ year of middle school. They can usually choose to learn German, French, or Spanish. The students do (22)______ ______ the school. Most American schools have tracking. Tracking means there are special (23)_________ for very smart students and special classes for students who have problems. Some teachers only teach the (24)______ students, and others only the students with problems. In America, each teacher has his or her own (25)___________. The students move around between the (26) ___________ classrooms. American middle school students (27)____ ____ wear uniforms, unless they go to a special school. Most students can wear whatever they want, and their (28)______ can be in any style. Sometimes this causes problems when students wear clothes that are not (29)_____ for school. For example, a student might wear a (30)_______ with a bad word on it. If a teacher sees the shirt, the student go home and (31) _________ clothes. In (32)____________, teachers cannot hit their students. If they hit a student, they will lose their job and go to jail. Teachers in America punish their students in (33)___________ ways. Some teachers make students stay late at school, until around 5:30 in the (34)___________. Other teachers give bad students a lot more (35)____________. Many teachers (36)_______ the students parents. If the student is very bad, the principal will talk to the (37)_________. Sometimes teachers give Fs to students. If a student has too many Fs, he cannot go on to the next (38)__________. If a student is very, very bad, he must (39)_________ the school he is at and go to another school. Compete= Usually= Punish= Instrument= Unless=~ Jail=

AMERICAN vs. KOREAN SCHOOL LIFE Jennifer Flinn (2002-2003 ETA) Level: low-level boys high school, supplement class Time: Two weeks Materials Needed: A Day in the Life of an American High School Student handout Introduction: Students read about typical daily life for an American high school student, then compare and contrast it with their own lives. They discuss what is good and bad about both systems. Finally, they devise their own educational system for an imaginary high school. Korean students are really interested in American high school life, and have a very idealized view of it. Procedure: With the help of my little sister, I wrote an essay detailing a typical day for her at school, along with after school activities, etc. Depending on student ability, or your own high school experience you can write your own explanation. I photocopied it and distributed it to my second-year supplement class (40 students, meeting two hours a week, mid-to-low level English skills) and let them read it in class. After they finished reading it we listed all the ways Korean and American high schools are different. Then I let students vote on whether the American or Korean system was better for each individual item (ex. Uniforms or No Uniforms? Are Class Captains a good idea or a bad idea? Do American schools finish too early or do Korean schools finish too late in the day?) Then we listed similarities, which took MUCH longer and a lot of prodding for answers. We finished with free talking about school and education. Usually my students are not advanced enough to free talk, but they were VERY vocal on this issue. The second week I told students to get in groups. Each group was to pretend that they were to make a new school. They could make any rules they wanted, and spend as much money as they wanted. Visit all the groups and talk with them a few minutes, pointing out potential flaws, good ideas, etc. Let each group present their school to the class. Day in the Life of an American High School Student Erin wakes up around 6 oclock in the morning. After she showers and gets dressed, she makes her breakfast. Most American high school students make their own breakfast in the morning. Erin likes to eat cereal with milk, and drink orange juice. At seven am, she goes outside to catch the bus. In America, many students ride big yellow buses owned by the schools. Only students can ride these buses. Some students walk to school, but some students get a ride to school from their parents. In America, you can drive when youre 16 years old, so some students have their own cars to drive to school in. Erins school starts at 7:45. First she has a short homeroom period where a teacher makes announcements. This is how Erin finds out what is happening at her school. After homeroom class, she goes to her Geometry (math) class. At Erins High school, students take a different math class every year: Algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. After math class, she goes to English class. In her English class, she reads novels and writes essays. Right now she is reading Animal Farm by George Orwell. Every day her class discusses what theyve read. Sometimes they must study grammar. Next she has science class. Most American high school students take a different science class every year, like physics, biology, and chemistry. After science class it is time for lunch. Erin likes to buy her lunch from the school cafeteria. She can eat salad, pizza, spaghetti, fruit, and many other kinds of foods. She

usually drinks milk at lunchtime. Other students bring their lunches from home. Sandwiches are popular lunches to bring from home. After lunch she has electives. These are classes like drama, technology, home economics, and art. She also must take a foreign language like French, German, Spanish, or Japanese. Also, she has PE (Physical Education) where the students play sports and exercise. At the end of the day, Erin goes to Social Studies class, where she learns about civics, geography, history, and ethics. Then she goes to her homeroom again to hear more announcements. Finally she is finished with school, and it is about 3:30 pm. After school, many students stay for sports or clubs. Students can be in fun clubs like debate club, trivia team, or technology club. Most schools have sports teams that play against teams in other schools. Popular sports at Erins school are volleyball, basketball, soccer, and football. Erin is on the cross-country running team. There are also sports like cheerleading, tennis, and golf. Some students dont join any clubs or sports. After school, they go home and relax, or go play with their friends. There are no hagwons in America. When Erin finished with her sports, she goes home and eats dinner with her family. Then she does her chores and homework. Chores are housework like cleaning, laundry, or washing dishes. Almost all American high school students have to help their family around the house. Erin also has to feed her pet dog and cats. Some American students have parttime jobs to earn money, but Erin doesnt. She gets money from her parents for helping clean ($25 every month, or about \30,000) Usually she has about one or two hours of homework every night. When she is done with her homework she can watch TV, play computer games, or read. She really likes to read novels. Sometimes she goes out to play with her friends after dinner. She must be home at ten at night though. This is called a curfew. Most high school students must be home by 10 or 11 pm. At 11 Erin must go to sleep. There is no school on Saturday and Sunday in America. Students have free time on the weekends. Erin likes to go to the shopping mall with her friends and go to movies. She also goes to visit her friends houses and play. Sometimes she spends the night at her friends houses or they come to her house. If they have a boyfriend or girlfriend they might go on a date. There are many differences between American and Korean high schools. Many schools in Korea are all boys or all girls. Almost all schools in America have boys and girls together in the same classes. Korean classes always begin with a bow, but American students dont insa. Students in American schools do not wear uniforms, and it is ok if a girl wears makeup or a boy has long or colored hair. In Korea, students stay in the classroom while the teachers move from room to room. In America, the teachers each have their own room, and the students must move from class to class. There are no class captains in America. American teachers are not allowed to hit students or punish them physically. If they do, they will go to jail. Common punishments in America are extra homework, staying late after school ends (detention), and being sent to talk to the principal. Sometimes schools will call parents and tell them their child has been bad. If a student is really bad, they are suspended (they cant come to school for a few days) or even expelled (not allowed back in school at all). If a Korean high school student wants to go to college, it is very important to do well on the university entrance exams. But for American college students, the SAT test isnt as important. Playing sports, joining a club, and volunteering are very important to get into a good college, and so are grades. Even if your test scores are very high, if you dont get good grades and join a club or sport it will be hard to go to a good college. This is why American students spend less time studying and more time playing than Korean students. Note: this text is very long for students, and it is of a high level. However, its a good example of trying to personalize the lesson for the students.

PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY Dennis J. Slade Level: High School Objective: sequences/logic, reading comprehension, American culture Materials: Handout (see following pages), peanut butter, jelly, bread, wet-naps or napkins, knife. Procedure: I used this in my club class, and it worked wonderfully. In fact, ANY time I incorporated food into my classes it worked well. If you want to use this in a regular class, you may go bankrupt. You can buy peanut butter and jelly at any bakery or E-Mart. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Pass out the handout. Explain that you want to know the correct sequence. Go over difficult words, and demonstrate each step. Give 20 minutes or so for the students to work on it. The first group to complete it gets a sticker or similar prize. When every group is finished, whip out the food from behind your desk. After the clapping and cheering subsides, have the first group to finish read the sequence out loud. Follow it to a T, so that any mistakes they make will be apparent. Once you've made your sandwich, have the students make some for themselves. While eating, discuss World politics and current health issues. When finished, sing the peanut butter and jelly song. Make sure to wave your hands UP on peanut butter and then DOWN on jelly. The rest is up to you. (see following pages) 0 Don't mix eating peanut butter with teaching tongue-twister lessons. 1 You may want to draw a picture of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the board or on the handout to grab their attention while they are doing the sequencing activity.


Comments: Handout is on the next page. You can remove the three sections on the bottom for high-level classes and just make them put all 11 in order.

How do I make a PB & J sandwich?

Here are the steps, but they are out of order:
Put the bread, peanut butter, and jelly away. [put away = ] Get the knife for spreading and cutting. [get = ()]

Spread peanut butter on one slice of bread. Take the lids off the jars. [take off = () ] Spread jelly on one slice of bread. Enjoy your sandwich. Take the bread out of the package (= bag). Put the lids on the jars. [put on = () ] Cut the sandwich in half. Put the piece of bread with jelly and the piece with PB together. [put together = ] Get the bread, peanut butter, and jelly. [get = ()]

Please write the steps, in the correct order, here: First, you must prepare the ingredients: 1. 2. 3. 4. Next, you must make your sandwich and eat it: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Last, you should clean up! 10. 11.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Song First you take the peanuts And you crunch 'em, You crunch 'em First you take the peanuts And you crunch 'em, You crunch 'em For your peanut, peanut butter And jelly Peanut, peanut butter And jelly Then you take the grapes And you squish 'em, You squish 'em Then you take the grapes And you squish 'em, You squish 'em For your peanut, peanut butter And jelly Peanut, peanut butter And jelly Then you take the bread And you spread it, You spread it Then you take the bread And you spread it, You spread it For your peanut, peanut butter And jelly Peanut, peanut butter And jelly Then you take your sandwich And you eat it, You eat it Then you take your sandwich And you eat it, You eat it 'Cause its good, peanut butter And jelly Good, peanut butter And jelly First you take the peanuts And you crunch 'em, Then you take the grapes

And you squish 'em, Then you take the bread And you spread it, Then you take your sandwich And you eat it 'Cause its good, peanut butter And jelly Good, peanut butter And jelly!

HOLIDAYS:CHRISTMAS CARDS Level: Middle school Objectives: To provide a fun, creative break for students entering into exam crunch time. Procedure: I first explained Christmas from an American point of view. I told them about the holiday traditions, the types of foods you eat at Christmas, the mistletoe, Santa Claus and other Christmas related facts. Then I told my students we would make Christmas cards. The students could make the card for their parents, friends or teachers. I drew half a rectangle and labeled it in the front of the card. Then I drew a whole rectangle and labeled that the inside of the card. On the front of the card, I suggest drawing any Christmas image that comes to mind. Tell the students that this is only an example and that they should come up with their own ideas. For the inside of the card, I wrote: Dear ,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. (A sentence of the students own choice). (Love, Thank you) (Your name) Comments: The students enjoyed this activity and it gave them a break from their hectic exam schedules. I suggest while the students are making the cards to play some Christmas carols. Youd be surprised at how many the students know.

HOLIDAYS:HALLOWEEN Level: 1st year boys high school, second year girls high school (50 students per class). Objectives: Students will become familiar with thc customs of the American holiday Halloween. Students will also practice listening skills through aword--gap activity that uses video aids. Materials: handouts, the video E.T., the viedo A Nightmare Before Christmas, lots of candy Optional: costume (they are always selling random masks in Itaewon) jack-o-lantem, candles, laminated Halloween costume circular from Wal-mart to pass around. Procedure: Make sure you leave enough time to coordinate all your props/visual aids, etc, if you use a lot of them. It was a pain for me, because I taught in two different buildings. Try to stake out a room with a VCR for the week if possible. 1. warm-up Keep the lights low in the classroom as the students enter. (Although, I kept them on for a couple of the notoriously bad classes.) Wear the cloak and hold the jack-o-lantem. The kids will ooh and ahhh. Write name, date, objective on the board once the students are settled. Explain that this week there's a very special holiday in America for kids. 2. handout Give out the handouts, saying, "Please look at the sidc with the picture on it. Please read the part in Korean right now." Give them a couple of minutes, and then call on volunteers to read t\vo sentences aloud each. Flaunt your candy bribes, and give a piece to each person who reads. Explain and elaborate, bringing out key terms such as jack-o-lantem, trick-or-treat, etc. Then explain that people dress up in different costumes, and go over the characters in the picture. (Thank you, Autumn, for the histo~. of Halloween.) 3. videos The Nightmare Before Christmas, [Watch the introduction, Song This is Halloween. I let them watch the subtitles, and they were really. intrigued. ] Explain that Halloween is a scary holiday and that this movie shows that, but its for kids. E. T [Show the scene where Elliot is putting on his Halloween costume, when they go trickor- treating, through where they ride across the moon, up until the mother puts out the candles.] Tell the students to look at the back of the worksheet. Explain that this scene shows what Halloween really looks like in America. Say. they must listen to get the words missing from the blanks. Have them work in teams of 4 people, and tell them that the team that gets the most words (or first to get all the words) will get a candy reward. (Just saying, DO THE EXERCISE, didn't work, making a competition out of it did.) Say you will watch the scene 3 times. (Yeah, I let them watch the subtitles.) , Play the video 3 times and then find the winning team and give them candy. Have each team compile their answers on one paper. Maybe even give them paper, if the:' take a half an hour

to get out their notebooks. Make sure that you leave enough time to go over their answers. I let the video run while correcting the answers, to give them something to do. Comments: Not all the students did the listening exercise. but they really: liked this class and I had fun teaching it. A couple of kids who never paid attention really perked up and showed greater curiosity. in thc class (for the rest of the semester, actually!) Im not sure E.T. has a really Halloween-type mood, overall, but it worked well in this class.

Long ago, people in Europe remembered their ancestors on November 1st. The day before November 1st is October 31st. People in Europe believed dead people could wake up and walk around on the night of October 31st. So, people tried to scare the dead people away. For example, they would wear scary costumes and decorate their houses to look scary. Today, most people do not believe that the dead can walk around on October 31st. However, Americans still celebrate this holiday. Children wear costumes on Halloween, and they go to the neighbors houses and shout TRICK or TREAT! Then the people in the house give them candy. Adults sometimes watch scary movies or tell scary stories and dress up in scary costumes, too. Most children dress up as a witch, a ghost, a vampire, a mummy, a skeleton, or a black cat. Adults dress up as anything they want.
Vocabulary: Ancestors = Celebrate = Decorate = Trick = , Treat = Costume = , Dress up = Skeleton = Scary = (scare = , ) Witch = Ghost = , Vampire = Warewolf = Mummy =

Bat =

HOLIDAYS:THANKSGIVING Brandon Jovan Jackson (ETA 2003-2004) Level: Middle School Objectives: To teach Thanksgiving in a creative and constructive way, ensuring that EVERY student actively participates!

Procedures: Note Cards You will make out a card for every student. For example if the class size is 35, you will make 15 cards with Native American written on it with a number (1-15), another set with Pilgrim and in parentheses Stranger (7 cards) or Saint (8 cards) written on it with a number (1-15). In addtion to those cards you will have one with the names Samoeset, Squanto, Abraham Lincoln and Your name, in my case Mr. Jackson (2 cards). Class Set up To adequately prepare for this lesson you will need to arrange the classroom as such. **The desk should face each other** (desks) -> -> Empty Space <- <- <-> -> <-<-<-> >_ <-<-<-> -> <-<-<-<**Front of the Class**

0 1 2 3

Explanation I Pilgrims- Strangers vs Saints First pass out all the cards. When I began teaching Thanksgiving, I referred to pictures from a PowerPoint I had made (downloadable from my schools website). I introduced the migration of the Pilgrims from England to Holland and to America. I asked the students that were Pilgrims that had Strangers written on the card to go to front of the class and the students who were Saints to go to the back. I then explained how on the Mayflower there were two groups of Pilgrims and that they did not get along. If you emphasize how they fought and hated one another it will make the students more interested. I told them that they decided to become friends, as a result they made the Mayflower Compact. I then told them to go and hug and shake each others hands. II Native Americans (Samoset/Squanto) I then ask all the Pilgrims to stand on one end of the classroom and ask for the Native Americans to stand on the other end. I then talked about how difficult it was for them to adapt to life in America. And that because of the Native Americans life for the Pilgrims was made more peaceful. However, I emphasize that the Pilgrims and the Native Americans could not talk because of difference in language. I then ask Squanto and Samoset to stand in the middle of the class and tell that these two students are important individuals in American History. I then instruct them to say Welcome to the Pilgrims. Every Pilgrim and Native American should have a number on their card. I then instruct them to find their corresponding friend; the person that has the same number (In English). I then tell them to sit down. III Abraham Lincoln

I then ask Abraham Lincoln to come to the front of the class simultaneously telling the students that Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a law. I think tell all the students to stand and bow to President Lincoln. IV Mr. Jackson The students with the Mr. Jackson card has to explain everything that was taught in either English and Korean. What I have done is give one of the Mr. Jackson cards to the best speaking student and randomly insert the other. If they translate correctly I tell all the students to put their cards in a bag and he and the card selected will receive a piece of candy. Conclusion I concluded by allowing the students to write five sentences on things that they are thankful for. The students that write something and read it out loud will get a piece of candy. Comments: All in all this lesson was pretty successful. It required a lot of control over your class. In some cases the student was unable to translate it entirely, as a result I allowed them to choose a student who could.

HOLIDAYS:SECRET VALENTINE Gene Kang Level: Keumsung Girl's High School Secret Valentine/Admirer Lesson Objective:
To encourage creativity and get the students who do not yet know each other to speak amongst themselves.

To break the ice. Materials: A few pairs of scissors, colored pencils. A4 paper, and red construction paper (I bought the scissors and colored pencils but got my school to buy the red paper.) Procedure: Originally I wanted to do a Valentine's card exchange with a boys' school but when that fell through I decided to do a "Secret Valentine" exchange amongst my students. Since it is already passed Valentine's Day you could just change it to "Secret Admirer." First, I explained to them how sometimes it is hard to tell someone that you like them. I drew a picture of a girl on the board and looked at her lovingly. Then I explained how I was too shy to tell her that I liked her. Of course for this I had to do an impression of a cute and shy person. So instead of telling her directly, I showed them how I had made her a Secret Valentine, explaining with my example card. My example card was decorated on the outside with hearts and what-not, the prettier the better. On the front the card said "To: " Then on the inside on the left half were three sentences about me. Mine were: 1) 2) 3) I wear headphones to school everyday. I eat "Turtle'" (Kabugi) ice cream bars at lunch. I like to dance with pretty girls.

On the right side it said, "Who am I? Love, Your Secret Valentine" (or Secret Admirer). I explained how even though I was shy, I wanted my Valentine to guess who I was after reading the card. After they got the basic idea, I had all of the students write their names on scrap paper and throw them in a hat. Each student picked a name out of the hat and then made a card for that person with the supplies I brought, replacing the three descriptive sentences with three of their own. I gave them a little more than a full period to make the cards, walking around and helping them with their sentences. Some students could probably do this in one period, but my girls needed the extra time to finish. Also, make sure that they write the name of the recipient on the front in English, and try to discourage 3 sentences like, "I am pretty. I am sexy. I am cute." Another smart thing to do is collect the cards after the first day and redistribute because someone always loses their card. After completing the cards, I collected them and had the students come up one by one to get their card. When I gave them their card, I made them read it aloud to the class and then try to guess who their Secret Valentine was. The peanut gallery will inevitably help this guessing process along, but just let them go. If your student can not guess who made the card, then ask the maker to raise their hand. I also had the class clap for each student after they read their card. This should finish off the rest of the second period. Hand back any cards that you don't get to by the end of class.

BLACK HISTORY MONTH Amy Kapp (96-97) Level: All high school girls Martin Luther King, Jr: An Important American I wanted to talk about Black History Month somehow and MLK day seemed like a good way. We had already discussed how to properly describe people with different backgrounds, and how we do this in America, so they understood African-American and Black. I opened the class showing them a picture of Martin Luther King, Jr., and asked, Who is this? I keep giving them clues: Hes a famous American. He won the Nobel Peace prizebut most students couldnt come up with his name. So I wrote his name on the board, told them about MLK Day and and gave them handouts with vocabulary words, the following story and comprehension sentences. They wrote their vocabulary in their notebooks, we read the story together and they completed their stories in their notebooks. After we finished, I asked them what they thought of MLK with some questions-make your own suited to the level of your class-just to make them think in English and express an opinion. (Most of students thought his story was sad and that he was good to help so many people. You can also connect him with Korea, because he won the same Nobel Prize as Kim Dae Jung) I was able to make this work in my high school, but I didnt give it to the middle schoolers, who have a much shorter attention span and smaller vocabulary. The story and sentences are borrowed and slightly changed from Elizabeth Claires illustrated text ESL Teachers Holiday Activities, The Center for Applied Research and Education, New York, 1990. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 15, 1929. He became a minister like his father, Martin Luther King, Sr.. Many laws in the southern states were not fair to African-Americans. They could not vote, so they could not change the laws. It was not possible for one person alone to change this. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a powerful speaker. People listened to him. Many people working together can change things, he said. Use love, not violence. He made speeches and wrote books. He was arrested and put into jail, he continued to make speeches. It was dangerous work. His house was bombed. Schools and churches were bombed too. In 1964, Martin Luther King Jr. received one of the worlds greatest honors, the Nobel Peace Prize. He worked for all poor people of every background. On April 4, 1968, King was in Memphis, Tennessee to lead a march for poor workers. An assassin shot him and he died. 1) Martin Luther King, Jr. was a like his father. (minister, lawyer). 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Black people could not Use so they could not change the laws. (work, vote)

, not violence, said Martin Luther King, Jr. (guns, love) was bombed. (house, bomb) Prize. (Peace, speech)

It was dangerous work. His

Martin, Luther King, Jr. received the Nobel In 1968, an assassin

Martin Luther King, Jr. (arrested, killed) (children, equals).

Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted all people to be treated as

SOCIAL PROBLEMS June Yi (1997-1998 ETA) Level: High School (Boys) Objectives: Students will get the chance to list their perceptions of social problems in Korea. Students will practice the concept of consensus in their small groups. Students will be able to compare social problems in the United States and Korea. Students will be exposed to some American social problems via song. Materials: Handout of the TLC song Waterfall; Tape of the song Waterfall; Tape player. Procedures: 1) 2) Introduce the topic of social problems. Split the class into 6 or 7 groups. Have each group compile a list of 5 social problems and have them be prepared to choose which problem is the worst, in their groups opinion. While the groups are working, walk around and keep the students on task. Also, while they are working, write the group headings on the board and under each heading number 1-5. After the groups are finished compiling their list, have a group rep write the list on the board under their group heading. This should take no longer than 15 minutes. After all the lists are written on the board, have each group rep come up to explain the list, marking the one problem they think is the worst in Korea. Then, go over the lists, underlining the ones that coincide with social problems in America. Also, if there are any unfamiliar terms on the board (some students have very high vocabularies), explain. Introduce the concept that some American music artists address social issues via song. Ask for any such examples in Korea. (ie. Seotaijis Come Back Home). Pass out handouts of TLCs Waterfall. Have the class listen through it once while following the words. Then go back and explain the meaning of each stanza and chorus. The song addresses two major social problems in America: violence and AIDS. TLC uses a metaphor to differentiate between wise and bad choices in life. If there is time, have the class listen to the song again.

