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TRƯỜNG THPT BÌNH PHÚ HKI – Năm học: 2021-2022


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in
each of the following questions.
1. A. printer B. dial C. visual D. insert
2. A. camcorder B. computer C. insert D. printer
3. A. wanted B. helped C. laughed D. liked

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

4. A. camcorder B. keyboard C. hardware D. computer
5. A. passion B. require C. insert D. invent
6. A. entertainment B. appropriate C. miraculous D. exactly

Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.

7. The computer can process the quickly.
A. language B. information C. entertainment D. invention
8. The computer can houses, bridges, gardens and buildings. B. transmit C. hold D. design
9. You can contact with the others by sending from your computer to theirs.
A. programmes B. participants C. calculations D.
10. I turn on the because it is very hot today.
A. radio B. electric cooker C. air conditioner D. fax machine
11. “Magical” means “ ”
A. link or act together B. in a strange or mysterious way
C. programmes performed by the computer D. the physical part of the computer system.
12. The computer is of doing almost anything you ask it to.
A. A.capable B. magical C. perfect D. miraculous
13. Computers can store very large amounts information.
A. A.of B. about C. with D. off
14. a phone with the public telephone, you will need a phone card.
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TRƯỜNG THPT BÌNH PHÚ HKI – Năm học: 2021-2022

A. Make B. To make C. Making D. Made

15. The new bridge for 2 years.
A. builds B. has built C. is built D. has been built
16. She always turns all the lights before going out with her friends.
A. B. of .C. on D. with
17. Tom hasn’t returned my books yet.
A. A.My books hasn’t been returned by Tom yet.
B. My books haven’t been returned yet by Tom.
C. My books haven’t been returned by Tom yet.
D. My books hasn’t been returned Tom yet.
18. Daisy tells me about the man. She hit him on the way home yesterday.
A. Daisy, who hit him on the way home yesterday, tells me about the man.
B. B.Daisy tells me about the man whom she hit on the way home yesterday.
C. Daisy tells me about the man whom she hit him on the way home yesterday.
D. Daisy tells me about the man who hit him on the way home yesterday.
19. She has done her assignment in the room since two o’clock.
A. Her assignment in the room has been done since two o’clock.
B. B.Her assignment has been done in the room by she since two o’clock.
C. Her assignment has been done in the room since two o’clock by her.
D. Her assignment has been done in the room since two o’clock.
20. When the teacher came in, the pupils .
A. was playing B. were playing C. played D. had played
21. Yesterday, while I a letter, the telephone .
A. was writing/ring B. were writing/rang
C.C. was writing/rang D. were writing/rings
22. Bill said he to buy a new dictionary.
A. had forgot B. has forgot C. forgot D. forgotten
23. Kite and I right here until you back next Sunday.
A. A.will wait/have gotB. wait/have got
C. was waiting /got D. waited/got

Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting:

24. Ms Lien, that sings very well, is my English teacher.
25. How did you do on the exam? – I passed, but I did not do it so good.
26. That is the man who he told me the bad news
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TRƯỜNG THPT BÌNH PHÚ HKI – Năm học: 2021-2022

27. Lan suggested saving money and help the poor in their neighborhood.
28. I’m looking forward to meet you again soon.
29. This is the first time I visit Florida.
A. I visited Florida many times B. They have recently arrived in Florida
C. I have never visited Florida before D. It is not long ago that they arrived in Florida
30. “Get up early or you will miss the bus.”
A. If you get up early, you will miss the bus
B. If you don’t get up early, you won’t miss bus
C. Unless you do not get up early, you will miss the bus
D. D.Unless you get up early, you will miss the bus
31. She said to the man “Go away or I’ll call the police”. She
A. said to the man go away or she will call the police.
B. B.told the man to go away or she would call the police.
C. said the man to go away or she will call the police.
D. told to the man to go away or she would call the police.
32. This bicycle is very modern, so I like it most. If
A. this bicycle isn’t very modern, so I like it most.
B. this bicycle weren’t very modern, I would like it most.
C. C.this bicycle weren’t very modern, I wouldn’t like it most.
D. this bicycle weren’t very modern, I would like it most.
33. They will have to find a better solution
A. A better solution will have to be found.
B. A better solution will have to find.
C. A better solution will be have to be found.
D. D.A better solution will have been to be found.

Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
34. What makes computer a miraculous device?
A. A.strange B. superhuman C. wonderful D. famous
35. It is a calculating machine which speeds up calculations: it can add, subtract, multiply, and
divide with lightning speed and perfect accuracy.
A. A.precision B. goodness C. loveliness D. wonder
36. It is an electric store which manages large collections of data.
A. A.handles B. works C. drives D. pilots
37. Decide which of the three options below is the best title for the passage.
A. voices B. desires C. choices D. answers

Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
38. Look at the illustrations of different parts of a computer system.
A. together B. similar C. average D. pure

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TRƯỜNG THPT BÌNH PHÚ HKI – Năm học: 2021-2022

39. Each time you turn it on, with appropriate hardware and software, it is capable of doing
almost anything you ask.
A. unsuitable B. unimportant C. ill-prepared D. irregular
40. My personal opinion is that the students should be doing more work outside the classroom.
A. national B. inner C. spiritual D. public

Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passages:
Do you think computer games are just for kids? Then you should think again. You might be
to learn that the games industry now makes more money than Hollywood. a
family buys a new PC, all they really want to do is to play games. It is hardly surprising that video
gaming has one of the most popular of entertainment today. A good
game is like a good movie; it will hold your , capture your imagination, and play with your
41. A. concerned B. admired C. surprised D. started
42. A. As soon as B. As well as C. As far as D. As long as
43. A. begun B. grown C. sounded D. become
44. A. makes B. branches C. shapes D. forms
45. A. gaze B. attention C. breath D. control

Read the following passage and choose correct answer

One of the greatest advantages of robots is that they can work in situations that are
dangerous or harmful for human workers. For example, the continuous smell of paint has a
harmful effect on painters, but it doesn't "bother" a robot. Robots can work in nuclear power plants
and in undersea research stations that might be dangerous for humans. Already, robots are
working in the plastic industry and in chemical and industrial equipment industries. One of the
most common uses of robots is still in automobile factories. They can do the heavy, unpleasant, or
dangerous work. These kinds of industrial robots are not usually "mobile". The work they need to
do is brought to them, like cars on an assembly line, for example.
The robot industry is a big business. By the middle of the 1990s, Japan' led the world in robot
production with more than 71,000 industrial robots at work. Both the United States and Japan, as
well as other countries, continue to develop more advanced robots. Robots can now be made to
perform more complex jobs. Robots can make decisions while they are working and learn from
their mistakes. Robots can now see with TV camera "eyes." They can easily hear and can even
speak using a voice made by a computer. But it is difficult to make a robot "understand." Thinking
and understanding are human qualities. The robots of the future will probably be very complex.
They will be able to perform many humanlike tasks. Robots and other technology will make the
future a very interesting place!
46. We can infer from the passage that by the middle of the 1990s .
A. only Japan had used robots in production.
B. B.Japan and the USA were the only countries to use robots.
C. some countries had used robots in industrial production
D. Japan led the world in production thanks to robots.
47. Which of the following are robots NOT be able to do?
A. A.To speak using a voice made by a computer
B. To think and understand.
C. To make decisions at work.
D. To learn from mistakes.
48. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the robots of the future?
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TRƯỜNG THPT BÌNH PHÚ HKI – Năm học: 2021-2022

A. They will probably be very complicated.

B. They will be able to do humanlike tasks.
C. C.They will contribute to making the future more interesting.
D. They will replace human workers in all kinds of work.
49. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "bother" in the first paragraph?
A. cancel. B. change. C. upset. D. terminate.
50. Which of the following can be the opposite of the word "mobile" in the first paragraph?
A. stationary. B. movable. C. unthinkable. D. repairable.


WORD FORM: Give correct form of the words in brackets.

1/ Falling house prices are (illustrate) illustrated of the crisis facing the
constructionindustry. 2/ Tom apologized for the convenience he had caused.
3/ Well, you've made a (miracle) miraculous recovery since last night!
4/ She is looking for a personal assistant with good (organize) organization
skills. 5/ We walked home arm-in-arm in the (magic) magical moonlight.
6/ He is very(invent)inventive
7/ he gave me strict (instruct) instruction
8/ You have to have such a lot of (patient) patients when you're dealing with kids.
9/ His personal life is a mystery to his colleges. (person)
10/ Computer is a calculator machine which works with a lighting speed.

