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Narrator: There’s a homosexual named Charlie, 18 years old.

Charlie’s father was

a drug addict, so he was imprisoned, and Charlie’s mother died when he was 2
years old. Only his sister Jeneza and him live in their little home. School has begun
and Charlie was very excited to go to his new school.
Jeneza: Oh, Charlie, go to bed early. Tomorrow will be your first day of school.
Charlie: Good Night ate.
(The next day, Charlie happily went to his school, but he couldn’t find where his
name was listed. He was already late.
Teacher: Okay, since you are all done introducing yourself, let’s now proceed to
our first lesson, which is….oh hello? Are you in this class? why are you late?
Charlie: I’m sorry, ma’am, it took me a while to find this classroom!
Teacher: Please introduce yourself before taking your seat.
Charlie: Good morning, everyone. I’m Charlie Abuyog. I am 18 years of age and
my motto in life is never stop learning because life never stops teaching.
Teacher: Charlie, please take the empty seat there.
Charlie: Thank you, ma’am.
Eghmar: Charlie, sit here so we can sit next to each other.
Charlie: Uh, sure.
Eghmar: By the way, I’m Eghmar Nice to meet you
Charlie: It’s nice to meet you as well.
Teacher: (Looking at her clock) Since it’s already time, that’s all for today’s class.
Goodbye, and you may now take your snacks.
Eghmar: Charlie, let’s go to the canteen together.
Charlie: Oh uh.. I have snacks already.
Eghmar: Come on, I’ll treat you.
Charlie: Okay, if you say so.
(Charlie didn’t know that he had a classmate who was mad at him and
her name was Risa. Risa had a grudge against Charlie because he liked
Eghmar but Eghmar constantly ignores her. Instead, Eghmar's attention
was on charlie..)
One day, while Charlie was reading a book, Risa came and took Charlie’s book and
threw it on the floor.
Risa: What are you doing, Charlie?
(Charlie didn’t utter a word.)
Risa: I’m talking to you. Are you deaf?
Charlie: You can see that I’m reading, don’t you?
Risa: Tss! WOW! You dare to answer me that way?I am warning you. Stay away
from Eghmar because he’s mine, and he won’t like you because you’re a gay! Gay!
Gay! Gay! Am I crystal clear?
( Risa threw Charlie’s book on the floor, and Charlie immediately picked it up.
Charlie was about to leave when Risa’s foot blocked him.)
(Charlie fell) Charlie and Risa’s classmates were taking photos and videos of
Charlie, but everyone stopped when eghmar came.
Risa: Pathetic! You’re also a careless. Lampa! Lampa!lampa!
Risa: You want me to help you? (Charlie gives his hand)
Risa: Oops but I don’t like to touch you.
Eghmar: What in the world?What’s happening here!?
Risa: Ask that idiot gay!
Eghmar: How could you call him that way! All of you, taking photos and videos,
delete them or all of you will face me.
(Eghmar helped Charlie to stand up, and they both left the classroom. The next
day, Charlie went to the comfort room when Risa’s henchman suddenly blocked
him and took him to the empty but crowded area. At the moment, the boy went
to another country to take care of their business. No one can help Charlie.
Risa: Oh, how are you ,Careless Gay? Now that you don’t have your knight and
shining armor, I can do everything I want to do to you.
Guys, get your cameras ready and the show will begin
Charlie: Enough Risa, we’re just friends and I don’t have a plan to steal him to you.
Risa:, “Don’t lie anymore, charlie. Now you will taste the revenge of Risa’s venom.
Start taking videos, guys, and make sure that the video is focused on him (slap,
pulled hair) and last, para mawala na talagang yang kahihiyan mo Charlie, This is
the lesson for you. Risa pulls Charlie’s t-shirt off (all his upper body is totally
naked). Pathetic Charlie, and Risa took the trash and threw it at Charlie. Siguro
wala kanang mukha ihaharap sa mga tao..hahahah
Come on guys, I’ve got my revenge on the lampang baklang si Charlie and I bet
you’re going to be really famous. Even more famous than I am.