3) 4) 5) 6) 7)


Comments: Although this lesson was super noisy, I really felt that the students learned from each other and a little bit about America. They also got a chance to express their opinions in a nonthreatening way, namely by compiling a group list. They also learned some technical terms for some existing social problems such as sexual harassment, rape, abortion, and juvenile delinquency. This lesson was definitely worthwhile (although extremely draining) however, I wish I had more time to go more in-depth with the students. I felt really rushed at times. You may not have enough time to do the song sharing part of the lesson, in which case I would just scratch it. Korean high school students, however, are always hungry for American pop songs. I did evaluations with my second year students last semester and an overwhelming majority of them listed this lesson as one of their favorites. I plan to do this lesson again with my current second-years.

WAR OPINIONS Elizabeth Riggs (2002-2003 ETA) Objectives: Students will express their opinions of the war and hopefully learn to embrace differing opinions. Materials: Poster board and markers. Students will need dictionaries, preferably KoreanEnglish dictionaries. Procedure:
1. Journal : I had students begin by writing their opinions in their journal to get the thoughts flowing and get them thinking. Topic: What is your opinion () about the war in Iraq? I explained to them that an there is no right or wrong opinion and to respect everyones opinion. I also expressed to them my opinions on the war and let this segue into how it is very hurtful to simply say I hate Americans, they are murders because I am an American and I am definitely no a murderer. I tried to stress to them the difference between Americans/America (as in the American people) and George Bush and the American government. I also wanted them to make informative opinions rather than simply writing insults (I got of Bushi is a monkey and smells bad) so I wrote the following on the board: A stupid student writes, Bush is a monkey. A smart student writes, Bush is a monkey because: Of course this lead to a lot of name calling anyways, but it gets some of them thinking about the difference between an opinion and an ignorant insult. I gave them longer than usual to write, about 15-20 minutes. 2. Posters: I had the following questions written on posters: What is your opinion of the war in Iraq? Do you think Korea should support the war? What would you like to tell President Bush? Do you think countries should be allowed to posses weapons of mass destruction? 5. Do you think war is ever necessary? 1. 2. 3. 4.

I explained each of the questions and made sure they understood them, then gave them a little talk about how it is important to make informed ( ) opinions, to question ( ) things that are told to them, to not simply take what their parents and teachers tell them, and to always be open-minded ( ) and compassionate () (These may not be the completely correct translations). Finally I told that them that even though they are 17, their opinions are valid ( ) and they should make them known. I dont know how much of this they absorbed, but some people got the jist and they will take something from it and hopefully share it with their friends. I then had them get into groups of 5-6 and passed out the posters and markers and had them write their opinions. I had to stress a lot that this was ENGLISH class and not ART class and that they needed to be writing, not drawing pictures (while I have some very entertaining pictures, most just resorted into name calling and obscene stuff). I walked around the room and made sure they were working. When a group was done with the poster, they would trade with another group, so that hopefully in the period they would get to write on all the posters. This was a bit of work to get done in one period. I recycled posters and once they were full I would tape them up on the wall. I didnt get a whole lot of really profound answers, but I did get a couple of paragraphs out of each class, so they can write when they want to. The key is to pick a topic they will for sure have an opinion on and want to express. The war was easy, because it was waged by the US and I was an American, so they really worked hard to let me know their opinions.


To review the family tree and to practice dialogue using everyday family
Materials: "Family Life" handouts; kitchen apron; pink rubber kitchen gloves; toilet seat: empty can of beer; empty toilet paper roll; toilet paper dispenser. (All of these materials are available in a supermarket, including the toilet seat. Don't buy the expensive rubber seats. Just get the heavy cloth seats,) Procedure: 0 Write "Family Life in big letters on the blackboard. 1 Begin with ice-breaker. Ask students to raise their hands if they have one brother. Ask students to raise their hands if they have two brothers, three brothers, four brothers, five brothers, eg. Do the same with sisters. 2 Distribute the family tree handouts. (You need to make this handout before class). 3 Review the family tree with the students, starting with yourself. (By using yourself as the starting point, the students will be able to decipher the entire tree.) E) Make sure that the students fill in the blanks on the handout and that they repeat all of the family names after you do. F) After the family tree exercise (this should take no mare than 15-20 minutes), distribute the "Family Tree conversation handouts. G) Go over Conversation 1: Television Fight! First ask the students if they fight with their siblings over which television programs to watch. Most will of course, respond with a loud "Yes! Go over the conversation line-by-line and have the students repeat every line. After you do, make sure to really ham up the emotions in the dialogue. H) Have the students practice with their partners for three or four minutes. Then choose three students to come to the front to perform the dialogue. Have the mother" wear an apron and pink kitchen gloves. Make sure that the students really ham up the dialogue. I) Do the exact same for the next three conversations --ask the students if they ever asked their mother for money, etc.; have the students repeat every line after you; have the students practice dialogue for no more than five minutes; and then have students come to the front of the room to perform the dialogue. J) Pointers for Conversation 3: I need some Money! I again had the mother wear an apron and rubber-gloves. I had the father stagger into the classroom with an empty beer can in his hand as if he were drunk. K) Pointers for Conversation 4: I must go to the bathroom! Set a chair in front of the room and then place a toilet seat on top of the chair. Have one student sit on the seat. Tape the toilet paper dispenser on the blackboard next to the student and place an empty roll into the dispenser. Comments: This was a very fun lesson to teach. When I first gave this lesson, I went over all four conversations before the students actually performed them. This really caused boredom in the classroom because all of the students were waiting to practice on their own. The lesson was more enjoyable when I let the students immediately practice after reviewing one conversation.
The students definitely enjoyed the conversation part of the lesson. They werent very excited with the family tree.

The most important thing to remember when giving this lesson is to really, really ham up the dialogue. And, of course, the students loved all of the props! I couldnt emphasize this morebring as many props as you can. They can make or break a lesson.

Conversation 1: Television Fight! Brother: Lets watch television! I want to watch music video program. Sister: I want to watch Sailor Moon! Brother: I dont like Sailor Moon. Music video program is more fun. Sister: I dont like music videos. We always watch music videos. Brother: Mom! Mom! Mother: What are you doing? Sister: I want to watch Sailor Moon. Brother: No! No! I want to watch music videos. Mother: You must study! No television! Stop fighting and study! Brother/Sister: AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Conversation 2: Grandmother is hungry! Sister: Brother: Sister: Brother: Sister: Grandmother: Brother: Grandmother: Grandma is hungry. Lets make dinner for grandma. What should we make? I will make tiger Chigue. And I will make ice cream! Grandma! Grandma! We made dinner for you! Aigu! Aigu! What is for dinner? Tiger chigue and ice cream! Oh, thank you! I love tiger chigue and ice cream! Conversation 3: I need some money! Brother: Mother: Sister: Mother: Father: Mother: Mom, may I have 10,000 won? I want to buy 13 pizzas and 8 hamburgers. No! I dont have any money! Go! Mom, may I have 20,000 won? I want to buy 35 dresses and 10 skirts. No! I dont have any money! Go! Honey, may I have 50,000 won? I want to buy soju. I love soju. Soju!?!? Soju!?!?!! We have very little money, dont buy soju!!! Conversation 4: I must go to the bathroom! Brother: Father: Brother: Mother: Brother: Sister: Brother: Oh, I must go to the bathroom! Whos in the bathroom? I must shower and go to work! Please wait! Im using the bathroom. Whos in the bathroom? I must wash the clothes! Please wait! Im using thew bathroom now! Whos in the bathroom? I have a date! I must put on my make-up! Leave me alone! I m using the bathroom! AUUUUUUUUUUU! Theres no toilet paper!

FAMILY Elizabeth Riggs (2002-2003 ETA) Objectives: Materials: Students will learn family vocabulary, take a short quiz and describe their own families. People pictures and labels

Procedure: I put pictures on the board in a family tree and then had the students label the tree. I did a small family tree with the following: great-grandfather, great-grandmother, grandmother, grandfather (two sets), mother, father, aunt (2), uncle (2), cousin (2), niece, nephew, brother, sister, brother-in-law and sister-in-law (and if time, mother-in-law and father-in-law). I also had a picture of a family and went over husband, wife, son, daughter, children and baby. I then quizzed them on how many aunts and uncles they had explaining that all the females in their parents generation were aunts and all the males were uncles. Most of my students seemed to think that aunt was only or . The same for uncles. I went over generation, immediate family, extended family and if there was time step parents/children and half siblings. A lot can be demonstrated pictorially with the family tree. I had actual name cards for the pictures, but writing on the board (from a list of labels) would suffice. Then I had the students write down the answer to the following questions in their journals. I went over the answers at the end and if I was feeling generous I would give candy to the high scorer. (These questions are from a lesson Dennis Shorts did.)
1. My 2. My 3. My 4. My 5. My 6. My 7. My 8. My 9. My 10. My 11. My 12. My 13. My 14. My 15. My 16. My 17. My

children's mother: wife. wife's mother is my children's: grandmother. mother's daughter's husband: brother-in-law. cousins' parents: my uncles and my aunts. son's daughter: my granddaughter. mother's son: my brother. cousin's sister: my cousin. niece's brother: my nephew. husband's father: my father-in-law. sister's son: my nephew. brother's wife: my sister-in-law. cousin's mother: my aunt. mother's mother: my grandmother. father's brother: my uncle. grandfather's wife: my grandmother. parents' daughter: my sister. nephew's sister: my niece.


MUSIC Objectives: To learn about English through the entertaining medium of music; to expose students to various musical styles; to practice listening comprehension. Handouts: Lyrics or cloze tests (missing words); lyrics (see Appendix) Materials: CD/Tape and player, guitar or other instrument, if you play one. Procedures: Sing, sing, sing! Give them lyrics, play the song (live or recorded), go over new vocabulary in the lyrics and let em rip. Korea is a nation of singers, so be prepared to be blown away by the quality of the results. (15-30 min). Scrambled lyrics. Set the kids up in groups of four or five and pass out packets of lyrics, which you have cut up (by lines, or by words if you really want to befuddle them) and mixed together. Kids listen to the song and put the lyrics back together again. (20-50 min). Cloze Tests. Cloze simply means handouts of lyrics with words missing, which the students then replace by listening to the song. An option is to have the first letters of the missing words spell a secret pertinent message. (15-30 min). Music Exposure. Play some selections of a style of music that is unfamiliar to the kids (or choose three to four short musically diverse selections). Have the kids discuss in groups what they like or dont like about the music, how the music makes them feel, what piece they liked the best, etcPoll and/or share the results. (30-50 min). Self-Teaching. Divide the kids into teams (with captain/secretary/speaker/editor roles) and tell them that each group will be teaching a song to the class. Hand out a song questionnaire to help them along, and give them full rein as to how to teach the song. Emphasize creativity. This lesson can extend easily into two or three periods. Comments: These are absolutely beloved lessons, particularly when learning the words and meaning to popular English pop tunes. For an absolutely terrific resource on how to use music in the classroom, see Oxford Press Music and Song by Tim Murphey. However, when choosing songs, dont be afraid to choose songs not commonly known to your Korean students. Although everyone knows Mariah Carey and BoyzIIMen, pick a song you like, as it will help you with your teaching enthusiasm and interpretation of the songs meaning. So try some Cranberries, Ben Harper, David Gray, Indigo Girls, Iced-T, Puff Daddy or whoever because song lyrics can be great segues to discussing social issues and cultural differences. Songs can also be used for pronunciation practice, theme emphasis, or to celebrate a certain holiday.

I BELIEVE I CAN FLY Word Bank Breaking Life See Fly (2X) Night Awful Song Day Running Believe (2x) Soar Wings (2X) Silence Life Spread Meaning Vocabulary Fly Everlasting () Touch Sky Spread Wings () Loud . To Break Down Verge Silence Miracles Achieve on the verge of ( ) Sometimes silence can be so loud See I was on the verge of breaking down See I was on the verge of breaking down Sometimes silence can be so loud There are miracles in life I much achieve There are miracles in life I much achieve Spread my wings and fly away Spread my wings and fly away I Believe I can touch the sky Im leaning on the everlasting arms I Believe I can touch the sky I Believe I can fly

LOLLIPOP Martin Garry (ETA 2000-2002) Level: Yeodo Middle School Objectives: The objective of this lesson is to help the students learn that most difficult of sounds, the L sound. To introduce them to a kind of music that they have never heard before (and which I consider to be much more suitable than Limp Bizkit for twelve year olds) and to have fun. Materials: Tape player/CD player with tape/CD of the song "LolliIpop", by the Chordettes. I had this song from what is inarguably the greatest soundtrack ever recorded, the "Stand By Me" OST. I also used an OHP transparency of the song's lyrics, but handouts of the songs lyrics would work just as well. Procedure: I. Introduction- Greet the class. At the beginning of each class I do a little tip about some bit of Konglish that I find particularly annoying. Before this lesson I explained the difference between He/She, Him/Her, and His/Her(s). II. Review- I always do a review of the previous lesson. Usually only a few of the students can remember as far back as a week. Before this lesson I actually did two lessons in a row on pronunciation. I asked them what the most difficult sound was for them. They didn't seem to think they ever pronounced anything wrong. so I wrote the words "car" and "call" on the board. When they recited these words they were almost indistinguishable as you may have guessed. III. Lesson- I wrote the word "Lollipop" on the board, and made them recite that a few times. The usual attempt sounded more like "Rorrypop. One student usually had a vague idea of what a lollipop is, and a simple drawing on the board of a circle with a swirl inside it and a stick at the bottom brought on a chorus of " Ah, Matda! Matda!" I told them they would be singing a song about a Lollipop and they got really excited. I put up the Iyrics(with some missing words) on the OHP and played the song twice through. Then we went over the song line by line, I sang, they sang, etc. As we went along they filled in the blanks, and I explained the song's meaning. I played the song again and made them try to sing along. Then I told them how old the song was and that it was part of a new kind of music. Finally I played the song a fourth time and turned the volume way down so they would actually have to sing. At the end of class I let them listen to the next two songs on the CD("Yakkety Yak" which I plan to use for a poetry lesson at some point, and "Great Balls of Fire") to give them a better idea of early Rock and Roll. Evaluation: I did this lesson the fall for the first and second graders, and in the spring for the new first graders. It was my best lesson by far. The kids loved the music, and I actually heard them singing it in the hallway weeks later. They had lots of fun and more importantly, so did I. Everyone listened and sang along. By the end they could actually say lollipop correctly. The song itself was very simple and catchy. They picked up the chorus really quickly and since that was the part that contained the word lollipop over and over, that's all I cared about. One word of caution, if you stick your finger in your mouth to make the "Pop" sound, the students will be disgusted with you, find another way to make the sound.

SONG PROJECT Heather Glick (2003-2004 ETA) Level: Any, originally used with co-ed high school Objective: To give the students confidence in speaking/singing in English. To teach pop songs. In memorizing song lyrics, students invariably are learning some English phrases. To give the students a chance to show their personalities/talents to you and to each other. To inspire creativity in students. To make students work together, get to know each other, and be responsible as a group. To give the ETA a chance to observe the students and grade them according to participation and effort. (This project can also be used with dialogs see below). Procedure: About one month or 3 weeks before the date of the performance, give a handout and explain to students that they will have a midterm project (or final project, or song contest). They will work in groups of 4 or 5 students, and everyone will get the same grade. -They must follow the rules (see the following page handout). -Watch your students perform on the set week, and enjoy!! The beauty of this project is that, assuming all groups perform for three minutes, you get through all 9 groups in one class period. (Or, you can extend the project if youd like.) Comments: 0 This project was a lot of fun for my classes. I even got to videotape some of the classes, which they were excited about. One group of girls even wrote the whole song out on a roll of toilet paper and scrolled it across as they sang, noraebang-style! 1 The most crucial thing in making this work is finding a good week to do it. You should try to make it at a time when the students dont have testing, so you can get through it in one week. Ask around and plan ahead (I know sometimes its hard, but its not that big of a deal if, in the end, one day of classes has to be postponed till the following week). Also, figure out when during the semester you want to do it. The first semester, I did it as a final project and wished I had done it sooner, because I felt like it was a good way to get to know the students personalities better. The 2nd semester, I did it as a midterm project, and while it was good for the students in their 1st semester of high school to get to know each other, they were a little shy, so I wished I had done it later. 2 If you keep emphasizing it, the students will take it more seriously and do a good job, but be prepared to bend your rules a little bit. For example, some of my students couldnt find instrumental music, so I just let them use the regular song, but made them play it really low so I could hear their voices singing. I also gave extra points to any type of props, because in the end, even though it was required, some groups didnt have any. 3 This was a great opportunity, and most students took it pretty seriously, especially the female students. Some of the male students didnt work hard and were a little bit disappointing, but I think that was mostly a product of the scheduling In other words, I missed some classes because of testing, so they forgot about the project and then were rushed in putting something together. 4 Make sure to remind the students each week of the project. I didnt give much time in class to work on it, but you can if you think that it would help. 5 Make sure that the captain keeps track of the songs and makes sure that no two groups sing the same song (otherwise, youll get Westlifes My Love 9 times per hour). 6 You may think that the students will be embarrassed to sing, but theyre not; Korea is a singing country! Well, some students are shy, but theres usually at least one student in each group that is pretty confident. Also, I had two students last semester that never had their notebooks and were generally unprepared. As it turned out, they were very

talented singers, so it was good for them because they were really motivated by this project, and they did a great job. 7 Actually, the first time I did this project, I offered it as a choice: song or dialog. I only had four groups (out of 13 classes of 9 groups each) do dialogs, but those four were excellent: the two groups of girls did parodies of Korean movies, and one group of guys did a parody of Matrix 1,2, and 3, and the last group of girls did a magic show. (In the magic show group, there was a girl with a learning disability, and she performed amazingly, even though she cant really speak English. This semester, I had a retarded guy who also danced to his song while he sangPoint being, give the kids a chance, and theyll surprise you!!). 8 I heard that students in middle school take projects like this more seriously, especially because they have more time to work on it, so dont underestimate their abilities. Just try it out, and let us know how it goes!


Work together as a group. ( ) The groups are as follows: Group 1: Student #s 1, 10, 19, 28, 37 Group 2: 2, 11, 20, 29, 38 Group 3: 3, 12, 21, 30 Group 4: 4, 13, 22, 32 Group 5: 5, 14, 23, 32 Group 6: 6, 15, 24, 33 Group 7: 7, 16, 25, 34 Group 8: 8, 17, 26, 35 Group 9: 9, 18, 27, 36 0 Choose a song to sing in English. (You must sing without the tape or with instrumental music ONLY). ( ) Hand in your song, with words written or printed out by ___________. If not, you will LOSE POINTS. (____ ____ , ) MEMORIZE your song and practice it with your group outside of class. ( , ) SING YOUR SONG DURING THE WEEK OF __________________. (_____ _______ ) If you change your song between ___________ and __________, please hand in a copy of the new song on or before the day you present. ( ____ ____ ) _____________________________________________________________________ RULES:

EVERYONE in the group MUST participate and will get the SAME grade. ( )

You MUST NOT sing the same song as another group in your class (your captain will make sure of this). ( ) You MUST use props or costumes. ( ) Your performance MUST be at least 3 minutes long. (3 ) Please DO NOT use bad words in English. ( )

COMMERCIALS Objectives: To practice suggestions, to encourage students to verbalize their feelings about their homeland, and to ease students into the idea that your stay in Korea is limited. Materials: Scraps of paper (recycled if possible) Procedure: Explain that you have only (x) months left in Korea. With that limited space of time, you can only do so many things, see so many places. Pass out scraps of paper. Ask them to answer the following: Before I leave Korea... Whats one thing I should taste? (food, drink, etc) Whats one thing I should see? (a movie, dance, play, etc) Whats one thing I should hear? (a song/singer, folk music, speech, etc) Whats one place I should visit? (A city, a museum, a temple-specific) Urge them to be specific in their suggestions; not just kimchee but chongak kimchee; not just folk music, but Arirang, because students often romanize Korean words in strange ways, you can ask them to write suggestions in English and Korean. Their answers should be phrased as follows: -Have you tried Bi-bim-bap? -You should watch samulnori. -Why dont you listen to Sarang-he? -If I were you, I would go to Panmunjon. For more advanced classes, ask them to tell you WHY you should follow their suggestions, whats so good about these things? Once most students seem to be done, introduce the idea of commercials. As an example, you can hum a McDonalds or a Coca-Cola jingle. Be ostentatious in your example or you will get dud commercials from your students. Be silly and their commercials will have you rolling in the aisles. Group them in fours (or sixes) and ask them to choose one suggestion from the group and write a commercial for a Korean thing in English for an American audience. Tell them they can and should act, dance, sing, draw, or recite a poem and make it interesting. Circulate quickly to ask each group to ask, What are you advertising? to ensure they are working. Give them at least fifteen minutes to work. Depending on level and how elaborate you want the ads to be, you can give them a quick time-block to work in, or spread the brainstorm session over two consecutive class meetings. If you choose the latter option, make sure they know to bring props or anything else they might need for next week.

Options: Compare American and Korean commercial formats. Tell them about how commercials on US television interrupt the program, whereas the ads come in one block at the end of Korean television shows. Incorporate this into a discussion of American television. Have your students seen AFKN or Star Network? Introduce show vocabulary: sitcoms, drama, game shows, sci-fi. If you have a VCR in your classroom, you can show examples of American commercials instead of performing them yourself. Have students create a tour guide of your city for you. This option is good for early in the year. Ask them for key places in town: mountains, good restaurants, movie theaters, yogwans for your friends, parks, temples, markets. Brainstorm on the board. Each group (24 students) must choose one destination. They describe it, write directions for getting there by bus or on foot, make a map or go along with the directions, and perhaps even draw a picture. Provide each group with an A4 piece of paper. If you repeat this lesson in other classes, you can have subsequent classes build upon the work of previous classes, so that the descriptions and maps improve with the collaboration across classrooms. Comments: Insist on Korean products, or youll get imitations of Reebok, Nike, Gatorade, etcads which have ravaged the Korean airwaves. Students may give you joke suggestions: dog meat, red light district, etc Students may want to advertise underwear, laxatives, your bra, and other unsavory products. Decide whether this is something you will allow.

