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The formation of communicative skills of the Foreign language learners

through NEARPOD platform


In this thesis, we have introduction, main research part, conclusion and

references parts. The thesis has 30 pages and 7 pictures, 10 references.

The purpose: Summarize the impact of digital technology namely

NEARPOD platform for education. And how the platform helps to improve the

competence during communication of mentors and students.

The object of the thesisis the formation of communicative competence of

future educator.

Keywords: communicative, competence, NEARPOD, foreign language

learning, foreign language communication

In the thesis obtained:

o Concept of communicative competence;

o Influence of competence for education;

o Benefits and drawbacks of platform;

o Relationship between platform and competence.

1.1 The concept of communicative competence......................................................................................5
1.2 The competence in teaching process................................................................................................10
2 NEARPOD PLATFORM AS A TEACHING TOOL........................................................................18
2.1 What is it and it is functions?...........................................................................................................18
2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of using it.......................................................................................23
2.4 Relation between platform and competence....................................................................................25

Relevance of the topic. The role of learning foreign languages is increasing

with the development of cultural and economic relations between countries and

nations. Demand for specialists who know and speak foreign languages rises every

day. That is why the most of important directions in improving education system is

the use of a competence. It is about the formation of skills and abilities which is

related to the use of communicative abilities in practice. Communicative ability is

a complex phenomenon. Because it has connection with the concepts of the foreign

language system and language interaction [1]. Listening, speaking, reading and

writing are communicative skills in the methodology. It would be a mistake to

conclude that each skill could be taught in isolation from other skills. Because all

these types of communicative skills are combined in real speech. That is why in

teaching foreign language any type of skills should be integrated. For instance,

while doing reading task

Novelty of the thesis about how the platform NEARPOD helps to improve

the formation of communicative competence of the foreign language teachers and


The purpose of the thesis: Summarize the impact of digital technology

namely NEARPOD platform for education. And how the platform helps to

improve the competence during communication of mentors and students.

The object of the thesis is the formation of communicative competence of

future educator.


Before to start, the communicative competence of educators of foreign

language it is need to understand the meaning of the term “communicative

competence” such as it is essence and concept.

1.1 The concept of communicative competence

The term “communicative competence” is characterized by multitasking and

ambiguity at the level of the concept and it is components. It is because the term

belongs to the conceptual meaning of various sciences such as linguistics,

psychology, psycholinguistics, pedagogy, sociology, cultural studies, philosophy

and others which brings various aspects of term concept.

Researchers Zimnaya I.A., Leontiev A.N., Lisina M.I., Richards I.A. dealt

with the issues of finding the essence and structure of it. Andreeva G.M., Bodalev

A.A., Yemelyanov Yu.N., Zhukov Y.M. and Meliburda E.L. consider this

competence as a set of skills and abilities that necessary for effective

communication. As an internal system of personal values competence is studied by

Maslow A., Moreno J.L. and Allport G. Also, Balakina L.L., Geikhman L.K.,

Dolovova N.N., Muravyeva O.I. and others considered the problem of this type of

competence in intercultural and interpersonal interaction in pedagogical research

[1]. By Bodalev A.A interpreted the term as the ability to maintain effective

contacts with people in the presence of internal resources namely knowledge and

skills. By the definition Zhukova B.I. the competence of communication is the

psychological description of a human which occurs in communication or the talent

to impose and maintain the needed contacts with others. A set of knowledge, skills

and abilities represents the composition of competence that ensure the successful

course of communication process.

So, communicative competence is an integral personal quality that provides

situational adaptability and freedom of possession of verbal and nonverbal ways of

communication and the opportunity toadequately reflect the mental states and

personality of another person, the correct evaluation of his actions, forecasting on

their basis thebehavior of the perceived person. It is formed on the basis of the

experience of communication and directly in the conditions of interaction.The

communicative activity of individual depends on his communicative competence

skill, the communicative values recognized by himon the specifics of motivation

and communication requirements.

A comprehensive study of so-called skill is found in the researches of

Petrushin A.I. In his opinion, it is a comprehensive education consisting of three

components namely emotional-motivational, cognitive and

behavioralcomponents.The emotional-motivational component is formed by the

needs for positive contacts, the motives for the development of competence, the

semantic attitudes of “being a successful” interaction partner, as well as the values

of communication and goals. The cognitive component includes knowledge from

thefield of relationships and special psychological knowledge gained in the

learning process, as well as the image of the other asan interaction partner, socially
perceptual abilities, personal characteristics that form a communicative

potentialpersonality. At the behavioral level, it is an individual system of optimal

models of interpersonal interaction, as well as subjective control of communicative


As a result of the analysis of the works of various authors

studyingcompetence type Petrushin A.I. concludes that different elements are

included in the structure (Figure 1). At the same time, among thisdiversity, the

following components are clearly distinguished:

 communicative knowledge;

 communication ability;

 communication skills.

