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World IslamicSciencesand EducationUniversity

Faculty of Infonnation TccJ1nology

Student Training Evaluation —Training Field Supervisor form

Periodfromp/ /2NuntilIf/ 1/2022
Dear Training field supervisor, please fill in this form and send it by email to the academic supervisor

Student Information

Student Name: St dentID: 16060 017

Faculty of information Student Major:
technology ring
Training institute: TrainingFieldSupervisor: h mma / Z u Zah n
Semester Fm
ElectronicFile (E-FILE)
General Evaluation <..Jlæ.osLi

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Paying Attention to Details
Ability to Comprehend
Relationship with Colleagues
Relationship with Superiors
Abiding guides and Regulations
Commitment to Work Hours

Development of Student capabilities

Crite a Excellent ery good Good

Communications kills
Analytical Skills
Creative Thinking
Ability to Adapt
English Language

P.o. Box 1101 -Amman, 11947 Jordan, Tel: +962 6 506 2895/2140 Fax: +962 6 506 3042
Email: Website:
World Islamic Sciences and Education University

Facult of Information Technolo

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Additional Remarks

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Number of Absences (days) The no Training Field Supervisor Name and Signature:

Number of Refused (days)

Total Number of Absences Date 22/ 1/2022

Electronic File (E-FILE)

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P.o. Box 1101- Amman, 11947 Jordan, Tel: +962 6 506 2895/2140 Fax: +962 6 506 3042
Email: Website:

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