MOVIES/VIDEOS Objectives: To provide the kids with exposure to lively, conversational English; to exercise listening comprehension. Handouts: Cloze handout (missing words) for one or several scenes of the movie; comprehension questions; translation into Korean of a scene in the movie. Materials: A video; a VCR; a viewing area (language lab? Library? Computer lab?) Procedures: Have the kids watch the movie (half the movie in one period, or the whole thing in two). Hand out the comprehension questions: these can range from plot content, Why did Sigmund go to the lake? to simple observation, What season is it? to characters, Who is Mr. Keating? Go over the answers. (50-100 min) Work with one or several scenes instead of the whole movie. Have the kids complete a cloze handout for them and throw in a simple comprehension question or two, What is happening in this/these scenes? (20-50 min). Options: You could reveal and conceal the subtitles (with a piece of duct tape). The students can also read the subtitles first and then go back through the scene and see it without the subtitles.
If the movie has some philosophical content youd like to explore (Dead Poets Society or A League of Their Own, for example) provide a translation of a key scene and then have the kids discuss it. What is the meaning of this scene? How do you feel about what they are saying? (20-50 min)

After doing one of the scene activities above (procedures 2 or 3), have the kids act out the scene/a scene you are working with. (15-20 min). Comments: Another great film to use is The Princess Bride, which is unknown in the country, but is in many video stores and is a lot of fun. Finding Nemo also has a lot of colloquial language and accents that can be used for a club or high-level class. Consider time tactfully in your choice of movie. This is a good way to spend club class time. (See General Advice: Club Classes). If possible, get a movie without Korean subtitles or try to duct tape the bottom of the screen. Of course, the temptation to fall asleep during the film (particularly for your overworked students) is overwhelming. Decide beforehand what your policy is on that and enforce it consistently.

MOVIES Jen Tinker Level: Yeodo Middle School (co-ed) Objectives: Students will be able to correctly identify kinds of movies. Students will be able to work in groups to create a movie story given movie clips, Materials: Sample videos, worksheet (movie clips/blank sheet), glue Set-up: Students will work in groups of four. Spread 6- 7 movies on front table. (To get kids really excited, you can add a RED one) Procedure: I) Introduction 0 Write: "What is your favorite movie?" on the board. 0 Get suggestions from students and write on board B. Write: "What kind of movies do you like?" on board. 1 Get students to guess at least 10 kind of movies. Drama / Comedy / Romantic / Action or Adventure / Disney or cartoon/ Science-Fiction (SF) / Horror / Western / Musical / Documentary (which many students actually know) C. As they suggest each movie ask them... What is a horror movie? Horror = scary. D. Then ask: Which movies (of the ones already written) are horror, etc. E. Hold up several of the movies you brought and ask, What kind of a movie is this? II) 1 Make a Movie. A. Tell students that they are now going to 'make' a movie. Show them the pictures (cut-up) from an unknown movie. 0 "These are pictures from the beginning, middle, and end of the movie. " 1 Students will put the movie in order (there is no RIGHT answer). 2 Glue the pictures on the paper. 3 Students will then makeup the story-line (emphasize who, what happened, etc) 4 Students must then tell the teacher their story. 5 After telling their story verbally, student must then write the story.

IV. Conclusion After students finish, collect papers and correct for grammar, etc and return next week. Comments: I found that students were really excited to tell their stories. It took a bit of monitoring throughout the class, but in general students were excited to make stories of their own. It also gave everyone a chance to do some speaking in a less intimidating setting. I got all kinds of stories from comedies to tragedies, JAWS eating a man, having a pet Frankenstein, ghosts, and having a dream. There is never a dull moment. Just be sure to encourage them to be creative.

VIDEO SCAVENGER HUNT Glenn Tyler Barbeisch (ETA 1998-1999) Level: Bia Middle School Goals: To have students work on their listening skills with various native speakers with multi-media presentation. To have students view common North American television shows and commercials. To have students write down what they hear. Objectives: Students will be able to illustrate their understanding of native speakers by writing down what they hear in a video taped program from the United States. They will read aloud what they have written down. Materials: Video taped programs from the United States, including commercials. Procedure: 1) Explain and illustrate the Video Scavenger Hunt game. (5 min).

2) Have students listen to a segment of the tape. Students will be asked to write down any words that they hear. Each segment should be no longer than three minutes. 3) Students will be called on by team or group. Each team will have to call out the words that they had heard. If students are correct they are awarded points. If the students call out words that were not on 4) the segment of the video tape they will loose points. Additional points can be gathered if the students call out words of objects that they saw in the segment of video tape.

Comments and Example: The next page shows an example of a sheet you can give your students to complete. Make sure to emphasize that they must complete it while they are watching the movie, and not after.

Video Scavenger Hunt: THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS FIND: 1) 2) 3) 4) Something that is red ____________________________________ One word that starts with the letter L ________________________ Something sharp ________________________________________ Three HALLOWEEN things *_____________________________________ *____________________________________ *____________________________________ 5) 6) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Something that is scary ____________________________________ Two words that start with the letter T ________________________ Something gross ___________________________________ Something bright __________________________________ Something large ___________________________________ Something hot ____________________________________ Name of one character ___________________________________ Two things that are white *________________________________ *________________________________ Something delicious _____________________________________ Three Christmas things *______________________________ *___________________________________ *___________________________________

Something ugly______________________________________ BONUS: Two words that rhyme: ______________ and ________________

SHOPPING Explanation: This is a multi-week lesson in which students learn how to say larger numbers such as those used in the Korean and US monetary system. After learning the English words for such denominations, they apply them to a worksheet and then to a dialog. Week 1: Basic understanding of larger numbers and the US/Korean monetary base Tell students that todays English phrase is Show me the money. Most students know and love this phrase. Have them practice it a few times. First teach students about American currency denominations (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters;1 dollar, 5 dollar, 10 dollar, 20 dollar, 50 dollar, 100 dollar bills). Try to hold up play money or any spare money you have with you in front of the class. Tell students that 1000 won is equal to 1 USD. This makes it easier for the students when they have to do the practice sheet or complete their dialog. Teach students larger denominations using the conversion chart. Have students copy the chart if you can. Week 2: Review and shopping/class auction activity * If students are advanced, this lesson can also be used during week one. First students will review the main points from last week. Then, they will look at the pictures presented and write how much they think each one costs using Korean won, but writing (or speaking) the cost in English. A student might say for a TV five hundred thousand won, for a shirt twenty thousand won. Use samples from sheet one and samples from sheet two. You may also be able to organize this into a game like an auction and reward students with candy or a sticker if they choose a reasonable price. Week 3: Shopping Dialog Explain that see you again is Konglish because it is primarily used in America between a shop keeper and a customer. Tell them that it is not used in all situations. Before doing the dialog have students get into pairs. Give students sheets one and two. They will have to think of the amount each item costs in American dollars and write the prices in their notebook. Give students the dialog. Have them choose an item from sheet two that they want to buy and have students complete the dialog filling in the prices with US dollars. You may need to explain/review the use of plurals though diving into count and non count nouns will probably only confuse students, so keep it simple. Do a sample on the board and have students practice it with you before having them complete and practice their own dialogue.


A Review of Large Numbers

Korea/ US Exchange

10 won = 1 cent 50 won = 5 cents 100 won = 10 cents 1000 won = 1 dollar 1,000= one thousand 10,000 won = 10 dollars 10,000= ten thousand 100,000 won = 100 dollars 100,000= one hundred thousand 1,000,000 won= 1,000 dollars 150,000= one hundred and fifty thousand 10,000,000 won = 10,000 dollars 1,000,000= one million 100,000,000 won = 100,000 dollars 1,500,000= one million five hundred thousand 1,000,000,000 won = 1,000,000 dollars 10,000,000= ten million Look at the pictures. How much does each cost? (how much is it?) Use Korean won. But, write in English. 100= one hundred

Example: four thousand won


(a hotdog)

(a computer)

(a boat)

(a bike)

(a bowling ball)


(skate board)

(cowboy boots)


SHOPPING DIALOG Shop keeper: Hello, how can I help you today?
Customer: Well, I was looking for a nice ___________________. Do you have any ____________________?

Shop keeper: Hmm, just a moment. Ill go see. (five minutes later) Shop keeper: Why yes, we have many _____________________. Let me show you. Customer: Great! Ill take this _____________________. How much is it? Shop keeper: Oh, that one costs ____________________________________ dollars. Customer: Alright. Heres __________________________________ dollars. Shop keeper: Thank you. Come back again. Customer: Ok, will do. Thank you. Goodbye.

Singular/ Plural Review

A nice= 1= no s This/That= 1 (no s)

A nice bed A nice shirt A nice basketball Do you have any? (use s) Any beds Any shirts Any basketballs

This/that bed This/that shirt This/that basketball Many= (more than 1) Use s Many beds Many shirts Many basketballs


SHOW ME THE MONEY! (thanks to Megan!)

Joanne Lee (ETA 2000-2001) Level: Daeje Middle School, 1st year classes (*note: average class size: 40-45 students) Objective: To have students review and practice number places up to one hundred trillion. To teach students how to read prices and monetary units in English. To teach students about US currency. To help students reflect on the value of money and objects through journal writing and playing Name That Price! Materials Needed: US currency (coins and dollars), enlarged $100 bills/play money, items (or pictures) to use in the game with hidden price tags (ex: lotion, book, cd, cellular phone, car, bottle of Advil, various food products) Procedure: 1. 2. Greeting Review last weeks lesson (Tongue Twisters) by having a few students try saying them out loud. Write the number 1 on the board and ask students what number you just wrote. Keep adding zeros and have students call out the new number to help them learn and review the number places. Continue up to one hundred trillion (ones, tens, hundreds, etc.). After you finish counting, put a dollar sign and teach students how to read prices and monetary units (dollars and cents). Tell students to only look at three numbers at a time to make it easier to read. Remind students that if there are only zeros they do not have to read those places. Make sure students are clear about their s (i.e. dollar/dollars). Put up a few example. Introduce US currency. Teach students the names of each coin (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, etc.). Pass the money around for the students to look at. If there is time, you may want to tell them about the differences between the old and new currency or show currency from other countries. Have students take out their journals and answer the question, If Ms. Lee gave me one hundred dollars what would I buy? After the students are finished writing have a few volunteers read their responses. Give the readers the enlarged play money. Make sure responses are reasonable so that students understand the value of the money and objects (i.e. One hundred dollars, can not buy a car, but can buy 2 computer games). Explain to students that you have brought a few items with you to class and that you are going to play a game called Name That Price! Have students look up the word price. Explain the rules (You will show them an item with a hidden price tag and they must try to guess the price using dollars and cents. The team closest to the actual price wins a point. *note: they must not shout out the answer until they are called upon and they must speak only in English). Wrap up class with a quick summary of the key points. Ask students how they felt about todays class (Hard? Easy? Fun?). Class dismissed!







Evaluation: Overall, students had positive comments about the lesson. They already knew their numbers better than I thought so it made the lesson go much faster and easier. I think they really enjoyed seeing (and touching) foreign currency (in fact, many asked to trade money!). In addition,

students also had fun with the game although the rules must be enforced to keep students for getting too excited.

BIG NUMBERS Lauren Hannah (ETA 2001-2002) Level: Lower level high school girls Objectives: Review of big numbers (over 1,000). Materials: I made a handout with numbers over one thousand, up to one hundred billion (example below) Procedure: After my usual beginning of the class routine, I said we were going to learn about BIG numbers today and I wrote a huge number on the board usually into the billions. The huge number I was writing got some of the rowdier classes to quiet down a bit and say ooooo, whaaaaaa. I asked the students what number it was and after they finished struggling through it, I repeated it for them slowly. Then I handed out my handout and went over the numbers with them, having them repeat after me. After 10,000, I wrote a number such as 58,000 on the board and asked them what it was. There were always students who started out saying five and then had to switch to fifty. I started at the right of the board so that I could keep adding numbers to the front after I went over each number. (after 100,000 I would add a number, after 1,000,000 I added another number, etc.) I pointed out that in English, its easiest to count commas and wrote thousand under the first comma, million under the second, and billion under the third. If it was one of my nice quiet, always-pays-attention-to-me classes, I taught them trillion and quadrillion too, which they usually thought was funny for some reason. After going through the handout, I wrote another big huge number on the board and had them repeat it to me. Then I said we were going to play a game and put the class into four groups (you could certainly do more smaller groups, but my classroom is already divided into four, and I dont have that much blackboard space, either) and divided the board into four columns. One person from each team had to go up to the board. I told them that I would say a number (I recommend writing a few numbers out beforehand so you dont forget halfway through your number what you were saying in the first place) and the team who completed the number first, won. I didnt even give them any prizes and they really liked this game. I recommend using numbers with teens or ties in there somewhere (ex. 17,473,050) because they have difficulties with the differences between the two (dont we all?) The team at the end who had gotten the most numbers was the ultimate winner. Sample BIG number handout (really simple) 1000 one thousand 10,000 ten thousand 100,000 one hundred thousand 1,000,000 one million 10,000,000 ten million 100,000,000 one hundred million

1,000,000,000 one billion 10,000,000,000 ten billion 100,000,000,000 one hundred billion Comments: This doesnt take up a whole lesson, maybe at the absolute most 30 minutes, so I tied it in with 2 truths and a lie, (which my students loved, by the way just as a quick little side note about that game. It worked well for me to do three rounds about me [students absolutely love guessing things about the teacher], and then have the students write their own. I had them read theirs out loud, if I guessed their lie, I won, if I didnt guess their lie, they won).

TIME Level: All Objectives: Handout: To teach how to tell time in English, and to review time vocabulary. Time vocabulary. Some key phrases to include/explain.

After the hour mark: Half past--:30 (thirty) Quarter past:--:15 (fifteen) Five after, ten after, etc/--:05 (oh-five),--:10 (ten), etc After the thirty minute mark: Quarter to:/--45 (forty-five) Twenty to, ten to, five to, etc/--:40 (forty), --:50 (fifty), --:55 (fifty-five) Also: (in the) Morning/Afternoon/Evening. (at) Night/Midnight/Noon/Sunrise/Dawn/Sunset. Materials: Two digital alarm clocks (optional) Procedures: Time bingo. Call out times and have them mark a corresponding clock face on the bingo sheet. Race the Clocks. Call out times, and one team member from each half of the class runs up to the board and draws a corresponding clock face. Body Clocks. Have the kids show the time you call out with their arms and legs, and communicate times you jot down on note-cards to their partner. Make the Clock Ring! Set two clocks for a certain alarm time secretly, then call out that time to two volunteers from each half of the class. They have to set the clocks at that time and make the clock ring. Test your clocks first! Some of them ring automatically when you go past the time. Time Dating Game! Create a bunch of flashcards that have random times on them. On the back of the cards, paste pictures of famous Korean and American actors/actresses (depending on the gender of your students). Have all your students stand. Each student must read a time to discover the identity of their date. Its even more fun if some of the pictures are teachers at the school. Variation: This could also be done with dates or numbers.

Jessica Kehayes Level: Boys high school, 1st and 2nd Grade Materials: 30 magazines pictures of famous people, mounted/labeled/taped to the board Answer envelope 2 Assignment handouts (see attached sheet) Your hand phone

This lesson combines Amy Davis Guess Who lesson with a writing lesson. I liked the idea of Guess Who but knew that my students would move through it quickly and it wouldnt take even half a period. So I prefaced it with a less exciting but cute writing lesson and ended with some acting and the game. 1. Write Descriptions on the board and underneath it Fact/Opinion and Internal/External Traits. Get definitions for all these words from the students and explain that all of them are used in a good description. A description using only your opinion is no good, and one only talking about your appearance and not your heart/mind is also not good, etc. (5 minutes) 2. Hand out the first half of the assignment sheet. Read together the assignment to write a personal ad for yourself. I had my students write at least 8 sentences, 4 about themselves and 4 about their perfect girlfriend, but this can be changed depending on the students level. I wouldnt allow sentences like I am good. I had to emphasize that I was collecting them so they would write decent ones. Many of these personal ads turned out really cute and funny. (25 30 minutes) 3. Start collecting them as they finish up. As you are shuffling papers on the desk, make your handphone ring (most phones have an option to test your ring; I had to hit a few buttons to find it, but its not hard to figure out). A collective oooohhh goes up around the class as I dont allow their phones in class, but thats okay because I wanted to make sure they were listening to my phone conversation. 4. Act. After saying hello into my phone, I paused and then yelled what and oh my god a few times, really horrified. At first the kids imitated me and laughed, but if you really look upset, silence will fall over the room as they watch your face. Then I said when? and in Sunchon? and how? and hung up. I continued to look disturbed and asked the kids if they knew what murder meant. Most did. I explained that there had been a murder last night in Sunchon, someone killed in their apartment. If you keep up the distraught face, the kids will buy it. 5. Tell them to finish up their personal ads and go around collecting them and the part 1 assignment sheet, still looking sad. Hand out the Part 2 assignment sheet, face down. Stand at the front of the room and tell them to look at the second part of the assignment. As they see the words Guess who game and look up at your face suddenly smiling and telling them that their job is to find the murderer, they will realize theyve been had. I got multiple standing ovations and a fake Oscar in one class. The kids loved it. 6. Explain that their suspects are on the board in front of them. From here on out, the end of my lesson is Amy Davis lesson. I had all the pictures glued to construction paper and underneath was their name, hair and eye color and occupation (example: under Sarah Michelle Gellers picture was written Sarah, blond hair, blue eyes, actress). I have my own classroom so the magazine pictures were taped up from the time the kids arrived, but I explained at the start of class that they were for later and to ignore them for the time being (yeah, right). I held up my answer envelope and explained that the murderers name was in there. I divided the class into 6 teams, we read my directions and played the game. Each team could ask me one yes or no question about the murderers description. If it wasnt a yes or no question, they lost their turn. We went around the room asking questions until one team wanted to guess. They could only guess when it was their turn to prevent them yelling out, and if they were wrong they were out of the game, to prevent haphazard guessing. I checked

the envelope after each guess (I changed the murderer in each class to keep myself awake) and either kicked them out or gave the winning team candy. (phone call and game: 15 minutes)

Write a personal ad for yourself. You must write at least 4 INTERESTING sentences describing yourself. Describe your internal AND external traits. Then write at least 4 INTERESTING sentences describing your perfect girlfriend. Describe her internal AND external traits.

EXAMPLE: I am a brilliant and honest 18 year old male. Currently a high school student at a very good high school, I plan to go to university in a few years. I am tall with very short hair and glasses. I like to read, listen to music and play sports. I am looking for a girl who is short and cute and sexy. She must have long hair and big eyes and be younger than 20 years old. She should be very smart and like to talk. I want a girl who enjoys sports and likes to take long walks. EXAMPLE: I am a beautiful 16 year old girl. I have short straight hair with blond highlights and a small nose. I smile a lot, and I like to laugh, talk, read and dance. I am very intelligent. I want a boy who is short and nice to me. He does not have to be handsome, but he does have to be smart and polite and friendly. He should like to do DDR and eat pizza. He must be between 15 and 18 years old and be very honest and trustworthy. Part Two: Guess Who Game

There has been a horrible murder. Someone was killed in their home last night. You have many suspects (guesses about who the murderer is) but you dont know who did it. I am the only witness (the only person who saw the murder). I can tell you who murdered the family but I will only tell you by answering yes or no questions. Your job is to find the murderer as a team. The class is divided into teams. Each team can ask me one yes or no question. IT MUST BE A YES OR NO QUESTION. Do not say is it a man or a woman? Ask me is it a man? or is it a woman? If you ask a question that is NOT a yes or no answer, you lose your turn and the next team asks a question. We will go around the room asking questions until one team thinks they know the answer.

You may only guess once in each game. If you are wrong, your team is out of the game and the rest of the teams keep playing.

GUESS THE PSYCHO Kelly Hayes (ETA 2001-2002) Preparation: none! Objective: To learn face vocabulary and form descriptions about people in a fun way. Procedures: I started by saying, All Korean people kind of look the same, right? Dark hair. dark eyes They shake their heads. BUT, some people have BIG eyes. Some people have SMALL eyes (to which they tease and point to a fellow student). Some people have long, straight hair. Some people have short hair. etc, etc. Today we are going to learn how to describe our differences. Write the lesson name on the board. Guess the Psycho! The students usually dont know the correct spelling of psycho. Theyll be surprised that its not ssaico as they had previously thought. Merely saying the one word will garner a bunch of giggles and tickle their curiosity. Part 1: (10 minutes) Draw a big head on the board. Proceed to add different elements of the face. I drew the most obvious firstnose, eyes, mouth and ears. Label them as students call out the names. (Theyre feeling really smart.) I drew fat lips, pimples with ooze dribbling out, freckles, a mole (NOT a pointa), cheeks, a chin, goatee, beard, mustache, sideburns, bad teeth, on bushy eyebrow, on thin eyebrow, eyelashes, nostrils, a nose ring, a tattoo (makes things more interesting later), straight hair on one side, curly hair on the otherIts up to you. The funkier the drawing the better. After theyve finished copying it, erase it. Part 2: (20-25 minutes) 1. Draw a 12-space grid on the board, four squares across and three squares down. 2. Tell the students that there will soon be 12 psychos on the board. Ask for four volunteers (Who are my artists?) or choose randomly. I use Eenie-meanie-miney-mo (they find this hilariousAll of my students know it by heart) and bring them up to the board. 3. Explain that the students at the front of the class will draw their psychos according to your directions and that they cant use their notebooks, but the seated students may help them if necessary. 4. Tell all four students to draw heads. Then use phrases like, the two students on the left, the two students in the middle, and the two students on the right when giving directions to specific students. Or you can number the squares and call out the numbers. Tell one student their psycho has a hat, the next has a goatee, the next has a pointy chin, one has a big nose, one is wearing sunglasses, one is bald, one has pimples, one has a tattoo. When their pictures look complete, they must name their psycho. Continue like this until students fill all 12 spaces. 5. By now, the board looks pretty cool, its psychos abounding. Its time to play Guess the Psycho! Make up a crime to tell the students, like Last night, one of these psychos went to Kyung-mins house, picked up his dogand ate him like he was eating corn! Or, This morning, one of these psychos went to the cafeteriaand ate ALL the kimchi! Who is

it???? Dont forget to overact. You know WHO the psycho is and they are in the FBI (Ooooh) and have to find the right psycho. Choose 3 students to ask you a yes or no question, such as, Does the psycho have curly hair? After the three questions, they guess the psycho. The psycho is usually Nam-hee sitting right next to them in class.
6. After this simple demonstration, they know how the game works, so choose a student to take your place at the front of the class while you sit in his or her seat. Continue like this with a few more students. With the remaining couple of minutes, review the vocabulary. Give them a verbal quiz in the next class.