Figure 1. Components of communicative competence by Petrushin A.I.

Communicative knowledge is a knowledge about what communication isand

it is types, phases, patterns of development. This is the knowledge of what

communicative methods and techniques exist, what effect theyhave, what their
capabilities and limitations are. It is also the knowledge of which methods are

effective in relation anddifferent situations. This area also includes knowledge

about the degree of development of certain communicative skills and about which

methods are effective in their own performanceand which are not effective.

While the second component of so – called includes the followings:

 the ability to organize the text of the message in an adequate form;

 speech skills;

 ability to harmonize external and internal manifestations;

 ability to receive feedback;

 ability to overcome communication barriers and etc.

Also, interactive skills are distinguished:

 the ability to build communication;

 initiation a favorable emotional and psychologicalatmosphere;

 the ability of self-control and self-regulation;

 the ability to organize cooperation;

 the ability to be guided by the principles and rules ofprofessional

ethics and etiquette;

 active listening skills;

 a group of socio-perceptual skills: the ability to adequately perceive

and evaluate the behavior of a partner during communication and to

recognize by nonverbal signals his states, desires and motives of

behavior, make an adequate image of the other as a person, the ability

to make a favorable impression.

The third component is communicative skill and it means that individual

psychological properties of a personality that meet the requirements of

communicative activityand ensure its rapid and successful implementation [1].

By Andreeva G.M. studying the concept of competence identifies the

following three components:

1) accuracy of perception of others;

2) development of non-verbal means of communication;

3) proficiency in oral and written speech.

Korchagin V.N. characterizes the qualitative originality of the concept of

competence type.He believes that it is a combination of the following qualities:

 the ability of a person to take on and perform various social roles;

 the talent to adapt to social groups and situations,

 the skill to organize fluently own mathematical verbal and non-

verbal modelsof communication means;

 the talent of changes to organize and manage the “interpersonal

social space” in the process of proactive and active control

communication with people;

 awareness of their own valueorientations, needs;

 techniques for working with people;

 perceptual formation of opportunity.

Thus, despite the different planning approaches to the definitionand

understanding of the term, communicative competence has a clear structure and the

main components of which arecompetencies from different points of view that

characterize it and give a common. Due to the fact that the communicative

professional competence most accurately reflects the communication subject area

“Foreign language”, the formation of communicative competence acts as a leading

strategic goal in teaching foreignlanguages [1].

1.2 The competence in teaching process

We know that the change in the social and political situation, the

improvement of international contacts in all spheres, the consolidation of these

contacts and international integration have led to go up in the role and importance

of skills and abilities of foreign language communication.

Rapid social and economic progress dictates high requirements for the

quality of second language teaching in educational institutions, as eachnew

generation of students must rise to a higher level of new language proficiency.

Changes in the socio-cultural context of the language the new needs of students

regarding the level of proficiency in it necessitate a qualitative change in training.

Due to the modernization of education, one of the most important tasks

facing educational institutions is the formation of key competencies, especially the

issue of competence-based approach in education.

Knowledge of thenew language gives a future specialist access to foreign

sources of information without which the activity of a certified specialist is

currently unthinkable. The ability to work with original literature in the specialty

includes obtaining the information contained in the text, it is critical

comprehension, generalization, analysis and assessment of reliability. Second

language competence ensures the readiness of the student to actually use the

acquired knowledge in a professional environment [2].

The concept “competence” appeared in the 60s of the XX century in the

United States of Americawhere it was used within the framework of activity

education. The purpose of which was to train professionals who are competitive in

the labor market [3].

The competence in education is understood as a method of teaching which is

pointed at improving students' abilities to solve a certain class of professional tasks

in accordance with the requirements for personal professional qualities: the ability

to search, analyze, select and process the information received, transmit the

necessary information; skills of interaction with others, the ability to work in a

group; knowledge of the mechanisms of planning, analysis, self-assessment of

their own activities in non-standard situations or in conditions of uncertainty;

knowledge of methods and techniques for solving problems that have arisen [2].

