Learning Insight 2 in Math 10

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1.What did you learn from the LAS?

In Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) No.6 in Mathematics 10, I’ve learned how to formulate
statistical mini-research and know the importance of research. Research may be defined as a step-
by-step process of collecting and analyzing data to deepen our understanding of a topic or an
issue. It is a studious inquiry or examination; especially investigation or experimentation aimed at
the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of new facts, or practical application of such
new or revised theories or laws. The main purpose of the research is to get deep into the topic so
that something helpful can be churned out which can be helpful for everybody and used in that
niche sector. Statistical mini research uses appropriate measures of position and other statistical
methods in analyzing and interpreting research data. There are three (3) parts of a mini research
namely: Introduction, Supporting paragraphs, and Conclusion. An introduction is the part of the
mini research where the researcher will discuss the purpose of the study, the target respondents, the
statistical methods, and measures of position that will be used in analyzing the data and
interpreting the results to give a solution to the research problem. The second part of the study is
supporting paragraphs. Here, the researcher will show the data collected in a table form, graphs,
frequency table, compute data using statistical methods such as the range, class size or width, and
measures of position which include the quartile, decile, and percentile for ungrouped and grouped
data. The last part is the conclusion where the researcher interprets the results and provides an
answer to the research problem or question. There are also steps in formulating research namely:
Introduction, Statement of the problem, Presentation, Data analysis and interpretation, and
Conclusion. Conducting a mini research is the most valuable tool to understand the complexities of
a problem, disapprove of lies, uphold truth and build on to create knowledge that is reliable and
authentic. Conducting it develops a better understanding and enhances decision-making

2. Which activity did you find difficult to answer? Why? What did you do to
resolve that difficulty?

I didn’t face any difficulties in learning the syllabus and course materials being presented
in Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) No. 6 in Mathematics 10. I fully understood the lessons about
statistical mini research. Sometimes, I didn’t quite understand some of the activities on LAS, but I
easily resolved it by reading it a couple of times and by watching YouTube videos that are related
to this topic.

3. How can you apply your learnings to your daily life?

I will apply my learning to every aspect of daily life most especially in education when we
are conducting research. Research is one of the subjects in my curriculum as an STE student. The
knowledge I gained from this Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is important as an STE student as it
helps me to know more about research and its significance to us. Research is beneficial, which
increases the quality of our life. It drives us through knowledge in our everyday life. A world without
research experiences no progress, and without progress, there is no knowledge and coherently
addressing some of life's challenges.

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