Comments: The focus of this lesson wasnt speaking, but the students really learned the vocabulary and in a refreshing way. Who wants to write the same words a million times in a notebook? And it was good practice for listening to directions. It ended up being a team effort, since the seated students help the artists. I didnt have problems with eliciting volunteers because it was fun and they didnt feel stranded and pressured. After step 1, you guide them, but the class basically runs itself. They find their drawings and names hilarious and think its pretty cool when their fellow student is running class later. On the end-of-the-semester survey, many students named it as their favorite lesson. Good luck!

WHO AM I? Erika Mork (ETA 2001-2002) Level: Middle school girls Preparation: Making a lot of cards with names and/or pictures of famous people on them. I made them on thick paper that you couldnt see through. I went to an all- celebrity web site and it took me about 15 minutes to copy and paste pictures of 17 famous people. Procedure: I did a quick game of hangman using the word Famous. Then I showed each card (projected onto the tv). Practice the namesBill Clinton is tough and so is reversing Braddu Pittu. I wrote the names on the board and had the girls tell me if the people were actors or singers and brainstorm what movies they were in, what country they were from, what kind of music they sang, or if they sang in a group or alone, etc. I did this to make sure they were familiar with all of the people who would be in the activity. To make it fun I did impressions of a couple of singers and Jim Careyyou might want to give it a try. I explained the rules of the game that were on their worksheet. (see worksheet) I did two examplesone that I was able to guess in 5 questions, the other that I failed to guess correctly. Then we repeated examples of yes or no questions (see worksheet) and I explained words like politician. I handed out the decks of cards (I made 6 decks for 6 groups of 6, but you could divide the class into larger groupsmaybe 4 groups would work just as well). The students played for 25-30 minutes. The famous people I used for the decks are listed below because I gave them the list for the second week. You could print the list for the first lesson, if you gave the list to them after the brainstorming activity. The next week I gave out a list of the famous people we had used and then used the cards one more time for a different exercise, Speed Quiz. This took less than 15 minutes. We talked about what we would do if we were famous. We practiced, If this, then this, form. The students wrote sentences using, I would Some students wrote their sentences on the board and we read them in the class. The next week I used the Dream House exercise which tied in nicely.

WHO AM I? In this activity you will become a famous person. You will learn who you are by asking yes or no questions. This means that the answer to a question can only be yes or no. Example: Good Question: Bad Question: Am I a singer? What is my job? Answer: Yes / No Answer: ?????

Rules: Each group will be given a deck of cards. The group must not look at the cards. The cards are pictures and names of famous people. When it is your turn you must take a card without looking at it. You must hold it up on your head or so that you cant see it. Everyone in the group can see who you are, but you cant see who you are. You must ask yes or no questions to figure out who you are. You can ask a maximum of 5 questions to figure out who you are. If you are able to guess who you are in less than 5 questions, then you get to keep the card. The game ends at the end of the class, or when all the cards are gone. Whoever has the most cards in the group is the winner. You must ask the yes or no questions in English. Here are some ideas to help you: Am I a woman? / Am I a man? Am I in movies? / Am I an actor? / Am I an actress? Am I a singer? Do I sing alone? / Do I sing with a group? Do I sing pop music? Am I living? / Am I dead? Am I American? Do I have brown hair? Am I a politician? / Am I a world leader? () / ( ) Am I a real person? / Am I an imaginary person? ( ) / ( ) ---next week--Speed Quiz: One person holds a card, but cannot see the card. The group describes, or talks about, the famous person on the card. The person holding a card guesses who is on the card. She has 1 minute to guess who is on the card. If she guesses correctly, she takes a new card. Then she tries to guess who is on the card again until 1 minute is gone. Try to get as many cards as you can. After the minute, count your cards. Then put your cards back in the deck and shuffle the deck of cards. Now another person gets to guess for 1 minute. Good Luck!

Famous People: Bill Clinton- President of USA before Bush Ricky Martin- singer- sings alone- Latin music Michael Jackson- singer- sings alone Jessica Simpson- singer- sings alone Jim Carey- actor- Mask Tom Cruise- actor- Top Gun Santa Claus- lives at the North Pole- imaginary person Brad Pitt- actor- The Mexican George W. Bush- President of USA now Justin Timberlake- singer with NSYNC Julia Roberts- actress- Pretty Woman- The Mexican Christina Aguilera- singer- sings alone Britney Spears- singer- sings alone Princess Diana- world leader from England who died in a car accident Nick Carter- singer with the Backstreet Boys (BSB) Meg Ryan- actress- Youve Got Mail- City of Angels Nicolas Cage- actor- City of Angels- Face Off- Gone in 60 Seconds What if you were rich and famous What would you do? What would you buy? Where would you live? What kind of house would you have? What kind of clothes would you wear? What kind of car would you have? What kind of food would you eat? Please write 5 things you would do if you were rich and famous: Examples: I would live in a big house with an elevator. I would have a swimming pool. I would travel to Egypt. I would eat pizza everyday. I would give money to people who do not have money. 1) I would 2) 3) 4) 5)

PERSONALITY Jairus Rossi 2002-2003 ETA Level: Middle School Objectives: 1) Teach personality words. 2) Determine students racial and cultural stereotypes. 3) Illustrate that appearances are not valid indicator for personality Note: This was more of a lesson for my interest, but the students seemed to like it as well. Basically I got really sick of teaching from a book because I was becoming dumber by the second and wanted to learn something from my students. I would like to thank Dan Fletcher (2002-03 ETA) for giving me the idea for this. Procedure:
0 Find a bunch of pictures of people representing all sorts of cultures and races. Get a few that the students know to begin class, and then find pictures of famous people that they will NOT know. The mystery people should have appearances which are deceiving as to their actual personality.

- I chose people like Ronaldo, David Beckham, Kang-Ta (H.O.T.), Junichiro Koizumi, and myself as people they knew. - For the mystery people I chose Lauryn Hill, Bono Vox (looking like a gangster), the Saudi Crown Prince, Chief Joseph Sitting Bull, and Cornershop (British Indian Band), Sergei Federov, etc 1 Give a handout with personality words such as: Happy, Mean, Angry, Violent, Kind, Helpful, Generous, Talented, Athletic, Shy, etc. These words can be more complicated depending on ability level. Include English definitions and the Korean translation if you would like. 2 Act out or explain the personality words and make them repeat.

3 On the board, write these categories: Home country, job, personality, pet, and favorite food. 4 On the overhead show pictures and make students tell you where they think this person is from, what their occupation is, what their personality is, what kind of animal it prefers, and what kind of food do they eat. They should know the answers to people like Beckham and Kang-Ta so start with them, and then put the mystery people up. You will undoubtedly get some strange answers. 5 Write their answers down, and after each one, show them why they are wrong and explain that appearances are not a valid indicator to personality. Also tell them not to prejudge people based on appearances, especially that overweight kid they call sam gyeop sal.

Comments: This lesson was really interesting for me to see how my students viewed other people of the world. I was actually very surprised at the time, because they were far more informed and objective than I thought 8th graders could be. There were some stereotypical answers and sometimes I had to tell kids to stop being insensitive, but that was only a few jokers in the crowd. I got many funny answers for foods like crocodile eyes, monkey brains, and snot (demonstrated gratuitiously). For pets I got things like sharks, cockroaches, and spiders along with more standard answers. For Bono Vox, most people said he was German and either a gangster, terrorist, or a violent poet. The best results are when you intentionally deceive your students because it makes it easy to show them that appearances are not everything. And I think they understand and enjoy it as well. The handout looked like this:

He/she is a very ________ person. Happy Nice Peaceful Does not fight Kind Good Person Generous Gives many things to other people Outgoing - Likes to talk, likes to be around people Talented Good at something Athletic Good at sports By looking at someone, can you tell.. What country he/she lives in? What language he/she speaks? What is this persons job? What his/her personality is like? If she/he is beautiful or handsome? What he/she eats (favorite food)? What pet he/she has? Proverb You cant judge a book by its cover. He/she is very __________. Angry Not happy Mean Not nice to people Violent Likes to fight Unkind Bad Person Greedy Wants to take things from other people Shy Doesnt talk much, afraid of other people

BODY PARTS Pierre Minn Level: 1st Year High school I adapted this lesson from the one in our Handbook (All, Body Parts). Instead of having the kids go up and stick labels on another student or a pre-drawn body, they have to draw the parts themselves. It was also a chance to work on some new vocabulary and pronunciation. Procedure: 1. Write and explain the following words: knuckle, ankle, freckle, cheek, chin, Wrist, Adam's apple, eyebrow, eyelashes, elbow. (Next to "elbow," write "8 dream tooth." Your kids will think you're sooo clever.) They should already know basic terms like eyes, nose, hand and foot. 2. Pass out cards to the students that have a body part written on each one. If you have a lot of students, use right ankle" and "left ankle" etc. Put an R and an L on the board so they don't get confused.) Explain that they are going to draw one body. Write "This is the ..." and "These are the ..." on the board. Each student must announce the body part/s' (using the correct form) and then draw it on the board. The fun of this lesson is that the parts are drawn in random order, and the body ends up looking Picasso-esque. 3. Call the students up row by rowthis saves some time. The most difficult part is to get them to listen to their classmates. 4. Simon Says" is a good way to end this lesson. Quiz them on the new vocabulary the next time you see them. I found that my students remembered the new words fairly well. 5. If you have time left and you want to reinforce oppressive gender norms, you can teach the girls make-up terminology.

GAMES TO PLAY WITH THE BODY! (Hokey-Pokey and Simon Says)

Courtney McDonough Level: Co-ed middle school Objective: To learn body part names, to practice commands, and to get students out of their seats and to actually have fun while learning English. Materials: None, other than teaching materials and prizes if you want to give them. Procedure: This was a lesson that I did in two classes, and although I used them together, they could be used separately with one as a review of the other. Class 1: 1. Introduce body parts vocabulary. I used an overhead, and had students repeat names after me several times until they could pronounce them properly. 2. To practice the names more, Id have one (outgoing and not easily embarrassed) student come to the front of the room and point at different body parts, asking the class what they were (careful to avoid any potentially dangerous areas). Its good to point out the difference between hip and butt, because Konglish for butt is hip. 3. Once students have gotten the basic body parts down, move on to learning the Hokey-Pokey song. It helps to have an overhead of the lyrics, or you can simply write them on the board. Practice repeating the lines to the song, just speaking them first, and then singing. 4. Act out the motions while singing the song, demonstrating several verses. Students will be holding their sides with laughter watching you do this, but might be a little reluctant to do it themselves. If you have trouble getting them to Hokey-Pokey, put them in groups and have a Hokey-Pokey competition. Award candy, stickers, or praise to the best group or groups. Class 2: 1. Review body parts, pointing to your own, having the students mimic and repeat you. Add secondary parts that you may not have taught before, like elbow, eyebrow, fingernail, etc. Ask students if there are any more parts they want to know. 2. Do a quick review of the Hokey-Pokey, then go over a few commands to play Simon Says (i.e. touch, point to, stand up, sit down, jump, turn around). Practice a few commands with body parts (point to your head, touch your toes, etc.) until they can follow what you say. 3. Write the name of the game on the board, as well as an example for playing. Write Touch your head and Simon says touch your head on the board, saying the phrases out loud. Then write NO after Touch your head and YES after Simon says touch your head. If you have a coteacher, have him or her demonstrate what you mean, by not doing anything if you dont say Simon says. The students will catch on pretty quickly. At first, demonstrate the commands that you give as you give them. You can trick them by saying Simon says touch your knees and then actually touching your toes, or something like that. 4. Play a few practice rounds with the whole class, and then have a competition. You could break the class into groups and play with each group, picking a few winners from each group. Then have a final round, and give prizes to the best students. Comments: This was one of my best lessons at the middle school. The students really got into it, and were very well behaved. My class with the most behavior problems was actually the best at this lesson, I think because they had a constructive way to channel their energy. This lesson probably wouldnt work well at the high school level, as they might think it to be silly and immature; even the third grade middle schoolers werent as enthusiastic about it as the other students were (but perhaps this wouldnt be the case in a single-sex classroom).

INVENT-AN-ANIMAL Courtney McDonough (ETA 2001-2002) Level: Co-ed High School (College-prep and vocational) and co-ed middle school (modified) Objectives: To learn vocabulary related to animals and animal parts, to practice answering questions and writing descriptive sentences, to promote group work. Materials: White A4 paper, markers or colored pencils Procedure: This was a three consecutive week lesson with my high school students, two with middle school (or could be done in 3 days with a club class). Class 1: (could be skipped or condensed, depending on ability level) 1. Introduce animal vocabulary. The method I used was showing labeled pictures of animals on the OHP. I had the students repeat names after me, then I covered the names and had them guess until most students could remember the names. As my students are mostly at lower English levels, this took about half of the period. 2. Give students a crossword puzzle, or some other kind of game, to reinforce vocabulary. Could give prizes to the first students to finish. Class 2: 1. Announce to students that in the class, they will be inventing their own animals, but first they need to learn more words relating to animals. I quickly reviewed the animals from the previous class, then introduced a few more animals that I had on an overhead, with body parts labeled (i.e. elephant: tail, trunk, ears; goldfish: scales, fins, lips; turtle: shell, tail, etc.). I simply drew the pictures of animals and labeled the parts, which the kids found hilarious because Im not a great artist. 2. Explain the project they will invent their own animals using parts from many different animals. Put students in groups of 4. Show them an example youve already made; its helpful to have this on an overhead. (My animal had a turtle shell, bird head and beak, pig tail, chicken legs, and butterfly wings.) Tell them that they need to label all parts of the animal, and answer three questions (writing complete sentences) about it: 1. What is its name? 2. Where does it live? 3. What does it eat? I wrote the questions and example answers on the board, so the students could see how to answer in complete sentences. 3. Give each group a piece of white paper and tell them that they will only receive one, so practice first in pencil. You may want to hold off on the markers/colored pencils until the next class, because otherwise students will spend all of their time drawing and none writing in English. 4. Let them have the rest of the period to work in their groups. If students finish with the labeling and writing answers to the questions, give them the markers or colored pencils. Make sure to have the students write their names on their papers and collect their work at the end, or theyll undoubtedly lose it. Class 3: 0 Get students into groups again, pass out their unfinished projects from the last class, and some markers or colored pencils to get them motivated. Give them a time limit to finish their work, so theres enough time at the end to present to the class. 1 If most groups are close to completion, you could give them additional sentences to write; for example, they must write 3-5 descriptive sentences about their animal. (Our animal has a green turtles shell, or our animal has a furry, long monkeys tail.)

2 Once all groups are finished, have them present their animals to the class by reading the answers to the questions and the descriptive sentences theyve written. To ensure that other students are paying attention during the presentations, ask them questions after each presentation. (What was their animals name? or Where does it live?) 3 After all groups have presented, collect their work (there will be some real gems) and congratulate them all on a job well done Comments: This is a lesson that worked well with all ability levels of students, and can be easily modified. For the middle schoolers, I didnt make them write descriptive sentences or write the answers to the questions in complete sentences. Getting them to label their creations in English and answer questions verbally was difficult enough. Vocational students liked this lesson because it wasnt too difficult, although some had a hard time giving the presentations. The finished creations will be great students have a lot of pent-up creativity that they probably dont get to use much in other classes. If you have your own classroom, you can even hang up the finished products.

TRANSPORTATION Objective: To review transportation terms and introduce new ones -and to get the creativity flowing Materials: Colored pens, sheets of paper, tape. Procedure: Write transportation on the board and ask what it is. Write the Korean equivalent. Ask for examples and list them as students call them out. Hold up or draw pictures when students run out of ideas. Call on Starcraft, animal and sports related modes of transport. Once you've got enough, have the students repeat the words on the board. Ask questions about the students' examples: What's the fastest? Slowest? Most expensive to ride? Oldest? Most comfortable? blah, blah, blah, blah. This took about 15-25 minutes -depending on the amount of time allotted to crowd control. Next spilt the kiddies up into groups and have them invent a new mode of transportation by drawing pictures and labeling things. Have them give it a name. I walked around and helped them while they were working. They thought of some super funny and creative things: The Anaconda Bus, The Large Dung Airplane, The Hopping Kangaroo Taxi, space trains, time machines and so on. It took them the remainder of the class to work on their masterpieces. At the beginning of the next class, I put all the pictures on the board and then randomly called a group member to stand up and answer questions about it. (Is it fast or slow? How many Km/Hr? Where can you find it? etc ) Anyway, this worked really well. The boys really got into it and were surprisingly eager to explain to me what they'd drawn. I suspect that maybe this lesson wouldn't be as successful with girls -but you never know. Good luck.

Objective: To acquaint students with enough directional vocabulary that they can navigate in English. Materials: A hat that says TAXI (either a card pinned on cap or a folded up piece of A4 paper in half lengthwise and then tape the ends) signs with the names (and rough symbolic illustrations) of key teenage hangouts and other city sites, including some landmarks specific to your city, coffee shop, church, swimming pool, riverside, beach, mountains, hospital, video arcade, (o-rak-shill) video store, movie theater, music shop, baths, ice cream shop, bookstore, clothing store, noraebang, bank, restaurant, supermarket (with a Superman S), bakery, library, home, park, school, the wrapper of a Free Time candy bar (optional), cab fare (prize optional). Handout (example): I AM LOST!!! Help me! There are a lot of things I want to do today, but I have a sore throat, and I cannot talk very much. Help me to get around town. If I ask you for help, please assist me in: 1) 2) 3) Hailing a taxi. Deciding where it is I want to go. Telling the taxi driver how to get me there in English. near and then U-turn on the right at the traffic light at the intersection between city block at the corner at the beginning of at the middle of at the end of

Some helpful directions are: In front of by, next to Turn right STOP Turn here turn there Turn left on the left Until you come to Behind at the crossroads Go straight Draw or clip helpful pictures for each direction.

Procedure: Ask students what they do in their free time. In their notebooks, they should answer the question with three places they like to go. When I have free time, I go (to)(the) . Elicit responses at random. If you say something for which you have a sign, hand them that store/building and move to the next student. If they are creative and think of something for which you dont have a sign, then make an excuse for giving them another sign. Oh you like to go on picnics, well I dont have a picnic site, butwell if you go you have to buy food first, which means you have to stop at the supermarket. Once your stack of site has dwindled, you can pass out the remaining ones to other students whom you have not called on yet, offering the more popular sites for auction. Tell the students that you now have all the makings of a city, but all you need is the streets, so they should scoot their desks together to form four-desk blocks. You can move your podium for more room. Pass out direction crib sheets. Next, grab your TAXI hat and slump over the desk of a student (lets call him the Victim.) You: When is lunch? I am sooooooooo hungry! Help me! Where should I go? Victim: Iuh.ummTurn left. You: NO! WHERE should I go? What place are you sending me to? Victim: I, uhthe restaurant. You: Good, I hope they have bi-bim-bap. Is the restaurant far away? Victim: Yes.

You: DO I need a taxi? Victim: Yes. You: Ok (place TAXI sign on the head of another student. Victim 2 leap up and hail a taxi, shouting) TAXI! OH TAXI!!!! (Victim 2 stand up to roars of laughter. Turn to Victim 2 and ask) Please tell my taxi where to go.
Your students should say something like: Go two blocks straight. Stop. Then turn left The video arcade is in front of you.. ( You may want to put a model statement on the handout. Follow the directions precisely as the student gives them. If they do not tell you to turn, push the TAXI forward and require victim 1 to ask for a UTurn. If they take you in circles, complain. Once you get there, thank the taxi and make up another predicament that would take you to another spot in town, and pick a new taxi and a new director.

Your statements might proceed like this: Im sooooo hungry (RESTAURANT). Hmmm, that ramyun was a little hot., I could use something to drink (SUPERMARKET/COFFEEHOUSE). But my mouth is still a little hot.; I want something cold. (ICE CREAM SHOP) I want a cookie or a muffin for dessert (BAKERY). I am bored. I want to do something fun. (VIDEO ARCADE). I have played Street Fighter for three hours, so Im bored again. (NORAEBANG). I cant sing very well (you may want to torture them by singing off key), so how can I learn to sing? (MUSIC SHOP) I have no more money. (BANK) I am getting tired ( HOME). Theres nothing to do at home, I want to see a movie (VIDEO STORE). My VCR is broken (MOVIE THEATER). That movie was so good I want to read a book. (BOOKSTORE). They didnt have the book! (LIBRARY). This should last until the end of the period. Options: Have the students write down the directions to some place on the school campus, such as a flagpole. Take the whole class with you as you follow the directions the students give. This may be better with a small club class. Ask the students to make a map of the town. Break the class into groups (according to where they live). And have them mark all the landmarks and good restaurants, cinemas, etcin their dong of town. This is good for the near beginning of the year when you are new to town and you dont know your way around. Brainstorm all the different things to do in your town, and ask each group of students to a take a different category: cinemas, mountains, parks, bulgogi restaurants, etcThen describe how to get there (by bus, walking, taxi etc) and why the special places they have mentioned are good. Also good for near the beginning of the year, or when you are anticipating having guests and you dont know where to take them. Blindfold a student and hide something (a prize? Food?) in a part of the room. The other students must tell the student where to go and find it, including such directions as up, down, higher, lower, left, right and other prepositions. Comments: This lesson can be very disruptive, especially the campus-directions option (the first one). However, it works with a base of knowledge of which high school kids usually already have a grasp, and they enjoy activating it. Also enjoyable for middle school English language initiates.