The competence approach in education is one of the central points of the Bologna

process. It is implemented in most European countries at the level of national

educational standards [4].

The competence approach imposes certain requirements on students and

their level of proficiency in thenew language. In this regard, the basic and

advanced competencies of students are distinguished.

At the basic level, language proficiency as a means of communication is

assumed (a certain vocabulary, knowledge of basic grammatical structures,

knowledge of the laws of language functioning, familiarity with the cultural

environment, etc.).

While theadvanced level assumes that students will use a foreign language

to solve practical problems, for example, to find the necessaryinformation on the

profile of specialty. This level has an interdisciplinary character and is evaluated

by the result achieved and not only by the correctness of the use of certain

grammatical constructions and active vocabulary.

The main instrument of forming key competencies in learning language are

various technologies, forms and methods of teaching. Such forms and methods

include a teacher's monologue, a frontal-individual survey. informative

conversations, independent work with a textbook onteacher's assignments, a film

demonstration and control work.

The formation of communicative competence occurs with the help of game,

discussions, case study technology. When conducting classes, weuse electronic

multimedia technologies. Since it is impossible to teach the language without

giving students the opportunity to hear the speech of native speakers and see their

style of behavior in a particular communication situation.Students define social

roles, conduct dialogues on various topics, practice oral speech and speech cliches

of a socio-cultural orientationwhich allows them to show creativity. Mastery of

communicative competence means mastery of various social roles. The main way

to do this is role-playing. In the process of acting out various life situations,

students prepare themselves for future social roles, for life in society with it is own

laws and rules.Thus, forming social and labor competence [2].

Communicative language competencies include linguistic component;

sociolinguistic component; pragmatic component andallow to carry out activities

using linguistic means (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Components of communicative competence

The first component is about a systematic knowledge of grammatical rules,

vocabulary units andphonology that transform lexical units into a meaningful

Sociolinguistic competence is the ability to choose and use adequate

language forms and means depending on the purpose and situation of

communication, on the social roles of communication participants, that is, on who

is the communication partner.

Discursive competence is the ability to construct holistic, coherent and

logical statements of different functional styles in oral and written speech based on

the understanding of various types of texts when reading andlistening. It involves

the choice of linguistic means depending on the type of utterance.

Socio-cultural competence is a knowledge of the cultural characteristics of a

native speaker, their habits, traditions, norms of behavior and etiquette and the

ability to understand and adequately use them in the process of communication,

while remaininga carrier of another culture. The formation of socio-cultural

competence involves the integration of the individual in the system of world and

national cultures.

It should be noted that it is impossible to solve communicative tasks without

knowledge of the grammatical structure of the new language. But the assimilation

of the grammatical system of the language occurs only on the basis of familiar

vocabulary. Hence the conclusion: both grammatical and lexical skills and abilities

serve as the center of language competenceon which speech skills and abilities are

based [7].

The result of the formation of competence should be the ability to

adequately clothe communicative goals and strategies for theirachievement in

linguistic forms, as well as the ability to use the norms of speech etiquette and

social behavior in situations of intercultural communication inwhich knowledge of

situational and socio-cultural contexts of a foreign language community is

actualized [5].

According to Kan-Kalik V.A., a teacher needs to possess the following

communicative skills:

1. The ability to communicate in public;

2. The skill to organize creative activities together with students through a

correctly created communication system;

3. The talent to purposefully organize and manage communication.

Analyzing the communicative skills of a teacherhighlighted in the

psychological and pedagogical literature, we can conclude that there are twogroups

among them:

 general communicative skills. It is formed either spontaneously or

purposefully – in the process of self-development or within the

framework of training groups;

 special pedagogical communicative skills. It is formed during

specially organized practical classes.

The formation of two groups of skills of a high education instituteeducator is

carried out in the following activities:

1. Mastering the theoretical foundations of the communicative process and the

features of the communicative component of pedagogical activity;

2. Mastering the skills and abilities of socio-pedagogical communication in the

framework of practical classes at the university which is conducted in the

form of training;

3. Independent work on mastering the basics of pedagogical communication.

The acquired knowledge which is formed skills and skills of pedagogical

communication educators of the foreign language use it and improve during

practical classes. The following tasks are solved here: to master the knowledge and

understanding of students, to be able to feel their intellectual and emotional


Training on the formation and development of a specialist's communicative

competence is carried out according to didactic principles as initial scientific

provisions, arosefrom the generalization of teaching experience. They are pointed

at achieving effective and educative learning, mastering the basics of knowledge

and improving the skills to apply them in life. Under the principles of learning, we

will understand the initial provisions that define the goals,content and methods of

learning and manifest themselves in interrelation and interdependence. In this case,

the principles are designed to determine the strategy and tactics ofnot only teaching

the new language, but also developing communication skills in the language being

studied. The principles can be considered in two ways namely, in theorywhich

helps to get into the essence of each of them and in practice - to use them as rules,

requirements for conducting classes.

