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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Criminal Minds (US TV)
Relationship: Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan & Spencer Reid
Character: Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds), Spencer Reid
Additional Tags: Come Eating, Come Swallowing, Comeplay, Come Sharing, Blow Jobs,
Hand Jobs, Oral Sex, Gay Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Anal Play,
Creampie, Felching, Snowballing, Top Derek Morgan, Bottom Spencer
Reid, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn, Smut, Multiple Orgasms,
Sex, Come Kink, Dirty Talk
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-08-30 Words: 1972

by Dix_E_Normous


After a rough case, Derek and Spencer fuck in their shared hotel room. Spencer is
embarrassed about being turned on by comeplay, and Derek is determined to prove to him
that he finds it irresistible.

Derek leaned down and kissed Spencer, they swapped cum from mouth to mouth as their
tongues glided into each other’s mouth. When Derek pulled back, strings of cum still
connected the two, and he groaned at the sight. His Baby Boy looked so sexy with red
cheeks and sticky lips. Cum painted his face, the strings finally snapping between the two
and decorating the column of Reid’s throat.

He peppered kisses along the inside of his coltish thighs, marking the pale skin with colorful nips
and bites. He knew that come morning, the unblemished expanse of flesh would be molted with
bruises and bitemarks. Spencer’s breath hitched every once in a while, whenever Derek licked at a
particularly sensitive spot. His reddened cock strained against his flat stomach, drooling precum
onto his naval, begging for attention, but receiving none.

The two men were sharing a hotel room in Nampa, Idaho, having just solved a gruesome case that
left five women dead, and the UnSub in handcuffs. Spencer and Derek were both eager to distract
themselves from the horror show they’d dealt with, and there was nothing better than indulging in
their carnal desires.
Thin legs trembled in anticipation, as Morgan licked his way up towards Reid’s weeping dick, and
he teasingly blew cold air across the hot flesh.

“Derek…” Reid whined, bucking his hips up against nothing, trying in vain to get some much
needed friction.

“Relax Baby Boy.” Derek responded, voice husky with lust. With that, he enveloped Spencer’s
length in his mouth, running his tongue over the head expertly, drawing moans from the man
writhing below him. He ever so gently scraped his teeth along the shaft, before swirling his tongue
over the slit and going back down again. He picked up the pace from languid to brutally quick,
before slowing once again, wanting to keep Spencer on his toes.

“Stop teasing.” Reid panted, legs trembling and chest heaving as he was edged over and over

Derek didn’t bother with responding verbally, his ministrations to Spencer’s cock spoke for
themselves. He deepthroated the length, beads of precome hitting the back of his throat with every
downward stroke. He swallowed around it, eliciting more whines and moans from Spencer’s
swollen lips. Spencer bucked his hips, and Derek promptly grabbed his boney hips and held him
down, his thumbs rubbed against tense muscles. Spencer’s whole body seemed to seize up, before
he came with an obscene cross between a scream and a moan. His seed spilled down Morgan’s
throat, and he swallowed most of it, keeping a little in his mouth so he could swap it during their
next kiss.

He pulled off of Reid, crawling up next to him and gripping the back of his sweaty neck. He angled
his face up, before prying the younger man’s lips open with his own. He slipped his tongue into
the other’s mouth, depositing cum into his mouth, using his tongue to coat Spencer’s mouth with
his own release. Spencer responded with a downright dirty noise, causing blood to pool in
Morgan’s crotch.

They pulled apart, both panting heavily.

“Let me take care of that for you.” Spencer said, nodding his chin towards Derek’s raging hard-

Morgan huffed an amused laugh, before rolling onto his back with an expression that said “go for
Spencer wrapped his hand around rigid flesh, grasping Derek firmly. He brought his hand down,
before leaning in and spitting onto Derek’s cock.

“Fuck Baby.” Morgan groaned, blown away by the filthy act.

Spencer brought his hand back up, running better with saliva slicking up the skin. He thumbed over
his slit, spreading the liquid around the head, before running a finger just beneath the head, causing
electricity to shoot through the sensitive glands. He reached his other hand up to slowly massage
Derek’s balls and taint, feather light touch contrasting with the firm hold he had on his dick.
Finally, he wrapped both hands around Morgan’s length, before bringing his lips towards the head.

Spencer looked up at Derek through his lashes, catching his eyes in a piercing gaze. He held the
eye contact long enough to swipe his tongue over his lips, spit glossing them seductively. He broke
contact as he put just the head of Morgan’s cock into his mouth and sucked. Hard. He alternated
running the smooth, slippery underside of his tongue around the head, and the rough textured

Derek didn’t last long at that, and the only warning Spencer got before he had a mouthful of cum
was the near frantic tug he got on his long hair.

He kept Derek’s whole load in his mouth, before drooling it up Derek’s naval to his chest, making
sure to cover his sensitive nipples in spunk. He sat back to admire his work, before leaning down
and giving little kitten licks up Derek’s body. He worked his way up, ignoring the pool of cum that
was in Derek’s belly button, and cleaning up the white liquid until the only places covered in seed
were his nipples and belly button.

Reid latched onto a nipple, suckling on it, and gently scraping his teeth over the hardened peaks.
He switched to the other side, before kissing his way downwards again. He swirled his tongue
around the rim of Morgan’s belly button, before delving in, nipping around the edges and slurping
up cum.

Satisfied with his cleanup job, Spencer pulled back, meeting Derek’s gaze for only a fraction of a
second. He hurriedly hid his face behind a curtain of hair, embarrassed that cumplay got him off
the way it did.