(Charlie was left alone crying, and when Charlie went out, he immediately met
three men.
Fhanvic: Well well well, look what we have here.
Noel:People like you really disgusts me like hell hahaha.
Carl: It must feel horrible to be like one of you hahaha
(Charlie ignored everything and was about to leave the gate when she bumped
into a group of bullies, but this time, it was a group of women.)
Arriane: Oh, here’s the baklang lampa that went viral on social media today.
Charlie: What do you mean?
Dikit: nag maang-maangan kapa, eh diba ikaw to( shows the video)
(Charlie was flabbergasted. He cried and shouted, “It’s not me!” and runs out of
the school gate.)

After that incident, Charlie felt very sad and didn’t want to see anybody. He didn’t
go to class and just stayed in his room. One night, Charlie was scrolling through
his FB account.
Charlie saw the videos. He threw his CP and cried and said
Charlie: , “This is too much. I want to die.”
(Charlie fell asleep and her sister went inside his room)
Sister: Hey, Charlie, I’m famished. Let’s go to eat.
Charlie: I don’t want to eat. Leave me alone.
Narrator: Charlie wants to disappear from the world. Charlie saw a knife and
almost killed himself, but his sister caught him.
Charlie: I want to die. I didn’t do anything bad to them. I’m so tired. I want to rest.
I want to be with mom. Please forgive me, sister, because I’m leaving you now..
Thank you for everything, sister, and goodbye.
Sister: Charlie, No ,What is that problem? Your sister is here. I will help you. My
brother, that is not the solution to what problem you have right now.
Charlie: But sister, I’m so tired. They always bullied me. I haven’t done anything
wrong. My photos and videos have spread at pinagpipistahan na sa social media,
Kaya Wala na akong naisip na paraan.
Sister: Brother, There’s more. We’ll find a way to vanish your issues . If you get
lost, paano na yong kaibigan mong si Eghmar_. How about me? He’ll be home
tomorrow. Your friend called me earlier, and he said he wanted to see you and
talk to you.
Charlie: But ate, baka pandidirihan ako ni Eghmar.
Sister: You know him, right? Hindi siya ganon, Ikaw na ang nagsabi na mabait
siyang tao.
Charlie: Really, ate? (Charlie threw away the knife and hugged her sister) I’m
really sorry Ate,. Forgive me.
Sister: Don’t do that again? Tomorrow we will go to your school and we will talk
to your counselor.
(The next day, Charlie and his sister went to the guidance counselor’s office.)
Jeneza: Good morning, ma’am.
Guidance counselor: Good morning to the both of you. What brings you here
Jeneza: This is Charlie, ma’am. We would like to have a moment with you. Its
about the mistreatment done by the students here to my brother.
Guide counselor: Is that true?
Charlie: Y-yes ma’am, (looked down and unable to look at the counselor due to
mixed feelings of nervousness and sadness)
Guidance counselor: Have you ever seen a counselor before?
Charlie: This is my first time, ma’am.
Guidance Counselor: Charlie, let me remind you that what you share is up to you,
and you should feel no pressure to share or address a topic before you’re ready,
alright? I am all ears.
Charlie nods.
Charlie: I don’t understand where the incident started. All I knew was that there’s
this classmate of mine who named eghmar became my true friend. I wasn’t
aware that we had a classmate named Risa who’d love eghmar for a very long
time. The toxic mentality that she has is almost killing me inside and out. She
would physically harm me, humiliate me in front of everyone, and never forget to
post it on social media.
Guidance counselor: You are aware of what type of bullying this is, am I right?
Charlie: Yes ma’am, it is cyberbullying.
Guide counselor: What happened next?
Charlie: Because of it, I became distant. All I want is to be alone. I keep on
indulging self-pity. The pain was too much to handle to the point that I thought
about killing myself.
Counselor: But you didn’t because you’re a fighter, Charlie. Embrace yourself. We
will figure this out together. You will get through this.
Charlie: Thank you, ma’am.
Jeneza: Thank you very much, ma’am.
Guidance counselor: It is my duty to help you and Charlie. I’d also like to extend
my thanks for letting me know that this issue is occurring on this campus.
Charlie: Thank you again, ma’am.
Guidance counselor: Feel free to visit anytime.
Jenza: Thank you again, ma’am. Thank you so much.
(After that session, the guidance counselor discusssed the cyberbullying issue
with the school principal. They held a meeting for the teachers and faculties
regarding the aforementioned issue. They shall promote cyberwellness in the
school premises.


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