DIRECTIONS II Mimi Do (ETA 2001-2002) Level: Daejeon Jungang Middle School Objective: Practice asking and giving directions. Materials: Index cards and a map (or draw on board) Procedure: 1. Hand out direction index cards. There are two sets. One set has a question asking for directions, one set has the answers. 2. Start with card #1, Where is the school? The student with card #1 reads it aloud to the class. The student with the answer, The school is on Main St reads his card to the class, while the first student draws the school on the board. 3. When all the cards are finished, the students will have drawn a map of the entire town. Directions Questions and Answers 0 Where is the school? The school is on Main Street, between Park Street and Jungang Street. 1 Where is the police station? Turn left. The police station is next to the school. 2 Where is the park? Turn right. Go straight. The park is next to the school. 3 Where is the hotel? The hotel is across the street from the park. 4 Where is the movie theater? The movie theater is behind the hotel. 5 How do I get to the PC Room? Turn left and cross the street. Go straight one block. The PC Room is on the corner. 6 How do I get to the restaurant? Turn right. The restaurant is next to the PC Room. 7 How do I get to the Car Center? Turn right. The Car Center is next to the Restaurant. 8 Where is the bank? Cross the street. The bank is across the street from the car center. 9 How do I get to the department store? Go right. The Department store is next to the bank. 10 Where is the post office? Turn left. Go straight past the bank. The post office is next to the bank. 11 Can you tell me where the pharmacy is? Cross the street. Go straight past the PC Room. The Pharmacy is behind the PC Room. 12 Where is the Hair Salon? The Hair Salon is between the Pharmacy and Lotteria. 13 Where is Lotteria? Lotteria is on the corner of Main Street and Park Street. 14 How do I get to the library? Cross the street. Go right. The library is to the right of the park. 15 Where is the train station? The train station is behind the hotel, next to the movie theater. 16 How do I get to the hospital? Turn left. Go straight. The hospital is on the corner of Jungang Street and Museum Street. 17 Where is the zoo? The zoo is across the street from the hospital. 18 Where is the museum? The museum is to the right of the zoo. 19 How do I get to the bus station? Cross the street. Go straight down Jungang Street. Turn right on Main Street. The bus station is next to the police station.

WHERES IT HIDDEN? Emily Hyde (ETA 2003-2004)

Level: Yeodo Middle School Objective: Students will augment and diversify their direction-giving language. Materials: Large map, Candy or prize, Blindfolds (*for extension activity), Raffle Tickets Procedure: 1. Daily Start: Notebook Check/ Daily Slang or Idiom 2. Hang the large map on board in front of classroom 3. Ask students: Excuse me, how do I get to the bowling alley? 4. Walk a finger along the map while students attempt to direct me using the direction vocab that they already know. Write appropriate responses on board. They usually know: go straight ___ blocks and turn right/left. 5. Complete direction vocabulary list by adding and explaining new direction phrases and vocab: -Head straight for ____ minutes/blocks/feet -Walk up/down/along -Take a sharp left/right -Hang a left/right -Take the 1st/2nd/ (etc.) right/left -Next to -Across from -Diagonal from -Youll see -You will pass -You cant miss it. -Past the -Itll be on your left/right 6. Practice using new vocab. I need to buy stamps. Tell me where to go. Encourage the use of the new vocab (i.e. hang a left, take a sharp right, diagonal to) instead of relying on the standard, turn right/left, go straight ___ blocks. 7. Explain the Activity: Call a student volunteer up to front. S/he will hide candy in three buildings by writing the name of the buildings in a secret notebook. That student stays up front and will be in charge of picking volunteers and giving raffle tickets to participants. (*Use name cards if necessary.) 8. I place my finger on the map somewhere. When chosen, volunteers can give me TWO directions. (i.e. Head straight for two blocks. Hang a left.) Then another students will be chosen to give TWO more directions. The directions can go in the opposite way if one student thinks the candy is hidden in the bank and another thinks its hidden in the PC room. 9. Only when my finger is in front of a door, can I go inside. The student who directed me into the building must ask if the candy is hidden there. If s/he is correct, s/he gets the candy. If not, I walk out of the building and more directions are given. Students find the three (two, four, whatever) pieces of hidden candy. 10. Review: Ask how to get back to my house (Emilys House is located on the map.) Ask three different ways to get home using differing direction vocabulary 11. RAFFLE 12. Extension activity: Two volunteers leave the room. Students hide two pieces of candy somewhere in the room. Volunteers come back in and are blindfolded. Rest of the class is split into teams. The first team tries to direct the first student to the candy and the second team tries to direct the second student. Take turns; team can only give one direction per turn. Winning team gets raffle tickets. Winning student gets candy. *REMINDER: The blindfolded students left and right is not necessarily your left and right. *This is a small version of the map I used. I drew this in colorful marker on a very large piece of paper and labeled each box: PC bang, Emilys House, Yeodo Middle School, Mini Mart, soccer field, etc.


WHEEL OF FORTUNE Amy Davis Level: Sarigsan Boys' High School, Club Class Materials: Dice, 2 Worksheets, Candy Procedure: 1. Divide the students into 2 or 3 teams. 2. Choose an idiom, such as "Rise and Shine" and put the corresponding number of blanks on the board (Hangman style). 3. Team 1 goes first. They roll the die, and then guess a letter that they think is in the puzzle. Then they get (# on the die) x (the number of times that letter appears in the puzzle). For instance, if Team 1 rolls a 5 and then says "E" they get 5 x 2 = 10 points because E appears two times in "Rise and Shine." Then it is Team 2's turn. 4. I gave candy to the team who solved the puzzle after each round, and then chocolate to the "Big" winners at the end who had the most points. 5. After we played about 4 rounds, I passed out the worksheet (American English) as review. (You probably won't be able to finish all 6 idioms during Wheel of Fortune, but the students should be able to figure out the remaining ones from the definitions.) 6. Then I passed out the second worksheet explaining the idiom "Kick the bucket" and went over the answers. Note: During the game, you can give one die to each team, but I just used one because I figured the boys would be rolling it and annoying me when it wasn't their turn.

WHEEL OF FORTUNE HANDOUT Rise and Shine = Wake up Are you nuts?! Are you crazy? Sweet dreams = Good night Tie the knot = Get married Kick the bucket = Die Spill the beans = Tell a secret Directions: Fill in the blanks with one of the sayings above. 1) I cant believe youre going skydiving! . 2) The old man finally . He was 101 years old. 3) Im going to hit the hay now too. ________________________________. 4) I was planning a surprise party for my mother, but my little sister and told her about the party. 5) The sweethearts are going to this summer, and theyre inviting all of their family and friends to the wedding. 6) My mom said, . Its time to get up for school.

BASKETBALL Objective: To engage students in an interesting variation of the final review, to create student-to-student guided communication. Materials: An extra teacher, one or two basketball hoops, two small balls to go into the basket(s). Procedure: Most school kids are absolutely crazy over basketball, boys especially. This game gets them to communicate with each other in English in order to score. Divide the class into teams and let them choose team names. If classes are large (45-50 min), you can make four teams, two teams play against each other in and one teacher is referee for each pair of teams. Give the ball to the pair in the rear of the classroom (flip a coin or do Korean kowi-bowiebo To see who goes first). Classrooms are usually set up in pairs of student desks, so this should be easy. The student must ask a question of his partner. If the answer is meaningful, the ball is passed forward to the next pair of students and the shot is worth one point. If the final pair successfully answers their question, one of them can take a shot. The shot is worth as many questions as they got right. Example: If everyone on team I got their questions right, their shot is worth 8 points (if they make it). If you have one hoop, move the basket to whichever team is shooting. If the response is not a meaningful answer to the question, the ball gets passed to the opposite team at that point in the line. Example: Student #5 on team one makes a mistake, Student #5 on team 2 gets the ball. If he and each member ahead of him gets their question right, then their shot is worth four points. This game can be adjusted for students of any level. Maturity might be a limiting factor. To help them out, you can write sample questions on the board. What did you do yesterday? What do you do everyday? What are you doing now? What will you do tomorrow? All students had to give answers different from their teammates had given in that round, so this made them listen to each other. If an answer was repeated, the ball went to the other team. Different patterns could be chosen for different levels of students. If some classes are more talented, you can get more picky in what makes an acceptable response. You can be fairly lenient in the beginning and then crack down once they get the hang of it. Options: Baseball. Divide the class into the Chonju Raiders and the Chonju Tigers, or whatever teams please your kids the most. Draw a basketball diamond and a scoreboard on the blackboard (doesnt have to be fancy). Explain the rules of the game: a person from one team goes up to

the front and chooses a question. First pile, single run. Second pile, double run. Third pile, home run If the student cannot answer the question, OUT. After three outs, the other team has its turn. Keep score on the board. At the end of this period, the team that wins gets a round of applause or prizes. Material: Three piles of questions (easy, moderate, difficult) with questions on them. Volley Questions: Play like volleyball, with a ball and a string between the two halves of the room. In which the students must ask a question and whoever bumps the other side must answer it. Comments: This lesson is designed for middle school boys. It works best for boys in general. The kids can go absolutely bonkers on the basketball game and so when noise gets to be a problem for students understanding each other, give the other team a point. The competitive spirit really keeps them in line. For classes over 30, a second teacher is a must. Middle school boys have no lack of imagination, but they are often too lazy to use it. For example, half way into one game, every answer used the word play. They played every sport and musical instrument under the sun. That was good for a few chuckles, but then I ruled out that verb (if they used it, the ball would go to the opposite team). Then they got busy. Some boys will bully others into giving certain answers, and often they will be wrong. Or you can get really picky and make a big show of giving the ball to the other team, thereby undermining the other bullys authority.

VARIATIONS ON THE BASKETBALL THEME Amy Marshall (1995-1996 ETA) I was dying to do Lee Martins basketball lesson-hoping to get the promised unadulterated affection from my little monsters. Yet, I never had an available or willing co-teacher to control the other half of the classroom. So, I decided to try my hand at a sports lesson. While trying to practice the present progressive, my boys feigned coolness when I tried to do charades. So, I mixed the reward of B-ball with the embarrassment of charades! Objectives: To have fun and review questions or whatever other particle of grammar you wish to review. Materials: One basketball hoop, one basketball, prepared sentences or actions. Procedure: Divide the students into two teams and ask them to assign themselves team names. Elect two captains and have them come and sit in front of the room. The captains are made responsible for selecting the students who have to do the charade and eventually they have the glory of shooting the basket. A student comes up and picks an action card, such as drinking soju, watching kung-fu movies, playing video games at the orakshil singing at the noraebang. I also mixed in some personalities to add to the fun, such as Madonna, Tom Cruise, ajuma, housewife. The student must ask his team, What am I? What am I doing? the students must answer in question form, Are you Sophie Marceau? Are you drinking cola? If the team gets the answer in the specified amount of time then the team gets one point and the student who did the charade gets to go to the foul line. I made the game more interesting and let the students put down both the three point and a two point foul line-so student and team can choose which to go for. (Make sure you have line judges to watch their feet. One class almost went to blows over it. And besides, the line judges, think they are really cool) If the student gets the basket, they get the point, either two or three. Alternate turns and be sure to give fair ups.

OPPOSITE WORD SEARCH (An adaptation of Basketball) Lesson: "Basketball" variation Procedures: 1) Using the opposites word search from our lesson manual, create two teams. 0 Place desks far enough apart so that they can't peek at each other and close enough so that you can look at both teams. 1 Have one member from each team sit at the desk with the word search facing down. A single round begins with the teacher saying "ready, set.............go!" and as soon as one team member finds ONE word, say "STOP!" Have them turn the paper over again. They must then say the opposite of the word found. If correct, they get one shot at the basketball hoop. Comments: You can do this with a real hoop, but thats not always feasible. I made a hoop out of a coat hangers and made it so that it can hang over the edge of a desk (basic shape is that of a 6 inch diameter "o" loop and a "u" loop that can be bent perpendicular to the "o" loop. Bend the top half of the "u" loop parallel with the "o" loop (from the side it should look like a stairwaystyle zigzag). Get something semi-heavy to hold the loop in place. Place the 2 pt. shooting line about two or three feet beyond what the tallest student can reach while standing behind the line. Create a 3 pt. line a couple of feet beyond the 2 pt line, to create some interesting competition/gambling for the harder shot. In this case, the ball I used was a paper ball. Try it out yourself. I found a full sheet a little big and a slightly more difficult shot than a HALF sheet.

PASSWORD Fiona Duncanson (ETA 2000-2001) This lesson is harder and I used it with my 3rd grade, but as with everything it could be modified. Procedure: 1. Divide the class into teamshowever it works best for your classes. I used the 4 rows as teams and then numbered the people in the teams. Students make team names. 2. I did a demonstration of how password is played--remember the game? You have a secret word to describe but can only give one-word clues. Rules: 1) NO KOREAN 2) Only 1 word clues 3) NO GESTURES OR BODY LANGUAGE--this is cheating If you are sitting do not say the word if you know. All cheating is minus points. I like to take away 2 because it usually changes who is winning. 3. Two teams at a time, two people from each team come to the front. (This is 4 at a time and I wouldn't do more than that.) The team members stand opposite their partners, one is the giver and one the guesser. 4. Show the giver a word and they take it in turns to give, guess, give, guess between the teams. The first to guess gets the points. 5. Next two teams. My students loved this and at the end of class I had several requests to play again next week. I used words that are simple: tree, Titanic, sunglasses, fan, water, etc. and you can throw in some that are in the unit's vocabulary from the "regular" teacher too.

MAKING A BOARD GAME Joanne Lee (ETA 2000-2001) Level: Daejeon Boys Middle School These are a couple of ideas that worked fairly well for my club classes. Im sure with enough material and time, they could be used for regular classes as well. Objective: To review previous lessons and vocabulary while introducing board games and new phrases like draw a card, skip/lose a turn, roll the dice, etc Materials: Color poster board or large sheets of construction paper (one for each team) Regular color construction paper for the question cards Lots of crayons or markers Scissors Scrap paper Dictionaries Sample board game Procedure: 1. Greetings, attendance and review 2. Introduce board games by asking questions about board games (Have you ever played Monopoly, Scrabble, Bingo, Yoot-noh-dee?) or by showing them an example. Most will answer yes. 3. Next ask students to identify all the things that are needed to play a board game (dice, board, players, playing pieces, cards, etc). *note: Most of my students only knew the Korean words so this is also where I introduced new vocabulary and phrases. 4. Then explain that over the next few days (it took my kids about three 45 minute classes to finish everything) they will be breaking up into teams (3-4 people) and creating their own board games. They will need to think of a name, a board shape, rules, pieces, and question cards. Students may need a lot of help here so make sure they have their dictionaries handy. 5. Let the creative juices flow. I had my class follow this schedule: Day One: After the introduction, students break up into groups and brainstorm ideas, decide on a names for their game and plan their board. Day Two: Students write up their rules, make pieces and question cards (I had every group make up 20 question cards and implement them in their game. The questions all came from previous lessons. Most students made special blocks so that when a player landed on the space they would have to answer the question before moving on or suffer some consequence, i.e. lose a turn, go back 5 spaces.). Day Three: Students were given large pieces of construction paper to design their boards on. Tell students that this is their last class to finish everything so use their time wisely. Day Four: Students set up their games and then they are allowed to go around the room and play the other students board games. You may want to give prizes out for the best game or for the winners of each individual game. Some of the end results were quite intricate and colorful. Overall, it was a fun project for both me and my students. Hope you find it the same!

TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE Julia Lee (ETA 2000-2001) Level: High School (can be adapted for almost any level). Im sure many of you have played this game, but maybe not in an academic setting. Materials: None Procedure: Part 1 It's very simple. I wrote two truths and one lie about myself on the board and say them as well. I would take a vote (raising hands) to see which of the three sentences the students thought were my lie. I did a few sets of these. The students enjoyed trying to guess which one was my lie, especially because I wrote some really random things on the board (ex. I am ambidextrous lie; I can do Michael Jacksons moonwalk very well lie; When I was in elementary school, I had short curly permed hair true). In those classes where I had a coteacher present, I got my co-teacher involved (if he/she wanted to) by having them tell two truths and a lie about themselves. I rewarded those students who got all my sets of two truths and a lie correct. This takes about 10-15 minutes...depending on how many sets you do about yourself. Part 2 Then I give the students about 10 minutes to do the same about themselves I give them examples of what to write and examples of what they should not write, such as I have two eyes, a nose, and a tail. OR I am a boy, I am a girl, I am human. OR I am beautiful, I am smart, I am ugly. During the last 10-15 minutes, I have the students present their sentences to the class. I take a vote each time. If a student tricks the class, he/she receives a reward. Some of my students got really into this and wrote many sets of truths and lies. Since your sentences will serve as an example for the students, try to keep all your sentences visible on the board. Have fun!

M.A.S.H Sue Suh (1996-1997 ETA) Level: All Hey, boys and girls-remember this one from our school kid days? Whenever you and your friends were bored, you might have taken a piece of paper and written at the top: MASH The letters MASH stand for Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House, then you would proceed to ask one person to name 4 things in each of any number of random categories. For example: 0 1 2 3 Who are your four favorite boys/girls (choose opposite sex)? What are your four favorite cars? Where are the four places you want to live? What are the four jobs you might want to have?

After going through all the crazy categories you can think of, youd assign your victim a certain number (this number can be arrived by many means). For example, if the number is 7, you would then cross off every 7th item on the page until one remains in a category. Those remaining items are then added together to form a prediction of your future life. I modified this game to be used in the classroom by choosing 15 questions (numbering 1 through 15) and writing each on an index card. Then Procedure: 1) Ask, Who is the most handsome student in this room? Or depending on the class personality, Who is the class comedian/bad boy/tough guy/ etc? 2) Bring the chosen one up to the front of the room. 3) Announce that today we are going to tell so-and-sos FORTUNE [ie. Talk about his future life]! Write the letters MASH top-and-center on the board, and explain what each letter is for underneath. Explain that the whole class needs to help Sue-the Genie foresee Handsome Boys future! Then pass out the index cards to 15 volunteers. 4) Who has question #1? wonders the genie. Volunteer with Question 1 stands up and addresses Handsome Boy with Who are your four favorite girls? (This guarantees hoots and hollers) Repeat this with the other questions, throwing in your own creative reactions and humor when the mood strikes (which it will early and often). 5) At the end of the interrogation, have Handsome Boy choose a number. (I told them to pick one between 5 and 15). Popular pick:13. 6) Again, while sprouting color commentary, cross off every 13th item on the board until one item remains in each category. This gets pretty funny, especially if you encourage other students reactions. 7) With a flourish worthy of a drum roll, declare Handsome Boys FORTUNE in life! If you wish, award the now mortified student a small prize for his effort. Comments: Im being pretty corny in my description of how to conduct the lesson, but one thing weve definitely all learned is that the more energetic your own attitude in the classroom, the greater the response you will inevitably receive from the students. I promise. Also, for younger classes, as little as four questions may be all that is needed for the entire period.

MAD LIBS Level: All Levels (if adapted for difficulty) Objectives: To build creativity and familiarize your students with parts of speech and grammar. Handout: See next page Procedure: Students take out a notebook and write down a response for each of these as you call them out. This is better than writing them all on the board and asking them to reply on their own, as they need the pacing. Give examples as you go through the prompts. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) The name of someone in the room. A age (a positive number between 0 and 100) Something you like to do (infinitive form: to chew gum) A real, positive number (tell them not to give you pi or radical 2) A color Another color A piece of clothing (something you wear) A beautiful movie star/singer/famous person A food A beverage (something to drink) A song Something else you like doing (gerund form: dancing) Something you can hold in your hands.

When students appear to be finished, pass out handouts and let the Mad Lib magic do its work. Once the laughter subsides, ask students to share their funny stories with the rest of the class. Comments: In the handout on the following page, the top section is for a boys class, and the bottom is for a girls class. Just photocopy and cut!

MAD LIBS! When (1)________________ was only (2)_____________ years old, he went out on his first date. One day, he called up a girl from the neighborhood and said, Hello. Would you like (3)____________________ with me tomorrow night? She said, Sure! The next evening, he came to the girls house. She was about (4)____________ centimeters tall and had (5)________________ hair and (6)_______________ eyes. She was wearing a (7)_________________. He thought she was very pretty, as pretty as (8)_________________________. First, they went to a restaurant and had (9)______________________ with (10)_________________. Then, they went to a nightclub. They danced to his favorite song, (11)______________________. Dancing with her was almost as much fun as (12)______________________. At the end of the evening, they went back to her house together. He walked her to the door and gave her a (13)________________________.

MAD LIBS! When (1)________________ was only (2)_____________ years old, she went out on her first date. One day, a boy from the neighborhood called her and said, Hello. Would you like (3)____________________ with me tomorrow night? She said, Sure! The next evening, the boy came to her house. He was about (4)____________ centimeters tall and had (5)________________ hair and (6)_______________ eyes. He was wearing a (7)__________________. She thought he was very handsome, as handsome as (8)_________________________. First, they went to a restaurant and had (9)______________________ with (10)_________________. Then, they went to a nightclub. They danced to her favorite song, (11)______________________. Dancing with him was almost as much fun as (12)______________________. At the end of the evening, the boy took her home. He walked her to the door and gave her a (13)________________________.