Since learning foreign language is a practical nature, this methodology is

based on the following practical principles:

 the principle of the connection of learning and practice;

 creativity;

 visibility;

 scientific;

 accessibility in training;

 strength of assimilation of knowledge;

 communicative orientation;

 the principle of taking into account the native language [6].

When teaching professionally-oriented foreign language, it is necessary to

take into account and get acquainted with theculture of not only English-speaking

countries, but also those countries where the industrial and scientific sphere in

which students specialize is highly developed. Since, they will have to

communicate with specialists from these countries.

Professionally-oriented teaching of the foreign language is currently

recognized as a priority in the renewal of education. It is from the position of a

professionally-orientedapproach to learning a foreign language in a non-linguistic

university that it can be argued that the mainfunction of language learning in a

university is the acquisition bystudents of professional competence, anintegral

element of which is foreign languagecommunicative competence.


2.1 What is it and it is functions?

Nearpod is an online platform that allows educators to create presentations

for their classes and share them with students right during the lesson. The mentor

simply sends the presentation code by e-mail or via social networks and the

students connect to the general action from their mobile phones. The mentor

scrolls through the slides, setting the pace of the lesson and involve students in

performing creative tasks and track the result in real timeand all this with the help

of a gadget that usually only gets in the way.Nearpod does not depend on other

applications and it is difference from other platforms. Everyone can participate in

sessions from any device and from any platform: iOS, Android, Windows Phone.

Tablets with laptops are also suitable for working with presentations. However, the

developers paid special attention to making the interface convenient for access

from a mobile phone.

When opening the application, it is presented with five work options (Figure


My Library - access and launch lessons, presentations, quizzes that have created on

computer or borrowed from the application collection.

Research is an opportunity to find ready-made lessons in various subject areas

Join - using Nearpod for students' work.

Create - constructor of lessons, presentations, quizzes.

Reports - reports where the mentor can see the results of the students' work for

each lesson.

Figure 3. The personal account

It should be borne in mind that the platform does not support the Cyrillic

alphabet. When creating a presentation, creator will see your text correctly.

However, it will not be displayed for others.

As other platforms, we have two version such as free and paid versions. The

first version allows to mentor to make slides with images, text and audio tracks, as

well as invite up to 30 students to participate in an online session. While the

second version of Nearpod offers much more features: creating slide shows,

inserting video files, writing quizzes, open-ended questions, drawing tools, adding

graphs and diagrams. All this allows to mentor to make the lesson truly interactive,

because every student enthusiastically solves problems using his mobile and at the

same time teacher immediately see the result and can pay everyone due attention.
The created presentations can be saved in PDF format and distributed for

offline work. Another useful feature is homework. Students can work with the

presentation in this mode independentlywithout connecting to the general session.

Add content- mentor’s presentations, Word or PDF documents, video


Add Web content - made resources published on the Internet.

Add activity- create interactive tasks (Figure 4).

After creating a lesson, the teacher has the opportunity to organize online

training (Figure 5).

Figure 4. Three options for organizing the lesson

Figure 5. Online training

Students can go to Nearpod and insert the lesson code. Please note that the

lesson code changes every time you connect. Student can embed himself

development into your blog or website.However, this option is not very correct.

The lesson itself is poorly displayed on the screen.

And this is not the only disadvantage of the application. It is extremely

inconvenient for students to work on smartphones, especially when doing quizzes

and tests.It is best to give a link to lesson. The mentoris not creating own class. But

each student after inserting the code writes the last name and first name. The

teacher can track its operation on in itself screen (Figure 6). The mentor can save

students' work in Reports (Figure 7).