“Don’t hide Baby Boy,” Derek said, tucking the damp strands behind Spencer’s ear, “it gets me
off too, seeing you get so hot and bothered over our cum. Fuck, babe. It’s so hot. You look so sexy
eating cum and marking me all up just to drink it all down yourself. And letting me feed you your
own cum? Holy hell that’s so sexy Baby Boy.”

Spencer blushed under the attention, bashfully peering at Derek through half lidded eyes.

“C’mon Spencer, let me show you just how hot I think it is. How sexy I think you are.” Morgan
growled into his ear, before running his tongue over the shell of Spencer’s ear, and grinning at the
full body shutter that overtook his lithe body.

“O-Okay.” Reid managed to stutter. His dick definitely perked up at the words, and at the looks of
it, so did Derek’s.

“Lay on your front baby.”

Spencer complied immediately, eager for what was to come.

Derek grabbed Reid’s cheeks, spreading his ass and exposing a fluttering hole. He ran a finger
down his crack, skirting around his entrance and landing by his taint. Spencer wiggled his ass in
protest, earning an exasperated laugh and light smack to his hip.

“Patience, Pretty Boy.”

Derek relented anyway, wanting to show Spencer exactly what he had been talking about. He
lapped at his hole, slowly prodding his tongue into tight heat. He ran his tongue around the rim,
both inside and out, wetting the sensitive skin with slick saliva. He pulled away and replaced his
tongue with a finger, slowly stretching Spencer’s rim enough to stick another finger in him. He
scissored his fingers around his hole, before leaning down to spit into his hole, and Spencer
moaned at the sensation.

He spat another glob around the rim, using a third finger to prod it around the inside, before sinking
the third digit into his depths, earring a breathy whine from his partner. He continued to stretch
Spencer until he was confident he could fuck him without it hurting him.

He took his fingers out, and eyed the clenching hole with amusement. He promptly lined himself
up, and pushed the head inside. He reveled in the sight of Spencer’s rim stretching to accommodate
his girth, the thin skin stretching and spasming with want.
“You good?” He asked, doing everything he could to hold himself back from slamming into the
wet heat, and fucking Reid into oblivion.

At Spencer’s frantic nod, he did just that.

He set an absolutely brutal pace, slamming his entire length into the younger man, and with only a
couple of minor adjustments, he found his prostate. He aimed for it with every thrust, earning
himself choked off moans and sobs of pleasure from Spencer. He panted and groaned out his own
pleasure, Spencer’s hole fitting around his dick like a glove. He came to his orgasm relatively
quickly, his hips stuttering as he squirted out thick ropes of cum, undoubtedly painting Reid’s
insides with his release. He was still hard, and with only a few moments of rest, he fucked Spencer
slowly, relishing in the squelching noise coming from inside his hole.

Spencer hid his reddened face in the pillow, rutting against the mattress.

After he thrusted into Spencer agonizingly slowly, Morgan decided to take pity on him, and started
pointedly thrusting into his prostate. He reached a hand beneath Spencer’s body, thumbing at his
cock, rubbing tiny circles over the slit, picking up sticky liquid and spreading it around the head.
Spencer soon tensed up, body shuttering as he came all over Morgan’s hand, and inadvertently
clenching his ass like a vice. The added pressure around his own cock spurned on Derek’s orgasm,
and he released once again into Spencer’s depths. This time, however, he pulled out between bursts
of cum, so he could paint the pale cheeks in creamy release.

He brought his hand out from beneath them, a handful of cum dripping from between his fingers.
Derek let most of it mix with his own cum on Reid’s ass, letting some dribble down his crack, over
his full hole, and slowly trickle towards his taint. The rest that clung to his skin he brought to
Spencer’s lips, urging the man to lick it clean.

Once his hand was clean, he gripped Spencer’s hips as he licked up cum from his ass cheeks, and
spitting it into Spencer’s mouth. He dutifully swallowed it down, an embarrassed smile gracing his
face with every snowball.

Now, all that was left was his overflowing hole. Derek delved in, sucking cum out of Reid’s ass,
collecting a large quantity of the creampie in his mouth, before leaning down and kissing him, they
swapped the cum from mouth to mouth as their tongues glided into each other’s mouth. When
Derek pulled back, strings of cum still connected the two, and he groaned at the sight. His Baby
Boy looked so sexy with red cheeks and sticky lips. Cum painted his face, the strings finally
snapping between the two and decorating the column of Reid’s throat.
Derek went back to Spencer’s asshole, running his tongue around the rim, dipping inside, before
once again sucking as hard as he could at the hole, trying to get every last drop of cum out of
Spencer’s ass and into his mouth. He stuck a finger in, crooking it once fully seated, and scooping
the remaining substance out. Spencer whined at the slight overstimulation, but didn’t otherwise
protest his actions. He offered his dripping finger to Spencer, and he lapped at it with tiny licks and

Derek grabbed Spencer’s jaw, and gently pried his mouth open. He leaned in close, and let the last
drops of cum dribble out of his mouth and into Reid’s. He let go once he was sure he had fed
Spencer everything he had.

Spencer closed his mouth, eyes dilated with residual lust. He swallowed thickly, his mouth still
coated in a fine layer of cream.

“Now do you believe me, Baby Boy?” Morgan teased, quirking an eyebrow at Spencer.

He nodded in response, too tired to be embarrassed or mind the light jibe from his friend.

They both then laid back, covering their naked bodies with the scratchy hotel comforter. Derek fell
asleep almost immediately while Spencer stared up at the ceiling. He wished he could have what
they had all the time. But their little “friends with benefits” situation only happened on cases. It
didn’t happen back in DC because back home… back home Derek was straight, and Spencer was
sexually repressed.

How he wished it wasn’t so.

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