PSYCHOLOGY TEST Teresa Krebs Level: Boys High School Those little psychology tests that you play with your friends which are supposed to reveal your true feelings. There are a lot of them, but I'll just give you the one that I used. Procedure: The "test" that I gave did not take the whole period, so I started off with a warm-up game of Pictionary. You can do anything to kill about 15 minutes--pictionary, hangman, whatever. After the game I told them that the fun was over and Wrote TEST on the board and told them to take out a piece of paper. They get really upset about this, which is amusing to me. I told them that they were taking a psychology test and wrote "psychology" on the board. I asked for a definition of psychology. Surprisingly, a lot of students gave me answers. After that I gave the test. I did it in steps so I wouldn't confuse them. Step 1: I wrote these animals on the board: cow, horse, monkey, sheep, tiger. I asked the students to write these on their papers in the order that they liked them and did an example. "The tiger is my favorite, so I write it first. Next, I like the horse, so I write it second, etc.", putting them in order on the board. Step 2: I wrote these words on the board: dog, cat, coffee, ocean, rat I asked the students to write them on their papers and write one adjective for each word. I told them not to think too hard about their answers, just to write the first thing they thought of. Step 3: I wrote these colors on the board and asked students to write them on their papers: white, red, green, yellow, orange. I told the students to write the name of the first person that they thought of when they thought of each color. When everyone was finished I revealed the meanings of each item. I asked for students' responses before giving the meanings because I think they were more willing to give answers before knowing what each item was supposed to mean. Each animal represents something. The order they are in is the order of the importance of each thing in your life: cow-career horse-family monkey-money sheep-love tiger-pride. For part two each adjective describes how you feel about the following things: dogyourself, cat--your girlfriend/boyfriend, coffee--love (originally sex, but Ive have to change it) ocean--your life, rat--your- enemy This is how you feel about people that you wrote for each color: white--a true friend, red--someone you real]y; love, green--someone who youll never forget, yellow--someone who will never forget you, orange--your soul mate. I think this is right. I kind of forget, but I don't think it really matters. My students really liked this. I hope yours do.

QUIZ SHOW Level: All Objective: To increase listening comprehension; to practice answering questions; to encourage cooperation. Materials: Oodles of prepared questions divided into categories (like on Jeopardy). Here are some of the categories and sample questions. Vacation: What did you eat? Where did you go? Who did you meet? Where is the biggest mountain in the world? What is the second largest state in the US? What is the largest mountain in South Korea? How tall is Mr. Martin? When is his birthday? How tall is an NBA basket? What team is the NBA champion now? Where (in what city) was the 1994 World Cup? Valentine, flower, chocolate


Teacher: Sports:


Though some of these questions seem unfairly obscure, they all were either common knowledge for middle school boys or had been mentioned more than once in class. Procedure: Group students into four teams and have them think of names for their teams. While they argue, draw a Jeopardy grid on the board with numbers from one to eight under each category. Volunteer one student in the back of each team to be the captain. All answers have to be through the captain. This can be a student who hides in the back and does as little work as possible. The students must calm down enough to hear you say where instead of what and other sorts of small but important question information. Insist on complete sentences for advanced classes, but cut the beginner students some slack, as the captains are almost too nervous to mumble single words. Often, the captain seemed to feel good that they could speak for their entire team in English. Most teams will congratulate their captains for good effort. At the end, give small prizes to the winning team. Options: If you are like most Americans our age, you have seen your share of American game shows. Koreans have a lot of their own, and if you understand those, you can try to convert them to something appropriate to English class. You can adapt most any game show to the classroom. Try your own hand at the Family Feud, Concentration, $25,000 Pyramid, The Price is Right, Lets Make a Deal, The Newlywed Game (having desk partners answer

questions about one another), Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune (Hangman), Scrabble, Jokers Wild, Tic-Tac-Toe, Password, etc.

Comments: If a team gets too noisy or rowdy, simply give the three other teams points. The competitive spirit keeps them manageable. Some students may use their dictionaries. Let them, because usually there is someone who can remember or figure out the answer before the cheaters could flip enough pages. The team which got the answer right could choose the next question and whichever captain raised his hand first could give an answer. A few times, one team would break away with a 20-30 point lead. In those cases, to keep the game competitive, give the other teams temporary multipliers of 2,3 or even 5 times for a correct answer (i.e. their answers would be worth 2-5 times the normal amount). This keeps them reasonably interested (in one instance, one team gets 40 points and then sat down, thinking it was all over, the final score ended up 50-48 in their favor, but the multipliers kept them from getting too complacent). The teams may cry Captain changee! Captain changee! Tell them they can help the captain as much as they wanted, but all the answers had to be given through him.

EXAMPLE QUIZ SHOW LESSON Mark Engstrom (ETA 1995-1996) This is a modified form of Lee Martins idea of doing a Jeopardy-type game in class. This worked extremely well for the last week of class, when the students and I were both tired. These questions were good for 2nd year high school boys, but I am sure they could be modified for girls (i.e. scratching the NBA category), or for younger classes. I started class by putting a prize on the top half of the chalk board, split them into 4 teams and told each team they need a captain and they need a team name. Then I drew a diagram with the points vertically on the left hand side and the categories horizontally on top (making a grid on the majority of the board). Make sure you leave space for the scores to be tallied. Have the students do ki-bo-dok to see who goes first and youre off and running. Cross out the boxes as the students choose the categories and only let the team captain yell out the answers, or else it gets really noisy. Comments: Some of the 500-point questions may seem hard, but I was quite surprised at how many kids knew the answers-and after all, they are 500 point questions! 0 For the 500 point Music question I told them, Tell me the name of this song in English. Then I hummed the tune (any tune will do if you know the name of it in English) and watched them all scramble to translate the name into English. 1 For the spelling section I would have each team select the best speller and have them come to the board. Then I would yell out the word (or phrase) and the first one to spell it correctly wins. Obviously you will want to change the 300 and 400 point questions. 2 For the What is it? category I would stand in clear view of everyone and then point to something. 3 Nine categories generally took about 50 minutes to run through.

Two other categories I used were Mr. Mark, and 2nd Year Teachers Room (who is the best at pool, who has two daughters, etc). They really enjoyed the questions about their teachers. While this lesson does not emphasize speaking much, it can work wonders on listening, If the games get competitive, like most of them do, it is rewarding to see those students who arent usually interested in your class, listening intently to your every word. Hope this works for ya!


The World 100 What country is Mt. Everest in? Nepal NBA South Korean Geograp hy What island are Korea and Japan fighting over? Tok-Do What is the largest city in Korea? Incheon Al Pacino How tall is Hallasan ? 1950M Who is one of the stars in Pulp Fiction? Bruce Willis or John Travolta Name the movie where Gene Hackma n and Denzel Washing ton are in a submari ne. Crimson Tide Who was the first James Bond? Sean Connery Movie Stars Who is the star of Apollo 13? Tom Hanks Who is the star of Scent of a Woman ? History Music Spelling America What is it? Sock

What team is in Vancou ver? Grizzlie s

In 1492, who sailed to America ? Columb us

Who sings Black or White, Billie Jean and Thriller? M.J.


Who came before presiden t Clinton? Bush


What country is between Portugal and France? Spain

What team does Pat Riley coach for? Miami Heat


What city is the capital of India? New Delhi

Name the two teams in Los Angeles. Lakers and Clippers Where did Shaq go to Universi ty? Lousian a State

What Chinese leader took his people to Taiwan in 1949? ChiangKaiShek What country did Mussoli ni come from? Italy Who is the Korean philopso her on the Man Won bill? Sejong

Who sings, Everyt hing I do, I do for you? Bryan Adams Who sings, All Out of Love, Here I am and Chance What group did Satai-ji start taking their music from? Cypress Hill

Valentin e

What state is the largest in size? Alaska


Engstro m

Who was the first presiden t? George Washing ton



What country is the largest in size? Russia

What province is Soraksan in? Kangwo n-do

Sogwipo High School

What city is the capital? Washing ton, DC

Fingerna il


There are 4 member s of the UK. England Ireland Wales and what? Scotland

Which team did Dennis Rodman win the Natl Champo inship with? Pistons

What does DMZ stand for? Demilita rized Zone

Where were the first olympic s held? Greece

Hum a Song and have them tell you the title.

National Basketb all Associat ion

How many states were there in 1776? 13


PRONUNCIATION BINGO Chrystal Grener Cheonan Jungang Boys' High School Lesson: Pronunciation - BINGO Overall Goal: To encourage communication confidence. Lesson Objectives: To practice/review last week's lesson on vowels, to have fun with English. Materials: Word bank, paper pieces for Bingo chips, prizes Procedure: 1. Insa, opening dialogue. 2. Write the word bank on the board. Give students a short writing assignment while you are doing this. (I used "What is love?" or "If I could be any animal...") 3. While they are writing, hand out the paper pieces (about 16 per student). 4. Write BINGO on the board. 5. Have students take out their notebooks and draw a 4x4 grid. 6. Have students write one word in each square from the word bank. 7. Read one word at a time until a student gets four across and yells "Bingo!" The student must then read each word in the line with good pronunciation. 8. Give a sticker or candy to the winner. 9. Play again - students can choose to play with the same words or different words. Word Bank (Vowel Sounds): *can use any words that need review none is known eyes ten men teen mean cup rum coop room bread breed ox oaks plain plan car care tar tear bare bar red reed

hide hid ate at fit fight out ought bite bit come comb ear err flake flack snake snack boot but

boat bought bait bat bet beat same sam hat hate lead led sheep shep smoke smock bloke block miss mice

HUMAN BINGO Mimi Do (ETA 2001-2002) Level: Daejeon Jungang Middle School (can be tailored to any level), Club Class Objective: This is a good icebreaker for club class activities. Its good for practicing questions and the Have you ever format. Procedure: Pass the sheet out to the students. Students must go around the room and ask each other the questions. When they find someone who answers yes, they write his name in the box. When all the boxes are filled, yell Bingo! Before the student can receive his prize, he must read through the questions: Chris speaks Korean and English. Danny has eaten boshin-tang. Etc. (Note: I did this in a high school class in the beginning of the semester, and the students were really motivated, even without the prospect of receiving candy). Sample Bingo Worksheet Go around the room and ask questions. Find one person to answer Yes to each question. Write his/her name in the box. When you have a name in each box, yell BINGO!!! Do you speak more than 1 language? Do you have a brother or sister? Have you eaten boshintang?

Were you born in Daejeon?

Have you ever been to a foreign country?

Do you like soccer?

Have you seen the movie Shrek?

Can you name each member of G.O.D.?

Can you play a musical instrument?

WHERES WHERE AT OUR SCHOOL? K.C. (1999-2000 ETA) Level: High School Objective: For students to know what the English equivalent of certain classes/classrooms are in their school and how to express that that is where they need or want to go if the occasion arises (ie Go to the Disciplinary Department) Materials: A sheet with the following list of classes/classrooms; individual laminated sheets with the Korean writing of each class on them Procedure: 1) Display the following class list onto your t. v. projector and have students copy the classes listed in their notebooks 0 Read together so that students are familiar with the pronunciation of each class 1 Some of my students didn't even know how to ask, "May I go to the bathroom?" So I wrote out sentences like "May I go to the .and "I need to go to the and had them practice saying this. 2 Tell them that they will play the "Go to " Game. Tape the pre-written classes sheets around the room you can easily make a computer printout of the sheets, and I always draw little pictures on them like a toilet on the "bathroom" sheet or a rough drawing of your principal, etc). It is best to tape the sheets in the front and back of the class where students can easily run to them.. 3 Divide the class into 4 teams by vertical rows and have each team count off to 1,2,3... 4 Have the students sitting in the middle 2 vertical rows move their desks to the far left and right creating an aisle in the middle of the class. 7) Have the number I 's from each team come out and stand in the center of the aisle. You can even draw a starting line with chalk. Explain the rules of the game. You will tell the students to "Go to (somewhere in English) and the student that reaches that "class" (paper) first and touches it, his/her team receives a point. For example, you say, Go to the Vice Principal's Office" and the number 1's will look around the room and go to the Vice Principal. Depending on the level of your students, you can have the team members help out and leave a cheat sheet on the t.v. projector. 8) After the number 1's have gone, have them go back to their seats and call the number 2's to come out and etc. I first had the cheat sheet up for the first round and if I had enough time, I would ask the students to close their notebooks and took away the cheat sheet for the second round. Comments: This is one of my best lessons. The students find copying what they consider a long list of classes rather boring but once they start the game, they get very competitive and even make up their own chants. Since the level of my students is low and they didn't even know how to ask to go to the bathroom, after this lesson, they can all now form a complete sentence to ask to go to the lew. Some of my students even get hurt, they fall or push each other trying to get to the "class" first and even break skin. Warning: the class will get rowdy! Have fun!

TRIVIA: THE HUMAN BUZZER GAME Kerri Spindler-Ranta (2002-2003 ETA) Objective: Good lesson for after exams, very easy and fun. Materials: Trivia Questions Directions: Put the students in teams of three, one student is the buzzer, one student is the scorekeeper, and one student is the person who buzzes in and answers the questions. Have three teams at a time ready to answer the questions. Ask the questions. The student who buzzes in has to hit the student who is the buzzer on the head (lightly) and the student who is the buzzer makes a buzzing sound, then the answering student answers the question. The student who keeps score must do so in English. Assign points to each question and the group with the most points at the end wins. TRIVIA QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What are the three major holidays in December in the US? What number comes after ten? How many states are there in the US? How do you spell Neungju? What are the two main political parties in the US?

6. What is your American name? 7. Where is the White House Located? 8. Who wrote Romeo and Juliet? 9. What US Holiday is celebrated October 31st? 10.Who sings Nah-Poon Nam-Ja (bad man)? (bee) 11. What holiday do Americans celebrate on July fourth? 12. Name one of the English Teachers at Neungju? 13. What is the name of Santas Reindeer that has a red nose? 14. What did you eat for breakfast this morning? 15. What is happening this Thursday in Korea? 16. Name one difference between high school in the US and high school in Korea? 17. Name an American Television Show? 18. What is your favorite color? 19. What is North Koreas national flower? 20. Where can you buy a Big Mac? 21. What new movie does Eminem star in? 22. What is the weather like today? 23. How many students are in the first grade at Neungju? 24. What baseball team does Park Chan Ho play for? 25. Translate Pap Mogasayo? into English. 26. Name an American Pop Star? 27. What does the Konglish word hand-phone mean in English? 28. What is the date today? 29. What state is George Bush from?

30. How many zeroes are there in 1,000,000? 31. How do you spell my name? 32. Say the entire American alphabet. 33. What did you do during the weekend? 34. What do Americans eat on Thanksgiving? 35. Translate Kisuksa into English. 36. How many states were there in the US in 1776? 37. What does the Konglish word notebook mean in English? 38. When will you become 3rd year students?

SCATTEGORIES Teresa Krebs Level: Boys High School Procedure: (Maybe youve played this at home). It's pretty simple to play and I've found a way to make it last the whole period. I've mastered the art of dragging things out. After the whole greetings process I had my students make groups of 4. That's usually 10 groups. Each group had to pick a name, which I wrote on the board (this is what takes a little time. Hee-hee). I told them that we were playing a game called Scattegories, and wrote it on the board. I gave each team one sheet, which I have attached. The best way to give directions is just to do an example on the board. I used numbers 1-4 of game #1 for an example. For each game a student chooses a letter from a bag. I used scrabble letters because they already have point values for each letter. If you don't have them you can easily write some letters down and throw them in a bag. The more difficult the letter, the higher the point value. I used the letter "W" for my example, explaining that every word in game #1 must start with the letter "W". I asked for answers for the example. An American food: watermelon, An American City: Washington, D.C., An American name: William, a color: white. I realize that watermelon is not strictly an American food, but I don't know if they would understand "Whopper". They get it real quick. It depended on how difficult the letter was when I determined how much time to give them for each game. After each game have the groups tell you how many points they got. Each word xs the point value for the letter. I wrote their scores on the board next to their group name, giving them a 20 point bonus for getting all 10. This takes a while too. Yeah! I picked one or two groups (usually the ones with the most points) to read their words. Some words were questionable so I asked the class if we should accept them or not. Sometimes they came up with some really funny or imaginative answers. I had winners for each game and an overall winner of all games. Of course, I had to have candy for all the winners. You can drag this out or use it for only part of the period. I'm sure it could use some improvement, but I hope it helps. Good luck! Note: The ability level may have to be adjusted depending on how much exposure your students have had to American culture. If they have a lower English level, they may not be able to answer in games 2 and 3 easily.


Game 1 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Score A month An occupation A family member A fruit An animal A drink A verb An American song A country An American sports team .

Letter . .

. . . . . . . .

Game 2 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Score


. . . . . . . . . . .

An American music group/singer An emotion A teacher at this high school A student in this class A Korean or American holiday A Disney character An American athlete A mode of transportation An article of clothing A school subject .

Game 3 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Score: An American food An American city An American name A color Something in the room A sport An American TV show An American state An American actress .


. . . . . . . . . .

SCAVENGER HUNT Sara Ryung Clemente Level: Sangsan Boys High School With the weather (and the sub-zero classrooms) finally warming up, I've been anxious to get the kids outside to enjoy the sun. Sangsan has a nice campus for a scavenger hunt because it's really beautifully landscaped and fairly self-contained, but you can undoubtedly revise the list and the ground rules according to the environs of your school. Materials: scavenger hunt list, prizes (optional: small bags, group sign up sheet, master checklist to keep score) Procedure: Tell students that they will be outside today. Write "Scavenger Hunt" on the board then go over the idea of hunting and finding and scavenging. Explain some of the possible things that they might have to find (see sample list below). 0 Tell them they will need to take a pencil (and a pen, if they want). At least one person in the group needs to have a watch (designate this person the official time keeper for the group). . 1 Give them some ground rules: (i.e., be back by the assigned time; do not exit the gate/leave the Sangsan campus; do not disturb the other classes). If any of rules are broken, the team will lose (+/-five) points. Tell them they DON'T have to find things in order. You might want to have four lists with the same questions but written in different orders to make sure your kids are spread out. 2 Break them into groups (3-4 students).

3 F or a two hour class: Give them a list of things to "find"/"find out" and a small bag for their "found" objects. Go over the list briefly; let the kids know where you'll be so they can come to you if they have questions. Give them an hour to search for stuff. Reconvene at designated time and place. Check over the quantitative answers (the ones that they might cheat on by using other groups' answers). Then have each group present their other findings. Keep score: award prizes to the group that "found" the most. OR F or an hour long class: Give each group a list of things to "find"/"find out" and a small bag for their "found" objects. Have each group write down their names to sign for their sheet. Give them the remainder of the time to search--however, after they find each answer or object, they should report back to you (sit in a central location outside). This way you can keep a running score--and keep tabs on what groups are working and which ones are slacking. If any group goes AWOL, you have their names for next week. Award prizes next week. Maybe award a special prize to the highest point group among all the classes.

SCAVENGER HUNT! Hello Hunters! It is your mission to go out in pairs and find as many things on this list as possible. The first pair to finish wins! Remember you must stay on the campus and you may not disturb any other classes. Please be quiet through the hall and polite when talking to teachers. You must meet at the flagpole at 2: 40PM. Happy hunting!

Things to Find: *Find the longest blade of grass. *Find a small rock. *How many steps do the stairs to the playing field have? *How many basketball hoops does the school have? *How many steps wide is the field? *What color is Ms. Suhs sweater today? *Have a teacher who is single sign below. *What is the name of Daejes founder? *What color are the 3rd year students name tags? *Who is the youngest student in our EC class? When is his birthday?


THE ENDING GAME Level: Middle School (Maybe first year high school) Good to play when you have a club class or breaks in between formal lessons. Procedure: Write numbers 1-25 in the board. After each number, write an ending such as: s, es, est. For example: 1) 7) 13) 19) 25) e or l al ies 2) 8) 14) 20) es re o le 3) 9) 15) 21) est ness u ar 4) 10) 16) 22) ed y ment te 5) 11) 17) 23) ing ly tion ys 6) 12) 18) 24) er a ry able

Have students work in groups. I divided my students into eight groups based on their seating. Students may use a dictionary, it is up to you. Students may figure out a word that ends in one of the endings listed. For example, group one has the first ending e. They decide to write one. That means that they get only 2 points. If they choose a word such as everyone, they would receive 7 points. Points are based on the length of your answer. The kids love it. It takes about 30 minutes to finish the game, but you can drag it out if needed. Its easier to work in different colored chalk to represent the different teams. This game is flexible so anything goes. For my younger students, I used the alphabet letters instead of endings because my students were just starting English. I had positive results with every type of game I played.


MAFIA Kelly Hayes (ETA 2001-2002) Objective: To increase class participation. To have students think on the spot. To have students learn how to defend themselves. Preparation: Printed rules and helpful phrases sheet; A possible story to go along with the Mafia game(i.e. on mischief night, a group of people, believed to be mafia members, went around and toilet papered and egged every house in town. Or you could use something simpler); Dictionaries

Procedure: 1. Hand out the SIMPLIFIED rules of the game and lists of phraseswritten in English with key words in Korean. 2. Go over the rules of the game. (Usually there is at least 1 student who already knows themthey may be slightly different though.) 3. Divide the class into 2 or 3 groupsabout 15 students in each. (The size of the group depends on the class itself. Some will work with larger groups, some only with smaller groups.) 4. Decide on the number of mafia members per group. Larger groups have 4-6 members, smaller groups less. 5. Play (While they are playing, watch over the groups and listen for the use of any Korean. If you hear Korean, the person automatically dies and is out for the rest of the round.) RULES/HOW TO PLAY: Goal: To find the mafia members and kill ( ) them. End of Game: The citizens win the game if all of the mafia members are found and killed. The mafia members win if one of them survives until only 2 people are left alive. 1. Choose one person to be the leader of the game. Group members take turns being leader for each game. The leader is responsible for knowing the true identities (, , ) of the mafia members and for taking the vote () of those to be killed. They do not disclose () the identities of the mafia members. 2. Everyone in the group will be assigned either a mafia () or citizen () status. Mafia members are bad. Citizens are good. Whether or not you are a citizen or mafia is top secret! () DO SHOW ANYONE ELSE YOUR CARD OR TELL HIM OR HER WHAT YOU ARE! 3. The leader tells everyone to put their heads on their desks, close their eyes, and hit the desk with their hands. (The noise from hitting the desk covers any possible sound from mafia members sitting up.)