Figure 6. Online training: controlling students

Figure 7. Online training: students' work in Reports

Kim Hoffman Konov is a social sciences teacher at a Portland schooltalks

about her experience using this app in class: “You know these students. They may

be 20 minutes late and at the same time forget a pen, a notebook and everything

else at home. However, there is one tool that they always have with them: cell
phone. Many of my students have serious problems outside of school, they do not

have Internet access. They can afford a mobile phone. To get these guys involved,

I started planning lessons with Nearpod and mobile phones as learning tools”. Kim

recommends using more open-ended questions in the presentationwhich would

encourage students to delve deeper into the topic and express their opinions. The

mentor can make it so that during the lesson and students can add their own

content: images, links to websites. This can be an occasion for intense discussions

and a means of self-expression. After all, one of the main advantages of such

interactive presentations is that everyone can speak publicly and be heard [8].

2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of using it

One of the tasks of teaching language at high levels of proficiency is the

ability of students to select and master the material independently.It should be

noted that there are a huge number of online applications and tools for working

with vocabulary, tasks in these applications can be a different format of working

out a particular vocabulary for memorization and use, namely, the following types

of tasks can be presented:match the word and it is definition; write the word for the

given definition; write a definition for the given word; match the word with itis

synonym; match the word with it is antonym; fill in a gap in the sentence; create

the context using the following words; split the letter chain to make words; match

words and pictures; remember where the word and it is definition are located; write

other form of the given word; make words from jumbled letters; rebuses and etc

Let us try to find the advantages and disadvantages of using this platform in

teaching process.


 Allow personalized feedback on time;

 Provide for the educator to control understanding of students in one view;

 Various interacting teaching information is accessible for every student;

 Gives motivation for students who has less achievement;

 Flexibility of platform;

 Allow to provide different type of assessment tools;

 Sharing lessons with students;

 Easy to use;

 Provide mobile learning;


 Limited space of storage for free users;

 There is no function that educator can assign home task;

 Flocabulary Nearpod is not free it means that educator should pay if he

wants to use more than three video materials.

Here we can conclude that the advantages of platform are more than it is

disadvantages. This shows that this teaching tool is useful for education.
2.4 Relation between platform and competence

As mentioned before, Nearpod gives opportunity to use video materials and

it is useful tool in teaching language. Because the use of a video in a lesson is not

only the use of another source of information. Conditions are created for the

development of various aspects of students' mental activity and above all,attention

and memory. While watching in the classroomthere is an atmosphere of joint

cognitive activity. In order to understand the content of the filmstudents need to

make some effort. So involuntary attention turns into arbitrary and the intensity of

attention affects the process ofmemorization.Thus, the psychological features of

the impact of videos on students contribute to the intensification of the educational

process and create favorable conditions for the formation of communicative

competence of students. The successful achievement of this task is possible only

with the systematic display of videos and methodically organized demonstrations.

After watching videos communicative speaking skill of students can be stimulated

with the help of various tasks such as asking questions. To solve each of the tasks

set, students must understand not only the general content of the video.But also

remember the details, as well as be able to evaluate events, characterize the actors,

using words and expressions from the speech accompaniment of the material [10].

The mentor’s communicative skill is necessary for developing learner

learning process. Nearpod platform gives more opportunity for educator to make

communication with students. Due to the different type of formation assessment

mentor can improve it is communicative competence such as teaching discussion

and change the goal of conservation and lesson. The competence in

communication sphere of mentors is improved in the process of conservation in


Todayevery person and the state as a whole are interested in practical

mastery of the foreign language that providing access to the world market,

familiarization with world culture. Knowledge of foreign languages is necessary

today for every person to effectively solve communicative tasks both in situations

of personal communication and in situations of communication in an educational

environment.Therefore, communicative competence becomes a priority goal. The

foreign language is becoming a universal means of professional and industrial

lifeand the requirements for the level of language competence of a future specialist

have also increased dramatically. At the present stage of teaching languages of

international communication in Kazakhstan, knowledge of the culture of the

country and the people of the language being studied will not only be important

and significant. They will play a decisive role in the use of language and thereby

influence the foreign language communicative competence of students.

Conservation competence of teacher is necessary ability of mentors. Because

it includes motivational propensity, skills and abilities in teaching, social

interaction which are important competence of mentors. Nearpod platform is useful

teaching tool for teachers and students. The communicative competence of both

can be increased during teaching conservation process. Nearpod has more

advantages than disadvantages and it is good tool to make assessment for teachers.

Mentors can check understanding of students in platform in short time and control
it. By learning materials that Nearpod provides, the conservation and interest for

teaching process of both can be increased.


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