TENSES: Put in the correct form of the verb: future simple, future progressive, future perfect
or future perfect continuous
1. A: When would you have left (you/leave) for Florida?
B: Tomorrow. Just think! Two days from now I would have lied (lie) on the beach in the sun.
2. A: I will call (call) you this afternoon.
B: OK. But don’t call me between 3:30 and 5:00 because I am would not (not/be) home. I
Would have studied (study) at the library.
3. A: Would you like to come to our party tomorrow?
B: Thanks for the invitation, but I would have worked (work) all day tomorrow.
4. Trevor and Laura will not go (not go) for a picnic tomorrow. They will clean (clean)
the house.
5. Tomorrow afternoon we’re going to play tennis from 3 o’clock until 4:30. So at 4 o’clock we
Would play ( play)
6. A: Can we meet tomorrow afternoon?
B: Not in the afternoon. I would have worked (work).
7. A: Will you be free at 11:30?
B: Yes. The meeting will finish (finish) by that time.
8. Tom is on holiday and he is spending his money very quickly. If he continues like this, he would
(spend) all his money before the end of his holiday.
9. A: How can I get in touch with you?
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TRƯỜNG THPT BÌNH PHÚ HKI – Năm học: 2021-2022

B: If you need to contact me, I will stay (stay) at the Lion Hotel until Friday.

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TRƯỜNG THPT BÌNH PHÚ HKI – Năm học: 2021-2022

10. We’re late. The film would already start (already start) by the time we get to the
cinema. VERB FORM
Give the correct form of the verb
1. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind waiting......................................................( wait ) for you.
2. My father gave up smoking.................................................( smoke ) three years ago.
3. Would you mind keeping……………..( keep ) silent ? I’m trying to study..........( study ).
4. I always try to avoid…to borrow...................................( borrow ) money from my friends.
5. The traffic was very heavy this morning, but I managed to get.................( get ) to school on
6. Could you please stop making..........................................( make ) so much noise ?
7. She smelt something burning.............................................and saw smoke rising (burn/rise)
8. I’ve put off to write.................................( write ) the letter so many times. I really must do it
9. Sarah gave up trying………………( try ) to find a job in this country and decided going ( go )
10. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford…to go....................( go ) out very often.

PASSIVE VOICE: Rewrite the following sentences

1. No one has paid the bill
-> The bill hasn’t been paid by no one
2. Has the editor discovered the mistake?
-> Has the mistake has been discovered by the editor ?
3. The chef engineer was instructing all the workers of the plant.
-> All the workers of the plant have been instructed by the chef enigineer
4. Her knowledge about art hasn’t impressed me
-> I hasn’t impressed about her art knowledge
5. People spend a lot of money on advertising everyday
-> A lot of money have been spent on advertising everyday
6. Mr. Hart hasn’t taught that course since 2001
->That course hasn’t taught Mr.Hart since 2001
7. Has the special committee settled the dispute yet?
-> Has the dispute has been settled by the special committee yet ?
8. The pollution in the city has affected children’s breathing
-> Children’s breathing has been affected by the pollution in the city
9. You ought to water these plants once a week
These plants have to watered by you once a week
10. We know that the teacher has bought a new house.
The teacher whom we know has bought a new house
11. We'll continue to use this phone.

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TRƯỜNG THPT BÌNH PHÚ HKI – Năm học: 2021-2022

 This phone would be continue to use again by us

12. No one has ever taught him to drive.
 He hasn’t been taught to drive by them
13. They estimate 100 people were killed.
100 people have been killed by the estimate
14. We didn't find the dog anywhere.
 The dog hasn’t been found anywhere by us
15. He likes people to call him Professor.
 He likes people who call him Professor
16. We want you to return our books in time.
 We want our books have been returned in time by you
17. They reported that the man killed his wife.
 The man who killed his wife have been reported by them
18. Sand covered the Statue of liberty.
 The Statue of liberty has been covered by sand
19. They enjoy people helping them at work.
 They enjoy people who helping them at work
20. She hates people asking her what to do.
 She hates people who asking her what to do

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