4. The leader tells the mafia members to please sit up and show themselves. Once the leader is aware of who all the mafia members are, he or she tells them to put their heads down again. 5. Once they have put their heads down (to look like everyone else), the leader tells everyone to sit up. Everyone now begins to suspect () someone of being a mafia member. The town accuses ( ) people and the people have to defend themselves ( ). 6. The town then votes on each accused to see if the person is a mafia member or not. Each person (unless dead) votes either yes (thumbs up) or no (thumbs down). Once a person is voted as Yeshe or she is a mafia member, he or she tells everyone that she was a _______ (citizen or mafia). *Once voted YES, the person is arrested ( ) and executed ( ) by the town. This person is now out of the game and just watches as the rest of the town votes to kill another citizen. 7. The game continues, killing off one member at a time, until 1) all of the mafia members have been killed or 2) until only 2 people remain in the town. If #1 is the case, the two members are the winners of the game. If #2 is the case, the two people alive win the game. (In almost all cases, #1 will win the game.) HELPFUL PHRASES Students name = Accusing a person: ( .) I think is a mafia member! is a mafia member! is a member of the mafia. looks suspicious! () Why you think a person IS a mafia member: is cruel () to animals. is always causing mischief (). has a mean look. has a devious () look. looks like she is hiding ( ) something. looks guilty ( ). Defending oneself: I would never join the mafia! I was with (insert name of a friend). (i.e. YuMi, Ji Hye, Kelly, etc) I am not a bad person. I would never do anything like that. I was (insert an action) the whole night! (i.e. sleeping, doing homework, with my family, etc)


I am innocent! () Mafia members behave () very badly. I do not. Mafia members always have (insert a strange look) to them. (i.e. glasses, wear make-up, hair in a pony tail, etc) Suggestions: One ETA wrote: It was hard to enforce using English and the teams who reverted to Korean had more fun. Therefore, I suggest that a lesson on how to accuse people and how to defend yourself should be taught the week before playing this game, so that everyone will know the terminology, how to pronounce vocabulary, and can participate.


POPULAR (aka Family Feud)

Mimi Do (ETA 2001-2002) Level: Daejeon Jungang Middle School, 1-3 Objective: Students fill out a survey of 20 basic questions, and practice listening to and answering questions while playing a really fun game! Procedure: Week 1 1. Give students the Family Feud survey. Explain that they will be playing a game next week, so they must do it. (Students were pretty attentive even though it had nothing to do with a game). 2. Ask students 20 questions and have them write answers. 3. Tally up the responses the five most popular answers will be used for the game. Number of responses for 1 answer = points won. (This part took up the most preparation. But I found a lot of the responses pretty interesting anyway). Procedure: Week 2 1. Divide the class into teams. The teams compete against each other to come up with the 5 most popular answers to the survey. 2. Ask the first team a question, What is the most popular color among DJMS students? Each person must answer individually with one of the 5 most popular answers. Points are awarded based on the number of people who responded in the survey. If they answer all five top choices, they get bonus points. They have 3 strikes before the question is given to another team. If a team fails to come up with all the answers, the opposing team can steal points by coming up with one more unrevealed answer to the survey. 3. The last 5-10 minutes of class can be used for Lightning Bonus Round. One player from each team gets up and has to come up with the number 1 answer for each question. Whoever buzzes in first gets to answer. Winner gets 500, 1000, or however many points. Survey Questions 1. When is your birthday? 2. Whats your favorite color? 3. What is your favorite hobby? 4. What is your favorite animal? 5. What is your favorite food? 6. What do you eat for breakfast? 7. What time do you go to sleep? 8. What time do you get up on Sunday morning? 9. Who is your favorite American singer. 10. Who is your favorite Korean singer? 11. Who is your favorite actor/actress? 12. What is your favorite movie? 13. What is your favorite tv show? 14. What is your favorite book? 15. What is your favorite subject? 16. Who is your favorite teacher? 17. Who is your role model? 18. What do you want to be when you grow up? 19. What country do you want to visit? 20. Name one scary thing. Comments: This was definitely one of the best lessons Ive done for both weeks. The students were good about filling out the survey and they loved the game. In general, I think games work really well when its


actually competitive and you dont really know whos going to win. The points worked out in the survey so it was always neck-and-neck. It was a lot of fun in every class.


TELEPHONE Katherine Golski (2002-2003 ETA) Materials: a list of sentences cut up into strips. (I did describing sentences, since that's what we've been working on. But feel free to make your own interesting sentences). Procedure: 1. Divide them into teams of 4-5-6 people. Then make them get up, move the desks around a little so they're standing in straight lines perpendicular to the blackboard Make sure there is space between the lines and in between each person in a line. 2. Explain the rules: 23 They have to WHISPER. 24 They can't take their slip of paper with them when talking to teammates. 25 The people in front of the action have to face forwards and not be eavesdropping (another rough rule to enforce) 3. The back person from all six or however many teams comes to see you in the back of the room and get a slip of paper with a different sentence written on it. They memorize it, put it down (have one chair at the back for each team. They can set their paper there). They then run to the next person in line, whisper as much as they can, run back and double check paper, whisper again. It goes up to the front, and the first person's has to write the sentence. They have to get it right. So, then the person in the back can check it and pass up corrections. 4. I divide the board into sections; one section for each team. In their box, team one will end up with like a list of 5-6-7-8 sentences at the end. The last 10-15 min I have them read their sentences aloud and we check. Sometimes they argue with me, saying they did it right-- the slip of paper says, "he is wearing hat" not "A hat" like I say. I like to bet 5 points with them then give them the paper back to check themselves. 5. When they finish one, the writer moves to the back of the line to get the team's Comments: They like it, and EVERYONE SPEAKS. They can pass up spelling corrections and whatnot too... as long as they're whispering one person to the next. Example sentences: The woman is wearing a black skirt and a pink shirt. He has curly hair and two earrings. You are wearing red pants and a white t-shirt She has four pairs of shoes but no boots. They are tall and thin with beards on their faces. She is wearing a necklace, a bracelet and a hairband. The man has a mustache, a beard and whiskers. The little girl is wearing a blue dress and has a handbag. She has long, straight hair and is wearing glasses. The boy is wearing a school uniform and slippers. He is wearing gray pants, white socks and a white shirt. The doctor is wearing a lab coat and a dress. The fireman is wearing a red uniform and boots.


The teacher is wearing a suit and black shoes. The student has many books and a cell phone. The soccer player has a soccer ball. She is wearing a coat, a hat, a scarf and gloves. The old woman is wearing purple pants and a brown blouse. The farmer is wearing jeans and a hat. The children are wearing shorts and red devils t-shirts.


CHAIR GAME Sarah Lee (2002-2003 ETA) Level: Girls High School Objective: To have the students speaking English while having fun! Procedure: 0 Have the students move their desks to the sides of the classroom, and form a large circle with their chairs. 1 The teacher starts in the middle and will say an observation like "Everybody with black hair," then all the students who have black hair must change seats. The person in the middle, must try to run to grab a seat in the circle, thus leaving a different student with out a chair and standing in the middle. (Assign a student to be first in the middle if you dont want to play. However, I recommend playing, because you can get the students all to realize that you are different and to use different vocabulary if your hair is blond/red/curly or eyes are brown/blue or whatever.) 2 That student will say a different observation such as "Everybody wearing glasses," and the game goes on continuously. Some fun ones are "Everybody who has no boyfriend/girlfriend", "Everybody wearing uniforms," etc. Comments: I have never tried this for a whole class period, only as a filler game for 15 minutes or so. This game probably can be taught in conjunction with descriptions of people, because even though my students have pretty high level English, they didn't know many terms such as "Bangs (forefront hair), name cards, anklet socks...etc." My students enjoyed this game so much, that a couple of classes continued to play even though class was over and I left.




Depending on your individual circumstances within your particular school, you may be requested to conduct English workshops for teachers at your school. Some ETAs feel that they can make their greatest impact by having conversation classes with their co-teachers and colleagues. In these workshops, you can help them work on their pronunciation, clarify idioms, discuss topics of current interest, and offer yourself as a resource beyond the occasional grammar checks. Sometimes, these clubs stop meeting after a while if the teachers get too busy. English teachers in general are too busy, so you will not be expected or encouraged to assign homework. The best classes are ones where the teachers can show up and discuss a topic based upon something they read or hear on the spot. Levels of interest will vary by teacher. Indeed, you will have some teachers who are more excited than a two-year-old with a balloon that you are a native speaker gracing their campus. Some English teachers may have trouble with your popularity, or with the fact that the vice principal or department head is requiring that they attend your class. In many cases, the teachers attending your classes will be older than you, but it is definitely possible to establish a respectful and healthy working relationship with them. Teachers of subjects other than English who attend your classes will most likely be very motivated, but their levels of English will vary greatly, depending on how much they recall from their high school days, and how much they have had a chance to practice since. Chances are, they speak Korean all day long and will relish your class for the opportunity to speak English in a comfortable environment. Whatever the situation, remember: the best and most rewarding part about teaching adults is that they have a whole host of life experience to bring to discussions. They can understand subtleties and jokes that your students may not be able to, so just have fun with them!! 1. Establish a good working relationship: The most important thing for you in your school is to establish a good working relationship with both teachers and students. The first piece of general advice is to be very patient with the teachers, for even the English teachers can be self-conscious about their communication abilities in English. In fact, they may even put themselves down at first, explaining that their English is not good, but understand that it is in their culture to be modest. The best thing you can do in this situation is to give them confidence by reassuring them, and once they are comfortable, they will respond more assertively in discussions. You can establish mutual respect by allowing them to express themselves, and by responding with cultural sensitivity. It is also very important to remember to respect their opinions, even if yours may differ. Remind yourself of your own cultural perspectives. 2. Assess your situation: There are several different scenarios you may find yourself in, depending on your schools priorities: Hours/week: You may teach between zero and four hours of teachers classes per week. Four hours is rare; the average is probably more like one or two. 242

Ages of teachers: As noted above, the teachers will most likely be older than you are, and can be of either sex, depending on the school. Generally speaking, the older the teachers are, the less access they had in their youth or even university days to spoken English. Chances are, those older teachers are incredibly bright, yet lacking in listening and speaking skills because of this, and therefore will most likely be more self-conscious about their English abilities. English ability level: English levels can, of course, vary with the age of the teacher, as well as their natural ability to study languages in general. This means that some teachers, like students, will be better in speaking, or reading, or listening comprehension, or vocabulary. Generally, it is up to you to discern what deficiencies you think they have with regards to English, and prepare lessons/topics accordingly. Willingness to participate: In some cases, the principal and/or vice principal may have notified the English teachers that they should/must attend your teacher workshops. This may initially result in a lack of enthusiasm on their part, but it is your job to do your best to motivate them. Generally speaking, many teachers have some sense of motivation (very strong motivation in some cases) to study English, because they understand that the success of their job depends on their ability to keep up with the developing technology and increasing access to English through the Internet, media, and native speakers in Korea and beyond. 3. Prepare and give your workshops: Now that you have pinpointed your actual situation and taken stock of who will attend your classes, what do you do now? You may think that you are not qualified to teach them anything, since many of them have years of experience teaching; in other words, what could they possibly have to learn from you? The answer is simple: you are not supposed to teach them how to teach they already know that. It is your responsibility to provide a safe and equal forum in which they can practice their English with a native speaker and with other teachers. Whatever the case, remember to discuss topics mind to mind, and not head to head. There are various routes you can take, although the following ones may be the most helpful: You can bring up various discussion topics by presenting short articles and such in order to facilitate conversation. One piece of advice: at first, you should exercise caution with extremely controversial topics, until you get to know the teachers better. However, you should pick topics where teachers can express an opinion. Newspaper or other articles work very well in this situation, as do lists of questions on the particular topic. (See below for examples). You can talk about the English language itself by having teachers read idioms, puns or jokes on language. (See below for examples). Keep in mind that the English teachers have no doubt studied English literature in great depth (maybe even more than you have!) while they were attending university here in Korea. Their English vocabulary will be extensive, yet they may not know how to accurately and effectively express their thoughts and opinions. Depending on the motivation level of your teachers, you can even have them prepare short articles on Korean culture (photocopied from books, magazines, or newspapers), hand out to the group, and have a different teacher lead the discussion every week. Keep in mind, though, that it may be difficult and/or stressful for the teachers to do this. However, it may be a good happy medium, if you yourself have trouble coming up with topics to discuss each week. Depending on your access to multimedia, playing songs or showing video clips of American sit-coms, movies, or even music videos can be very helpful and interesting. 243

(Some ETAs have used their laptop computers with video clips or DVDs). In particular, it gives the teachers a chance to hear a voice and accent other than yours. Video is also more helpful for listening comprehension because the listeners can actually see the person talking. You should give a copy of the scripts if possible (if you cant find them on the internet, it doesnt take long to write them out yourself), so you can discuss the language used. Caution: Use this method as an active teaching tool, not as a passive crutch. Do your best to be proactive in establishing a good relationship with the other teachers. 4. Sample workshops and resources: On the following pages, you will find sample lessons and other ideas to use for classes with English teachers, or with teachers of other subjects whose English level is below that of the English teachers. Happy teaching!


THE STRUCTURE OF THE AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM SCHOOL ~AGE GRADES Daycare infant-3 ______________________________________________________________________ Nursery School 3-5 ______________________________________________________________________ Elementary School 4/5-11/12 (Pre-k)/ Kindergarten 5th/6th (sometimes includes pre-school) ______________________________________________________________________ Middle School 11-14 6th 8th Or Junior High 12-15 7th 9th ______________________________________________________________________ High School 14-18 9th/10th 12th (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) ______________________________________________________________________ Junior College/ Community College ~varies 2 years ______________________________________________________________________ Undergraduate College/ ~varies 4 years University (1st year = freshman 2nd year = sophomore 3rd year = junior 4th year = senior) ______________________________________________________________________ Graduate School/ Professional School ~varies 2 8 years The trend of education in the United States over the last few decades has been Progressive Education. This type of education is student-centered and requires the teacher to be a facilitator rather than a director. This educational system stresses students critical thinking skills and selfteaching abilities. The current trend in education is changing due to the Federal governments emphasis on student achievement, standards, and testing.



DICUSSION TOPICS FOR ENGLISH TEACHERS Here is a list of sample opinion discussion topics taken from a book (ask the ETA Intern for the copy of the book which is also available at Kyobo bookstore): 1. Making dog meat illegal 2. Beauty contests are an ugly affair 3. Boys are better 4. Buying a college degree 5. Adultery: a matter for adults not courts 6. Tough love: hitting students in classrooms 7. To tutor or not to tutor 8. No more nukes! 9. Obscene questions--porn, sex-oriented comics, standard of decency (?) 10. Keeping the OTC (over the counter medications) in the pharmacy 11. Two into one: double the problems? Reunification of South and North Korea 12. Publishing the names of lawbreakers (tax evaders, adulterers, spousal abusers, real estate speculators, drunk drivers, sex offenders, ex-cons, drug dealers, corrupt politicians) in newspapers 13. Haves and have-nots: welfare state, bridging economic gaps 14. Legalization of prostitution 15. Too ugly too work: double standard 16. 100,000 won banknotes instead of checks 17. Does religion work? 18. Business and social responsibility-handicapped workers, philanthropy 19. What's wrong with Korean democracy 20. We find T.V. guilty as charged: reflecting on roles T.V. plays in society For more ideas, try the following Web site: Just click on "Lesson ideas" and scroll down to "Prepare for discussion" and then to "Discussion questions."


KONGLISH-ENGLISH RECOGNITION Heather Glick (2003-2004 ETA) Level: English teachers and/or teachers of other subjects Objective: Have the teachers distinguish the difference between English and Konglish words (they use so much of them in their everyday lives). Procedure: Give out the Konglish story with the Konglish-English dictionary, and have them complete the blanks. Second, give out the dialog (on the following page), read it, and enjoy! Comments: Actually, I used the first page of this as a competition with my students, after giving them the Konglish-English dictionary appearing in the beginning of this book. I found it very helpful to use with teachers as well, because they often get confused with Konglish and English words, especially because they use English so much. The second page is a dialog I made up basically to amuse the teachers. I used it with a lot of success with both the English teachers and teachers of other subjects. With the teachers of other subjects, I used it as a two-part lesson, allowing them some time to actually complete the dialog from the first page. I also went through all the pronunciation of the English words in the Konglish-English dictionary. The second day, I presented the second page (below) and told them it was my conclusion to the first pages dialog. They all LOVED it. Hope yours do, too.


KONGLISH TO ENGLISH (Please use the Konglish-English dictionary to fill in the blanks with the correct English word). Saturday is Valentines Day, and Michael is lonely but his (notebook) __________ is broken. So, he goes to the (PC bang) ______________ and starts to chat on the Internet and meets Jeannie. After chatting for one hour, Michael nervously asks Jeannie out on a (meeting) ______________. She agrees, and they decide to meet for drinks at a (hof)______ on Saturday. Jeannie gets a (pama) ________ on Friday, and on Saturday, washes her hair and uses a lot of (rinse)______________. After her shower, she uses her (dry gi) _____________ to dry her hair. She decides to wear jeans and a red (pola tee) _________________. Jeannie leaves the house in the evening and walks to the (hof) ________, which is close to her (apart) ______________. She makes sure to bring her (handphone) __________ in case her friends or family have to call her. Meanwhile, Michael has showered and puts on black pants and a white (y-shirt) _________________. (His condition) ______________ good, and he gets in his car and starts to drive to the bar. He stops at a traffic light, and sees a (autobi) ___________ in his (back mirror) _________________. The light turns green, and the (autobi) ______________ passes him, but then cuts him off. Michael suddenly turns the (handle)_________________ and honks the (klaxonne) __________, but as he swerves, his wheels hit the sidewalk. He keeps driving, but notices that he is getting a (peonk-uh) ____________. So, he takes his car to the (car center)______________, and takes a taxi to the bar. By this time, Jeannie has arrived and is sitting and watching the (telebi) _____________. She laughs at a funny (gag man)______________. Soon, she gets bored and is glad when the man next to her uses the (remote con) to find a soccer game. He yells to his favorite team, (Fighting!) ________. Soon, he changes the channel again and Jeannie is happy to see Tom Cruise, her favorite (talent) __________. Michael finally arrives at the (hof) ______ and sees Jeannie in her red (pola tee) ______________. He thinks she looks (luxury)____________________. He quickly goes to the bathroom to fix his hair. He comes back and walks up to Jeannie and says, Hi. Are you Jeannie? (Please complete the dialog below:)


Konglish to English:Part Deux

Michael: Hi. Are you Jeannie? Jeannie: Yes. M: Hi, Im Michael. Its nice to meet you. J: Yeah, you too. M: You look (luxury)______________, but I didnt expect you to be so (glamour)______________! J: (Her face turns red.) Thank you, and you have a nice (hip) _______. M: Thanks Anyway, Im sorry Im late car trouble. Can I buy you a drink? J: Sure, Id like a cider. M: Ok. Bartender! One coke and one cider, please. Bartender: Sure thing. Coming right up Here you go (He gives the drinks). J: (She tastes her drink) This isnt cider! This is apple juice! M: What do you mean? Cider is apple juice! J: No, cider, as in Chilsing Cider! M: What? I dont think they have that in America J: Oh, well, ok Can I have a cocoa then? M: What do you mean, like cocoa powder? Chocolate? J: No, like a warm chocolate drink. M: Oh, you mean hot chocolate. J: Okay okay. Same same. M: Hot chocolate? J: Yes. M: Ok. Excuse me, bartender, she wants a hot chocolate instead. Bartender: Ok, here you go. (one shot!) _____________! J: I want service for this one. M: Were getting good service already! J: No, we still have to pay. I want service. M: Service? J: You know, free drinks. M: Um, ok, you can tell the bartender. Anyway, I thought we were going dutch. J: What? Youre taking me to Amsterdam? M: Uh, no, I want us to split the bill. J: Oh, you mean dutch pay? M: Yeah, whatever. Lets go dutch. J: Hey, did you save my phone number? M: Well, I just wrote it on this piece of paper with a sharpie. J: Thats not a sharp, thats a sign pen. M: Yeah, a sharpie. J: Whatever. Anyway, do you have white? M: Something white? Well, Im wearing a white shirt. J: No, white. I need to correct my number. M: Oh, you mean white-out? Like white ink correction pen? J: Yes. M: Sorry, I dont have any. J: (desperate to leave) Listen, Ive gotta go home and feed my cat. M: (thankful that shes leaving) Ok, see you. J: See you again! M: (to himself: Again? I dont think so!) Too bad Michael and Jeannie parted ways because they speak two different languages: Michael speaks English, but Jeannie speaks Konglish


ADVICE K.C. 1999-2000 ETA Objective: To practice using the correct form of asking for and giving advice politely and tactfully rather than using the command form. Procedure: 1. Go over forms of asking for advice. First ask students/teachers how they would ask for advice. -What do you think? -Do you have a suggestion? -If you were in my position, what would you do? -Do you have any good ideas? -What should I do? 2. Explain when asking for advice, that one is "asking," so our response must correspond with that, This means that we should use the suggestion form. The problem with using a command form is that if we do not mean to command anyone, use of that form is inappropriate. Advice Forms: Command forms: -Perhaps you should... -Youd better -Perhaps you ought to... -You should -Have you/Did you consider? -You ought to -If I were in your position-I think... -May I make a suggestion... -I would -Command forms sound threatening and are normally used when making an ultimatum of some sort. -Its all right to use when the person specifically asks for your advice, or for a suggestion 3. Play the Advice Game Cut the "problem" strips (or write your own problems in which advice is to be sought) and distribute each one to a teacher. Some of the problems are womenspecific so make sure to read the problem before handing them out. Have a teacher read his/her "problem" and ask for advice using the forms learned. The other teachers should each make a suggestion using the "giving advice" form. Comments: The reason why I decided to do this lesson was that many of my English teachers would loosely use a command form when making a suggestion -i.e. You'd better teach me English and I kept thinking, ...or else what? The matter of fact was that my teachers were surprised during this lesson that "you'd better" had such an authoritative tone to it. They were taught (probably in some antiquated English book) that this was the correct form to use. I believe the teachers mistakenly translated directly from Korean the expression, "It would be better if..." to the English equivalent of "You'd better..." Anyhow, the teachers found this to be an educational learning workshop. The problems I used to give advice on are ones that I wrote based on real-life situations. I heard that my English teachers found these advice-seeking problems to be very realistic, which enhanced the quality of the workshop. A student in your homeroom class has been skipping school quite frequently. You've already consulted with him/her and the parents don't really seem to care about their child's welfare.


You have a passion to pursue another career different from teaching but it is very risky. You are the sole breadwinner in your family. Your child at school is having difficulty in his/her English class. The school is too cold and no matter how warmly you dress, you feel your health is taking a turn for the worse. You really want to be nominated for the Fulbright Teaching Scholarship but you think your principal will select another teacher that is less qualified. You received a scholarship to study overseas for a year but the school won't allow you to go on sabbatical. You also have a young child and it would be very difficult to leave him/her behind. Your very conservative mother-in-law lives with you and your family. She is constantly telling you how to raise your children and that you should take better care of her son/ your husband. You asked your principal and school administrators to help fund new resource books for your students but they don' t want to financially support you. You make a lot of your own teaching materials and share these with the other English teachers but the other teachers don't make any materials and if they do, don't share with you.


EXAMPLE TEACHER WORKSHOP:CORPORAL PUNISHMENT Ashley McCants (2002-2003 ETA) Introduction: Here is an example teacher workshop. There is no procedural explanation as they should speak for themselves. The best thing to do before you begin teaching workshops is to find out ahead of time what your teachers are expecting and what they are interested in learning, be it grammar or more discussions of this type. Corporal Punishment 1. What is corporal punishment? 2. Is corporal punishment generally accepted today? 3. How did your parents discipline you (i.e. teach you whats right and wrong)? Did you agree with this method then? Do you agree with this method now? 4. What is your opinion of corporal punishment? Do you think children or young adults behave correctly because they are afraid of being hit? Why? 5. Imagine that corporal punishment is illegal, as it is in schools in the United States. What punishment would you suggest for a child who behaves badly at home? a child who behaves badly at school? a child who breaks the law? an adult who breaks the law? 6. If you think corporal punishment is acceptable, is it permissible for the following people to hit a child as a punishment? The childs parents?/the childs teacher?/the childs friends parents?/ the childs grandparents? 7. In the United States, a common expression is The punishment should fit the crime. What does this mean? In your opinion, what punishment fits the following forms of crimes and misbehavior? showing disrespect to your parents / telling a lie / saying hurtful things / stealing / hitting a person / vandalizing public property / using drugs / murder 8. In Singapore in 1994, an American teenager, Michael Fay, was accused of spray painting parked cars and having in his possession street signs that somebody stole. These acts are called vandalism, and they are considered crimes in Singapore. Michael Fay soon said that he committed the crimes, and he waited to hear the punishment. In Singapore, the common punishment for the crime of vandalism is to be hit with a cane, a four-foot long, half-inch wide piece of wood, one time or many times. Do you think the punishment fit the crime? Why? /Why not?


LIFE AFTER DEATH? What happens to us when we cease to breathe air on this planet? Do we go to another place? Are we born again as another being? Do we just go away? I. Circle 1 if you strongly agree with the statement, 2 if you agree with the statement, 3 if you are not sure of your opinion regarding the statement, 4 if you disagree with the statement, and 5 if you strongly disagree with the statement. Then explain your opinion. a. 1 2 3 4 5 Human beings continue to exist in some form after we die. b. 1 2 3 4 5 Our fate after death is decided by God. c. 1 2 3 4 5 Good people go to a different place than bad people do. d. 1 2 3 4 5 Some people choose to be frozen immediately after death with the hope that one day scientists will have discovered a cure for the disease from which they died. Cryonics is the science that offers this technology. If I had the money and possibility to do this, I would do this. e. 1 2 3 4 5 What happens to us after death is connected to our actions toward our fellow human beings while we are alive on Earth. f. 1 2 3 4 5 I prefer to be cremated when I die rather than be buried. g. 1 2 3 4 5 I believe in the concepts of heaven and hell. h. 1 2 3 4 5 When we die, thats it. Our body turns into dust, and our brain, body, and soul no longer exist. j. 1 2 3 4 5 At some point after death, humans come back to Earth as another living creature. ______________________________________________________________________ II. The science of cryonics has attracted attention for many years. It is technology that provides people the opportunity to be frozen immediately after their death and then defrosted when a cure has been found for whatever disease killed them. People have the opportunity to freeze their entire bodies, to freeze their heads only (to be cloned onto another body later), and to take their pets with them. a. If you could, would you have yourself frozen after death? Why or why not? b. Let us imagine for one minute that this technology works and that we are indeed able to be revived later in the future. What are some of the negative aspects of waking up possibly 100 years after you went to sleep? c. Do you think this technology will ever become a reality? Why or why not? d. Some people object to this technology because they believe it is an example of science trying to take the place of God. Do you agree or disagree with the idea that this technology is an example of human beings trying to go to far?


JOKES:CULTURE AND HUMOR I. Read these jokes. Rank them from 1 to 5, with 1 being the funniest and 5 being the least funny. What are your reactions? _____ Two novice hunters were dragging a deer back to their truck. Another hunter walked by and said, I dont want to tell you what to do, but its easier if you drag the deer the other way so the antlers dont dig into the ground. After the third hunter left, the two decided to try it his way. After a while, one said to the other, Man, that guy was totally right. This is easier. Yeah, the other replied, but we keep getting farther and farther away from the truck. _____ One day two guys were driving to the store. They came to a busy intersection. The light was red, but the driver drove through without stopping. The passenger was shocked. What are you doing? The driver replied, Hey, its OK. My mother always drives like this. Dont worry. A few minutes later they came to another traffic light and it was red. The driver didnt even slow down. He just ran the light. The passenger was terrified. Are you nuts? Stop driving like this! The driver replied, Hey, its OK. My mother always drives like this. Just a few minutes later, they came to another traffic light at a busy intersection, but this time the light was green. The driver did not go through the light. He hit the brakes as hard as he could to stop the car. The passenger was furious. This is the third time you almost got us killed. Why did you stop at a green light? The driver replied, Well, my mother might be coming the other way. ______ The Stolen Steak One day a butcher was going out of his shop. When he opened the door, a dog ran in and jumped up on the meat counter. The dog grabbed an expensive steak and ran out the door. The butcher was really angry, but he knew the owner of the dog. He was a lawyer who lived a few houses away from the butcher shop. The butcher immediately called the bad dogs owner. The butcher introduced himself and asked, I have a legal question for you. If your dog stole an expensive stead from my shop, would you be legally responsible for paying for the steak? The lawyer though for a very short time and answered, Why, yes, of course I would have to pay you. How much was the steak? $10, replied the butcher. The next day the butcher received an envelope from the lawyer. When he opened it, he found a check for $10. He also found a note that read Please send your payment of $125 for legal services. ____ Problems in the Garden of Eden Eve lived alone in the Garden of Eden. One day she shouted out, God, I love this beautiful garden and that snake, but Im not so happy. Whats wrong? asked God. Eve replied, Well, I cant think of anything new to talk about to the snake, and Im so tired of eating apples every day. God said, I have the solution. I will give you a man. Eve didnt know what a man was, so she asked God to explain. God said, A man is a creature with many bad traits. He will lie, and he will make your life difficult, but he will hunt and provide for you. He will do childish things, and he cant think very well, so hell need your advice to make important decisions. Eve thought about this a bit and said, OK, this creature called a man sounds good. Give me one. But what is the catch? God answered, Well, there is one condition, Eve. He will be a bit arrogant and self-centered, so you have to let him believe that I made him first, OK? Just remember that its our little secretyou know, woman to woman. ____ A Necessary Loan


One day a woman walked into a big bank in the middle of downtown Chicago. She asked to speak to the loan officer. She said, Im going to Europe on business, and I need to borrow $10,000. The loan officer replied, Well, for a loan of that amount, well need some collateral. Without hesitating, the woman handed the loan officer the keys to her new Rolls Royce, which was parked in front of the bank. The loan officer knew that the womans Rolls Royce was worth at least $200,000, so he approved the loan. The bank president and other officials had a good laugh at this silly person for using a $200,000 car as collateral for a $10,000 loan. To keep the car safe, the bank people parked the care in a safe corner of the banks private underground parking lot. Two weeks later, the woman returned from her trip to Europe and gave the loan officer the $10,000 plus the interest, which was only $32.68. The loan officer said, Excuse me for asking this, but I have to know. We were happy to have your loan business here. We checked your credit. You are a multimillionaire. Why did you bother to borrow $10,000 from us? The woman replied, Where else could I park my car so safely in Chicago for two weeks for $32.68? 1. Which of the five jokes did you think was the funniest? Why? 2. Think of a joke you know in Korean. Try to tell it in English.



The following five lessons can be used with English teachers to discuss the intricacies and quirks of English grammar and syntax. You dont need to know much about grammar to discuss these sentences just go over pronunciation and meaning. The English teachers in my school really enjoyed these lessons. REASONS WHY ENGLISH IS SO HARD TO LEARN 1. The bandage was wound around the wound. 2. The farm was used to produce produce. 3. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. 4. We must polish the Polish furniture. 5. He could lead if he would get the lead out. 6. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. 7. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present. 8. A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum. 9. At the army base, a bass was caught by the bass player. 10. When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes. 11. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests. 12. The insurance was invalid for the invalid. 13. How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend? 14. I did not object to the object on the wall. 15. There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row. 16. They were too close to the door to close it. 17. The buck does funny things when the does are present. 18. A seamstress and a sewer fell into the sewer line. 19. To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow. 20. The wind was too strong to wind the sail. 21. After a number of Novocain injections, my jaw got number. 22. Upon seeing a tear in the painting, I shed a tear. 23. I spent last evening out my garden soil. FOUR ALL WHO REED AND RIGHT =========================== We'll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes; but the plural of ox became oxen not oxes. One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese, yet the plural of moose should never be meese. You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice; yet the plural of house is houses, not hice. If the plural of man is always called men, why shouldn't the plural of pan be called pen? If I spoke of my foot and show you my feet, and I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet? If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth, why shouldn't the plural of booth be called beeth? Then one may be that, and three would be those, yet hat in the plural would never be hose, and the plural of cat is cats, not cose. We speak of a brother and also of brethren, but though we say mother, we never say methren. Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him, but imagine the feminine, she, shis and shim. Let's face it, English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England. We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea, nor is it a pig. Sometimes, I think all the folks who grew up speaking English should be committed to an asylum


for the verbally insane. In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down; in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which an alarm goes off by going on. SIGNS OF THE TIMES Sign over a gynecologists office: Dr. Jones, at your cervix. At a proctologists door: To expedite your visit, please back in. On a plumbers truck: We repair what your husband fixed or Dont sleep with a drip. Call your plumber. At a towing company: We dont charge an arm and a leg. We want tows. On an electricians truck: Let us remove your shorts. On a maternity room door: Push. Push. Push. At an optometrists office: If you dont see what youre looking for, youve come to the right place. In a podiatrists office: Time wounds all heels. On a fence: Salesmen welcome! Dog food is expensive. At a car dealership: The best way to get back on your feet miss a car payment. In a veterinarians waiting room: Be back in 5 minutes. Sit! Stay! At the electric company: We would be delighted if you send in your payment. However, if you dont, you will be. In a restaurant window: Dont stand there and be hungry, come on in and get fed up. In the front yard of a funeral home: Drive carefully. Well wait. At a propane filling station: Tank heaven for little grills. At a radiator shop: Best place in town to take a leak.


UP There is a two-letter word that perhaps has more meaning than any other two-letter word, and that is UP. Its easy to understand UP, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we wake in the morning, why do we wake UP? At a meeting, why does a topic come UP? Why do we speak UP and why are the officers UP for election and why is it UP to the secretary to write UP a report? We call UP our friends, we use it to brighten UP a room, polish UP the silver, we warm UP the leftovers and clean UP the kitchen. We lock UP the house and some guys fix UP the old car. At other times, the little word has special meaning. People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think UP excuses. To be dressed is one thing but to be dressed UP is special, and this is confusing. A drain must be opened UP because it is stopped UP. We open UP a store in the morning, but we close it UP at night. We seem to be pretty mixed UP about UP. To be knowledgeable of the proper uses of UP, look UP the word in the dictionary. In a desk size dictionary, UP takes UP almost a quarter of the page and definitions add UP to about thirty. If you are UP to it, you might try building UP a list of the many ways UP is used. It will take UP a lot of your time, but if you dont give UP, you may wind UP with a hundred or more. When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding UP. When the sun comes out, we say it is clearing UP. When it rains, it wets UP the earth. When it doesnt rain for awhile, things dry UP. One could go on and on, but Ill wrap it UP, for now my time is UP, so Ill shut UP.


MYSTERIES OF THE WORLD Can you cry under water? 0 When I was young we used to go skinny-dipping. Now I just chunky-dunk. 1 How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered? 2 If money doesnt grow on trees, then why do banks have branches? 3 Why do you have to put your two cents in, but its only a penny for your thoughts? What happens to that extra penny? 4 Once youre in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity? 5 Why does a round pizza come in a square box? 6 How is it that we put a man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage? 7 Why is it that people say they slept like a baby when babies wake up every couple of hours? 8 If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing? 9 Why are you IN a movie but ON TV? 10 Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground? 11 How come we choose from just two people for president and fifty for Miss America? 12 If a 911 operator has a heart attack, whom does s/he call? 13 I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose-fitting clothing. If I HAD any loose-fitting clothing, I wouldnt have signed up in the first place! 14 Wouldnt it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could simply press Ctrl Alt Delete and start all over? 15 Stress is when you wake up screaming and then realize you havent fallen asleep yet. 16 Why is it that you cant read the Bible in school, but you can in prison? 17 If raising children were easy, it never would have started with something called labor. 18 Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.


FOR THOSE WHO ENJOY LANGUAGE (OR SEVERE DISTORTIONS THEREOF) Those who jump off a bridge in Paris are in Seine. A backward poet writes inverse. A mans home is his castle, in a manor of speaking. Dijon vu the same mustard as before. Practice safe eating always use condiments. Shotgun wedding: a case of wife or death. A man needs a mistress just to break the monogamy. A hangover is the wrath of grapes. Dancing cheek-to-cheek is really a form of floor play. Does the name Pavlov ring a bell? Reading while sunbathing makes you well red. When two egotists meet, its an I for an I. A bicycle cant stand on its own because it is two tired. Whats the definition of a will? (Its a dead giveaway.) Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. In democracy your vote counts. In feudalism your count votes. She was engaged to a boyfriend with a wooden leg but broke it off. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion. If you dont pay your exorcist, you get repossessed. With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress. When a clock is hungry, it goes back four seconds. The man who fell into an upholstery machine is fully recovered. You feel stuck with your debt if you cant budge it. Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under. He often broke into song because he couldnt find the key. Every calendars days are numbered. A lot of money is tainted It taint yours and it taint mine. A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat. He had a photographic memory that was never developed. A plateau is a high form of flattery. A midget fortune-teller who escapes from prison is a small medium at large. Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end. Once youve seen one shopping center, youve seen a mall. Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead-to-know basis. Santas helpers are subordinate clauses. Acupuncture is a jab well done.



A dime has 118 ridges around the edge. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue. A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours. A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds. A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second. A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes. A snail can sleep for three years. Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer. All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of a $5 bill. Almonds are a member of the peach family. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age. Butterflies taste with their feet. Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds. Dogs only have about 10. "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt". February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon. In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated. If the population of China walked past you, in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction. If you are an average American, in your whole life, you will spend an average of 6 months waiting at red lights. It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors. Maine is the only state in the US whose name is just one syllable. (-?-) No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated. "Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand and "lollipop" with your right. The average persons left hand does 56% of the typing (when typing in English). The cruise liner, QE2, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns. The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket. The sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter of the Alphabet. The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze completely solid. The words 'racecar,' 'kayak' and 'level' are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left (palindromes). There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar. There are more chickens than people in the world. There are only four words in the English language, which end in "-duos": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous. There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: "abstemious" and "facetious." There's no Betty Rubble in the Flintstones Chewables Vitamins. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard. Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during a dance. Women blink nearly twice as much as men. Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks; otherwise it will digest itself. ...................Now you know everything!



Sample introduction dialogue for teachers of other subjects: English Teacher: Oh, Mr./Ms. _____________________, I wanted to introduce you to the new native speaker at our school. This is John Smith. John Smith: Hello. (shake hands). You: Hello. Its nice to meet you. Welcome to _________________________ School. My name is ____________________. JS: Pleased to meet you. Im John Smith. So, youre a teacher here, too? You: Yes, I teach ___________________. (OR: Im a(n) _______________ teacher). JS: Oh, thats great. How long have you been teaching here? You: Ive been teaching at this school for ___________ years. (OR: I just started teaching here, etc.). Its a great school. The students are really ________________. JS: Oh, thats great. You: So, where are you from in the States? JS: Im from (city)________________. You: Really? __________________________________________________________________. JS: ____________________________________________. You: Well, welcome to _________________________ School. Make yourself at home. It was really nice meeting you. JS: Thanks again. Yes, nice meeting you too. Goodbye. You: Bye. Comments: This dialog worked very well as an introductory lesson for my beginning teachers. Their English was rusty at first, but it turned out to be a higher level than many of my students. Leaving blanks allowed for some creativity, all within the framework of the provided dialog. It is helpful to have them work in pairs at first to come up with the answers, and then read the dialog in front of the group. I also had a chance to talk about the American handshake as greeting. We had fun practicing that one, too. The following page contains a lesson on American High Schools. Actually, I first used this lesson with my students, but it turned out to be too high-level for them. Then I used it with a lot of success with my non-English teachers. In fact, they were able to guess the correct answers to the worksheet by reading the passage and figuring out the context (whereas I had give my students the answers and had them read the sentences individually, kind of like Sunny Diazs high school lesson). In any case, the second page contains the answers, and the third page has the whole text in hangul.


AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOLS There are many (1)____________ between American and Korean high schools. Many classes in Korea are all (2)______ or all girls. Almost all schools in the United States have boys and girls together in the same (3)_________. Korean classes always begin with a bow, but (4)__________ students dont insa. Students in American schools generally do not wear (5)__________, except in some private schools. Most students are allowed to wear (6)__________ they want and their hair can be any style they choose. This sometimes causes problems because students wear inappropriate (7)____________, such as short skirts or T-shirts that have bad words on them. Sometimes, students have hairstyles that teachers do not like, so these students might be told to (8)_______ their hair so that it is not so wild. American students have different ways of (9)_______ to and from school. If students live close, they can (10)_____. If not, some students ride big (11)______ school buses owned by the school. Only students are allowed to (12)____ these buses. Some students get a ride from their (13)_______. Sometimes students have their own cars, and they (14)_____ themselves to school. In big cities, like (15)________, students can also take the subways or public buses to school. The American high school day begins around 7:45 in the (16)_______, when the students go to their homeroom to hear announcements. After (17)_______, students go to their classes. In Korea, students stay in the (18)________ while teachers move from room to room. In America, the teachers have their own room and the students must (19)____ from class to class. The students usually have five (20)_______ between classes, and may have up to 9 classes per school day. Students often have different classmates in different (21)_______. American students usually have the same (22)_________ each day, except for a few elective classes, like physical education, art, music, and home economics. The school day ends at around 3pm, and there are no classes on (23)__________. There are no hagwons in America, but some students who need extra help get (24)__________ tutors to help them. After 3pm, American students go home and do their (25)_________ and then hang out with friends, watch TV, or play video games. Some students play (26)______ after school. Many schools in America have sports teams, like basketball, soccer, (27)________, football, and baseball. Each school competes with other schools to see who has the best (28)_____. There are teams for both boys and girls, so many girls in America are (29)_________. Some schools also have a school (30)____. Students in band play different concerts, and the band sometimes also plays at school (31)_______ games. Many students (32)______ a lot of time after school playing sports or playing instruments in the band. These (33)________ are called extra-curricular activities. If a Korean high school student wants to go to college, it is very important to do well on the university (34)_________ exams. However, for American (35)_______ students, the SAT test isnt as important. Playing sports, joining a club, (36)_________, and other extra-curricular activities are very important for getting into a good college, and so are grades. Even if your test (37)__________ are very high, if you dont get good grades and do extra-curricular activities, it will be hard to go to a good college. Perhaps this is why (38)__________ students spend less time at school studying and more time playing than Korean students.


American High Schools (answer sheet) There are many differences between American and Korean high schools. Many classes in Korea are all boys or all girls. Almost all schools in the United States have boys and girls together in the same classes. Korean classes always begin with a bow, but American students dont insa. Students in American schools generally do not wear uniforms, except in some private schools. Most students are allowed to wear anything they want and their hair can be any style they choose. This sometimes causes problems because students wear inappropriate clothes, such as short skirts or T-shirts that have bad words on them. Sometimes, students have hairstyles that teachers do not like, so these students might be told to cut their hair so that it is not so wild. American students have different ways of getting to and from school. If students live close enough, they can walk. If not, some students ride big yellow school buses owned by the school. Only students are allowed to ride these buses. Some students get a ride from their parents. Sometimes students have their own cars, and they drive themselves to school. In big cities, like New York, students can also take the subways or public buses to school. The American high school day begins around 7:45 in the morning, when the students go to their homeroom to hear announcements. After homeroom, students go to their classes. In Korea, students stay in the classroom while teachers move from room to room. In America, the teachers have their own room and the students must move from class to class. The students usually have five minutes between classes, and may have up to 9 classes per school day. Students often have different classmates in different classes. American students usually have the same schedule each day, except for a few elective classes, like physical education, art, music, and home economics. The school day ends at around 3pm, and there are no classes on Saturdays. There are no hagwons in America, but some students who need extra help get private tutors to help them. After 3pm, American students go home and do their homework and then hang out with friends, watch TV, or play video games. Some students play sports after school. Many schools in America have sports teams, like basketball, soccer, volleyball, football, and baseball. The teams in each school compete with other schools to see who has the best team. There are teams for both boys and girls, so many girls in America are very athletic. Some schools also have a school band. Students in band play different concerts, and the band sometimes also plays at school football games. Many students spend a lot of time after school playing sports or playing instruments in the band. These activities are called extra-curricular activities. If a Korean high school student wants to go to college, it is very important to do well on the university entrance exams. However, for American college students, the SAT test isnt as important. Playing sports, joining a club, volunteering, and other extra-curricular activities are very important for getting into a good college, and so are grades. Even if your test scores are very high, if you dont get good grades and do extra-curricular activities, it will be hard to go to a good college. Perhaps this is why American students spend less time at school studying and more time playing than Korean students.


(1) . (2) . (3) . (4) (bow ) , . (5) . (6) . (7) . (8), . (9) . (10) , . (11) , . (12) . (13) . (14) . (15) , . (16) 7 45 , . (17) , . (18), . (19) . (20) 5 , 9 . (21) . (22) , , , . (23) 3 . (24) . ( ) . (25) 3 , , TV . (26) . (27) , , , , . (28) . (29) , . .(athletic) (30) . (31) , . (32) . (33) (extra-curricular activities) . (34) , . (35), SAT( ) . (36), , , . . (37) SAT , , , . (38) .


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